Lifestyles of Dark and Famous 6

by FireCracker (

submission dated 2-22-00

Pairing Q/O

A/U - Dark Drama

To be the power...

Five years after the transformation.

Qui-Gon had been complaining for the better part of the afternoon. He and his son were sprawled on their king sized bed.

"This ankle bothers me" Qui-Gon griped. "Whenever it rains..."

"It isn't raining now, father. What is your problem?"

"It's sore!!" toothy snarl.

Obi-Wan lay atop him. "It will heal. You took a considerable fall. That mountain was fairly high."

"Hopefully soon. And my back is too warm!"

Obi-Wan ignored him, snuggling into the blanket of hair. "Only because I'm on it. Earlier you said your back was cold."

"Well, now it's too hot."

Obi-Wan nipped his ear. "Stop moaning already. Your ankle will be fine.You feed on some bad blood or something?"

Qui-Gon purred softly. "You feel good, actually."

Obi-Wan gently raked his arms with silvery hooks. "Of course. Don't I always?"

Louder purr. "That tickles. Perhaps I should make you a blanket more often."

Obi-Wan yawned. "Hedonist."

They lay in silence awhile longer. Obi-Wan breached a sore topic.

"Father, are you still awake?"

"Hmm? Oh."

"We need to discuss our dreams..."

Qui-Gon rolled out from underneath him. "In reference to?" blue eyes glinting red.

The jade eyes were intense. "Our visions, if you will. I think we need to address-"

Qui-Gon sat up abruptly. "I disagree. Why do these dreams hold such weight in your mind, Obi-Wan!"

Soft snarl. "Because they are recurring and continuing to grow more intense-"

"It proves nothing" fangs cracked together. "Our hypersensitivity alone could account for that."

"Then why are we having the same dreams?!" Obi-Wan challenged, eyes wild. "And always the same and shadow, strange beings..."

Qui-Gon glowered at him. "It could be coincidence. Fire and shadow was the genesis for our transformation in the first place."

"But there's more to this than that" Obi-Wan persisted. "Our transformation shouldn't be depicting scenarios of another world..."

Qui-Gon pointed a clawed nail at him. "Now listen to me. There's no evidence that these images depict anything directly related to us, or even that a world is involved. Our psychic ability alone can perceive any event."

"Do you really believe that, father? Or are you trying to convince yourself?"

"Perhaps I am. Our condition has finally stabilized, and I...don't wish to consider the possibility of more changes."

Obi-Wan sat up slowly. "If the dreams are portents...what could they be saying?"

"They haven't said anything as far as I'm concerned" Qui-Gon was annoyed. "Background scenes and beings we've never seen before. So what?"

"Aren't you concerned?"

"Maybe. In any case, let events play out. Fretting about possibilites gains nothing and wastes too much energy in my mind" Qui-Gon flopped down on his stomach.

Obi-Wan slid back down over him. "It can't just be coincidence" green eyes flared with intensity.

"It probably isn't. But again, without anything to link these dreams to...what of it?"

Obi-Wan rolled him over so he could see his face. "Something will present itself, father. And I fear what it may be."

Qui-Gon yawned elaborately, exposing long fangs. "Then we will meet the threat. But too much of the wrong information can be worse than none at all."

Obi-Wan played with the mass of hair, ruffling it over the bed. He curled into Qui-Gons' arms, sensing the powerful body relaxing.

"Don't go to sleep yet, father."

"Ssssssss. What now, Obi-Wan."

"We have never spoken of this...but what of your past?"

"My past? I don't understand" blue eyes bored into him.

"I first knew you as a Jedi Master. What were you before that?"

"A jedi Knight. A jedi padawan" quiet snicker.

"Hsss. Not funny. What I mean is, what's your background?"

Blue eyes darkened to near black. "Family history, you mean?"

"Yes! I know of Tallandra...but your past is a mystery to me."

Qui-Gon was silent too long. Obi-Wan nudged him.

"Father? What say you?"

"I was presented to the temple" Qui-Gon said slowly, thinking. "I never knew my parents-"

"Do you think there's something in your background that would explain..."

"Obi-Wan I remind you that my situation is not all that unusual. Many jedi were abandoned as children, or orphans. There was and still is a great deal of fear regarding force sensitives."

"Did you do any research?"

"Some. In my teens I was very curious. What does this have to do with the dreams?"

"I don't know. Did you have any then?"

Again a long silence. "Some. Different, though. Dark, formless...more like nightmares."

Green eyes sharpened on him. "Did anything come of these...visions?"

Qui-Gon bared his fangs. "Not specifically. But there were times when I would see and sense things that were not...quite there."

"You...were jedi" Obi-Wan commented, as if he were thinking of something else.

"These visions were not jedi" Qui-Gon was distant now. "Despite his age, Yoda decided to make me his padawan. It was seen as a privilege by the other children, but..."

Obi-Wans' eyes widened.

"...Many of the masters thought I was too dangerous to train, too...turbulent. Yoda felt that my potential outweighed the negatives. Because of those factors he took the task of training me himself."

"Yes" Obi-Wan was very still now. "I remember the way they always made reference to your lack of control..."

"Obi-Wan, I had a terrible temper as a child. I was a handful even for Yoda. Master Gronneth was a council member at the time, and he wielded considerable power within the order. It was his recommendation that I not be trained. He was voted down."

"Why would he want you out of the order?"

Qui-Gon sat up again. "Yoda interceded in my behalf. He argued that I would be a greater danger as a loose cannon. The Council was swayed to his point of view."

Obi-Wan absorbed that, stunned. "It's hard to believe were so venerated within the Council. They coveted you as a member. Is that why..." a thought struck him.

"Why I never joined the Council? Yes" Qui-Gon admitted. "They rejected me, and so I took pride in rejecting them."

"That is irrational."

"That was a long time ago, Obi. You couldn't know me as I was then."

"I can't image the difference."

Qui-Gon sighed. "Years of training hammered into me modified my behavior. But underneath the skin I always struggled with the intensity of my emotions. You know this first hand."

Obi-Wan felt they were at a key point in the conversation. "The catalyst...of our transformation."

Qui-Gon looked at him pointedly. "And yours as well."

Obi-Wan turned history over in his mind. "They called you maverick, renegade..."

Qui-Gon smiled slightly. "In the long run the Council respected me well enough" he sank down into the bed again.

"They feared you even more. Even as a padawan I could sense it."

"Your perceptions were ever keen beyond your years, even then."

Obi-Wan held his fathers' face. "Do you trust my perceptions now?"

"Of course. However, it isn't the same now. You are an adult, and...far more than what you were."

"As are you. Now listen to me. These dreams are omens. I'm convinced of it even more after what you told me."

"I don't see the correlation."

"There isn't one directly, but as you said, events will play themselves out. Then I will know more" Obi-Wan plopped over him again.

"Ssssssssss. Can I sleep now?" Qui-Gon was getting bleary.

"I think so" Obi-Wan was quiet. "Father, I must say something else."


"My visions are not my own memories. I didn't live or experience them."

Qui-Gon covered his face. "Now what are you saying."

"I'm seeing depictions through someone else's eyes. Yours."

Qui-Gon sat up again. "This has gone far enough. Either stop talking and let me sleep, or go into the other room."

Obi-Wan wouldn't be put off. "This is serious-"

A snarl. "Force, this is endless. What if you are merely perceiving my dream? Who says it's a memory!"

"You told me yourself that in your childhood you saw things..."

"Must I bite you to silence you??"

"What if your parents were something else?"

"Such as?" the eyes were nearly red now. "You're all over the place with this, Obi-Wan. And without further answers you waste time with these speculations."

He resolutely flopped on his side, refusing to speak anymore.

Obi-Wan studied him a moment quietly, then curled against the broad back. "I just wonder what it all means" he murmured to himself. Moments later he fell asleep.

Qui-Gon opened his eyes, mind reflecting turmoil he dared not show. It had been years since he had confronted thoughts about his past, much less his heritage.

What indeed is the truth here?

The lords of light ringed the edges of reality, waiting and watching. Countless in number, tireless in their destiny. Once Jedi, now guardians of the universe, they stood fast. The portents were ominous. The celestial bier darkened, a harbinger of what was to come.

Qui-Gon had returned home from glutting, blood covering his mouth and shirt.

Obi-Wan observed him casually. "Do I need to wonder what happened? You're a mess."

Qui-Gon licked blood off his hands. "Hmm. Good mess. Tasty."

Obi-Wan approached him, nose flaring at the scent. It drove him crazy.

"Father, I've been thinking again-" eyes flickering a glow.

"Ssss. Force save me. Don't tell me, let me guess. About the dreams again?"

"Hraarrgh" Obi-Wan growled, lapping hungrily at spilled blood along Qui-Gons' chin.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes, purring. "You should have come with me."

/Give me a minute./

Another purr. "A bath would be quicker, my Obi."

Obi-Wan caught the rest on his tongue. "Hsss. But not as much fun. Now listen to me. If we can explore the images you remember-"

Qui-Gon pulled off the soaked shirt. He burned it to nothingness with a gesture.

"Obi-Wan you are becoming obsessed with this."

Jade eyes were hot. "Maybe. Perhaps I'm just now realizing how little of my heritage I know."

Qui-Gon sat on the sofa, pulling off his boots. Silvery toe hooks gleamed underneath the ceiling lights.

"What I don't understand is the sudden fascination."

Obi-Wan sat next to him. "You told me you did investigating yourself as a teen. Did anything turn up?"

