Even Jedi Have the Right to Bleed

by Master Jenn Kenobi (quigonjdi1@aol.com)

Archive: Yes, M_A. Others please ask

Rating: NC-17

Categories: Q/O, AU, Angst, First Time

Summary: Yoda's plan was thwarted when a different master selected Obi-Wan as a Padawan just before the transport was to leave for Bandomeer. Years later he gets them together again on Obi-Wan's home planet after the death of Obi-Wan's master. Can they get past the Past and overcome a present obstacle?

Warnings: Obi-Wan's home planet is a lot like the Scottish Highlands.

Spoilers: None.

Disclaimer: The Boys belong King George. I'm just letting them play. All Hail the King.

Author's Note: The 'bleed' in the title is metaphorical and yes, it's taken from the song "Superman" by Five For Fighting.

Feedback: Yes, on or off list at quigonjdi1@aol.com

Acknowledgments: Many thanks to my Padawan, Angelica. She's looked over the beginning of this story and beta'd it, but I must apologize to her that I didn't send her the end before posting. Also many thanks to Wendy, my former co-worker whom I thoroughly corrupted during the nine months I worked with her. She had no knowledge of slash before I showed up, but by the end of my time with her she had given me a couple of ideas that I incorporated into this story.

Obi-Wan Kenobi stood on the high grassy plateau overlooking lush rolling hills as far as the eye could see. The early afternoon sun shone brightly overhead and the wind swirled around him, setting his kilt and braid fluttering. He breathed in deeply and let out a sigh. He knew he should be using this time to meditate, but felt he'd been doing enough of that lately and decided to just let his mind wander as he stared out over the landscape.

He had been surprised when the Council sent him to his home planet to recuperate from his recent injuries -- and the death of his master. They explained that they wanted a liaison between the populace and the Jedi scouting team to ease the location and recruitment of Force sensitive children. Who better than a Jedi who is also one of the planet's own?

But he was here without a master; without someone to help him regain his abilities after his injuries, to continue his training. Master Mul'Gan had been his teacher, father and friend for over eleven years. He had been there for everything, but now he was One with the Force and Obi-Wan was alone.

The young man wondered what the Council was going to do with him now. Would they assign him a new master to complete his training? Until Master Mul'Gan had pulled him off the transport to Bandomeer, no knight or master had wanted to train him. Would they be able to find one now? Or would he be tossed to the wayside so close to his goal? Though, he supposed, he had more options now than the Agricorps. He could teach initiates at the Temple, for one.

He sighed again. His internal chrono told him it was time to head back to the family homestead. The Jedi scouting team would be arriving soon and he was to meet them at the spaceport. He whistled for the horse grazing nearby. As it trotted over to him, he readjusted the windblown brat over his shoulder. He mounted, then took another look across the landscape. This was his favourite place. So clean, fresh and peaceful; unlike most of the places he had seen as a Padawan. He regretted not being able to come here more often, but the life of a Jedi was a busy one.

Not that he would ever trade his life as a Jedi.

Qui-Gon Jinn shouldered his pack and joined his mission partner at the ship's exit ramp. This was to be a relatively quiet mission for the Jedi Master; something the Council threw at him occasionally to give him a break, yet keep him out of their hair as it were.

"Do you wish to meet with the Senator first, or find lodging?" Qui-Gon asked as the pair exited the ship.

"Actually, I believe the Council has arranged for someone to meet us. A native," the slight woman answered.

"Oh? They didn't mention that to me and it wasn't in the briefing."

"How odd. I'm sure it was an oversight. They informed me of it and I guess it didn't get passed on because we never discussed it."

Qui-Gon peered at her through slitted eyes. That was unlike the Council and her innocent look just reaffirmed his feeling that something odd was going on.

"I believe this is him now."

Qui-Gon looked in the direction indicated. There stood a young man in his early to mid-twenties dressed in black boots, a dark green and blue kilt, and a black jacket with a dark green shirt showing through. His reddish blond hair was short -- a padawan's cut -- with a braid reaching to his waist where his lightsabre hung. A Senior Padawan, then. And he looked familiar. Very familiar.

The young man bowed. "Good afternoon, Masters. Welcome to Mila'awen. I am Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. I offer my assistance to your mission."

Qui-Gon's eyes narrowed again. He knew that name well. Very well.

"Thank you, Obi-Wan. I am Master Kay Shon and this is Master Qui-Gon Jinn. We appreciate your taking time to help us."

"I am pleased to do so, Master Shon." Obi-Wan bowed to her, then to Qui-Gon. "Master Jinn." It was odd seeing this man again after so many years. He had a bit more grey in his long hair and beard, but still looked as formidable as ever and his eyes had hardened when he had introduced himself. Did he remember that little boy he had rejected all those years ago?

"You are dressed improperly for a Jedi Padawan," Qui-Gon stated simply.

Master Shon looked up at him sharply. "Qui-Gon!"

"With all due respect, Master Jinn, I am dressed in the traditional garb of the Kenobi Clan and, as I am a member of such, it is appropriate for me to do so. As long as I have my lightsabre, I am properly dressed for a Jedi." The Padawan stated this evenly and without malice, but Qui-Gon could see a flash of . . . something in his green-grey eyes. Obi-Wan then turned his attention to the smaller master. "I have taken the liberty of arranging accommodations for the two of you. I will escort you to them now and you can refresh yourselves from your trip. The Senator will be joining us for dinner."

"Very good. Qui-Gon?"

"Yes. Fine," he grumbled, despite the odd desire to argue further with this young man.

"Very well. This way please." Obi-Wan led the masters to a waiting hovercar.

Qui-Gon noted Obi-Wan's limp and wondered about the extent of his injuries. He had heard about the death of Master Mul'Gan and the completion of the mission by his injured Padawan, but had assumed the injuries had been insignificant. He should be healed by now, shouldn't he?

The Padawan pointed out areas of interest as they traveled through the city and out into the country. They turned off the main road and passed through a gate with a stylized K. The 'car skirted the main house and passed the stables before stopping at the first of four cottages spaced several yards apart. They stepped out into the fresh air.

"I thought you might like to have some quiet and privacy after dealing with infants and parents. The first two cottages have been stocked for your use during your stay."

"This opulence is not necessary." Qui-Gon's rich voice spoke up.

Obi-Wan resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "No. It is not. However, it is no different than what you would be provided were your mission one for a high ranking official. And I know the Order would prefer you expend as little of their funds as possible."

Kay placed a hand on Obi-Wan's arm. "This is lovely. Thank you."

"I am glad to be able to provide, Master. I have had many missions where the ground was my bed and my robe was my blanket. Please make yourselves at home. You may avail yourself of any of the amenities of the homestead and grounds. If there is anything you need, please feel free to ask. Dinner will be at seven. I will leave you to refresh yourselves, but will return before then."

"You said the Senator will be here for dinner?" Qui-Gon questioned.

"Yes, Master." Obi-Wan bowed. "If there is nothing else, I will leave you to your rest." He turned and headed off across the lawn.

Kay stared at Qui-Gon who was watching the Padawan's retreating figure. "A little hard on him, weren't you?"

His gaze shifted to the dark brown eyes upon him. "No." He picked up his pack and strolled over to the second cottage.

Kay let out a ‘humph' and entered her own.

Qui-Gon had to admit to himself that the cottage seemed quite comfortable and would probably be welcome after a day of dealing with children. It had a cozy sitting space with a fireplace, a kitchen with an eating nook, a 'fresher with a large tub, and a bedroom with a bed big enough for his large frame.

He was hanging up his tunics when he heard hoof beats. He looked out the window to see Obi-Wan riding quickly away from the homestead, his braid trailing out behind him.

