How Deep Is Your Love? Epilogue

by Minuet (

Archive: master_apprentice

Category: Humor

Rating: PG, for pretty goofy

Warning: This hasn't been betaed.

Spoilers: One, on the back of my Grand Prix

Summary: The epilogue to my two-part response to Knight Smeg's first line challenge: "Qui-Gon, no one is going to believe we're lovers." It might help to review the first two parts. All song selections are from my own 20th high school reunion.

Note: I'm only writing this, because Susan flattered me unmercifully. Feedback: Well, sure. Otherwise, I'd just sit around and read this to myself.

Disclaimer: I didn't do it. And even if I did, I didn't make a dime.

The story so far: To impress his high school buddies, Qui-Gon has taken Obi-Wan as his very sexy, much younger date to his 40th reunion. While there, Obi-Wan has entirely too much to drink and declares his real feelings for his master. Shift we now our scene to a nearby hotel bathroom.





"Are we going to spend the rest of the night in the jacuzzi?"


"Good, because I'm beginning to look like an Aderaanian prune."

murmur of vague assent, followed by a soft snore

light smack

"Oh, no you don't, my Studly Master of Luv." silkily "I believe my body still has one more check to cash."

slide of wet skin

soft snort "Braggart." soft kisses, tired sigh "Would you mind very much holding that check on account until tomorrow morning, Obi-Wan?"

longsuffering sigh "And here I had my hopes up."

ruefully "I do apologize, my heart. But right now, your hopes are about the only thing I could get up."

laughter "All right, old man. I suppose we'll just have to turn in early. You dry off, and I'll put some music on."

splashing, sound of wet feet, door swinging

from the bedroom "I have something special for us."

a moment later

incredulously "Is that what I think it is?"

happily "Yup--it's our song. One of the bleach blonde cheerleaders gave me the CD as a 'momento of our newly discovered passion'." humming softly

"Obi-Wan, how could that possibly be our song?"

crestfallen "It was playing when we had our first dance at the reunion. Don't you remember?"

"Was that the song?" exasperately "Oh good--why couldn't it be something reasonable, like 'If I Can't Have You' or 'How Deep Is Your Love?'"

stubbornly "Because it just isn't, Qui-Gon. This is our song, and I think it's charming and romantic." more forcefully "So exercise some of that vaunted Jedi serenity and get used to it."

singing along "More than a woman. You are more than a woman to me..."

groan "Mace is never going to let me hear the end of this."