Everything We Want

by Wolfe

Archive : Master and Apprentice. QJEB. OKEB

Category : AU, POV , PWP(ish), First Time

Rating : R to NC17 (I think)

Summary : About a month after TPM (AU) Obi-Wan is worried about how his new status as Jedi Knight will effect his relationship with Qui-Gon.

For the first time since the fight with the Sith lord Qui-Gon and I are going to actually sit down and spend the evening together. The first weeks he was so injured that he was in the infirmary and besides I was being questioned by the Council so they could get as much information as possible about our foe. Besides that I was raised to Knighthood and that led to everyone wanting to congratulate me and I spent days having meals and long chats with all my friends, personally I think they just wanted to hear the story first hand.

Then they sent me to Tharn to oversee the installation of the new government, just a relaxing little social call Master Windu called it to announce my new status and give me a simple first mission on my own. Fortunately Tharn is only two days from Coruscant and, as the government was elected by popular vote and Tharn has been a stable democracy for generations, it was a short and undemanding trip.

So finally I am able to actually see my Master, I suppose I should say my late Master, but I can't actually think of him that way yet and I suspect I never will. It has been frustrating not being able to be with him while he recovered. After twelve years of caring for each other when ever we were ill or injured it feels wrong not to be with him at this time, every instinct in me cries out to go to him. Fortunately the bond between us allowed me to know he was healing well and send him my strength, and then, after he regained consciousness, he began returning that contact. I had never realised how much I took his presence in my mind for granted until it was stilled for so long.

Although I am delighted and honoured to have reached the goal I have been working towards for so long the realisation that it means I am no longer Qui-Gon's Padawan, and therefore no longer a integral part of his life, disturbs me. Oh, I know we will always be close and the link will always be there though it will fade considerably, but Qui-Gon has been a major part of my life, perhaps the major part of my life for so long that I find I dread being an independent Knight.

I stand outside the door of our quarters, soon not to be mine any longer, and a part of me wishes that the whole Naboo thing had never happened and I was still a Padawan. /This is ridiculous! Pull yourself together Obi-Wan! What will he think of you acting like a child who can't cope with change? What sort of Jedi are you?/ I try to talk myself into a more positive frame of mind but it doesn't do much good. If I stand out here much longer people will begin to wonder if I've turned to stone, or forgotten my own access code so I put my hand on the door and enter.

Home, the only home I've ever known really as I don't count my time in the creche or the dormitory, and soon it won't be mine any more. I pull the shields down over my thoughts and emotions and move to my room shedding my cloak and outer tunic. Suddenly I want to cry, not very Jedi behaviour. I sink down on my bed and put my head in my hands digging my fingers into my scalp and massaging slowly. This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done and I have to act as though it is all fine, wonderful in fact, the realisation of all my dreams. Damn it! Did all new Knights feel like this?

I thought about Tel, when she was raised she spent the first months positively glowing. I don't think there is a euphoric drug in the galaxy that could match her high. In fact I teased her about it, told her if we could isolate the compound we could buy the Senate. Of course she has a growing bond with Sharl-Te and we all know that when he is raised they will commit to a Life Bond, and in the mean time she is still paired with her Master for all her missions. That gives me a little comfort, perhaps Qui- Gon and I can remain a team after all we have been pretty effective in the past.

I hear movement in the outer room and go to the door to greet Qui- Gon. He is walking across the room away from me obviously just come from exercise, dressed in training gear. As he moves he strips off the sweat damped top and uses it to wipe this face and neck, and I am struck silent by the power and beauty of his body as he strides easily across the room. A lick of heat flickers through me. Who am I kidding? Yes he is my Master, my teacher, my guide, my protector and carer, my friend and companion, but I also have the terrible feeling he is also the love of my life.

Why terrible? Because I have no reason to belief that the feeling is mutual... Oh I know that he has had flashes of desire for me, I feel them through the link as no doubt he feels mine...but never has the formality of Master and Padawan faltered no matter how desperate or how convivial the situation. /And when have you ever given him any sign?/

I step forward my feet padding softly on the wooden floor, an almost silent step but he hears me and turns smiling.

"Obi-Wan I'm glad you're back. I've missed you."

