Good Intentions on the Road to Hell #6:
Paving Stones

by Clarence ( )

Archive: MA.

Category: O/Bruck, O/A, Q/O, A/Amidala, Angst, Drama, Action/Adventure.

Rating: R

Warnings: The Sith are rising and the Republic is falling. Bad things are happening. This fic has many dark themes and does not guarantee a happy ending. Any warnings would count as spoilers so proceed with care.

Spoilers: TPM

Summary: Anakin deals badly with the new man in Obi-Wan's life and turns to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine for advice and help.

Feedback: Yes please, any comments are very welcome.

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.

Series: Good Intentions on the road to Hell -- Chronological order:

Attempting the Impossible
Attempting the Impossible -- Epilogue
Re-affirming the Bond
Anniversaries and Beginnings
Not so Unobtainable After All
Paving Stones
Building a Brave New World (coming eventually)
A Change of Heart
A Present from the Past (now applying beta corrections and due to be finished very soon)

Author's Notes: Qui-Gon may have died over 12 years ago -- but he has certainly not been forgotten.

Thanks to Lexin and Mave for the Beta

It was a generally accepted fact that a padawan always knew what was best for their master.

Because how, Anakin Skywalker reasoned, could padawans of good conscience allow their masters to walk blindly into danger if there was anything they could do to prevent it?

And, say, that the only way to protect that master was to be a little more 'expressive' in interpreting the Jedi Code than was normal. Then, surely, that too became part of a padawan's duty. And all Jedi had to do their duty -- regardless of the consequences.

So then, reasonably, such a situation justified spying and deception.

Which meant that any fear of discovery was just the temptation of the Dark Side that all Jedi have to resist. It had to be so -- the only other option, Anakin felt, was that he was making a mistake and that was completely unacceptable.

The danger had started on Naboo, but yesterday had shown how bad the situation had become. Initially it had been just be one more day preparing for the kind of mission Anakin hated. The type which, as far as he was concerned, involved wasting a great deal of time studying boring protocol; all merely to prevent the wrong word, or something equally pathetic, causing offence on a backward world that didn't matter anyway. Anakin felt that they were sent on more than their fair share of these -- especially as the current civil unrest meant that there weren't enough Jedi to perform missions that actually mattered. He suspected Obi-Wan asked for them deliberately; most likely in an attempt to increase Anakin's tolerance for such work. So far, the tactic had failed miserably.

"I don't see the point," Anakin used to say. "They don't want to listen to us. Why don't we just use our superior abilities to solve the problem? It's not as if we don't use them on pirates and terrorists." But as Obi-Wan had always looked saddened by such words, Anakin now kept this opinion to himself.

Then, suddenly, Obi-Wan had decided that he and Anakin were in need of a day off. Anakin had been delighted and was instantly full of ideas of how he and his Master could spend the free time together. But then came the bombshell; Obi-Wan was intending to spend the next day in a particular training room with Bruck.

Bruck! Once again he was being denied his Master's company and all because of Bruck Chun. Someone he didn't trust and who, he was sure, meant his Master harm. All he needed was some evidence; and if Anakin had to spy on his Master to get it, then so be it.

So here he was. The location of his Master's tryst had turned out to be one of the specialised training rooms. It was larger than most with targets set up on one of the far walls and a few rows of seating for small events. It had convinced Anakin that The Force had to be on his side -- the room was perfect for his purpose. He'd arrived early and found a spot in the seating stand where he could safely watch the room unobserved.

It hadn't been easy as he was tall and broad and there was little room between the seats. But finally he'd settled down and proceeded to hide his presence in the Force. It was one of the Jedi skills that he excelled at. Nobody would notice him unless they were actively looking. Then he had calmed his mind and body in order to remain motionless for as long as would be necessary.

Finally ready he prepared to wait for Obi-Wan and Bruck to arrive. He tried meditating to pass the time but inevitably his thoughts turned back to Naboo -- to the first time that his suspicions had been aroused. Seeing Obi-Wan in another man's arms had been bad enough, but then to simultaneously discover his wife's desire for Obi-Wan as well! It had shaken his world and nearly ended his marriage.

"So what do you want to do?" Anakin had asked Amidala when they were alone.

"Do you love me Anakin?" Amidala had said as she looked out of the windows of her apartments.

"Yes, I do. Do you love me?"

"Of course, but we both love someone else more." Anakin had nodded at his wife's statement.

"I never realised it was possible to have too much in common in a marriage," Amidala had said wryly as she turned back to face Anakin. "However, I think we care enough to make this marriage last more than four weeks. Do you agree?"

"It's not as if he's available anyway," Anakin had said taking her in his arms.

"We could always try to seduce him together seeing as we have obviously failed separately," Amidala had joked but neither of them had found it funny.

And briefly he had hoped that it was going to be all right. But then there had been the reception. Perhaps they should have cancelled it but if they wanted to make a life together they could hardly start with a failure. At first it hadn't been too bad, merely difficult and painful, and Amidala had been wonderful. Anakin had admired her so much and she had inspired him to do his best.

Together they had borne Obi-Wan's congratulations and delight in seeing them, drawing strength from each other through their tightly clasped hands. Fortunately Bruck hadn't been with him and that had made it bearable. Then Padawan Vax Hosler had turned up, hugged them both and told them how lucky they were so sincerely that Anakin began to believe it was going to be okay.

But later it got so much worse. Anakin had been wandering round the ballroom accepting congratulations, but actually looking for the mysterious Jedi who had caused such misery. Finally he'd found him chatting with Bail Organa, Vax's Master and the Masters of some of Anakin's other friends. They'd gathered in the gardens and Anakin had had to use all of his skills to approach them unawares.

