The Further Adventures of Master Yoda

by Chat Noir

Archive: Master_Apprentice, others welcome

Category: Humor/Parody, POV

Rating: PG

Warnings, Spoilers: None

Disclaimer: These characters are the property of Mr. Lucas. I'm only funnin' with 'em.

Feedback: Yeas, Nays and "Keep-your-day-jobs" welcome at

Summary: Master Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi face one of their most perilous missions- a day at the mall.

"Concentrate. Feel the force. Flow through you it does. Calm you must be. At peace," as I recite the litany, Obi-Wan shakes off the remainder of his tension. He nods to each of my statements, slowly rolling his shoulders and stretching his back muscles. I sense him send out his awareness to his surroundings. He is ready. "It is time, Obi-Wan," I tell him.

The apprentice nods to me once more, a serious look upon his youthful features. Slowly and purposefully, he turns away from me. He raises his arms and pushes back the long brown sleeves of his jedi robe. He links his fingers and rotates his palms until his knuckles yell in protest, cracking their displeasure at being flexed. The blonde head swivels and looks down into my eyes. "I am ready for the trial, Master Yoda," he says with grim determination.

I acknowledge him with a jerk of my head and reach into the folds of my cloak. Pulling out a round metal disk I move closer to stand next to Obi-Wan's leg. I carefully place the disk into a slot on the device setting in front of us. At that moment, Obi-Wan takes up his battle stance. His hands fly to the mechanical controls before him. A clock begins chiming off the seconds. 30, 29, 28... Obi Wan is furiously working the buttons and knobs in his hands. Sweat begins to form on his temple and above his lip. Although I long to lend him my advice, I know this is a journey the apprentice must take alone. 19, 18, 17... The boy is running out of time, but he does not panic. I am pleased with his ability to remain calm and employ the force in his endeavors. 3, 2, 1. Obi-Wan smashes his palm down onto a large red button just as the buzzer sounds. From overhead a click and whine of machinery heralds the approach of a dropping claw. A three-pronged metal pincer floats past Obi-Wan's head and buries itself in the pile of fur and cloth in front of his face. Eagerly the padawan and I mark its progress. Tenderly the claw grasps onto a fluffy representation of an ewok. Obi-Wan is unable to stifle an excited intake of breath. I am patient, however, I have seen this situation played out many times and know the outcome is never certain. As if reading my negative thoughts, the pincer suddenly releases its burden, letting the small furry toy drop back into the pile before shooting off towards the ceiling once more.

"Aww.." moans Obi-Wan.

"Told you I did that claw machines always rigged are," I remind him.

"I know," he sadly replies "but that stuffed ewok was right on top. It looked so easy."

"A lesson there is here for you, young apprentice," I tell Obi-Wan.

"I think I know it, Master. Looks can be deceiving and what looks easy rarely is?" he answers.

"No," I reply. "Loan you should not a quarter to padawans wanting to play stupid claw games."

Obi-Wan smiles at me and places his hand on my shoulder as we exit the arcade. As we move back out into the mall he address me. "How about if I repay you with a smoothie, Master Yoda? There's an Orange Julius right over there."

"A good idea that is young one. On this bench I will sit and wait." The youngster moves off as I sit myself on a piece of furniture so uncomfortable it must have been purchased used from a torture chamber. Just as my hindquarters have been pinched to the point of numbness, Obi-Wan returns with our beverages.

"I forgot to ask what kind you wanted, so I just got the flavor of the day. It's called Tatooine twister. It's quite good," he tells me handing over a cup with a long, protruding straw. "Thank you again for coming to the mall with me, Master Yoda," he continues. "I know you usually like to shop at home on the Holovid Shopping Network, so I know it took a lot to drag you here. I really value your assistance in finding a birthday gift for Master Qui-Gon, he's not an easy person to shop for."

"Considering that I have been, Obi-Wan. Think you perhaps a sweater to give him?" I ask.

