

Series: Adventures with Mace & Jame (#3a)

Summary: Bonding after One Perfect Moment

Archive: MA, of course

Rating: NC17

Warnings: Song-ficish (songs follow story, so they can be ignored)

Categories: PWP, First Time

Feedback: On or off list

Disclaimers: Star Wars characters, props and situations belong to Lucas Films Ltd.; Songs by Jim Pelerik and Frankie Sullivan (Survivor, Vital Signs, 1984) Thank yous to Christy once again. (It's embarrassing what words I can't spell; even worse the ones I missuse)

There's a story in my eyes, Turn the pages of desire, Now it's time to trade those dreams, To the rush of passion's fire. "Nicely done, you two."

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi and Padawan apprentice, watched his partner struggle to control the barest start of surprise. He gave her a grin that was part shared embarrassment, part commiseration and all impertinence, then bowed more formally and matched her salute with his own weapon.

"Thank you for the opportunity to test your skill again, Asherae," he offered as they both clicked off the blades of the weapons. It hadn't yet occurred to him that he had won this sparring match; his flush of pleasure came from being able to actually see the effort to conclusion, and with only the faintest flush of pain and fatigue other than that naturally occurring in the course of a long, physical work-out such as they had just engaged in. There might have been a smidgen of pride mixed with the pleasure, but that came from the new arrival's praise, not from actually winning. His Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, had never been one given to excess compliments. Obi-Wan always knew when he pleased or made his Master proud, of course, by virtue of being able to sense his Master's basic emotions through their mental training bond. But it was nice to actually hear it said once in awhile, especially in front of a witness.

"It was my pleasure, Obi-Wan," the Jedi knight offered a bit breathlessly as she shook away the sweat that plastered her short blonde hair down the sides of her face. She offered the younger Jedi a grin of her own, then turned a more serious look of contemplation and joy toward the no longer silent observer who had so startled her with his unsensed arrival. "I offer day's greeting to you, Master Jinn."

And just about anything else you might want, Obi-Wan smirked to himself, very careful not to let that thought out from behind his mental shielding so that either of the other Jedi might sense it.

The formality of Asherae's greeting seemed just a bit incongruous considering the informalness of their appearance and the training salle. Also considering that less than two weeks ago, all three of them had stood back to back, defending against assassins and soldiers in the midst of a thwarted military coup on T'ias. Boundaries more reserved for strangers or friendly acquaintances seemed out of place between shield mates.

The obvious look of adoration in her eyes toward Qui-Gon also enhanced the incongruity, as did a wave of accompanying emotion she had not shielded anywhere near was well as Obi-Wan had.

*And to think that on-board the Radiant Peace those type of thoughts were directed toward you, my Padawan,* Qui-Gon offered with a certain dryness, mind to mind. *What happened, Obi-Wan? What did you say to her? *

Obi-Wan flicked his eyes away from the exercise bag he'd gone over to. Well used to seeing infatuation or awe on the faces of females and males alike when in his Master's presence, he had given no more thought to Asherae's response to Qui-Gon. But the thought that she had found a mere Padawan attractive, no matter how briefly, was quite intriguing to said Padawan. Perhaps all the more because he hadn't noticed. Or, at least, didn't remember noticing.

*She was interested in me?* Thank the Force mental voices couldn't squeak.

While the Jedi Code forbid only sexual relationships involving underage or non-consenting participants, few ever crossed the self-imposed strata of rank between Senior Padawans, Knights and Masters. Uncommon for two Jedi active in field duty yet in separate pairings to have enough time to meet each other outside of a mission, actually being able to develop a relationship happened even less, even when both were of the same ranking.

*I am ashamed of my Padawan.* Yet Qui-Gon grinned in expression and thought. *How did he not notice the attentions of such a lovely woman?*

*If you might recall, Master, ~your Padawan~ was distracted. He needed to insure that Master Windu would agree to go after you, and that he could assist in the rescue,* Obi-Wan snorted. *Oh, and don't forget the little matter of psychic shock and an unstable and damaged mind bond, along with a few broken bones and exhaustion he needed to overcome.*

*Ah, those I could never forget, my heart.*

Playfulness had given way to something much more deeply expressed and felt. Obi-Wan basked for a moment in that regard, then offered it back. He would undergo all of that again and more, as long as it meant having Qui-Gon well and safe in the end.

*May that sacrifice never be asked of you again, Obi-Wan.*

*Or of you, Master.*

As if aware of a conversation underway that had excluded her - and since Obi-Wan was no where near finished in gathering his own equipment whereas she was ready to leave, so that was little surprising - Asherae paused until Obi-Wan had again started rummaging around in his bag, then gave him a playful slap on his back-side before heading off toward the women's showers. "Call me whenever you are in need a partner again, Obi-Wan. Or if you do, Master, Jinn. I'll be happy to give you a hand in anything."

*Not only has she's forgotten about me, she seems to have forgotten about our new bond, too,* Obi-Wan groused.

Qui-Gon's laughter in Obi-Wan's mind was the deep chuff of a jungle cat. Although the laughter was undercut with something the younger Jedi wasn't sure he yet wanted to define, he relaxed under its influence and allowed Qui-Gon to lead him over to one of the benches lining the walls of the salle. Almost immediately his Master's hands engulfed the upper part of his left arm with warmth and healing.

"How did it hold up?"

Lost for a moment in the massage, Obi-Wan nevertheless had the presence of mind to be thankful for the courtesy of being asked. His Master knew precisely the level of residual ache and fresh sharpness of pain Obi-Wan retained from the injury which had given him a simple and a compound fracture to either side of his elbow. As just one of the results from those circumstances that had given that injury and more to each of them, the two had also developed a mental connection of nearly unprecedented strength, their new bond eclipsing their Master/Padawan training link like a star outshone a candle. Both, however, were trying very hard not to just reach for answers within each other's mind.

In this new bond their minds had fused, or had tried to, leaving both with not only an awareness of each other's waking thoughts, but also those subconscious desires and dreams, and even an occasional dip into unconscious memory and body awareness if they did not actively seek to keep such things private. Matching heartbeats and breaths, even the pattern of blood flow, cellular decay and growth were currently in tandem more than they were separate. The determination of one in feelings the aches and pains of the other was nothing, therefore, as the actual ache could be just as easily felt by Qui-Gon as if the injury was his own, except when Obi-Wan actively shielded. Which, so far, was most of the time.

In the thirteen days since they acknowledged their new bond of Fusion, and the ten in which they had returned to their home in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had needed spend their first day in the hands of their brethren Healers. Physical injuries had been treated, mental and emotional distress and changes examined. And wondered at. Little of the mental difficulties could be eased by anyone but the other in the bond; Fusion being so rare and unexpected there simply was no one currently practicing their arts at Healers Hall who had ever been called upon to observe or treat such a bond. Fusion, thought to be the direct will of the Force, did not as a rule need a facilitator as other bondings often did. One did not attempt Fusion; it just happened.

Except in the case of one Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. If ever there were Jedi who seemed always to find the hardest way to accomplish something, be it their initial pairing as Padawan to Master or their occasional non-conformance to the rules and tradition of the Council or other Jedi, it was Obi-Wan and his Master. Of course the Force would push them toward Fusion, yet at a time that the bonding could be disrupted by being injured and separated due to the attempted assassination of the Galactic Republic's Supreme Chancellor.

Their second day home had found Obi-Wan still in the clutches of his Healers due to the more invasive physical damage his body had sustained. Stuck, therefore, spending much of the day making a formal report to Chancellor Valorum, Qui-Gon had then visited and both had became involved in a more thorough debriefing by certain members of the Jedi Council within the confines of Obi-Wan's medical room. The evening found Obi-Wan released from his Healer's care, but also found he and Qui-Gon too tired to do little more than crawl into their respective beds, content in the thoughts that their partnership and lives had survived yet another mission and with no thought to how their relationship had changed.

Days three and four had been all about rest and recovery; time spent replacing lost items and used supplies, spent repairing damaged equipment, catching up on lessons, correspondence, housekeeping and friends. Again the two of them had found no real need to discuss the new bond and how it might affect their future. The presence of the other had been a background reassurance for over ten years, and they had long ago learned the necessity of separate interests and friends, neither of which could ever possibly intrude on the surety of their partnership. Such diversities strengthened their friendship by allowing variety and surprises.

They could have done without the surprise of the fifth day, however. Having had little time to himself due to a succession of missions lasting too many months, and since his ongoing recovery precluded him from anything but the lightest training regime, Obi-Wan had volunteered to accompany a handful of initiates and their teacher on a field trip to one of the many natural history museums outside Temple walls. Qui-Gon, for his part, had agreed to assist their friend Jamevlyn D'Kalette, on a search for a small and most likely battered spaceship she wanted to purchase. Such a possibility had arisen, in part, by her being one of only four civilians involved in saving a very grateful Supreme Chancellor's life. (Even the Jedi had received a monetary largesse, in the form of a couple of sizable donations to certain of their public assistance programs, despite the tenet that Jedi do not accept reward for performing their duties.) Since Jame's reward was also being donated for the most part to Jedi use - whatever ship she found would undoubtedly be conscripted in Jedi service more than any other - Qui-Gon was quite happy to help when Mace Windu's duties to the Council kept him too busy to follow up on his promise to his personal pilot and assistant.

Within the first hour of their separation, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon both realized they had been premature in thinking their new bond stable. What started as two simple headaches quickly progressed to something involving quite a bit more. Over the course of a few hours the headaches grew to migraine proportion, accompanied by nausea, anxiety and a moodiness that was usually at odds to either of their personalities. Then Obi-Wan discovered his rapport with the Force had once again become erratic, as it had during his first separation from Qui-Gon on T'ias.

While he had been able to physically catch the five year old who had decided to emulate the flying abilities of the draigon skeleton she had climbed upon when the Force did not come to his call, doing so put quite a strain on Obi-Wan's healing injuries. He had managed to hide the flare of agony from all but the children's teacher, only to finally acquiesce to her insistence that he return to the Temple. It hadn't taken much to convince him; the reawakened ache across ribs and in his arm actually paled to that in his head. Obi-Wan had barely survived the psychic trauma from the unrecognized bond without suffering permanent damage. He had no desire to encourage a relapse from an unstable bond.

Obi-Wan made it back to the temple before Qui-Gon. Without thinking about the potential for undesirable consequences, Obi-Wan insisted Master Windu be interrupted in his Council meeting. Fortunately, the docent on duty sensed something amiss, and forewent protocol. Obi-Wan had come to Master Windu instead of Healer, in part because the Master Jedi would more likely have Jame's communication frequency or at least an idea of where she had intended to look for a ship. Also, the dark-skinned Councilor had recognized their new bond even before Obi-Wan or his Master had.

And the Councilor had been the one best able to assist Obi-Wan through the agony from the incomplete bond in the first place.

Both Masters Windu and Yoda had left the Council room to offer their assistance. Master Windu had immediately instructed the docent to send for Healer N'sek, a Jedi on permanent assignment to Chancellor Valorum's staff, as N'sek had been the senior Healer on board the ~Radiant Peace~ when this had first overtaken Obi-Wan. And Master Yoda had directed one of the waiting petitioners to find Qui-Gon, not caring that the petitioner was another Master that, while not above taking directions of a member of the Council, was used to being treated with a little more consideration. No doubt had it not been Master Yoda, the petitioner might have at least asked questions. But he simply headed off and then Masters Windu and Master Yoda were helping Obi-Wan back to his and Qui-Gon's quarters to await Healer N'sek. Not even Master Yoda had objected to this insistence instead of taking Obi-Wan to Healers Hall, perhaps knowing that despite the well meaning intentions of the Healers at the Temple, their previous questions and treatment had been intrusive, distressful and generally non-productive.

In the time between getting settled back in his quarters (needing to be more than half supported by Master Windu to even get there) and N'Sek and Qui-Gon's arrival, Obi-Wan had plenty of opportunity to rail against the Force. And to curse his Master for involving him in something he obviously wasn't as ready to deal with as they had thought - hoped - for all of that one moment of perfect clarity he and Qui-Gon had found aboard the ~Radiant Peace~. Masters Windu and Yoda had listened and ignored him. Then Master Windu held back his braid and laid a hand on his forehead while Master Yoda rubbed circles around his back as Obi-Wan vomited into the commode. Both Masters also listened to the apologies that had come with his tears of pain and frustration.

Of course Obi-Wan had not meant he didn't want this bond with Qui-Gon. He had always hoped his future as a Jedi would include Qui-Gon's presence in some capacity even before he had figured out that he loved his Master.

But why would something so wonderful and rare as a bond of Fusion be destroying what they had had? And who they would become? Why did it hurt so damn much?

The last were sentiments Qui-Gon quite agreed with when, with Healer N'sek's help, he staggered into their rooms looking just about as pale and discomforted.

