Kanji Series: Beauty

by Jedi Moon (jedimoon@subdimension.com)

Archive: master_apprentice and Jedi Moon, others ask, please

Category: POV (Obi-Wan), PWP

Rating: G

Warnings: None

Spoilers: None

Summary: Obi-Wan muses on his lover's face first thing in the morning. The first in the Kanji series, a series of short fictional pieces inspired by a Chinese character font, the Mei Ornaments.

A more extensive explanation can be found at my website: http://members.dencity.com/jedimoon/fiction/kanji/index.htm

Since Pumpkin took the letters of the alphabet, and Mona took the colors, I'm reduced to fonts . . . ;) This first one is a little insipid, I think, but I hope to improve as the series goes on. I have forty chances to get it right.

Kanji Series: Beauty

When I wake in the morning, he is the first thing I see. My body (or perhaps it is my heart) seems to arrange it so that, even if I turn over in the night--and surely I do, many times--my last turning leaves me facing him, so that he is my first sight of the day.

Not always his face, though--he doesn't seem to have the same internal gyroscope that I have, that which causes me to turn always toward him, as if turning toward the sun. So sometimes I wake to see his back, which, while not as beloved to me as his face, is still a not-unwelcome sight.

His hair is tousled in sleep, having been taken out of the tight tail he keeps it in during the day. I am often the one who removes the thong from his hair at night and combs it out with my fingers, massaging the places where the hair has been pulled tight, out of his way, sometimes so tight that his head hurts from the pressure.

His hair is long, and thick, and luxurious, just beginning to be woven through with strands of silver; more every day, it seems, but if anything that silver seems to make his hair more beautiful, not less. It makes it shine in the sun, or under candlelight, and makes his face look softer, more gentle, I think.

His face is so beautiful to me. Not classically beautiful, I suppose, with its broken nose and firm countenance, but beautiful to me. I've looked at that face for what seems like every day of my entire life, and I can still see new things there. There are so many aspects to it. The half smile when he's teasing me. The broad, open smile when I've surprised him. The small smile he tries to hide when he's pleased, but doesn't want it to show.

He is such a private man, slow to trust, slow to show his emotions. But I see them on his face, in his eyes. Happiness and sorrow, pain and delight. And all beautiful because they are all him.

This morning I woke to his back, again, and I reached out and touched him, marveling once again at the broad shoulders, that strong back. I molded my palm to his shoulder blade, and he stirred, and turned, and opened his eyes, and smiled.

To think that this beautiful man is mine! I sometimes lose my breath at the thought, and this morning was one of those times. I returned the smile, and we closed the small distance between us. It had been eight hours, after all, since we'd kissed.