"... next time I see Yoda," Bruck had said as Anakin had approached. "As this is certainly no advert for Jedi decorum. What would the Council say if I reported that every Jedi I've met recently has turned into a giggling terminal gossip?"

"Don't expect protection from the Council, Bruck, they're awaiting updates like the rest of us," said Knight Aalto.

Bruck sighed noisily.

"Come on Bruck we know most of the story," Aalto continued. "We were all initiates together, but you and Obi-Wan hated each other. Then you met after you both became padawans and overcame your previous feelings to become lovers. This is all old gossip."

"So what happened? We're not going to give up you know," said Knight Siri.

"Look you must stop this nonsense. Obi-Wan is eventually going to notice Jedi giggling in corners. And if anyone else asks me if the Council sent me on a mission to seduce him, and stop him doing something stupid after Anakin Skywalker is knighted, then I'm leaving."

"Yeah that would be such a terrible mission to have to accept," Aalto said laughingly.

"So how did you persuade him? Better men..." Bail Organa asked.

"And women," Siri interrupted.

"And women," Organa continued. "Have failed."

Bruck looked particularly unamused and the laughter died down.

"Okay I'm going to say this only once. Yes, we had a relationship way back when. But then my Master and I started going on more missions and after that I was sent to the Rim, so we were never in the same place at the same time. And although we've kept in touch, before last month, I hadn't seen him in ages and long before Qui-Gon was killed."

At the mention of Qui-Gon the atmosphere became a little more serious.

"This is just two old friends having a good time," Bruck continued. "We have no long term plans and I'm not trying to replace anyone. Is that clear enough?"

It certainly was for Anakin. He'd heard enough and didn't follow when the Jedi returned to the reception. It was as bad as he'd feared -- Bruck was just after a good time. Anakin knew his Master well and Obi-Wan didn't do anything just for fun. This foolish affair could only end badly.

Suddenly Anakin's reminiscences were interrupted by the arrival in the training room of the objects of his thoughts.

"... for a change," said Obi-Wan as he entered carrying a case. He walked over to the edge of the training area and put it down.

"I knew I shouldn't have left it to you to organise our day off," Bruck replied following. "You've never really understood the concept of relaxation."

Anakin watched as Obi-Wan briefly looked up from the case to smile at Bruck.

"Don't let me keep you here, if you have something more interesting to do," he said.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi you will be then end of me." Bruck leaned over the case to brush Obi-Wan lips with his thumb, his fingers cradling Obi-Wan's chin. "Yes, I would rather spend my day practising blaster manipulation with you, than doing anything else with anybody else." Bruck straightened. "But don't let it go to your head."

"Here," Obi-Wan said, handing a blaster to Bruck as he stood up.

Anakin watched as the two Jedi prepared themselves to aim the blasters at the far targets. Despite himself Anakin was fascinated. He'd yet to be taught to how to affect blaster fire with the Force as it was highly advanced skill, and had rarely seen it performed as it was almost always easier to use a lightsabre to deflect the blasts. However, the skill had definite uses -- it could greatly increase the range, accuracy and spread of the weapon. The two Jedi stood about twenty-five meters away from two of the targets on the far wall. Obi-Wan looked towards the door and Anakin heard it locking.

Both the Jedi fired. Obi-Wan's shot expanded to cover the entire surface of the left hand target while Bruck's compressed to a pinprick and hit the absolute centre of his target.

"I wish Anakin liked me more," Bruck said suddenly.

Obi-Wan looked over quickly and his next shot went wild. Anakin perked up. Was Bruck was trying to turn his Master against him? This was exactly what he had come to hear.

"Are you saying he's rude to you?"

"No, not that. He's just a little stand-offish."

"Have you argued?" Obi-Wan said suspiciously.

"Obi-Wan, I am not so insane as to try to come between you and your apprentice," Bruck said defensively. "I just have a feeling he's uncomfortable when I'm around and I don't want to be the cause of any friction between you. I'm fully aware how that would end," he added sadly, looking back towards his target.

Obi-Wan looked a slightly reassured but Anakin hoped his Master wasn't fooled by Bruck's words. The other Knight was obviously trouble.

But, unfortunately, that appeared to be the end of that debate and the two Jedi turned their attention back to their practice. Obi-Wan turned to face the opposite wall from the target, then concentrated and fired. Anakin ducked as the blaster bolt veered above his head and tore round the room to hit just above Obi-Wan's target. Obi-Wan turned to look at his handiwork.

"What do you think of the Chancellor?" Obi-Wan asked thoughtfully.

"He seems reasonable enough for a politician I suppose," Bruck said lowering his blaster. "Why? don't you like him?"

Anakin was very interested in the reply. How could anyone not like Chancellor Palpatine?

"I've barely met him, which is a little strange as Anakin spends so much time with him. What does the Council think of him?"

"Well enough of him when they think of him at all."

Obi-Wan turned to face his friend. "Don't you think that is a little unwise considering that it's the Chancellor's office that decides so many of our missions?"

"It's a system that has worked for a few thousand years. I don't have a problem with it."

"Maybe, but I've been having bad premonitions," Obi-Wan said fiddling with his blaster. "And nobody seems to take my concerns seriously. We may have been the victors in the Clone Wars but many of the men that fought against us have never been accounted for. I'm talking about desperate men here. There could be an army just waiting to find a cause."

"Why don't you do something about it on your own?"

"I've tried. I made inquiries and attempted to track some of the soldiers down, but I'm reluctant to do too much without the Council's approval."

"Obi-Wan you may have changed," Bruck said as he shook his head and smiled at his companion. "But sometimes you're almost as rule bound as you always were."

Obi-Wan shrugged, turned back to the targets and lifted his blaster again.

Anakin carefully shifted to get a better view of the two Jedi. Bruck was looking intently at his blaster, Obi-Wan still absorbed in manipulating the blaster beam. After a little while Bruck looked towards the door, then at Obi-Wan before putting his blaster back in the case and advancing towards the other Jedi.

