The Eyes of The Predator

by Ki

Warning: the following story contains male/male contents. Please stop reading IF you are below the legal age (that is, 18 years old). IF you are above 18, you can read on. Furthermore, if you are easily offended by male/male relationships, STOP reading NOW.

Disclaimer: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi belong to the mighty LucasWorld. This story is ONLY a PRODUCT of my imagination. It is not used for profit, only the satisfaction of my readers.

Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Pairing: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi (QG/OB)

Rating: PG, mild violence.

[definitely AU]

Summary: Pre-TPM, a story inspired by that picture of Qui-Gon in the Phantom Menace visual dictionary. Think 'werewolf', think 'lycanthropes' [Yes, I think that the picture of Qui-Gon looks absolutely deadly Just look into his eyes and tell me honestly that they are the eyes of a wolfish predator ]

The two Jedi strode along the sun-dappled road, admiring the sylvanian environment. The air was crisp, fresh and there was a hint of spice.

Master Qui-Gon Jinn looked around, seeing the cobalt-blue sky. Leaves rustled about him, stirred by the gentle breeze. Next to him, his young apprentice watched two native avian lifeforms fight over a morsel of food. Obi-Wan had a slight smile on his face as he knelt down on the earthy floor, observing the foodfight intently.

Smoothing his dark-brown Jedi robes, Qui-Gon sat down on the ground and closed his eyes. He pondered on the nature of their mission to this peaceful planet called Lupen VII. The planet seemed serene, tranquil. The inhabitants belonged to a non-violent farming community. Yet, somehow, Qui-Gon sensed aberrations in the Force, irregularities that were disturbing. They were not Dark, not evil --- but something else.

They met the Lupen representative, a petite woman with light auburn hair. She wore the long heavy ceremonious gown of the Lupen government, denoting her special status as an important official.

"Greetings," she bowed low to the two shrouded men, clearly impressed and honored with the presence of the Jedi. "I am Sai'rr, Speaker of the First Seat. I am pleased to meet you, Jedi Knights." She bowed again.

Qui-Gon returned back the courteous gesture. "I am Qui-Gon Jinn. And this is my Apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi." The young man inclined his head politely.

Sai'rr nodded and led them to their appointed guestrooms.

The night was still.

Obi-Wan sat on his bed, running a diagnostic on his lightsaber. He sighed to himself. Master Qui-Gon was in the adjoining room, meditating. He was not to be disturbed.

Obi-Wan went back to his lightsaber, checking on the status of the crystals. To him along, the lightsaber was his pride and joy, modeled after his Master's own as a sign of respect. He tested its weight gingerly

Then two huge shadows pounced into the room.

Immediately, Obi-Wan was on his feet, his lightsaber humming through the air as the shadows attacked him with sharp fangs. He could see yellow feral eyes glaring at him as he defended himself. He gasped, drawing on the Jedi calmness to control his wildly beating heart.


In a blur of movement, Qui-Gon appeared next to him, his green lightsaber slicing through the air. Obi-Wan permitted himself a surge of admiration at his Master's speed of reaction. Qui-Gon was known to be an accomplished lightsaber duelist. Yet, Obi-Wan noticed that his Master was moving with exceptional speed tonight. More so than usual. He had seen Qui-Gon fight on the practice mat like poetry in motion

There was a brilliant green arc, a howl of pain and the two fanged shadows leaped towards the open window. Jumped through it.

For a while, the two Jedi could not speak. Then Qui-Gon walked coolly towards the window and looked out. His lightsaber was still activated.

"Master?" Obi-Wan edged towards the window too, fearing another attack.

Qui-Gon turned slowly to face it.

Obi-Wan backed away instinctively.

His Master's blue eyes were hooded deadly.

Then, the moment seemed to pass and Qui-Gon shook his head, rubbing his temples.

"Master?" Obi-Wan dared another question though he was half-startled by the strange predatory look on Qui-Gon's face.

"I am alright, Padawan."