"Well, I was hoping to get something a little more personal. But it's a good place to start."

I pry my butt from the slatted bench seat and Obi-Wan and I begin to cruise the mall. We pass dozens of shops, but most seem to be selling clothing aimed at anorexic young females. Finally I notice an establishment that has tasteful displays of folded apparel neatly placed on wooden tables.

"There, padawan. Looks appealing does that place," I inform my charge. As we stop and look in the window, several young people primly dressed in cotton slacks and shirts busy themselves tidying the clothing piles. I begin to move through the doorway of the store but stop as I notice Obi-Wan is not following. "Why dawdle do you, Padawan?" I ask.

"I don't think we'll find anything for Qui-Gon in there, Master. Let's just keep looking,," he says to me. I can sense he is not being entirely truthful. I also sense fear and trepidation emanating from the apprentice.

"Sense you a danger here, Obi-Wan?" I query.

"No, it's not that."

"Feel you a disturbance in the force?" I ask.

"Nope, can't say that I do."

"Anticipate do you their prices are too high?" I press.

"Not really, no."

"Then your fanny you will move. Faces his fears does a jedi, Obi-Wan," I admonish.

The boy acquiesces and we step over the threshold of the shop. The moment we are inside we are besieged by hordes of khaki wearing sales people. They are all very talkative and seem very eager to please. I find this a refreshing change from the majority of retail establishments in the republic. I decide to let them assist us in our search. "Tell me you can where to find sweaters?" I ask one of the smiling young people.

The young man looks at me indifferently and wags a finger towards the opposite side of the store. "Over there," he grudgingly responds, returning to smiling at Obi-Wan.

I watch as a female clerk begins to run her hands over Obi-Wan's arms and seductively breathes at him, "You'd look smashing in one of our denim button downs."

The padawan is looking decidedly uncomfortable with her ministrations, so I attempt to distract her. "Girl, help me you will to select a sweater," I tell her.

She flashes me a hateful glare, but removes her paws from Obi-Wan long enough to point towards another section in the store. Through clenched teeth she spits, "They're over there, old man."

Meanwhile, a third clerk has positioned himself next to Obi-Wan, pushing the female aside. He is placing his arm around the young padawan's shoulders and is trying to lead him away from the others. "No, darling, what you need is something more daring, wild. You need to show off that fabulous body of yours. Who picked out these frumpy tunics? Your grandpa, there?"

Once more I have to step between the clerk and my jedi student. But it seems no matter how many I distract there are always more to take their places. Finally when a large hairy wookie wearing chinos and a pastel polo shirt begins to ruffle Obi-Wan's hair, I decide enough is enough.

With a loud crack and a snap-hiss, I ignite my lightsaber. The blade illuminates my features and accentuates them in a way that makes me appear very frightening despite my size. "Away you will back from the padawan!" I command. I put the power of the force behind my voice and hurl it towards the overheated sales clerks. Rapidly they begin to shrink away from Obi-Wan and the awesome specter of a jedi master unleashed. Obi-Wan moves to stand behind me as we back out the door.

"Dude, your grandpa is a little tense," offers one of the khaki wearers to our retreating backs.

"Right you were to fear that place, Obi-Wan. Much danger there was," I tell the young man as we continue to walk past rows of storefronts.

"Oh, yes. Master Qui-Gon won't even let me walk on that side of the mall let alone actually allow me to go in The Gap," he affirms.

Eventually we approach a large anchor store with a lighted sign declaring "SEARS." There are two sets of escalators leading up to two entrances set on either side of the store. One half of the storefront is painted white, the other black. "Which entry way to take shall we, Padawan?" I ask my companion.

"I don't know Master. Do you want to take the white escalator or the black?"

"What have they on the black side, Obi-Wan?"

"I don't know," he replies. "I've never tried the darker side of Sears. We could go up the black escalator and find out."

"No, young one. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny," I advise.