Suddenly a ride sounded like a good idea.

It was a mistake. He shouldn't be doing this. He should be resting like the other Jedi. His body was telling him a nap would be wonderful right about now. But he had to get away from the homestead; away from Qui-Gon Jinn.

Obi-Wan reached his favoured plateau and reined in his horse. His leg buckled when he dismounted and he found himself staring up at the clear blue sky from his back. Oh, great. This day just keeps getting better.

He took a few deep breaths, then let go of the reins and sat up. He always hated being injured. He hated when his body betrayed him. Careful, Kenobi. Hate is on the path to the Dark Side. Let's make that frustrated. *Really* frustrated.

He had to meet up with Master Jinn again now.

Truthfully, he hadn't thought about the man in years, but in minutes the years dropped away and it felt as if no time had passed at all. He still couldn't do anything right -- nothing would please the tough Jedi Master. And now he had to try when he wasn't at his best.

He took in another deep breath, closed his eyes, let the breath out slowly, and sank into meditation.

It was interrupted by the sound of a horse approaching. He opened his eyes and watched Qui-Gon ride up on one of his family's horses. He was caught between wanting to groan and being fascinated by the sight. The Master fit the horse well and, if dressed in a kilt instead of Jedi tunics, could easily be from a local clan.

"It's beautiful out here," Qui-Gon remarked as he came near the young man.

"Yes, it is. I've managed to get out here every day during the week I've been home."

Qui-Gon dismounted and let his horse wander over to Obi-Wan's. "Who owns these lands?"

"They're part of my family's estate." He saw the older man nod slightly, then gaze out over the rolling hills. Almost a minute passed in silence before Obi-Wan got up enough nerve to ask, "is that why?"

Eyes the colour of the sky turned to regard him. "Why what?"

Obi-Wan swallowed. He'd started this, now he had to continue. "Why you wouldn't take me as your Padawan. Was it because my family is wealthy so I'd be tempted by greed and turn to the Dark Side like Xanatos?"

Qui-Gon's expression hardened. "How did--"

"When I was an initiate, I wanted you as a Master more than anything." Obi-Wan's eyes dropped to the blades of grass he was nervously shredding. "I searched out every piece of information about you that I could, by any means that I could."

The Master stared down at the Padawan seated on the ground before him. Surprise, anger, incredulousness, and amazement all warred over which would reply to the young man's confession. He managed to tamp back his first response. Barely. "I -- no. I didn't know your family status then."

"Oh." Obi-Wan shifted his gaze to the countryside, still avoiding eye contact with the older man. "You never took another Padawan, though."

Qui-Gon sighed and lowered himself to the ground, stretching his long legs out in front of him. "No." A short pause, then, "I heard about your battle with the Sith after your master was killed. There is concern that you let anger control you."

Now Obi-Wan's eyes snapped to look at him, a flash in those changing eyes. "Anger? It was not anger. I was upset. I had just watched the creature cut down my master of eleven plus years while I was unable to get to him. It upset me. And don't give me the ‘there is no emotion' crap. I felt the wave of emotions, including anger, coming from you when I told you how I knew about Xanatos. We are beings with feelings and good days and bad days just like everyone else. Yes, as a Jedi, we're taught to meditate and release those emotions, but we still have them. I am not going to feel guilty for being upset over my master's death."

Qui-Gon suppressed a smile. There were two things he could not do. One was let Obi-Wan know that he agreed with him. The other was let the Padawan, this Padawan, get away with speaking to a master in such a manner. He would have to meditate later on why this man both infuriated and intrigued him. "You forget who you're speaking to, Padawan Kenobi."

He could see Obi-Wan's jaw clench.

The young man tried to calm himself by inhaling slowly through his nose. "You are right, Master Jinn. Please forgive me for my outburst. I will do extra meditations on controlling my emotions and respecting my elders. Now it would be best if I returned to the homestead and assisted in preparations for this evening." Obi-Wan moved to stand. "Please excuse me."

Qui-Gon reached out with the Force and caught Obi-Wan when his leg buckled again. As he rose to assist him physically, he noted the Padawan's complexion had gone grey and he was shaking slightly. "I think it would be best if you sat back down." He took a hold of an arm to steady him and felt exhaustion leaking from the young man. "You should be resting."

Obi-Wan drew on the Force to strengthen himself and took a step away, making Qui-Gon let go. "I'm fine. I just--"

"Almost collapsed. You were injured on that mission. How seriously?"

Obi-Wan stared at Qui-Gon. Why would he care? Oh, yes, right. To determine my fitness to help on his current mission. "It's not that. I just doubled up on my exercises this morning since this evening's agenda changed with your arrival. I pushed a little too hard. It won't happen again."

"You're right. It won't. You will follow the therapy schedule the healers set for you. I will not have you on this mission team if you are incapacitated. This is not a demanding mission, however it is not a good sign if you collapse before it even starts."

Why do I feel like I'm thirteen again? "Yes, Master."

"Now, I am going to escort you back to your home and you will lay down and rest until dinner."

"Yes, Master."

At six, Qui-Gon met Kay in front of her cottage. He was about to tell her that Padawan Kenobi was probably still resting when they spotted him walking towards them. He was back in his Padawan tunics, pants and boots, but, instead of his robe, a length of blue and green tartan was draped across his chest and over his shoulder. He was still limping, but he looked better than he had that afternoon.

Obi-Wan stopped in front of them and bowed. "Good evening, Masters. I trust you rested well."

"Yes, but the real question is: Did you?" Qui-Gon questioned, watching the man closely, while Kay's brows knit.

"Yes, Master. Thank you. I feel much better."

"I'm sorry, did I miss something?" Kay asked, looking from man to man.

"Forgive me, Master Shon. I overextended myself regarding my recovery and Master Jinn was kind enough to point out my mistake to me."

The young man looked pleasant enough, but somehow she was sure Jinn had done it with his usual aplomb. "Ah, I am glad you are doing better, then. Do not push your recovery for us. And I don't stand on formality, so please call me Kay."

"Thank you." Both noticed the lack of the same offer by Qui-Gon. "I will show you around the homestead now and introduce you to my family before the Senator's arrival."

They began walking as Qui-Gon asked, "do you see any difficulties with the Senator regarding our mission?"

"No, not really; only a few stipulations for first-borns. That's where you'll have the most problems with the parents as well."

"Ah, yes. The planet's briefing indicated first-borns are held in high regard. A lot of traditions revolve around them," Kay recalled.

Obi-Wan nodded. "Yes."

Qui-Gon noticed the slight frown that had crossed the young man's face with that.

Qui-Gon lay in bed in the darkness of his cottage, contemplating the events of the evening. The meeting with the Senator had gone well. Obi-Wan had been right: Mila'awen had no objection to another search for Force sensitive children. The Senator's only concern revolved around first-borns and that stipulations be made which would allow them to still participate in some of their people's traditions. Normally initiates gave up all family rights when they came to the temple, though contact with the family could be maintained, if desired.

Qui-Gon's thoughts shifted to Obi-Wan's siblings. There were four of them, all with mild sensitivity, but not high enough to have been sought by the Jedi. The sister, Tia, and two of the brothers, Edi and Avi, were obviously younger than Obi-Wan. Yui was the question. He could be older, but Qui-Gon doubted it. His suspicion was that Obi-Wan was first-born.

If that was true, what stipulations had the Jedi agreed to in order to take Obi-Wan? Which first-born traditions was he to be allowed to participate in?

Why did he care?