"Obi-Wan?" Bruck said in a light, teasing tone.

"Hmm?" Obi-Wan replied, concentrating on the blaster. His blaster was pointed at his own target but when he fired the bolt hit the middle of Bruck's.

Bruck prowled closer and Obi-Wan looked over at him. "I think you've mastered this technique. Time to try something else," Bruck said as he took the blaster from Obi-Wan and threw it over his shoulder.

"Like what?" Obi-Wan said nervously as he backed away towards the nearest wall.

"Oh, I have a few very interesting ideas that I'm very keen to share with you."

Obi-Wan retreated until he was flat against the wall and could go back no further. Bruck, seeing his opportunity, pressed forward and leant towards Obi-Wan, his hands resting against the wall on either side of his prey. He grinned ferally.

"Bruck, this is a training room!" Obi-Wan said desperately.

"Yes, and it's a private one that we have booked out so nobody should disturb us." Bruck lowered one hand to very gently unbuckle Obi-Wan's belt. "Bruck!" Obi-Wan said sharply and he pressed himself harder into the wall behind him, but he made no move to help or hinder the other man.

"It won't be the first time," Bruck said soothingly. "Don't you remember the last time we misused a training room?"

"We were teenagers!" Obi-Wan said, as Bruck pulled the belt free and dropped it to the floor.

"So now, after all the intervening years of experience, we should be so much better, and we were pretty good at the time," Bruck said as he started to remove Obi-Wan's sash.

"It's been so long," Obi-Wan said nervously, his back and arms pressed flat against the wall as he tried to meld with the masonry, and the sash joined the belt on the floor.

"I'm sure you'll remember what to do," Bruck said, pausing in his work to smile wickedly. "If not, I'll be here to remind you."

Anakin watched, mouth open in surprise, as Bruck slowly and carefully undressed Obi-Wan. Each layer was reverently removed and put aside. Bruck laying tender kisses on skin as it was exposed. Eventually Obi-Wan nervously started to return the favour and Bruck assisted in every way he could. The Padawan found himself unable to look away as Bruck gently pulled a naked Obi-Wan down on top of him on the training mat and watched, with an aching heart, their gentle kisses.

"There's no rush Obi-Wan," Anakin heard Bruck whisper, "We have all day, all week, or as long as you need."

Anakin watched as his Master slowly became less tentative in his exploration of the body beneath him and, at last, he could look no more. Anakin slipped down further behind the seat, and put his hands over his eyes leaving only the sounds to guide his imagination. But the pictures in his head were more vivid than reality could ever be. He wanted to escape but his arms and legs had turned to water and, unable to move, he was forced to endure the torture.

As promised, the lovers took their time and Anakin suffered through the slow build of sound and movement. Time passed and he was numb with cramp before he heard their cries of release. His Master's shouts carried no name; Anakin suspected Bruck was relieved, but he himself was not. He had wanted his own name to be called out across the room in the peak of passion.

Then only slowly calming breathing could be heard, followed by silence. After a long time there was a whispered conversation and a rustling of material, the sound of footsteps and of a object being lifted and, slightly later, an opening and closing of the door. Eventually Anakin managed to stand, the pain in his body nothing compared to the pain in his heart. Head bowed he also made for the door.

"I cannot go on like this," Anakin said to the empty room but sadly received no wisdom from it in reply.

It was hours before Anakin could bring himself to return to the quarters he shared with his Master. Obi-Wan was there, sitting on the couch in the common area, talking to Bruck. He looked very happy. Anakin suppressed his feelings.

"Master, may I go and see my mother?" Anakin asked without preamble.

"Of course," Obi-Wan said then looked at Bruck and considered something before continuing. "In fact, as I need to go to the Senate myself, I'll join you." He stood and Bruck, after a slight hesitation, followed.

"I'll see you later Obi-Wan," Bruck said. "Good to see you Anakin." He added as he left. They didn't kiss.

'They never kiss,' Anakin thought, 'when they think I'm watching.'

Obi-Wan was obviously distracted as they walked in silence through the Temple to the platform of the regular Senate transport.

"How is your mother, Anakin?" he asked finally.

"She's well."

"I wish we could have got her off Tatooine earlier."

"I'm just grateful we got her off at all."

"Does she miss her husband and your step brother?"

"She gets to see them occasionally. She's saving up to buy them and a moisture farm so they can be together on Tatooine."

"Oh, but she is still enjoying working as a secretary for Chancellor Palpatine?"

"Yes." Anakin wondered when his Master would get to the point. "It was good of him to offer her the post."

"I think Amidala persuaded him."


They arrived at the platform. Obi-Wan let out a breath. The sudden tension between them had not eased during the walk. They stood, waiting, looking up at the many lines of air traffic. The shuttle arrived and they boarded. It was fairly empty and Obi-Wan gestured to some seats away from the droid pilot and the other passengers.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan ventured as they sat down. "Bruck is not a threat to you. You are my apprentice and my friend and are quite irreplaceable. You do not have to compete with him for my attention."

'Typical,' Anakin thought as he watched the city pass beneath them. 'He believes I think our training bond is in danger. He's incapable of seeing my jealousy for what it is.' But he didn't reply and the rest of the journey was conducted in silence.

Finally the shuttle arrived at the Senate building, the two Jedi got off and stood on the landing platform. Both seemed unwilling to end the conversation there.

"I'm sorry Master if I have offended," Anakin said trying to dispel the awkwardness.

"You haven't offended, Anakin. I just don't like to see you uncomfortable."

"I don't think you are going to neglect me because of Bruck, Master."

"Then what is bothering you?"

"I'm just nervous about my upcoming Trials and that I don't get to see Amidala enough."

