More Fun than a Committee Meeting?

by Eshva (

Archive: M_A. Anyone else, just ask.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: PWP, Romance, Humour
Summary: Qui and Obi find something more fun to do than sit in committee meetings and read trashy novels. Sweet, cosy and fluffy, with some mild humour.
Warnings: Cosy. Fluffy. Nice Qui-Gon.
Disclaimer: They're the intellectual property of George Lucas.
Notes: Many thanks to Burgess for the beta and Thia for looking it over. The M_A list is incredibly supportive for writers! Thanks also to Pat and Alison for reading it, and the discussion about extended metaphor sex scenes.
The bit in asterisks at the beginning should be in italics.
Feedback: Always appreciated

"You pathetic fool." The black-clad Sith swirled his sable cloak about him and gloated. "You thought you could foil my plan to take over the galaxy. But nothing can stop me now! Soon the Senate will be in my power, and the fleets of the Republic will be at my command. And you, my interfering friend, will be vaporized in this vat of boiling acid." The Sith's maniacal laughter echoed in the huge chamber.

"You'll never get away with it," the handsome Sybarran pirate replied, spitting defiance at his captor. "The Jedi will stop you!"

He could not avoid the sight of the bubbling vat, as he was suspended face down and naked above it. Sweat glistened on his muscular frame. However grisly his fate, he resolved to meet it with valour.

There was a loud creak of machinery and slowly he began to descend toward the seething vat. The spitting acid sharply stung his flesh.

But then, faster than the eye could follow, a white-robed figure leapt down from above. The Sith was flung back by a wave of Force. The shackles holding the pirate captive came free, yet he did not fall, but, instead, felt an invisible hand lower him gently to safety.

His white-clad rescuer turned to face the Sith, but there was no sign of the foul creature.

"He must have escaped through the tunnels," said the pirate.

"We'll find him eventually," said the Jedi. "You're alive and that's the important thing. I was afraid I would be too late," he said softly. "Are you hurt?"

The pirate shook his head. "Only a few burns. I don't think dangling over an acid vat will catch on as a popular hobby."

"Here, let me," said the Jedi, laying his hands gently over the worst of the burns that marked the smooth skin of the pirate's well-muscled chest. A brief surge of healing force and the burn was gone.

"What happened to your clothes?" the Jedi asked, and the pirate grinned ruefully. He liked expensive and flamboyant clothes, and the blue velvet surcoat had been a favourite.

The Jedi removed his own cloak and draped it carefully over the pirate's broad, bare shoulders.

Obi-Wan put down the book, lay back on the couch and grinned. I wonder why the Jedi character is always in dress whites, he wondered idly. And why does the pirate always manage to end up naked? His grin broadened. The Jedi and the pirate were so clearly lovers, despite the emphatic denials of the author. The 'Pirate Adventure' books were unarguably trashy, but Obi-Wan couldn't help liking them.

He had showered after his morning of saber practice, meditated, and then taken the opportunity to read the thoroughly frivolous work of fiction. As was his habit when he had the chance, Obi-Wan had not bothered to dress after showering. He liked to meditate without clothing, feeling the currents in the air against his skin, the Force flowing around and through him. There seemed little need to dress when his meditations were completed. The temperature was quite comfortable in the quarters he shared with his master in the Temple on Coruscant, and there was no need for modesty, since no one would enter the rooms unannounced. Except Qui-Gon of course, but he wasn't likely to object. Quite the reverse, in fact.

That was the only thing that was marring this relaxation time, Obi-Wan thought - that his master couldn't share it with him. They had returned to Coruscant for the Masters' Convocation, held every second year - a chance for all the masters to discuss matters of importance to the Jedi. It was virtually a vacation for the padawans, as their masters were occupied with the great formal convocation gatherings, and any number of lesser meetings. The padawans looked forward to it eagerly, as a break from their rigorous training. It was a chance to relax and see friends who had been absent on missions. Only those Jedi on the most vital assignments did not return for Convocation.

Qui-Gon loathed it. He had said as much to Obi-Wan, and for the last Convocation had arranged to be on the other side of the galaxy, negotiating the end of a civil war. More constructive, he had said, than days of arguing and being ignored.

This year though, his master had decided that Obi-Wan should not be denied the chance to catch up with his friends and enjoy a break. Qui-Gon had departed early in the morning, for a meeting about conflicts in the Deluros sector, while Obi-Wan was free to enjoy the time as he wished. Though if he'd had his choice, Obi-Wan would have chosen to spend it with his master. They had been lovers for less than half a year, most of it taken up with perilous missions, and Obi-Wan would have welcomed the time to be with Qui-Gon. But since that was not possible, he would content himself with a light-hearted novel about the unlikely exploits of a Sybarran pirate.

