Green Eyes

by Beckymonster

Rating: NC-17 (just to be safe:-))

Archiving: Yes to the M_A and to the Sith_Chicks.

Catergories: Angst, Drama, First Time

Feedback: Please?!! I am asking very nicely:-)

Notes: This story was inspired by a thread on this list about Obi being more experienced than Qui. At first the muse didn't want to know... three days later (at work) this bunny bit - and bit bloody HARD!!! So thank you!

Thankyous: To 'Chelle, my beta reader, I just wish I was as good as you are dear, at this stuff! Without her excellent comments, this story would be something completely different!

To the Sith_Chicks for letting their evil listmom drive them up the wall with this!

To Rob D for 'Clubbed to Death' and to Polly Jean Harvey for 'Long Snake Moan' two tracks that were relentlessly played to death while this was being written!

And to Ray Park, for providing.... a model for one of my characters!

Dislcaimer time!: The cute masters and the the blond padawan are all George Lucas'. More power to his elbow for creating such a wonderful sandbox! I make no moneys! The brunette (I WISH!!!) is my creation.

Humbly dedicated to Lissa and Smitty - for making my life more interesting...:-)

Pairing: Q/O & O/P

Synopsis: Master Jinn catches his apprentice 'entertaining', which leads to a reappraisal of their relationship.

Qui-Gon Jinn palmed the front door lock to the quarters he shared with his Padawan.

It had been a long day. The Council had, in their wisdom, decided to send both Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi on another mission, to mediate in another dispute.

Regardless of the fact that in the last standard month, they had been on four different missions, mediating disputes in different areas of the republic.

#The Council had promised us a break# Qui-Gon thought as the door slid open. The thought was without bitterness or anger. It just was. #Obi-Wan is becoming worn out... as am I. #

Caught up in his musings, Qui-Gon did not hear the sound until he had stowed his cloak. He paused a moment. Cries of... pain. Obi-Wan was in pain.

Without pausing, Qui-Gon ran silently through their quarters to his Padawan's room. He paused at the door, unhooking his lightsabre, firing it up.

The cries of pain were still present, louder now, due to his proximity.

A Jedi never gives into anger, Qui-Gon thought grimly. Well, who ever Obi-Wan's attacker was, they would find out how close one could get.

He reached out with the force to silently unlatch the door, with a push the door violently swung open with a crash.

Qui-Gon stood there, battle poised ready for any attacker. It wasn't needed.

Obi-Wan was not in pain. He was not being attacked either.

What he was doing was covering another young man's (a Padawan, Qui-Gon thought dispassionately) body with his own and sodomizing him.

The cries Qui-Gin thought were of pain were of pleasure instead.

Qui-Gon Jinn simply wanted the temple to swallow him whole.

#Obi-Wan, harder! I want to...# The mental voice of Pauek Sayema, Padawan to Master Erhong, cried out to his partner as he opened, both physically and mentally, to the other man.

#Want to what? # Obi-Wan teased, slowly sliding himself into the boiling heat of the other.

It had been his idea to use his room for their coupling. After all, wasn't Qui-Gon out all day in meetings with the Council?

Not only that but most likely they would be staring at transport walls for the next three days, on their way to mediate in a crisis, that only they could handle. It was beginning to take its toll on both of them, mentally and physically. Obi-Wan knew this, so when Pauek (who he had been flirting outrageously with the last time they had been able to stop over at the Temple between missions) accosted him in the corridor, with a desire to carry on where they left off, who was he to argue?

That was over an hour ago.

In the mean time, all thoughts of duty, missions and control had been chased away by the feel of strong arms, long fingers, ocean blue eyes and a strong, buffed body begging for him to take.

Then he heard the crash.

He reflexively looked up to the source of the sound, quickly pulling himself out of Pauek, who was also reacting to the sound, by pulling his lightsabre from his muddle of clothes on the floor.

