Fade to Black

by Khirsah

Email address: goldenoracle@hotmail.com

Rating: R

Pairings: Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon

Status: Complete

Archive: Yes-- Master_Apprentice, anywhere else, just ask.

Series/Sequel: Fallen Knight

Category: Series: Fallen Knight, Drama, First Times(eventually!)

Disclaimer: Do you know how may times I've prayed to own them? It hasn't happened yet. :-( Maybe for Christmas.... In the meantime, don't sue me, 'kay?

Notes: This is part once of a series. It is pretty angsty, so beware! There is no sex in this story, even though it is much more than likely in future stories. This is my first piece in this Universe, so if I have gotten anything wrong, please don't hesitate to tell me! I am a very young Padawan when it comes to the rules of this galaxy. I welcome feedback gratefully-- it's what keeps me writing! And there were no betas abused in the making of this story, so all mistakes are mine. Feedback at goldenoracle@hotmail.com please.

Summary: What happens to a strong man when there's nothing left worth fighting for?

Warnings: violence, m/m, angst

The darkness slowly began to recede from his vision, and Qui-Gon bit his tongue in an attempt to keep his groan from being audible. His arms were twisted out behind him, held by cold steel, and the fire that raced up his body was sharp and intense. Do not think on it, he warned himself sternly, his mind swimming out from the haze of pain and fear. You must not think on it.

//What mustn't you think on, Qui-Gon?//

The voice was agony given sound, nails raking down the eternal chalkboard of the mind. Qui-Gon shifted on the cold stone floor, his face forced into stony impassivity. He would not allow this... this monster to know that he was in pain. Strands of dirty, stringy brown-gray hair blanketed the sides of his face, allowing him the bare minimum of the privacy he needed to compose his features into a semblance of calm. There was nothing he could do about his heart, though-- that was too swept away with tumultuous emotions to be yet under his control.

The sharp click of boot heels against stone made his body tense by reflex, but he automatically made himself relax, not wanting to give in. He could never give in.

The other man stood above him, staring down at the pathetic form of the Jedi Master. His thin lips quirked into a smile as he noted the forced tensing and loosening of the muscles that played along the naked man's shoulders and back. At first, he had felt nothing but fury when his apprentice had be destroyed, the blackness within him wanting nothing more than to strike back at Kenobi and taste his screams. But something inside of him had cautioned him to wait, to keep to the shadows, and to watch for an opportunity to strike. It had been simple to convince the agitated boy that Qui-Gon had died, yet it was pure, force-guided luck when Kenobi had been made to rest before the 'funeral' of his Master, leaving the preparations in the simple-minded hands of the servants. And they were oh so susceptible to suggestion...

At that moment, a plan had formed. It would take time and much patience, but Palpatine was nothing if not patient-- he could wait and watch as Obi-Wan mourned his lost Master and, faltingly, began to move on, training the young boy in the ways of the Jedi. But a time would come. It would come.

Qui-Gon moved again, so slightly that any other man may have written it off as a trick of the light, but Palpatine was no ordinary man, and he could feel the desperate weakness that was spilling through the man. His body craved food and thirsted beyond what many could bear, and though Qui-Gon strove to remain impassive, it would not last much longer. He wouldn't be broken, not yet, but he would falter. Qui-Gon, staunch Jedi Master, would soon enough learn what it was to fear and hate. And then he would be his.

Palpatine stood for one moment longer over the filthy form of his slowly starving captive, basking in the waves of frustration that radiated from a man who could no longer feel the Force. All was well. He turned on his heel and walked away, his boot heels clicking on the cold stone floor. A few days still, and then he would begin the breaking in earnest.

Obi-Wan Kenobi would regret the day he had foiled the Sith's plans.

And Qui-Gon would pay his Padawan's debt with his own soul.

"But why, Master?" Anikan looked up sulkily, a small line forming between his blond brows. "It doesn't make any sense!"

Obi-Wan Kenobi fought the sigh that threatened to escape him. His pupil had turned out to be quite a handful, and at times the young Jedi began to despair of ever being able to teach the boy anything. Patience, Obi-Wan, is not only a virtue-- it is a necesity. When dispensing wise council, his mental voice tended to deepen to mimic that of his old Master. A twinge of sorrow twisted Obi-Wan's heart briefly, but he pushed the emotion aside, not willing to deal with it at the present. It had been two months since Qui-Gon had died, and still he sometimes found himself turning, expecting to see his Master and friend standing there, hands tucked into the sleeves of his robe and face filled with gentle humor. How his heart used to sing to him when they were together, his body shivering with a newfound desire to taste and touch what had become a cornerstone of his life. His Master, his friend, his Qui-Gon...