Qui-Gon yawned, fangs clicking together. "A woman named Viridyan brought me to Coruscant."

"What were her origins?"

Qui-Gon stared at him strangely. "A rumor. Unsubstantiated, her story was not seen as credible by the Masters-"

"What are you talking about?"

"Supposedly she told them she came from Orydbakk."

Obi-Wan blinked in disbelief. He stood abruptly, eyes blazing in anger.

"What kind of bull...Orydbakk is a myth! Was she a mental patient or something?"

"That was my reaction when I first found out. Supposedly she seemed stable, but her story...let's just say it strained credibility."

Obi-Wan paced. "I see. She brought you from the 'gateway of souls'. Stupid kekka!"

Qui-Gon gave a rueful grin. "Maybe."

"But what happened? They just let her go?"

"The Masters held her for questioning. They thought she might be unstable."

Obi-Wan sat back down. "She sounds certifiable. But?"

Qui-Gon was distant now. "They wished to counsel her to see if she might change her mind about leaving me at the Temple. But she disappeared mysteriously without a trace. Even the perceptions of the Masters could not locate her. But more disturbing was the fact that her psychic trail led to a 'dead zone' at the edge of the universe."

Obi-Wan was very still. "Those anomalies...are unexplained, true?"

Qui-Gons' eyes glowed. "They are believed to be portals to...other places. No known being has crossed them and survived to prove the theory however."

Obi-Wan held his fathers' face. "Perhaps another order of being could."

"What are you saying?"

The green eyes were wild. "Those with the ability, and the will...beings who created such portals to keep others at bay."

"Obi-Wan...I resist such notions. And I am not comfortable with your implications, either. I would change the subject."

"Didn't you once tell me that in order to achieve our full potential, we must discover all knowledge? Those anomalies are part of that knowledge."

Qui-Gon looked uncomfortable. "I may have been too ambitious."

"Snnnrl. Why do you falter?"

"You are still young, Obi-Wan. And we are talking about my personal past, not some abstract search for knowledge. It makes a difference."

"Father, I'm twenty eight. How long are you going to claim I'm young?"

Qui-Gon smiled. "I said young, not a child. There's a difference. Something else, Obi. On the subject of age-"

"I wondered myself. We aren't getting any older."

"Physically no. You are prime, while I appear to actually be moving back in that direction."

Obi-Wan stared at him closely. "As far as I can tell you look the same."

"You were growing toward maturity at the time of the transformation. I was already there."

Obi-Wan played with the long hair, running it through his fingers. There was no gray anywhere. "Father, you are beautiful and powerful. Men half your age would kill for a body like yours."

Qui-Gon nuzzled him. 'Thank you, Obi. Perhaps my vanity needs a boost now and then. But this begs the next question-"

"Are we immortal?" Obi-Wan supplied. "I must admit that since the transformation our physical capabilites are astounding."

"True" Qui-Gon agreed. He pulled his son close, giving a toothy smirk. "And I think I want to get physical now. Very physical. Come here."

"Sssss." Obi-Wan looked at him low, lashes fanning. Qui-Gon sucked the plump lips.

/Horny snekt. Someday I'll cut that thing off./

Qui-Gon pushed him on the floor, nails tearing his clothing away. //Then I'll grow two. You'll be worse off than before.//

Obi-Wan purred loudly as his lover nipped and bit along his throat and collarbone. A long snake tongue lapped the hollow in his throat, over the adams' apple. Powerful hands pinned his arms over his head as the wicked tongue teased his armpits. The hot mouth suckled the hollows wetly.

"Grauurgh!!" Obi-Wan growled in pleasure, yanking up.


Sometimes they did it in animal form. Today was one of those times. A glimmering gold wolf arched on its haunches over Obi-Wan. The thick tail thumped the floor in anticipation. Angled ears pricked in excitement, the feral eyes wild. A heavy cock swayed low, balls twitching with need.

Obi-Wan didn't disappoint. Rolling over he shifted, lifting a bushy red tail up. Growling in delight as Qui-Gon mounted him.

Powerful jaws gripped the scruff of his neck as potent hips thrust. The red wolf yowled, ears flat and shivering in pleasure. He clawed the carpet, belly slithering on the rug.

Qui-Gon bayed as he came, hips quivering, tail stiff. Beneath him Obi-Wan howled as well, eyes slitted as he trembled in orgasm.

It was over too soon. Qui-Gon tenderly licked the red fur. Obi-Wan panted, tongue flapping down. They shifted. Limply they lay on the floor, sweating heavily.

Qui-Gon nuzzled the fine neck, purring in content. "Force, that was good. Hurts doing it like that, though..."

"SSSsssss. Good hurt" Obi-Wan replied. He was sore, on fire. Turning around he massaged his lovers' sticky cock.

The pain eased. Qui-Gon rolled back, eyes shut in bliss. "More, Obi. That's so good..."

Strong hands rolled along the shaft. Obi-Wan squeezed the heavy sacs. Qui-Gon bounced up.

"Gahkk!!" he squirted thickly. Warm cream splashed on Obi-Wans' belly. He scooped it up with his fingers, eating. A red tongue curled over the plump lips, fangs peeking out. "Better now?"

"Hsss. Yessss. My turn" the blue eyes were dark with lust. Qui-Gon wasted no time. Wetting his hand he pushed up Obi-Wans' ass, thrusting the golden thighs wide. Obi-Wan shrieked, an inhuman cry. He was sore where wolf cock burned and gave pleasure. He snarled and cursed, twisting in delight while Qui-Gon fisted him furiously. Balls stretched over the intrusion, burstingly tight...

Sweat rivering over them both, muscles rippling with exertion. Obi-Wan heaved and roared, cat howling as he came. Streams of cum shot in the air, covering Qui-Gon with boiling hot semen.

Obi-Wan fell back, eyes glazed over. He was out.

"Dessert" Qui-Gon coiled his tongue out, licking cream off his goatee. He lapped the lush body, sweeping it clean with his mouth.

"Good to the last drop" he murmured, pulling his son into his arms. He joined Obi-Wan in sleep.

They were everywhere. Strange beings. Some like him, some not. He danced in fire and shadow. Words of power were spoke and more gathered. Valleys and great plains, rivers and deep darkness...


Qui-Gon roared, suddenly awake. Startled, he noticed he was alone on the carpet. And then he turned.

In the dim lighting Obi-Wan watched him, eyes aglow in silence. He sat cross legged on the sofa.

Qui-Gon glowered at him. "What are you staring at?"

"Sss. 'Tis useless to deny it further, father. The dreams are memories."

"How would you know?"

"They intruded on my sleep" Obi-Wan stated. "When I sensed them I merely waited you out."

Qui-Gon moved up to a sitting position. The long mane fanned down on the carpet, shimmering in the low lighting.

"Obi-Wan" he began slowly. "I will admit that I am at a loss for explaining this...phenomena. But there are no answers to be had."

"Not yet" eerie eyes followed him. "We merely await a breakthrough."

Qui-Gon sighed. "Assuming there is one" he stood. "The frequency concerns me most. Perhaps I should trust my own instincts on this matter."

Obi-Wan stood in front of him. "And what do your instincts tell you now?"

Qui-Gon looked into his eyes, a reflection of his own. "One, that there is merit to what you say. Two, that events are not played out yet. Fate may yet be the final determinant."

Obi-Wan held him. "If it isn't already."

Qui-Gons' mood had improved considerably after they had showered and put on clean linen pantsuits. Obi-Wan had made their favorite snack, steamed cattle hearts. They ate the bloody organs while watching westerns on the large projection screen.

It was a mellow evening. Qui-Gon had purchased an expensive wine to accompany their meal. Over the years they had learned to feed on various forms of blood. Hunting was not always practical. Victims meant police investigations.

Obi-Wan laughed. "Have you ever wondered how in these flicks, the Sheriff fires one freaking bullet, and twelve guys fall off their horses?!"

Qui-Gon laughed as well. "Crazy. Almost as bad as when someone always falls down when they're running from a monster-"

The door buzzer rung.

Curious, Obi-Wan eyed the door. "Who'd come here at this hour?"

Qui-Gon looked up at their glitzy wall clock. "It's one in the morning. What could this be about?"

Obi-Wan shrugged. "A mystery" he glided over to the door.

The journey was long and difficult, for the dark ones were as obscure as they were powerful. The prophecy of their existence proved true. And the Dakkari were nothing if not thorough. It was time. Time for power to be seized by the worthy, those ascendant to the gods. The Sith would be disappointed. The Dakkari were the true children of chaos.


A stranger stood in the doorway, smiling slightly. Tall, medium build with sharp features. The blue hair was pulled back in a ponytail, an interesting contrast to the pale orange eyes. He was dressed in black from head to toe.

Obi-Wan stared, immediately catching his scent. His braid began to curl.

"Hello. My name is...Yani. I've come a long way to meet you."

Obi-Wan lifted an eyebrow. This one had a foul reek.

"Why? Have we met previously?"

Yani bowed slightly. "May I come in? I will explain."

Obi-Wan stood away from the door. "Enter" he said neutrally.

Yani stepped past him, admiring the furnishings. "A beautiful home. Clearly you've spared no expense for pleasure."

Qui-Gon watched him, eyes burning like coals. "It is our expense to spare. How may we help you?"

"By sharing."

Blank stares. "What??"

Brazen, Yani seated himself on the oversized sofa. "Forgive my boldness, but I must speak the truth. In times of darkness bonds of blood are strongest."