Obi-Wan looked doubtful at Anakin's explanation but seemed to decide that this was neither the time nor the place to pursue it.

"Very well, Anakin. We'll talk later," Obi-Wan said. "I suppose you'll be visiting Chancellor Palpatine after you've seen your mother?"

"Yes Master, I've already made an appointment."

"Well, give your mother my regards."

Sitting comfortably in his office, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine watched Anakin and Obi-Wan separate on the shuttle platform via a holo-projector. Although the Senate security system predated Palpatine's term it had been heavily updated during his administration -- and it had easily repaid its costs. Palpatine was constantly amazed by what people would say and do in the most unsuitable of places.

Palpatine watched the Knight walk away, appreciating Kenobi's seductive walk. It was easy to see why Anakin was so smitten. Kenobi would have tempted Palpatine himself had he been twenty-five or so years younger. However, it was better this way. Kenobi was perfect for his plans just as he was.

In Obi-Wan Kenobi, Palpatine had found the perfect tool to deliver Anakin into his hands. It was also the fitting revenge for the death of Darth Maul. Not that revenge drove Palpatine, for that showed poor planning, but it was satisfying to include it into a scheme if it didn't hinder the idea's effectiveness.

On a bench in the Senate formal gardens Anakin sat admiring a small ornamental lake through an short avenue of trees. He was waiting for Chancellor Palpatine to join him. It was their regular meeting place and Anakin had grown fond of the spot, with its carefully tended flower beds and high hedges, especially now when the water birds were breeding and he could see their mating dances down on the water. Anakin smiled when he thought of the Chancellor. He enjoyed their talks, they were an interesting contrast to his life as a Jedi. Though it had always amazed Anakin that the Chancellor continued to find time for him in his increasingly busy schedule.

Suddenly, Anakin's thoughts were disturbed by the sound of children's voices. Anakin looked over to the sound and saw Chancellor Palpatine approach surrounded by a group of laughing boys. Boys that Anakin quickly recognised as some of Palpatine's wards.

Since his election to Chancellor, Palpatine had made his schools for homeless orphans a feature on many of the Republic worlds. It was one of the things that Anakin admired the Chancellor for. The schools took children without a future and gave them hope, an education and a bright future. The brightest and the best could even look forward to moving to Coruscant and the chance to become a ward of Palpatine himself.

Anakin marvelled at all the lives saved from misery and destitution and then remembered Obi-Wan words. Surely this proved beyond all doubt what a good man Palpatine was? The Republic was indeed lucky to have him as Chancellor.

Most of the boys had run off to investigate the lake but Palpatine, an older boy and two bodyguards remained on the path. As the group neared Anakin stood and bowed to the approaching Chancellor.

"So, young Skywalker, as punctual as ever I see." Palpatine smiled as he accepted Anakin's bow then turned to the boy beside him. As usual it was Sathin. Anakin knew him better than the rest as he was the Chancellor's most frequent companion and he had always supposed that Sathin was destined for great things. But he'd never understood why, as although the Chancellor took much interest in him, Anakin had never thought him particularly special.

"Sathin, my child," Palpatine said smiling indulgently down on the boy. "Join the others and allow Padawan Skywalker and I a few moments together."

"Yes, uncle," Sathin said and after nodding at Anakin walked off back towards the lake. Palpatine watched him leave, smiling affectionately, then turned back to Anakin, took his arm and set off down the path. The bodyguards followed at a respectful distance behind them.

"So how are you, my boy? You and Queen Amidala have always been such favourites of mine that I'm always eager for news about you. Still enjoying newly married life?"

"Yes, Chancellor," Anakin said. "There isn't another woman in the galaxy I'd rather be with."

"I'm glad to hear it," Palpatine said as he glanced towards Anakin, grew concerned and stopped. "However I do feel that something is amiss. You have an air of sadness hanging over you. We politicians have to look after our assets and I can't have the best pilot to fight in the Clone Wars brooding."

"And I thought I was hiding it well," Anakin said and paused. He had to talk to someone, but no one at the Temple would understand and he didn't know anyone else well enough. "You have the perceptions of a Jedi, Chancellor," Anakin continued, making up his mind. "It's not about Amidala though, it's my Master."

"Well I'm afraid that comes as no surprise," Palpatine said with a smile. "There is nothing that affects you so much as the health and well being of one Obi-Wan Kenobi. I am, naturally, also interested in the good Knight as I consider him invaluable. He is helping me to achieve a much sought after goal you know. Come, I think we should sit and you must tell me everything."

Palpatine led Anakin to another bench in the gardens and sat down with a tired sigh and waved his bodyguards to retreat to a discreet distance.

"You looked tired Chancellor," Anakin said as he sat down beside him on the bench.

"I fear that my mission to root out corruption and reduce bureaucracy is not an easy one." Palpatine patted Anakin on the knee. "Many people have grown used to such unearned extra income and will do much to prevent me from taking it away. Still I knew this when I agreed to be Chancellor and I will persevere. I shall make this government efficient and strong by whatever means necessary."

Palpatine speech had become passionate. He stopped suddenly and looked round the gardens then leaned towards Anakin.

"In fact I gauge whether I have made the right decision by the opposition it receives," Palpatine said confidentially. "The more people who cry out against it the more convinced I am that I have done the right thing."

Anakin laughed with Palpatine, but then the Chancellor became serious, sat up straight and looked Anakin in the eye.

"These are drastic times and drastic measures are called for," he said. "There are many greedy people who are creating disorder and unrest in the Republic and I am determined to defeat them. I will not let our system fall into chaos, even if I have to tear it down and rebuild it again."

Anakin was impressed. "You are the Republic's best hope, everyone knows that," he said then sighed and looked down at his hands. "You already have so much to worry about, I really shouldn't be bothering you with my problems."

