by FireCracker (KLee624820@aol.com)

submission dated 8-27-99

Pairing Q/O

A/U - Drama, Smut

Rating: R

Obi's twenty-three.

Archive: Go for it

A lover's quarrel sends Obi out on the town

The tension between them had been building for weeks. They had been lovers in secrecy, meeting at secluded and unmonitored locations, or off planet during missions. After returning from particularly difficult negotiations on the border rim planets, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were due some down time. If only it were that simple...

"Well? When are we going to tell them!" the younger man demanded.

"When would you like?!" the taller man thundered back. "Before or after you're denied knighthood or cast out from the order! We've been over this ground before-"

"And gotten nowhere!" Obi-Wan paced their private living quarters on Coruscant, his padawan braid straight in the air. "I can't take it anymore, I can't breathe."

Qui-Gon stared at him in consternation. "You think this is easy for me? The stakes are high for a Jedi Master, particularly when violations occur on the tenets-"

Obi-Wan stopped pacing, eyed him suspiciously. "Oh, I see. It's about you now. I forgot your high status in the Jedi community. Got to keep appearances up, right?"

Qui-Gon snorted. "It's about both of us, stop being ridiculous. And were I concerned about appearances, I would never have come to you six months ago on Korbett."

"Ha!" Obi-Wan sneered. "Who would think it. The great Jinn himself getting laid by his padawan. You're so afraid of the precious Council-" the words tumbled out, he was beyond caring.

Qui-Gon stalked forward slowly, deliberately, staring down into Obi-Wan's face. It was an intimidation move.

"Be very careful what you say to me and how, Padawan" he intoned. "True, I have trained you to be my equal, but you are not. Not yet!" the piercing eyes glinted.

Obi-Wan gulped, stood back. "If there are no further duties for me this evening, I would like to go out a while."

Qui-Gon nodded. "Yes, go. I have a great need for solitude about now."

Obi-Wan changed clothes. Strolling the lower west borough as a Jedi would be neither wise nor practical. Coruscant was a big planet, and the Jedi were regarded with disdain and fear. The inhabitants had little contact with the 'high and mighty on the mountain top.' In some circles, Jedi were regarded as a secret, perverse society.

The west borough was well known for entertainment, however. He picked out a violet silk shirt and form fitting black pants with matching boots. For a bit of flair he weaved turquoise beads and a purple feather in his padawan braid. Going out tonight and having a good time. A touch of force held small turquoise studs on his ears.

A good change of pace, he thought. I get tired of the robes sometimes.

As he stepped out into the hallway, Qui-Gon looked up at him from his study station. He wore his lounging robe. His freshly washed hair was loose and damp, down around his chest and back, everywhere. The deep blue eyes surveyed him with burning intensity.

What's going through his mind? "Master, I'm leaving now. I shall be back in a few hours."

The eyes continued to cut through him, wash over him. No immediate response. He stood slowly, taking in Obi-Wan's appearance as he approached.

"What are your plans?" softly.

He felt his pulse rise. "To have a good time and forget all the craziness" then hesitantly: "I won't be too late."

Another long stare. Obi-Wan's heart pounded faster. Frack, say something, let me go. It's getting warm in here...

Qui-Gon's lids lowered at him. "Enjoy yourself" husky voice.

Obi-Wan bowed quickly, then all but raced out the door. Once outside, he leaned against the door panel, breathing heavily.

Ghods, even when we fight, the heat is between us.

Qui-Gon stared at the door from inside. Galaxy, his beauty almost makes me forget my anger. I should've taken him on the floor.

Obi-Wan endured appreciative stares as he caught the trans-town shuttle. Well, clearly no one recognizes me tonight.

His thoughts wandered. Why were things so tense with himself and Qui-Gon? Was it themselves? The Council's machinations? Or was it the suspicions, rumors and sneaking around? Probably a combination, he decided. He sighed. If it were just the two of them, there wouldn't be a problem. There just seemed to be too much pressure from all sides, and he badly needed release. To make matters worse the tension and arguing had put their sex life on hold: so afraid of prying eyes and appearances, their relationship was being stifled. He rubbed his eyes absently. That's why I need this. If I can't get away for awhile I'll explode.