Qui-Gon rolled over and stared at the little red power light on the data/comm unit. He had reviewed the traditions before retiring so that he would know the parents' arguments should they run into a first-born sensitive. It would be up to the Council to approve the demands of the parents. It was only his duty to locate and report the children; another team would be sent in for pick up.

The large man rolled over again and watched the lunar lit curtains flutter in the soft, warm breeze from the open window. He was a top negotiator trained to read treaties and analyze each point. He'd also been a Jedi more years than he wished to count. It shouldn't be too difficult to figure out which traditions the Council would agree to.

He rolled back to look at the little red light again. Why did he want to know?

Unbidden, the vision of Obi-Wan's frowning face came to him.

He scowled at himself and shook his head. It's not any of my business and I'm not going to get involved. I am here to locate Force sensitive children. Nothing more. He closed his eyes and forced himself into a light meditation that would allow him to drift to sleep.

The sun was beginning to pink up the sky when Qui-Gon emerged from his cottage. He had always been an early riser, enjoying the feeling of the Living Force at the dawning of a new day. He was dressed in a loose tunic and pants, ready to do his morning katas.

He stepped between his cottage and the third one, having eyed the open, flat space as an excellent place to exercise. From the tour, he knew that there was a place he could workout in the main house, but he had no desire to be inside. He moved into the first position of the Open Fist, Open Body kata, held it for a moment, then began at half speed. Five steps forward and a turn brought him into view of the small lake. In the dim light he could just make out a figure moving across the water. He was about to dismiss it as a waterfowl when it flipped and Qui-Gon recognized the shape of an arm and a foot. Obi-Wan.

He was halfway to the lake before he realized he had moved.

Obi-Wan sensed the approach of the Jedi Master. Knowing the older man would want to speak to him, probably about how my swimming form isn't correct for a Jedi, the young man swam closer to shore and stood in the chest-deep water, waiting; watching the leonine figure stalking towards him. A small shiver went up his spine with the odd feeling of being prey.

But prey of what kind?

Deciding to try to avoid one possible tirade, Obi-Wan spoke first. "The healers approved of swimming to strengthen my leg."

Qui-Gon stared at him a moment before speaking. "All Jedi were notified because of the appearance of the Sith on your mission to Naboo. If my memory serves, that was around a month ago."

"Yes, Master."

"I asked a question yesterday that you did not answer. How seriously were you injured?"

Obi-Wan contemplated his answer. It seemed the master was determined to be rid of him and his injuries were a good way to do it, so, no matter what he said, he'd be damned. "Very," the Padawan answered quietly and walked out of the water.

Qui-Gon's shock grew as his gaze traveled down Obi-Wan's body. Angry red scars marred his chest and thigh. The scar on the right side of his chest was roughly circular and a few inches below his nipple. The one on the side of his right leg started somewhere at his hip under his bathing suit and stopped a couple of inches above his knee. As Obi-Wan bent to get his towel, Qui-Gon could see a matching circular scar on his back.

As he dried himself, Obi-Wan continued, "the healers on Naboo didn't have enough bacta to immerse me. It was all being used on others. However, Queen Amidala didn't want another Jedi to die for her cause, so the healers put me in stasis and the Queen's ship took me to the nearest Jedi temple."


"Yes. It took a few days to get there and then I spent nearly a week in a bacta tank. Another week was spent relearning how to walk before the Council sent me here. And that was a week ago. So there is your month."

As Obi-Wan spoke, Qui-Gon looked over the young man's lithe form. With that amount of time recovering he had to have lost some weight. He was still muscular though, and it was obvious he was determined to get back to his previous strength. Now that he had seen the injuries, another question plagued him. "What happened? How did you . . ." he trailed off, his hand vaguely indicating the scars.

"We were trying to retake the palace from the Trade Federation when the Sith appeared. He fought with a dual bladed lightsabre like a staff. Master and I battled with him, forcing him away from the others." Obi-Wan sat down, looking over the lake. Qui-Gon lowered himself to the ground next to the Padawan, waiting quietly for him to continue. The young man picked up a hand full of pebbles and began tossing them into the water one by one. "We ended up deep in the palace at the power generators. We drove him down a hall with energy fields to a room with a pit. He kicked me in the face and, as I stumbled back, he cut up my leg with his lightsabre. The Sith used a Force push to shove me back into the corridor just before the field cycled on. I was trapped and was only able to watch as Master Mul'Gan battled the Sith alone. I watched as the creature broke Master's nose with the hilt of his ‘sabre, then split him open from shoulder to navel. I watched my mentor fall to the ground, dead; One with the Force." Obi-Wan paused again and Qui-Gon could sense the emotional pain the young man was in. Obi-Wan cleared his throat. "When the field cycled off, I controlled the pain in my leg, releasing it to the Force, and I -- well, I fought him. We battled; he skewered my chest and pushed me into the pit. I managed to catch a protrusion, though. I hung there, fighting to breathe, and watched as my lightsabre fell past me."

Qui-Gon could hardly believe what he was hearing. How could he have been in that position and now be sitting here telling this story?

As if he had heard the other man's thought, "I gathered the Force, leapt out of the pit as I called Master's lightsabre to me, and cut the Sith in half. After that I don't really remember much until I woke up on Dantooine. They held Master Mul'Gan's funeral while I was in stasis. It's his lightsabre that I carry now." Obi-Wan stood and looked down at Qui-Gon. "Every day I review what happened and how it could have been different if . . . if--" He shook his head. "I am physically capable of assisting you in talking to parents and testing children, but if you do not wish for me to do so, you only have to say it. You are, after all, a Master and I am but a Padawan." He bowed slightly. "I follow master's orders."

Blue eyes stared into green-grey. It was rare that Qui-Gon found himself at a loss. The events this man spoke of indicated a Jedi of great strength. He had heard Obi-Wan had won many lightsabre competitions, but competitions were one thing; actual battles were another. Could he have been so mistaken? If Mul'Gan hadn't taken--

"Obi!" The two men looked to see Yui jogging towards them. "There's a comm from the Jedi Council."

Qui-Gon stood. "Thank you."

"Sorry, Master Jinn. They asked for Obi."

Not wanting to keep the Council waiting, Obi-Wan pulled his brown robe on over his bathing suit and closed it. He glanced at Qui-Gon with trepidation before slipping into the comm room to answer the call in private.

The young man knelt and activated the holographic imaging. "Masters," he greeted the twelve small figures that appeared.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, recovering well, are you?" Yoda asked.

"Yes, Master, though sparring is difficult. My family is not trained in Jedi arts."

"True, though two masters with you now there are. Assist you with this they can." Even through the imaging, Yoda caught the look that flashed across the young man's face. "Problem there is? With Master Qui-Gon, I suspect, hmmm?"

Obi-Wan didn't want to take petty complaints to the Council. "No, Master." He crossed his arms, sliding his hands into his sleeves.

"Lie to me, you can not. Know Qui-Gon well I do."

"He would prefer I not be on this mission, that is all."

"Ah. Like you he does."

"Master?" Like me? If he likes me, I'll eat my braid.

"Hardened his heart after Xanatos, he did. Won't let anyone in. Pushes away harder when like the person he does. Stay on this mission you will. Council's decision, it is."

Obi-Wan dug his fingernails into his arms. "Yes, Masters."

The little hologram of Mace Windu looked at Yoda, then back at Obi-Wan. "There is another reason we have contacted you at this time."

"Reviewed recordings from the Palace, the Council has. Discussed this much we have."

Mace leaned forward in his chair. "You fought and defeated a Sith -- evil thought to have been extinct -- while seriously injured. You could face no greater trial."

Yoda tapped his gimer stick on the floor. "Confer on you the level of Jedi Knight, the Council does."

Obi-Wan was glad he was already kneeling; less distance for his chin to hit the floor. Did he hear correctly?