But reminiscing would bring nothing but healing pain, and besides, Obi-Wan needed all of his considerable concentration to deal with his young charge.

"A Jedi must have the ability to confront any situation with both dignity and acceptance." Of course, he was leaving out the part that he was as loath to go as was his young Padawan. Was he ever this much trouble to Qui-Gon? "And that includes..."

"I know, I know," Anikan cut in. "That includes attending boring meetings and social gatherings." Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow at his charge's insolent tone, his own will barely keeping his face impassive. The Force alone knows how one of the rashest teachers got aligned with the most audacious student. Those were the words that he had heard spoken by chance, and Obi-wan had to admit that there was a measure of truth to be found within them. He often wondered if his patience would snap.


"Yes, Obi... Yes, Master?" The blue eyes were looking up at him with an expectant expression, and Obi-Wan floundered briefly as he searched for a way to curb his Padawan's impertinence while keeping Anikan's young dignity in tact. How had Qui-Gon done it so many times?

Their eyes were locked into a deep stare, each unwilling to give up ground. Obi-wan's mind searched frantically for something to say or do, something that would move them past this impasse. For the thousandth time, he found himself wishing that he had been able to create a deeper bond than he had, but whenever he tried to bond Anikan to him in a proper Master-Padawan meld, something keep his mind from linking to his students on a more than superficial level. It was as if something was keeping him from a complete bond.

Finally, Anikan's eyes dropped away, and Obi-Wan just barely repressed a sigh of relief. It was getting harder as each day passed to create any meaningful connection with his student. Sometimes, he found himself wondering if that fault was within himself instead of within his student, as the Council supposed. Sometimes, Obi-Wan wondered if he was holding himself back from Anikan and thereby destroying the connection before it could even begin.

"I will prepare myself, Master." Anikan's voice was appropriately submissive and remorseful, as always, but as the boy sedately removed himself from the room, Obi-Wan began wondering desperately how long that would last.

And what he would do when he no longer had control.

I am in control of this situation, Qui-Gon reminded himself firmly. I am in control. His entire body ached and swayed as he followed the guards out of his prison for the first time in what felt like centuries, the sudden lights of the twisting halls blinding him. He was still naked, and his skin hugged his bones tightly with very little flesh in between. His throat was dry beyond the ability to speak, and blood tricked from his cracked lips as he soundlessly voiced the words that rang like a mantra through his head: I am in control. I am a Jedi. I am in control. I am better than this. I am in control!

He stumbled and was yanked back up, the harsh movements sending flames of agony up his arm, but he would not let his face betray him. He'd be damned before he let them know that he was weakening.

"Hurry up, Jedi," one of the women spat, shoving him roughly. "The Master is waiting." Those two words were filled with awe, fear, and reverence, and Qui-Gon felt a shudder move through him at her tone.

The Master.


He was led into a large room and dropped into an unceremonious heap on the slick floor.

"Master, we have brought the Jedi scum," the woman, obviously the leader of the guards, spoke.

There was an extended moment of complete silence, and if Qui-Gon had had the strength, he would have lifted his head to see what was happening. And then the soft sound of displeased tsking filled the air as Palpatine moved forward. "Now, Captain, is that any way to treat our guest?"

The Captain took a step back as Palpatine moved forward, his cold eyes glued on the silently shuddering Jedi Master that lay in an undignified sprawl on the black floor. Satisfaction pooled throughout him-- he was well on his way to breaking this man-- and his voice poured out as smooth as silk as he addressed his captive. "Master Qui-Gon, it is a pleasure to have you in my company." It wasn't a lie-- it was a delicious pleasure that spoke of the promise of revenge. Palpatine lifted his hand slightly and raised Qui-Gon's head slightly with the force so that the other man could look at him. The weary gaze was not filled with hatred, but pain lurked deep within those depths. It was a start. "But I see that you are unwell-- is there anything I can do to ease your suffering?"

