by FireCracker KLee624820@aol.com

submission dated 10-20-99

Pairing Q/O

A/U - Angst

Obi's twenty-four.

Obi considers the written word.

Obi-Wan sat in the study. For months, he tried to think of how to tell his Master how he felt. Speeches and scenarios ran through his mind. It was becoming an exercise in frustration.

Whenever he's near me, all I can think of is us together. The nights are worse. And the Code forbids...


He looked up, distracted. Qui-Gon stood in front of him at his study desk. The deep blue eyes were laced with concern.

"Are you all right? I've been standing here about a minute."

The young Jedi cleared his throat. "I'm just a little distracted, no problem. All this studying about the states of consciousness has me unconscious, I guess."

"Hmm. Well, if you're up to it, I thought we could have a training session together. It's been awhile, you know."

Working out together, that's all I need. "Sounds good. Can we do it in about an hour?"

Qui-Gon nodded slightly. "As you wish, padawan. It's been a long time. Indeed, I am looking forward to it" the eyes sparkled.

Why's he looking at me like that! I must be imagining things. "Until then, Master" he bowed.

The tall form left to prepare himself. Obi-Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope this isn't a mistake, considering my frame of mind.

The gym was relatively quiet that day. Most of the padawans were engaged in their study times, and the council was in conclave. A few knights were about, revisiting their early training practices.

Qui-Gon approached the floor mat first, wearing a wrap shirt and baggy pants. He bowed.

Obi-Wan, similarly attired, bowed as well.

"Are you ready?" the deep voice was a challenge.

Slight pause. "Yes."

Qui-Gon lunged, reaching for a grapple hold. Obi-Wan flipped underneath, using leverage to pin the larger man on his side. Qui-Gon spun out, hooking a leg between Obi-Wans', reversing the fall. They tumbled over, face to face.

The long mane was coming loose from the horsetail, framing the handsome face.

"Concentration, padawan."

Obi-Wan stared at the opening in his shirt, wondering at the flexing chest damped with exertion.

Damn, I've got to stop thinking like this!

Qui-Gon smiled slowly. He pulled his padawan up.

"I can see your mind isn't into the exercise, Obi-Wan. What is the source of your distraction?"

Obi-Wan caught himself staring at the muscled chest again. What would he taste like? He raised his eyes quickly. "I...just tired, I guess. No biggie."

Qui-Gon held him a moment, seemingly longer than necessary. Without thinking, Obi-Wan slid his arms around the firm waist.

Staring, his mind blanked out a moment. Green eyes blazing with barely held intensity.

Met with dark blue pools. Qui-Gon withdrew slowly, mindful that they weren't alone in the gym.

"Padawan" his voice dropped low, "your shields are in abominable condition. You must meditate. We will speak of this matter later." he turned abruptly and left.

Obi-Wan stood, staring at his hands. I couldn't stop...myself. I wanted to kiss him...

Sighing, he slung a towel over his shoulder and headed out. "Force, I've blown it" he muttered to himself.

Later that evening, he again wondered how to broach the subject.

Words. he thought to himself. What words should I use?

His eyes widened at a sudden thought. Maybe I should write him a letter, at least I'd be spared any embarrassment if he doesn't feel the same way. He could just trash it.

Smiling to himself, he went into the study...

Qui-Gon and Mace Windu were observing knight training exercises.

"So, Qui-Gon. How fares your padawan with his current studies?"

"Distracted, I'm afraid. We were in a training session this afternoon, but his mind wasn't on it."

The dark eyes were keen. "Oh? Is he not well?"

Qui-Gon sighed. "No, his health is fine. I sense he has an unresolved personal issue. I wish he'd confide in me."

Mace pulled on his chin. "I see. You have no idea what it's about?"

"No, none whatsoever. And it is a growing concern."

Windu clapped a hand on his shoulder. "What say I have a talk with him. I know I'm not his favorite person, but at least I'd be impartial."

Qui-Gon smiled softly. "Are you saying I couldn't be objective about a personal problem in regards to Obi-Wan?"

Mace looked away. "Qui-Gon...I see things. And perhaps Obi-Wan is not the only one with an unresolved dilemma."

"Enough riddles, Mace" the nightblue eyes were stormy. "Say what you mean!"

Dark eyes grew hard. "Do you think me a fool? I see how you look at the boy, when your guard is down. And were it not for the Code, well do I know what would occur!"

Qui-Gon snorted. "Do you, now? For the umpteenth time, Mace, Obi-Wan is my padawan and only my padawan. Are you being dense on purpose?"

