Honesty Within

by Vermillion Flame (Vermillion_Flame@hotmail.com)

Archive: Yes to m_a, anyone else please just ask first

Series: Sequel to Demanding Honesty. It will be more meaningful if you've read the first story.

Category: first-times, romance, angst

Rating: NC 17

Summary: The events of the day following Demanding Honesty. After Qui-Gon is honest about his feelings for Obi-Wan, the apprentice must dig deep to discover his own true feelings. (Cameo appearance by Sleepy!Obi.)

Feedback: Yes, please! I'm still very new to writing fic of any kind, so I find I suffer from the Sally Fields Insecurity Syndrome (SFIS). Your feedback would be savored.

Disclaimer: The characters herein belong to Lucasfilm, no copyright infringement intended.

Notes: Champagne and Jedi for Y2K eve go to my beta readers, who provided excellent comments, and hopefully got Obi-Wan prone on the bed using the correct term. Thank you muchly, michelle, Amber and my poor overworked Padawan Calypte.

Plot Nudge: In the first story, Obi-Wan confronts Qui-Gon after receiving only criticism despite his excellent performance of duties. Qui-Gon admits his fear of eventual separation from Obi-Wan. Hot first-time sex ensues. (Go read it, you'll like it!)

Obi-Wan awoke, slowly.

"...Mmmnph." He curled his naked limbs into a tight ball, snuggling into the blankets. 'Warm. Lovely,' he decided.

He worked hard to sink back into the thickness of slumber, and managed to doze lightly for a few minutes, but the persistent beat of reality kept tapping on his brain.

He finally admitted to himself that it may actually be morning. 'Time is it?' he thought, prying one eye open just far enough to peek at the table beside the bed. 'Not there. Where's my chrono?'

He turned his head to look in the opposite direction, feeling disoriented now. 'Not my bed,' he blearily surmised. 'Big bed. Qui-Gon's bed? QUI-GON'S BED!'

His eyes flew open as the events of the previous evening flooded back into his consciousness. He reached his hand out to the empty space next to him. The sheets were cold. Damn. Oh well, his master had always been an early riser. Maybe that was why he didn't have a bedside chrono.

He rolled over onto his back and took a luxurious full morning stretch. A smile grew from his thoughts, which were replaying some of last night's more stellar moments. His body remembered, too, and responded enthusiastically to the mental vignettes.

'Not now!' Obi-Wan reprimanded himself, trying to quash his arousal. After his efforts yesterday in asserting his maturity, he certainly did not want to make a morning appearance looking like a randy teenager. He made a determined effort to control his passionate streak, but his body had other intentions.

'Think of something asexual,' he counseled himself.

'Master Yoda.' That was certainly a safe topic. 'My master's master. Such an unlikely pair.' He envisioned Qui-Gon and Yoda walking down the hallway together, one small and wizened, the other tall, muscular, strong....

"Stop it! No, no, no!" he scolded aloud. Afraid Qui-Gon had heard, he slammed the pillow over his face and 'Arrrghed' into it.

'Master Yoda's ears!' That was better.

'The hair in Master Yoda's ears. Uggh.' Success at last. Flaccidity was restored.

Obi-Wan dimly became aware of kitchen noises coming from the other side of the quarters. Before his thoughts could once again run rampant, he swung his legs off the bed, into his leggings, and stood.

He had taken a few tottering steps toward the door to the common room when he felt a wave of dizziness overtake him, and realized he'd stood up too quickly. Unfortunately his master heard him stirring, and chose that moment to send a mental morning greeting. The light-headedness, combined with the unaccustomed use of the training bond, sent Obi-Wan weaving his way across the common room, looking like a padawan who'd had too much Alderian brandy.

If his eyes had been open, Obi-Wan would have seen his master smiling affectionately as he approached. When the apprentice finally arrived at his intended destination, Qui-Gon pressed a mug of hot tea into his expectant hands. The master placed his palms on the sturdy shoulders, turned him about, and dropped a kiss on top of his head before giving him a gentle push forward.

'That's new,' Obi-Wan thought appreciatively of the kiss as he sipped his tea and doggedly made his way to the fresher.

For years Qui-Gon had indulged his padawan in this prolonged wake-up process when at home on Coruscant, even during the most strained periods of their relationship. He knew that the younger man's body had a greater physiological need for sleep than his own. Obi-Wan had proven many times that when necessary he could be instantly awake, saber in hand and ready to defend. Content in that knowledge, Qui-Gon held his tongue on this issue, secretly enjoying the sight of his padawan in his befuddled state. The amusing thing was, Obi-Wan was too sleepy to realize he was being cosseted by his master, or he would have objected.