It had been Qui-Gon's turn in the 'fresher unit, N'Sek holding back the Master's much longer hair as he also was thoroughly sick. Obi-Wan would have been happy to share the couch with Qui-Gon, but both were then helped into Qui-Gon's room and his much larger bed. Just being close to each other was a slice of heaven, and being able to touch Qui-Gon's mind felt like coming home. Having gone through this once, both men started their physical recovery almost immediately, and after given a final check over, the two Councilors and the Healer left the exhausted and only slightly less miserable alone to come to decide how best to come to terms with what was happening.

Day six was spent recovering from day five, with forays out only for food and company in one of the dining halls so friends might not suspect anything amiss (at least before Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon figured out what was), and to borrow some books and data readers from the various archives and libraries. Obviously some research was needed on the subject of bonds.

Bonds of training, working, sexual, partnership, life, soul, Fusion. Through the Force, many variations were possible. All were supposed to be wonderful in the joining. Painless except for unexpected dissolving. Yet for Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon it was almost the reverse. Or was it that they had not properly completed their bond?

This was what the Force seemed to want. But was it what each other wanted?

Days seven and eight saw the two Jedi spending their waking hours constantly in each other's company to the exclusion of anyone else as they meditated and explored of the depths of their acceptance of each other's presence for the rest of their lives. And worked on the redevelopment of their personal shields.

They braved the Temple again on day nine, interacting with fellow Jedi and even spending time away from each other, though only as far as different rooms, different levels of the Temple. Things seemed to have stabilized.

On day ten Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon successfully parted company to journeys beyond the environs of the Temple walls, so on day eleven, they decided to continue as if nothing extraordinary had ever happened, one way or the other. Fusion might truly be wonderful in the future, but they were Jedi, with responsibilities and duties to others over self. Thus Obi-Wan had sought out a sparring partner other than Qui-Gon to test not only the stabilization of their bond, but also the level of his physical recovery. And discovered just how much his fitness and stamina had deteriorated during the time his training had been restricted.

Asherae had been an obvious choice in a partner. As a Knight who often served the Chancellor directly, her lack of experience in using her skills and saber to defend her life gave Obi-Wan with his field experience a fighting chance against her years. Since Asherae was also aware of the bonding problems, and of the extent and nature Obi-Wan's previous injuries, she would be able to deal with any problems that might arise during their workout better than some of Obi-Wan's usual sparring partners. Nor had she asked any potentially embarrassing questions that he didn't know the answers to.

This had been the first day Obi-Wan had begun to think about the different ways this new bond might affect his future relationships with someone other than his Master. While he had admired and respected Qui-Gon in those years even before becoming his Padawan, and that admiration had turned to affection and the love as might exist between father and son during their years together, he had not been Qui-Gon's son, of course. During the onset of puberty, therefore, the love had changed, as did so many other things, to so many Padawan apprentices. But Obi-Wan had not expected more in his relationship with Qui-Gon then, for his needs were those of an adolescent.

By sixteen Obi-Wan had fallen in love at least a dozen times, and by seventeen had begun to understand a little more of the differences between love and lust, along with the true values of friendship. At nineteen he had found admiration again for Qui-Gon, this time as a man and potential sexual partner. But again he had found no desire to disrupt a relationship that was quite sufficient and fulfilling as it was. Occasionally he had day-dreamed, and more than once had engaged in an erotic fantasy picturing Qui-Gon in his mind, but was content with what he had. And so a couple more years passed, as did lovers and liaisons. And then Jame.

Obi-Wan liked to think they had both fallen in love with the other, that they had not come together solely for mutual ease in a life that -- while always having danger -- had suddenly been thrust into so much more. The threat of dying, of loss, certainly had intensified their feelings. But not just for Jame on Obi-Wan's part. He was lucky that he and Jame had discovered relatively quickly that they made much better friends who were occasionally lovers, that it was okay that they did not intend to spend the rest of their lives together. Both romantics at heart, they believed in and were holding out for true love.

So, was that Qui-Gon?

Obi-Wan had begun to think so, even though not all of the Jedi recorded to have had a bond of Fusion had also been recorded as being lovers. Out of fifty-seven archived bondings, nine had involved more than two partners, and seventeen had formed between sexually incompatible species. Sexual joining was not, therefore, an imperative of Fusion.

Which meant Obi-Wan's burgeoning feelings for Qui-Gon were quite his own and not Force inspired or Force driven.

Having already spent and dedicated himself to a lifetime of serving others, Obi-Wan found the idea of desiring something solely for himself awkward. Yet also intriguing. And very, very distracting.

So he had sought out Asherae to avoid embarrassing Qui-Gon or himself with ill-timed thoughts, and because he knew he was not quite ready to stand up to his Master in a sparring match and provide a good showing. Nor had he wanted to experience Qui-Gon's condemnation if he ignored a little too much his slowly healing injuries.

But there had been no problems in the workout with Asherae during that tenth day, nor during the two that had followed. And today he had won, despite the aches. And despite earlier, private exertions. He hurt, yes, but had not further damaged anything, thereby winning the most important bout -- that against his own limitations.

Obi-Wan let his gratitude for how his Master now worked to ease those aches swamp their bond.

It had always been thus. From the normal scrapes and scraps a boy got into, to the accidents that occurred in training and the injuries occasionally sustained on missions, Qui-Gon had always been there to help. Neither he nor Qui-Gon had the advanced training a Jedi Healer undertook, nor their special and intuitive rapport to life, yet they both usually managed to deal with anything up to the level of injury or illness that needed actual tank time fully immersed in bacta.

In Obi-Wan's case, treatment from Qui-Gon was actually preferred, even when the harm was life-threatening.

While he could appreciate the life-sustaining properties of bacta, full immersion within the fluid-filled tank often caused Obi-Wan as many problems as it treated. The bacta worked fine; no one had ever developed an averse or allergic reaction to the healing gel since its first use. No, it was the partial sensory deprivation he couldn't deal with. If he was unconscious when needing such treatment, fine. Invariably, however, Obi-Wan would wake up long before being released. He knew other Jedi took tank time as an opportunity to meditate or relax. Obi-Wan tried that too. Sometimes it would even work. But more often than not, his mediations would dissolve into visions. Some were strictly from imagination, especially when he had been younger and had not yet learned to control the patterns of his thinking. Some, on the other hand, were true portents of the future.

He had always been blessed/cursed with a high level of prescience. The trait was common enough in any Jedi that training and techniques to interpret dreams were taught to every initiate and intuition was accepted as just as much a tool as any other talent. Yet few had the skill to really use the ability of foretelling. Fewer wanted the responsibility that came with the talent, except in instances where the prescience was for something immediate to happen. Visions of a remote future echoed too much of destiny, of a loss of free will or control from beyond, whether explained as the Force, a higher level of consciousness, or some form of God.

Like most Jedi, Qui-Gon's prescience lay only in an extremely reliable intuition into the likely short-term outcome to an action, which he could then use to influence into insuring the outcome favorable to the needs of those he served. When he and Obi-Wan had first recognized Obi-Wan's visions were not simply dreams or fancy, Obi-Wan had been sent to Qui-Gon's Master for the training and answers that Qui-Gon could not properly provide. Master Yoda was probably the Order's best in foretelling; in any other time or culture he'd have been a seer or prophet of great renown. Someone worshipped. Or feared. Obi-Wan was not of the same level, of course, but then he hadn't had near eight hundred years of experience to perfect the talent, either. He was pretty good with interpretation, getting better at actually recognizing what had meaning and what didn't, but unfortunately had little control over when the visions would come to him. And absolutely no control over preventing them. Especially while immersed in a bacta tank.

*Better, Obi-Wan?*

Obi-Wan nodded. Because he no longer had to worry about transferring some of the ache to Qui-Gon, he lowered his shields. Gratitude was not enough. Words or formed thoughts were not enough. He wanted Qui-Gon to feel how this type of action by his Master had always brought Obi-Wan comfort, how much this care and Qui-Gon's concern had always meant to him. And for his Master to know how happy he was that they now had such a level of sharing that he could express what simple words and mere actions could not.

For a moment the sharing did more to heal than any physical or psychic effort could ever hope to match. A lifetime of emotions and feelings were exchanged. While both knew a similar level of communion was not unique to Fusion, neither was this type of exchange something either had shared with another, not even something Qui-Gon had had with Mace Windu or his Master in the past. There were so many things that would never be a 'first' between them, simply because of their age difference. But it was nice to have something so profound be theirs.

As special as this moment was, the intensity of feeling couldn't be sustained without causing its own difficulties. Both drew back and began to erect light shielding around their deepest thoughts, though neither were eager to put up all of their normal barriers. Not that full shielding was possible any longer between them.

Neither could remember the last time they had been at the Temple for two weeks straight, and there were certain aspects to living here that were easy to forget when one was knee deep in mud, sleeping in a tree, fending off some amorous royal off-spring, or hiding from an army, but which had been brought back to the fore in their latest days amongst their brethren. While Jedi professed to be open to the Force and life and the needs and feelings of others, within the Temple walls being Jedi meant just as much about closing oneself off as it was being open. From the children too young to have developed their own shielding, to the others, the Padawan apprentices, Knights or Masters involved in training, study, research, meditation or play, any emotion from another could prove distracting at an inopportune time. So those who could shield heavily, did, all the time, at least within the public areas of the Temple. The only exceptions were during the occasional ritual or ceremony where each other's emotions were needed or useful to be shared.

Both sides of the shielding issue was one of the reasons Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon preferred being out in the field, even when not on active duty. They could maintain the required level of shielding day in and out, but it was like muffling a sense; nearly as confining as having a blindfold, gag, gloves or earplugs when compared to the openness that could be sustained around non-sensitives. Only because of the relative safety within the Temple could such a stricture even be acceptable, that and the fact that even in being cut off from sensing the bright sparks of another's mind, no Jedi was ever so cut off to not feel the Force within these walls. Unless by choice.

Even more so than the necessity of heavy shielding, however, Obi-Wan regretted and had always been bothered by the emotionlessness most other Jedi also exhibited while going about their Temple duties. Shielding seemed to lead to repression in so many, especially as a Jedi grew older. Which is why Obi-Wan also spent so much time within the crèches when he had to be at the Temple; children were allowed their passions and tantrums. Working out and sparring also countered the repression, since the need to respond to a challenge usually broke through the typical Jedi reserve.

It wasn't that Obi-Wan didn't understand or enjoy the serenity that Jedi strove to attain; Qui-Gon was the Jedi poster boy for projected serenity and calm; only the members of the Council exhibited more control over their emotions. But control didn't have to mean suppression or denial, and both he and his Master believed a little passion about something wasn't entirely bad. It was certainly more honest.

Obi-Wan had no desire to breach another's thoughts, of course. He, like Qui-Gon, thrived on just the awareness of life. In Qui-Gon such rapport manifested in a propensity for adopting strays, whether it be plants, animals or people. For Obi-Wan it was the sense of connections and the ability to see the framework that wove around everything. Part of this was an outgrowth of his ability to foresee potentialities. He had always found comfort in knowing his place within such a pattern.

Upon reflection a couple of years ago, Obi-Wan had decided this need to understand his role in the universe had been born long ago from his insecurities of belonging within the Order. Being apprenticed to Qui-Gon had certainly grounded him, and he had been able to cast off many of his earlier doubts of worthiness. But not all, never quite all.

For he had seen from an early age a multitude of potential dark futures born solely from his failures. As he had grown older and more experienced with his prescience, he could understand the Force was showing him such visions not to reinforce his flawed sense of self-worth, but to help him make sure such a future did not come to pass. Unfortunately, it had done both. The irony that this need had led him to a better rapport with the unifying aspects of the Force than Qui-Gon had, even as his remaining insecurities kept him from such a connection to the Living Force which was Qui-Gon's strength, had provided the two of them with an interesting sense of irony.

Everything had its reason. Even flaws.

Maybe now, because of Fusion, he and Qui-Gon could help each other reach a truer balance between their understandings and unease with the opposite natures of the Force.

"I should get to the showers," Obi-Wan said with some reluctance. Loathing for having to move and disrupt the languid state Qui-Gon's attentions had helped him achieve colored his tone and thoughts. So did regret in going to separate tasks from Qui-Gon.

"You'd do better with a soak at home," Qui-Gon suggested, his tone and expression warm and almost indulgent. Then a grin that few ever got to see, especially those who persisted in keeping alive the rumors that Qui-Gon had no sense of humor. "I think I can stand the odors of your sweat at least long enough for us to get there."

Again Obi-Wan caught an echo of something undefined from his Master's thoughts. It wasn't that Qui-Gon was shielding him from the thoughts, more like his Master didn't yet recognize having them. Definitely from the unconscious or subconscious places within Qui-Gon's mind, then. Which Obi-Wan could better access now, yet would do so uninvited no more than he'd physically enter another's room.

Qui-Gon seemed to pick up on his Padawan's curiosity, however, and retreated within his mind to examine this undercurrent on his own. When the shields did then come up between them, Obi-Wan wasn't particularly surprised, and took in Qui-Gon's apologetic smile with a laugh of his own.

