Letter to My Beloved

by Rosalita rosalita1@mindspring.com

Archive: M_A Archive. Others, please ask.

Category: Romance

Rating: G

Warnings: Follows canon.

Spoilers: TPM

Feedback: All feedback welcome from one-liners to detailed critiques, either on list or via email.

Summary: Qui-Gon's last letter to Obi-Wan.

Disclaimers: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan aren't mine, blah, blah, blah.

Webpage: http://adult.dencity.com/rosalita1

Author's Notes: I don't normally write author's notes but I felt that this piece needed a little explanation. I'll try to keep it short. Originally written for a story I'm working on, this piece hung on for dear life when the story took a sharp left turn. It no longer fits, but I didn't want to just ditch it, so I'm posting it. Yes, it's yet another letter left by Qui-Gon to Obi-Wan. It follows from my story, "The Night Before the End." Hope you like it.


We have so little time. I long to wake you and make love to you again, but I must write this letter. There are things I must make you understand. Sleeping curled on your side wrapped in my cloak, you look so much like the boy who wouldn't take no for an answer. I am eternally grateful to that boy. For that boy turned into the man you are.

I am not sure it was a kindness to make love to you when I know it will be the last time. I hope you will forgive me. Perhaps I am a selfish man, but I had to know what it was like to lie in your arms just once before I pass into the Force.

I remember the precise moment that I fell in love with you. It was during one of those tedious state dinners that we are occasionally forced to attend. A senator from some outer world was droning on about the importance of friendship between planets or some such drivel. You were sitting opposite me, appearing to listen with rapt attention, but I could tell you were actually thinking about something else. I always meant to ask you what it was. Too late now, I suppose.

I marveled at your ability to fake interest at such a young age. It took me years to cultivate the appearance that I was fascinated by whatever the speaker was saying. Then you looked at me and gave me that little half smile of yours. I looked away; I think I may have blushed. At my age! When I looked back, you once again had turned your attention to the senator.

It hit me then. I loved you. I wanted you. You were 18, almost 19. Imagine my surprise and joy when I discovered you felt the same way.

I waited so long for you. I would have waited longer, until your knighting, had I not come to realize that I would not live to see it.

I am not really sure how I know this. I just know strongly that tomorrow I will die at the hands of that thing that attacked me on Tatooine. I am so sorry, Obi-Wan. If I could spare you this, I would. Apparently, I must die in order to set destiny in motion. And you must witness it.

I did not tell you any of this because I was afraid you would try to save me. It is imperative that you live. You and you alone must train Anakin. The Council will raise objections. Many will tell you that you are not ready. Do not listen to them, love. If anyone else trains him, all will be lost forever.

Yours will be a hard life, my love. One that I fear I have not prepared you adequately for, and one that I would never want for you. You must be strong. You can not change the future, but know that you will be instrumental in bringing back the light.

I am sorry that I will not be there to live it with you, but know that I will be waiting for you. Know that I will always be with you.

And know that I love you.