"Of course, you're right. It's better to keep our options open. We'll go to the lighter side of Sears and if we can't find anything there, then we'll turn to the dark side," Obi-Wan declares.

"A wise plan that is, apprentice," I praise him as we set off towards the electric stairway.

The escalator is moving at an alarming rate. Metal steps are materializing out of the floor and flying steeply towards the towering entrance at speeds fast enough to propel a passenger into hyperspace. I hesitate stepping onto the mechanical death trap and Obi-Wan senses my reluctance.

"Here, Master Yoda," he calmly tells me while placing one hand on my back and another under my elbow, "I'll help you." He waits a few heartbeats while I settle myself and then just as a step appears from beneath the floor he shouts, "Now!" As one our feet move onto the quickly moving platform. Obi-Wan does not release his hold on me and as I peer over my shoulder at the vertical drop that is rapidly growing beneath us, I am grateful.

Eventually we reach the top of the escalator and step off the moving stairway. Suddenly I realize the machine has grabbed hold of the edge of my cloak. I call out to Obi-Wan who immediately dives for the garment. The padawan is pulling mightily at my hem, but he is unable to dislodge the fabric from the jaws of the escalator that is continuing to chew my robe, millimeter by millimeter. Furiously I begin to smack the metal monster with my cane, but to no avail. As I continue to rain blows upon the stairway's mechanical body, Obi-Wan has braced himself to keep the beast from sucking me down. The apprentice is sprawled on the floor, legs akimbo with one foot on each side of the escalator. I can see the tension of his struggle in his clenched jaw and straining leg muscles. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan's position at the summit of the stairway is blocking the other beings who were behind us on the trip upward. The shoppers are beginning to pile up at the top of the escalator, some desperately trying to jump over the straining padawan and others trying to move back down the stairs even as they continue to be propelled forward. Obi-Wan's arms are shaking from effort now and I realize my cane cannot loosen the teeth of the monster. I send out a command to the apprentice, "Obi-Wan use the force!"

Suddenly I feel Obi-Wan's mind explode in a wave of power. Screeching metal and crackling fuses drown out the shouts of the mass of beings being lumped together at the top of the escalator. The entire stairway gives a mighty lurch and my cloak hem flies free. Then with a shudder, the mechanical horror regains its momentum and starts moving again, but even faster. People are being dumped at the top of the platform quicker than they can remove themselves. Obi-Wan grabs me and rolls to the side of the escalator even as I erect a barrier of force power around us to keep flying shoppers from crushing us.

As we dust ourselves off and I examine the damage to my garment, Obi-Wan spies a store directory. "Master Yoda, it says here that men's sweaters are on the fourth floor," he informs me.

"The elevator we will take, Obi-Wan," I insist.

Several minutes later we are looking through racks of sweaters when I see one that catches my eye. "Look you here, Obi-Wan. Like this do you?" I ask the padawan.

"I don't know," he hedges. "It's kind of boring."

"Wear it around his shoulders could Qui-Gon. Very jaunty."

"I suppose..."

"Good color for him it is. Matches his eyes it does," I encourage.

"That's true, but I'm still not certain. It's just not personal enough, I guess."

"Monogrammed you could have it. Put Q G J on the lapel, yes?" I entice.

"Do they do that here?" he asks.

"Find out I will," I offer and head off to find a clerk. I am hoping I will gather information to the positive and we can escape this dreadful mall. I vow to never leave the temple again and do all my shopping from HSN. At last I discover a salesman or rather salesboy. The clerk looks to be only just past puberty and is almost painfully skinny. He is standing behind a counter with a vapid look on his face.

"Tell me you can if monogramming you do?" I ask him.

"Huh?" he replies stupidly, making his large protruding adam's apple bob up and down.

"Monogramming do you do?" I repeat.

"I can't understand you sir. Do you speak basic?" This last part he spits out very slowly, making his adam's apple dance hypnotically.