Then Obi-Wan's blood turned to ice water. The cause of the noise was his Master, Qui-Gon. He stood in the doorway, battle stance, ignited lightsabre in hand.

#Oh Force!# Obi-Wan thought, a mix of panic and embarrassment flooding through him. #He must have heard the noise...#

He made himself look at his master, though all of his instincts were telling him that hiding under the covers would have been a better idea.

The expression on his Master's face was one of shock, embarrassment and... something else.

In all of their time as Padawan and Master, Obi-Wan had never seen that reaction. It confused him.

"I apologise for disturbing you, Padawan" Qui-Gon whispered, extinguishing his unneeded lightsabre. He turned around, his body language spoke to Obi-Wan of controlled pain.


Obi-Wan tried to stammer out an apology but was answered with a final sounding click of the front door of their quarters closing as Qui-Gon left.

Qui-Gon strode through the corridors of the Jedi Temple. Thankfully his physical presence was such that those unwise enough to cross his path cleaved to the walls, giving him clear passage.

Anything else would have meant a trip to the infirmary, as it was obvious that Jedi Master Jinn was concentrating on other matters as opposed to general safety.

His mental state was disturbed. Greatly disturbed.

So he turned his steps to find the one who could help him defeat the disturbingly dark thoughts that haunted him.

Eventually Qui-Gon reached a door. He palmed the chime.

The door slid open to reveal semidarkness beyond.

"Come in Qui-Gon" A voice stated.

Qui-Gon entered the room as bid. The room was part of a set of Master/Padawan quarters, identical to the ones he shared with Obi-Wan.

#Funny# Qui-Gon thought as he made his way to the seated figure by the bay windows, #That after all of these years, my Master still keeps the same quarters he had when I was his Padawan. #

"Master Windu" Qui-Gon whispered as he approached the seated figure.

Mace Windu turned to look at his visitor.

"Something troubles you, Padawan" He stated softly, turning his chair to face the larger man."What is it?"

Obi-Wan Kenobi stood in the middle of the main living area and sighed heavily.

It had been over five hours since his master had caught him in flagrante with Pauek.

Five hours without a word or force touch.

It was beginning to be a matter for concern. Qui-Gon was a creature of habit. He would not just walk away without telling him where he was going. Too many dangerous missions in situations where at least one party wished them ill made the routine a necessity.

In the interim, since Pauek left, Obi-Wan busied himself with his chores, doing anything and everything to stop himself from thinking.

Thinking about the peculiar look on Qui-Gon's face as he stood in the doorway of his quarters, and of Pauek's parting words.

With the mood so utterly smashed, they had simply laid together, holding each other in silence. Then Pauek stated that he had to return to his master.

It was as Pauek was about to leave, when he turned to Obi-Wan saying

"Obi, it wasn't your fault. Master Jinn is confused about you" Obi-Wan didn't even try and contradict his friend's analysis. He knew of Pauek's skills as an empath, yet it threw up a new question. Why?

With a hug and a peck on the cheek, he left, leaving Obi-Wan to wrestle with his fears...

Qui-Gon was fond of telling him to trust his instincts. Well, they were telling him that something was wrong, very wrong. Qui-Gon would not mention it, so it would be up to him to find out and try to bring about a solution.

Firstly, he had to find Qui-Gon.

He picked up his cloak and headed out to find his Master.

Qui-Gon Jinn settled onto the floor before his former Master. Although he had trained three Padawans, the bond between himself and Mace had remained as strong as it was as when they had been Padawan Learner and Master. Even with his responsibilities as joint head of the Jedi Council, he was always available to his former students. Of the Padawans he trained, Mace was most pleased with Qui-Gon.

He was the one that should the force will it, should take a place on the Council.

For him to seek him out in this fashion, the problem must be of great importance. Windu waited, when Qui-Gon was ready, he would talk.

"I caught Obi-Wan slipping another Padawan the lightsabre." Qui-Gon stated simply, locking his gaze on the floor.