The other man made as if to speak, but no words would pass his tortured throat. Finally, though, Qui-Gon was able to move his lips in the semblance of speech, so that even though no sound passed forth, Palpatine was able to read the movement of his lips. "Give me back the Force."

Palpatine laughed dryly, his worn, seemingly gentle face breaking into a friendly smile. "Why, Master Jinn, I am not keeping you from feeling the Force. Explain to me how that is possible?" Qui-Gon Jinn's brows drew together slightly, but he could not answer. Even so, Palpatine waited for a few long minutes to drive home his point. Finally, he broke the silence. "Ah, can you not come up with a way? Perhaps that is because it is not possible. I have done nothing to keep you from the Force-- the force has abandoned you."

Qui-Gon shook his head weakly in denial.

Palpatine began circling slowly around the inert man, his face sad. "I know, dear Master Jinn, that it must be very upsetting for you. The Force is a Jedi's way of life, and losing contact with it is like..." He paused in his circuit directly in front of the other man, and his head tilted to the side as he considered the haunted eyes and bedraggled face. "Well, it must be like losing your very soul." He moved back a step, his eyes locked with Jinn's. "But, we will see what we can do about that, and, in time, you may begin to feel your Jedi powers returning to you." His eyes never leaving Jinn's, Palpatine motioned for a servant to come forward. "See that Master Jinn is given food and drink. His room should be prepared for him." The servant nodded and guards began to move forward to lift Qui-Gon to his feet. "And, also, see that he gets a bath."

"I will not be fooled by this show," Qui-Gon mouthed at the other man as he was hefted gently to his feet. "You cannot fool me into believing that you are kind-- I know that you are a monster."

Palpatine looked surprised. "Why, Master Jinn-- I never wanted you to believe otherwise."

The spark of fear that jumped into the man's eyes was enough to make Palpatine's dark heart sing.

Things may progress faster than he had dared hope.

Qui-Gon sat in perfect silence as his attendants bathed him. He had been given water and limited food, yet he had been hard pressed to take in the nourishment slowly so as not to make himself sick. He was unaware of how long he had been in the dark, silent prison without food and very little water, his mind altering between fevered visions of Obi-Wan coming to his rescue and Obi-Wan being destroyed at the hand of the Monster, Maul. Or had his Padawan defeated the Sith Apprentice? He could no longer remember what was truth and what was created by his fevered mind, but Qui-Gon could not let himself believe that his young love had been killed. No, Obi-Wan and Yoda, the two that he cared the most for in his entire existence-- they were out now, searching for him. They would not just leave him here in the grips of the Sith Lord. They would see to it that he was saved.

With this faint hope filling his breast, Qui-Gon let himself be gently washed and dried without complaint. Even when they took shears and clipped his hair next to his scalp and removed his mustache and beard, he said nothing. Instead, he removed himself to a place where his hope dwelled and imagined soft skin pressed against him and blue eyes shining in love as a softly-accented voice whispered in his ear: "Don't give up, Master. I am here with you-- I am coming for you. Never give up."

And his salved lips formed the words that sang from that hidden part of his heart as he lay back on the soft bed:

"I love you."

Obi-Wan jerked awake with a cry, his eyes automatically searching the room. "Master?" he called quietly, rolling up from off of the bed. Quietly, he made his way past the slightly open door that led to his Padawan's room and slipped onto the balcony.

The wind was cold, and Obi-Wan shivered once before he let the Force envelope him. Somewhere inside of him, he had felt something... calling to him. Something that had touched him even as he slept and had drawn him from his dreams. There was something out there.

But what?

Drawing the Force around him, Obi-Wan sent out a call, reaching out with his abilities in an attempt to touch what he knew was missing.

Heal without filling the hole in heart, you cannot. Yes. Search for what you need, you must.

"Where are you, Master?" Even beyond the grave, he should have been able to feel Qui-Gon, but there was nothing. Nothing. "Don't leave me alone."

A tear escaped his watchful lids, and Obi-Wan let it fall unheeded down his face, his blue eyes searching the darkness of the grave for his Master.

A small form watched from the threshold, unheard, his own blue eyes staring at the man who had let his savior die. He loved me. He saved me-- you don't want me here. He would have, though. He would have.