"Congratulations, Knight Kenobi," Ki-Adi-Mundi greeted.

The new knight bowed low, his forehead touching the floor. "Thank you, Masters."

"Rise, Knight Kenobi. Celebration we will have when return to Coruscant you do; and ceremony if you wish."

As Obi-Wan stood, Mace continued, "since your master is no longer with us, we leave the choice of the braid ceremony to you."

"I understand, Masters."

Councilor Mundi spoke up again. "Because of your connection to Mila'awen and your new rank, we have decided you would be best to lead the current mission."

The young man's eyes opened in shock. "But Masters, Master Jinn--"

"Enough!" Yoda whacked his gimer stick against his chair. "Battle Sith and won you did. Battle Qui-Gon and win you can." The little green master chuckled. "Different battle, though. Harder it may be, hmmm? Handle this mission you will. Find children for our crèche."

Obi-Wan bowed again. "Yes, Master."

"May the Force be with you."

The call blinked out.

Qui-Gon waited impatiently outside the comm room. He knew it was irrational to be irritated that the Council had called for the Padawan; after all, they may have found a new master for Obi-Wan. He was trying to convince himself that the evident lack of shielding by Kenobi was causing this irritation. He could sense an undulating range of emotions from the young man. He had been able to feel them at the lake as well. He would have to speak to him about it, because a Senior Padawan should be able to shield better.

Kay found Qui-Gon pacing in the hall of the main house. He looked even more cross than usual. The petite master knew she might regret it, but decided to venture forth anyway. "Is there something wrong?"

"Padawan Kenobi is speaking with the Council."

"The way you look, one would think it was you."

That earned her a scowl.

The door opened and Obi-Wan stepped out, a dazed look upon his face.

Kay touched his arm. "Obi-Wan?"

"Oh. Umm. The Council…" He trailed off, then straightened his shoulders, drawing himself up. "The Council has declared me a Knight."

Kay's congratulations were interrupted by Qui-Gon. "You haven't had your trials."

"They decided Naboo was my trial. If you wish to question their decision, be my guest. While you're at it, you can complain about having to work under a knight. And a new knight at that." Obi-Wan turned to Kay. "The Council wishes for me to head this mission. Arrangements have been made and I see no reason to change them; we will continue as planned."

Kay nodded, a big smile plastered on her face.

The knight bowed slightly. "Excuse me, Masters. I need to change before first meal." He turned and headed up the stairs.

"Well, well, Qui-Gon. It looks like you can add another name to the short list of those who aren't afraid of you." He glowered at her and stalked off. She called after him, "you do recall that I'm one of those on that list! That's why I was assigned to work with you!" A chuckle left her lips.

Obi-Wan entered the dining room. He was dressed as he had been for dinner the night before; only Kay noticed the absence of his braid.

"Obi, there you are!" His mother reached out a hand to him.

He stepped over to her and gave her a peck on the cheek. "'Morning, Ma."

"Yui said you had a call from the Jedi Council, but Master Kay won't tell us what it was about. She just sits there and grins," his father spoke up.

"They made me a knight."

Qui-Gon arrived as the family clamoured around Obi-Wan offering 'way to go's, 'alright's, and 'congratulations'. Yui grabbed his brother's arm. "A knight? Does this mean--"

"Yes, Yui-Wan. I'll start making arrangements for you as soon as Ma and Da set a date for me." Obi-Wan turned to his parents. "I intend to return to Coruscant as soon as this mission is completed. I don't know when I will return here, so it would be best to do it before I leave."

His father became upset. "That's too soon! Surely the Jedi Council--"

"No. If it must be done, it will be done now. Remember, simple and small."

His mother spoke up. "But you're first-born! It should be--"

"No. You know how I feel about this. Please save that for Yui. He deserves it. He's the one that's here." Continuing without missing a beat, he grabbed a piece of toast and breezed past Qui-Gon telling them, "excuse me, I have something to take care of. I will meet you outside, Masters."

Qui-Gon had been hit with the young man's emotional pain as he spoke with his parents. Now he took off after Obi-Wan, catching up with him just outside the front door. Grasping his arm, the master swung the knight around to face him. "What was that about?"

"My wedding."

"Your what?" Qui-Gon's expression was one of disbelief, but Obi-Wan could swear he had seen something else flicker in those impossibly blue eyes; something close to panic. He would've thought he was just seeing things if he hadn't also felt a flash of the emotion from the master.

Panic? From him? No, it's got to be my imagination; a reflection from my own feelings. "My wedding. You know, a union of marriage between two beings?" The young man glanced over at Kay as she joined them on the porch. "It's like a bonding between two Jedi, only without the mental connection."

The older man let go of Obi-Wan's arm. "I know what a wedding is," he grumbled.

"It just wasn't expected," Kay spoke up, "and from the tone of the conversation, it doesn't sound like the happy occasion it's supposed to be."

Obi-Wan turned away from the masters. He tossed the piece of toast out onto the lawn near a couple of foraging birds. Startled, they flew a little ways away, then back, attacking the tasty treat. Kay and Qui-Gon could now see that the new knight had pulled his braid back and wrapped it around his knight's tail in place of the tie.

"It's not," he answered quietly. He turned back to them, the neutral expression of a Jedi negotiator on his face. "It's an arranged marriage. It has to do with one of the first-born traditions. I intend to see what I can do to make sure it's never an agreed to stipulation again."

"I don't recall arranged marriages in the traditions." Qui-Gon crossed his arms; his hands disappearing into the voluminous sleeves of his robe.

"It's not exactly, but first-married is. The first-born is to be the first married of the children, and then he or she arranges the courtship and marriage of the siblings. Yui has fallen in love, but nothing can be done about it until I marry. I -- well, let's just say I wasn't finding anyone to suit and Yui shouldn't have to wait forever, so Ma and Da arranged for me to marry a daughter from a neighboring clan. They wouldn't agree to skip this. They did agree to wait until I became a knight, however, but I guess that time is here."

"The Council agreed to this?" the smaller master exclaimed, outraged.

"The Council agreed to first-married, sibling care, and various celebrations and festivals, like ‘Coming of Age', and ‘Life's Steps', since they're spaced far enough apart not to interfere much with missions. I just won't be taking over the homestead. Yui gets that first-born right. I've argued about first-married since I won't be here, but they won't hear of it."

"It's not forbidden for Jedi to marry," Qui-Gon stated evenly.

Kay turned on him, exasperated. "He's being forced to marry! Never mind whether it's allowed!"

Obi-Wan's expression tightened as he looked at the older man. "Before you rush out to buy me a wedding present, you might like to know what's going to happen to my bride." The two masters looked at the knight expectantly, so he continued. "She will live here at the homestead and be cared for by my family. That in itself is not bad, but this is a loveless marriage. She will have to live the rest of her life without someone to love her. Because this is a first-born marriage, if she is caught having an affair, she will be imprisoned until death."

Kay looked shocked. Qui-Gon's brow furrowed. "Divorce is not an option on Mila'awen?"

"No." Obi-Wan turned away again.

"And there's no one you love that you could marry instead?" Kay asked, gently touching the knight's arm.

Obi-Wan cleared his throat. He wasn't sure he wanted to explain the reason right now, so he simply said, "no."

The masters noticed the slight blush colouring the young man's ears.

Qui-Gon sighed as the hot water sprayed over him. It had been a long day of testing children and he had to admit he was glad to have somewhere quiet to relax.

He poured shampoo into his hand and lathered up his hair.

This day they had only found two children with counts high enough, neither a first-born. He had seen and felt Obi-Wan's relief at that. Which reminded him he still needed to speak to the young knight about his shielding, or lack thereof.