The pirate was about to expose the Sith's plot to replace the Supreme Chancellor with a clone when the door to his quarters opened. Obi-Wan groped for his robe, but desisted when he saw that it was his master returning and he was unaccompanied.

He watched as Qui-Gon took in his state of relaxation and undress and the smile that quirked his master's lips in response.

"There's no need to get up, Padawan," he said. "I didn't mean to disturb you."

"Were you able to resolve the Deluros problem early?" Obi-Wan asked, teasing a little.

Qui-Gon rolled his eyes. "Hardly. They're going to decide to take no action, and await further developments. I walked out in protest."

Obi-Wan smiled to himself at such a typically Qui-Gon-ish action. No doubt he had neglected to bow on his way out.

"So," his master elaborated, "rather than remain in the meeting and become irritable, I decided to come and check on my padawan." He doffed his outer robe and removed his boots.

"A wise course, Master," Obi-Wan said, in his best grave-council-member tone. "Irritation should be avoided. Irritation leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to the Dark Side."

"Very true, Padawan," Qui-Gon replied in kind. "I'm sure many Jedi have turned to the Dark Side during committee meetings."

He crossed to the sofa where Obi-Wan was lying. Obi-Wan was about to make room for him to sit, but Qui-Gon forestalled him. "You don't have to move, Padawan," he said. Instead he lifted Obi-Wan's legs, then seated himself, with Obi-Wan's feet resting in his lap.

"I hope your morning has been more enjoyable than mine," Qui-Gon said.

"Very quiet, Master," Obi-Wan replied. "Saber practice, meditation." He gestured at the book he had put down. "A trashy novel."

Qui-Gon smiled. "Much better than committee meetings," He looked at the cover of the book. "Is that a 'Pirate Adventure'? I remember reading those when I was a padawan."

"You read them?" Obi-Wan's tone was faintly incredulous.

A laugh. "Rarely. Yoda used to confiscate them. I suspect he only did it so he could read them himself. I'd hear him muttering 'doing it they so are'."

Obi-Wan chuckled. Throughout the conversation he could not help noticing that Qui-Gon had been gently stroking his foot. The sensation was pleasant in the extreme, as his master's fingers drifted lightly over the sensitive skin, just firmly enough not to tickle. He gave a soft sigh of pleasure.

Qui-Gon noticed it and smiled at him, the sweet little smile that just curved the corners of his lips and softened his eyes. Obi-Wan loved that smile. But then, he had to admit he loved most expressions that crossed his master's features.

Qui-Gon lifted one of Obi-Wan's feet slightly, enveloping it within his large warm hands, massaging very gently. Obi-Wan relaxed into the soothing feeling of it, lying back against well-padded arm of the couch and letting his eyes drift closed.

To be surprised to feel his foot lifted further, and the unmistakable warm softness of lips pressed against the arch. He was surprised, but certainly not inclined to object - it felt too good. Much too good. Instead he lay back and basked in the sensations: the softness of lips tracing inside the arch of his foot, the tickle of beard, the warmth of Qui-Gon's hands, so large they almost engulfed his foot.

Then Qui-Gon was nibbling around his heel, ending with a gentle bite to his instep.

A pause, and Obi-Wan opened his eyes, seeing that his master had shifted on the sofa to face him. His much-pampered foot was resting against Qui-Gon's shoulder, and the softness of the fabric of his tunic was sweet against the hardened sole. Qui-Gon was, very tenderly, massaging his little toe. Obi-Wan wriggled his toes in sheer pleasure. He could feel it when Qui-Gon laughed, the rumble of his chest under Obi-Wan's foot, the soft puff of air tickling him. He loved it when he made Qui-Gon laugh.

Obi-Wan grinned. "I didn't realise you had a foot fetish, Master."

"I don't." Qui-Gon planted a kiss firmly on the top of his foot. "I have an Obi-Wan fetish." Another kiss. "Although you do have lovely feet." There was no mistaking the fondness in his voice.

Obi-Wan basked in it, as a wet tongue swiped over his toes, wriggling between them, then his master's warm mouth closed over his big toe and sucked. Obi-Wan gasped, surprised at how indecently wonderful such an absurd thing should feel.

And best of all was the fine touch of Qui-Gon's hair when it brushed against his foot. Soft, Obi-Wan thought. Comparisons to moth's wings and rose petals welled up in his mind, but failed utterly to match the infinite delicacy of the sensation. Like clouds, he thought dreamily, as though he was walking through clouds. Completely ignoring the knowledge that clouds would be wet and uncomfortable. Clouds seemed utterly appropriate, when his beloved's eyes were the colour of the sky.