Windu edged away from the training floor. "I see what I see, Qui-Gon. Beware. There is no gray area here. Take advantage of this situation, and the consequences..."

"This conversation is over, Mace!" Qui-Gon nearly shouted. "I'll not defend myself from your perceptions. Think what you will."

Turning on his heel, he stalked off. Windu folded his arms in smug satisfaction.

Hit a nerve, old friend? Deny as you will, I know you want him.

He resumed his observation of training exercises.

Obi-Wan had been writing with passion at warp speed.

I'd better finish this, before I lose my nerve.


"Oh!" he nearly dropped his stylus, startled. He stood and bowed, standing in front of the desk.

"Good evening, Master. I didn't hear you come in."

Qui-Gon smiled faintly. "You seemed quite engaged, so I didn't want to disturb you."

Obi-Wan decided to change the subject. "Master, I've drawn a bath. No doubt after your busy day you could use one" he indicated the bathroom.

Qui-Gon knew he was being gulled. "That bad, eh, padawan?" he joked. The young Jedi blushed, grinned.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. Only-"

Qui-Gon waved him off. "It's an excellent suggestion. I do feel a bit grimy. Ah, well." he crossed the room, headed for the bath.

Obi-Wan snatched the letter from the desk, pocketing it. That was close.

Then he remembered his duties. Like any good padawan, he went to attend his Master at his bath.

Qui-Gon was already undressed, the bulky robes and undergarments in a puddle on the tiled floor. He was just climbing into the tub.

Obi-Wan froze at the entranceway, staring.

Stop it you fool, you've seen him naked before.

Qui-Gon turned in his direction.

"Ever the dutiful one, Obi-Wan" he was faintly amused.

The young man swallowed. "Master, you cannot reach your back, and your hair is tangling again."

Qui-Gon swept a hand at the horsetail braid, coming aloose. "It would seem so. If you could?"

Without thought, Obi-Wan sidled alongside the tub, rolling up his pant legs , dangling his feet in the water. He reached out, undoing the messy braid, combing the snarls out. The wet mass clung to Qui-Gon's back, trailing in the water.

I want to touch it. he ran his fingers through the hair unecessarily. Gathering soap on a cloth, he washed over the broad back, rippling with planing muscles.

He found himself staring again. Qui-Gon seemed to enjoy the attention, eyes closed, head leaned back.

Obi-Wan's breathing became more rapid. Massaging became stroking, scrubbing became caressing.

He is strong, his skin so soft. I would kiss him all over...

Impulsively, he leaned forward, inhaling the scent of clean hair. Unknowingly, Qui-Gon leaned back further, causing Obi-Wan's face to brush against the back of his head. Somewhat surprised, he turned around.


They stared at each other, lips nearly touching. Obi-Wans' eyes drifted downward slowly, then back up through long red lashes. He couldn't breathe.

Qui-Gons' face was set in stone. //Control! Not like this, he is too beautiful.//

Obi-Wan continued to gaze searchingly for some clue as to his Masters' feelings. /This is a mistake. I've got to get out of here./

He backed away abruptly, feet splashing in the tub. "Forgive me, Master. I will intrude on you no further" he stood up.

Jet blue eyes flashed. Qui-Gon stood out of the tub, climbing out quickly.

"Wait! Be still, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan stopped, not turning around deliberately. "If you will excuse me Master. I have overstepped..."

Qui-Gon came up behind him, turning him gently. "You've done nothing wrong. I...sensed your distraction earlier today. And I knew the reason. It is the same reason that I have been fearful of revealing anything to you."

Bright green eyes blazed with uncertainty. "What...do you mean? That you couldn't talk to me, because you're afraid of hurting my feelings?"

Qui-Gon held his face. His expression was pained. "Obi-Wan-"

He snatched away, eyes growing wet. "That's it, isn't it? Don't worry about me, Master. I'll spare you any further embarrassment!"

Not trusting his voice any further, he stormed out. Quickly wrapping a towel about himself, Qui-Gon went after him.

"Padawan! Stop" he caught him in the living room.

Obi-Wans' voice shook. "Let-let go of me! I don't want or need pity. I wanted...I tried not to-" tears began to stream down his face.

"Stop, stop, I beg you" Qui-Gons' voice cracked. Cupping Obi-Wans' face, Qui-Gon smothered kisses over his eyes, cheeks, and lips. The younger Jedi trembled, speechless.

Eyes shining, Qui-Gon crushed him close. "Forgive me" husky whisper.

It took a moment for Obi-Wan to regain his breath. "I-I wanted you to have this" he reached inside his pocket. Hand trembling slightly, he handed it to Qui-Gon.