"What are those creatures?" Obi-Wan asked quietly as Qui-Gon deactivated his lightsaber.

"They can't be wild beasts " His Master gazed out of the window, his voice low. With a rustle, Qui-Gon was on the floor, his fingers picking tuffs of dark fur. Lifting to his nose, he sniffed the fur.

Obi-Wan could swear that there was a gleam in his Master's eyes.

The next few days were spent inspecting Lupen facilities. The two Jedi were brought to examine the farms. Sai'rr made sure that they were well-fed and well-looked after. The farmfolk also welcomed the two Jedi with offers of food and drink.

Obi-Wan found himself easily bored. There were functions to attend, feasts to go to. For a farming community, the Lupen were pretty extravagant in terms of hospitality. For three days, Obi-Wan had eaten rich cheese, fried fish and roast wild game. He swore that the moment he reached the Jedi Temple, he would turn vegetarian. The Lupen diet was honestly too rich and too meaty.

Laughter rippled all around him. Like it or not, he was in one of the Lupen official functions. He toyed with his half-eaten spiced fish, unable to take another bite.

Something rippled. This time, it was the Force. Obi-Wan looked up warily.

He saw Master Qui-Gon watching him with an intense expression on his face.

The gaze was unwavering like the eyes of a predator.

Obi-Wan repelled the thought quickly.

Qui-Gon strode ahead, forcing his Padawan to keep up with him. To Obi-Wan, the night was blessedly cool, refreshing. Much better than the confined space of the Lupen dining hall they were in.

Master? He sent a concerned query, growing increasingly worried. His Master's behavior was starting to become unstable lately.

His Master did not answer.


This time, Qui-Gon stopped in his tracks. With two fluid steps, he walked right up to Obi-Wan who stood his ground, curbing an irrational fear which was screaming that his Master was going to attack him

"What is it, Padawan?" Qui-Gon's gaze held the young apprentice hypnotically.

"I am concerned, Master."

"There is nothing wrong with me, Obi-Wan."

The use of his first name, at once personal and shocking, made Obi-Wan blink uncomprehendingly. There was something really not quite right here. The Force was sending tense vibrations throughout Obi-Wan's body.

His Master, usually calm, aloof

A hand grasped his wrist in an iron vise-like grip. Obi-Wan hissed involuntarily at the sudden pain coursing up his arm.

His chin was roughly lifted up and lips crushed against his own, hurting him.

"Master?!" Master ?!

Obi-Wan managed to pull himself free. His heart was thudding so hard he thought everyone in the Lupen dining hall could hear it. He wheeled away, dancing to a safe distance.

Qui-Gon stood there, a tall shadow.

The eyes were back.

Deadlier than ever.

"Master, please control yourself! Use the Force " Obi-Wan pleaded urgently. "Master?" The memory of the brutal kiss lingered on his lips.

"Obi-Wan, stay far away from me " Qui-Gon's voice was soft, husky as if he was struggling with something within him. "Go run you can't stay here too dangerous "

"I can't leave you, Master "

"GO!" The command whipped out at him.

There was the sound of clothes tearing. His Master's form crumbled. The next thing Obi-Wan knew, he was staring at a large creature resembling a Hoth snow-wolf. This creature facing him was larger, as tall as Obi-Wan, at the shoulders; its ears were plastered back against the wolfine skull. The tips of the fangs could be seen in the pointed mouth. The paws were the size of a grown man's palm, muscular, powerful.

The fur glimmered and for some bizarre reason, Obi-Wan knew that it would be silver like the color of Qui-Gon's beard.

Obi-Wan ran.

The Force lent him speed.

He flew across the earth like a sprite, leaping across the ditches, over fences. The wind bit at his face, whistling past his ears.

The growling was behind him, the thunder of paws tearing into the ground, the panting of a chasing predator homing in on its prey.

Obi-Wan saw a familiar building and made for it.