Obi-Wan advanced on him slowly. "Have a care what you say."

Yani eyed him evenly. "No disrespect intended. However, I am on a mission. Have you heard of the Dakkari?"

"No" Qui-Gon replied. "Should we?"

"You never noticed our presence?"

Qui-Gon snorted. He didn't like Yanis' scent either. "There are many things I pay little attention to. But you try my patience. State your buisness!"

Orange eyes were wide on them. "You...are magnificent, lords. And everything I expected. But your ways are subtle. You choose to live the way of mortals?"

"What are you babbling about, fool?" Obi-Wan demanded. "You show up in the middle of the night with ridiculous riddles-"

"Think, lords. Are you certain you've never heard of the Dakkari?"

Irritated, Obi-Wan glanced at his father who was deep in thought.

"Perhaps" Qui-Gon considered. "The...forgotten ones?"

Yanis' eyes lit. "Ah, you do know of us then!"

Obi-Wan was confused. "What's he talking about?"

Qui-Gon eyed Yani critically. "They are the lost Jedi, those who were rejected from the order due to their amoral tendencies and love of power. Some recieved considerable training before being cast out. But I wasn't aware they had formed any measure of strength."

Yani smiled secretively. "Oh, far more than that, lord. We have our own society."

"Are you another version of Sith?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Oh no. We've clashed with them in the past. They've yet to understand that we are the true children of darkness."

Obi-Wan didn't like the way this was going. "Why are you telling us all this? Do we look like groupies to you?"

Yani looked expectant. "Come, lord, don't be coy. We know of the Siths' failed attempt to bond with you. Our offer is much better. Join. You will see."

Obi-Wans' eyes narrowed. "Why do you insist on calling us 'Lords'?"

"Forgive me. I know the need for secrecy-"

"What secrecy?" Qui-Gon snapped. "We're standing here in plain sight. We live in an open community. It's you who have intruded with this idiocy!"

"Intrusion? Hardly. We of the Dakkari share your dream of total freedom for all beings. With the proper guidance, of course."

The two vampyres looked at each other, stunned. Yani smiled.

"It surprises you that we know of this. We also know that you parlayed as Jedi."

"Who are you?!!" Qui-Gon demanded.

"The true children of darkness. We witnessed your battle with the Jedi Masters, your contest with the Sith. Force sensitives around the universe saw or felt the effects. Did you not know this?"

Obi-Wan looked briefly at his father. /Our actions were celestial theatre?/

Qui-Gon nodded. //It would seem so. I had not considered that aspect. It bodes ill.//

Yani was pleased at their reaction. He held barely contained excitement.

"Can we dispense with the pretense now, lords?"

Qui-Gon eyed him coolly. "Enough. You are mistaken, and we have nothing to reveal. Go now and we will leave you in peace."

Yani stood slowly. "You speak of pretense?" he pointed at Obi-Wan. "We know he is your son."

Obi-Wan stared. "What?!"

"Your heritage is written across your face and soul, darkling. The Dakkari will not be dissuaded here."

Qui-Gon felt his curiosity rise. "Wait here. We must discuss this" he indicated for Obi-Wan to come.

Yani was serene. "Of course, S'saurian. We will have much time together."

"Your recklessness will bring you to harm. Beware" Obi-Wan moved away, not turning his back.

"Perhaps. You do not trust me. It is good, S'sarpati. For well do I know your true nature."

Fuming, Obi-Wan said nothing more. He joined his father in the study.

"Why did he address us by those signatures!" Obi-Wan wanted to know. "If he wishes to play games-"

Qui-Gon held a finger to his lips. "Wait. Something here is critical. And the Dakkari are real. I just never expected to actually meet any."

"I knew nothing of them at Coruscant, either in class or lecture" Obi-Wan stated.

"They are striken from record and thought. They are deemed the forgotten ones, because to acknowledge them is to honor them."

"But what can they want with us?"

"They are tainted and seek ultimate power. This disturbs me even more, because they seek us out now."

The jade eyes sparked with crimson. "The timing of it is coinciding with the dreams."

Soft snarl. "Again with that, Obi-Wan? The Dakkari are a known factor. But we are not, and I dislike the possibility that they know more about us than we do ourselves."

"Can that be? Didn't you feel our condition had stabilized?"

"Maybe it has, but we still don't know our full dimension. The fact that power seekers continue to approach us concerns me greatly. It implies an unknown I am not yet prepared to deal with."

Obi-Wan stared at the door. "We may have no choice. And involving ourselves with them may provide answers."

"Cults are notoriously erratic in purpose" Qui-Gon told him. "What holds true now may not next year. Ultimately, they only care for their own concerns."

"What harm could it do? We have the power..."

"True, but power is not the answer here. We need knowledge."

"If we join, who's to say it wouldn't be beneficial? And we may find the answers to ourselves we seek."

Qui-Gon considered, distant. "Hmm. We need a base, as well. A kingdom needs followers, no?"

"Ssss" Green eyes were wild. Obi-Wan licked his lips. "The first of a thousand steps, father. Shall we inform our...friend?"

Fangs cracked together. "With a warning, sweet Obi. One I will gladly deliver."

They returned to the living room to inform Yani of the news.

Yani awaited with great anticipation. The vampyres approached him.

Qui-Gon gave a cold smile. "Yani. Your offer intrigues us enough to investigate it."

Orange eyes blazed. " will join us? It is a providence!"

"Not yet" Obi-Wan told him. "We will merely...explore our options. But we will go with you."

"Excellent! When we get there, preparations will be made-"

"Heed my words" Qui-Gon interrupted. "Should you decide to employ treachery you will suffer. Perhaps to your dying moment" he smiled, exposing fangs deliberately.

"Indeed" Yani stared at them. "Impressive, lord. Shall we go?"

"How? Transport?"

"Mystic spell. Why waste time?"

Yani pointed at the floor. A circle of flame burst around them.

"We go to the Dakkari" Yani stated.

They were gone.

They appeared at what was the antithesis of a temple. A large, castle like structure nestled against a grim mountain backdrop.

"Looks like something out of a medieval depiction" Obi-Wan noted.

Qui-Gon scented the air. "We are still on Urus. How now? There was no sense of the Dakkari here."

Yani nodded. "We concealed our presence from meddlers and curiosity seekers with a mystic force shield. Our buisness is our own. Come, this way" he indicated a rope bridge gaping across the valley's maw.

"I prefer to fly" Obi-Wan snorted. He took to the air, heading for the castle.

Yani watched him from their vantage point. "Ah, S'sarpati is most anxious. True to form, and S'saurian reaps what he sows."

"Keep your mysteries and riddles. You will address me as Qui-Gon. My son is Obi-Wan. Remember that" he snarled at Yani.

Yani smiled secretly to himself. "As you wish" the power...

Obi-Wan stood impatiently at the massive wooden doors. He watched as Qui-Gon and Yani negotiated the narrow foot bridge.

"Yani, can you not fly?"

"I can levitate, Obi-Wan. The others anxiously await."

The three stood outside the gates. Qui-Gon looked up at them.

"Impressive concealment. A group shield?"

"Yes, Qui-Gon. To be activated by the appearance of Dakkari only."

Yani made an elaborate gesture. The massive doors creaked open. Inside were cavernous catacombs, lit with torches.

Obi-Wan walked up to one in the dimness. "Isn't this inefficient? Who lights these all the time?"

"They are of mystic flame. They don't go out."

"Oh" Obi-Wan waved a hand through the flame. It tickled.

"This way" Yani turned left down a roughhewn corridor. They followed slowly.

/What are you thinking./

//Sense everything. Trust nothing. Not yet.//


Further down they wound. Silence, except for dripping moisture oozing from cold stone. The air was musty and damp.

They approached what appeared to be a dead end. More massive doors.

"Now what?" Obi-Wan stared at them.

"We go inside. Here reside the Dakkari" he pushed them open with surprising ease.

They walked into a huge ampitheatre, plush and ornate. Wall to wall thick carpet, lined with statues of gargoyles. Endless rows of pews, marble fountains off to the side. The focal point was a large, elevated slab. Candles burned in brass holders along several vantage points. Hues of red, ochre, and yellow dominated the scene.

It was the slab that held Obi-Wans' attention. He snarled, hackles up.

/I scent traces of blood./

Qui-Gon stared at the platform as well. //Yes. Interesting.//

"You no doubt know the purpose of this area, lords. We congregate here in times of power. Times such as the present" Yani made a gesture.

Robed figures appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. They walked with a casual air of arrogance. Qui-Gon noticed the color. Crimson red. It was almost redundant next to the garish backdrop. Yani nodded. The assemblage seated themselves, cowls partially concealing their features.

Obi-Wan stared at them. "They aren't looking at us."

"They have not been instructed so. It would be a measure of disrespect. Rest assured, they know their lords are in attendance" he pointed to an open corridor. Another group filtered out, but these wore heavy blue robes. They did not conceal with their cowls.

Qui-Gon gleaned their seniority. "These are the elders, then?"

"Yes. Hail, ye of the Inner Circle!"

They approached slowly, taking in the vampyres' appearance. A stout, middle aged one stepped forward.

"By the force" he intoned. "Yani, the prophecies are true. Greetings, mighty ones. We are your servants."

They immediately bowed. The congregation followed suit.

Obi-Wan smiled slightly, feeling flush with their awe. He would enjoy this.

Qui-Gon surveyed them long moments before responding. "We are pleased to meet the Dakkari. Rise, all of you."

They did so. The red robed mass regained their seats in silence.