"Basic I am speaking. Listening you are not. Monogramming do you or not do?" I affirm.

"I am sorry sir, but we do not have a translator droid on the premises. Please try to speak slowly and distinctly and I will try to help you." His adam's apple is bouncing around furiously now and I barely resist the urge to rip it from the brat's throat.

"Speaking slowly I am. Only I asked you a question. Letters with stitches do you put on sweaters?" My voice has risen several levels now, but is not quite a shout.

"I am sorry sir, I still cannot understand you perhaps if you could use sign language or gestures?" he offers.

I give him a gesture and toss the sweater at his empty head before storming off to find Obi-Wan.

When I find the apprentice, he immediately senses my displeasure. "Is something wrong, Master?" he asks, concerned. "Would you like to go to Hickory Farms and get some free samples?" he suggests brightly.

With that idea I let go of my rage and hate. Free munchies are always good for banishing the dark side.

After we have filled our bellies with assorted cheeses and crackers, Obi-Wan and I begin to make our way once more down the main corridor of the mall. The padawan stops suddenly and gestures toward a store with bright blinking lights and a heavy black drape over the doorway. A neon sign proclaims "Tattoos R Us." Obi-Wan places his elbow in one hand while the other cups his chin. His voice makes an inquiring grunt that sends chills up my spine.

"Hey," he muses, "I could get a tattoo. One with Qui-Gon's name on it. Maybe a lightsaber that says 'Qui-Gon you light up my life.' What do you think, Master Yoda?"

Inwardly I cringe, but I know if I show my displeasure it will only prompt him to decide favorably on the tattoo. Young people are notorious for disobeying the advice of their elders when it comes to matters like this. Even a well-trained and disciplined padawan such as Obi-Wan is not immune when tattoos are at issue.

"An interesting idea that is Obi-Wan. Where think you to put the tattoo?" I ask, trying to remain calm.

"Well, I'm not sure. Maybe- Good Heavens!" Obi-Wan's musings turn into a shocked cry and I swing my head around to see what has elicited this response from him. My eyes rest on a dark figure emerging from the doorway of the tattoo shop. Pushing aside the drape a young man with his face completely covered in red and black tattoos steps out into the mall, snarling at passersby with brown, pointed teeth. I find my opening.

"See those horns do you Obi-Wan?" I ask the still staring apprentice.

"Yes," he gurgles, captivated.

"A side effect they are of the tattoo process," I lie.

"Really?" he asks, disbelieving.

"Rare occurrence that is, but happens it does. Teeth it can affect as well," I deceive. "Such a present I think Qui-Gon would not like, yes?"

"No, me either. I don't think I want to risk that."

"Very wise, padawn. Perhaps instead a gift you could find in that store?" I point to an establishment called The Stone Gallery. The shop's window proclaims "From pebbles to boulders, we've got what you need." An additional red banner has been slung over the doorway reading "Sale! Get Your Rocks Half Off! Today Only!"

Distracted from the tattoo parlor, Obi-Wan begins to head for the rock shop. "What an excellent idea, Master Yoda," he tells me. "And look, there's a Hallmark store across the way. You could see if they have any new Precious Mammals figurines in yet." His plan is a good one and we go our separate ways.

Inside the store, I make a beeline for my favorite display. My latest copy of Precious Mammal Collector described the newest line and I eagerly seek out one item that particularly caught my fancy. As I gaze up into the glass case, I see the figurine I admired from the magazine article. A salesgirl notices me looking at the piece and offers to take it out of the case for me. As I hold the tiny ceramic figurine, I note the picture in the periodical did not do it justice. It is more beautiful than I could have imagined. But I sigh and hand it back to the clerk for her to replace in the display. Being a jedi master may bring respect and admiration, but it doesn't pull down much of a paycheck. As I exit the card shop I see Obi-Wan entering.

"Did they have the new collection in yet, Master Yoda?" he asks cheerfully.