As the wickedly hot shower pulsed away Obi-Wan's brain fog, additional events of the prior day began to trickle into his consciousness. Again he felt stricken as he confronted the likelihood of his eventual separation from Qui-Gon. It was as if he were to be punished for his exceptionally fine skills. 'Work harder, Kenobi, so we can cut you off from your master even earlier!' a figmentary Council member advised.

There must be a way for them to be more useful to the Jedi as a team rather than separately. Surely nothing was inevitable. He wanted to believe so, especially now that he and Qui-Gon had found....

What exactly had they found? Neither of them had truly spoken what was in their hearts last night. Obi-Wan wasn't sure he even knew what that was.

The young man leaned his head against the shower wall, allowing the hot spray to pound his shoulders. He could not put a label on what he had felt while lying in Qui-Gon's arms. He'd spent most of the last year trying to convince himself that his master's opinion did not matter to him. Now, suddenly, that opinion was the most important thing in the universe. He needed time to think this through, to analyze his feelings. But first, he knew, he needed to talk with Qui-Gon.

Having at least decided on a first step, Obi-Wan finished the rest of his morning ritual, emerging from the fresher ready to take on whatever the day would bring.

"Morning, Master," Obi-Wan said brightly as he headed for the kitchen.

"Good morning." Qui-Gon marveled, as always, at the difference between the young man who went into the fresher and the one who came out. He wondered what happened in that little room to cause such a transformation - surely more than a hot shower. He continued eating as Obi-Wan began to root through the food stores for his own breakfast.

The two men had long ago discovered they had vastly different ideas of what constituted a decent morning meal, so each fixed his own, and they only rarely ate together. The apprentice had evidently found something to his liking because he sat down at the table next to his master with a second cup of hot tea and a handful of something on which he was munching. Qui-Gon tried not to look at it. His own stomach tended to be a bit sensitive this early in the day.

"Master," Obi-Wan began between mouthfuls.

"Yes, Padawan. We need to talk," Qui-Gon finished the thought without looking directly at his apprentice. "Unfortunately, we do not have the time just now to give this conversation the attention it deserves. I have a meeting in a few minutes, and I believe you have an exam this morning."

"I suppose you are right."

Qui-Gon peeked at his padawan's dejected expression, and wrinkled his nose. "What is that smell?" He quickly reversed himself. "No! Please don't tell me."

This was an old game between them, comforting to resume after a long hiatus. "I'm sorry, Master. How impolite of me not to offer! Would you like some Malorian ch...."

"No! No, I'm quite finished with my breakfast, thank you," Qui-Gon blurted out as he rose abruptly from the table and headed to the kitchen to rinse his dishes.

Obi-Wan finished eating as he watched his master move purposefully around the room, gathering the few things he would need for his morning. As he headed toward the door, Obi-Wan rose and stepped away from the table.

"Saber practice after midday meal?"

"Yes, of course. I'll see you then."

He turned to leave, but Obi-Wan couldn't bear for the previous night to go virtually unacknowledged. It hurt.

"Is this the way it's going to be?"

Qui-Gon stopped and turned, tilting his head as he looked back into his padawan's eyes. "What do you mean?"

"After last night, is this how it's going to be? Casual? Almost as though nothing happened?"

After a moment's hesitation, the master strode across the room, stopping before his apprentice. He spoke in a low voice. "No, Obi-Wan. This is how it's going to be." He wrapped his arms tightly around the younger man, bent down and delivered a soul-searing, mind-bending kiss. It left the apprentice gasping.


"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan eked out.

Qui-Gon gave him a brief smile, then turned with a bit of a dramatic swirl of his robe, and left.

Obi-Wan stood fixed to the spot near the table, feeling pleased and frustrated at the same time. He really did not want to go through the day without talking to Qui-Gon, but there was not much he could do at this point except get ready for his own morning schedule.

When Obi-Wan locked his mind onto a problem, it was almost impossible for him to let go until he found a resolution. It was no different with the issue of his changing relationship with his master. As he walked through the hallways to his advanced astrophysics class, he continually turned the subject over in his mind. He was still focusing on it as he sat down at the terminal to begin his exam. He was also vividly remembering that kiss.