"Why should that be a problem Qui-Gon? As I remember, you had no compunctions about 'entertaining' in such a fashion," Mace pointed out.

Qui-Gon looked up, smiling wryly, meeting his master' gaze.

"I caught him inflagrante with another young man"

"Qui-Gon, you are the last person I would expect to have an aversion to male love. You have always had as many male admirers as female. There is another reason. What is it?"

Qui-Gon lowered his head. How could he express that which, up until this afternoon, he had kept buried deep inside, only to have it thrown in his face?

"I have fallen in love with Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan Kenobi left the Practice Halls. No sign of Qui-Gon. He had looked everywhere for his Master, and had turned up a complete blank.

Although he had tried to school his features to calm, he could not do the same for his emotions.

Obi-Wan allowed himself to be buffeted by the ebb and tide of his fellow Jedi leading him to one of the Temple's balconies.

#Fear leads to the Dark Side. # He chided. #So why can I not control mine? Qui-Gon will be fine. #

He took up a stance at one of the ledges, looking over the bustling cityscape.

He sighed. There was, of course, the other reason. The one that was locked away, for many reasons.

He loved his Master.

Most of the time, it was subsumed into other aspects of his life, only to be brought out and examined, when there was no one around to read the thoughts. He had mentioned it to one of the Jedi Counsellors, when he had developed the emotions as a teenager. He had thought that there was something dreadfully wrong with him to have such feelings for his Master. The Counsellor smiled and told him that what he felt was 'perfectly natural' and that the crush would pass as he matured.

#I reached maturity five years ago. # Obi-Wan thought #My feelings haven't changed. I love him. #

He sighed heavily. The soul searching did no good, it did not answer the most pressing of questions. Where was his Master?

The Force then blessed him with inspiration. #Of course! Why didn't I think of that before? #

Heartened, Obi-Wan turned from the view and strode away.

"Qui-Gon, you are not the first Master to develop romantic feelings for your Padawan" Mace Windu explained to the man seated at his feet. "Nor will you be the last. It is not forbidden, Obi-Wan is over the age of maturity." He paused a moment, studying the features of the other man "But that is not what bothers you, is it?"

Qui-Gon stood up and began to move around the room, nervous energy betrayed in each movement.

"No." The younger man whispered. "I am innocent in the matters of male love. I do not know how to make my feelings known to him." He looked to Windu.

Mace could see the glitter of unshed tears in his Padawan's eyes.

"I am afraid that if I did tell him, that he would turn away from me, revolted by my age. Preferring companions of his own age-"

Qui-Gon replayed the tableaux he witnessed earlier in his mind. In his darkest fantasies, he had imagined being taken by and taking Obi-Wan like that, savouring the younger man's beautiful, virile body next to his own,

"I would not begrudge him that, but I am afraid that my jealousy would destroy our Master Padawan relationship."

"Jealousy is a powerful dark side emotion," Windu observed.

"Yes," Jinn whispered in agreement "I fear the effect it would have on our existing relationship. Obi-Wan does not deserve to have his training disrupted by my jealousy."

Windu steepled his hands, features clouded by thought.

"It could be a problem, yet you do not know how Obi-Wan would react to you. When you know his reaction, you will know how to act. It may be necessary to separate you if the worse comes to the worse-"

Qui-Gon closed his eyes and rested his head against the cool glass of the window. He could countenance anything but that. Being separated from Obi-Wan would be worse than the dark side. Controlling his jealousy he could do, but to lose Obi-Wan would mean losing his soul.

"I suggest patience Padawan. Watch Obi-Wan's body language, his words. If he cares for you, it will show. Then would be the best time to tell him." Mace counselled. "If the force wills it that this is not to be,-" he shrugged his shoulders, "Then we will discuss the matter further."

Qui-Gon closed his eyes in aquicence to his master's wisdom. They flicked open a moment later as he tensed up.

Before Mace could ask, the door chime was activated.

"Who is it?" Windu questioned.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi." The visitor replied "I have come to see Master Jinn."