The elders continued to eye them closely. A statuesque woman spoke next. "I am Huru, lords. As you know, a new age of darkness is upon the universe. Those who are worthy must seize the moment ere it is lost. To that end, we pledge an allegiance with our souls and blood."

"Do tell" Obi-Wan smiled savagely.

//Obi-Wan!!// "Say on, woman. We would hear. But is this discussion for the general populace?" he indicated the mass who sat at attention.

"They do nothing without our instruction. But you are correct, lord. Let us to the council chamber."

"Introduce yourselves first" Qui-Gon looked over the group.

"As stated, I am Huru" she motioned at her brethren. "Coog, Xaxx, Voctor, Zeth. You've already met Yani."

"Send the others to their assigned tasks, then. We would hear more from the Council."

"It will be done, lord" Xaxx replied. He was shaggy, older. "And meanwhile let us attend your needs. The chambers are this way."

The group led the vampyres out a side exit. Qui-Gon noticed the cult members stood but did not leave.

Strange. he thought as they exited.

Qui-Gon wondered just how deep the caverns went. Further down still they meandered before arriving at the Council chambers. The room was large and well furnished, far less prosaic than the congregation area.

In fact it resembled a party room complete with parlor games and view screens. Private rooms were adjacent to the short hallway.

Wonder what goes on in those. Obi-Wan mused.

"Seat yourselves, lords wherever you wish. Ease and comfort" Voctor told them. He was absurdly thin with a long, braided beard.

Obi-Wan sank into a furred loveseat. Qui-Gon chose the smooth leather ottoman. It was deep green in color.

The elder seated themselves as well. Xaxx spoke this time.

"Lords, you are pale. Allow us to attend you."

Qui-Gon resisted a dark urge. "Explain."

The wide mouth thinned over heavy jowls. "We can sense your depletion. And we are prepared to...provide" he pulled out a knife.

"Sssss!!" Obi-Wan reared up. "What means this!"

Zeth silently retrieved a large bowl, placing it on the small floor table between them.

Qui-Gon felt the hunger surge. He licked his lips in anticipation.

Xaxx slashed his wrist. Blood rolled over his hand into the bowl. The vampyres nearly leaped on him.

"Hraurghh!!" Obi-Wan bared fangs. The thirst ruled now, hammering his gut.

"Patience, lords" Yani smiled at them. One by one they blooded themselves, letting precious life fluid into the bowl.

Qui-Gon couldn't wait. The scent drove him berserk. Bounding to his feet with inhuman speed he grabbed the bowl, swallowing greedily. The thick liquid spilled over him in his haste.

Obi-Wan pounced. He grabbed Coog, sinking into the soft throat. The elder closed his eyes in bliss as he was drained. Obi-Wan dragged him to the floor, gulping madly.

Qui-Gon fell back, collapsing on the ottoman. He was covered in blood, hissing and snarling.

Obi-Wan let off Coog, who lay nearly unconscious. Glowing eyes fixed on Huru.

"Come" he growled darkly.

"Of course, lord" obediently she exposed her throat. Bounding up, Obi-Wan drank her as well.

Zeth, Yani, Xaxx and Voctor sat weakly on the floor, blood loss taking its' toll. Coog lay in rapturous pleasure, touching his neck wounds. Huru panted as Obi-Wan released her, collapsing to her knees.

Qui-Gon licked his goatee, tongue snaking out. "You are all delicious. Later we will discuss the future. But for now I would sleep."

Obi-Wan curled down on the carpet, drowsy. "Indeed. Our association will be beneficial to all. But that is a discussion for a later time" he fell out, glutted.

The exhausted elders watched the sleeping vampyres. They smiled at their victory.

Coog continued to hold this throat, sighing in delight. "Ahhh. The Sith shall rue this day."

Xaxx sprawled on his back. "Yea, sweet success. Our gods favor us."

Voctor was propped against Huru. "Are we not the chosen? It was inevitable."

Huru dropped off herself. "The ours."

Zeth shivered on the sofa, cold from blood loss. "You have done well, Yani. But it is understood that they will join us...or they will serve us."

Yanis' eyes were glazed. "Caution, brother. One does not ride the back of the S'saurian or pull the tooth from the S'sarpati out of turn."

Zeth glanced at the supine figures again. "Let the beast run free, and so goes the power."

"True" Yani agreed.

Obi-Wan blearily opened an eye. Lightning flashed across his eyelids, followed by a peal of thunder. He jerked awake.

Qui-Gon was still asleep beside him. They were both nude, on a huge velvet bed. A fierce thunderstorm illuminated the dark room, as rain pelted the window.

We've been moved? he looked about.

Qui-Gon was trembling in his sleep. Clawlike nails flexing and digging into the bed.

Obi-Wan stroked his face. /Father, wake up. You're having a dream./

Qui-Gon bolted up. Obi-Wan held him tightly, soothing him.


"Shh. It's okay" he stroked the impossible mane. It was loose, fanning everywhere on the bed. Qui-Gon eased back into his embrace. His head lay against his sons' chest.

"What happened" he stared at the window. "Who moved us upstairs?"

Obi-Wan continued to comb hair with his fingers. "I have no idea. I just woke up a few minutes ago myself. But we don't seem to be captives."

Qui-Gon looked into the storm. It cast long shadows in the room. He snuggled in close.

"Obi. Something about this place...I've been on the edge since we've arrived here."

Obi-Wan tilted his head up, eyes intense. "I thought it was just me!"

"No. I'm nearly out of control and I don't know why."

Obi-Wan nodded. "My reactions are almost ahead of my thoughts. Could the cult be influencing us? By spell or force manipulation perhaps?"

Qui-Gon edged up. "It's possible. And being in this environment is bound to...affect our natures. Possibly not for the better."

"So you want to leave?"

"Not yet. We have no answers."

Small silence. Obi-Wan sighed. "Father, I must say this. You were dreaming again."

"I know" Qui-Gon admitted. His voice dropped.

"Can you tell me?"

"Vague, indistinct. But Obi...something is inside me. I don't know what it is, but it burns to be set free."

"I'm uncomfortable as well" Obi-Wan was very still. "I've felt it since we went into the congregation area. Something about that room almost triggered me..."

Qui-Gon nuzzled him. "I'm afraid, to tell you the truth. My experience and knowledge is of no use here."

"Maybe we're both suffering from denial."

Qui-Gon held his face tenderly. "But of what? We know what we are."

Obi-Wan looked stricken. "Do we?"

Down the hall a hooded figure sat at vigil. Another approached.

"Leenn, have they mated yet? The elders wish to know."

"Nay, Albla, not yet. But see, I have the Qiqq stone with me. Should they begin I can capture the power we need to bind them."

"Worry not. Their own natures will compel them so. But patience is needed here."

The other nodded. "Of course. There is no haste. They are ours, now."

The storm lasted quite a long time. The vampyres cuddled and slept.

Qui-Gon awakened first, eyes glinting infernally. "Sssssss."

Obi-Wan was still out. Qui-Gon gave a toothy smile, rolling him over. Big hands spread the golden thighs wide, massaged the plump cheeks. Leaning in, he lapped the tender sacs. Obi-Wan twitched.

Hot tongue teased, rimming the moist opening. The wet coil plunged inside, twisting and pushing up. Obi-Wan cried out, hips lifting off the bed. Qui-Gon pushed and pulled, wiggling his head back and forth. Obi-Wan twisted wildly, wide awake now and hissing in pleasure.

Qui-Gon stroked the coil along a rounded bump. Obi-Wan cried out once and came, shooting thickly into the velvet blankets. He collapsed face forward.

Qui-Gon kissed the golden globes, smiling gently. Soft nips into the plush flesh.

Obi-Wan purred. "My turn."

With blinding speed he pounced on Qui-Gon, giving him a sweltering kiss. The heavy cock banged off his hip. Obi-Wan pulled it as he lapped the strong throat.

"Rrrr. Problems, lover?" the handsome face was flush.

Qui-Gon grimaced in delight, fangs clacking together. "Ssssss."

There was no delay this night. Growling, Obi-Wan lifted the thick thighs up. He licked the muscled calves even as he teased the hot opening. Heavy musk hung in the air. Qui-Gon dug his claws into the bed, arching up.

Obi-Wan raked the big body slowly, taunting the cock tip with a pointed nail. He pushed the tip into the slit. Qui-Gon roared, bouncing mindlessly. Obi-Wan yanked the thick shaft once then plunged inside, battering away. Long legs flailed wildly in the air.

Qui-Gon was done. A fountain of cream fired up, striking Obi-Wans' face. He snaked his tongue, licking his face clean. The clutching heat gripped him, making him shatter a second time. Feral eyes glazed over as they heaved with sweat. Obi-Wan collapsed over him. They trembled, overcome with sensation.

Little did they know their power was being captured. At the end of the corridor, wisps of mystic energy generated by their sexual activity entered the Qiqq stone. Leenn smiled, holding the multifaced gem high. The elders would be pleased indeed. It would be enough for a binding.

Qui-Gon had no sense of time anymore. He awakened, looking at the window. The storm had stopped. Odd. It's still night. And the position of the moon...have we been here more than a day?

He didn't have time to ruminate further. The lush body that lay atop his own stirred. Emerald eyes blazed, looking down at him.

Qui-Gon looked at his son, admiring his comeliness. He had filled out completely in his maturity, his features and form beautifully balanced and fine.

"You are beautiful, Obi-Wan" he said deeply.