Gently he took it. "Is this what you were writing earlier?"

Breathing rapidly, Obi-Wan nodded. "I've wanted to tell you...how I feel for so long. But I wasn't sure how to approach you. So I wrote a letter. If you don't wish to know, or if it makes you uncomfortable..." he broke off.

Qui-Gon thought a moment. He looked into his padawans' eyes.

"No letter, Obi" his eyes burned with intensity. "Tell me. There is nothing you could do or say that would make me feel...just tell me."

Obi-Wan stared, eyes narrowed. What's he trying to say?! His heart thumped with hope.

He stood very still. "Not a day goes by that I don't wish we were together. For so long, I've tried to hold in the way I felt. I...I nearly came to you several nights because..."

"Because" Qui-Gons' eyes were on fire, edging closer. He reached for the fine hands.

The handsome face flushed, green eyes brilliant over sensuous lips. "Because I love you. You're everything to me. But I know that the Code forbids-"

A long finger lay on his lips. "Sshh. Say nothing of the Code, Obi. Should you bare your heart alone? I too have a confession to make."

Emerald eyes widened in amazement. "You have...?? What!"

Qui-Gon took his hand, guiding him to the bedroom.

Breathless, Obi-Wan followed, gawking at the beautiful big body, flexing in muscled perfection.

Ghods, I want him so bad.

Qui-Gon sat on the edge of the bed, arms folded in his lap.

His voice was low, hot. "Should I tell you, padawan?" he looked deep into Obi-Wans' eyes.

"Tell me" Obi-Wan repeated, smiling slowly.

"I shouldn't tell you anything" the long mane tumbled towards the mattress. Obi-Wan was fixed on the heaving chest, thick nipples peaking out.

Qui-Gons' regal features were planed in shadow. "In truth, I should be quiet. I should continue to lie, pretend I think of you only as padawan. I should hide my love for you. I should send you away now, at risk of defying the Code..."

The young Jedi touched his face. "You would-"

Jetblue eyes fired on him. "Can I hide loving, wanting you so much that I can't think straight, my Obi?" he reached out.

Obi-Wan panted, moving forward. His eyes were luminous. "Master..." he breathed.

"Qui-Gon" was the answer, as he was drawn down onto the bed.

Words failed now. The young Jedi slid along the long body, savoring the touch and feel.

"Thought...this would never happen" he gasped. "Like a dream..."

"Reality, my love" Qui-Gon whispered. "You aren't the only one who has suffered through long and cold nights. And you are so beautiful. It took all of my control not to drag you to the floor earlier."

Heavy breathing. "But I thought you didn't want me...you were so cool about it, and..."

A quelling kiss. //I am Master, my Obi. My training is such that my motives can appear hidden. But my heart cries out for you. I can bear the lies no longer.//

"Hold me."

Qui-Gon grabbed him in a breathless embrace. Obi-Wan melted, eyes closed.

"Oh yes, that's so good. You feel wonderful."

"Shall I feel even better?" Qui-Gon rasped in his ear, stroking the tip of his tongue along the fine jaw.

Obi-Wan was beginning to sweat. "Qui-Gon, let me..."

"No" his lips were squashed in a fierce kiss. Qui-Gon rolled him over, sidling back.

Broad hands slid under the young Jedi's tunic shirt, slipping it off over the shoulders. Massaging, gentle hands roamed forward onto rounded pecs sporting plump nipples. He thumbed the thick navel, watching it poke up over the clenching stomach.

"Master, please, let me touch you" Obi-Wan gasped, head rolling back on the mattress. "I want-"

The regal features regarded him, hot with lust. "All in good time" his voice was throaty, thick. "But for now, I wish to sample your delights" the long mane tumbled forward, tickling the bronzed chest and stomach. Obi-Wan groaned. Strong hands pulled off his pants.

Qui-Gon squeezed the muscled thighs, planting soft kisses along the groin. Nipping teeth edged on lush balls, making them tighten. Obi-Wan began to squirm, clutching his lover's head. A thick shaft bounced up, strained and needy.

"Please! I want it...now!" Obi-Wan threw his legs up and wide, pulling the broad shoulders forward.

It was Qui-Gons' turn to sweat. Slick chest heaving with desire, he clutched the plump buttocks underneath, fondling them then pulling them wide open. The puckered entrance twitched and flexed. Leaning down, he plunged his tongue inside, wiggling it around. Obi-Wan bounced off the mattress, shouting his pleasure.

"Ghods, yes, more, more!" sculpted hands scrabbled mindlessly at the broad back, tangling in the long hair.

