DPS: Fade Your Dreams

by VelmaDoo (velmadoo@angelfire.com) and RavenD (ravendreams@earthlink.net)

Archive: master_apprentice, World O' Pretty Boys, anyone else, pls. ask

Author's web page: http://www.ravenswing.com/ravendreams/

Category: AU, POV, Angst

Rating: G

Warnings: Complicated grammar ahead

Spoilers: Character Death

Summary: Yoda does his duty

Notes: Mistakes are the will of the Force and are therefore not subject to review. Thanks to Dee for the comments.

Feedback: Yes, please.

Disclaimers: George owns the Jedi/No infringement intended/Please do not sue us.

DPS: Fade Your Dreams
by VelmaDoo and RavenD

Often have I stood outside your door, my Padawan. Your fierce emotions have swirled against my serenity. Sharp and quick are your temper and your laughter, a welcome change in these rooms which have seen so many years of silent meditation.

There is no emotion; there is peace.

This night a quiet, sleepy joy you project. You pulse with the happy exhaustion of hard work and study and stolen giggles in empty halls. The fierce emotions that leave claw marks upon the veneer of me, to you they do not belong. So long have I lived within the vacuum of peace that foreign is the call of panic.

That panic does not lessen as I palm the lock on your door.

Your door opens and I can feel its movement against my face. Dark your room is and you simply a lump underneath rumpled blankets. See I can the small signs of chaos that seem to whirl around you always: a datapad here, a dropped tunic there, puzzles left gently scattered.

You sit up, wincing at the light falling in from the doorway. For a moment, I cannot move, cannot speak. Against my nature it is to hesitate, to shirk my duty, but here I stand dreading the sound of your voice.


Across your floor I move, suddenly my age I feel whisper to me in my knees. When you first came into this room, bright blue eyes shone with a fierce determination to succeed, coltish legs stumbled through kata after kata. As you have grown and changed, your spark has not dimmed. Never have I known a padawan so quick to smile so early in the morning. Or one that fell asleep with such peace in his heart.

Wide are your eyes as they blink slowly, heavy with sleep. "Was the Council meeting long, Master? Do you need me?"

"No, Padawan." The lie sticks inside my throat. "Came to wish you a good night I did."

Smile you do and nestle into your bedding until you find the perfect spot. "What was your meeting about, Master?"

"Some... some Council members, a vision they have had, Padawan. A darkness they sense and steps we must take to prevent it."

"And the Council needed to see you?"

"You and I, Padawan, charged we are to defend the Light against this evil."

You nod, earnest and ready to serve. "Are we going on another mission, then?"

Another mission? "No, stay here we will. You and I, together will stop this, Padawan."

"Master, did you have a vision? You seem... sad."

"Your insights serve you well. The Dark Side waits for those who cannot move beyond the moment."

"Like me? Master, you're always telling me to be aware of consequences. Do you fear that I will turn?" Your voice is reedy and your face confused. Feel your awareness I can, as it creeps along our training bond, attempting to discover the source of the unusual emotions you sense.

"You? Turn? A vision I have seen of you as a great Jedi Master, bright within the Force. Served me well you have, Padawan, never doubt that. Faith I have in your light"

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

Relax you do at my reassurance. That smile again, wrinkles your nose and so young you are and you hold your hand to me and your trust I feel...

"Sleep, Padawan Mine." Your eyes close beneath the weight of my will.

Your breath evens out, your smile never falters.

I sit, slowly stroke your hair; feel your pulse strong, steady beneath my fingers. See signs I can of the Knight you would be. The kindness written along your skin, the Light that shimmers around you.

For a moment, hope I feel. This they cannot ask of me. Betray this trust, this love, I cannot.

I will not.

There is no passion; there is serenity.

Hear them I can, talk quietly, wait beyond this door to assure that my duty to the Jedi I have done. Wait they do to assure themselves that my loyalty is stronger than my love.

Dream you do and through our bond I can see you run through waves, smile, motion to me. Drops catch in your hair, on your face, they sparkle with the sun. Tracks you leave in the sand, filled with water almost before they are created.

Slowly, I whisper my will to you. Fade your dreams do, with your pulse.


My padawan who wakes with a smile.


My padawan who likes honey in his tea.


My padawan who would have one day saved a boy who would destroy us all.


There is no death. There is only the Force.