They'd been doing a lot of apologizing to each other for most of the two weeks, and would undoubtedly continue to do so for a few more while they adjusted to their new closeness. Besides, now that all illusions between them could be laid bare, it was even more necessary to keep a few secrets.

Obi-Wan let Qui-Gon pull him standing, but grabbed his exercise bag before his Master could. Then he gave Qui-Gon a quirked expression of chagrin. His obvious ploy in asserting some independence was just as strong as Qui-Gon's need to assert the privacy of his deeper thoughts.

"This will take some getting use to," they said simultaneously.

While they had always put each other's needs first, now the two had become even more aware of those needs. And of the comfort in experiencing the reflection of each other's pleasure when the needs were met. Doing something for the other was almost addicting, and the desire to remain separate was taking an effort on both their parts. As in all things, a balance had to be reached.

Qui-Gon let go of Obi-Wan's hand. "This, too will take adjustment," he said ruefully.

Another outcome of the bonding process, Master and Padawan had been touching each other more often in the last two weeks than it seemed in their last year together. At first it had been to reassure, and out of relief in each other's survival. When they had needed to separate on T'ias to try an assure success in their mission, neither had expected to see the other again. At least not alive.

Touching had always been casual and common around each other even before this; both had understood from the very beginning of their training relationship the comfort touch could offer whether as praise, caution, communication, or just in expressing the pleasure of having someone nearby. Obi-Wan had always assumed Qui-Gon had picked up the habit from his own Master when but a Padawan; Master Yoda used non-verbal methods of communication much more often than he did verbal or mental.

On the other hand, Obi-Wan was just glad that Qui-Gon had not also picked up the habit of using an equivalent to Master Yoda's gimer stick. Qui-Gon could be lethal with a cudgel or staff with barely the slightest effort, due to his size and strength, even had he not been trained and had become one of the Order's best fighters. But Qui-Gon had never hit him with his hand, belt or anything else, as other Masters did to underscore discipline, as the crèche teachers had to reinforce right from wrong.

Frankly, Qui-Gon had never needed to. Just the expression of disappointment was usually enough to bring Obi-Wan guilt and regret for whatever infraction he had contemplated, or actually done.

Touching, therefore, had always remained something positive between them.

Since their new bonding, the casual brushing against the other had turned into longer forms of contact. Not quite caresses, certainly nothing sexual, but ...

Obi-Wan had begun to think of it as like the imprinting a baby does with parent. It was reassurance. And a reaction to the newness and wonder of the event, like the way a Padawan kept fondling his first lightsaber. The analogy of imprinting would have scared and embarrassed him at thirteen for all that there had been a similar occurrence then between them. Now at twenty-one, it merely felt right.

"Do we have anything else on schedule for today, Master?" Obi-Wan knew there was no mission since neither of them had yet been certified by the Healers to return to active duty. Even if they didn't need to continue working on the bond, their bodies were not quite back to acceptable field standards.

Qui-Gon started to shake his head, then stopped and looked down at Obi-Wan. He kept a carefully blank expression on his face. "Actually, I would like to spend more time together, Obi-Wan. If you don't mind? There are a couple more aspects to our changing relationship that we've yet to discuss. With everything else resuming a natural state, I think we can exp -- take the chance in disrupting the stability."

Exp --? Explain? Expand? Explore?

With an incredible thrill of threat/desire/~something~, Obi-Wan could only think of a few aspects they hadn't yet discussed about the bond of Fusion:

What would happen to the other if one of them died or was injured beyond healing capabilities?

What would happen between them if Obi-Wan didn't pass his trials to become a Knight?

How would this bond affect their abilities to form bonds with other people? Like a Padawan.

Or a lover?

How would a more drastic change in their relationship - such as becoming lovers -- affect his training and their duties?

Depending on the answer, those could all be aspects of the same question.

I was living for a dream, loving for a moment. Taking on the world, that was just my style. Now I look into your eyes, I can see forever The search is over, you were with me all the while.

Qui-Gon could understand the confusion that bled through their link from Obi-Wan, but the addition of excitement had the Jedi Master stopping mentally and reevaluating what he had just said. In Qui-Gon's mind they were past due in talking about the bond. In the two weeks since acknowledging it, all they had truly done was deal - and misdeal - with its consequences. He had assumed his Padawan had felt the same about it being past time but only now tried to see if he had been right.

Indeed, the thought of talking about the bond beyond the clinical or abstract research they had both involved themselves within was a part of Obi-Wan's eagerness. There was an undercurrent of something else, however, which had caught Qui-Gon off-guard. Especially since Obi-Wan didn't seem particularly aware of it, despite earlier noticing an undercurrent in Qui-Gon's own thoughts.

What could they hide from themselves, but not the other?

And was it born from Fusion, the Force, or something else?

In an instant of clarity -- he was a Jedi Master after all, with a reputed unmatched rapport with the Living Force outside of a couple of the Healers and one or two of the Council members -- Qui-Gon recognized Obi-Wan's hidden feeling. And could accept its twin deep within his own psyche. Desire.

For long years, their matched feeling had been surrounded and nurtured only by denial. Not, thank the Force, in a denial fraught with Darkness, something that could fester or be twisted, thus drawing either of them from the Light. No, their denial had been a technique of self-preservation, a necessary measure to keep them in the Light. Desire unexpected, unwanted, ~unrelieved~, was as direct a conduit to the Darkside as was fear or anger. Passion undeclared was suffering.

Whether influenced or aided by the Force, or simply a product of their own inherent wisdom, Padawan and Master had both chosen to bury their desire for the other until such time as it could be declared.

Danger still existed, of course. Despite myth and rumor to the contrary, Jedi were infinitely fallible and prey to all the sins and virtues that came with sentience. Such a declaration would have consequences even if no shadow of Darkness ever surrounded them. But after accepting the bonds of love and life, whose dangers and consequences were just as lethal, it seemed foolish and disrespectful to themselves and their beliefs to continue to deny another aspect of love out of fear of what might or might never be.

He and Obi-Wan had chosen to tie themselves together, forever and beyond. Wanting that to include physical pleasure was only natural.

Qui-Gon chose to wait until they returned to their quarters before he would actually speak on this turning in their relationship, however. Silence, even a stillness in thoughts and emotions had always - well, almost always - been a companionable part of their partnership. Lives built around meditation and research encouraged quiet; very, very few Jedi ever found the need to speak just to fill up silence once they passed their youngest maturity.

Such internal peace was also a necessary component of the end of extensive physical activity, just as necessary as cooling down, or the occasional more thorough soak or massage. Fighting, even sparring, was in part an antithesis to being Jedi, for it was most often then the boundaries could thin to razor edges between the Light and Dark: victory through violence, loss of self respect through losing, the needs and desires to not only win, but defeat another.

Fortunately for some, like himself and more especially Obi-Wan, that edge was wider than most and rarely danced upon. From an early age he and Obi-Wan had shown remarkable martial skills and had out of necessity learned the responsibilities that came with such skill. Like all Jedi, he and Obi-Wan fought to protect and sparred to hone their abilities to protect. Their reward was the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment of potential, not winning.

Not all - not even many - Jedi had the same understanding or dedication. Few could embrace this dichotic path quite so easily, so the patterns of stillness were taught early and expected always, even by those who might not need them.

Qui-Gon acknowledged Obi-Wan's attainment of inner quiet and did nothing to distract from it, even after they finally reached their quarters. For a few more moments neither gave thought to the questions they had so recently begun to understand needed answers. They had time.

And other needs first.

Although Obi-Wan needed no assistance, it was Qui-Gon's pleasure to continue to see to his Padawan's mild physical distress, just as Obi-Wan spent an hour each evening working in the lotions and healing energies to offset the newly accumulated scarring across Qui-Gon's back. These type of tasks they had performed for each other for years, duty and pleasure performed in equal measure because injury or stress recognized no benefits of age, experience or propriety.

Qui-Gon began the water running in their inlaid bath that usually only saw use in such circumstances, gathering some of the same oils Obi-Wan had been using for him. Once preparations were underway, he then opened the shared door into Obi-Wan's room to further assist. Though willful acknowledgment of weakness before Qui-Gon was a relatively new trait in Obi-Wan, his Padawan had also learned early in their relationship the danger of hiding any injury from his Master.

Sitting on his bed, Obi-Wan had already kicked off his soft boots and had managed to pull off his sleeveless exercise top, but not without an echo of pain crossing their link. Qui-Gon moved to his Padawan's side and instructed him to gently twist so he could check what new damage had been done.

Expecting only fading yellow where he had broken his ribs, Obi-Wan's skin now also had a much deeper, palm size bruise and a long, narrow patch of redness that - had he been thusly hit with a powered down lightsaber - would have issued a relatively serious burn.

"Quarter-staff?" Qui-Gon asked of the marks, checking first to insure the recently healed fractures had not given way again. Finding bone intact, he worked with the Force to push through some of the blockage of nerves and blood flow to speed up healing. His previously suggested soak, then a massage afterward would likely do just as much as he could with the Force.

Obi-Wan grimaced but remained unmoving under Qui-Gon's probing fingers. Then shook his head. "Force-pike."

At Qui-Gon's raised brow, Obi-Wan gave a soft laugh. "Maybe Asherae's just in heat," he started, mildly rueful and with a touch of admiration. "It seems she has made friends with one the Senate Guards from that last trip too. He has also challenged her to a friendly sparring match, and she wanted to familiarize herself with his weapon of choice. Just in case."

"You are supposed to duck," Qui-Gon said with all the solemn intonations of a Master imparting great wisdom.

"Yes, well, it was supposed to have been turned off."

Although said easily enough, with words came memories to the both of past instances where such an energy weapon had been used in full intensity and malevolence. Force-pikes were deadly not only for the strength of their composite metals, but from different levels of electrical shocks that could also be imparted.

The last time with such for Qui-Gon had been less than a year ago, when he had already been poisoned and nearly dead, then beaten and shocked with one to within an inch of his life before Obi-Wan, Mace and Jame had managed to find and free him. Nightmares from those memories had likely only been replaced by what had happened on T'ias, instead of either of them working free of them yet.

Qui-Gon was also reminded of Obi-Wan's first time under a Force-pike. It had been before Qui-Gon had given into the inevitable and accepted Obi-Wan as his apprentice. A fated trip to Bandomeer, which ended with the formation of their first bond, but it had also come so close to ending either in death or separation before either had realized what they would have lost. Qui-Gon had been so foolish not to acknowledge right away what his Master and the Force had been trying to show him. To deny what his heart had known.

And feared --

"I'm sorry, Master," immediately Obi-Wan's thoughts and expression turned contrite. "I didn't mean for you to think I -"

Qui-Gon hushed the guilt with his fingers and then, because although the words had stopped, the emotions had not, with a kiss passionate enough to disable thought of anything else.

*I know that you weren't accusing me of being the cause of your discomfort those years ago, even if it was my stubbornness and unwillingness to see your worth that led you to such danger.* Qui-Gon ended the kiss although he kept his forehead pressed against the other's, and his hand cupped around the back of Obi-Wan's neck. "Actually, I think that remembrance - and guilt - was mine, not yours," he added softly, allowing his breath, then his lips to brush against Obi-Wan's ear.

Confusion/resentment/relief/wonder glinted like quicksilver across their link. "Something else we need to talk about?" was all Obi-Wan asked, though. "Not knowing whose thoughts are whose?"

"And of my initial rejection of you," Qui-Gon nodded, sending waves of sorrow and apology for the long ago hurt that had never fully faded. "But with the thoughts, I think the co-mingling is just something to be aware of potentially happening. It will probably take care of itself." He let Obi-Wan pull out of the embrace, feeling a fine tremor in the other that had nothing to do with sorrow or guilt in the past. Obi-Wan's thoughts had turned once again to his expectations. And their continued skating around of the talk.

Yes. But first things first.

"Is there another impact mark, then, Obi-Wan? And a burn from the pike?" Although colorful and obviously painful, the mark he had just examined had not come an ~activated~ force-pike. And its presence unbeknownst to him before now had Obi-Wan's shielding proving remarkable intact despite what he had felt. And thought.

"I managed to control the burn, but yes, there is another mark." And Obi-Wan stood up to slip off his leggings.

Although such an action and sight brought new ideas with it, Qui-Gon quickly thrust them aside. He offered an arm to steady Obi-Wan when his Padawan's leg buckled for just an instant when asked to bear all of his weight. Qui-Gon understood immediately why Obi-Wan skimmed both leggings and undergarments off at once. Even the prospect of seeing Obi-Wan naked with entirely new eyes failed to make the impression the livid, hand-span wide bruise across and below Obi-Wan's hip did.