Obi-Wan kissed him softly. "Thank you. But you always tell me that."

"It's even more true now."

Jade eyes glowed against the moonlight. "How so?"

Qui-Gon stroked his face. "You are larger than I would have supposed."

Obi-Wan was smug. "Well, I am hung like a bantha" he winked. "Good genes."

Qui-Gon laughed. "Crazy. I wasn't referring to that. I merely meant that you were skinny for so long I began to think you'd never fill out."

Obi-Wan propped up on his chest. "Well, I caught up all at once. Besides, I was only eighteen at the time."


"I'm not as tall as you, though."

"Does that bother you?"

"No. It's only height" Obi-Wan nuzzled against the damp hair.

"You're tall enough, I think. And no one could mistake you for a small man in any case."

Obi-Wan licked the fine nose. "You're swelling my head. But how long have we been here? My time sense is out of whack."

Qui-Gon rolled to his side. "As is mine. I suspect we slept a day away, maybe more. Our hosts did not see fit to disturb us apparently."

"Hmm" Obi-Wan sat up, glancing out the window at the moon.

"Not to bring up a sore subject again, but...your last dream. Can you tell me about it?"

Qui-Gon was tight. "I could but I won't. It's too fantastic, Obi. I'm not certain I believe it myself."

Glowing eyes were keen on him. "Tell me! What do you know?!"

Qui-Gon looked away.

Obi-Wan shook him. "You're remembering, aren't you? Not vague shadows, but actual memories! I have a right to know!"

Cerulean eyes were bloodless. "Obi-Wan. Regardless of what happens...we are in this together. I can scarce believe my sanity."


"Events are coming together which I suspect will completely lift the veil of my memory..."

"You're talking like those brainless drones downstairs!"

"Do you trust me?"


Qui-Gon sighed. "Remember our original goal after the transformation? How we wanted to rule through absolute freedom?"

Obi-Wan nodded, leery. "Yes..."

"I suspect we already rule. But in a different fashion."

Obi-Wan was annoyed, jade eyes stormy. "More riddles? Enough jibberish!"

"It isn't jibberish. I remember enough to know that the dreams are memories, but not enough to decipher what they all mean. I see disjointed scenes with strange beings talking."

Curiosity edged anger. "What are the beings saying?"

"That's just it. I don't know. But by their attitude they seem to be rulers of some kind."

"But where? And how are you involved?"

"I suspect I know them. Yet they are unfamiliar to me. It's maddening" he leaned heavily into his son.

Obi-Wan put an arm around him. "I'm sorry. We have more immediate concerns and here I am hammering you about dreams."

Qui-Gon looked into his eyes. "The dreams may be the immediate concern."

Interlude. Orious. The palace of the Sith.

Palpatine brooded in his private chamber. Krydd approached.

"So, Kretth. Do you believe the portents now?"

Palpatine steepled his hands. "We must gather our brethren. Sith both great and small must attend. For truly the time of darkness is nigh."

"The Dakkari dare steal our prize."

"Nothing is stolen yet. Even they know not the full scope of what they toy with. But none dictate terms to the Sith."

Krydd looked at the chronometer. "Time grows short."

"Time, short is" Yoda stated, his features grim. He stood before an assembly of the greatest Jedi Masters in the galaxy.

"He-who-was-Qui-Gon and the-one-that-was-Obi-Wan seek to bind with the Dakkari."

Collective gasp of shock. Kaddon stood, his expression grave.

"So after all these years, it is come to this. The celestial bier does not lie. We must gather all our power!"

Murmurs of assent. Ooreth addressed her fellow Masters.

"The guardians themselves fear" she boomed. The dark ones are mad. They cannot be loosed, free of all constraint!"

Gaar took a stance. "These, the most powerful known must join in strength with the guardians. We are truly the last line of defense."

"Forsaw this" Yoda banged his cane at the central dias. "Guardians spoke of Dakkari and their mad designs. Also another factor, one that must be considered."

Kaddon. "Their allies, Yoda?"

"None have they specifically" Yoda stated. "But know you all the Sith have somewhat recovered from initial skirmish with the darkspawn years ago. Will seek to use this as opportunity. They too crave the power."

"They must be stopped!!" Wundel bellowed.

"The tide must not turn because of this factor" Boralis added.

Aidbala. "We have not time to root out the Sith. It will weaken us to battle on two fronts!"

Yoda banged, but the assembly was in furor.

"Is a pact possible? For expediency?"

"Such pacts! They will not honor them! 'Tis madness!"

"Will the Sith battle alongside the Dakkari?"

"No! The Dakkari have no dealings with them."

A shimmering form appeared in the midst of the assembly. A guardian.

"Hold! A guardian appears."

"Be silent. We need information."

Greetings, Masters. As well you know we face a mystic crisis of calamitous porportions. It will take our assembled might to preserve reality. Should we fail countless souls will fall into dissolution.

Yoda. "Hail, El'De Roon. We have seen the bier, and the signs."

Indeed, Yoda. We have stationed ourselves at the edge of reality. The northern portal is ours, as you know. We are prepared to rejoin the mortal plane if necessary.

Kaddon. "This is war, Roon!"

Aye! War such as none have seen on either side of life. We cannot fail. The fiends must not break the threads of reality or all is lost.

"Time factor" Yoda asked.

Stand in readiness. A day to a week.

Ooreth. "Can this be averted?"

Nay, destiny has writ at large and the field is set. Within the battle, the tide may be turned.

"What of the Sith? They are players in this as well" Yoda commented.

In this, their influence may be neutralized. We will see.

"And the Dakkari?"

A pause. Their fate is also writ. They will receive.

More murmurs among the Masters. The glimmering form of El'De Roon fluctuated.

Masters, I must return home. My strength must be preserved for the upcoming battle. Be at peace, my brethren. We shall meet again. he faded and was gone.

There was a beat of silence.

Freesa. "The guardians are too mysterious. But the threat is clear."

"Insights they have from other side of life" Yoda told her. "We must prepare. Focus, now. Begin the gathering, all."

Silence permeated the massive assembly. They concentrated their efforts, sending out the call to every known jedi.

"None may survive" Yoda said grimly.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon still hadn't left their private chamber. They spent the better part of another night satiating their rapacious appetites.

Obi-Wan licked the broad back. "Rrrr. Very good. You taste better after you come."

"Ssssss. Freak" the deep voice rumbled. Qui-Gon sighed as the hot tongue bathed him. He was wonderfully weary and sore.

"Hssss. Degenerate. You should talk. Who was it that put both hands up my-"

Devilish grin. "Hee hee. You liked it well enough. So much screaming and bouncing..."

Hot lick in his ear. "Damn. Didn't even think those would fit-"

"I may do that to you again. And you probably scared our friends away. They still haven't come to the door."

Obi-Wan krinkled his nose, snuffling along a strong shoulder. "You reek."

Qui-Gon stuck his tongue out. "You're no bottle of perfume, either."

They laughed insanely, a shrill inhuman sound.

The elders wove their spells gently. In the deepest recesses of the castle they drew upon the power expended by the vampyres.

Yani sweated, exhausted. "Force. Their sex drive could kill a herd of Boorq Bulls."

The other elders were also weary, their bodies and minds overstimulated from the continuous psychic overflow.

They sat in a circle of concentration. Zeth wiped his brow.

"Ghods, I can bear no more of this. They will destroy us. Have we not gained enough for a spell of binding?"

Even the hedonistic Coog had had enough. His powerful frame shivered. "Yeah, brethren. As much as I like all kinds of sex, I...find their appetites foul."

"The Qiqq stone is nearly full, thank the maker" Voctor smiled wanly. "So, the dark ones' tastes are not to yours, eh?"

Coog shook his head. "I don't know how they endure it in their own skins. It would damn near kill me."

Voctor closed his eyes, soaking in the mental images. "No doubt."

"The capillari spells are subtle but potent" Huru stated. "They will be bound by their own power. Power that we shall then release and make ours."

Xaxx sighed. "Let's fill the Qiqq stone. Another day of this will put me in the psycho ward!"

Obi-Wan lay prone on the bed, bound in force cuffs. Qui-Gon stood over him, tweaking his nipples.

"Say uncle."

"Ssssss!!" Green eyes were lit with lust.

"Bang me when I'm asleep, will you?" he pulled the tender peaks again.

"You asked for it!"

"Did I? How. I was asleep!" another pull.

Obi-Wan squirmed, sweated. This had been going on for half an hour. And his chest was sensitive.

Qui-Gon moved down, licking a nipple. "Getting hard, are we?" he glanced at a golden cock that stood stiffly.

Wetting his hand, Qui-Gon paddled the soft teats. A red tongue coiled around them, lapping lazy circles on plump pecs. Obi-Wan arched back, eyes slitted in pleasure. Hips ground into the bed as his cock bobbled. Qui-Gon didn't touch it. His only interest was the lovely chest.

And he was determined to taunt it further. Big hands kneaded the muscled pectorals, pointed nails gently raking across. Obi-Wan heaved, begging for more. His cock began to ooze. Qui-Gon slapped it.

"Aahh!!" it hurt good. Nails raked his armpits. Obi-Wan jerked. Hot semen boiled at his cock tip. Qui-Gon munched his chest peaks mercilessly, slapping the shapely thighs. Too much. Obi-Wan launched thick cream everywhere, shrieking like a banshee.

Qui-Gon was covered. He swept goo from his belly, tasting it. His son was out.

Far below, the elders were humping each other insanely, minds and bodies overwhelmed by sexual psychic energy.