Qui-Gon reflected on the state of his relationship with Obi-Wan. Perhaps my approach has been wrong here. Both of us are becoming increasingly confrontational. Our love is strong, but so is the frustration. That's what is eating away at us. I must make it right if I can, before it's too late. An idea formed in his mind.

Obi-Wan entered club RISQUE, a joint known for it's near 'anything goes' crowd. At the door were two burly Dooelian bouncers. They eyed him. "Proof of age" one of them scowled. "Show some ID, please."

Obi-Wan reached in his side pocket for identification. He was used to this reaction. Despite having fully filled out his frame, people still mistook him for a minor. Ridiculous. Other species in particular had a difficult time determining ages of humanoids anyhow. "I trust this is sufficient."

The one blew out of his hairy snout. "You're ok, go on in."

Obi-Wan entered the crowded establishment. A blue female was undressing on the bar and patrons were placing bets on who would get to go with her. A fuzzy Luvva was drunk and lying on the floor, licking up whatever alcohol the other patrons had spilled. Two Gorbons were smashing food over their heads. A fat elderly woman sat in a corner with a broken chair over her head. Another man, human, stood leaning against the wall with a glazed expression. His pants were down around his ankles. A drinking goblet was hung over his penis. Not that he seemed to notice. Nobody home.

Obi-Wan laughed. It's zoo night.

He walked across the dance floor looking for a table. Who knows, maybe I'll find someone friendly.

He was being watched with great interest. Two men stood at the other end of the crowded bar. One was tall, medium build with black hair and flashing gray eyes. The other was red haired, short, and thickly muscular. Both watched Obi-Wan.

"Hey Rigo, what do you think of that one?"

"Mmm. Nice. Bet he's not from around here, though."

"I don't think he knows anyone. Let's offer him a drink."

The tall man grinned in Obi-Wan's general direction. "Man, he is sweet. He looks friendly. Come on, let's go." They moved through the crowd with purpose.

Obi-Wan enjoyed the spectacle of patrons. So many random thoughts and impressions weaved through his mind. Most were here to forget and live the moment, like he was. He sensed attraction directed at him. Looking across the dance floor, he spied two men headed his way.

Predators? Maybe not. They seem harmless. Besides, I'm here to have a good time.

"See Strykker, he's looking at us. Told ya! He might be all right" he waved over at Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan smiled back. Sure, why not? They aren't bad looking.

They approached the table. "Can we join you, friend."

Obi-Wan waved at the empty seats. "Sure. I just got here anyway."

They smiled, encouraged. "We saw you come in" the tall one said. "Me and my buddy Strykker figured you weren't from around here."

"So you guys are the welcome wagon?"

"Ha! No, we just live around this 'burg. But you seemed ok. We were just hanging out. My name's Rigo."

"Just call me Obi" smile.

Strykker spoke, surveying him with his eyes. "Where you from, Obi?"

"The...east side."

Strykker appeared satisfied. "Figures. Told ya, Rigo. The dude's probably bored and needed to come here an' enjoy himself a little."

Rigo nodded. "Yeah this side of town is live, and people don't worry about appearances. Can we buy you a drink? What would you like?"

Obi-Wan rubbed his chin. "I'm partial to Corellian Flame Brandy."

"Now I know we're gonna be good friends!" Rigo slapped his back. Strykker grinned.

"You party, Obi? Or are you here to meet someone?"

The ocean eyes darkened. "No. I'm here to forget."

Strykker squeezed his shoulder. "Hey, sorry. You break up with someone?"

He looked at his hands. "Not yet" his expression was pained. "But it's getting there. In a hurry. I just don't know what to do about it" so easy talking to strangers, hard to the one you love.

"Well, anyone that breaks up with you must be crazy!"

He looked into the sincere gray eyes. "Thank you" softly.

Rigo returned the gaze. "Stay with us a while, Obi. At least you can forget. We won't judge you."

The ice green eyes flashed. He brightened. "I really could use some friends right now."

Strykker gave him a brief hug. "You're with us."

Qui-Gon relaxed in the foyer. Small smile. Obi-Wan at the RISQUE? He hadn't pried so much as received visual impressions through the bond.

A den of iniquity. Who'd look for a Jedi there? he smiled wider. Another Jedi.

Qui-Gon made a decision. Who says my padawan is the only one who needs a break? he went to get some clothes. His selection was quite informal compared to his usual attire: red blouson shirt, white balloon pants, black shiny belt and boots.