'What if I were not the 'perfect padawan?'' he conjectured. 'What if I were, say, to develop a need to repeat a class?' He stared at the problems on the viewscreen. It would be simple enough to do. If he made a small miscalculation in the angle of projection, it would be compounded in subsequent figures, resulting in an answer beyond the acceptable deviation. Just a couple of such errors and he would fail the test.

He lifted the stylus, still staring but his eyes no longer focused. Could he actually do this? Could he compromise his integrity in an attempt to prolong his time with his master? He felt as if he was enacting some theorem from his morality class, only this was very real. Beads of sweat broke out on his forehead. He felt ill.

"Are you unwell, Padawan?" The instructor was at Obi-Wan's elbow, concern showing in her face.

The young man felt as though he might vomit. "Master, may I be excused?"

"Of course, Obi-Wan. Perhaps you should go to the Healers."

He fled the room. As soon as he gained the hallway, Obi-Wan collapsed against the cool stone wall, gulping deep breaths of air. What was he thinking? He desperately needed time to come to know his own mind. He gathered his strength and willed himself toward his favorite meditation spot.

As he made his way to the gardens, he passed Master Yoda approaching the Temple building. Obi-Wan nodded to him distractedly, but did not speak. Yoda, however, called out moments after they had passed.

"Padawan," Yoda began carefully, "are you ill?"

Obi-Wan turned, but remained where he stood. "Not ill, Master, but troubled. I am on my way to the Xeric Gardens to meditate."

Yoda's gaze pierced him. "Well you should, Obi-Wan. A cloud hangs about you this morning. See me you will, if you need to talk?"

"Of course, Master Yoda. Thank you." Obi-Wan felt shame flush his cheeks as he quickly turned down the walkway. Was he exuding his emotions so plainly?

He arrived at his favorite low bench, settling in amongst the plants he had come to admire. They were plain but sturdy, armed with a variety of defenses against potential predators. Some of their tactics were readily apparent, like the many thorns popping out from fleshy stems. Others they held secret until needed.

The young man worked at releasing his tension through deep, even breathing. He tried to arrange the events of the past day into some semblance of order so that he might analyze his reaction to them. But the more he grasped at the myriad words and actions, the more the truth eluded him. Instead of serenity, he found increasing frustration.

He bounded up and began striding back and forth before the bench, remembering Yoda's comment about a cloud hanging around him. Why would Yoda, master of the carefully chosen word, say such a thing?

He froze in his steps as the realization hit him. Sitting in that classroom, he had brushed up against Darkness. He had considered compromising the Jedi principles that were a fundamental part of his being. Was this what an intimate relationship with his master could lead to? Obi-Wan's knees felt weak and he returned to the security of the bench.

He again settled himself and this time gave up any attempt to control his thoughts. He stopped trying to analyze, calculate, or manipulate. He instead aimed simply to exist in his niche within the Living Force. Gradually, he regained some degree of balance. He spent many long minutes simply breathing and contemplating the beauty of the life within and around him, seeking peace.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon entered their quarters, headed for post-workout showers. Unlike the previous day, Obi-Wan had found no solace in the afternoon's physical exertion. Try as he might, he could not relax into his sparring, could not find the rhythm he usually fell into with his master. Instead, his movements were stilted and forced, leaving him open to Qui-Gon's attacks. Two singed spots on his skin attested to his carelessness.

During a short break in their workout, Qui-Gon had gently chided his student. "Padawan, you must be able to keep your concentration under mental duress. Actual battle conditions are seldom tranquil."

"I know, Master," Obi-Wan conceded. He had no excuses.

Qui-Gon saw him glance at the door to the training ring for at least the third time during their session. This distraction needed to end.

"Are you expecting someone?"

"No, Master." After a slight pause, Obi-Wan asked hesitantly, "Would you mind if I locked the door?"

Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow in question, but responded affirmatively. "As you wish, Padawan."

Door duly locked, Obi-Wan had tried to focus on the moment, funneling the encouragement that flowed from his master along the training bond. But it was simply a hopeless afternoon, and the young man grew increasingly distressed. Finally, Qui-Gon put an end to his embarrassment and suggested they return to their quarters.

Qui-Gon knew his padawan was stressed. During the midday meal, Yoda had told him about his encounter with a disturbed Obi-Wan on his way to the meditation gardens when he should have been taking an exam. The master suspected what was bothering Obi-Wan, but he wanted to postpone bringing up the matter until they were in their own quarters with the evening before them for an undisturbed discussion.