As the water rinsed the suds down the drain, he thought about Obi-Wan's problem. It was difficult to believe the Council had agreed to first-marriage. While marriages for Jedi were allowed, they were rare; the life of a Jedi making it difficult to start or maintain a relationship. It usually worked best if they were both Jedi.

The Council had to have had a good reason to agree, and now Qui-Gon wanted to know what it was. He would find out.

He turned off the water and grabbed a towel. As he dried off, a wave of nausea hit him. He leaned against the ‘fresher wall and breathed slow and deep. The queasy feeling lessened, but remained. He frowned and wondered what was causing it. He had been feeling fine…

He was brushing out his hair, still puzzling over it, when pain stabbed through him. But it was distant -- not his own. Obi-Wan. The young man was in pain. Physical pain. Was he broadcasting, hoping to reach the two masters for help?

Qui-Gon quickly pulled on his leggings and boots, grabbing a tunic as he ran out the door. He headed for the main house, but it felt wrong. He went to the stables instead.

He stopped the horse when he caught sight of Obi-Wan on the plateau. The young knight was dressed only in his leggings and was performing a difficult kata with many aerial moves, the blue blade of his lightsabre flashing around him. The setting sun cast a rich golden light on the lithe form, his bare skin glowing.

He watched, entranced, as muscles flexed and stretched. The vision had a decided effect on Qui-Gon causing him to shift in the saddle. Then he felt the pain again and realized what was causing it. Every time Obi-Wan did an aerial move and landed on his right leg…

Qui-Gon nudged the horse forward and rode up to the plateau. He arrived just as Obi-Wan finished and powered down his lightsabre.

"You are in pain and you shouldn't be doing that kata! You're pushing too hard," the master called out as he dismounted.

"What do you care?!" Obi-Wan growled, turning towards Qui-Gon. His breath caught at the sight of the older man striding towards him; tunic open, revealing a broad muscular chest and trim waist, hair loose and wild.

Qui-Gon stopped in front of him prepared to continue his tirade, but when he grabbed Obi-Wan by his arms, hands touching the sweat slick skin, the nausea eased and a fire blazed through him stopping all thought but one. He pulled the knight into a bruising kiss.

Obi-Wan felt heat spread from the point of contact to join with the desire he had when he saw Qui-Gon coming towards him. Now it blazed in him as well. He gripped the master's tunic and yanked him closer, his tongue delving inside the older man's mouth. Qui-Gon's hands slid over Obi-Wan's hips to the small of his back, pressing the young man against him.

Tongues battled and teased while hands slid over firm muscles. Qui-Gon's fingers lightly skimmed around the scar on Obi-Wan's back causing the young man to shiver. Qui-Gon kissed down Obi-Wan's jaw and latched on to the juncture of shoulder and neck, tasting the salt of sweat, drawing forth a moan.

"No, no, no, no," Obi-Wan began chanting under his breath. "Please stop. I can't…" He shoved hard, pushing the master away from him.

Qui-Gon stumbled back, then straightened, staring at the knight. "I'm sorry. I --"

"Want me. I know." His eyes were bright with unshed tears. Why is he having this effect on me? "I could feel it when you were watching me from down below. But you don't understand."

Qui-Gon looked a little surprised. He stepped close to Obi-Wan again, but didn't touch him. "I didn't realize my shields had slipped, but yours have too. I've been able to feel your emotions. I could sense you were in pain all the way from the cottage." His voice dropped lower. "I can sense what you're feeling right now. You want me too. Something is happening here." How did this man get to me? Why can't I stop it?

"You still don't understand! Yes, I do want you. Force help me, I don't know why; you're arrogant and infuriating. But we can't, no matter what is happening here!" Obi-Wan's eyes were an intense green, a tear sliding down the side of his face.

Qui-Gon wanted to brush away the tear, but he didn't dare touch the young man right now. Instead he took a moment to organize his thoughts, watching the pained expression on Obi-Wan's face. Suddenly it hit him. "You said you weren't finding anyone to suit for first-marriage. That's because you prefer men, isn't it. Is there a taboo against it? I didn't see one in the planet briefing."

Quietly, "there isn't unless you're first-born."

Qui-Gon stood there, stunned. Only first-born? "I don't understand. Why is it forbidden for first-borns?"

Obi-Wan sunk to the ground calling his tunic to him. He pulled it on, wrapping it and his arms tightly around himself. He was tired and confused. The man before him was an enigma; he found fault with everything yet seemed to seek him out. He asked questions as if it mattered to him and now there was desire.

On both sides.

Sure, the knight thought the master was ruggedly handsome, sexy even. Powerful. But Obi-Wan was not known for dalliances and he was not about to become a conquest for Jinn. "It doesn't matter why. It just is."

Qui-Gon's brow furrowed. This wasn't nothing and he couldn't let it go. He sat down in front of the young man. "There has to be a reason."

Obi-Wan snorted. "Why do you care? I'm sure you can find someone else to fuck while you're here. Just make sure they're not first-born."

The Jedi Master's eyes narrowed and his face hardened. "Becoming a Knight does not give you the freedom to speak to a Master that way."

His ire raised, "oh, forgive me. Moments ago we were sticking our tongues down each other's throats so I thought that kind of put us beyond the master/knight thing for this conversation."

Qui-Gon would not normally concede an argument even though the young knight had a point, but he found that he had lost the desire to argue; to try to push this man away. Instead, when he had touched Obi-Wan, a long empty place seemed to be filled within him and the desire to help, instead of argue, prevailed. Qui-Gon appeared to deflate, his harsh expression disappearing. "I'm sorry. It has become a reflex."

Now Obi-Wan looked shocked. The older man had actually apologized? Had those words ever passed his lips before?

Qui-Gon sighed heavily, brushing his long hair out of his eyes. "Despite appearances, it's not my goal to fuck anyone while I'm here. I haven't had . . .It's been . . ." He shook his head. "Never mind. While I do find you very attractive, it's not my habit to accost people as I did you. Something happened when I touched you."

"I felt it too. Something is going on between us."

Qui-Gon looked thoughtful. "Well, we've been able to sense each other when we've thought our shields were up; at least I did." He looked off towards the direction of the homestead. "Master Shon doesn't seem to be responding to the pain I felt from you, so I'd be inclined to think she didn't feel it." He looked back at Obi-Wan. "Then there's what happened when I touched you, and, I don't know about you, but I still feel a strong pull to continue what we started."

Obi-Wan's gaze dropped to the ground. His arms were still around himself to keep the desire to wrap them around the master at bay. He nodded. "I feel it as well."

Qui-Gon stroked his bearded chin. "It sounds to me like we're forming a bond and it's wanting completion."

The young man's head snapped up. "A bond? A bond?! How? They have to be agreed upon by both parties and I don't remember agreeing to this. Do you? We can't stand each other. Not to mention that a mind healer is supposed to oversee the formation to make sure it's done correctly. Nor was this a case of one of us using our life-force to save the other!"

"True, but it seems the Force has other ideas this time. I can check with Master Yoda about the possibilities of this happening and countermeasures."

Obi-Wan stood. "You do that. In the meantime, I suggest we try to stay as far away from each other as possible within the mission parameters."

Qui-Gon nodded. He watched as Obi-Wan headed to his horse. It was for the best, as neither man wanted or had asked for this bond. But was that entirely true? Qui-Gon had long been in self-exile, pushing away any that had come close; banishing himself to loneliness since his failure with Xanatos.

Now he had felt what he had denied himself; a man dying of thirst given a few precious drops of water. He wanted to drink the whole glass.