Coog was pounding Xaxx. "Ghods...can't stop myself!" he felt too good.

Huru was sandwiched between Voctor and Zeth. Yani stood over them, ejaculating out of control.

Soon enough they were yowling and rolling on the floor. Exhausted again, they lay in a pile.

Huru was disheveled, ragged. " was not a good idea to form a psychic link with the dark ones."

Xaxx was on his back. "That's an understatement!!"

Coog was also sprawled. "Frick. Never came like that in my life."

Voctor eased to a sitting position. "I crave power. I'm too damn old for this."

Yani had likewise collapsed. "Our link enables our spells. They would not be successful otherwise."

Huru again. Thankfully the stone is full. We must renew, then gather the others."

Other appetites finally took precedence over sex.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon both had cleaned up and put on the linen robes supplied them by their hosts.

Qui-Gon stretched. "Force, I'm starved. And to think, we haven't even begun our agenda yet."

Obi-Wan clicked his fangs. "Three days of screwing would ruin any plan. But the castle is full of acolytes. We certainly won't want for a meal."

Qui-Gon scented, turning his head towards the door. "Speaking of which-"

A gentle knock.

"Do come in" Obi-Wan said sweetly. He licked his lips in hunger.

Two Dakkari entered, cowls concealing their faces. "Good day, lords. We were sent to see to your needs."

Qui-Gon approached them, eyes glinting darkly. "Indeed. We were unattended for quite some time."

"Intentional, lords. We left you to your own devices, and were instructed to serve once we were needed" the man pulled back his cowl, baring his throat. The second Dakkari duplicated the gesture.


They seized their prey, pulling them down on the floor. Obi-Wan finished first.

"I thank you, Dakkari" he gave a bloody smile. The man smiled back, weakly.

"In service of our lords, there is no greater use."

Whatever turns you on. Obi-Wan thought. "Father, are you done yet?"

Qui-Gon continued to drink. //A moment.//

Obi-Wan lifted his Dakkari onto the bed. "Your name?" he was rational now.

"Hul'en, lord. My companion is Verdot."

Obi-Wan looked at Qui-Gon, who still sucked loudly on the blissfull Verdot.

"Father. Enough! You'll drain him dry."

"Ghrrgh" Qui-Gon looked up at last, lips dripping. "I suppose I was a bit greedy."

"A wonderful greed" Verdot sighed in pleasure.

Qui-Gon placed him next to his friend. "Our appreciation, Dakkari. We would meet with the elders now and discuss the future."

"We must return to the order" Hul'en said quietly. Blood loss weakened his voice.

"Stay here and rest" Qui-Gon pushed them both down onto the bed. Obi-Wan pulled a blanket over the two.

"You have our gratitude" Obi-Wan told them again. They smiled wanly. He waved a gesture across their faces. "Sleep."

They were out instantly. Obi-Wan nodded at his father.

"Time for the show" he adjusted his robe, tightening the sash.

Qui-Gon did likewise, smoothing his pants as well. The train of hair tumbled everywhere. Obi-Wan stared at it, shaking his head.

"Hold still, father" he went behind him and sectioned the mass.

"Ssss. We can style later" Qui-Gon complained as his son braided his hair.

"Stop griping. When we get home I'm finding the clippers."

"Why? You know it always grows back. Besides, you certainly spend enough time playing with it!"

Obi-Wan tied the end of the horse braid. "It does make a good blanket" he finished.

Qui-Gon tugged Obi-Wans' thin braid affectionately. "Now may we go?"

"Of course" Obi-Wan smiled at him. "We want to look our best for the elders, don't we?"

Orious. The great joining.

Thousands of Sith both great and small assembled from all known reaches of the galaxy. The dias pit contained the thirty mightiest Lords. Amid them all was Palpatine, booming in tones of thunder.

Hail, all Sith. Well have ye heeded the call. The great darkness, Tsnumai is nearly upon us. We must not falter. Our ranks swell, our numbers are strong. The signs are nigh. When the darkspawn raze reality, we shall reap the reward from the Dakkari. Ultimate power shall be ours. And the vault of heaven shall crack 'neath the heel of doom!"

The thundrous response shook Orious to the core.

Those most dreaded laughed at the foolishness. They feared not the coming cataclysm but welcomed it. The victory would be theirs and theirs alone. The cycle would be complete.

She smiled. It mattered only to her that they heard when she spoke. For now it was enough. Let the others parlay.

She and the others retreated from the borders of reality, returning home. Later they would rejoice.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon exited their room. They looked about at the rough carved corridors.

"Uh, not to ask the obvious, but which way?" Obi-Wan shrugged.

Qui-Gon frowned. "Good question. This castle is like a maze-"

Greetings, lords. We will guide you. Follow our mental trail.

//Good evening, Dakkari. We have much to discuss.//

Indeed. Come.

They followed the trail, winding ever downward.

"Looks like a perpetual dungeon" Obi-Wan observed the endless torches and closed wooden doors. Corridors branched out in every direction.

"Far worse than this I've seen" Qui-Gon said strangely.

Emerald eyes were keen on him as they walked. "Father, if this is in reference to your vision-"

Qui-Gon held up a hand. "No. No more about the dreams."

Obi-Wan touched his arm. "I'm worried about you."

Quick hug. "Obi-Wan...what is to be will be. And power doesn't change that."

"We go together" Obi-Wan reassured him.

Peck on the smooth lips. "Enough, my wa'bee. It's poor taste to leave guests waiting."

Obi-Wan gave him a look. "Don't you mean hosts?"

Secretive smile. "Do I? We'll see."

The Elder smiled to themselves. The mystic circle was well concealed. They would suspect nothing.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon entered the congregation amphitheatre. The coven were in full attendance by the hundreds. As always, their faces were partially concealed by red cowl. The elders stood at an elaborate table covered with red velvet and white lace. Polished pewter bowls and platters contained bloody organs. Heavy crystal goblets held red wine. Endless candles burned in brass stands everywhere. The air was heavy with sweet incense. Even the marble slab over the central dias was sparkling clean.

Qui-Gon smiled slightly to his son. "It would seem we are well attended."

Obi-Wan was impressed. "The gang's all here."

Yani motioned to them. "Come feast, lords. Be at full strength."

The vampyres seated themselves. Obi-Wan lifted up a small entrail. He nibbled, smacking loudly.

"Delicious. Should I ask what this is?"

Qui-Gon smiled darkly. "Or who."

Obi-Wan stared at him. Voctor gave a hearty laugh.

"Lords, you have a sense of humor! Enjoy, eat first, and then we will speak of mundane matters. The elder shall partake of wine with you."

Qui-Gon flared his nose appreciatively. "Yesss. Agreed" he reached into a bowl, delicately picking out an organ. He devoured it whole.

The elders watched them feast, pleased. Yani arranged the wine goblets in a group.

Obi-Wan had just finished a dish of eyes. "Hee. Try one, father. They're like jelly beans."

Qui-Gon relished another organ. "Hearts are best, though. They have the most blood."

Reaching over, he plucked an eye from Obi-Wans' plate.

"Hmm. Tasty."

"Lords, if you are nearly finished, we shall toast" Yani bowed slightly.

The vampyres felt slightly drowsy. They had glutted too well that night. Obi-Wan leaned slightly into Qui-Gon.

"Sounds fine, elder. Bring on the wine" green eyes were bleary.

Excellent. The blood is strengthened. Yani thought. He placed the glasses in front of them. The other elders seated themselves.

//Obi-Wan, I burn.//

/What are you talking about?/

//Something in me sings. I cannot explain.//

/Perhaps you shouldn't have any wine./

//Don't you feel it too?//

A pause. /I've felt strange since we've been here./

//Within. Inside.//

Another pause. /I want to burst in my skin. It rankles me./ Obi-Wan admitted.

"Lords, we toast you" Yani raised his glass. The vampyres started, lifting their glasses quickly.

Qui-Gon savored the wine, noting it had a most...unique flavor.

Obi-Wan drank greedily, draining his goblet. "More" he said simply.

Voctor smiled at him. "Ah, S'sarpati is lust incarnate. This we know well."

Obi-Wan glared at him. "Voctor, we've gotten along quite well so far. But I weary of being referred to by that signature. Enough!!"

Voctor shrugged. "But lord, why? I don't see the offense-"

Xaxx made a slashing motion, indicating him to silence. The two vampyres stared, puzzled.

"What's with you people?" Qui-Gon wanted to know.

"Ah, nothing, Qui-Gon" Huru waved him off. "Be not concerned with such trifles. Now is the time to speak of structure and how the new order will hold."

Qui-Gon was replete with excess, mind hazy from blood and liquor. Obi-Wan continued to tilt forward over the table.

Coog whispered to his fellow elder in disbelief. "They're drunk!"

"We can discuss the discuss..." Qui-Gon couldn't get his brain going.

"Let's rule the universe" Obi-Wan crossed his eyes. "Sss. Get our gang. Beat up bad I making sense?"

"If I say what I mean and mean what I say, does that mean I said it? And if not, did someone else say it for me?" Qui-Gon asked idiotically. He slid sideways.

Obi-Wan giggled. "Hee hee, that's funny. How's this? If the universe crashes, where does it land?"

An interesting postulation, sweet one. Ha ha ha...

The elder eyed each other, nodding. This would make their conquest easier. The congregation continued to await in tense silence.

Zeth placed a hand on Qui-Gons' shoulder. "Humor is essential to the complex mind, and we appreciate it. Now let discussion begin. Coog?"