"On the contrary my boy," Palpatine said happily. "Your visits are one of my greatest pleasure. I want to help and I shall endeavour to assist you in any way I can, and believe me my resources are not insignificant."

Anakin took a deep breath and felt a weight lift from him, relieved that at last he could speak of the things that kept him awake at night.

"It's my Master's new lover," he said. "They say it is a casual relationship but I'm watching my Master slowly fall in love. I want to be happy for him but I don't trust Knight Chun. I don't think he realises how fragile Obi-Wan is."

Anakin stood and started to pace in front of the bench. Palpatine watched him walk back and forth with rapt attention.

"Knight Chun seems to think he could call it off at any time. He's going to break my Master's heart and Obi-Wan won't survive that a second time." Anakin suddenly stopped his pacing and slumped back into his seat on the bench.

"You want to protect him, that's understandable," Palpatine said sympathetically and put a reassuring hand on Anakin's shoulder.

"But I can't," Anakin said angrily and dropped his head into his hands, the hopelessness of the situation weighing him down. "There's nothing I can do to stop the inevitable from happening."

"Perhaps you could speak to Knight Chun, make sure he understands the situation?"

"I can't speak to him," Anakin spat without looking up. "He's too busy boasting how he's bedded the unobtainable Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"Are you sure that he is really as bad as you think? I know how highly you think of your Master, would anyone be good enough for him?"

"You think that I want to ruin my Master's happiness?" Anakin looked up suddenly at Palpatine horrified at the thought. But despite his genuine distress Anakin couldn't stop thinking that there was one and only one person who could make Obi-Wan truly happy.

"No, no, not at all my boy. I only believe that it would be a good idea to make Bruck show his worth. Then you will be reassured and he will realise how special your Master is. Perhaps some time apart would enable them to put everything in perspective?"

Anakin started to perk up but quickly realised a problem. "But how? It would have to be soon and they are both due to be based on Coruscant for the next month and the damage will be done by then."

Anakin dropped his head to his hands again. Palpatine said nothing and the problem hung between them. The silence lengthened and the sound of the nearby ducks' mating calls and the boys' laughter drifted up from the lake.

"I must confess that I now wish I had prevented him from returning to Coruscant," Palpatine said at last. "Had I known what trouble he would cause I would have ensured that he remained on the Rim, but his assignment there had finished and we need every available Jedi to deal with the current unrest."

Suddenly Anakin looked up, a solution had occurred to him.

"You're the Chancellor," Anakin said excitedly. "You could send him on a mission somewhere. Not too long. Just enough for my Master to put everything in perspective."

"Indeed, that is an excellent idea," Palpatine said as he stroked his chin. "I marvel that I did not suggest it myself." He paused in thought. "In fact I believe I know of an upcoming mission that would suit our purposes perfectly. It is well suited to Knight Chun's abilities and the Council do not think it will be dangerous. It would certainly give him an ideal opportunity to show his commitment to your Master."

Anakin almost laughed out loud. This could make all the difference. This could be his chance to save his Master from himself.

"Bruck to Knight Vaneth, I've arrived at the foothills to the Tablet Mountains," Bruck said into his ship's communicator.

There wasn't an immediate reply but he hadn't really expected one. His message wasn't marked as urgent and he suspected Knight Vaneth was in yet another meeting.

Bruck looked up at the nearby cliff face. It towered above his ship, imposingly sheer and bleached a dazzling white by the hot tropical sun. Bruck sighed, he'd landed his ship as close as he could to the Tablet Mountains but he still had an uncomfortable walk across the barren scrub under the midday summer sun; worse, the entire cliff face was dotted with caves and he was going to have to check each and every one. Another minute passed and Bruck knew he couldn't put off the task any longer and looked at the cliff again -- there was a rocky ledge, not too high up and near a cave mouth. He would start there.

Bruck set his ship's communicator to relay to his portable unit. Then, wishing he could wait until the much cooler evening, he picked up his survival supplies and stepped out of his craft. The air was hot and dry and he tentatively drew in a breath. The air sucked the moisture from his mouth making him instantly thirsty. But determined to disregard this discomfort and the unmerciful sun beating down on him, Bruck reached the cliff face of loose, crumbly, hot rock then carefully climbed up. Occasionally he stopped to sip a little water and check that he was still headed for the rocky ledge near the cave mouth. Twenty minutes later, just after he'd levered himself up onto the ledge, his communicator burst into life.

"Vaneth to Bruck. Any news?"

"I've arrived," Bruck said looking around at the view from his vantage point. "I'm convinced that the anomalous seismic readings came from these mountains. If anything artificial is causing the recent set of earthquakes it's going to be here. But it's going to take time to investigate, there are dozens of possible places to check out. How about you?"

"Very little progress so far I'm afraid. Why does Luxour have to be a planet with three independent political units? I've been in similar situations but this lot are impossible. The Iperim government still insists that the Ompic Federation is responsible for the earthquakes that are destroying their economy. The Fuxian Republic just keeps trying to provoke the other two into war so they can pick up the pieces afterwards."

"Why does that sound so familiar," Bruck replied as he looked into the nearby cave mouth.

"Because it's happened hundreds of times on hundreds of planets."

"Except that here, Luxour's mineral deposits are vital to the Republic. The Chancellors office was quite clear about the exports not being disrupted."

"Well, we'll just have to succeed then, won't we," Vaneth said.

"Your confidence, as ever, inspires me."

Vaneth laughed over the com. "Then I'll leave you in peace. Call me back if you find anything."

"Okay, good luck."

Bruck disconnected the link and put his com back on his belt. Then, shading his eyes from the sun, climbed up to another possible cave. He felt in the Force to see if it led further down. The returning signature implied that it didn't, so he moved on.