But this wasn't wanted -- wasn't allowed -- by the other man.


The Knight reined in his horse at the shout and looked back over his shoulder. "Yes, Master Jinn?"

Qui-Gon jogged over to the horse and rider. "Given that we had our tongues down each other's throats moments ago, you can call me Qui-Gon." Obi-Wan just stared at the man. The master sighed. "You didn't tell me why it's forbidden for first-borns to be in same sex relationships."

"Why do you want to know?"

Because I want to figure out a way to make this right for you. "Because I want to understand. Call it the diplomat in me, I always want to know all the details."

Obi-Wan rubbed his hand over his eyes. "First-borns are expected to produce heirs to continue the family line, so it has become a stigma if first-borns are . . . oriented in a way that precludes that. For the rest of the siblings, anything goes. Same sex marriages are accepted here, except for first-borns."

"So you're expected to have children with this woman?"

"Fortunately no, I won't have to force myself on her. Since Yui is taking over the homestead, Da and Ma agreed for his children to be the heirs. However, the shame for my family would still exist since I am first-born, first-married. This stigma has existed for generations. It won't change just because I wish it."

"Does your family even know?"

Obi-Wan shook his head. "Only Yui."

"Why don't--"

"Stop." He fixed the master with a no-nonsense stare. "It is my family, my business. Leave it." He tapped the reins to move away.


He stopped again, irritated. "What?"

"You're pushing yourself on your recovery. Why?"

Obi-Wan sighed. Another explanation this man wanted and one he wouldn't get. The young man had learned that those in tune with the Living Force didn't trust prescience. "I don't like being injured." There, that wasn't a lie.

"You're going to hurt yourself further the way you're going about it. You need a sparring partner."

"You? That's hardly conducive to us staying apart."

"Master Shon. I'm sure she'd help."

"I'll speak to her. Anything else?"

Reluctantly Qui-Gon stepped away from the horse, his head moving in the negative. Obi-Wan nudged the horse into a gallop and took off towards the homestead. The older man felt the nausea return and a rise of panic as he watched the knight disappear into the dimming light. He dropped to the ground, his head in his hands.

"Early it is, Qui-Gon. Know time better you do."

"Yes, Master, but this is important." Qui-Gon sat at the comm unit in his cottage. He had returned there after the sun had fully set, ready to contact his former master for some answers. Absentmindedly, he rubbed at his midsection in an effort to relieve the nausea.

"Better be. Disturb my beauty sleep you did," Yoda chuckled.

Qui-Gon suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. "Master, I believe a bond is forming between Knight Kenobi and myself."

The little green master smiled. "Ah, wonderful! Congratulations!"

"No, Master. You don't understand. This wasn't agreed to and it wasn't brought about by extraordinary measures. It's just happening."

"Understand I do. Meant to happen it is. Was to happen years ago on trip to Bandomeer. Take him as your Padawan, then bond develop into more. Postponed it was when Mul'Gan took him instead. Listen to me you would not."

"This is ridiculous! You're telling me this is a latent bond? And you knew about it?"

"Force wills it. Couldn't do it then, so doing it now Force is."

Qui-Gon sighed. "Is there any way to stop it?"

Yoda's ears drooped. "Wish it you do not?"

Long hair shook. "I don't know. But Obi-Wan doesn't."

Ears perked back up. "Ah! Changing your mind are you?"

"That's not the point, Master! Can we stop it?"

Yoda humphed. "Yes. Deny it you can, fade it will. As long as complete it you do not."

"Thank you, Master. I have another question."

"Thought you would."

Oh, this little troll is infuriating. How did I ever survive being his Padawan? "Why did the Council agree to the stipulation of first-married in Obi-Wan's case?"

"Very high midichlorian count Obi-Wan has. Highest Order had seen in many years. Agreed to many things the Council did, to insure he came to crèche."

"He's being forced to marry someone he doesn't love because of it. Even if we wanted this bond, it isn't allowed in his case."

"If want it the Force does, find a way it will."

"At the loss of his family's honour!" Qui-Gon slammed his fist on the desk.

"Anger you will release. Seek the obvious answer do not."

What the Force does THAT mean?

"Back to bed I go now. Sleep I think for you as well. Late it is there. May the Force be with you, my Padawan."

Qui-Gon stared at the blank space where the holo of his master had been. Riddles hadn't been what he wanted, but he got them anyway. He slipped out of the chair to his knees and sank into meditation.

Qui-Gon sat in the gardens of the homestead watching Obi-Wan from a distance. It had been two days since his conversation with Yoda and he felt no closer to unraveling the riddle he had been left with. Do not seek the obvious answer. The master snorted. There IS no obvious answer.

The sound of Obi-Wan's laughter reached Qui-Gon and he smiled. The young man was playing with his youngest brother. Avi-Wan was chasing a ball as Obi-Wan manipulated it with the Force.

The master and the knight had worked out a ‘safe' distance from each other; one that didn't cause too much physical discomfort -- either great nausea being too far apart or great desire being too close. However, the ache of separation had become a constant.

They hadn't really discussed the situation either, though he had informed Obi-Wan of Yoda's affirmation that the bond would fade. What he didn't tell him, however, was that the little green troll was behind them getting together on this mission and had known the bond would form if they did.

Kay sat down next to Qui-Gon. She pushed a few curls out of her face and followed the man's gaze. They sat in silence for a moment before she finally spoke, "do you think the couple we spoke with today will allow their child to come to the Jedi?"

Qui-Gon's eyes didn't leave Obi-Wan as he replied, "I don't know. That will depend on if their stipulations are met. She is first-born."

"Hopefully Obi-Wan's conversation with them helped." Kay glanced over at Qui-Gon when she received no response. "Would you like to tell me what is going on?"


"That doesn't surprise me. However, I've been observant the last couple of days. You two are keeping your distance from each other, but you keep watching him whenever you can."

He had known she might ask, so he was prepared. "I'm concerned about his injuries. He seems to be pushing himself too hard, which will cause more damage and put him out of commission longer. The Jedi need him."

Kay stared at Qui-Gon for a moment. "That's interesting coming from you. I know of another Jedi who constantly pushes his recoveries whenever he's injured." She shook her head. "Yes, he's pushing himself, but he's doing fine. I sparred with him this morning. He's a remarkable young man; very talented. You should try sparring with him." She frowned. "On second thought, no. You'd have the poor dear thinking he can't do anything."

Qui-Gon scowled and opened his mouth to reply, but stopped when the sound of an approaching vehicle could be heard. The masters watched as the ‘car pulled up in front of the homestead and dispatched two passengers; a young woman and an older man. Obi-Wan's parents greeted them on the front porch. Within moments they called their eldest son to them. The two watching Jedi could tell that introductions were being made.

As the young woman and Obi-Wan strolled together towards the lake and his parents and the older man went inside, Kay remarked, "that must be Obi-Wan's betrothed. She's pretty, but looks rather young."

Qui-Gon merely nodded slightly. The woman looked to be in her mid to late teens, bright red hair brushing past her waist. He was sure, though, that they wouldn't be allowing her to marry if she hadn't reached majority.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had both tightened their shields to the strongest they could, but even so, the Jedi master could sense the dread and sadness the knight was feeling. He felt the queasiness and ache rise.

Kay noted Qui-Gon rubbing his stomach. "That's another thing I've noticed: you two aren't eating much."

"I'm not feeling well. Excuse me, please." Qui-Gon rose and, controlling the urge to go to Obi-Wan, took steps towards his cottage.

Kay looked between the knight and the master, eyes narrowed. "You're in love with him," she stated before Qui-Gon had gone far.

He hesitated a moment before continuing on, which the petite master took as a silent affirmation.