I need to condition my hair. It tends to dry this time of year.

He found a vegetable emollient suited for the deed. Combing it through the long mass, he proceeded to braid it. A red tie finished the look. My ears. he concluded. A small gold hoop in each. Nice touch.

Looking in a mirror, he surveyed his handiwork. Ha! I should have been a pirate.

Obi-Wan and his companions spent the next few hours drinking and swapping childhood stories. Obi-Wan gave a highly edited version out of necessity.

"Man, I am tore up!" Strykker laughed, leaning into the table. "Damn. That flame brandy's a killer."

Rigo leaned into Obi-Wan. "Got that right. That Bendonian Firewater ain't much better, either. You look a little wasted yourself, Obi."

"Hmm?" dopey grin. "Noooo problem" he leaned back into Rigo. Strykker eyed him, propping his head in his hands, forearms on the table. He pointed.

"Ain't nobody as wasted as that dude."

Obi-Wan and Rigo stared. The man with the goblet on his penis was still against the wall, staring at nothing with his pants around his ankles.

The three young men laughed hysterically.

"What the hell did he drink anyway, engine coolant?!" Rigo giggled.

Obi-Wan' snickered. "You have to admit it's sad!"

"In more ways than one. He must really be a member of the lonely hearts club. What a loser!" Strykker added.

Obi-Wan quieted, looked down. The alcohol hadn't dulled everything. Strykker gripped his arm.

"Hey,...hey Obi. What'd I say? You alright?"

He looked striken. "Nothing, nothing, just..." tears suddenly broke free. He shuddered against Rigo's shoulder. "Dammit!"

Rigo put an arm around him. "Does this have anything to do with your significant other?"

"He, he doesn't care" the words tumbled out. He rubbed his eyes to clear them. "Some people we know would break us up if they knew we were having a relationship. All we do is fight now, he's been so cold lately. I don't know what to do!"

The two buddies eyed each other. "Him?" they echoed softly.

"Yes" Obi-Wan admitted, drained. "We've been meeting in secret for months. I'm not even sure he loves me as much anymore."

Rigo pulled him back into his arms. "It's ok, Obi. Maybe you can work it out" he looked at him closely. "Relax" he stroked the spiky hair. Strykker sidled closer on the other side, protectively.

Obi-Wan felt lightheaded. The emotional exhaustion, the liquor, had taken a toll. He just wanted to forget. His eyes closed a bit and he drifted off...

Felt comforting hands stroking him on the face. A kiss on his ear.


Soothing strokes across his chest, gently massaging his nipples through the shirt. He nuzzled against a neck. The hair smelled faintly of spice. Another hand, sliding down between his legs under the table, softly stroking.


//You dare let them touch you!// rage.

His eyes drifted open a little. /Master. Leave me be./

"Hey, Obi" Strykker said softly. "Come with us. We can't leave you here now."

He looked at the redhead, distracted. "Yes. I'm so tired" he truly didn't care.

Rigo hooked his arm, pulling him up. "We have a place not far from here."

A striking figure rode the public express train to the west borough. Qui-Gon's vision had gone as red as the shirt he wore. This night was spiralling out of control. He felt the probing hands of Strykker and Rigo as if they were on him. An effect of the bond. Obi-Wan clearly was in emotional distress.

I accept my share of the blame in this, but...

"He acts like a whore!" hissed undertone. The mental images enraged him. His mate at a table being pawed, enjoying it. It was too much.

When I get to you, the RISQUE will seem like a walk in the park he swore to himself. It wouldn't be long now.

Three young men entered a high-rise apartment about two miles from the club. Various unsavory characters hung about outside and in the hallways. The low-rent district was littered with refuse. Loud music echoed everywhere.

Obi-Wan looked about in a stupor. "Looks pretty rough."

Rigo turned the doorkey. "Yeah, well, everyone minds their own business around here. If you don't go looking for trouble, it won't find you."

Strykker brought up the rear. "Don't worry Obi. No one will hurt you while you're with us."

They went inside. A small, neat apartment sparsely furnished with an entertainment center, viewscreen, and computer.

Obi-Wan could barely stay upright. In a word, he was hammered.

Strykker held him close. "You really shouldn't have mixed flame brandy and firewater! It's a miracle you're even conscious."

Obi-Wan grinned stupidly. "Hello, floor, here I come."