"Yes, young one, finally arrived they have," I answer with a heavy heart. Obi-Wan's feelings of concern ripple through the force.

"Don't you want to get any Master? I know you have been waiting months for them to come out."

"Money I cannot spare after my new speeder bike I have purchased, Obi-Wan. Patience a jedi must have and control," I remind him sadly.

The young man nods his head knowingly and we exit the store. I look up at him and ask "Find you did not a suitable rock?"

"No," he replies, "I didn't notice that any of them seemed particularly force sensitive or anything."

"Pretty ones there were, though?"

"Oh yes. There were some that were quite beautiful."

"Buy one you should. The difference Qui-Gon would not know," I urge.

"Master Yoda! I couldn't lie about something like that. Besides he would know, he could feel there was no force aura around it," Obi-Wan replies, shocked.

"Tell him I would that I felt the force in it. Dispute me he would not."

"Well, maybe as a last resort. If we can't find something better."

I resign myself to more shopping and as I scan the shop fronts for a gift idea I am suddenly stopped in my tracks by the presence of a man who has forced himself into our path. The man flashes us a greasy smile and reaches out and begins pumping Obi-Wan's hand furiously.

"Hello citizens! I'm Senator Palpatine and I'm running for reelection. Here take one of my brochures. How do you stand on the issue of trade franchises? Well I stand there, too. Here take one of my buttons. You are registered to vote aren't you?"

As the politician continues to schmooze Obi-Wan I begin to sense a disturbance in the force. Something cold. Evil. There is a presence of the dark side here. I can feel it. As I am fond of saying, the dark side is difficult to pinpoint sometimes, but I resign myself to tracking it down. I close my eyes and stretch out my feelings. I detect the threads of hate and anger winding their way through this part of the mall. I decide to follow one and see where it leads. The tendril of dark energy winds its way around the center of the courtyard we are in, snaking past the customer service booth where it becomes stronger and moving between the shoppers. Finally, I discover its beginning place. I open my eyes to see my target. Directly in front of my face is Senator Palpatine, still shaking Obi-Wan's hand and handing him campaign paraphernalia. I have found the source of the evil. Directly behind the congressman's head is a sign reading "Mc Donald's." I shudder. Truly a darker bastion of evil does not exist in this universe or any other. Now I know why the dark side was so strong here. I grab Obi-Wan's cloak and pull him away from the loathsome burger stand.

The young apprentice's arms are now full of leaflets, brochures, bumper stickers and posters and he has several pins stuck into his tunic displaying slogans. As we pass a trash receptacle, Obi-Wan divests himself of the campaign material and we continue our journey.

As the padawan and I traverse the mall, I amuse myself with watching the amazing spectacle of beings passing by me. Obi-Wan and I take turns pointing out to each other the more colorful ones. I giggle as the apprentice makes a rude comment about the hair color of a female. He laughs in turn when I make reference to the tightness of her pants and the relative size of her posterior. We continue to walk and mall snipe in this manner until we pass a store twinkling with beautiful, crystal lights. Obi-Wan and I are unable to refrain from gasping at the sight. We find ourselves being drawn in by the sparkling beacon.

Only after we enter the shop do I regain my senses enough to know we have been trapped. The lure of the jewelry store is like the sweet, soulful song of a siren and Obi-Wan and I have been captured like lonely sailors. The young apprentice is working his way along the glass cases, his breath leaving foggy evidence of his passing. After several circuits of the establishment, he stops at one particular spot and gestures for me to join him.

"Look, Master Yoda, isn't it exquisite?" he asks pointing to a small hair tie. "Wouldn't that look good in Qui-Gon's hair?"

I stand on the tips of my toes and peer into the case. I spy the item in question, a delicate barrette covered in blue corusca gems. I must admit it would indeed set off the color of Qui-Gon's hair very nicely and I tell Obi-Wan so. I worry however, at the cost of the item. I don't have long to ponder that question before a saleswoman approaches us.