No wonder Asherae had managed a strike so clearly across Obi-Wan's ribs. With little effort Qui-Gon could call up Obi-Wan's surprise at the electrical shock attached to that solid hit at his hip. The subsequent mental shock and sharp, sudden agony had sent Obi-Wan to his knees, had forestalled any parry Obi-Wan had thought to mount to her follow-up. Although Asherae had managed to power-down the energy weapon, she had not also been able to turn her next blow far enough away to avoid his ribs.

"How bad was the cramping?" Qui-Gon's touch and questions were completely clinical. When Obi-Wan hesitated, Qui-Gon raised his eyes and could not quite manage to hide his scowl. "How long, Obi-Wan?" Implied in the seriousness of his gaze, was that he'd find out from his Padawan one way or the other; the reminder that nothing could stay hidden except by mutual consideration.

"About forty seconds."

Now Qui-Gon could feel Obi-Wan's shame as well as the remembered agony when the muscle had seized up. And an acknowledgement that Obi-Wan had hidden his difficulty from his partner, not stopping the sparring to properly deal with the cramp even though by ignoring and pushing through the injury, Obi-Wan could easily have suffered significant and lasting muscle damage.

All in the name of pride which had been born out of childhood insecurities which Qui-Gon had strengthened all those years ago by first rejecting Obi-Wan as his Padawan.

"You do not have to always be the best, Obi-Wan," he said gruffly, regaining his feet. "Just the best that you can be." He kept a hold of Obi-Wan's arm to help him up, then as they walked toward the bath, although what he really wanted to do was scoop his Padawan up into his arms and carry him to the waiting water. Now that there was no reason to hide his pain and discomfort from, Obi-Wan was working too hard at staying steady on his feet

"You seem sometimes to forget that you are a Padawan, and that it is not failure when you cannot always keep up with Masters and Knights," Qui-Gon chided further, but kept his tone gentle as he did his touch. "The only failure stems from your refusal to acknowledge that you have areas left to improve. That even you have vulnerabilities." He just stopped himself from brushing his hand across the top of Obi-Wan's head in gesture that had barely been tolerated when Obi-Wan had been young.

In so many ways Obi-Wan had grown so quickly, had become a man in skill and temperament long before Qui-Gon had wanted to recognize the changes. But every so often his Padawan did something like this that so reminded Qui-Gon of the young boy he had raised. It was hard not to respond in the same manner as he would have then.

Of course, even as that boy, Obi-Wan had skillfully fought pirates and draigons.

But over-taxing one's self in the defense of another was one thing. Doing so simply to stretch one's limits or worse, to refuse to acknowledge that there might be limits and, thereby, fostering even more limits, was something else. Not to mention reckless.

"You forgot foolish, head-strong, impatient. And that I am prone to giving into anger," Obi-Wan offered with an impish grin that also held rueful acknowledgment of those failings. "Or so all of the creche Masters were fond of saying." He sobered though, and bowed his head.

"I know I erred foolishly, my Master," came next his contrition. "And I'll be reminded of my stupid pride every time I move over the next few days, even if you don't bother pointing it out," now with a ghost of his earlier grin.

The deeper Qui-Gon's thoughts fell into bleakness, the more he could sense Obi-Wan striving to find something to lighten them. No doubt for both their sakes, since they now too easily influence one another, even unwittingly due to their bond of Fusion.

"So you'll never do something like that again?" Qui-Gon continued to steady Obi-Wan as his Padawan lowered himself into the tub. He only removed his hand once Obi-Wan found his seat on the lowest of three steps that continued as a ledge around the entire rectangle, then gestured through the Force to turn off the jets of water. As their quarters were actually scaled and intended for Wookie partners, Obi-Wan could sit on that step and be submerged nearly to his neck; such a position on the bottom would actually put his nose below the waterline.

His Padawan let out a sigh of relief/pleasure when the warm water flowed over his skin and started to seep into muscle and bone. "Oh, there will probably be at least one more time for something like that before I get stupidity completely out of my system, I'm afraid, Qui-Gon." The words were spoken from a mouth gone lax and an expression without the furrows of concentration or effort that had most recently crinkled his brow. Obi-Wan leaned back against the edge worn smooth by generations of Jedi and closed his eyes.

For an instant Qui-Gon stopped placing those things the other might need within reach. Obi-Wan had called him Qui-Gon. Although he had begun to realize the wealth of feeling Obi-Wan had always meant in the simple words of 'my Master,' to hear his actual name in the same cultured tones and with the same feelings, to hear it said ~to~ him and not about him - by the Force, not even with a past lover shouting it in the full throes of passion had Qui-Gon ever felt so moved.

"Do you require any assistance?" His throat felt thick, hoarse, but, fortunately, his words held little of his sudden epiphany. "Should I stay?"

The eyes stayed closed. "Only if you want to watch m'sleep."

Always. But Qui-Gon shielded that thought too, for now. "How about I fix a light dinner then, and come back to wake you when it's ready."

Not even enough energy to speak. *That would be a blessing, Master.*

Qui-Gon let his fingers run down the cheek nearest to where he knelt, obstensively to dry the water that had splashed across it. At some level he knew Obi-Wan had registered the gesture in its full meaning, for Qui-Gon felt a sudden wave of pleasure and contentment that wasn't lustful enough to be his own. Yet Obi-Wan had already fallen into a trance just short of full healing (for which he had little talent at anyway except when directing such Force talent outward toward Qui-Gon), letting the water and heat make up for what skills he lacked, and so did nothing more to respond.

In truth, the massage should come before food in order to aid best in healing, but Qui-Gon knew he'd never get Obi-Wan to eat after such ministrations. Assuming he could even get his Padawan to wake up long enough to protest having to do anything but sleep.

Their talk would likely have to wait until the next morning.

Which might be better, anyway.

I've been holding back the night, I've been searching for a clue from you. I'm going to try with all my might, To make the story-line come true.

Sounds penetrated Obi-Wan's awareness first, a voice - two voices. But the emotions behind the words were serene, so he made no effort to puzzle their meanings. He snuggled further into the warm lap and soothing hand that stroked across his head, neck, shoulders and back.

Wait! Two voices? As in two people?

Lap? Stroking? Qui-Gon's lap! Qui-Gon stroking!!

*Don't undo all of your relaxation, Obi-Wan,* came Qui-Gon's sending even as the hand stilled at his neck and held Obi-Wan from pulling up or away. *I found it rather like petting a cat. Very soothing to me, too. Very enjoyable and a good way to ease my own tensions.*

*But you have company?* It became more of a question than protest when Obi-Wan realized he no longer heard voices. And that he was swamped by contradictory reactions to what Qui-Gon was doing. He didn't want to give Qui-Gon the wrong idea, though that was pretty inevitable, since he didn't know what he wanted himself.

If they did have company, being with Qui-Gon in such a position was rather embarrassing. Perhaps even if they didn't have company. Yet he didn't want to reject the comfort Qui-Gon had given him. Or to reject any comfort Qui-Gon might have found from this.

*If anyone is a cat in our pairing ...* Obi-Wan sent Qui-Gon a previously private image of his Master, one kept from childhood, probably formed even before he had met but had noticed Qui-Gon, then modified over time to reflect learning to know Qui-Gon and finally fleshed out with a more adult perception of beauty. Qui-Gon as a lion. Regal, majestic, almost bigger than life in stature and bearing. A fierce and deadly predator. And commanding. It was a vision of Qui-Gon in battle, the sight another - a foe - might see, yet filtered through love, and stripped of fear.

Obi-Wan grinned and opened his eyes, rolling from his side to his back so he might be able to see the expression that went with being overwhelmed into speechlessness.

Overwhelmed into being unable even to form a thought.

Obi-Wan found Qui-Gon's expression quite acceptable.

He shifted his head back sideways, then, and met the amused gaze of Mace Windu, who sat across from him and Qui-Gon in a chair opposite their couch.

"An evening's greetings to you, Master Windu." As if he always greeted Council members on his side and with his head resting in Qui-Gon's lap.

The Councilor inclined his head. "And to you, Obi-Wan. It is good to see you finally recovering from T'ias."

Although Master Windu had been with him and Qui-Gon during the ending of the mission to T'ias, and had been the one to insure both Master and Padawan had gotten proper treatment by the Healers upon their return, aside from the one time he'd been needed to help Obi-Wan back to his quarters due to the instability of the bond, at least Obi-Wan had not seen the Master since. And Obi-Wan found himself envying the Master for exhibiting no difficulties in the face of this odd arrangement in their current meeting. On the other hand, Master Windu had had more time to prepare for this conversation than Obi-Wan had in being asleep.

Nor could Obi-Wan really keep up a level of embarrassment probably more in keeping with the relationship of intimidation so often encouraged by members of the Jedi Council to the younger Jedi in the Order. Once you threw up on a man, not only once, but on two separate occasions, there was little left to be embarrassed about.

"I understand the Healers are prepared to lift training restrictions within a day or two," Master Windu continued. "I would image you will be looking forward to being able to start working out again?"

From the carefully expressionless look he was being given, Obi-Wan had no doubt Master Windu knew he had already been engaging in such activities before receiving a Healer's clearance. Of course, the fact that he was dressed in little more than a blanket around his hips, that at least one of the showing bruises was recent might have clued Master Windu in, even if Obi-Wan didn't suspect the Council was kept very aware of who used what training salles, and when.

Obi-Wan felt no more repentant about the actually doing, than for getting caught. Or for shifting the blame to where it rightly belonged. But he managed to widen his eyes as if surprised in even being questioned. "It was my Master's suggestion that I do something other than lie about gathering dust." He started off trying to sound contrite, but that was also tough to maintain in the face of the other's broad, knowing grin. Master or not, he and Mace Windu had come to know each other quite well in the past couple of years, almost well enough that he could comfortably interact with the other as he might with one of his friends. At least privately where another Jedi would not need question what might be perceived as a lack of respect.

"Ah," the Master said wisely. "It does me good to see your obedience to your Master, Padawan Kenobi. And I am sure Healers N'sek and Crysana will excuse him suggesting that you try the thirteenth level of the Dag Ventra kata when they examine you tomorrow."

*Dag Ventra, Obi-Wan? And at the thirteenth level?*

Oops. Maybe Qui-Gon hadn't meant he could try something he had only recently begun working on even before his injuries.

Although the nature of Fusion had muted another other bonds the two might form -- or those they had already previously established with others -- Obi-Wan had no doubt Master Windu hadn't at least guessed Qui-Gon's outraged response, even if he hadn't ~heard~ it. After all, the other Master had set him up just as neatly as Obi-Wan had his own Master for being caught working out in the first place.

*It was hours before I met Asherae!* he tried to explain. *And I made sure I rested between --*

*Only hours, Padawan?*

Obi-Wan nodded.

"Just how many hours between kata and challenge, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon then asked out loud, no doubt to give the other Master Jedi a better opportunity to laugh at them both.

Obi-Wan had never been able to directly lie to Qui-Gon. When younger he had the option of not saying anything, of course, and knew to accept whatever consequences his refusal to answer might engender. But now such prevarication didn't have any place in their relationship, even if their bond might allow thoughts stay hidden. And since the question had been asked in front of another, an evasion would not only be disrespectful to his Master -


Just as when Qui-Gon had learned of his new injury from the Force pike, Obi-Wan could feel twin waves of anger and despair. Normally any levels above ten of the Dag Ventra kata were performed only under supervision if one was not a Master . And not even begun until one had attained at least a Knight's status. Qui-Gon had starting teaching him the forms three years ago. Because of the level of trust and confidence such instruction implied, Obi-Wan had been working hard to master it, wanting to show Qui-Gon his confidence in his apprentice had not been misplaced. He could do the first ten levels now without error, eighteen out of twenty times, and had command enough of the eleventh and twelfth to do them unassisted, and to have started on levels thirteen and fourteen several months ago. Yet because of the injuries he had sustained on T'ias, he was having trouble completing even the eighth form smoothly, which he had found unacceptable. And so he had, perhaps, pushed a little harder than he should.

*No perhaps, Obi-Wan. Remember, you do not have to be the best in all things, my love. Never for me.*

Everything for you, Obi-Wan disagreed, but managed to keep that thought to himself. Although he wanted to do nothing more than snuggle deeper within the lap he rested on, Obi-Wan slowly began to pull himself upright from Qui-Gon, careful to keep the blanket from shifting as he moved into a sitting position. If he was going to be more formally reprimanded - by either Master - he figured it would be better if it looked as if he was ready to take it seriously.

Qui-Gon let him get as far as sitting upright, but kept an arm around his shoulders when he would have shifted a few feet away. Or gotten up entirely to get dressed.

"No formal reprimands, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon again spoke aloud for Master Windu's benefit. "But you must promise me you will be more careful. And at least wait until I can be there to offer assistance if needed."

"Or me," Master Windu offered immediately.

When Obi-Wan realized that the other Master really meant the offer, he could also accept that Master Windu hadn't brought it up to get him into trouble. The other had simply been pointing out an error in judgment as a friend, not judging the error himself as a Master.