The work was demanding but it didn't stop him thinking of Obi-Wan. The summons had been so quick and unexpected that he'd only had time to leave a message rather than the long sensuous goodbye he'd have preferred.

All in all the timing of the mission stank. He was just beginning to get Obi-Wan to relax into their relationship. At first it had been like calming a frightened horse, every movement had had to be planned and executed with the utmost care. Although this was erotic in its own way, Bruck looked forward to the return of the adventurous lover of his youth.

Finally he found a cave that had potential, entered and used the Force to feel his way about. Now all that he wanted to do was finish this mission and return to Coruscant before he lost too much ground with his nervous lover.

Eventually Bruck found an opening that went deeper into the rock and felt right in the Force. Walking silently and listening carefully, both to the Force and to the air currents, he descended. Bruck walked on in the dark. He worked better that way. A torch to light his path distracted him from the rock. But, despite his specialised ability, he still found plenty of dead ends. Then, after three hours of walking in the dark with only the sounds of distant breezes and the occasional drop of water, Bruck heard something new. He couldn't identify it but it had to be artificial. He edged forward and listened more intently and got a feeling of an opening up ahead. Bruck checked his com unit. No signal, the rock above was far too thick for it to penetrate. He wondered if he should return to the entrance to tell Vaneth what he had found, but, as that was currently very little, he decided to go on.

A little further on Bruck saw light coming from the tunnel ahead. Keeping to the shadows he crept forward. The tunnel opened up to become an entrance, half way up one of the walls, to a small natural rocky chamber. Bruck looked in carefully and saw the source of the sound he'd heard earlier; it was a bank of computer equipment. Bruck waited. The equipment was likely to be attended, but he couldn't sense anyone.

Slowly, carefully, Bruck made his way down to investigate further. On the chamber floor Bruck could see several other exits but he still couldn't sense anyone nearby. Quickly he made his way towards the equipment. Even though it was unfamiliar Bruck could tell that it was monitoring seismic activity; now he had to see if it could cause any as well.

Suddenly, Bruck sensed a disturbance in the Force and instantly somersaulted back. A red bladed lightsabre just missed him -- hitting the computer bank instead.

Bruck ignited his lightsabre, assumed a battle stance and eyed his opponent. It was a wookie, dressed as usual in only an equipment belt, but with an unmistakable malignant aura. This was no intra-planetary dispute, this was a much worse. Bruck had come searching for evidence and had found it indeed, but it was not what he had been expecting.

The wookie howled and attacked ferociously. It struck at Bruck with speed and viciousness. Smashing down on him with all its superior strength. Bruck blocked the blows but he was still forced backwards. He had to attack. Bruck sidestepped another crushing blow and reached into the Force and hurled a loose boulder at his opponent. The rock flew through the air straight at the Sith. The wookie brought up its lightsabre, its red glow blurred by the speed, to turn the rock into a cloud of dust.

Bruck attacked fiercely while his opponent was distracted but the Sith recovered quickly and charged forward again. The cave gave Bruck no room to manoeuvre and trapped here he couldn't defend himself properly. Bruck had to do something soon or this fight was doomed to end only one way. It wasn't an outcome that he was prepared to accept.

He wasn't afraid to die in the service of the Jedi but this wasn't the place to do it. He had discovered a Sith base and the Council had to be informed. The Sith had to be causing the earthquakes and it was the duty of the Jedi to stop them.

But the wookie had been well trained. Bruck just couldn't find an opening. Bruck struck hard at the Sith but was still driven back to the chamber wall. The wookie howled again. It grinned and delivered an overhead blow. If it hit the fight would be over. Bruck ducked and slid under the Sith's arm as its Lightsabre gouged a path in the cave wall behind him.

Bruck twisted round to face his opponent. He still needed room to allow his speed to overcome the wookie's strength. He wasn't going to win the fight down here, he had to get to the surface. Bruck jumped to tunnel he had entered by and backed down it. Strangely the Sith seemed reluctant to follow.

Bruck didn't hesitate and ran at enhanced speed down the tunnel. He had to warn Vaneth. Bruck pulled out his com link and called to Vaneth, but he was still too deep in the rock and couldn't get a signal.

What if the Sith had decided to retreat? To take the equipment and evidence with it? Bruck had to get more Jedi here. There must be dozens of caves which lead to the chamber, he couldn't guard all of them.

Bruck rounded a sharp corner, the Sith still wasn't following. Suddenly Bruck realised why. Great cracks were appearing in the roof. The equipment! The Sith was using it to destroy the tunnel. It was incredible, nothing Bruck had ever heard of before was that accurate. He tried to increase his speed further as the rock started to fall around him. Determined to escape, he dodged what he could and used his sabre to destroy what he could not. But the entire tunnel was collapsing and the exit was already blocked.

Desperate, Bruck sent out a mental call to Vaneth to warn him about the trap. It might work. Then he turned on his heel and used the force to deflect the rocks away from him. Bleeding from the impact of rocks and stones and starting to tire Bruck raced back to the chamber over the increasingly uneven floor. Now that escape was impossible he was determined to return to the Sith and kill, or be killed, in battle.

The opening to the chamber was just ahead. Bruck leaped towards it just as an explosion rocked the tunnel immediately above him. Huge rocks flew everywhere and struck at him as he tried to clear the affected zone.

Bruck tried to use the Force to protect himself, but he was tired and no match for the tons of descending rock.

'Obi-Wan,' his mind screamed as he was crushed beneath the mountain.

The Sith waited until the sound of falling pebbles died away and walked to the edge of the fallen rock. Bruck's hand was visible at the bottom of the pile as if reaching for the Lightsabre that had landed just beyond the rockfall.

Apparently satisfied that its enemy was dead the wookie howled in victory. Then it turned and jumped back down to the chamber floor. It disappeared briefly to return, dragging a bound and gagged man.