Official Sai'rr gaped at him in utter surprise as he ran into her house, slamming the door shut. Obi-Wan's legs gave and he collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily. His chest hurt from too much exertion and he struggled to use the Force rejuvenate his stressed systems. Feeling Sai'rr's curious stare on him, he turned to regard her.

"What is wrong, Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Sai'rr asked, pulling her sleeping robe around herself tightly.

The Force crackled. Qui-Gon was close. The shared communication Obi-Wan had with his Master was jarred with a maelstrom of unfamiliar emotions. Insatiable hunger, the hunt, food, anger, desire lust

"No, tell me what's wrong with my Master?" Obi-Wan got up onto his feet, his lightsaber in his hand. "He has become this beast."

Sai'rr's eyes clouded.

Obi-Wan strode up to her. "Official Sai'rr, please. My Master is in trouble and I want to help him. Now." The tone of his voice and the intensity of his gaze frightened the Lupen official.

"Your Master has turned into a lycanthrope, " she said quickly.

"Lycanthrope?" Obi-Wan muttered. "You mean my Master has become a shapeshifter?"

"Yes and no."

Seeing the steeliness of the Padawan's expression, Sai'rr continued hurriedly.

"You see, every Lupen citizen is a lycanthrope. We have the natural ability to transform into animals. But we have managed to control these abilities."


"Yes, everyone. We have adopted the discipline of meditation to curb the urges. Now we can transform at will. Your Master --- a nervous look on Sai'rr --- seems to be susceptible. I dont know how but "

Obi-Wan shut his eyes. He could feel the presence of his Master nearby. Prowling. Hunting.

"Every Lupen child is born with the ability of lycanthropy. But the children are taught to control their abilities. Master Qui-Gon Jinn is, by our standards, an adult and he doesn't know how to curb the lycanthropy "

"My Master knows how to use the Force "

"The Force you esteemed Jedi use has no effect on Lupen lycanthropy."

Sai'rr's face was sad.

"Then what is the cure?" Obi-Wan felt tendrils of impatience rising up in him. "No wait. Is there a cure? How come I wasn't infected? "

The Force suddenly shuddered.

"There is a cure, " Sai'rr sank into a chair. "You have to tranquilize him and leave the planet."

"My Master isn't an animal " Obi-Wan stopped and turned away, embarrassed.

His Master was now an animal uncontrollable.

The metallic weapon felt heavy in Obi-Wan's hand. He stood alone in the darkness illuminated only by the bright stars.

He ran the Jedi meditative chant against fear in his mind.

A twig snapped.

Obi-Wan could see the hulking shape of the beast padding up towards him. Even in this taut moment, he admired the beauty of the creature eyeing him.

Predatory eyes


The beast looked up with a growl.

Master, I am Obi-Wan Kenobi. Your Padawan.

The growling became louder.

Obi-Wan's heart constricted even though he lifted the weapon, placed his finger on the trigger. The beast in front of him, the beast who was formerly his Master, had only bestial needs. There weren't any traces of Qui-Gon at all in the wolf-like face.

Master Obi-Wan sighed mentally. "Master, I don't think you will remember this "

He cocked the weapon, putting the beast into sight.

"But I love you, Master Qui-Gon."

The beast growled and leaped ---

Howled as the tranquilizer found its mark.

The beast crumbled unconscious onto the floor. Obi-Wan carefully checked the wolf-like animal who was breathing heavily. The eyes were closed. He placed a gentle hand on the neck, feeling the strong pulse.

"I am sorry, Master I am."

Obi-Wan watched his Master stir and open his eyes.

"Lie down, " Obi-Wan said, kindly pushing Qui-Gon back onto the bed. "You are still recovering from the lycanthropy."


A slight incline of the Padawan's head, indicating assent.

"Don't speak. You must rest, Master." Obi-Wan drew the curtains and turned down the lights.

Qui-Gon decided not to say anything. His head was throbbing. Obi-Wan, seeing that his Master had gone back to sleep, made his way to the door.


"Yes, Master."

"I will not harm you. Not in any fashion."

Obi-Wan smiled.

"I know."