*Exactly,* Qui-Gon confirmed. *Nor need you be worried that Mace is uncomfortable with your presence; he came not just to visit with me, but with us both,* came reassurance as Qui-Gon then answered the half-formed motivation for Obi-Wan's twitching.

*Even though I am not wearing any clothes, Master?* Obi-Wan had to ask. *It's not proper. He's a --*

*He is and will be one of my oldest friends whether on the High Council or should he be elected Senator or Chancellor, Obi-Wan. Nothing I can do will shock him, including having a naked Padawan on my lap. Unless you were planning on us making an exhibition of something?*


Obi-Wan was only just coming to grips with the idea of maybe doing something like that with Qui-Gon. He certainly wasn't up for a public performance! Probably not even public acknowledgement. At least not until they had actually done it.

*Then leave be, Obi-Wan, and stay,* came his Master's wish along with gentle laughter over Obi-Wan's embarrassed outrage. *Unless you are really bothered?*

Obi-Wan had to shake his head. While he might be uncomfortable about the directions his thoughts kept wandering toward, it was only because they hadn't talked about it yet, not because he didn't want to do it. And he really did feel better by staying next to Qui-Gon. Even the thought of going to his bedroom, just long enough to change or at least get a robe, seemed too much.

"How is Jame?" Obi-Wan asked, now determined to show he was not bothered by the other's presence any more than the Master was of his. Assuming his Master was correct.

The Master Jedi smiled. "She has found a ship and is spending most of her time tweaking its systems to her liking. She sends her regards and keeps promising that she'll take any of us for a ride real soon now."

"I should probably offer to help."

"I'm sure she'd like that. Assuming your duties to your recovery don't keep you too busy. Or too tired."

Obi-Wan decided he hadn't imagined the smirk in the other's dark, all too knowing eyes. He couldn't deny the impression he had given of having worn himself out, when he had been sleeping in the Master's presence for who know how long. Not to mention that he had unknowingly curled up against Qui-Gon's shoulder, quite ready to go back to sleep again.

"Where's she got the ship berthed?" Qui-Gon asked. "We both should pay her a visit."

Obviously he ~was~ tired. Surely he had imagined the spike of jealousy he had felt for just an instant from Qui-Gon at his offer. Jealousy? Of him being with Jame? Maybe a year ago. But they hadn't been serious about being together for months -

The chime to their quarters sounded, and all three Jedi looked at each other in various levels of bemusement. Even when Obi-Wan was younger and most of his friends were junior Padawans spending their days training at the Temple instead of out on a field assignment, he and Qui-Gon rarely got visitors. It had always been much easier to meet in one of the common rooms or public areas instead of worrying about getting underfoot or interrupting Qui-Gon's evenings.

Mild reproof greeted that sleepy thought. *I never minded you having your friends over, Obi-Wan,* Qui-Gon sent, as he carefully extracted himself before Obi-Wan realized he was getting up. Obi-Wan tried to be embarrassed as his Master settled a couple of large cushions to replace the support Qui-Gon's body had been offering, but could only be thankful for the consideration.

*It was my pleasure not to be a bother to you,* Obi-Wan sent back muzzily. If he had been awake enough, he might have been concerned with how sleepy he felt, but even thinking ~that~ took too much effort. Pain was only one way of a body to tell you when you overdid something. And obviously he had way overdone things today.

"Master Yoda?" Qui-Gon's surprise -- verbal and mental-came back from the outer door.

"Bad time, this is?" the wizened Master asked, loud enough to be heard not only by those in the common room of the suite, but by any Jedi next door had they currently neighbors. "Prepared are you not to receive guests?"

It might have been funnier if Obi-Wan wasn't naked within a blanket, since it was obvious the ancient one was under the impression other things had been going on and was thoughtfully trying to give him a warning and opportunity to cover up. It was also embarrassing to have anyone, but especially Master Yoda, thinking there would need be something to cover-up from.

Perhaps Fusion did have a biological imperative when those involved were species compatible?

"Oh," came Master Yoda's next comment upon reaching the common room and seeing Master Windu already present. "Guest have you already." He raised his half lidded eyes to take in their expressions. "But amiss, something is," the ancient Jedi observed. "Dressed inappropriately two someones are."

Obi-Wan certainly blushed, but could get over it when he saw his Master turn red also. Then he noticed just how much of his skin his own blush could be seen on, and it and his embarrassment deepened again. He clutched the blanket and one of the pillows tighter, then got up from the couch since Qui-Gon hadn't yet returned to hold him in place.

"Forgive my appearance, Master Yoda," Obi-Wan bowed carefully in full Padawan respect, save for what modesty needed him to modify.

"Down you will sit, young one," Yoda insisted, and pointed his gimer stick back at the couch while also pushing Qui-Gon to retake his seat. "Hand me you will, that pillow," he instructed next of that Obi-Wan had been using constructively.

"Masters, I -"

"Sit you will!"

Even if he hadn't spent some time in personal training with the ancient Master, Obi-Wan couldn't ignore the command any more than Qui-Gon did and, indeed, his Master also dropped back down rather more quickly than was his wont. But they kept from touching.

Obi-Wan quickly levered a bare foot out from the blanket to push the low table usually set between the couch and chairs against the near wall, then leaned over to set the pillows in front of the end so that Master Yoda would have something to lean his bowed back against. Eschewing the rudeness of having Master Yoda looking up at everyone else in the room, Obi-Wan then dropped one of the remaining couch pillows on the floor next to Qui-Gon's feet. Qui-Gon made a quick adjustment to move it between his legs, giving Obi-Wan little choice but to set himself between them. Not that he minded it, really. Nor did he mind when Qui-Gon took hold of that strands of hair that usually made up his Padawan braid and began with his fingers to comb out the tangles that had come from only a quick towel drying and sleep before it had dried.

"Not that your presence isn't always a delight, my Master, but what brings you out tonight?" Qui-Gon didn't have to look to plait the braid, he had performed this duty for Obi-Wan just as Obi-Wan often untangled the glorious lengths of his Master's hair. There had been many times Obi-Wan had despaired of losing his braid altogether to a pair of scissors for how snarled the thin plait could seemingly get from him just standing still, but the despair had come from the thought of losing this closeness, not losing the symbol of his service.

"Favor to ask, I needed, and for myself, to see if ready you are."

Obi-Wan found himself not so much thinking about what someone like Master Yoda might need done as a favor, as he was wondering what someone like Master Yoda might want them ready for. He tried not to make a noticeable squirm when Master Yoda turned to him eyes that had seen almost everything existence could offer in their seven hundred plus years.

"Willing you are, but ready you are not. Complete you are not. Wait, therefore, my favor must."

"Master, however we may aid you," Qui-Gon began, with Obi-Wan's fervent agreement.

"Wait I will!" Master Yoda dropped his gimer stick with all the weight of a proclamation a herald in a sybaritic court might similarly make with his staff of office. But his ears - so often the true expression of his feelings - stayed upright and showed no droop. He wasn't angry, then. Or even very disappointed.

"Yes, Master," Qui-Gon said in a contriteness so rarely heard from such a commanding man. Of course, Obi-Wan would have sounded quite the same had he been the one answering.

"Wait it must, but tell you, I guess I can."

That Master Yoda enjoyed reaffirming his place in Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's lives not just as one of the Council, but as Qui-Gon's former Master was always a source of amazement. Just as it was occasionally a source of amusement. Obi-Wan strove valiantly to keep the smirk off his face, then needed smother the yelp from the sharp tug against his braid.

"Need you to meet with someone, I do," Yoda continued on, appearing oblivious to currents of mild embarrassment from Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan's chagrin or Master Windu's amusement. "Understand, I do, that not yet you two are on the duty roster, but important this is."

Through Qui-Gon's old training link with Master Yoda which was no longer blocked from him, Obi-Wan could feel his Master's Master really did regret the potential interruption of their convalescence. And the importance of what he was asking them to do. Qui-Gon would never be able to say no to so much need, even if the consequences were negative for himself or his Padawan.

And his Padawan found that response not just justifiable, but acceptable. Desired. They were Jedi first, yes. Yet for Qui-Gon it was really only a matter of someone else's needs coming first, whether the need was a Jedi's duty or not. So it would have been even had Qui-Gon never become a Jedi. As often as that trait drove Obi-Wan crazy, it more than any other had shaped Qui-Gon into the man he loved. To deny the trait was to deny the man. Which Obi-Wan could never do.

"Whatever we can do to aid you, my Master," Qui-Gon repeated. He had been serious before, of course, out of respect and fondness. But this time the sincerity made public much of Qui-Gon's love for Obi-Wan.

And much of the love Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan both felt for the formidable, ancient one.

In so many ways, Master Yoda was like the child many took him to be upon first impression. Not even the Jedi archives recorded what race he -- and Master Yaddle -- belonged to. No other members of their species had ever been sighted within the Republic. Yet while no one knew ~what~ he was, just about everyone on Coruscant knew who Master Yoda was.

Outside the Temple, the reputation of the most accomplished Jedi Master in their history, especially from having seven hundred years in the making and telling of that reputation, had him as anything from a fallen god or the living personification of the Force, to being the true power behind the Chancellor and the Republic. Within the Temple, as respect was expected and given to all adults, especially to the Masters, and even more so to the members of the various Councils, Master Yoda was, therefore, highly respected in being all three. While he might not be the Force's avatar, he was certainly its most ardent and successful student. And to a select few, he was also a cherished father. Or a playful and kindly grandfather.

*Much pleasure your thoughts bring me, little one.*

Obi-Wan's eyes widened and he pulled a little away from Qui-Gon until brought up short by the length of his braid. Never before had he been able to 'hear' Yoda's voice in his mind, except as a faint echo with Qui-Gon's.

Or when memory released one of Yoda's wise pronouncements at either the most or least opportune moment.

*How could I not love the one who so loved and thus shaped my Master,* Obi-Wan offered back shyly. Master Yoda had kept - was keeping - this exchange private from Qui-Gon. It honored him. And scared him just a little, not just in not knowing how such level of communication was possible. Before two weeks ago, he couldn't even communicate thusly with Qui-Gon.

*How love, could I not, the one who healed my Padawan?*

Obi-Wan could feel Qui-Gon's gentle curiosity at his growing awareness of the exchange with Master Yoda. He also could feel reassurances from both Masters at his wonder that he was able to do this. So many changes were happening to him. And to his relationship with others. While Obi-Wan had known that his Master no longer thought of him as a child - at least not often, and that he had been accepted as Qui-Gon's partner even before their bond of Fusion, he had not yet seen such acknowledgement from anyone else. At least not before waking up tonight and interacting with Master Windu.

Or, perhaps, it was simply that he had not fully believed it himself.

Adulthood was not a measure of time, however others might express it so. It was a measure of maturity. Of acceptance both by other adults, and within one's self. Just like passing from Padawan to Knighthood. The trials set by others were part of it, of course, for a Jedi's responsibility was always to the protection of others and so the public must be safeguarded away from those it would be too dangerous to put their trust into.

But the trials set and overcome by one's self had to be just as important. If not more so.


Can we last forever? Will we fall apart? Sometimes its so confusing, the questions of the heart. You followed me through changes, impatiently you'd wait, Till I came to my senses through some miracle of fate.

"You have had an epiphany," Qui-Gon said proudly as he returned from seeing Masters Yoda and Windu to the door. He knew his Padawan and former Master had somehow managed to communicate beyond what he could sense, but somehow also knew that although whatever Master Yoda had said had helped, Obi-Wan had reached his new state of understanding on his own.

"The past two weeks have been a series of epiphanies, Master."

The vision Obi-Wan presented captured Qui-Gon's breath and heart. All evening his Padawan had been wavering between embarrassment and involuntary aplomb while the others had been present, and he held a hint of high color now that he had returned to the couch, blanket draped across his body. Yet little trace of self consciousness survived the meeting with Master Yoda. Neither had the sleepiness that kept him from the dinner and massage Qui-Gon had planned. Qui-Gon could sense only contentment. And a heightened state of awareness.

"I have realized that shame and embarrassment are not caused by others, but by a lack of confidence or understanding in one's own feelings or abilities," he began to explain. "And for me, a fear of rejection. These feelings are barriers all sentients set before ourselves. And barriers we can overcome by realizing and releasing the hold they have over us."

"Yes." Qui-Gon didn't know that he had echoed Master Yoda, not just in word but in emotion. But he could sense the comfort that rushed through Obi-Wan from his agreement. And he could feel something else that hovered just beyond the both of them, a stillness that would lead to something not remotely still.

What Obi-Wan was saying - asking - was nothing new, was nothing Qui-Gon and others hadn't tried to say or teach before. Wasn't an answer Obi-Wan hadn't given before. Yet at the same time they were new, or at least Obi-Wan's understanding of them was new. New and more --

"Yet even in releasing fear and tearing down the barrier, there will be times when you cannot handle everything alone," Obi-Wan continued, slowly rising, first to a sitting position, then to his feet. "There will be times when I will fail, and times when even though I have done everything right, the outcome may not be right. There will be times when I ~know~ I will fail. Or lose. Yetl I must undertake the task."