As he slumped down, Strykker grabbed him, leading toward the bedroom.

"Shh. It's ok, Obi. Let us take care of you."


Soft mattress on his back. He lay quietly, blinking at nothing. Rustle of clothes. Hands stroking him again, opening his shirt, then pulling his pants down.

A breath. "You're so beautiful, Obi."

A part of his brain tried to get unclogged. Something here felt like a betrayal, but he couldn't focus...

Qui-Gon had entered the RISQUE and questioned patrons and employees alike. He spoke to the head bartender.

"Oh yeah. I remember him. Got a lot of looks. Young guy, dressed like he was ready, if you know what I mean."

Qui-Gon felt a stab of anger at the implication.

"Did he leave here alone" he demanded.

The plump barkeep cleaned a glass. "Him? Are you kiddin'? He was with a coupla friends. Looked like they wanted to party, ya know?"

"Damn!" slammed fist on the countertop.

The barkeep eyed him speculatively. "What, he your boy? Maybe if you hang around he'll come back."

Qui-Gon had already dismissed him. "Thank you for the information" he stalked away, weaving through the crowd. As he neared the exit, he paused, stopped in surprise.

A man leaned against the wall, pants around his ankles. Staring off into space, with a goblet on his penis. Nobody still home. Qui-Gon curled his lip in disgust.

Pathetic. I've seen slaver victims in a better state.

He squeezed through the tight exit, out the doorway. Standing in the alley, he focused his senses.

If he weren't so drunk it would be easier to locate him. But I won't be defeated by a fluke. he extended his thoughts outward.

His companions were nearly nude, though he still had his shirt on. His arms and legs refused to respond.

Strykker hovered over him, kissing his neck and shoulders. "Whoever he is, he must be crazy for quitting you" fingers ran through his hair.

Obi-Wan tried to respond, but his tongue stuck to his head. Nothing worked. He felt warmth down low. Rigo worked his lower body, stroking his cock and thighs.

"N-no, something's wrong here" he murmured.

Soft hair nuzzling his crotch. "No baby, don't fight it, let us do you. It'll be alright."

Eyes clouded over. "But I-" he couldn't sit up.

Strykker straddled across his chest with his upper body, silencing him with a kiss.

The emotional turmoil echoing in the bond seemed to be the catalyst Qui-Gon needed. The visions in his head made his rage boil.

I've seen enough of this x-rated comedy, he fumed as he stalked down the side streets. I will break down that door and haul his well shaped ass back home where it belongs. With me!

Drunks, derelicts, and prostitutes stared at him along the way. He took no notice of them, nor cared what they thought. Finding the building he sought, he stormed inside toward the elevators.

Strykker was on his back holding Obi-Wan on top, face down. Rigo stood over the two of them. He sidled lower, oiling between Obi-Wan's buttocks.

Obi-Wan flinched. Fug it, I'm gonna be the meat in the sandwich.

Rigo kissed his back. "It's gonna be good for you, Obi, I promise. Relax, baby."

Powerful long legs bounded down the hallway. Qui-Gon felt accelerated at the thought of his mate's violation. The fools would pay.

Rigo stretched out over top and began to straddle Obi-Wan...

The front door was being kicked in. Rico rolled off, jumped up. "What the frack?!!" he shouted. Racing over to a dresser, he pulled out a knife. Strykker likewise jolted into action, pushing Obi-Wan off. "Stupid asses trying to rob us again!" He yanked up his pants and ran behind Rigo, grabbing a straight razor off the night table. Obi-Wan still lay face down on the bed, nearly dead to the world.

Guess everyone forgot about me.

Rigo yelled out first "All right, you motherfu-"

The two men burst into the living room and froze. The towering figure in the doorway looked like retribution itself. He glowered at them.

"Where is he."

Rigo stared, pointing the knife. "Who...what the hell are you??"

Strykker stared as well. Two on one they had a chance, but this guy was scary...

"What the hell you want, man? Why you come busting in here like that!" the redhead demanded. "We ain't got no money-"

Qui-Gon waved him off. "I don't need money. I'm looking for a friend of mine. He's here. Now stand aside."

Rigo raised the knife. "Look, sucker. I don't know what trip you're on, but nobody comes busting in here making demands. This is our place. Go look for your friend somewhere else, and maybe I won't slice you up."