The first foot was replaced in Qui-Gon's lap, and the second lifted for similar attentions, massaged softly and deftly.

"That feels so good."

"You haven't had your feet kissed before?" Qui-Gon sounded mildly surprised.

"Well, a couple of times," Obi-Wan said. "But I was wearing boots, so it wasn't the same."

"Boots?" A slightly raised eyebrow from his master.

"Umm, games, Master." He felt slightly embarrassed. His experiences had been extensive and varied before he had become Qui-Gon's lover. "You know, dominance games."

"Oh." The gentle hands had stopped their massage. A pause, then, "Obi-Wan, you're not getting bored are you?" Qui-Gon looked pensive. "I know I'm rather old and staid ..."

Insecurity, Obi-Wan realised with some shock. It hadn't occurred to him that Qui-Gon might still feel insecure about anything. His usual demeanour was serene and self-assured almost to a fault. But Obi-Wan remembered that his master had never expected his padawan would return his feelings. Was painfully aware of the many knights and padawans who had pursued Obi-Wan, the acquaintances from countless missions who wanted him. Perhaps the fear lingered, that he would be unable to hold Obi-Wan's affections.

This would not do. This would not do at all.

He squirmed around, so that he was kneeling close beside Qui-Gon and reached out to cup the bearded cheeks. "You are not old, and I am not bored," he said. No teasing or play now, but simple conviction. "I can't imagine ever being bored with you."

Qui-Gon still seemed uncertain. "Are you sure, Obi-Wan? I know you've had many experiences ..."

Obi-Wan stroked his face gently. "But this is something I've never tried before."

"What, gerontophilia?" Wry self-deprecation in his master's voice.

"No. Love."

"Oh," a soft murmur.

Obi-Wan smiled a little, hoping to coax his master back into humour. "I'm not going to grow bored with you. Not even if I live to be as old as Master Yoda. But will you still love me when I'm small and green, with eccentric syntax?"

Success. Qui-Gon smiled back. "I'd still love you, no matter how small and green and wrinkly you were." He was encircled by strong arms and hugged tightly. "Although the syntax would be a trial."

Obi-Wan hugged him in return and planted a swift kiss on his lips. Having, he hoped, reassured Qui-Gon, he moved back to his former position on the couch with his feet in his master's lap. "Now we've resolved that," he said, "is there any chance you'll continue doing blissful things to my feet?"

In response, Qui-Gon lifted the neglected foot and resumed the delicate massage. Then, like the other, it was lifted, fondled and kissed. And, like the other, the big toe was taken in and sucked.

Wonderful. Obi-Wan sighed in enjoyment, arousal stirring with the thought of the lovely mouth sucking other parts of him.

His master's hands gradually moved upward, their warmth encircled his ankle, then moved on to stroke over shin and calf. And his mouth followed in their wake, laying down a path of kisses. Obi-Wan felt himself gently urged to lift and bend his leg, as Qui-Gon enveloped his knee with one hand as he licked and teased the sensitive place behind it. Obi-Wan canted his leg further to give his lover easier access to the spot - an especially sensitive place for him. He lifted his other leg and rubbed his calf against Qui-Gon's shoulder enjoying its solid strength, as Qui-Gon continued his gentle teasing of Obi-Wan's knee.

Then the journey was resumed, the warm hand sliding up his leg as the lips and tongue lingered over his tender inner thigh.

Obi-Wan gasped as his master's lush hair brushed against his cock. But instead of moving in to suck him, Qui-Gon instead traced outward, leaving a wet trail of kisses over the line where thigh met torso. Finally he planted a kiss on Obi-Wan's hipbone, then Obi-Wan watched him draw back to gaze fondly down at him.

A warm hand stroked softly over his belly. "So beautiful, my Obi-Wan." His eyes were soft with love.

Obi-Wan reached out to cover the stroking hand with his own, wanting the touch, the connection. His cock had filled and risen, and it too seemed to reach for his beloved.

Qui-Gon smiled at it, wrapped a hand around and squeezed briefly. "Patience, love."

And then he retreated, to begin again at the other ankle.

Obi-Wan sighed and relaxed into the feeling. Every individual sensation was lovely, was exquisite, not to be ignored in the urge to reach completion. So he let himself be washed on the gentle waves of pleasure that flowed from Qui-Gon's tender caresses.

But this time, as the kisses reached the apex of his inner thigh, Qui-Gon did not move out toward his hip. Instead, he kissed and lapped at his sac, gently engulfing each vulnerable ball in the thrilling warmth and wetness of his mouth, as around Obi-Wan's cock was swirled the cool luxury of his master's dark, silvershot hair.

Qui-Gon drew back a little, and their gazes linked. The bond with his master, always a constant warm presence in his mind, was awash with love.