The man, who was well built and dressed in black, struggled valiantly, but the wookie didn't appear to notice. It just ignited his Lightsabre, stepped back from the captive and used the Force to loosen the bonds. Immediately the man raced away from the Sith, but to no avail. The wookie somersaulted over him and ran him through without effort.

Again the wookie howled in delight and disdainfully dropped its lightsabre next to the body. It then turned and inspected the equipment bay. It was still functioning despite the damage that it had inflicted. The Sith smiled, its Master would be pleased.

It took Vaneth a long time to trace where Bruck had gone, even longer to find the body, only a little longer to decipher some of the information held on the computer and examine the other body and no time at all after that to summon more Jedi to investigate both thoroughly.

Anakin stood in the communications room looking at the hologram in front of him. He was stunned by what Palpatine had just told him. Bruck was dead, but how had that happened? He wasn't supposed to be dead, just out of the way for a little while.

"But you said it wouldn't be dangerous."

Palpatine looked upset.

"No mission that the Jedi are sent on are ever without risk. The Jedi live a dangerous life, but because of Knight Chun the Jedi have discovered a great deal. It appears that the Sith were trying to destabilise the planet Luxour to get exclusive access to several mineral deposits. Apparently Knight Chun killed a Sith, but was killed in a rockfall caused by equipment damaged in the fight. He died a hero."

"He died a hero!" Anakin repeated. This was getting worse by the moment.

"Indeed. The data in the remains of the computers in the Sith base was damaged, but it implied that these minerals were to help supply arms and equipment to a new army. Some of the locations where the minerals were due to be delivered also survived," Palpatine paused. Anakin tried to take in the information.

"Although he would have wished to live," Palpatine continued softly. "Bruck pledged his life to the service of the Jedi. He gave his life freely. He was noble and true to the cause he devoted his life to defend."

Anakin didn't feel reassured by Palpatine's words.

"You must not feel guilty about what has happened," Palpatine added. "You did what you thought was necessary and no man can say better than that."

There was a silence. Anakin looked up and saw that Palpatine was waiting patiently for a response.

"Thank you for telling me yourself Chancellor, I do appreciate it. I just wish it had turned out differently."

"I know that you do, my boy and contacting you myself was the least I could do in the circumstances. Please contact me when you have had time to accept everything that has happened."

"Yes Chancellor I will, but I think I really have to go and see my Master now."

"Yes, I believe that would be wise. Take good care of him," Palpatine said sympathetically as the hologram faded.

"Do you think this is the solution?" Obi-Wan stood before the Council. This discussion was making him feel very uncomfortable.

"Your insistence Anakin be trained it was. If problems now you find, little sympathy has the Council."

"Master Yoda, I do not believe that I am the only Jedi to ever come before the Council with problems training his first Padawan. And if training Anakin could ever be considered a mistake then not training him could only be worse. His Force abilities will not go away because we ignore them. Eventually someone else would have discovered him and possibly led him to a darker path."

"Obi-Wan you have come to us with a problem," Mace Windu said. "We have given you our solution. Do it upon your return from your next mission on Tamasha 3."

Obi-Wan sighed. He still wasn't happy. He didn't think this was the solution but nothing he'd tried had worked either. Maybe this would help, he couldn't see how it could harm. Maybe he would ask Bruck when he returned.


He wanted to ask the Council if they had had any news of Bruck's mission. Nobody seemed to know anything, but he'd heard Bruck calling out to him two days ago. He'd informed the Council that Bruck might be in trouble but they had said nothing in return. If something had happened the Council would know but Jedi weren't supposed to ask about missions if it didn't relate to them directly.

He wished they would mention Bruck and set his mind at ease, but until then there was something else he had to know that he was actually permitted to ask.

"Honourable Council members may I ask another question?"

"Yes, Obi-Wan," said Yoda.

"Do you believe that we have become complacent? That we are too sure of ourselves and are blind to the dangers around us?"

"Does this question have anything to do with this vague feeling of dread that seems to obsess you these days?" Master Windu asked.

"I still feel it, it's getting stronger. It's different from the feeling I had before the Clone Wars. Worse somehow."

"Obi-Wan to reassure you, we are investigating, very seriously, that the Sith are abroad again. We are now looking for reliable information about their intentions. We are aware of the dangers around us. We have not lasted this long by ignoring peril."

"Yes, Masters," Obi-Wan said respectfully.

"And do not think that we aren't aware of your attempts to trace the missing soldiers from the Clone Wars," Yarael Poof said. "Your inquires have been causing some confusion and concern."

"Then you know that someone is stockpiling enough equipment to supply an army?" Obi-Wan asked hopefully.

"No large scale purchases have there been, Obi-Wan," Yoda replied.

"I know, but there are an unusual number of small ones throughout the Republic. If someone is building an army then it isn't going to be based just in one spot. I think it's everywhere."

"Obi-Wan," Mace Windu sighed. "We believe that these matters are best left to the Council. I suggest you concentrate on your current dilemmas rather than seeking out new ones."

"Yes Masters," Obi-Wan said as he bowed ready to take his leave.

"Go now and may..." Yoda was interrupted by a com chime. He looked at Mace and nodded. The door to the Council chamber opened and Docent Vant came in. She gave Obi-Wan a strange look as she went to whisper in Mace Windu's ear and Obi-Wan knew, without doubt, that it was bad news about Bruck.

Anakin was terrified. Obi-Wan's appointment with the Council had finished hours ago and he'd searched everywhere, without success, for his errant Master. Anakin guessed that the Council had told Obi-Wan about Bruck -- and done it badly.

Why could no one treat his Master properly? It only reinforced Anakin's belief that he was the only one capable of looking after Obi-Wan. Everyone else always messed it up.