They stayed there for a long, long time, Master and Padawan, unconnected and alone, both hungering for a love that no longer existed, pleading together.

Don't leave me alone.

"You're belief in this young Kenobi is remarkable, but unwarranted."

Qui-Gon sat in silence as Palpatine paced about him. It had been three weeks since he had been brought out of his prison and had been put into another, more gilded, cage. He wasn't a fool, and he recognized that Palpatine was slowly trying to chip away his resolve and leave him open to the Dark side, but he refused to let that happen. It was hard, though-- very hard. The Sith Lord knew exactly what to offer him in order to temp his spirit, and though he steadily refused, it was becoming a daily battle.

"He hasn't come to rescue you, yet. He never will come, Qui-Gon, but not because he can't. If he wanted to enough, Obi-Wan could be here in a moment, but he chooses not to. You must hate being cast aside so."

Qui-Gon Jinn almost smiled. Didn't this creature realize that Obi-Wan would part the waters to retrieve him if he could? Just as he would do anything to save his young Padawan, even if it meant his own death. He had fought Maul, hadn't he? He had tried to destroy the creature before he could harm Obi-Wan, and he would do it again, even though he knew the outcome of his actions-- being here, tempered by fire to turn his soul to corruption.

Palpatine seemed to realize that this line of taunting wasn't working, yet his next words were so unforeseen that Qui-Gon was left speechless and unbelieving. "You love him, don't you?" The Jedi Master stared at the Sith Lord, his shields stripped away momentarily. He was used to being taunted skillfully about his loss of the Force and his friend's abandonment of him, but this... This was new. And this was very, very dangerous.

"Love?" He tried to say the word as if he had never heard it before, but it came out more like a croak.

"Yes, Jinn, love. You love him in many ways-- as a Padawan, a friend, and... a lover?" The sharp eyes dug holes into his soul, leaving Qui-Gon gasping. "But you never said anything to him, did you? You never told him how you felt. Why? You're a strong Jedi Master, surely you knew that he would reciprocate the emotion?" Palpatine paused in his pacing, his eyes narrowing as he stared at the blanched face. "Or did you? Maybe you thought that he wouldn't want you because you were older? Well, yes, you did have quite a few years on him, but surely that meant nothing to him, right? Right, Qui-Gon? Or, perhaps you realized deep within yourself that such a beautiful, vital young man would not be physically attracted to a rather plain old male, hmm? He was rather perfect, wasn't he? What could you be to that?" Qui-Gon tried shaking his head-- he didn't want to hear this, not now. At any other time he might have been able to bear it, but now he was so weary and so weak... But he knew the worse was coming, and he tried to draw up his mental shields to protect him from the poisonous words.

He could never have been prepared for what came next.

"But no, that's not the reason. The reason you knew that you could never have him is because you didn't want him to Bond with a man with such a corrupt soul." Qui-Gon's head jerked up in surprise, and he stared at the other man, his eyes widening with each word that the Sith Lord spoke. "Yes, even then you struggled against the Force. Even then you knew that you could not have the quiet soul of a Jedi Knight. Why else did you fight so hard against the Council? Why else could you not defeat Darth Maul? Why else did you writhe in your bed every night, your dreams filled with the darkest thoughts of the young man who was under your care, who trusted you?"

Qui-Gon shut his eyes tight and reached up with his hands to cover his ears. He couldn't stand the words that were spoken and the chord that they struck deep within him. No! No, this wasn't true, this wasn't true!

But Palpatine was relentless. //Your desire for the boy was so deep that you just couldn't let it be. You let the bond between you deepen far beyond what it should have; you let yourself touch him and led him to believe that it was the innocent touch of a friend and teacher, but it wasn't was it? It was the dark, lavisciouse touch of a man who craved the flesh of a young child who trusted him, who believed him. And you led them all to think that you were a pure and holy Jedi, but you weren't, were you? Not where it mattered.//

Qui-Gon was shuddering violently, his body having collapsed onto the dark floor and curled about itself protectively. His head thrashed from side to side as he tried to deny what he heard within his mind, but the words sank in like death. Hypocrite. Liar. Filthy. Soiled. I am soiled.

Palpatine watched the shuddering man for a long moment, his lips curving into a smile. And so it began.