"Would you like to look at something, sirs?" she asks politely.

"Yes, please," answers Obi-Wan. "That hair tie, if you would. Thank you."

The padawan gingerly takes the jewelry from the clerk and holds it up to the light. We both find ourselves gasping involuntarily at the breathtaking way it reflects the light. The barrette is casting tiny blue-hued rainbows onto the counter in front of us. Obi-Wan nervously swallows.

"Um, how much is it?" he timidly asks. I steel my self for the response.

"Twenty-thousand republic dacterians," the clerk informs us.

"Twenty-thousand!" the apprentice and I choke out together. Obi-Wan's hands begin to shake and I fear he will drop the item and break it. "My soul I could not sell for that much money," I declare. Obi-Wan gives back the jewelry, thanks the clerk and we beat a hasty retreat.

Back out in the mall, Obi-Wan has hung his head and is looking very dejected. I prod him to ascertain the source of his dismay.

"Oh, Master Yoda, I just don't think I'll find anything decent to give to Qui-Gon. I don't know where else to look," he sighs.

I realize it is time for me to go into full teacher mode. "Forgot have you your lessons, Obi-Wan? Give up a jedi does not. One with the force he is. Lets it guide him he does. Trust in the force you must and your path it will show you," I advise the young apprentice.

"You're right, of course, Master Yoda. I should have realized that myself," he tells me somewhat chagrined. The padawan then kneels down, assuming a pose for deep meditation. I sense him center himself and settle his turbulent emotions. He becomes peaceful, calm. He is deep into the jedi trance when slowly he stands and begins to walk. His face is turned up as though he is listening to a distant voice that is urging him towards it. His pace quickens and I find myself unable to keep up with the purposeful strides of the apprentice's long legs. Still only semiconscious, he stops dead in his tracks and turns. Just as I breathlessly hobble up to him, he awakens. We both look up to the store's marquee, eager to see where the force has led us.

"Victoria's Secret," recites Obi-Wan gleefully. "I should have thought of that before."

We enter the establishment and the apprentice begins to rummage through racks of clothing. He examines various robes, satin boxers and silky pajamas. He paws piles of briefs and lacey stockings. He pauses briefly at a rack of nighties and I send a plea to whatever deity might be listening that Obi-Wan not choose the one with the feathers. Finally he holds up a pair of knit boxer briefs for my opinion. "What do you think of these, Master Yoda?" he asks.

"Functional they are, Padawan," I offer.

"Well, they look kind of dull, but they're really sexy on," he assures me. I take his word for it.

"Then buy them you should, Obi-Wan," I advise.

"Well, I need to dig for the correct size," he says passing off the underwear to me and turning to search the display table.

"Look fine these do. His size these are, yes?" I inquire of the apprentice.

"Oh my, no, Master! Those are big enough for a wookie," he answers.

"Then large enough for your master they will be. Heard you bragging to the other padawans about how big Qui-Gon was I have." I can't help snickering as the apprentice's face turns bright red. He sets down the underwear with an indignant huff and moves to another area of the store. I follow him, amused at his embarrassment. Suddenly he stops in front of a rack of clothing.

"Oh, Master, look," he says, forgetting his peevishness and pointing to the display of garments. Dangling from the metal hangers are some very tasteful black pajamas. They are styled very similarly to our jedi apparel. The tunic is loose-fitting, wrapping in the front and tying with a simple sash. The deep v-cut neckline promises the revelation of a respectful amount of skin. The matching pants are also loose fitting and toped by a simple drawstring closure. Very classy. "I think I've found the perfect gift," Obi-Wan declares." I agree. We have a winner!

Obi-Wan makes his purchase and we move back out into the mall. I am very weary from the long day of shopping and my steps are slower than they were when we first started our adventure. Obi-Wan seems to realize this and he points towards an empty bench. "Would you like to sit down and rest for a while, Master Yoda?" he asks me. "I think I might run back down to that stone shop and get a little something to go with these pajamas."