Finally, just as Anakin was about to alert Temple Security, Obi-Wan walked into their quarters. Anakin ran to him and carefully took his robe. But Obi-Wan looked tired; his shoulders were slumped, he dragged his feet and he sat down at his desk without saying a word. Anakin couldn't avoid noticing how red his Master's eyes were and sighed heavily -- he felt terrible. He'd done this, made a man with so little laughter in his life, even sadder.

Anakin's sigh drew Obi-Wan attention and he looked up to see his Padawan's stricken expression.

"I didn't think you liked him much," Obi-Wan said.

Anakin paused. He didn't care about Bruck. He cared about his Master.

'I never meant for this to happen,' Anakin thought. 'I never wanted this. I just wanted him to realise that Bruck was unworthy of him. Now I have another dead man, another hero, as a rival for his affections. All I've ever wanted was for him to be happy, for him to be happy with me.'

"You cared about him, that's enough for me," Anakin said out loud.

Obi-Wan reached out and took one of Anakin's hands.

"I heard him calling my name two days ago," Obi-Wan said vaguely. "It must have happened then. I heard him call my name and then there was silence and suddenly I felt so alone. It reminded me terribly of... of..."

Obi-Wan's looked so lost as he spoke that Anakin could stand no more. He pulled Obi-Wan out of the chair and clasped him to his chest, wrapping him tightly in his arms.

"You are not alone, Master, you will never be alone. I will always be with you," Anakin said desperately into his Master's hair.

"You are such a good friend, Anakin," Obi-Wan said sadly returning the embrace and Anakin sobbed in frustration.

Anakin had no idea how long they remained standing, holding each other, but eventually Obi-Wan stood back, wiped his eyes and gestured for Anakin to sit on the couch.

"I'm afraid I have some more bad news," Obi-Wan said as he sat down as well. He took Anakin's hands in his. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to delay your Trials."

Anakin was stunned.

"Why," he said.

"You are very skilled in the Force, my Padawan," Obi-Wan replied. "The best pilot I've ever seen, you fight well and have a way with machines. But," he sighed. "I have become worried about you. You used to be so carefree but now your mind is almost completely cut off from me and has been for some time. You do not seem to know serenity anymore. Something is troubling you but you won't talk to me about it."

Anakin flinched. These things were true. Before Bruck had turned up he did use to laugh and smile more. Now he couldn't let his Master into his mind in case he saw what was hidden there; and how was serenity possible when temptation was always so close at hand.

"Am I to be punished?" Anakin asked.

"No, of course not, none of this is your fault." Obi-Wan looked surprised. "It is I who have been remiss in your teaching. I think that you have so many duties that you cannot do them all well. I know you are having problem with Amidala and I know you are having problems here. I consulted the Council and they have suggested that you go to Naboo and stay with your wife for six months. This visit will give you a chance to understand what is expected and required of you there. When you return you will understand how to fit it in with your duties here."

"Go to Naboo! You are sending me away!" Anakin ripped his hands out of his Master's grasp and turned quickly away so Obi-Wan wouldn't see his distress.

"No, Anakin," Obi-Wan said and he put a hand on Anakin's shoulder. "I know this isn't normal, but your training started out abnormal, I see no reason why it shouldn't continue to be so. This is purely time for you to take stock, to understand all your responsibilities. You will still be a Jedi, just a little later than I thought."

Anakin was not reassured. Six months without his Master! It was unbearable.

"And I won't see you in that time."

"I'm afraid you don't get rid of me that easily," Obi-Wan reassured him. "But I want you to consider every aspect of your training while you are there. Your strengths and weaknesses. Everything. And when you come back we will discuss it all. Including whether you want me to continue as your Master."

Anakin stood and whirled to face his Master.

"You don't want to train me anymore?" Anakin's world was collapsing about him. He was in danger of losing everything that was most precious to him.

"On the contrary, training you is the most important thing in my life," Obi-Wan replied. "But you won't come to me with your difficulties and your training is suffering. I have to do what is best for you and if another Master is the solution to your problems, then I have to be prepared to give you up."

"I want no Master but you," Anakin said firmly fire in his eyes.

"Then you must be prepared to tell me what is bothering you and we will sort it out together."

Anakin opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again. Obi-Wan looked hopefully up at him willing him to speak. Anakin tried again but once more failed. He walked away from the couch to stare out of the window down to the city below. He felt that the solution to everything was for him to just throw his Master to the floor and take him where he fell; but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Especially now when his Master was still so upset about Bruck.

"Go to Naboo, Anakin," Obi-Wan sighed, his shoulders slumped again and he looked down at his hands. "In time these difficulties will be resolved."

Anakin turned back to his Master.

"We have a mission that we have been preparing for, surely you still need me with you for that," Anakin asked. He wanted to delay this exile as long as possible.

"The Council agrees with you," Obi-Wan said without looking up. "We shall go together to Tamasha 3. Contact Amidala, let her know what has been decided. I imagine she will be very pleased with the news."

"Yes Master," said Anakin as he bowed stiffly, but Obi-Wan didn't acknowledge him and he continued to stare down at his tightly clasped hands. Anakin briefly stood watching his Master before he left to go to the communications centre.

However, despite his instructions, Anakin's first call was an emergency transmission to Palpatine. He was surprised how quickly he got through.

"Supreme Chancellor, I'm very sorry to disturb you but I must see you. It's very important," Anakin said as soon as the hologram of Palpatine appeared.

"Anakin my boy, calm yourself," Palpatine said. "Is this evening at eight soon enough, or can you talk to me now?"

"I can't speak about it over the comlink, but his evening would be fine. Thank you so much."

"Anytime my boy, anytime."

Anakin closed the connection and prepared to open another to Naboo.

(Continued in part 2)