"And I you Master." The word comes automatically. "I am pleased to see you well, I worried about you."

"I know Obi-Wan. I felt your concern." His voice is soft and a husky as always. "I think knowing that someone cared helped bring me back."

"We all care Master."

He smiles a little wryly, "I'm sure that's true, but it helps to have someone in particular who cares." He looks down at himself, "Let me wash and change and then we will talk," and he heads for the bathroom.

It is all so familiar, so comfortable, I don't want to move to my own quarters and lead my own life. I feel like throwing something, smashing something but I simply go and find glasses so I can pour the celebration wine I know will be cooling.

/Why have you never told him how you feel?/ Stupid question really, the answer is so obvious. I'm afraid. Afraid he wont feel the same way and it will ruin what we have, make us uncomfortable around each other, perhaps even make him pity me. /But you know he desires you./ Sure but then what. Could I stand it if he found another, it's bad enough now but if I'd ever lain with him and then he still wanted someone else....no, I think it would destroy me.

Of course we have both had lovers in our years together. Qui-Gon is a striking man and wherever we go I see the eyes that follow him and sometimes I hear the comments, I usually agree with them! He is always discreet of course, and I imagine he is a charming and generous lover. The women, and occasionally men, are always friendly and happy to see him when they meet again. I wonder if he realises how much I know about his private life. Why would he not, it's not as though he tries to hide it from me. He knows as much about mine I should think.

Although half the galaxy seems to think that the Jedi are an ascetic order and have taken a vow of celibacy most Jedi lead perfectly normal and active sex lives, it's just that the nature of our work means we usually form long term relationships with other Jedi. The odd thing is that the other half of creation seems to think we get up to all manner of perverse and exotic sex acts.

/So what's stopping you telling him how you feel?/ I hear Qui-Gon return from his shower so I don't have to answer my own question, besides I know damn well why not and I don't like the answer much.

Turning I hand him a glass, "I think we both have something to celebrate." He is wearing casual pants in a soft smoky blue and a paler shirt open to the waist. I keep my eyes firmly on his face. "Don't you ever do that to me again."

His eyes smile but he speaks seriously, "I'll do my best not to. I can't say it has been a pleasant time."

We sit and compare notes about the past weeks, saying little about the actual battle, both of us have talked enough about that to the Council to last a lifetime.

He sighs, "I'm sorry I couldn't be at you ceremony Obi-Wan."

"You were there."

"But not in body, I would have liked to see your triumph with my eyes as well as my mind."

"It was your triumph Master. I tried to make them wait until you were well, but they said they needed all the Knights they could find," I frown at my glass "and then they sent me on a social call."

Qui-Gon laughs, a delicious ripple of sound, "You will find that many of your missions seem frivolous and the Council does not always care to explain."

I am sitting on a chair opposite him and he leans forward and places a hand on my knee. "Never think that they do not value you Obi-Wan." His voice lowers until I can hardly hear it. "Never think I do not." He moves his hand rubbing slightly and the sensation flashes through my body. "You are my greatest achievement. I am honoured to have been able to assist you."

"As I am honoured that you took me as your Padawan Master. I always knew that I had the best."

The large hand briefly clasps my knee, "Thank you, your good opinion means a great deal to me" he holds my eyes with his "as does your friendship."

His voice seems to deepen and something hums along our link, never has the word 'friendship' seemed to be so charged with subtle meaning. Qui-Gon reaches and takes my hand pulling me from the chair to sit beside him on the couch. For a long moment he just looks at me then he sighs. "We need to discuss what you want to do now you are raised. You are entitled to rooms of your own."

So here it is. "I know." I look around the room "Must I move Master? This is my home." I turn back and try to gauge what he is thinking. "Of course if you would prefer...."

"Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan why would you think I would evict you now that you are a Knight. After all these years together. As you say this is your home you are welcome to stay as long as you wish." Is there a hint of relief in his voice or am I hearing what I hope for.


"Really!" He raises his hand to my head and runs his fingers through my short hair as he has so often in the past, than lets it rest on my shoulder. "Obi-Wan nothing has changed except that you have advanced in rank and may choose your own path and your own living arrangements."

"Then, with your approval, I choose to remain here, with you."