Now, fresh from their showers, the two men sat on the couch of their common room, the topic looming large before them. Where to begin?

Qui-Gon decided to start with the obvious, just to break the silence. "Obi-Wan, we should discuss what happened between us last night."

"Yes, Master."

The older man sighed. That certainly didn't get them very far. "Do you want to tell me what you are feeling?"

Obi-Wan breathed out sharply with a hint of self-deprecation. "That's exactly the problem. I don't know what I'm feeling. I've spent most of the day trying to analyze my own mind, but haven't found any answers." He leaned forward, making a study of his hands. After a moment he continued. "I am confused, Qui-Gon, about your place in my life."

The apprentice turned his face towards Qui-Gon. "What about you, Master? What do you feel?"

"I have had more time to deal with this than you have, Obi-Wan. I never admitted it to you, but I realized over a year ago that my feelings had begun to change." He took a deep breath, bracing himself before continuing. "I've known for some time that I love you - not in a platonic way, but as one adult loves another."

At the mention of the word love, Obi-Wan winced slightly and drew his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them tightly. He spoke without looking at his master. "You certainly chose a strange way of expressing it."

"Yes, Padawan." Qui-Gon turned, shifting his hips to more directly face his apprentice. He wanted to reach out and take the smaller hand in his, but resisted the temptation. Obi-Wan needed distance right now. "I know I hurt you terribly, and I again say that I am sorry for the pain my selfishness caused you."

Obi-Wan sighed and looked up toward the ceiling. He really did not want to revisit this point.

Qui-Gon tried another tack. "You have been telling me what you are unsure of. Is there anything that you do know?"

"Well, after last night, I know that I am attracted to you physically." Obi-Wan gave his master a sidelong glance and spared a quick grin. "Most definitely attracted. But that is lust, not love."

Qui-Gon waited, hoping his padawan had more to say. With his own love now openly acknowledged, he felt vulnerable. He desperately hoped his sentiments would be returned.

"I know the thought of living a future without you in my life each day fills me with dread." Obi-Wan's eyes fixed intently on Qui-Gon's, seeking understanding. "Is that love?"

The master sighed. This was so difficult when his heart was practically screaming to his padawan. But he knew he had to let him find his own way. "I can't answer that question, Obi-Wan. Love is different for each of us."

Obi-Wan started to rock slightly, still tucked up on the couch. "I have been turning it over and over in my head, trying to find a solution, some way that we can stay together. Don't we make a good team, Master?" Obi-Wan's voice was tinged with despair.

"Yes, we do." Qui-Gon stared at his own hands, wishing there was something he could do with them to fix this problem. "But we must do what is needed, not what we want."

Obi-Wan could no longer sit still. He rose to pace rapidly in front of the couch, his face contorted by the frustration of inner contradiction.

He threw up his arms as he spoke. "Qui-Gon, I came so close today to deliberately failing my exam. Then this afternoon when we were sparring, all I could think of was that I didn't want another master to watch us, to make some judgement about how ready I am for my Trials. That's not what comes from love. That's evil! I'm a Jedi, damn it." Obi-Wan had begun to shake. His voice was choked.

He stopped in front of his master, hugging himself with crossed arms. He poured his distress into his words. "I don't want to love you Qui-Gon! It hurts too much. It hurts too much knowing that we won't be together."

Qui-Gon's heart froze. He stood and seized his padawan, clutching him against his chest. "No, Obi-Wan, sssshh." And then to silence him, he quickly covered his lips with his own, seeking that which he knew must be there. Force, let it be there.

Obi-Wan's emotions roared into that kiss, opening, taking, grabbing whatever part of Qui-Gon he could find. Maybe he couldn't have a lifetime with him, but he could have this moment.

This time it was the master who was left breathless by their kiss. Obi-Wan broke away, and taking Qui-Gon's hand in his, pulled him to the bedroom. Qui-Gon allowed himself to be led, surrendering to his padawan's intentions.

Obi-Wan stood next to the bed, slowly and deliberately removing his clothes, his eyes locked on his master's face. Qui-Gon stood watching the handsome body being slowly revealed. It was incredibly arousing just to look at him.

When Qui-Gon moved to undress himself, Obi-Wan sent him a mental admonition. [Wait.] He stepped very close, and just as deliberately began to divest his master of his clothes.