This time Qui-Gon could only nod. Turning from the door and the retreating Masters beyond, he had set his shields not because he didn't want to understand what Obi-Wan was thinking or feeling, what he had learned, but because it was just as important for Obi-Wan to offer instead of Qui-Gon just taking. Qui-Gon only thought -- ~hoped~ -- he knew where this was leading. And he found that although he had been wishing and awaiting this moment since his own epiphany while incarcerated on T'ias, he had greatly underestimated its impact. And his own reaction to it.

He could no longer even continue striding forward, but that was okay, because Obi-Wan was moving, the blanket slipping unnoticed or intentionally from his shoulders, and left behind. His Padawan wore nothing other than the shadows and glows from the lights of their home. And a new aura of serenity. Of calm acceptance.

"I love you Qui-Gon. I love you and I am in love with you. As through our bond we now share thoughts and dreams, too I would share my life and body if you will have me. And if not," Obi-Wan now stood just before him, his hand raising to lay alongside Qui-Gon's cheek, palm to beard and flesh, "if not, I will be content to know that I can love without fear. That I am loved despite flaws. And that we are and we will always be together as Jedi."

Qui-Gon brought up his own hands and cupped them around Obi-Wan's face, lifting, tilting it gently so that he could kiss the lips before him. "I love you, my Obi-Wan, and I am in love with you. I will share with you my life and love, my dreams and fears, my knowledge and my failings. I will join with you in body, in heart and in mind, through the Force and through flesh so that you may know all of me." A kiss to his forehead, then Qui-Gon let his hands drop down to rest on Obi-Wan's shoulders. "And if in this we do not find completion, I will rejoice that we are together in the Light. And be content."

A stillness again, unbroken save for their breaths and heartbeats, slowing, matching, deepening as when they joined in meditation. The moment stretched as they looked into each other's eyes. Each other's soul. Finally Obi-Wan let his own hand drop down from Qui-Gon's cheek to his shoulder. He brought his other hand up to mirror its position, to mirror Qui-Gon's position, and at the same time he began lowering all of his outer and inner shields, baring himself in mind as he had in body.

Such a willingness to give had evoked every bond they had formed between them. Every bond that Qui-Gon had tried to deny, such as on Bandomeer, then most recently on the ~Radiant Peace~. Each time Qui-Gon had told himself that it was for Obi-Wan's behalf. But seeing each of those moments again in Obi-Wan's mind, feeling every moment between them replayed, Qui-Gon now knew that too often he had acted contrary not only to the Force or Obi-Wan's wishes, but also to his own.

Xanatos had not so much stolen Qui-Gon's heart and his trust as Qui-Gon had let them be taken. And let them stay kept.

For ten years Obi-Wan had tried to give them back. And now, despite constant rejection or denial, he also offered his own.


Another kiss, another moment, and no specific future mattered as long as they spent it together.

*Well, one thing matters,* Obi-Wan countered with bubbling mirth and sparking laughter.

Qui-Gon simply waited for the words that would, no doubt, match the emotion.

"Master Yoda was right." Obi-Wan's fingers began to curl and tug at Qui-Gon's outer tunic. "Dressed inappropriately someone most definitely is."

In less time than it took Qui-Gon to apply a bit of Force to the loosening of the clasps on his boots and begin toeing them off, Obi-Wan had stripped him of his belt and sash, both tunics and was beginning to drop to his knees to tug off Qui-Gon's pants almost before the Jedi Master had managed to remove his boots. Their bodies were no mystery to each other, as past illnesses and injuries had come often enough where their only succor was each other. Even so, he could sense a thrill of excitement grip Obi-Wan as he now stood naked before his Padawan. And let forth his own pleased and gentle wonder that this time the necessity was for succor of quite a different kind.

Qui-Gon also had some small relief that sexual relations were not a mystery to them, either. While a tiny part of him might have wished he could have been Obi-Wan's first, he could not deny being long appreciative of the sexual being Obi-Wan had grown into without his Master's molding. From his Padawan's accent and voice, the way he stalked more than walked, and the confidence in his body that had not only come from his martial prowess, Obi-Wan had only grown more enticing over the years. He had cared for Obi-Wan the boy, grown to love and despair as any parent might, his Obi-Wan as a teen, and now cherished the man Obi-Wan had become. He was also quite gratified that Obi-Wan's sexuality could be something more than just an object of fond amusement, envious amazement and abstract appreciation.

"You were envious of me?" Obi-Wan asked, looking up for a moment from his position at Qui-Gon's feet and completely oblivious to the heart-stopping attraction of the position.

"Padawans, Knights and Masters have all desired you, my Obi-Wan, from all manner of species and sexes." Qui-Gon brushed his hand across Obi-Wan's head, wanting to lift him back to his feet, yet unable to deny his Padawan's desire to be handling his unclothing. "You could have had any one you ever desired had you but shown the slightest of interest."

"At times I was sure you contrived to have us sent off world so often just so that didn't happen," Obi-Wan laughed, his breath warming Qui-Gon's flesh as his emotions were Qui-Gon's spirit. "Not that I thought you might be jealous or envious. I just thought you wanted to keep me in at night so you could make sure I kept up with my studies."

Qui-Gon let a chuckle rumble through his chest. "A few times I did," he had to admit. "I was afraid I was going to have to ship you off to a monastery to get you to pass Histories of Old Republic Literature and Art of Airborne Species."

Fond remembrance passed through Obi-Wan. "That was when I was with Thraesis," and his face lit up. "He was my first male and we had both been surprised to discover we liked each other more than we had any of the women we'd spent time with previous."

Qui-Gon valiantly tried to ignore Obi-Wan's continued nearness to his thickening penis. Looking up to meet Qui-Gon's gaze, his Padawan had not breathed directly against it, but even so, Qui-Gon was becoming more distracted by the warm moistness every time Obi-Wan opened his mouth.

Obi-Wan's expression took a decided turn toward mischievousness. *He was not nearly so impressive, my Master,* he sent through the link, then suddenly dropped his gaze and head. And found a better use for his mouth and throat.

Although forewarned if only for a second by the glint in Obi-Wan's eye and a glimmer of something within their link, Qui-Gon still could not marshal enough control to keep from exclaiming when his erection was engulfed. Reflexively he widened his stance to keep upright and dropped both hands to clutch at Obi-Wan's shoulders. It would have been so easy to direct them instead to Obi-Wan's head, to take control of the encounter, for instantly he was fully hard and ready to explode just from the concept of what his Padawan was doing. But in this as in so many other things, Obi-Wan had a skill beyond what might be expected of his age, and slowed his talented assault, then pulled entirely away so that, like their first understanding and acceptance that this was what would be happening, the moment could be prolonged.

Obi-Wan's lips were moist from his own saliva and Qui-Gon's pre-ejaculate. Qui-Gon wound his fingers around Obi-Wan's braid and tugged him upward so that he could be the one to finish licking them clean. Which he did, then plundered for more inside of Obi-Wan's mouth. His own mouth was in turn explored, his lips licked and kissed, then Obi-Wan moved down to the bared skin of Qui-Gon's throat, though he raked fingers through the beard.

When Obi-Wan stopped to draw in a deep breath, Qui-Gon decided it was his turn and he took advantage of his height and strength. Moving his hands to cup the firmness of Obi-Wan's ass and slightly lifting, did his own exploring, starting at the hollow at Obi-Wan's throat and dips of his shoulders. In seconds Obi-Wan was panting and squirming. Finding a particularly sensitive spot, had Qui-Gon not already been supporting most of his Padawan's weight, Obi-Wan might have fallen as his knees buckled.

A near surrender followed this, and Qui-Gon could not resist the offered opportunity. He raised Obi-Wan further up off of the ground, but when his Padawan moved to wrap his legs around Qui-Gon's waist, Qui-Gon instead continued to lift Obi-Wan with a little help from the Force. He up ended Obi-Wan over his shoulder.

Obi-Wan's thoughts were all surprise and bright laughter. He also gave a little protest until he discovered the advantage was all Qui-Gon's. The laughter quickly turned to a startled gasp, then broken moans. For even as Obi-Wan had moved to adjust himself, Qui-Gon had steadied his Padawan, spreading his hands across the nicely upturned flesh. He moved his fingers moving inward to brush across the generally protected bundle of nerves at Obi-Wan's opening, regretting that he had nowhere near his Padawan's flexibility to be able to actually get his tongue to replace his fingers. But Qui-Gon could keep them moistened, which he did to insure giving no discomfort from his relentless assault as he took them into his bedroom.

When Obi-Wan tried the same thing, stretching his body to its full extent as his chest lay against Qui-Gon's back, and in an attempt to use not only fingers but his tongue, Qui-Gon let one of his fingers sink inward, thus further distracting his Padawan. And thusly coaxing out yet another lust-inspiring groan. Not to mention coaxing a release of pre-come from the rigid penis trapped between their bodies, and a tightening of Obi-Wan's scrotum as Qui-Gon added the lightly furred sac to the pattern of his active fingers. He quickly inserted his other forefinger too, gently prying Obi-Wan further open and imbedding one, then the other finger deeper into the amazing, welcoming warmth.

Left to himself Obi-Wan would have slipped away in his near mindless state, but Qui-Gon had hold of the wriggling body not only with hands but with the Force. Intentionally or not, his Padawan was not going to get away until the Master was ready to let his prize loose. For a few minutes longer Qui-Gon simply stood at the side of his bed which, like their bathtub had originally belonged to a Wookie and so was generously proportioned, relishing the growing single-mindedness of his Padawan's emotions and actions under his unceasing ministrations. Qui-Gon finally slipped a third finger in with a little judicious tweak from the Force, pumping, then curling it to brush across Obi-Wan's prostate.

Instantly Obi-Wan's breath caught and he arched away from Qui-Gon, his entire body stiffening then bucking as an orgasm overtook him. Qui-Gon kept his fingers moving to prolong Obi-Wan's reactions, then when he was sure his Padawan was spent, gently pulled his fingers free but kept hold of Obi-Wan's hips. Obi-Wan was near boneless and not quite fully aware, so it was not difficult to then toss him gently enough down on the bed.

Even before Obi-Wan had fully regained his wits, Qui-Gon landed on knees and hands on the bed himself. He began crawling up his Padawan's legs, growling when Obi-Wan widened their spread to keep him inward, and tilted his hips in wanton invitation. Laughter and lust stayed in their link, along with eager encouragement. Once he was within reach, Obi-Wan drew his fingers through the ejaculate that now covered much of Qui-Gon's chest. He mixed it with Qui-Gon's own pre-come, then grasped hold of Qui-Gon's penis to spread the moisture for lubrication. When both of them were content with Obi-Wan's thoroughness, Qui-Gon let Obi-Wan guide him.

It was almost too much just being sheathed. Tight and so warm. Qui-Gon began to thrust, but Obi-Wan grabbed at his hands and pushed, both of them rising until Obi-Wan rested against Qui-Gon's thighs, his legs supine to either side and behind Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan kept hold of Qui-Gon's wrists, crossing them at the small of Qui-Gon's back, then wrapped his legs tightly and effectively trapped Qui-Gon in this position. When Obi-Wan then twisted and began to lick away the remaining evidence of their passion, to suck at Qui-Gon's collarbone and nipples, it took every ounce of Qui-Gon's control not to break from the loving restraints. But somehow he managed to hold himself stationary as Obi-Wan continued to map out with his tongue each bone and line of muscle across Qui-Gon's chest, folding himself to even continue down toward his abdomen.

At last Obi-Wan dropped back, landing on his elbows. He shifted his hips upward again and dropped his feet back to the bed. Qui-Gon brought his now free hands back forward and followed his Padawan all of the way down. Closing his teeth around Obi-Wan's lower lip and giving a slight tug, Qui-Gon then plunged his tongue in as Obi-Wan's mouth obediently parted. This time he tasted Obi-Wan - all of Obi-Wan, and knew that before morning he must taste his young lover again directly from the source.

Catching the thought or at least the emotion, Obi-Wan spread his legs even farther and slid off of Qui-Gon's thighs. He quickly pulled his knees up so Qui-Gon could shift onto his own, so that Qui-Gon would plunge deeper with cock. And with tongue. Qui-Gon angled to make his next thrust inward as pleasurable for his Padawan as it was for himself, then pulled back much more slowly before thrusting again. So long able to read each other in training, meditation and battle, they quickly established a rhythm set to enhance each other's sensations.

His Padawan's eyes were indigo and all dark pupil, his cheeks flushed and his lips swollen. Qui-Gon poured his feelings of love into those pools, then moved to lick at the cleft of Obi-Wan's chin, next brushing it with his own, rubbing roughly with his beard. Obi-Wan writhed and rubbed back, offering little nips and kisses, making little moans and entreaties to compliment Qui-Gon's own expressions of desire and delight. He latched on to Qui-Gon's earlobe, sucking, licking, and began lifting his hips completely up off the bed to meet each of Qui-Gon's thrusts.