Obi-Wan walked quietly next to Lynsi as she spoke of her clan and how pleased they were that she was marrying a first-born and helping the Kenobi clan. His heart clenched at her words. He touched her arm to stop her. "What about you?"

She looked at him, a puzzled expression on her face. "I'm sorry, sir. What do you mean?"

"Obi-Wan, please. I mean, what about you? Are you pleased about all this? Is this what you want? You do understand that I won't be here often; that my brother will be taking over the homestead; that this marriage is in name only, just to complete first-married?"

"Yes, sir." Lynsi's head bobbed once. "My da explained it. As a Jedi you are unable to court and find someone to marry, but you do not wish to hold back your siblings. I am honoured to be chosen to help."

Obi-Wan sighed heavily. It was obvious Lynsi had been instructed on this. She was doing what she was told; not allowed to have a mind of her own. Her clan was pressuring her. His heart sunk even further at the enormity of this. Could his parents not see what they were doing to two lives?

The young knight glanced over at the gardens. Qui-Gon had risen and was heading for the cottages. Though their distance was at an ‘acceptable' level, he could feel the master's pain increase. Obi-Wan was at a loss. This whole situation with Lynsi, Yui, and Qui-Gon was worse than fighting the Sith. He couldn't win this battle with a lightsabre.

He wasn't sure he could win it at all.

He looked back at Lynsi. "I'm sorry if I'm a bit distracted. I'm also here on a mission and everything is happening at once. I know my siblings would love to meet you since you'll be living with them. Let me introduce them to you." He led her over to where Edi was now playing with Avi. He called Tia over as well and made introductions. "Edi, do you know where Yui is?"

The young man nodded. "He's at the stables."

"Thank you. Lynsi, please excuse me for a moment. I'm going to get Yui. I'll trust my siblings to keep you entertained." He kissed her hand, then strode off in the direction of the stables.

He found Yui inside currying his horse. His brother looked up, blue eyes sparkling in the stable lights. "Hey, Obi. Isn't Lynsi coming tonight?"

"Yes, she's here now."

"She's a looker, isn't she."

"Yes, she is. She's also young, Yui. I can't do this to her."

Yui stopped and put down his currycomb. "What? Do you want an old wife?"

"I don't want a wife at all!"

"You agreed to this, Obi! I can't marry until you do. I can't even officially court Caren until you marry and arrange it for me. You can't back out now! Besides, think what it'll do to Ma and Da if you tell them you don't like women."

"I have thought about it." Obi-Wan rubbed his hand across his forehead. "Believe me, I have."

"So marry Lynsi, go on your Jedi missions, and screw all the guys you want. It's your right."

"YUI!" Obi-Wan shouted, exasperated. "It's not that simple! Lynsi gets no life!"

"She lives here with us and is taken care of for the rest of her life."

"Without knowing love like you and Caren." Obi-Wan answered through clenched teeth. "Think about it, Yui. Lynsi is Tia's age. Would you want your own sister marrying into this situation? Being locked in a loveless marriage for the rest of her life?"

Yui sighed. "No, I guess not. But Da and Ma won't let you out of first-married. We've tried."

Obi-Wan sat down heavily on a bale of hay. "I know."

The knight sat in silence as Yui led Obi-Wan's horse out and saddled it. He held the reins out to his brother. "Go on out to your spot. You always feel better after you've been there. I'll go make excuses to Lynsi."

Obi-Wan stood and hugged Yui. "Thanks," he said quietly over his brother's shoulder before pulling away, taking the reins, mounting his horse, and riding off through the stable doors.

It was late and the homestead was tucked in for the night when Obi-Wan returned his horse to the stable hand. He had tried to meditate -- tried to release the frustration into the Force -- but hadn't had much success. The marriage situation was bad enough without the added difficulty of a bond trying to form.

With someone other than his intended.

With a man who had rejected him years ago.

Why would the Force want them together?

He could feel the strong pull to go to Qui-Gon now. He could feel the pain the master was in and the echo of it in his own chest. It would be so easy . . .

He slipped inside Qui-Gon's darkened cottage. He could feel himself harden as he stalked across the common room. Obi-Wan stepped across the threshold into the bedroom and was immediately tossed onto the bed, the heavy weight of Qui-Gon pinning him to the mattress.

"What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want this." Qui-Gon's breath whispered in Obi-Wan's ear; his beard rough against his cheek.

Obi-Wan's hands roamed over Qui-Gon's bare back. "I don't," he answered, then captured Qui-Gon's mouth in a deep kiss, tongues entwining. He could feel the passion burning deep within. "I do," he whispered when their lips finally parted. He reached and unraveled the braid the master had put his hair into to sleep. He carded his fingers through the long silky mane. "I don't know."

Qui-Gon heard the small hitch in the knight's breath and could sense the churning emotions. He could also feel the bond begging for completion. With Obi-Wan underneath him it would be so easy. . .

With a low groan Qui-Gon lifted himself off the young man. He turned the bedside light on and looked at Obi-Wan. The knight was flushed with desire, yet tears were in his eyes. "Obi-Wan," the older man whispered as he brushed his thumb across the trembling lips.

Obi-Wan sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, his back to Qui-Gon. "I'm sorry. I should have better control as I'm sure you're about to point out."

"No. Mine is no better. It's been hard to stay away from you." Qui-Gon clenched his fists to keep from reaching for the knight. "This is already difficult enough for you without this bond trying to form. I've been trying to shield, but--"

"I know. So have I. I didn't intend to come here, but meeting with Lynsi. . ." he trailed off. Obi-Wan was silent for a moment before he continued quietly, "Yui expects me to marry Lynsi and then carry on as if nothing happened."

"Have affairs while your wife has no one." Obi-Wan nodded. "You can't do that, can you." Qui-Gon placed a hand on his shoulder.

The knight's head shook in the negative. "But I know I shouldn't have come here. It's not like I can have a last fling with you."

"No, but it was the bond that drew you here."

Obi-Wan stood and began pacing. "Why are we forming a bond? Why does the Force want us together? You didn't want me as a Padawan twelve years ago, why would you want me as a lover now? It's only because this bond is telling you to. Without it, you wouldn't give me a second thought."

Qui-Gon moved in front of Obi-Wan to stop him. "Yes I would. I just wouldn't have done anything about it, only because of my own foolishness. But I doubt I would hold your interest without the pull from the bond, either." He placed his hands on the young man's shoulders. "I'm not sure why the Force wants us together. I'm just as confused about this as you are. Master Yoda seems to think the Force has preordained this; that it was meant to start twelve years ago by me taking you as my Padawan."

"What? I never saw. . ." Obi-Wan looked thoughtful. "Though that might explain why I wanted you as my Master more than anything."

Qui-Gon's hands slid down Obi-Wan's arms. "You have visions like Master Yoda."

The young man shook his head. "Not like Master Yoda's; not as clear." His green-grey eyes looked into Qui-Gon's rich blue ones. "Yes, the Council confirmed I have prescience."

The master searched Obi-Wan's face. Having been Yoda's Padawan, Qui-Gon knew what it was like for those who saw glimpses of possible futures. "That's why you're pushing your recovery -- you've had a vision. What was it?"

Obi-Wan pulled away. Another moment that close to the broad expanse of bare chest would have him lost. At least the older man was wearing sleep pants, though he did have a notable erection. Oh, the thoughts of what he wanted to do with that. Obi-Wan turned away, closing his eyes. Think about the vision. That should cool me down. He cleared his throat. "Someone dies during a battle with a powerful opponent because my current injuries interfere."