The door opened. Obi-Wan stood in the doorway, silhouetted by the light outside. He had raised his hood to obscure his face, but Qui-Gon could still read the relief and wariness in the other man's frame. He pulled his hood down, as he entered the room and bowed to the two Masters.

Mace Windu had not gotten to be on the Jedi Council without learning some universal truths about sentients. One of these being when to make a tactical withdrawal.

Now was one of these times.

Qui-Gon and his apprentice stood at two ends of the room. One lost in his emotions, the other prepared for a scolding. Windu stood up and made to leave. Qui-Gon watched him.

#Master?# Qui-Gon asked mentally.

#Qui-Gon. Only you can deal with this. The Force will guide and protect you.# The younger man bowed his head in acceptance as Windu pulled on his cloak and left his quarters.

Neither man spoke in the moments after Windu's departure. Both lost in their thoughts, allowing the silence to settle over them.

"How did you find me?" Qui-Gon asked softly.

Obi-Wan's head jerked up at the sound of his Master's voice, breaking the silence. He slowly began to move toward him.

"You were upset. Usually if I am upset by anything, I would turn to my Master" He stopped outside of Qui-Gon's personal space. "So after checking everywhere else I could think of, I figured that you would have turned to your Master."

He resumed his contemplation of the floor.

"I apologise for what happened this afternoon. I meant no offence"

"Obi-Wan" Qui-Gon replied softly "Look at me"

His apprentice did as he was bid.

"I have never placed any strictures on you entertaining friends in our quarters-" Obi-Wan blushed and lowered his eyes at that comment. "In whatever fashion you choose." Qui-Gon continued.

Obi-Wan studied the man before him. His Master spoke true, but there was more, something else still upset him.


"There is more, isn't there, Master" It was not a question.

Qui-Gon sighed, wishing that the Force had not blessed his Padawan with such perception. In other circumstances it was very useful. When it was turned onto him, it was another matter entirely. He turned to the window, to contemplate the bustling city beyond.

Obi-Wan simply stood there, studying the larger man before him. His silence could only be taken as agreement. So what was the reason?

"Master, please tell me, I cannot solve the riddle without help." He considered the evidence before him.

"Could it be because I took another young man to my bed? It cannot be that, I know that you have no hang-ups about male love. You have had many offers yourself."

He considered what Pauek said as he left. That Qui-Gon was confused about him. Was that the key?

"Is it something to do with me?"

Qui-Gon closed his eyes. Sometimes Obi-Wan could be too perceptive. Best to get the heartbreak over with.

"Yes, it is to do with you," He whispered.

Obi-Wan paused for a moment, digesting the information. Why could Qui-Gon be confused about him? Then the Force blessed him with the insight he craved.

" Qui-Gon? Do you have feelings for me? Beyond those a Master would usually have for their apprentice?"

For a moment, Qui-Gon did not reply. Obi-Wan's Force song sang of hope, not disgust. Could it be true?

"Yes. Is it so unthinkable that I could fall in love with you?" He whispered, voice coloured with pain and longing.

#This is a dream.# Obi-Wan thought. #Something is going to happen in a moment to wake me up and I will realise that this is all just a beautiful, fanciful dream.#

Despite his thoughts to the contrary, Obi-Wan reached out and touched the taller man's shoulder. The person under his touch was warm, solid and very very real.

"Qui-Gon," He murmured, when his vocal chords finally allowed him to use them again, "I love you."

Qui-Gon turned to face him once more. The expression on his face unreadable to Obi-Wan, hope warring with suspicion.

"Then what of the young man I caught you with earlier?"

Obi-Wan lowered his head, blushing furiously.

"Pauek is an old, dear friend who knows of my feelings for you. There are no strings or commitments between us. We simply sought mutual pleasure."

Qui-Gon nodded. Obi-Wan could see from his Master's expression that he did not fully believe what he had told him. More convincing would be needed.