Pulling out, Qui-Gon then slapped at the thick shaft, watching it bob from side to side. He plunged a hot mouth on the velvety head, pulling it up even further.

Obi-Wan grimaced in ecstacy, arching off the bed. "Gaghkkk! I'm gonna come..."

Panting himself, Qui-Gon plunged three fingers inside Obi-Wan suddenly. The motion tore them both over the edge. A thick flood filled Qui-Gon's mouth, overflowing back down the shaft. He broke seconds later, sliding and pressing against his padawan, firing a heavy stream across the bronzed thighs, splattering them.

They lay slickened, gasping for a few moments, clutching each other.

Obi-Wan spoke first, eyes glowing with passion. "I love you" he breathed roughly, holding his beloveds' face.

The fine features were flushed. "And I love you as well, my Obi. With all my heart and soul."

Soft nuzzle. "Why didn't you...I wanted you inside me."

Qui-Gon pecked kisses on the handsome face. "Couldn't...control myself long enough to do it, Obi. I wanted you so much it hurt."

"I thought Masters were supposed to have great control" the young Jedi teased, running his hands down the thick thighs. Qui-Gon shivered at the touch, eyes closed.

"Guhh. Other masters don't have such sexy padawans."

Obi-Wans' hands moved up, massaging a thick shaft. "Well, I have a sexy Master who is hot as hell" he rasped. "Where in Sith did you get that body?"

Jetblue eyes snapped open, dark with desire. "Haaagh. Might ask you...the same. Please, Obi-Wan, more. That feels...so good." he rolled over on his back.

Obi-Wan slid low, pulling and pumping the heavy cock. Turning his head aside, he sucked hard on the heavy sacs underneath with a loud smacking sound.

Thick thighs bounced off the sides of his face. Wide hands gathered his face in closer. "Aaaah, Obi..." he moaned, twisting in delight.

With a free hand, Obi-Wan stroked himself over the mattress. He was beginning to leak, his hard on even sweeter the second time around. His nipples poked out, aching against the bedsheets.

/Want you...inside me!/

//Yesssss.// hand tugged on his braid. "Now, Obi-Wan!"

Obi-Wan climbed up, straddling Qui-Gon's damp groin, wide open. Big hands gripped the lush behind, guiding him down. Obi-Wan cried out.

"Aaak! Hurts...so good" high cheekbones flushed, green eyes wild with lust. He settled down, squashing his balls against a tickling nest of hair.

Qui-Gon pumped him. "Come on! Move! Yesss!!" thick thighs pushed up, straining and lifting them both off the mattress. They bounced and bumped in abandon.

Qui-Gon slapped the round backside as he pumped. Obi-Wan rode and rocked, howling, head thrown back. His padawan braid spun in the air.

They heaved. Qui-Gon let out a loud groan, teeth clenched. Lurching a final time he bucked up, flooding Obi-Wan hotly, spilling back down on himself.


Thighs jerking, Obi-Wan fired out, creaming Qui-Gon's chest and stomach in a stream. He collapsed forward into waiting arms.

"Oh, Obi" Qui-Gon rasped, sweating with heat. "I love you beyond all reason."

The young man trembled a little. He cuddled along the strong neck. "Never thought it could be like this" he whispered. "Wanted this for so long. But, the Code..."

"Damn the Code" Qui-Gon hissed in dismissal. "I'll not go back to being Master and Padawan. I can't."

Tight hug. "What are we going to do?"

Deep blue eyes regarding him, glowing with love. "Care for each other" he stroked a smooth cheek. "No one can dictate our hearts."

Soft smile. "Are you always so defiant, Master? The Council will not be pleased with us."

"I...care not, my love. What they need not know, they will not know."

Obi-Wan leaned up a little, stroking the short beard. "Could we make it work that way? Really?"

Qui-Gon snatched him into a hard kiss. //Yes. Between us, we can accomplish anything. Never doubt that.//

"Mmmmnn." /My letter. You never read it./

They pulled out of the kiss. Sticky lips. "I don't need to read it" the deep eyes were lidded.

Obi-Wan sighed in contentment. Green eyes shone through long red lashes.

"Why not?"

Qui-Gon gave a brilliant smile. "What you had to say...you said very well!"

Obi-Wan laughed. "Oh! I never thought of it that way!"

Qui Gon gripped him close, roaming his eyes over the voluptuous body. "I'm not done with you yet, either. In fact, I think you need to say more!"

With that, he grabbed his newfound lover, pulling him under the sheets.


as always, feedback is welcome.