And as he turned on his heel and left the room, the Sith Lord sent one last thought to the wavering Jedi:

//All in all, you're not that much different than me, are you?//

Qui-Gon Jinn's sobs sang in his heart well into the night.

Qui-Gon sat alone in his room, his brows drawn together in pain. He could feel the Force now, at last, but every attempt he made to reach for it, to let it fill him and sustain him left him ramming into a crystalline wall and wincing in anguish. It was no use.

But, somehow, the fact that he could not reach the Force did not fill him with want. He didn't deserve to touch the Force anyway.

Sighing, Qui-Gon Jinn stood and headed towards the washbasin. The water was cool as he splashed it against his face, running against his smooth-shaven cheeks, and he dried himself with a soft hand-towel as he stared contemplatively into the mirror, his eyes searching for the man he used to be. The features were still the same-- a nose, broken and badly reset long ago. Scraggly dark brows and blue eyes. But everything else was different. His face was haggard and his cheekbones sliced out from his face; his eyes were hard and dark shadows made bruises beneath his lids. Pain was etched in heavy lines about his features.

Unconsciously, Qui-Gon touched his short-cropped hair, his fingers curling slightly against the brown-gray pelt. Like a Padawan's.

It was befitting that he had changed-- he no longer felt like a Jedi Master. Deep inside, he doubted that he was one anymore.

Dropping the towel to the floor, Qui-Gon took the few steps to the bureau and opened the heavy doors. Inside the clothes were divided into two distinct sides. On one side were brown pants and rough white shirts. A dark robe or two hung neatly on a peg. But on the other side...

On the other side, clothes made out of the softest fabrics hung, all in black. His hand reaching out compulsively, Qui-Gon touched one of the black robes, his eyes closing at the soft, silken feel of it. These cloths would not chaff or itch the flesh-- they would slide against him like a second skin, supple and so smooth...

Shaking his head, Qui-Gon reached for a white tunic and pulled it out of the closet. Not too long ago, he would have been horrified at himself for even touching the things, and now he was imagining what it would be like to wear them. That should not be.

But as he dressed himself for yet another day of torment, Qui-Gon was filled with one helpless thought:

In the black robes, he would have the Force back. And with the Force, he could finally kill Palpatine.

The mere thought made him smile.

Why is it that, no matter how hard I try, I cannot bond to the boy? Obi-Wan watched silently as Anikan left him to work on his light saber, his small shoulders slumped. He knows that we are not as close as the other Master-Padawan bonds that he sees, and he cannot understand why we are so different. He stood gracefully, his brown robes settling about him as he turned to the window. And how can I explain it to him when I do not understand?

Obi-Wan reached back to tug on his long braid, forgetting momentarily that it had been shorn when he had received his Knight-hood.

I must speak with the Council. Perhaps the cause of this is not within the boy, as we fear, and is instead within myself. Perhaps I have not recovered from the loss of Qui-Gon. He shook his head briefly, his blue eyes closing in a shadow of pain. I will never recover from the loss of Qui-Gon-- not as long as his signature is hidden from me. Not as long as I cannot feel him within the Force.

Sitting down onto the floor, Obi-wan Kenobi closed his eyes and began his search deep within himself.

I will conquer this.

The only clue that he had that this day would be any different from the many before it was the absence of Palpatine.

What next? Qui-Gon wondered desperately as he knelt on the cold black floor. How much more can I stand before I break?

The silence was all-encompassing, filling the room with a presence of it's own. Something is going to happen. Something terrible.

And, of course, he was right.

Qui-Gon gasped audibly as Obi-Wan was led into the room, his perfect white skin mottled by raised red lines, flushed angry and swollen. His usually short-cropped hair was shorn close to his skull, but done poorly, leaving sporadic clumps of hair hanging to the bleeding scalp. A dirty, urine-soiled loincloth hung to his almost flesh-less hips, and he staggered as if drunken as the guards yanked on the chain that connected to a blood-rusted collar on his throat.

"Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon whispered in horror, realizing somewhere deep within him that this wasn't the true man, that this was merely a force-projected facsimile, but it was real enough to make his blood burn and his heart weep. It was enough to cause tears to run hot down his face as his hands shook and clenched within his lap.

The image of Obi-Wan did not look towards him as he was led to the center of the room, and one of the hooded guards turned to him then and struck him across the jaw. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon cried out together in shared pain, and the cold gaze that met the struggling Jedi Master's was so cold and so dark that it could only be one person: Palpatine.