"And what if another handsome young man crosses your path, offering mutual pleasure, what would you do then?" Qui-Gon asked, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Refuse him," Obi-Wan replied. He reached out to touch the larger man on an arm. "For if I was loved by you, I wouldn't even look at anyone else.

"I wish I could believe that," Qui-Gon whispered ruefully.

Obi-Wan shook his head. There had to be a way to make his stubborn Master see what was right in front of him. He took one of Qui-Gon's large hands into his own.

"Then see for yourself," Obi-Wan replied, closing his eyes, and letting his entire shielding drop, inviting Qui-Gon to examine the evidence.

Qui-Gon paused for a moment ñ considering what Obi-Wan was asking him to do. From a very young age, all Force sensitives were taught to maintain at least some form of shielding, lest someone with more mental strength and fewer scruples should overrun their mind. It took much courage and trust for one to drop their shields completely.

Tentatively, Qui-Gon slipped into Obi-Wan's psyche. All he could see was love. Overwhelming, all consuming love shaded in equal parts by companionship and desire.

Humbled, Qui-Gon gently pulled away.

Obi-Wan looked up at his Master and fell in love all over again.

"I never said anything until now, because I didn't think that you would take it seriously, that you would deem it an infatuation," Obi-Wan whispered, searching the other man's face for a reaction.

"I love you Qui-Gon"

"I'm sorry that I doubted you," Qui-Gon whispered, shaken by what was so freely being offered to him.

"I did not mean to harm you, I would have approached at some point." Stormy grey eyes sought lagoons blue "Except events over took me" He whispered, taking the final step into Qui-Gon's arms.

"I should have said something," Qui-Gon murmured, settling his arms around Obi-Wan's smaller frame. "I just didn't know how."

Obi-Wan wrapped his arms tighter around Qui-Gon.

#How could I refuse someone as handsome, gentle, adorable and virile as you?# Obi-Wan projected, #Regardless of our bond!#

"Obi-Wan, I may have had offers, but I have refused them all. I am a virgin in the matters of male love."

He began to stroke his Master's back. It was meant as a comforting gesture, but to Qui-Gon it meant more. Acceptance.

He lifted his Padawan's face to look at him.

"Will you teach me?" He asked, voice low but cracking with the emotion he felt.

"Yes," Obi-Wan replied with a smile.

Qui-Gon leant in closer to touch his lips to those of his Padawan.

Obi-Wan allowed his Master the gentle touch of skin upon skin, before reaching up with his hand to guide his mouth to his for a slow, sensual kiss.

Lips met, tongues slipped and entwined as they stood there, holding each other, exploring the touch of each other's lips, the secrets of mouths and the silkiness of hair against stroking hands.

Courscant had gone from dusk to full night when they parted from that embrace. Although no lights had been activated, the light pollution allowed them to see.

Qui-Gon took a step back, keeping Obi-Wan within his arms. He looked to the side a moment, as if checking for something.

#Obi-Wan# He whispered down the mental link #Are you sure?#

#That I love you? Yes!# Obi-Wan replied, a gentle note of scolding entering his mental voice #That I want to make love to you? Oh yes!# His 'voice' turned serious as he reached up to caress the older man's cheek.

#Perhaps the Padawan should teach the Master sometimes.#

Qui-Gon replied with a smile. He moved his had to cradle Obi-Wan's caressing hand, shifting it to allow him to place a kiss on his wrist. Obi-Wan shivered at the touch.

Keeping his hand on Obi-Wan's Qui-Gon shifted until he had the younger man's hand in his own. He moved away from him, leading away from the window, deeper into the chamber. Obi-Wan followed, loath to let go of his Master's hand, curious to see where this would lead.

Qui-Gon pushed a door open and led Obi-Wan into a smaller sparsely furnished room.

Obi-Wan stood in the middle and looked around him. The room was uncannily similar to his own. Padawan quarters. Qui-Gon's, he mused.

