
by Wintermoon (wintermoon@telus.net)

Rating: G

Category: AU, angst

Archive: M_A, anyone else please ask.

Disclaimer: Well, we all know they're not mine.

Summary: Obi-Wan doesn't get what he wants.

Notes: 1) 'Evol' needs to be read so that it sounds like 'evil'. Don't worry, all will be clear by the end. 2) This is slightly AU, mostly Obi acts more impulsively than he would normally. Big thank yous to LizR and Fox for betaing for me. :) Of course, anything that is wrong is my fault.

Feedback: Sure, to wintermoon@telus.net.

At first Obi-Wan had been hurt. He had run from the living room and flung the door closed behind him. The door hit the frame with a load crack, the noise startling him and setting his heart racing. He wished that he could cry, but years of training had driven that emotion from him. He wished that he could scream, but found that no sound could escape his throat. Qui-Gon had not followed him and Obi-Wan had not expected to be followed. Jedi stoicism at its finest. Obi-Wan stood in the middle of his room and seethed with the bitter hurtful anger of someone who had just had his heart torn from his body and his life destroyed.

Obi-Wan had known for several years that he was completely and hopelessly in love with his master. It was not the type of infatuation that teenage boys were so often subject to; it was the obsessive type of love that took root deep in your heart and never let go. The type of love that could make people do things they never imagined they would. Finally, after months of agony, Obi-Wan had decided to confront Qui-Gon with his feelings. The fear of anger and the fear of hurt had held his tongue, but with his knighting approaching, Obi-Wan could no longer stay silent.

Soon events would lead them either to part forever or to form some new type of relationship that would see them together into the future. Obi-Wan had needed to speak, to share the entirety of his heart with his master. He could no longer keep it only within himself. And so Obi-Wan had told Qui-Gon that he needed to speak with him.

It had been strange, revealing that part of himself that he had kept hidden for so many years. It was also oddly liberating. As Obi-Wan spoke, Qui-Gon had sat with no expression on his face, the calm Jedi façade completely intact. When Obi-Wan was finished, Qui-Gon had sat observing him for a minute, then sighed softly and began to speak. He spoke in a tone of voice that Obi-Wan recognized from too many diplomatic missions, the voice that was meant to soothe the hurt even as it was being inflicted.

Qui-Gon had spoken of their age difference, of the duty that a master has to his padawan even after the padawan's knighting, and of his lack of similar feelings for Obi-Wan. If Qui-Gon had only spoken of the first two things, Obi-Wan could have handled it. He could have constructed hope for himself. Hope that he could convince his master that their age difference was irrelevant or that his duty after Obi-Wan's knighting didn't preclude a relationship.

Obi-Wan had yelled then, had told his master to speak to him as a man and not as a diplomat. He was devastated. All his agony, all his worry, all the years and months of his life wasted on something that would never be. Something tore inside him and all the anger he had ever felt came pouring out of him and onto Qui-Gon. And Qui-Gon had done nothing but speak to Obi-Wan in that frustratingly soothing voice of his, telling his padawan that everything would be okay, that they could move past this.

No, Obi-Wan thought suddenly, this could never be moved past. His heart was torn, his soul was sore, and he had nothing left inside of himself to give. As he stood in his room, his anger seething around him, he felt that anger turn slowly and surely turning into hate. Hate for Qui-Gon, hate for the Jedi, hate for everything. His world was over. He could not go on in this life.

It only took a moment for Obi-Wan to make up his mind. He did not have much that he wanted to take with him. He grabbed his travel bag and shoved his clothing into it. Jedi did not collect the trinkets of life that other people seemed to, and the few items that he did have would only remind him of Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan left his lightsaber on his desk. Right in the middle where Qui-Gon couldn't help but see it, where it would hurt the other man the most.

When he was finished, Obi-Wan didn't look back. He simply shouldered his bag and stalked out of the room. The purpose in his stride stopped Qui-Gon from saying anything to him, from trying to convince his padawan to stay after his heart had been lost. Obi-Wan stopped at the door to their quarters and turned around. Qui-Gon looked up at him then and Obi-Wan met his master's eyes.

"Did you know, Master," Obi-Wan sneered, "that love spelled backwards is 'evol'?"

He didn't wait for an answer; he simply turned and walked out the door. Later Qui-Gon would swear that as Obi-Wan had spoken, he had seen the young man's eyes briefly flash golden yellow.