Qui-Gon's lip curled in a snarl. "You can try. Obi-Wan is here. I want him. Move out of my way, I won't say it again."

"This Mother's got balls" Strykker moved forward with the straight razor. "You want Obi? Fuck off! He's with us now."

Rigo moved forward also. "So you his man, huh? You hurt him real bad, and now you want him? Screw you!"

I can't believe this bantha crap Qui-Gon was amazed. These strangers defend him as I would.

"Have it your way" he gestured at them. Both men went flying across the room. Rigo bounced off a wall, Strykker tumbled over the couch.

Rigo stumbled to his feet. He dropped the knife. "What are you, man?"

"I've got no grief with you" Qui-Gon moved through the living room, towards the bedroom. "But I want Obi-Wan."

Strykker staggered up. "He might hurt him, we gotta stop him!"

Qui-Gon stared in dismay at his lover, face down on the bed. By the Force, I will make this right he swore to himself. Rigo and Strykker burst in behind him. He barely nodded. "Stop."

They froze in their tracks, immobilized.

"What is this, what have you done to us!" Strykker yelled hysterically. "I can't move!"

"Don't hurt him, you witch!" Rigo added, frustrated.

Qui-Gon gave them a shaded smile. "Me? Hurt my Obi-Wan? Never. In any case, you are misguided. Once we leave, you will return to normal and forget that we were ever here."

"Don't think so, sucker!" Rigo hissed, struggling against an unseen force field. His companion wasn't done either. "When we get free..."

"Enough prattle" Qui-Gon hissed through his teeth. Another gesture. Rigo and Strykker were struck silent.

"Obi-Wan" Qui-Gon said at the sprawled figure. No response.

He bent down and slapped the younger man's buttocks. Hard. Obi-Wan yelped and jerked up.

"Qui-Gon??" hazy eyes confused. The taller man hauled him up to meet his eyes.

"How dare you humiliate yourself in this way!"

"It's...it's none of your business" his tongue still kept sticking to his head.

He was hurled back on the bed. Qui-Gon snatched up his clothes, slapping them in his lap.

"Get dressed now. Or I'll do it for you."

Anger and adrenaline seeped in. "Yes, Master."

Qui-Gon stepped into the living room. I'll repair the door to remove all evidence that we were here.

He circled a gesture. The front door re-intergrated. He went back. Obi-Wan was reasonably dressed, though he looked completely disheveled.

"We go." He hooked an arm. They walked past the two suspended men. Obi-Wan glanced back.

"Why trance them? They were my friends!"

"Hah! Such friends that they would take advantage of you."

Obi-Wan glared at him as they left. "I knew what I was doing!"

Qui-Gon's temper was thin. He grabbed his padawan by both arms, shaking him.

"We will discuss this later! Speak no more of this incident now!"

"Have it your way" sullen.

Obi-Wan still had to be half dragged along. As they entered the streets, they received whoops, stares and catcalls.

"Spank the baby!"

"Take dat boy HOME."

"Got hisself a little piece."

"Grabbed a sweet thang in there!"

Bunch of dregs. No class Obi-Wan flipped them a sign.

Qui-Gon pulled him along, telling himself the alcohol was behaving this way. In any case, they couldn't return to the temple with his padawan in this state. He looked about.

The cool night air cleared the cobwebs somewhat. "Why are we stopping?"

"We need to find a place for the night. You will not return to the temple drunk."

He snorted. "Huh. Whatcha gonna do, take the advice of your friends in the alley back there?"

If only you knew. "Be silent."

They passed through another residential corridor. Finally, Qui-Gon spied an overnite guest house. Hopefully their rates are reasonable.

They entered the single level building in the lobby area.

"Ah, good sair" a slender lady with purple ringlet hair greeted them. "Do you require a room this fine evening?"

"Yes my good lady. A room for two please. Something at the end of a corridor."

Obi-Wan eyed him. What's that got to do with anything?

"Is the boy ill, sir? He looks a little wobbly. We have a doctor on hand."

Obi-Wan attempted a small bow, nearly toppling. "Too much party, ma'am. I'll be fine" damned if he'd let Qui-Gon speak for him.

He was steadied. //Enough.//

"I believe I have something in the north wing. Ah, yes, lovely views on that side. Your key."

"Reserve for one night, please."