Any following thoughts were quickly extinguished as Qui-Gon covered his mouth with his own. Allowing himself to drown in the sensations, Obi-Wan reached out to Qui-Gon's belt. He found the catch, which he released with deft hands. Another couple of tugs at restricting cloth allowed the tunic his master wore to fall open.

Qui-Gon dispassionately noticed the shaking of his hands, as they reached out to unbuckle Obi-Wan's belt. The younger man looked at him, but said nothing.

Once the belt had been removed. Qui-Gon paused to savour the sight before him. Without the restraint of the belt, Obi-Wan's tunic lay open displaying finely toned musculature. He pulled his Padawan closer to him, pushing the tunic away as he did so.

He planted a kiss on Obi-Wan's hair, letting his hands trail up and down the other man's naked back.

Obi-Wan tried his damnedest not to succumb completely to the emotions he was feeling. This would be Qui-Gon's first time. It would be his first time with the man he had loved since he started on the road to adulthood. He owed him, at very least an unforgettable first encounter.

He pushed Qui-Gon's tunic off of his frame and pulled the undertunic over his head, leaving his Master open to his ministrations. For a moment, Obi-Wan paused, stepping back, allowing himself to properly study the beauty that was before him. When he had taken his fill, he met the older man's gaze with a smile.

#Truly, I never realised how physically beautiful you are# Obi-Wan whispered mentally, moving back into the warm embrace. He moved his hands to caress the older man's back. The skin was warm, almost feverishly warm. Qui-Gon moaned at the touch of his apprentice's cool hands on his skin.

#And you are not beautiful Padawan? You never see the lustful glances aimed at you, when you walk past. I do. It makes me jealous. #

That made Obi-Wan pause a moment. He took a step back, to gain a better view of the other man's expression.

"How so Master?" He asked aloud, confused and a little shocked by his Master's admitted loss of control.

"Because most of those who were looking were of your own age. I believed that you would take a lover who was your own age. That you would be disgusted by my advanced age should I have made my feelings for you known." Qui-Gon whispered, his eyes turned away from Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan sighed deeply, he reached up and kissed Qui-Gon on the cheek.

"Qui-Gon" he murmured. The older man refocused on him, startled by his apprentice's use of his name. "That's all bollocks and you know it! You are in the prime of life, with many years to go before you become too infirm to do anything. And even then I would still love you with all my heart."

Obi-Wan sighed. How could he make the other man understand just how he made him feel. How his heart beat faster whenever he saw his half smile, the one that made his eyes dance. Or how he enjoyed watching the other man move, the strength and power of his movements translated into gentleness.

So he would have to show him.

Obi-Wan lifted his hands and rested them on Qui-Gon's chest. Then, with gentle pressure, he guided his Master backwards until the older man's legs were resting against the neatly made bed. A push and Qui-Gon sat down on the bed, never taking his eyes of Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan knelt before his Master, reaching out with both his mind and his hands. His hands dealt with the mundane task of taking the older man's boots off, while his mind poured out the love and joy of being so close to Qui-Gon.

With the boots removed, he gently stroked the other man's feet, allowing his hands to stray to the muscular calves hidden by the dark cloth of his trousers.

Qui-Gon shifted on the bed, the increased tempo of his breathing told Obi-Wan that his 'pupil' was enjoying his lesson.

Obi-Wan shifted, moving himself so that he was kneeling in front of his Master. He caressed, from calf to knee, to thigh, to hip, Qui-Gon's body. It was obvious from the way the cloth strained over his manhood and the sensual moans the movements were eliciting that the cloth was proving to be no barrier.

Obi-Wan reached up to the waistband of Qui-Gon's trousers. His hands alighted on the top button, which with one hand he undid.

The second one followed.

Qui-Gon flinched at the touch.

Obi-Wan stayed stock-still. He moved his hands away from Qui-Gon's hips, and sought his hands instead.