The muscled Dakkari sipped his wine. Violet eyes glinted in anticipation. "Our sect has been in existence approximately four thousand years. Prior to that the disenchanted and the cast out were considered a harmless faction to the old Jedi order. We unified to change that."

Obi-Wan lifted another wine goblet. "Sounds good. I like chaos, myself."

Coog smiled, continued. "Of course. We were initially viewed as a minor nuisance, but our ranks grew. Gradually the Dakkari formed. Many of us wield considerable power in the force."

"Uh huh" Qui-Gon responded dully. He was loaded.

"What we lacked in training we made up in emotion and zeal. Soon the Jedi perceived us with proper decorum."

Obi-Wan hiccuped. " Didn't they consider you renegades? That's hardly a measure of respect."

Huru nodded. "True, but we had their attention. The Dakkari and Jedi generally go their own way, however. We don't interfere in their buisness as long as they leave us to ours."

"They disapproved of our methods" Xaxx chimed in. "And the old order disavowed the use of magic..."

"Hmm. Black magic, I would wager" Qui-Gon yawned.

"True. They felt our rebellious need for knowledge and power would lead to our destruction and not the benefit of the universe. So they chose to ignore us."

You are useful. At times.

Obi-Wan nuzzled his father at the table. "Shame. All that good talent...gone to waste. Guess Jedi don't appreciate..."

Yani picked up the conversation. "We knew of the prophecy of the dark power, as did the Sith. It was a matter of contacting the source-"

"Race you to it" Qui-Gon smirked. He was sliding down.

"I'll catch you"Yani stood and supported them. Huru stood off, blending a mixture in a bowl.

"We cannot communicate with the dark ones so clouded. This will restore some alertness" she poured into the goblets.

The vampyres snatched them up, drinking thirstily.

Voctor whispered across the table at his compatriots. "Well done, Huru. The spells lose effectiveness if they are semi-conscious or unaware."

She nodded. "Already they drink. Their appetites know no bounds."

Qui-Gon held his head. "Force. Woman, what did you give us? My head echoes like a thundering herd!!"

"A drought, my lord. It will help you focus and slake the effects of the alcohol."

Obi-Wan covered his face. "Don't turn on the lights. Pick up my eyeballs, please."

The elders observed them. "It will pass, Obi-Wan" Yani stated. "Give it a moment."

It was true. Already the ache began to ease. He blinked.

"You mentioned the prophecy of the dark power. What did you know of it from before?" Qui-Gon rubbed his temples.

Voctor answered. "We felt the potential, as did the Sith. For decades our groups attempted to seize and control it, only to have it slip through our fingers."

"Potential?" Obi-Wan was finally clear of mind. "So the power was there for the taking?"

"For those who could sense and harness it. At various times individuals would find a way to possess it, but..." he paused.

"It didn't work" Qui-Gon supposed.

"Worse" Yani told him. "Those individuals couldn't hold it. When the attempt was made they were destroyed from the inside out."

"Force or mystic explosion?" Obi-Wan asked.

"In some cases both. Other times they simply burned up from within. Many Dakkari and Sith were lost."

"And we come in through association?"

"Yea, Obi-Wan. We have no interest in repeating the mistakes of the past."

"But why seek us out? Surely there are other avenues of power."

Xaxx answered. "The fact that you held the power longer than anyone prior drew the attention of the Dakkari. We were aware of the Siths' plans for you. Palpatine is most determined."

"Tell me about it" Obi-Wan muttered. He looked over at the huge assembly. "Don't they move or do anything?"

"They will" Xaxx said strangely, "when it's time. Meanwhile they listen and attend. Be assured they are aware of our conversation."

Qui-Gon said nothing. Something was wrong here. Another dark surge swept through him. He cringed.

"Father, are you all right?"

"I don't know how to answer that" //stay aware!!//

"Perhaps an aftereffect of the drought?" /You felt it again, didn't you. The burning./

"Probably." //You will also. My instincts are warning.//

Obi-Wan stared briefly at the elders, considering. Coog looked at Qui-Gon.

"We have time, Qui-Gon. Everything need not be accomplished in one night. The universe is large, and conquest takes good planning."

"True" Qui-Gon said shortly.

"What is your first plan of action, Dakkari?" Obi-Wan asked them.

Huru pulled out a parchment. "We obtain the power. Heed these words, and you will understand."

Obi-Wan felt a ripple of heat course through his veins. What??

"Bienl'oo, wyyirp'm di enelgl, magginae du S'sarpati y S'saurian..."

Qui-Gon felt his throat tighten. "Gghkk. Obi-Wan!!" he pitched backward.

Obi-Wan fell weakly to the floor. "Tr-treachery!!"

Huru continued reading from the parchment, standing over them. They writhed in agony. The other elders formed a circle around them.

Qui-Gon swore. "Sssssssss. You' for this!!" he couldn't get up.

Obi-Wan cursed. "Rarrgh!"

"You will not get free" Huru stated calmly. "Your power will indeed be ours."

Oh really?

"Indaname uv, tetrigrammation era du entropy'. Gerr beasts eyi appoclapys..."

The acolytes leaped to their feet, thundering to the central dias around the stone slab. They formed endless circles around, rolling to their knees. They awaited to receive the power.

Threads of energy crackled around Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, binding them tightly. They were immobilized, snarling and roaring in rage.

The elders were mad with glee. "To the dias with them!!" Zeth bellowed, jowls shaking.

Yani's eyes lit with a wild gleam. "Our dreams...think of it. Ultimate power!"


Several Dakkari raced over to the imprisoned vampyres, dragging them to the central pit. Their brethren rocked on their knees, chanting.

Qui-Gon attempted to bite them. Useless. Obi-Wan sought to slash with clawed nails. Futile.

Smiling in triumph, the elder walked in a train towards the pit. The acolytes placed the pair on the marble slab.

"It won't end like this!!" Qui-Gon roared, fangs bared. "I swear you will suffer!!"

"You have no choice!" Coog thundered back. "You are ours, and once we have the power your dried husks will be consigned to the flame!"

"I will rip out your hearts and feed them to you!!" Obi-Wan shrieked like a banshee, fangs cracking together.

You go, boys!

The acolytes rocked back and forth, chanting...

The mystic spell tightened the more they struggled. It was growing warm.

With casual arrogance, the elders encircled the marble slab. Lifting their arms high, they made an elaborate gesture. A shimmering pot materialized above them all.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan briefly forgot their anger, looking up in morbid fascination.

The pot floated down, landing near the feet of Huru. She picked it up and presented it to Voctor.

"As oldest, yours is the right. Let the power be."

With wild satisfaction Voctor dipped his hand into the pot. The vampyres caught a familiar scent and went wild, howling like animals.

Voctor pulled a bloody knife from the pot.

"Attend, ye Dakkari! On this the night of Ib'laku, we reign supreme..."

"Supreme!!" the congregation thundered. The air was cloyingly thick with incense.

In their last moments too many thoughts raced between father and son.

/Can they kill us?!/

//I don't know.//

/We must fight!/

//Or surrender.//

/I can't accept this...but father if this is the end.../

//I know. Be at peace, my wa'bee. I love thee.//

"Love you" Obi-Wan spelled with his lips.

"Take me. Set my son free" Qui-Gon was grim now, face closed.

"NO!!!" Obi-Wan nearly screamed. He fought against his bonds again.

Voctor approached Qui-Gon, yanked his head back. "So be it, it matters not. Both of you will fuel the new dark age. And S'sarpati will not survive you."

Obi-Wan was beyond anger. He felt a rage that was almost...unholy. His hair burst into flame. Fire shot from his eyes.


In horror, the elder backed away. "Now, Voctor! Quickly!!" Yani shouted.

Qui-Gon snarled softly, intoning under his breath. Voctor raised the bloodied knife to strike his chest.

"Consign yourself to the eternal, darkspawn. The power shall be ours. All will yield to the might of the Dakkari!!"

Qui-Gon merely...smiled. A cold, vicious smirk. His eyes glowed to an incadescent blaze. The song in him was strong now.

Obi-Wan spat boiling phlegm at the elder. His braid spun wildly in the air.

"Power, little ones?" Qui-Gon stared at the gleaming blade. "I'll give you power..."

The blade sank home in his chest.

It is said that those who aspire to ultimate power must pay the ultimate price. And so it was with the Dakkari. They thought to possess the power, to control it.

More fool them.

Black force tossed them aside like fleas. There was no mercy, no quarter given. Rising above the storm, towering larger than the largest giants, raged S'saurian and S'sarpati. The Dragon did spew and bellow flaming pitch, fanning his wings with hurricane ease. Rising higher, blotting out the sky, he bounded back to earth, crashing his tail and cleaving the earth. The Serpent in his anger spat and fumed with boiling poison, gathering mountains in his coils and thus hurling them.

And then the earth did wrack once more. The Dakkari realized their mistake too late. Tumbling they went into the dark air, down into the gaping maw that awaited them. Their destiny was fulfilled.

But the Dragon and Serpent were not done. They aspired to shake the heavens, and so they would. They were loosed, and had no want of fear.

And the Guardians awaited them at the Vault of Heaven, assembled in full splendor. For the challenge would be met.

The Sith thought to follow the wake of the darklings, to join in the fray.

The Jedi and soon to be Guardians aligned themselves with those that were.

And then they came.

They had no constraints by mortal description now, stretching to infinity. The Dragon devoured worlds while the Serpent crushed them whole. But the battle would be fought with eternity in the balance. With bold arrogance they assaulted the gates of heaven.