"Certainly, sair. Rest well."

"Thank you" he bustled his padawan down the hallways.

Qui-Gon keyed the light as they entered the room. It was quite spacious, and simply furnished. Obi-Wan stumbled down the hallway and broke out laughing.

"Silly padawan. What is so amusing!"

He pointed. "Look, two beds for a change!" he sprawled across one mattress howling with laughter.

Qui-Gon sighed, trying to let his conflicting emotions settle. He settled across on the other bed.

"Obi-Wan. Listen to me."

"Hmm. What?" the laughter subsided somewhat.

"I...made a mistake with us."

Icy green eyes glared at him. "Us or me!" he sat up.

Qui-Gon looked at his hands. "Things haven't been well between us. I'm partly to blame, I admit it. You were right, I was concerned about appearances to the Council--"

Obi-Wan folded his arms across himself. "Ashamed of me, Qui-Gon? Think me some plaything for your amusement? I'm not! I told you before, I knew what I was doing tonight. I'm fed up with the Council, and fed up with-"

Qui-Gon's eyes held a dark light. "Me? After your trifling behavior tonight?"

"No more trifling than how it would look to the precious Council if our relationship were discovered!" Obi-Wan shot back.

Qui-Gon felt blind anger rise again. "How do you sit there and say that. I've seen whores with more restraint!" he roared. "I saw you at the RISQUE getting pawed by strangers. Is that what you want!"

"At least they showed me some consideration. Which is more than I can say for you!" a tear rolled down his cheek, as his voice shook. "I'm not stone. You say our relationship is more important to you than anything, yet you act ashamed of it."

Qui-Gon was somewhat subdued but still simmering. "The only shame I feel is at your exhibition. Do you think I enjoyed finding you on someone else's bed!"

Obi-Wan looked away momentarily. His breathing deepened as he looked at Qui-Gon with a strange light to his eyes.

"Cuts both ways, doesn't it?" lazy smile, leaning back. "What is it?" he pulled his shirt off a shoulder. "Frustrated? Wish that it was yourself there-"

Qui-Gon's voice was harsh through his teeth. "Where's this coming from! I'm warning you-"

"Maybe I wanted you to see that" he stroked his bared shoulder. "I wanted to be touched. Why hadn't you touched me in over a month? I see no reason that I should be lonely-"

Qui-Gon spluttered. "You-you would seek others! You dare..." he rose quickly. His breathing quickened.

"I'll touch you alright!" he lunged, lightning fast, pinning the younger man before he could react.

"You're mine, Obi-Wan! Never forget that."

The emerald eyes were wild, unthinking. "Go to hell, Qui-Gon!" he kneed him.

Bitch! he thought, roiling from pain. Obi-Wan spun out underneath, bounding to his feet in attack mode.

"Want to fight me, little padawan? he slowly rose, ignoring the pain from the blow, threatening.

Wicked smile. "Of course, Master. If you can handle it, that is!"

Qui-Gon lunged again, Obi-Wan ducked low and bowled him over in the midsection with his momentum. They both rolled onto the floor, clothes becoming loose and disheveled. Qui-Gon's braid was nearly undone. He used his weight advantage to press the other man face down on the carpet.

Obi-Wan had no intention of letting Qui-Gon close. In desperation, he threw an elbow back, and up...

Hitting Qui-Gon's jaw with a resounding crack! he loosed his hold, cursing loudly. Obi-Wan scrambled away, but soon as he stood up, Qui-Gon leg whipped him, pinning him again.

It was turning into a full scale wrestling match, mano-a-mano, no force tricks. The exertion coated them both in a fine sheen of sweat. No conscious thoughts or words were exchanged. Wild anger began dissolving into a haze of desire. The struggling wasn't vicious as much as it was intense. Qui-Gon found the feel of Obi-Wan's body straining against his arousing.

During their battle, Obi-Wan recorded mental images of Qui-Gon. How fine and hot he looked in his outfit, out of those dull robes. The concern and possessiveness. The deep voice. Rage began to dissipate as exhaustion crept in again, the events of the night robbing him. There was no way he'd recover from so much drinking this soon. His struggles weakened.

Qui-Gon looked down into the face he loved most. Chest heaving, Obi-Wan had clearly reached the limit of his endurance. He loosed his hold, but wrapped a hand around the back of his padawan's neck, forcing his head up a little. Raw heat spiked between them. He wrapped the padawan braid around his other hand, immobilizing Obi-Wan's head completely.