#Qui-Gon# He whispered. #I do not wish to make you do anything you do not want to do.# Using only fingertips, he stroked the backs of his Master's large hands. Blue met grey in the darkness. #If you do not want this to go further, then please tell me.#

#Obi-Wan... I-# Qui-Gon began. The gentle touches were doing nothing to help his control. Yes, he wanted him, but...

#If you want, this is as far as we will go tonight-#

#But dear one, what about you?# Qui-Gon asked

#Master# Obi-Wan began, his mental tone formal # I maybe a very horny young man, but I am also a Jedi Padawan, taught control by one whose mastery of the subject is beyond compare.# He raised one of Qui-Gon's hands to his lips and placed a very soft kiss on a knuckle. The romantic gesture made Qui-Gon's breath catch in his throat. #If you wish we will spend the night, curled up in each others arms, kissing and caressing, nothing more.#

Qui-Gon closed his eyes and slipped his hand out of the comforting grasp of his Padawan's hold.

Obi-Wan watched intently as he saw his master's large, strong hands move across his chest to the waistband.

Qui-Gon undid the last two fastenings and then slid his hand under the cloth. Unable to tear his eyes away, Obi-Wan watched, wondering what he was up to.

Qui-Gon gently lifted out the long, blood-engorged length of his penis out of its cloth prison, letting it stand proud.

Obi-Wan thought he was going to come where he knelt, just through looking at the wonder before him. He was just so....

#Qui-Gon# He whispered mentally, wonder and delight colouring his tone #You are beautiful...# He trailed off, unable to find the words to express himself fully. He moved his hands back to the other man's hips. With a lightning swift movement, he placed a small kiss on his master's crown.

Qui-Gon jumped so hard that he nearly sent Obi-Wan flying.

"Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon gasped, when he had finally had mustered enough control to speak coherently. "Please!"

Obi-Wan smiled softly, his hands moving to caress his loves shaft with feather light touches, before taking it into his mouth.

Qui-Gon took the only sane course of action available to him. He surrendered to the achingly sweet delirium of the sensations of his love's hot velvety mouth caressing him. His fantasies had been pale ghosts compared to the technicolour reality that before him.

All too quickly, he felt himself rushing to his peak. His legendary control was in tatters. Tatters that he fought to cling to.

#Qui-Gon, trust me.# Obi-Wan whispered mentally, #Let go, concentrate on the living moment#

With an ear-hurting cry, Qui-Gon surrendered his lifeseed to his 'teacher' letting the emotions of the 'lesson' overwhelm him.

Time passed and slowly Qui-Gon came back to his senses. He shifted himself forward, to reach out and caress Obi-Wan's face.

#I'm here Master# Obi-Wan thought, leaning into the caress.

"Thank you" Qui-Gon whispered out loud.

"I have been told, Obi-Wan, that I am a quick study." He smiled mischievously.

Obi-Wan gazed at his Master's features, all he could see was happiness... and a seductive glint in those beautiful lapis coloured eyes.

"Really?" Obi-Wan answered, with an answering smile.

"Would you like to see how quick? Qui-Gon asked, leaning closer.

"Yes, please," Obi-Wan whispered before Qui-Gon took his mouth in a passionate kiss.

Dawn on Courscant.

Master Jedi Mace Windu palmed the door lock of his quarters.

He opened his mind to 'hear' the song of the Force.

It spoke of peace, serenity and love.

He moved into the main living space.

A Padawan's cloak lay pooled on the floor. There was no sign of its owner or his Master. Mace looked around and noticed that the door the Padawan quarters were ajar.

Windu moved to the door and discovered where Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi were, two naked bodies lay entwined upon the single bed, a coverlet trying to cover their nakedness as their clothes lay strewn around the small room.

Mace smiled #Force be thanked.# He thought to himself. He looked to the window, the blind had not been pulled down and the dawn light was beginning to stream through. With a wave of the hand and the invocation of the Force, the blind came down, lest the intruding light destroy the tableaux of beauty before him.

#May the Force be with you both.# Windu thought, softly drawing the door closed, leaving the sleeping pair to their dreams.