Obi-Wan moved even more aggressively, now wrapping his legs back around Qui-Gon's waist and lifting so that he lay on the bed only with his heels, his shoulders and his head. Qui-Gon closed his eyes and began to arch backward, driving them oh so close to release. Needing one hand down to support himself, Qui-Gon grabbed at Obi-Wan's resumed erection with his other. Too few minutes had passed for Obi-Wan not to be too sensitive to be fisted so Qui-Gon simply held the firming organ tightly, his thumb pushing against the flared bottom ridge of the glans. He then began to ripple his fingers one after the other, silently marveling that all those hours he had spent in his youth (and much to Master Yoda's dismay), practicing flipping coins through his knuckles, could have such a practical application years later.

Obi-Wan's fingers shot out and caught at Qui-Gon's nipples even as he was tumbled into his climax, squeezing, pulling, sharing and sending electric sensations rushing through Qui-Gon's body. With a roar, Qui-Gon let go any thought of holding back and shook through his own orgasm.

Eventually they both stopped shuddering, began breathing. Thinking, although trying nothing more complicated than the pleasure they'd shared and ~shared~. Maybe just a bit of pride for helping the other find such pleasure.

Finally Qui-Gon lowered his head back down to give and receive a tender kiss. He then pulled out completely from Obi-Wan and rolled over to sprawl into a somewhat seated position. Shifting so that he could place his hand on top of Obi-Wan's chest, Qui-Gon could feel as well as sense their heartbeats begin to slow and synch back together. With his unoccupied hand he reached back toward the door that opened into the shared bathing room.

Because Obi-Wan had needed a soak earlier after his workout and sparring session, a couple of damp towels hung across the rods. Through the Force Qui-Gon grabbed one up, levitating it out so he could wipe them both clean. He then gave Obi-Wan a nudge and a push at his hips to have his Padawan turn over so that he could continue cleaning. And to insure that no damage had been done.

Although he knew Obi-Wan was no virgin to penetration, Qui-Gon was also aware that Obi-Wan had not been with anyone for several months, and that his last partner had been a woman. Not to mention that he had little doubt that Obi-Wan had been the one doing most of the penetrating in his previous liaisons with his former male partners.

Obi-Wan gave a contented noise and shifted sensuously under his ministrations, granting Qui-Gon leave to do what he would. After finishing with the towel and the inspection that showed nothing untoward, Qui-Gon moved his hands up to Obi-Wan's shoulders, rubbing then kneading more deeply the pliant flesh. He did so not completely in the manner of the healing massage he had planned earlier, but more with the touch of a lover. Obi-Wan shifted again so that one of his hands was freed from where he had crossed them under his chest, and he twisted his head so he lay facing toward Qui-Gon, though his eyes stayed closed. He placed his hand on top of Qui-Gon's nearest knee, simply content to touch.

Seeing his braid matted against Obi-Wan's throat, Qui-Gon carefully pull free the evidence of his Padawan's years and training, draping the sweat-darkened strands out of the way so he could continue with the massage. He couldn't resist tugging it a little, but that caused sleepy eyes to open, and also Obi-Wan's mouth. Never his intent to disturb his young lover, Qui-Gon brushed his fingers over the lids and lips, not needing Obi-Wan to say what Qui-Gon could clearly sense - and mirrored -- through their now completely stabilized bond of Fusion.

"Just rest, Obi-Wan. Sleep if you want to."

The eyes opened again, a little wider this time but nearly all pupil. "But I should - shouldn't -"

"I should like to do this, my Padawan," Qui-Gon said with a smile as he continued to rub his thumbs across the back and sides of Obi-Wan's neck.

Obi-Wan arched into the caress and nodded, even digging a little deeper into the blankets he lay atop, pressing harder into the pillow he had managed to catch hold of and drag over. Qui-Gon smiled at the innocently erotic picture this presented, and at the level of love and trust Obi-Wan's actions and thoughts expressed.

Qui-Gon then shifted his touches, working down along the muscles and planes, beginning to loosen each, yet not stopping as he might have had he been giving the massage for medical or stress relief reasons. He began to dig and knead the firm muscles of Obi-Wan's ass, not delving too far this time into the crack or across Obi-Wan's inner thighs. Although he intended his offering as sensuous comfort, the point was not to arouse either of them again quite yet, so he somewhat quickly continued lower. When he reached the over-tight outer thigh muscles now quite darkened from the bruising sustained with the Force Pike, Qui-Gon allowed more of the Force to tingle through his fingers, again offering what aid he could to speed the damaged tissue's healing. Then he gentled his touch again and continued to knees and calves, spending long minutes learning the sensitivity of ankles and arches, heels and toes.

By the time Qui-Gon finished his tactile mapping of all of Obi-Wan's body, his Padawan was not quite asleep, yet had dropped into a level of floating consciousness that was closer, but also not quite a state of meditation. He could have - would have - responded in an instant to any need or command of Qui-Gon's just as easily as he could have let go into sleep or meditation. Their shields stayed lowered between them, and from this sharing, Qui-Gon found the reason Obi-Wan had not let either sleep or meditation claim him. Humbled that his Padawan had not wanted to miss out on any of their first time together, Qui-Gon could only continue to pass on his love to Obi-Wan in response. Along with the thought that perhaps too much stock was being placed in his old Master. And not just a little pressure.

*Foolish Qui-Gon,* Obi-Wan's thoughts came back clearer over their link than Qui-Gon had expected for the other's state of relaxation. *This is what I do during and after all of the pure moments in my life when I can. As I did the rest of the night following the first time you called me Padawan, then the day after Master Yoda acknowledged our pairing as true. Or the first time you showed me your pain and allowed me to offer you comfort. Our first kiss.* He drew in a deeper breath and opened his eyes which Qui-Gon fell into just as eagerly as he did the offered memories of those moments which were as clear as if they had just happened, so carefully preserved they had been.

"Sleep I can always make up," he smiled in languid contentment. "Tonight you have given me a series of moments to hold next to the others and with me for as long as I live."

Together in mind and spirit as they now were, Qui-Gon brought forth his own memories of those same moments, showing the importance they had also held for him. He offered a few more; his first introduction to Obi-Wan and the beacon his Padawan had been in the Force even then despite anger and fear, his own anger and fear that had led the Master to reject what Master Yoda and his own heart were saying. The fear that his return to Melinda/Daan had come too late and the relief when he had found Obi-Wan alive if not whole. His sense of rightness the first time they fought alongside each other. His pride when Obi-Wan had stood up to an angry Master Gallia during a mission debriefing before the Council. The moment Obi-Wan sought comfort in his arms on T'ias and was able to overcome exhaustion, agony and emotional distress worthy of the trials of Knighthood.

He might not have captured each moment quite so intact as had Obi-Wan, but Qui-Gon was a Jedi Master, and had an ability to recall not only memories and words from past occasions, but the emotions and currents of the Force that had lay within the moment too. And there was something in the Force about T'ias beyond even their bond of Fusion ...

In many ways T'ias ~had~ mirrored the parameters often set up by the Council for a Padawan's trials. Both Master and Padawan had been made to face their fears of separation, and the shadowed places within themselves to see how they would respond. Obi-Wan had showed great maturity in being able to put the mission before his own health and, perhaps more telling, before Qui-Gon's safety. That he had then been able to continue to set aside his fears to help resolve the conflict, and had been able to also set aside his anger, rejecting vengeance against those who had caused all the heartache, had been noted not just by Qui-Gon.

*I have enough change and accomplishments to consider just by being here in your bed, Qui-Gon,* Obi-Wan interrupted his musings gently. *The only trial I want to contemplate is whether to ravage you before or after a nap.*

"As you wish." Qui-Gon tucked his own thoughts about his, the Force's and Mace's reactions to how Obi-Wan had handled T'ias into a portion of his memories he could recall later. *But the answer is no.*

Obi-Wan's eyes popped open. "No -"

"No, you can't ravage me because it is not yet your turn."

Qui-Gon had never stopped touching Obi-Wan during their sharing of memories, and he now moved his hand again up to brush against Obi-Wan's face, again drawing his Padawan's eyes closed. Using touch to distract, to try and put the other back into a state of bliss, he also began carefully restoring a bit more of his shielding. Not enough to cause either of them distress, but this way he might be able to keep a few things secret with regard to what he had planned for the rest of his turn. Yes Obi-Wan would get a turn. But it would come after, and he did not intend for it to be sleep that took his young lover's consciousness.

Reaching through the Force into the outer room, Qui-Gon levitated a tray and the sash that Obi-Wan had hastily stripped away from him before they'd made it into the bedroom. Obi-Wan's earlier nap had not only kept him from getting a massage, but also any dinner, although Qui-Gon had prepared and set a tray. It had been forgotten in Mace and Master Yoda's arrival, then in the wonder of their coming together.

But no longer.

The covered tray he set on the pillow behind Obi-Wan while he directed the sash down to cover Obi-Wan's eyes. Qui-Gon didn't tie the cloth, he didn't want Obi-Wan have need to move from his position of rest.


He could have simply asked Obi-Wan to keep his eyes closed; such was often a task he placed on his Padawan during training sessions. But this was not to be a lesson in control from a Master to a Padawan. That his Padawan trusted his Master was expected. That Obi-Wan trusted Qui-Gon was something to be explored. And treasured.

Obi-Wan's only reaction to the blindfold was another soft sigh, of comfort or anticipation, and a twitch in reaction to the softness of the material that Qui-Gon had let trail across his Padawan's neck before leaning over to fold and position it to cover Obi-Wan's exposed ear as well as his eyes.

"Actually, maybe I had better have you roll onto your back now," Qui-Gon suggested, and put action to words with a nudge from his hands, making sure he levitated the tray back up off the bed lest Obi-Wan turn onto it, or at least brush a hand against it. His Padawan would learn of its presence soon enough.

He then repositioned the sash, taking advantage to run the material across more of Obi-Wan's face, paying particular attention to Obi-Wan's lips. Having been given no instruction to try to control his reactions, Obi-Wan let himself respond to the sensation, but not wildly enough to duck away from or finally dislodge the material when it was back in place over his eyes. Qui-Gon followed up the stimulation across Obi-Wan's lips, this time with his fingertips, even as he reached over for a slice of citrus.

Its overpowering scent attracted Obi-Wan's attention first, but Qui-Gon immediately rubbed it against lips swollen from Qui-Gon's kisses and now tingling from his touches. He then twisted and broke the pulp between his fingers and let the sweet juices spill across his Padawan's lips. As Obi-Wan's tongue snaked out, Qui-Gon pushed the section against it then gently inward. He brought down and used his own tongue and lips to lap and suck at the juices when Obi-Wan was forced to swallow.

After several varying repetitions to dispose of over half the fruit wedges, Qui-Gon next reached for one of the plump berries off of the tray. Placing it carefully between his own teeth, he leaned over and instigated a deep kiss, crushed the pulp between the two of them. Its tang after so much sweet made Obi-Wan start, but Qui-Gon's continued kiss kept his young lover from moving as much as he might have in his surprise. While at least part of the moan this wrung out of Obi-Wan was for the kiss, seedless pomgra berries were also one of Obi-Wan's favorite food. They were quite out of season this time of year and an expensive indulgence even when more readily available for import. And thus, totally unexpected for more than just the taste.

And all the more treasured for the care their purchase represented.

Qui-Gon fed Obi-Wan more of the berries until both Obi-Wan's lips and his own fingertips were stained a deep red. He next dipped some into sugar lest Obi-Wan's palate become too rough from the tartness, then the last few into a pool of cooled but still liquid chocolate. Again Obi-Wan moaned at the new tastes, the moan drawing out when Qui-Gon continued to paint the chocolate across his Padawan's lips with his fingers. Qui-Gon let loose with a moan of his own as Obi-Wan chased after the fingers and licked each one thoroughly clean.

Their erections were showing resumed interest, although neither yet felt a sense of great urgency. Even so, Qui-Gon positioned himself back over Obi-Wan, his knees outside of Obi-Wan's hips so that they might enhance the growing stimulation. Obi-Wan's hands lay between his own thighs and Qui-Gon's calves, but his lips lay within easy reach and Qui-Gon was in no way ready to give up his fun. Or the advantage of control this position put him in. Not to mention that there remained a plateful of food, even if some offerings would be too difficult to expect Obi-Wan to eat in this position.

Qui-Gon tightened his legs when Obi-Wan would have rubbed their erections more forcibly against each other, keeping the contact there light. The groan of protest this brought forth was now slightly hoarse, so instead of food this time, Qui-Gon levitated the tumbler into this hand and drank a full mouthful before setting it back. He did not swallow, only warmed the flavored drink within his own mouth, then leaned forward for another kiss. From this position he could now also place both of his hands at the side of Obi-Wan's head, helping him raise up just enough so Obi-Wan wouldn't choke from the inrush of water.