Qui-Gon's lips descended on his cock, feathering tantalizing kisses over every inch of him, as Obi-Wan stroked the mane of hair that flowed over his belly. And then he was taken in and sucked, his lover's tongue teasing him, the waves of pleasure surging through him. He drew Qui-Gon's hair aside, so he could look down, so he could see his beloved master do this for him, the beautiful lips surrounding him and bringing him such pleasure. To see Qui-Gon's face, his expression - intent and loving and happy.

He was being sucked fiercely now, the waves of feeling surging higher, lifting him. He clutched at the unyielding bone of Qui-Gon's skull, his only anchor as he was tossed in an ocean of sensation. Then the wave crested and broke and he was lost, ecstasy crashing through him in the roar of the waves.

And then the gentle ebb, the small ripples of feeling running through him as the tide receded.

Qui-Gon was lapping at him tenderly, licking him clean. Their eyes met again, and Qui-Gon drew up to kiss him, to share the bitter-salt taste of his pleasure. Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around his master, hugging him tightly. This was the single thing he had missed in that sea of pleasure, the feeling of Qui-Gon's broad body against his own, Qui-Gon's steady heart beating against his breast.

The kiss ended, eventually. "Your turn now," Obi-Wan said, looking forward to returning the favour.

"I wish we could." Qui-Gon leaned in for another brief kiss. "I'm sorry, Obi-Wan, but there's another Convocation gathering this afternoon. I have to attend." Qui-Gon drew back to resume his seat on the couch and reached for his boots.

Despite his disappointment, Obi-Wan had to fight back laughter. "Do you mean to tell me that you just sneaked back here to make sure I wasn't becoming sexually frustrated before going off to your next meeting?" Mock outrage in his tone.

Qui-Gon was smiling. "Well, I hadn't actually planned on the sex, but you looked so enticing ..."

Obi-Wan smiled back. "You should be careful, Master. I might grow to expect such luxuries."

"It could make a very convenient excuse for leaving meetings." Qui-Gon's eyes were twinkling wickedly. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Master Windu, but I must go and fellate my padawan."

Obi-Wan collapsed back against the couch. Through his laughter he said, "I don't think they'd accept that excuse, Master."

"Then I would have to explain to them that you were in danger of becoming frustrated if I did not. And of course, frustration leads to anger, anger leads to hate ..."

"And hate leads to the Dark Side." Obi-Wan's laughter was part amusement and part pure happiness. When Obi-Wan was a boy, his master had always seemed so serious. It had been a delight to discover he had been mistaken.

He watched as Qui-Gon re-donned his socks and started fastening his boots. He appeared to be studying the boot with some interest. "Obi-Wan," he asked, "did you enjoy the games with boots?"

Obi-Wan considered his answer, thinking back to that time in his life. "Not exactly," he answered. "The person I was with found it very exciting, though. I enjoyed that."

"Ah." Qui-Gon seemed to be considering. "If you wanted me to, I could ..."

Obi-Wan shook his head. "No, I don't want you to do that."

"Well, that's a relief." Qui-Gon was smiling at him again as he rose to tidy his hair. "I must confess, I don't see the attraction. And I expect boot polish would taste revolting."

"I don't think it's done for the taste, Master," he answered, grinning. "Although, if someone invented chocolate-flavoured boot polish, I might reconsider."

Qui-Gon had put on his cloak and tidied his hair and again looked the picture of a proper Jedi Master. Which showed just how deceiving appearances could be, Obi-Wan thought.

"The Convocation should finish in time for the evening meal," Qui-Gon said. "I don't think the masters will want to miss their dinner." He hesitated. "If you don't have anything else planned, we could continue then." There was no mistaking the hopefulness of his tone.

During Convocation, padawans spent the time socializing and relaxing and their masters saw little of them, and Obi-Wan realised Qui-Gon thought he might prefer to go off with his friends. As if he would want to be anywhere else. "I don't have anything planned, Master," he answered. "Perhaps we could play some games." He donned a lascivious expression.

Qui-Gon quirked an eyebrow at him. "What kind of games did you have in mind, Padawan?"

Obi-Wan glanced at his novel, discarded on the floor and grinned. "Well, Master, I rather like the idea of you dressed as a Sybarran pirate."

"If I remember correctly, the pirate usually ended up undressed."

"Sounds good to me," Obi-Wan said and grinned.

Qui-Gon was smiling as he left their quarters.

After he had gone, Obi-Wan considered for a moment, then grabbed his clothes and headed for the kitchen. Chocolate boot polish might not have been invented, but he knew an excellent recipe for chocolate body paint...

Qui-Gon would be back for dinner. And chocolate-coated Jedi master would make an excellent dessert.