He nods "Good," and smiles "I'd miss you if you left, you are part of my life."

I feel the grin spread over my face and in response his hand grips my shoulder and shakes me slightly. I can feel my face heat "Do all new Knights feel this unsettled?"

"I can't say but I know I did. Although I was not sorry to leave Yoda's quarters. There is much too much size difference for us to live easily in the same space."

I laugh and lean back slightly into his grasp "I have always found it difficult to imagine you as Yoda's Padawan."

He stands and moves to the wine cooler, pausing to stretch his shoulders before he refills the glasses. My eyes feast on the ripple of muscle and I feel that heat in my body again. As he turns back to me I find my eyes fixed on the expanse of chest that is exposed under the open shirt, and the heat begins to spread. I close my eyes and when I open them the glass is being handed to me. I take a long swallow "Master will they let us continue to work together?"

Qui-Gon's eyes are fixed to mine "I expect so if we both wish it."

Does that mean he doesn't. "Do you Master?"

"Qui-Gon. My name is Qui-Gon."

"Do you Qui-Gon?"

That gentle smile appears again. "Yes Obi-Wan, I do. I think we make an effective team."

/Only that? Only an effective team./ "So do I. And besides I...." /no I can't say it./

"What Obi-Wan?"

"Nothing really, just that I enjoy our missions."

"Even the cold, dirty, dangerous, uncomfortable ones?" He is laughing.

"Oh, especially those!"

His eyes are alight with laughter "I'll have to remember that. I seem to recall a certain Padawan who could be most inventive in his abuse of a number of planets and situations he found himself in." He gives me considering look "I don't believe anyone else has increased my vocabulary quite as much. I used to wonder where you learnt some of those expressions."

"I never reveal my sources Qui-Gon. Someone else might start to use them." I laugh back at him.

We continue to chat for a time then I go to fetch our meal. When we are eating Qui-Gon suddenly says "There is only one difficulty with you remaining in these quarters."

I look at him shocked, I thought we had covered this.

"You must never feel that you need to be constrained by these arrangements."


"I mean if you want to bring any one home with you. This is your home you must do what you want here."

My heart sinks, surely if he had any feelings for me he would not say that. "Thank you, I have always managed in the past, I'm sure I will in the future," There is a bite in my tone. "It's good of you to be concerned about my love life."

He gives me a strange, thoughtful look. "I'm concerned that you have whatever you want."

/Oh, now there's a thought. Whatever I want. And what if I want you?/

The look on his face changes, I can't decide what the new one means but it makes me uneasy. "Thank you. I didn't mean to sound snappy, I think I'm a bit uncomfortable with the topic."

"There is no reason to be uncomfortable about sex Obi-Wan. It's a perfectly natural part of life." He is watching me closely, his hand idly sliding around his wine glass. "If you would prefer I was not here when you have a guest you have only to tell me and I can arrange to be elsewhere."

"And what about when you have a guest?"

"I don't mind you being here." He raises an eyebrow "Unless it would embarrass you."

Once again I close my eyes. Qui-Gon in the other room with a lover, could I stand it? Would the mental images send me crazy? "You have never brought someone here before."

"No. While you were my Padawan I didn't think it was appropriate. I had certain responsibilities toward you." His eyes seem to be trying to see inside my head. "I'd hate to be accused of corrupting my student."

/Please, corrupt me!/ I take another sip of wine, I'm going to be drunk at this rate. "I'm sure you would never do that, and I'd certainly never accuse you of it."

"Really. It's a pity I didn't know that earlier." His smile is teasing "And here I was thinking I had to protect your innocence." So is his tone.

"Innocence? I haven't had that for a while."

He smiles a little sadly, "I don't think that's true Obi-Wan. Experienced you may be but I think you will always have a certain innocence. Actually it's rather charming." He stands "Let's go back where it's more comfortable." He reaches out and takes my hand again, pulling me away from the table.

We walk across the room and sit, still holding hands. He lets his thumb slide gently across my palm and suddenly I'm breathless and shivering.


"Shh." He leans forward and brushes his mouth across mine.

I close my eyes and let out a shuddering breath. "Master."