As each square inch of skin was exposed, it was explored by Obi-Wan's fingers, his lips, or his tongue. He noted the differences in the skin's texture - so soft on the shoulders, rough on the worn elbows, deliciously calloused on the fingers, furry on the legs, tender behind the knees. His favorite spot was just where the leg met the torso, that incredibly soft, delicate skin that lay on either side of Qui-Gon's penis. Kneeling, Obi-Wan nuzzled his face there, touching, licking, breathing the smell, glancing to see the visible effect his attentions were having on his master. By the time he was completely naked, Qui-Gon was shaking with want.

He pulled Obi-Wan up to kiss him again, and then whispered softly into his ear, "Take me."

It was a plea -- a plea from a man who had long carried an unadmitted need, made to the one to whom he must reveal himself. Obi-Wan gasped as the words sent a jolt of shocking desire through him.

[ Yes, Qui-Gon. ] He lie down on the bed and pulled his master down beside him. [Turn over.]

Qui-Gon willingly turned and knelt, a supplicant to the love this act was meant to embrace. He positioned himself, elbows supporting his upper body, waiting.

Obi-Wan stared at his master's back. The vulnerability of the position and the trust it implied made his heart clench. He picked up the bottle of bath oil Qui-Gon had used the previous night, and rubbed some onto his hands. He stroked and massaged his master's back, moving down to the round cheeks of his ass, working ever closer to the most sensitive areas. Obi-Wan kissed and sucked the spot at the base of his spine.

Qui-Gon moaned, rocking slightly as the waves of pleasure and anticipation built.

Finally, Obi-Wan's fingers slipped inside Qui-Gon's body, slowly, carefully. The kneeling man was breathing harshly, trying to control his need to plunge back against that hand. Time seemed to slow as Obi-Wan moved the fingers in a hypnotic rhythm, in and out, each stroke seeking the spot that would generate the starburst.

"Aaahhh." Qui-Gon did arch and push back then, craving more. "Now, please, Obi-Wan. Take me now!"

Obi-Wan withdrew his fingers and moved closer to his master's body. His own cock ached for this consummation, but still, he hesitated. He felt the desire - the need - for him pouring over their bond. The power of that need was almost overwhelming.

Qui-Gon looked back over his shoulder. Obi-Wan's eyes locked onto his, and saw the truth that shone from them. Qui-Gon looked away, then, as Obi-Wan sank deep inside him in one slow thrust. The young man's breath rasped, controlling the urge to release himself immediately.

Encouraged by an impatient groan from Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan began to move with long, fluid strokes, the speed of his thrusts increasing ever so gradually. He managed to reach around Qui-Gon's body to stroke his penis, wanting to bring him the same degree of pleasure he felt.

This was unlike anything Obi-Wan had experienced before. The sensation of penetrating his master became a revelation. He felt the Force ringing through their bond. Joy flowed between them, and Obi-Wan knew. He knew as he came, shuddering with the final hard thrusts into Qui-Gon's body. He knew as he felt the wetness in his hand and heard his master cry out his name.

The tears came then, unbidden but undeniable. Qui-Gon rolled over and Obi-Wan collapsed onto him.

He sobbed out in anguish, "I do love you." He pounded his fist into Qui-Gon's chest. "Damn, damn, damn. I love you so much."

Qui-Gon let him spend his emotion, relief flooding his own mind. If Obi-Wan loved him, he could cope with whatever happened in the future.

The tears purged Obi-Wan of his inner turmoil. The pounding fists turned into an embrace, and for a short time he savored the comfort of his lover's arms. Eventually, he sat up on the bed, looking down at his master. He breathed deliberately, calming himself so that he could think clearly. He was close to grasping the truth that had evaded him all day, and he meant to lock onto it.

"Master," he spoke shakily, "I understand now. It was the denial, not the love that was making me so confused. Denying my true feelings made me lose my balance in the Force."

Qui-Gon reached out to stroke the leg closest to him, needing physical contact. "We seem to have each had difficulty facing our inner truth in the last couple of days."

Obi-Wan nodded, leaning forward to gently finger Qui-Gon's hair as the master continued speaking. "Maybe now we can look forward with a greater acceptance of our fates. We just need to believe that the Force will provide a future to us that won't be so painful as what you imagine."

"It will, Master. We will find a way that we can be together."

The words were spoken with such surety, such youthful resolve, Qui-Gon couldn't help but believe them.