Fall into Darkness

by Lelia

Archive: Master Apprentice. Anyone else just ask!

Category: Au, First Time, BDSM, Non-Q/O, Pre-Slash?,

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: O/M, O/M/S, O/Q

Warnings: Nonconsensual sex. Lot's of torture! Yeah Baby!

Spoilers: This takes place within and after TPM.

Summary: What if that scene in TPM had gone this way?? and beyond!

Feedback: I crave it! romana2@xtn.net

Disclaimer: We all know who they belong to. No profit is being made from this.

"Nooooooo!" Obi-Wan screamed from behind the force field, as the Sith's blade struck his Master a fatal blow. He watched helplessly as his Master slid boneless to the ground. The Sith poked at the Jedi Master with his foot, then satisfied turned to face the stricken apprentice.

The Sith smiled coldly at Obi-Wan. "Your Master is lost, little one," the black gloved hand brought up a small device. "As is your precious temple."

Obi-Wan watched with a dawning horror when the Sith smiled cruelly, and pressed the detonator. He staggered as his senses where overwhelmed with the crying out of thousands of voices that were suddenly silenced. Oh, sweet Force! This can't be happening. Not the temple! But when he stretched out with his feelings, he knew they were lost. Trembling with rage, he heard the locks click signaling the coming rotation of the force field. He brought his lightsaber up and ignited it. When the field opened, he advanced on the Sith. They battled furiously, lightsabers clashing, blue meeting red with a vengeance.

They circled each other, looking for an opening. Then Obi-Wan heard a low moan behind him.


Darth Maul used the distraction to rush at the Padawan, barreling into him, knocking them both to the floor. Obi-Wan pressed a knee to Maul's stomach and pushed, flinging the Sith off him. He twisted over, struggling to get to his feet, but the Sith was there pressing him back down to the floor. Strong hands gripped Obi-Wan's wrists keeping them trapped above his head. He flinched when he felt the hot breath on his neck, and that sure wasn't the Sith's lightsaber poking into the cleft of his buttocks.

"You... are... exquisite," Maul's tongue flickered out and traced the outer shell of his ear.

Liquid ice ran up Obi-Wan's spine at the words and the intimate touch. He tucked an arm and a leg, rolling and twisting out of the immovable grip. But it was not enough to completely dislodge the Sith's hold on him, as they rolled Obi-Wan brought his elbow down hard into the Sith's midsection. Free, Obi-Wan leapt to his feet, and ignited his saber. He frantically tried to calm himself, but he couldn't seem to find his center.

The Sith slashed at Obi-Wan's legs and the Padawan backflipped out of reach. The Sith was quicker. A turning back kick to his chest caused Obi-Wan to slam into a wall. His head connected with the hard surface, and he momentarily saw stars. In one smooth movement, the Sith deactivated his saber, and grabbed Obi-Wan pressing him into the wall. Maul gripped the wrist holding the lightsaber, and slammed it repeatedly into the wall. Obi-Wan felt his saber slide out of his nerveless fingers to the floor. Maul's hand went to Obi-Wan's throat as the bastard kicked his lightsaber well out of reach. Obi-Wan gasped when he felt Maul's mind clamp down on his, bringing with it a flood of darkness. It weakened and disoriented him, and he dangled helplessly from the hand that held him, feet just barely touching the floor. It was at this moment another soft groan came from Qui-Gon.

"You are dying, Jedi," the Sith barely glanced at the fallen man. Even as wounded as he was ,Qui-Gon struggled into a sitting position.

"Master!" Obi-Wan managed to get out of his aching throat.

"The question is what to do with your pretty little apprentice?" Maul continued.

"Release him," Qui-Gon rasped.

"Ohhh, No no no. When you die old man I will be holding the last Jedi in my hands. Do you really think I'm fool enough to just let him go?" Maul gave a quick jerk of his arm, causing Obi-Wan's eyes to roll back in his head at the sudden loss of oxygen.

"Get your hands off him!"

"You are in a position unsuitable to give orders Jedi scum!" Maul snarled and pulled Obi- Wan to him wrapping an arm around his waist. The Sith grabbed the Padawan's small ponytail, yanking his head back viciously. He dragged Obi-Wan to stand closer to the Jedi Master.

The Sith glared triumphantly. "How does it feel Jedi? How does it feel to know you've lost everything? The Jedi are no more, and your apprentice now belongs to me. "

Qui-Gon shuddered at the implication. The Sith saw it and nodded knowingly.

"Yessss," he hissed. "I just had the most delightful idea. The last Jedi, turned to the darkside. It's poetic don't you think? He's my apprentice now."

Obi-Wan moaned softly engulfed in the Sith's strangle hold.

"He will not turn," Qui-Gon denied softly, shaking his head.

Maul cocked his head to the side. "Won't he? You're senses are leaving you, Jedi. Can you not feel the conflict? The fear and the hate already building within him? The shock of losing your temple, losing you. Oh he will turn, but do not worry Jedi. I will take good care of 'my' apprentice," Maul's hand traveled teasingly over Obi-Wan's hip to his groin and squeezed possessively. The Padawan gasped and his head reeled, feeling the other within his mind again.

"No!" Qui-Gon was horrified.

" Lesson number one, my apprentice," Maul purred in Obi-Wan's ear. " Caring for others makes you weak and vulnerable."

The Sith began dragging Obi-Wan away towards a small corridor.

"Say goodbye to your precious Master, little one."

"Nooo!!! Master! No! Please, no!" Obi-Wan cried in panic as he felt the grip on his mind retreat a little. He struggled in earnest now.

Maul glanced back at the Jedi Master. "Farewell, Jedi. I hope your death is long and painful," he smiled and left taking the frantic Padawan with him.

"Qui-Gon!!!!!" Obi-Wan's shriek echoed in the small room, as he was dragged away from his beloved Master.

"Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon slumped back against the wall unable to follow. Get up! Obi-Wan! his mind cried, but his injured body wouldn't comply. Moment's later darkness swallowed him.

Panaka and his guards found him that way sometime later.

"Is he dead?" one of the guards asked. Panaka just leaned over the still form and laid a hand on the limp shoulder. He started in surprise when the indigo eyes opened and the Jedi Master's hand closed over his in a fierce grip.

"Don't..let..me..die," he gasped and then succumbed to unconsciousness once more.

Panaka blinked. The Jedi wasn't asking out of fear. He was asking out of rage.