I hear a soft chuckle, "Yes Padawan." It's the first time he's called me that since Naboo. I open my eyes to find him watching me with an intense, predatory gaze. It sends my senses into overload and takes my breath from me. "Can I corrupt you now that you no longer are my Padawan?"

Do I care that he has said nothing about love? Am I going to stop him? Don't be crazy, of course not! Even if it is only this one night I am going to have it, have him. We are still holding hands and I raise his to my lips and press a long, hard kiss against his knuckles.

I'm about to say something but he takes my head between his hands and holds it, running his thumbs along my cheekbones. "If you only knew how often I've dreamed of this." Then one hand slides behind my head and holds me while he lowers his mouth and thoroughly ravishes mine. I have never experienced anything like it, the hot, hard pressure and the soft glide of lips and tongue. I lift my hands to his shoulders and pull him against me returning the kiss and sagging against his body.

His hands leave my head and stroke across my shoulders and down my back, I move against his hands, rubbing like a cat, if I could purr I would . We pull apart staring at each other in amazement. I put one hand against his cheek. "I never thought. You never gave any sign."

"Neither did you Obi-Wan." He reaches out for his glass "I don't believe many of the rules should be followed blindly but the one that says a Master must never initiate sexual activity with his or her Padawan I do believe in." He puts his hand on my thigh and squeezes it gently "There is too much danger. The rule must hold for everyone and every situation."

I think about what he says. "The rule is that a Master may not initiate, do you mean that a Padawan may?"

He kisses me lightly again, "Yes."

"Why didn't anyone tell me? I've wasted all this time."

Qui-Gon chuckles. "Well it isn't spread about because it isn't really approved of." He puts a finger to my lips. "It is only allowed in the final stage of training and even then the danger of a Padawan being overcome by the bond with his Master and mistaking it for something else is very great." Another kiss ,a little longer this time, "And if I had told you I would be doing the initiating."

I take another sip of wine as I ponder. "I can see the reason for the rule but how does becoming a Knight change things? We are both the same people we were four weeks ago."

"True, but now we are equals in rank. You no longer have to do as I tell you, you are not reliant on my approval and opinion." He runs his hand up my thigh and settles it on my groin. "You can tell me to stop without the fear that it will affect your training or your standing." The hand grips slightly and then settles to a gentle pressure.

I just gaze at him while the heat coalesces under his hand then I lean forward and run my mouth along his collar bone until I reach his neck where I bite softly and then kiss the mark. "I will always be reliant on you approval and opinion Master."

A shudder runs through him whether at my words or at my touch I can't tell. The hand increases the pressure slightly "And I on yours but if you choose to walk out of here right now it will not affect your place in the Jedi."

My mouth is just below his ear "I don't believe you would allow a personal relationship to affect your duty. Ever."

"Thank you Obi-Wan. I hope I would not but it is better not to put temptation in the path of someone who holds the future of another in their keeping. You cannot have one rule for one and another for everyone else."

I can't believe that we were having this conversation at this moment. I turn my attention back to his neck and smile as he arches back in pleasure.

Qui-Gon moves back to look at me, his eyes dark with passion "Take off you clothes," his voice deep and soft.

I stand up, a little reluctantly I must confess, I don't want to lose that warm hand and also I find I am rather shy. Crazy really, after a dozen years of doing almost everything together you would think I'd be used to being naked around him but somehow this is different. And it isn't as though I am inexperienced about sex. The classes Padawans have to take include very thorough lessons on the biological, social and cultural aspects of sex and reproduction and we were all encouraged to experiment. I have to say I've always been particularly enthusiastic about that part of my training.

But now standing in front of this man and baring my body to him as he sits, clothed, watching I am suddenly shy.

"Don't be afraid Obi-Wan."

I blush at the understanding in his eyes and the heat. He lets his hand settle now on his own groin. "Please. Let me see you."

If I'd been hot before now I am fairly sizzling. Suddenly the shyness is gone and all I feel is desire.

Desire to please him...I undo my sash and ease the tunic over my shoulders letting it fall to the floor...Desire to feel that hand and that mouth on my flesh...Next the undershirt...Desire to hold what he is holding now...Sitting back on a low table I remove my boots and socks...Desire to let my senses have their release...Standing again I undo the ties on my pants and slide my hands under the waist band...Desire to see him naked before me...and ease the fabric, and the underclothes beneath, over my hips and down to my ankles...Desire to take this to it's logical conclusion.