*I may never be able to eat in public again you realize, Master,* Obi-Wan sent across their link as Qui-Gon laid him gently back. Along with his pleasure, Obi-Wan's urgency was definitely growing, but was not yet beyond his Padawan's control.

"We can do this whenever you desire," Qui-Gon murmured into Obi-Wan's mouth. He finally ground his own hips into Obi-Wan's. "But we might need to work out a different way to consume protein -"

Qui-Gon was actually rendered speechless for a few moments as Obi-Wan visually gave his answer to that, and the Jedi Master had to stop his movements in order to keep his own measure of control. *I had no idea you were so imaginative, Obi-Wan. Or so flexible.*

Obi-Wan shook underneath Qui-Gon's weight with laughter and tried to push out a little with his hands to free them from between his and Qui-Gon's legs. "If you free me, I will be happy to demonstrate."

Qui-Gon bit gently at Obi-Wan's throat before rising back to a seated position. He spread his knees just enough for Obi-Wan to pull his hands out when he did and grabbed at Qui-Gon's. Obi-Wan quickly drew him further up until he straddled Obi-Wan's chest, but Qui-Gon then stopped with his erection only brushing against Obi-Wan's lips from this position. Obi-Wan gave a half moan, half groan as he teased his Padawan, going forward no further.

"Master, please!" Obi-Wan grew more frantic, clutching at Qui-Gon's hips to force him the last few inches closer.

But Qui-Gon captured his Padawan's wrists in an unbreakable grip and drew them up instead. To place them at the headboard, Qui-Gon did need to lean forward, which then repositioned his penis close enough so that with enthusiastic efforts and a strain on his neck muscles, Obi-Wan could do more than just smear his lips. So enthusiastic was he in swiping across Qui-Gon's weeping tip with his tongue that for an instant he didn't seem to realize Qui-Gon had used the Force to remove the sash, folding and twisting the cloth lengthwise with more mental manipulation. The Jedi Master then wrapped it around the wrists he held tightly, until Obi-Wan's hands were bound together. Which he then tied to the bed frame.

"What?" At this Obi-Wan's eyes shot open, but Qui-Gon tenderly rubbed his thumbs back over Obi-Wan's eyelids, coaxing them to shut again, coaxing Obi-Wan to lay his head back again. Qui-Gon then took one of the unused napkins from the tray to cover his eyes once more.

"Hush, my love." Qui-Gon dropped kisses to Obi-Wan's lips, the corners of his mouth, the cleft of his chin. He brushed his awareness over their link to make sure Obi-Wan was only startled by the restraints and not bothered, and as the empirical evidence of Obi-Wan's now full erection that brushed against Qui-Gon's backside as he shifted a bit lower again might support.

Excitement, anticipation. A sharp threat of revenge.

*You can try,* he responded a bit smugly.

*Oh, there is no try, my Master," Obi-Wan promised. *I have always been as diligent in learning Master Yoda's lessons as I have yours.*

*Yes, you have,* Qui-Gon agreed fondly, shifting all of his weight onto his own knees and off of Obi-Wan's body. *But there are a few things I need to test you on.* And with no more warning than that, Qui-Gon dragged his fingers down Obi-Wan's arms, starting at just below the bindings. He kept his touch light, barely there, and made sure to cover every area of exposed skin several times. At the inside of Obi-Wan's elbows, then just above his armpits, Qui-Gon stroked a bit heavier, stayed longer. Gooseflesh raised almost instantly and Obi-Wan needed abort his attempt to recapture the head of Qui-Gon's cock within his mouth as he fell back under the onslaught. Qui-Gon wasn't tickling, at least not the type of contact to induce laughter or anger, but it was close and just as devastating.

Continuing with the lighter touches, he shifted back down and moved across Obi-Wan's armpits next, then down his sides, across ribs and around the navel. Qui-Gon ignored the hardening nipples and also stopped just at the expanse of ginger colored hair dusting Obi-Wan's groin. Obi-Wan's penis bobbed more steadily, seeking to force contact on its own, but Qui-Gon quickly took his fingers back up to Obi-Wan's collarbones. Over and over he touched all of Obi-Wan's chest, over and over he shifted his own body, trailing his own bobbing penis across almost as much taut skin as he did his fingertips. Obi-Wan had began to take shorter breaths, and once Qui-Gon began varying where he touched, giving his Padawan no warning and eliminating his chance to anticipate under the randomness, the shallow breaths turned into fairly steady little gasps.

Hearing a hoarseness building again, Qui-Gon took another full drink and kissed more moisture into Obi-Wan's parted mouth, using his position and height to then work his fingers again on Obi-Wan's arms, this time scratching lightly above the bindings, against wrists and palms. Between the curling fingers. Most of Obi-Wan's body was now trembling underneath his. Qui-Gon slid lower again and returned his attentions to Obi-Wan's chest, inducing the gasps again, and the hoarseness, and this time when he gathered up the glass, he withdrew one of the melting cubes of ice. This he used to tease at Obi-Wan's lips, melting more of it there, and down across the cleft so it wouldn't be too much once he finally pushed the remnant between Obi-Wan's lips.

The shaking was now much more pronounced, the cold adding to the hyper-sensitivity he was coaxing out of Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon had no doubt Obi-Wan was anticipating more with the ice, which only added to his Padawan's shudders. And Qui-Gon did dip his fingers into the glass again, but only to moisten them before rubbing them across Obi-Wan's lips, then into the parting mouth and even across tongue and palate. Only as Obi-Wan was relaxing into this did Qui-Gon grab up another piece of ice.

This he touched almost too quickly to register across Obi-Wan's armpits, then just as quickly across the erect yet so far neglected nipples. This time when Obi-Wan gasped, Qui-Gon dropped a trio of the remaining berries back into Obi-Wan's mouth. Obi-Wan bucked - tried to - but Qui-Gon had tightened his knees around Obi-Wan's hips again and once more used his own body and weight to hold Obi-Wan down. He let the drips of the cube scatter across Obi-Wan's nipples for a few more seconds, then drew it down the thin line of hair from chest to stomach, to Obi-Wan's navel. And there he dropped it, letting it lie and melt as he kept Obi-Wan from being able to dislodge it.

*Qui-Gon ... M-Master!*

Qui-Gon said nothing, did nothing. Obi-Wan's mental voice was near incoherent, not with anger or fear, but simply overwhelmed by sensation. He pulled at the restraints, not even thinking about using the Force to free himself; not that he could work his thoughts and remember it was his to command anyway. He tried to twist his wrists, his body, and could move only the upper part of his torso but not enough to ~do~ anything.

Qui-Gon watched as trickles began to spread out, not so much from Obi-Wan's writhing, but from the melting and large size of the cube he had chosen this time. As some of the icy water spilled into the soft curls below Obi-Wan's navel and flowed against the head of his rock-hard cock, Obi-Wan bucked so hard that Qui-Gon needed use his hands to hold him in place and insure Obi-Wan didn't hurt himself. Finally this dislodged the decreasing ice of mass, but instead of sliding off stomach or hips, it slid down the same path as the larger trail of water.

Obi-Wan howled.

Sliding further down Obi-Wan's legs, Qui-Gon kept his hands firm against Obi-Wan's hips and bent forward to lap at the puddle left in Obi-Wan's navel, with Obi-Wan's erection flexing against his throat and chin.


Qui-Gon tipped the remaining bit of ice away from Obi-Wan's cock and into his mouth, then showed some semblance of mercy. He ignored Obi-Wan's penis and slid down until he could tongue Obi-Wan's testicles, first taking one into his mouth with the conflicting sensations of warmth and ice. Then the other.

Already hoarse from panting and gasping for so long, already near mindless from pleasure, Obi-Wan's mental and verbal scream was more intent then actuality. The ice was now nearly gone, but Qui-Gon tongued it between his lips for one last use, drawing it over Obi-Wan's perineum even as he tilted Obi-Wan's hips upward. He ended with the ice, his lips and then his tongue at Obi-Wan's opening just as the ice finished its melting. Obi-Wan spasmed voicelessly but before he could clench completely shut Qui-Gon inserted the tip of his tongue and the last bit of icy water into the quivering muscle.

Another wordless cry, part scream, part pleading. Qui-Gon needed use the Force this time to keep Obi-Wan relatively immobile, and needed to use his hands to grip the base of Obi-Wan's penis to keep his young lover from being able to climax.

*No, p-please!*

Qui-Gon ignored the begging and thrashing. He probed deeper, lightly fucking with his tongue, keeping Obi-Wan on the edge, keeping himself in control by concentrating on the sweet sweat, musk and whimpers he was drawing forth from his Padawan. For several more minutes he kept this up, stopping Obi-Wan time and again from release, while building up the need higher and higher. Obi-Wan couldn't even beg anymore, couldn't form the words in voice or mind. Twice before Qui-Gon had brought Obi-Wan to orgasm with no more than teasing and manipulation, but that was not his goal this time.

Keeping his hand firmly around the base of Obi-Wan's penis, Qui-Gon shifted up to tongue then swallowed the rest of the glorious stalk. Then almost before Obi-Wan could draw enough breath to shout, Qui-Gon was rising, repositioning himself on calves and knees. He guided the well moistened cock into his own ass while simultaneously using the Force to free Obi-Wan's hands. Obi-Wan convulsed from the feeling of penetrating his Master, engulfing Qui-Gon's body between his own chest and - no doubt - aching arms.

And Qui-Gon did not resist when he was pushed to lie back. Obi-Wan repositioned himself, dragged himself up on to his hands and knees so that he could control his own thrusting. And plunder Qui-Gon's mouth. He didn't last long - couldn't last long after being kept so long on the edge - but it was enough for Qui-Gon to feel full and loved, and for him to give in to his own orgasm with Obi-Wan's tongue, seed and emotions filling him inside and out.

When Obi-Wan's arms began to collapse, Qui-Gon simply drew him down and cradled him through their shared aftermath, letting his own love and tender feelings wash through the link. Finally he rolled them both to their sides, kissing away tears, then wiping away some of the stickiness lest it interfere in their closeness and caresses. Having come three times in a little over two hours, Obi-Wan was nearly asleep even before Qui-Gon levitated the towel and the tray off of the bed. He resumed his hold around Obi-Wan's arms and back and Obi-Wan snuggled back in as close as he could without wearing Qui-Gon's skin himself.

*Love you,* came the sleepy, yet intense thoughts.

*And I you,* Qui-Gon responded before giving in to his own body's compulsion to let go. He pulled the nearest edge of the topmost blanket over their sated bodies. He hadn't quite caused Obi-Wan to faint, but at least his Padawan's sleep was from more than exhaustion.

As would be his own. And upon morning's arrival, midday's or whenever they both finally awoke, he and Obi-Wan would confirm for the Council what several members already expected. Obi-Wan was ready for his trials. And whatever the outcome, pass or fail - though Qui-Gon had no doubt Obi-Wan would pass - the two of them would be staying together afterward, in partnership, in Fusion and ~in~ love, through death and beyond until they passed forever into the Light that filled their combined souls.

-- Finis --

I Can't Hold Back

There's a story in my eyes,
Turn the pages of desire, 
Now it's time to trade those dreams,
To the rush of passion's fire.
I can feel you tremble when we touch
And I can feel the hand of Fate
Reaching out for both of us

I've been holding back the night
I've been searching for a clue from you
I'm gonna try with all my might
To make this story line come true
Can you feel me tremble when we touch
Can you feel the hand of Fate
Reaching out to both of us
This love affair can't wait

I can't hold back
I'm on the edge
Your voice explodes inside my head
I can't hold back
I won't back down
It's too late to turn back now

Another shooting star goes by
And in the night the silence speaks to you and I
And now the time has come at last
Don't let the moment run too fast
I can see you tremble when we touch
And I feel the hand of Fate 
Reaching out to the both of us
This love affair can't wait

The Search Is Over

How can I convince you what you see is real
Who am I to blame you for doubting what you feel
I was always reaching, you were just a boy I knew
I took for granted the friend I have in you

I was living for a dream, loving for a moment
Taking on the world, that was just my style
Now I look into your eyes, I can see forever
The search is over, you were with me all the while

Can we last forever, will we fall apart
At times it's so confusing, these questions of the heart
You followed me through chances, and patiently you'd wait
Till I came to my senses, through some miracle of fate

Now the miles stretch out behind me, loves that I have lost
Broken hearts lie victim of the game
Then good luck it finally struck, like lightning from the blue
Every highway leading me back to you

Now at last I hold you, now all is said and done
The search has come full circle, our destinies are one
So if you ever loved me, show me that you give a damn
You'll know for certain the man I really am

I was living for a dream, loving for a moment
Taking on the world, that was just my style
Then I touched your hand, I could hear you whisper
The search is over, love was right before my eyes