Stunned, Qui-Gon stood quietly for a moment, trying to absorb what the young man had just told him. His brow furrowed as a thought occurred to him. "Are you sure it was a vision? Could it be a sort of nightmare left from your battle with the Sith? Your master died while you were injured. . ."

Obi-Wan whirled on Qui-Gon. "I'm sure it's not that. The battle is different, the lightsabres--"

Qui-Gon held up his hands in a gesture of peace. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry." Obi-Wan turned away again. "Do you know who dies?"

"I don't see them clearly. Or the person attacking." The knight looked back at the older man. "Qui-Gon, what colour is your lightsabre?"


Obi-Wan frowned. "So is Master Kay's," he murmured.

"It's a different shade than mine, but yes. Why?"

Obi-Wan stared hard at Qui-Gon, panic rising. "The one killed is a Jedi with a green bladed lightsabre. It's either you or Kay. It's going to happen soon, on Mila'awen. I thought it was Coruscant, but it's not! It's here! Force! How could I have missed that! One of you is going to--"

"Hush, shhhh." Qui-Gon gathered Obi-Wan into his arms. "No one is going to die. We know about it, so we can do something. The future is always in motion." He rubbed the knight's back through his tunics. He could feel the panic receding slowly.

Obi-Wan raised his head from the master's shoulder. Pressed close to Qui-Gon he had to tilt his head to look into the blue eyes. Qui-Gon tipped his head forward and lightly brushed his lips against the knight's. Obi-Wan trembled slightly, a gentle sigh escaping.

Qui-Gon knew he should back away now; stop before it went too far and things were made worse. Oh, but his lips tasted so sweet. Just one more drink. . .

Qui-Gon plundered his mouth in a bruising kiss. Obi-Wan returned the kiss with fervour, his arms tightening around the larger man. He could feel the heavy erection pressing into his abdomen; his own trapped against Qui-Gon's thigh.

The master groaned deep in his chest.

As their lips parted, Qui-Gon's hands went to Obi-Wan's belt. "I want to touch you," he whispered, "to feel your skin."

"We shouldn't," Obi-Wan stated quietly, but did nothing to stop Qui-Gon as he removed his belt, brat and sash, and tossed them onto the chair by the bed.

"I know." Qui-Gon's lips brushed the column of Obi-Wan's throat as tabards and tunics were next.

Obi-Wan shuddered again. Qui-Gon bent and picked up the young man, laying him gently on the bed. Boots and socks were removed. Their eyes locked together as Qui-Gon knelt on the bed, his hands moving to the ties on Obi-Wan's leggings. They both knew they should stop now, but neither could. The pull was great and the desire strong. Each wanted comfort and the Force sang of completeness and safety with the other.

It had been many years since Qui-Gon had opened his heart to anyone; been intimate with another. Though he was fearful of the possible consequences -- fearful he would end up alone again -- he had to touch the bright light that was Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan was so tired of fighting; so tired of trying to figure a way out of this mess. He wanted to lose himself for a while, even if it was with someone only drawn to him because of the Force. If they were careful, maybe they could keep the bond from fully forming yet find some relief from this relentless pull. Maybe a last fling with this rugged god of a man would be possible. Carefully, Obi-Wan strengthened his shields as much as he could with every trick he had.

Qui-Gon felt what Obi-Wan was doing and did the same. He finished loosening the knight's leggings and pulled them off along with his underwear. Now his eyes traveled the length of Obi-Wan's body, lingering on the scar marring his sculpted chest; the thick penis sprouting from ginger curls; the long, angry scar from hip to knee. He felt a touch at his own hip and looked back into Obi-Wan's changing eyes, seeing them a deep green. He shifted and slid off his sleep pants, leaving himself bare to those eyes.

Obi-Wan's fingers returned to Qui-Gon's hip, skimming the sensitive skin where leg meets torso. Qui-Gon leaned over and kissed him deeply; fingertips brushing ribs and pebbling nipples. Obi-Wan gasped into Qui-Gon's mouth. Qui-Gon's lips left Obi-Wan's, trailing kisses down his neck and chest, pausing to lap at the hard nubs; his hair tickling as it grazed sensitive skin. Obi-Wan let out a low moan, hands stroking over any part of Qui-Gon he could reach.

Qui-Gon pulled back a bit and almost reverently touched the circular scar on Obi-Wan's chest, then the wide mark on his thigh. He wanted to take away the scars, to stop the hurt, to kill the man who had done this to such a beautiful creature. It didn't matter that he was already dead.

Obi-Wan had an idea where the master's thoughts were leading. His injuries were not what he wanted to think about -- to be reminded of -- for it just brought back the possibility of. . .

Obi-Wan grabbed Qui-Gon's solid, turgid cock, causing the master to jump and hiss. He squeezed slightly, then slowly fisted it.

Qui-Gon groaned. "No fair," he joked breathlessly.

Obi-Wan smirked, but didn't stop. "So do something about it."

Qui-Gon growled in his chest and dove towards the young man's groin, mouth engulfing the knight's erection. Obi-Wan cried out, his hips rising off the bed. Qui-Gon moved with him, then pushed his hips down and held them as he continued his ministrations, savouring the flavour.

Obi-Wan's breath came in pants, his hand still stroking Qui-Gon's large cock. His thumb brushed the fluid leaking from the tip. Wanting a taste, he shifted a bit and pushed against Qui-Gon's thigh. The master moved as Obi-Wan directed, allowing the knight to take him into his mouth.

Qui-Gon gasped around the thickness filling his throat. The warm wetness felt wonderful. It had been so long since something other than his own fist had surrounded his cock that fantasies paled in comparison. The feeling spurred him to suck harder, tongue caressing the length, hand fondling the soft skinned sack between Obi-Wan's thighs.

The ecstasy built, pushing the two men quickly towards the pinnacle. Both wished that they could give in to the urge they felt from the Force to join mentally as well as physically. To bond and be together that intimately was the ultimate joining for a Jedi.

But they had silently agreed not to. Things would be made much worse if they let the bond have it's way any more than they already were.

Shields fluttered but seemed to hold as climax hit; both men drinking deeply of the other's seed. Breathing hard, they finally released each other's cock after licking and suckling to flaccidity. Qui-Gon raised himself with effort and turned to pull Obi-Wan into his arms. They kissed, tasting of themselves.

"We can't do that again," Obi-Wan stated when they came up for air. "It certainly didn't help the bond fade."

"No," Qui-Gon agreed.

Obi-Wan shifted to move out of Qui-Gon's embrace. "I should go."

"No, please stay. Just a little while. Our shields are fine if a little frazzled."

Obi-Wan was too tired to argue and too comfortable to really want to leave. He settled back down, head nestled on Qui-Gon's shoulder. "A little while," he murmured, sleep colouring his words.

The master kissed the top of the young man's head and sighed. "Rest."

He felt Obi-Wan drift off to sleep. He held on to him, cataloguing the feeling of having the knight snuggled against him. If a solution weren't found, he would never experience this again. Though, he supposed, there was also the possibility he wouldn't even if there was an answer. Obi-Wan could still refuse the bond, not wanting to have an old man as his mate; especially one who had pushed him away repeatedly before.

But he had to try.

Now that the wall he had erected around himself had been breached, he didn't want to be alone again. And as much as he didn't want to admit it, he had fallen in love with Obi-Wan. He also felt fairly sure he would have done so even without the Force pushing them together. He wasn't worried about the complications of learning each other. There would be adjustments to make, but with this kind of love, it would all sort out.

The first problem, however, was finding a way around first-married. Do not seek the obvious answer. Once again, he sifted through the various scenarios he had thought of, hoping to find something he had overlooked.

Eventually, Qui-Gon fell asleep himself.

Go to part 2.