The Letter Series

by Lori ( and Wolfling (

Archive: Yes

Ratings: From G to NC-17

Pairing: Q/O

Category: Series, Angst

Summary: A year or so in the life of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn, post TPM. Conversations carried out in letters and in person as they work out an old imbalance between them. Murder, mayhem and intrigue along the way.

Notes: This is the part 0 that goes with the series. It won't make sense if you read the letters straight through, then the interludes. They are all mixed in together. It was the way we wrote it. We respectfully suggest you read them in the order they were written.

We had two guest authors, Kaly ( and James Walkswithwind ( for three of the letters, and we thank them for sharing their talent and time on our little monster. It took four months of daily writing and we are pretty durn proud at how it turned out. Much thanks goes to the dozens of people who sent us feedback, held our hands, and gave us back our hair after we tore it out writing it. The gang on #tpm for being the immediate feedback audience, and our diehard LOC'rs who wrote us after every part.

Can be found at, due to it's length (1200k) and complexity....