"A good plan that is, Padawan. Your package you can leave here. Watch it I will," I agree, pulling myself up onto the rock-hard seat. Obi-Wan moves down the thoroughfare and I scan my surroundings. Beings are walking past with their limbs full of packages and screaming children. Their voices fill the shopping center with dialects from dozens of different worlds. So many disparate cultures and peoples brought together in a spirit of gluttonous consumerism. It is truly inspiring.

Suddenly a shriek pierces the air and stirs me from my musings. A tiny jawa is screeching and jumping up and down, his robed arm pointing accusingly at the form of a fleeing human. The man is carrying a handbag under his arm and looking back over his shoulder fearfully. I realize he is a purse-snatcher. As a jedi I have a responsibility to help maintain order and peace in the galaxy. Taking that task to heart I focus the power of the living force around me. Stretching out my hand I propel a burst of force-energy towards a trash receptacle. As the cylinder topples, it rolls into the path of the running thief. The criminal is moving too fast to stop and suddenly his feet are knocked out from underneath him. As his backside makes contact with the floor, two armed security persons run up towards the thief to take him into custody. I relax back onto the bench, content with a job well done.

It is only moments later that Obi-Wan rejoins me carrying a small package. "Here," he tells me simply, shoving the parcel towards me.

"Find you a rock, Padawan?" I ask taking the paper bag from him.

"Just open it," he replies.

I do as he asks, perplexed. As I withdraw my hand from the bag and glance downward, my jaw drops. Carefully protected in bubble wrap is the Precious Mammal figurine I wanted. I look up at Obi-Wan curiously and see his broad smile beaming down at me. "The sales girl told me which one you wanted. I thought you deserved it for putting up with me today, Master," he says softly. I find it difficult to speak and just smile stupidly. Eagerly I remove the plastic covering and gaze at the statue. It is a representation of a kneeling padawan. It's tiny porcelain hands rest on one upraised knee in a respectful pose. It has been painted with large blue doe eyes and a sandy brown crewcut and braid.

"Reminded me of you it did," I tell Obi-Wan, trying not to choke-up. "Thank you, young one."

"Well, you deserve it. So, are you ready to leave?" he says, finally uttering the magic word. I rewrap my delicate prize and we make our escape.

Out in the parking lot, we wander down one row of vehicles after another, fruitlessly. I finally turn to the apprentice in frustration. "Sure you are we parked in this lot, Obi-Wan?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm positive. But your speeder bike is proving most elusive," he replies, shifting our packages from one arm to the other. "Try your signaling device again," he suggests. I continue to press the button on my key chain to no avail. "I'm certain we parked by this lamp post. I distinctly remember- Hey! What's this?" The padawan breaks off and walks toward the lighting pole. He reaches up to the post and removes a tiny post-it data pad. "Uh-oh," he grimaces.

"What says it, Obi-Wan?" I inquire fearfully.

"It's from the mall parking patrol. It says your speeder's been towed," he tells me, staring at the notice.

"Towed!" I cry, anticipating large impound fees.

"Well, I did warn you not to park in the handicapped space," Obi-Wan admonishes.

"Walk with a cane I do!" I retaliate.

"Yes, but I did tell you that without an official sticker you were taking the risk this could happen."

I sigh. "Warned me you did. Listened I should have," I admit. "Now a comm-call I must make." Reluctantly I fish in the folds of my robe for my comm unit. As I pull out the signaling device, Obi-Wan's hand closes over my own.

"Let me call for you, Master Yoda," he offers, taking the communicator from me. I regard him gratefully as he punches in a series of numbers. The call is put through and the young apprentice brings the comm unit up to his mouth. "Um. Hello," he winces. "Master Windu? This is Obi-Wan. Uh, we have a little problem..."

The End