Suddenly strong, gentle hands are on my hips and his mouth is gliding over my hip bones and across my belly. His chin runs across my cock as it rises to greet him and he pauses to kiss it lightly in passing. Only his hands are holding me upright as I lean into them. He rests his forehead against me murmuring "So beautiful."

At that my knees give way and I sink to the floor in front of him. A large hand cups my face "I love you. You know that don't you."

It is said so easily, so simply, a statement of pure fact. I give a shaky laugh. "If you only knew how often I've dreamed that."

Puzzled, "Surely you knew."

I lay my head on his thigh, breathing in his scent while he strokes his fingers through my hair. "I knew you cared for me, were fond of me, liked me even, but love? No I don't think I knew that. I was so afraid that if you knew how I felt it would ruin what we had together." I sit up and look at him and he leans forward and kisses my forehead.

"Foolish Padawan" caressingly, "and what do you feel for me?"

I rest my elbows on his knees and put my face in my hands smiling up at him, every worry lifted from my heart and I open my thoughts to him pulling up every shutter. "You are my life Qui-Gon, my world, my reason for living."

He closes his eyes and his head slowly comes down to rest on mine. "As you are mine Obi-Wan, beloved."

I let my hands fall into his lap "Aren't we forgetting something?" and I firmly run my fingers along the length of him

His head raises and he laughs "Oh I haven't forgotten."

"Then aren't you a little overdressed?"

"First things first. Stand up." Eyes lock together I do as he asks, then those wonderful hands are holding my hips again pulling me slowly toward him and suddenly, shockingly I am in his mouth. All thought flees as my reality shrinks to the focus of that hot, clever tongue and firm lips. The tension builds until all I can do is bury my hands in his hair and let him command my pleasure. After an eternity and all to soon I am gasping my release and sliding down into his arms.

Sprawled across his legs and chest I try to speak, to let him know what he's done to me but a finger and than that glorious mouth take hold of my lips. After a long luxurious kiss I finally manage "Qui-Gon. Master." I gasp, regaining my breath, "God."

He laughs "Well I'll answer to the first two but I think the third is a little extreme." His arms tighten around me "I could die happy now."

"Don't you dare. I want my turn. You're not even undressed yet." I move to sit beside him and reach in to push the shirt off his shoulders letting my hands enjoy smooth skin over hard muscles, moving down to his waist "Up." And as he raises his hips I pull the pants down and toss them across the room, /I was right he is a god./

A shaky hand runs over my cheek and I realise he has caught the thought "Don't Obi-Wan, it's too much I can never live up to it. No one could."

I rub against his hand "Maybe not a god but what I see is certainly divine."

He laughs at that "Then we are a good pair," and pulls me in again for another kiss. I let the kiss build then I slither to my knees and place my hands on the juncture of his torso and legs. Running my fingers gently across the soft skin, tickling the tiny hairs then bending and planting little kisses and licks until he is gasping and writhing his hips lifting to find me. "Obi-Wan, yes." I run my tongue along him and take the head between my lips. "Please. Yes."

Then I place my hands firmly on his upper thighs and begin using every scrap of knowledge I have gained in a mis-spent youth to drive him out of his mind. It works.

Much later we are sprawled across Qui-Gon's bed, legs tangled together and my head resting on his shoulder. He is playing with my hair which is a little longer than he is used to. "Will you grow it long now Obi-Wan?"

"Do you want me to Master?" I sit up and retrieve my glass watching the way his eyes run over me, delighted at the proprietorial gleam I see.

"I don't know. I liked the Padawan spiky look but on the other hand I love the sensation of long hair on my skin."

I smile reminiscently "So do I Master. Perhaps I should grow a beard so you can experience that sensation too."

"Not yet. Maybe in years to come but for now I want to feel your lips and you cheek and your chin.."

"I get the message Qui-Gon...no beard."

He runs his hand over my chest smiling as I shiver at his touch. "We have all our lives before us, we can have everything we want."