His mane was loose and tumbling around both of them. "If you ever run out on me again like that, I'll break your neck. Understood?"

Obi-Wan stared at the near-black eyes. He wasn't sure if Qui-Gon meant it or not. "Yes, master" he breathed. He had no strength for anything else.

Qui-Gon was also breathing heavily, and not from anger. He frowned. "You reek of their scent. I'll tolerate it no more" he wrenched the younger man to his feet, dragging him toward the bathroom. He held Obi-Wan in one arm while turning on the shower head.

Qui-Gon pushed him up against the shower wall while the water ran down his face and shoulders. Bending low, he removed Obi-Wan's pants and boots. Their shirts were open, clinging to their bodies, becoming heavy with water. Obi-Wan's head tilted up, enjoying the warm water on his face when...

He felt soft kisses on his stomach. Water ran in rivulets down his chest towards Qui-Gon. His navel began to poke out, and it wasn't the only thing. A tongue lapped at the water running between his thighs and the trunk of his body. He clutched his lover's head, directing it downward. More...

A hot mouth gripped his cock while long fingers massaged his balls gently. The lips pulled free. Qui-Gon turned Obi-Wan's cock in the direction of the water spray, letting it run over the velvet head and then plunging his mouth on it again. The sensations nearly drove him over the edge. Hot fingers slid behind his balls, gliding up his opening, pumping slowly. Obi-Wan's hips squirmed against the wall. /That's so good.../

Qui-Gon's eyes blazed with lust. Obi-Wan looked hazily down at his bondmate. The wet hair was a shimmering curtain hanging near to his hips. His shirt was solidly wet and clinging, showing every detail in the muscled chest, nipples prominently peeking out. As he deep throated Obi-Wan again, he reached down with his other hand, unzipping his pants and freeing his own cock. Slowly he stroked himself in rhythm.

/Ghods, I'm going to burst, he looks so hot. I want it.../

//What do you want, my love. Tell me!//

/You, all of you. Now!/

Their blood was up. It was always good between them, but when it was hot, it was the best. Qui-Gon crouched between his legs low, grabbing each plump cheek, lifting and separating, pulling his legs wide apart...

Sliding a potent cock up his channel, rising up underneath him against the wall. Obi-Wan threw his legs around the powerful hips. He clutched at the muscular back, bucking and riding Qui-Gon while water cascaded down them both. As Obi-Wan threw his head back, Qui-Gon sucked his throat noisily. His legs wrapped wildly about his lover, as the sensations overwhelmed them both. He was flying now.

"Come on! Do it! QUI-GON!!" he screamed, climaxing.

"Yesssss. NOW, Obi-Wan!" teeth bit into his collarbone as the larger man's flood came in response.

They stayed pressed together like that a few moments, the only sound being that of the shower. Slowly they slid down the wall and nestled in the tub, slinky wet.

The heat was there. So was the love. Qui-Gon looked softly at his mate. Obi-Wan was out cold. He tapped a cheek lightly.

"Padawan. Are you alright, wake up!"

"Hmm? Oh." dazed. Fuzzy.

"You were unconscious."

Obi-Wan stroked the face and beard tenderly. "Saw stars. Ghods, I forgot how strong you are Qui-Gon."

Qui-Gon kissed the plump lips, then suckled along the firm jawline. "Only because of you beloved. I need thee."

Obi-Wan gasped at the tickling beard. "I want to apologize...about everything. There was no excuse."

His lover nuzzled lower. "There is nothing you could do to make me stop loving you. As for the rest...it doesn't matter" he licked at a fat nipple.

"Oh! That tickles...what about the Council?"

Qui-Gon continued to work that nipple. "You mean the bane of our existence?" he trailed over to the other nipple, pinching the first one.

"Aaaah...yesss" Obi-Wan squirmed. "Qui-Gon...love you..."

Nip, suck, pull. "I don't want to talk about them right now."

Obi-Wan arched up. Qui-Gon had cupped his tit and was devouring the second nipple voraciously.

/Maybe we should fight more often./ Obi-Wan was twisting in pleasure again, hazing out.


/So we can make up like this!/

Qui-Gon smiled. He had more work to do this night...


Thoughts, anyone?