The man smiled at Qui-Gon as Obi-Wan was stripped fully and chained to a raised dais, his arms and legs spread out and open. Qui-Gon's jaw clenched until it hurt, until blood seeped from his mouth where his teeth had bit away at his tongue, his eyes going dark and dangerous. //Don't touch him, Palpatine// he warned the other man mentally, not even noticing that he was now able to do so. //Do not harm him.//

"Or?" The other man's tone was light and amused as Obi-Wan's screams began filling the black room. Qui-Gon did not break eye contact with the Sith Lord, but he knew, he knew what they were doing to his young love, and the hatred that boiled up inside of him was welcome and releasing.

//I will kill you.// It wasn't a threat-- not anymore. It was a promise of a fate that Palpatine would be unable to escape. His death waited in Qui-Gon's hands and heart, and nothing would keep him from tasting the blood of the black bastard on his tongue.

"Will you?" Palpatine was almost smiling, his brows drawn up in a question. "I don't think you know how."

Obi-Wan arched up on the dais, his screams ripping through the air, and Qui-Gon threw himself forward with the aid of the Force that bubbled through him, his palm flattening as he thrust all his Force-inspired power behind it, ripping into and crushing Palpatine's throat.

The body sagged, dead, and Qui-Gon caught it's weight as he sank to the floor, his eyes seeking out the ruin of his first kill's face.

Not Palpatine.


He wanted to cry and press the soft face against his, but he felt no pain. He had been tricked by the Sith Lord and had killed instead a representation of what meant to him Light and Love.

And with that, Qui-Gon's hope faltered and died as well.

Obi-Wan started up with a cry, his eyes filling with bitter tears, blinding him as he flung himself off of his bed and ran from the room. He could feel Qui-Gon within the Force, but it was as if his former Master had been covered by an oily residue, blocking his thoughts from him. Obi-Wan tore through the halls, not even bothering to apologize to those he knocked over in his desperation to reach the Council. Surely, he was wrong. Surely this couldn't mean... It couldn't mean...

The door burst open before him, and Obi-Wan staggered to a halt just inside the room, his eyes desperately searching each face. They all looked at him with impassive Jedi calm, but there was something into heir eyes, something sad and terrible.

And then Yoda bowed his head and nodded, his ears dropping wearily. "Yes, Jedi Kenobi," he spoke, his voice low and soft. "Lost him, we have."

The sobs broke out of Obi-Wan's young body, unable to be held at bay, and he collapsed to the floor, his heart clenching unbearably within his chest. The Council moved forward as one to pull him back, afraid that the Fallen Knight's young apprentice would follow his Master into the dark oblivion, but Obi-Wan was beyond being able to care for their words or Force-filled suggestions. He merely sobbed his heartbreak and unbelief, his mind reaching for his love, repelled each time by the slick black wall.


Qui-Gon Jinn, former Jedi Master, knelt on the cold black floor, his long black cloak settling about him like a second skin. His eyes were cold and vacant as he stared at the dark boots of his new Master, and the Force sang like a bloated vein throughout him.

//I have done as you've ordered, Master// he spoke with his mind, thrilling at the way it burned within him. //I am ready for my training.//

"Yes, Jinn. Yes, you are." Qui-Gon looked up and met the cold eyes of the Sith Lord, his heart filled with hatred and fear. The challenge of death waited in his eyes-- Palpatine's death.

The Sith Lord smiled as he saw his death looking up at him with hating eyes. Maul had looked at him this way, too. They all did-- all of his Darths. It was as it should be.

He touched his already-old hand to the shorn head of his new Sith Jedi, knowing that while death may wait for him in this bow-taunt form, it waited for Kenobi as well.

"Rise, my Apprentice." The form stiffened beneath his hands as he said the words, but Qui-Gon complied, rising smoothly to his feet, the long cape flowing behind him. He was not ready to face Kenobi yet, but in time, he would be able to kill the man he used to love and have no regret in his heart. Soon enough, it would come to pass.

Palpatine could wait.

He was a very patient man.

Author's note: I would never dream of ending a story there, so no worries.

Soon, the second story in the series will come out, most likely titled Spiraling Down. I hope that you liked the tale!

### The End ###