Mighty and fierce, dark and terrible, they attacked. But the Guardians were prepared. And from their ranks came a great golden stag of puissance, and a hoary eagle of blazing force.

They indeed met their match. The great beasts flayed at each other, hurling the power of galaxies. Reality winked out.

The Sith and Jedi faced off while the Guardians were preoccupied. Those that fell in battle were claimed by light or dark.

The universal entity was no more. The Serpent sank poisonous fangs into the throat of the Stag. The Eagle razed the back of the Dragon. The Stag gored the Serpent. The Dragon crushed the skull of the Eagle. And so it went. The beasts continued to battle across the void, neither side gaining an advantage.

And She watched.

But while the Guardians were old to their existence, the Darkspawn were new to theirs. And that was the difference. For finally did the Dragon and Serpent retreat, their strength spent. They moved towards the southern edges of the once-reality.

But the Guardians were also weary. They went northward, to their region of the gateway of souls. As both sides retreated, reality returned. The balance would continue. It was ever thus.

The remaining Sith returned to Orious. There would be another day.

The remaining Jedi returned to Coruscant. There was always another day.

And the universe gained new Guardians with the passing of some Jedi.

And the universe gained new DarkLords with the passing of two ex-Jedi.

And Her pride was strong.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon tumbled, a bizarre sensation of falling through nothingness. Then the dark.

A thundrous peal, and impact. Nothing remained except smouldering and flattened landscape, mute testament to the folly of the Dakkari mad design.

Qui-Gon lay on his back, unmoving. He was at peace. But would his son understand?

He looked about at the grim and grey skies. It began to rain.

Where's Obi-Wan?

Weakly he gained his feet. Looking down he noticed they were bare. His clothing was tattered, his hair wild and disheveled. He shivered in the cold mist.

I must find my son.

He didn't have to walk far. There was no concealment anyway, with the entire topography flattened. Qui-Gon sensed a presence. He walked slowly towards a rock ledge.

Fifty feet below near a small creek sat Obi-Wan, huddled miserably. His arms were wrapped around his knees, his head down. He too was tattered.

Qui-Gons' heart went out to him. //Look at me, child.//

Obi-Wan canted his head up, staring vacantly. He had been crying.

Qui-Gon bounded down the ridge to him. Sidling alongside his son, he swept him into his arms.

Obi-Wan collapsed into him, sobbing again. "Please" he whispered. "Tell me the truth. What are we?!!"

Qui-Gons' eyes were too bright. "Forgive me" he murmured, kissing the wet eyelids. "What are you prepared to believe?"

Obi-Wan curled up. He looked very young all of a sudden. "After today I can believe anything."

Qui-Gon looked about. "Can you walk? We need to get out of this rain."

Obi-Wan squinted. Water streamed down his hair and face in rivulets. "Yes, but I'm exhausted. Don't know how far I can go."

"There's another rock ridge about a quarter mile from here. Come."

They staggered against each other, limping along slowly in the downpour. The two made it to a cave like opening under a rock ridge a short while later. They had passed the time in silence, each lost in his own thoughts.

It was nearly nightfall. The twin moons of Urus stood high in the sky.

Father and son curled together in exhaustion inside the cave. Qui-Gon managed to create a small fire.

The fireglow was on Obi-Wans' face as he shivered inside blankets he made. He studied Qui-Gon sternly.

"You look terrible."

Qui-Gon wrapped himself tighter in his own blanket. "I feel terrible."

Obi-Wan looked into his eyes. "Father? The truth."

Qui-Gon held his chin. Crystal blue eyes blazed with an infernal light.

"I am heir to a kingdom."

Obi-Wan swallowed. "Do I want to know...what this kingdom is?"

"You are part of that heritage."

Obi-Wan pulled away. "No" he said dully, shaking his head.

"What do you think occurred here, Obi-Wan?"

A pause. "I think that...we are more than I ever suspected. But those creatures we battled...I saw many Jedi among their ranks."

"The Guardians are the Lords of Light. They represent the other side."

"I think I've heard enough" Obi-Wan sat back. He huddled down into his blanket.

"You've heard nothing" Qui-Gon snapped. "The Guardians are Jedi who have passed on mortality. Their essence is of the purest light, and mortals do call them gods. They safeguard the universe from such as we."

Obi-Wan looked down. "And we are?"

"Darklords. Those of the depths."

Obi-Wan stood abruptly. "That's ridiculous! What's next, prosaic religions and clap of doom?"

"Sit down and shut up" Qui-Gon snapped. "For days you've battered me for the truth. Now deal with it."

Stunned, Obi-Wan sat down. "You said mortals. Are we gods as well?"

"Did you never suspect it?"

"I suspected we were long lived beings outside the lines somewhat. But never this. Who rules there?"

"Where, Obi-Wan. Be specific."

"The Guardians? I thought they were myth."

"They are as real as we, but they don't visit mortal reality much. There are constraints."

"Why? They have the power, just like us. We move about freely. What's the difference?"

Qui-Gon looked distant. "I'm not certain. But I know where to find the answer."

"So why can't the Guardians move about?"

"Their direct influence wanes on the mortal plane, as does their power. Those on the other side have the same constraints. They prefer to work through the medium of others."

Obi-Wan held out a hand. "More nonsense, father? Why doesn't living on the 'mortal plane' as you call it affect our power?"

"You're making me angry, Obi-Wan" Qui-Gon flashed prominent fangs.

"All right, then" Obi-Wan threw his hands up. He sighed. "What about you? I thought you didn't remember your past?"

"My memory returned in fragments. It was complete shortly before our would be execution."

Jade eyes were wide. "That's were so calm. You knew what the outcome would be!"

Qui-Gon nodded. "I didn't have enough time to tell you. But I saw doom in their eyes. You were my only concern anyway."

Obi-Wan stared at him quietly, awed. "Am I royalty?" he barely whispered.

Qui-Gon kissed him. Hard. "Sleep. Tomorrow we will discuss this more. In truth I am weary, and near the limits of my strength."

Obi-Wan nodded, 'coming down' himself. "Agreed" he was muted. "I feel as if I'm experiencing some sort of psychic shock."

Qui-Gon looked at him and settled near the fire. "There will be more, Obi-Wan. But you are strong and more than capable of enduring it."

Obi-Wan watched him drop off. There is no disguising it, father. I know what you are. Or should I say who.

He watched the regal features slacken in sleep. Against the warm glow of the fire the impossible mane took on a nearly reddish color.

Well do you look like an infernal god. What then, does that say about me?

He curled against the rock wall in his cocoon of blankets, drifting off into a troubled sleep.

Enough, I can bear no more. Go. You know what must be done.

At once, my Queen.

They awoke several hours later, but it was not dawn yet. Urus was a nightworld in the truest sense, having only six real hours of daylight.

Obi-Wan didn't know what to say. He had questions that wouldn't form in his mind.

Qui-Gon watched him. "How do you feel?"

"Me personally or about what's happened?"


"I'm afraid and curious. Terrified and awed. Disillusioned and excited. How's that?"

Qui-Gon edged next to him. "Sounds about right. It isn't over, either."

His son eyed him. "You said that earlier. But I'm still wondering about something."


"The Guardians. You mentioned they had restrictions? Could you clarify?" he felt it was an important point.

Qui-Gon steepled his hands. "Their celestial substance is not as well supported on the mortal plane, so they lose potency. They cannot die, being true immortals, but their essence can dissipate into obscurity given the right conditions. Such is true for the Darklords. They likewise are so constrained."

"But there are times of flux and power, wax and wane."

"True, Obi. Certain time cycles give both light and dark a window for dominance. Those are the times the primal forces battle for supremacy. It is the exception and not the rule. Ultimately the balance takes precedence."

"And they use mediums on the mortal sphere to operate" emerald eyes flashed with the power of knowledge.

Qui-Gon responded, pride clear in his voice. "You are correct. They may be mortals, Jedi or Sith. Sometimes for subtlety they possess animals."


"It isn't preferred, but it has it's uses-"


A huge pillar of flame sheared the air between them. Mad shadows danced about the cave as a figure appeared at the heart of the fire.

Obi-Wan reared back, fangs gleaming. "Identify yourself or suffer. I dislike surprises!"

It appeared to be a man, tall and slender in build. The thin, foxlike face housed bright green teeth that were quite sharp. He wore what appeared to be a dress uniform in pale grey. His multicolored hair was wild and shaggy. He smiled at them, bowing to Qui-Gon.

"Greetings, Lord Qui-Gon. I trust you are well?"

Startled and amazed, Obi-Wan stared at his father. Qui-Gon was very serene, sitting cross legged.

"Hail, Muckluck. How fares the realm?"

"Fair. The fires burn, as always" he turned to Obi-Wan.

"And thee, fair prince. You are anxiously awaited, Lord Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan curled a lip. "And who are you supposed to be?"

Muckluck waved an elaborate gesture. "A member of the Inner Circle. I am lord of pestilence, plague and disease."

"Nice to have a hobby" Obi-Wan was sarcastic.

The demon continued. "Wherever there is illness, catastrophe or suffering, I am there, egging it on."

"Guess it keeps you off the streets" Obi-Wan cracked. He felt strangely out of control again. Why am I saying this?

It will pass, Obi-Wan. "Muckluck. What of the Queen?"

The pink eyes glittered. She awaits eagerly. Come.

Obi-Wan leaped to his feet. "Now wait a minute-"

In a flash of flame, they were gone.