
by Susan Anthony (LdyGossamer@aol.com)

Pairing: X/OW, QG/Other

Archive: Master_Apprentice, my site at http://www.geocities.com/area51/keep/8613/artists.html, anyone else, just ask

Rating: NC17

Category: AU, Drama, First Time

Spoilers: None

Summary: Obi-Wan walks a long path to Enlightenment of the Body

Note: This story was originally published in the zine "Rituals and Meditations" and has a sequel already posted to this list called "Telepathic Sex Doesn't Count" It was inspired by one of Master Ruth's plot bunnies. Thanks very much to Maig for her wonderful beta and to Kath for her comments. .

Warnings: M/M relationship, Xanatos may be a bit OOC but who knows what he would have been like had he not turned? Chan kisses but no other underage stuff.

Disclaimer: The Boyz aren't mine. More's the pity. This story is for the pleasure of the readers only. I don't make a thing.

The fabled marketplace of Azaki's capital city was a fascinating whirlwind of colors and people, a riotous explosion of voices, sights and scents that would amaze even the most jaded of tourists.

But while Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn could fully appreciate the cultural diversity and exquisite craftsmanship he found, he would have much preferred to stay at the Governor's palace in his luxurious, and more importantly, quiet apartment. However, his companion had wanted to see the marketplace of Azanqui and had persuaded him to come using methods almost identifiable as blackmail.

"Qui-Gon Jinn! Stop pouting! You're missing some beautiful sights!"

The master Jedi drew himself to his full height and glared at his offensive partner. "I am not pouting," he stated in no uncertain terms as his eyes slid to their Aza guide. The man was puffed up as he walked before them, pointing out famous craft shops and restaurants.

"You're certainly doing a good imitation of a crècheling deprived of sweets," came the cheeky response and Qui-Gon turned his blue gaze to the man beside him. Qui-Gon noticed almost immediately that where once his master's glare might have intimidated the younger Jedi, now all it resulted in was a grin. "You'll have to do better than that, Master."

"Xanatos, I have to wonder if someone slipped some farli powder into your breakfast this morning," the older Jedi finally stated, trying to maintain his somber expression in the face of his former padawan's exuberance.

"Not at all, Qui-Gon," the younger man replied with a grin as he hurried to catch up with the guide and pulled his partner along with him. "I just have the feeling that something wonderful is about to happen." He glanced back at his Qui-Gon's surprised expression. "And I certainly wouldn't want you to miss it."

The Jedi master narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean, Xan?" he asked.

"Don't you feel it, Master?" the knight replied as he glanced around, his dark eyes bright. "Something is about to happen!"

Xanatos let go of Qui-Gon's arm as they caught up with their guide once again, pulling the man's attention back to them with new questions before Qui-Gon could pump his apprentice for further information.

Watching Xanatos for a long moment, Qui-Gon sighed and then slowly opened himself to the Force swirling around them, looking for whatever had so excited his padawan. Former padawan, he reminded himself for the thousandth time, as his senses swept through the vibrant life that marked the vast marketplace. The flow of the Force here was strong and clear despite the noisy tourists and the calls of the market traders. Qui-Gon relaxed into the familiar sense of the Force around him but he found nothing that he would consider out of the ordinary. Nothing except that bright, intent spot in the Force, focused almost exactly across the crowded square.

Qui-Gon blinked. A moment later, he was extending his senses to identify who it was that had such a strong presence in the Force. Obviously untrained and probably rather young, whomever it was had a potential that Qui-Gon hadn't seen for a long time. The knight's gaze flickered briefly to his cheeky former apprentice as his lips twitched. He would have to estimate that he hadn't seen such potential in a little over twenty years.

The master Jedi took a step forward to investigate but his companion suddenly drew their guide back towards him.

"So what is going on with all the youngsters here, Tzta?" Xanatos asked, his gaze flickering around at the groups of parents herding their young through the market square.

"It is a Day of Choosing, Knight Chiyari," the guide replied, his eyes brightening. "Twice in a Turning is a Day of Choosing and this is the Craft Square where the young ones are chosen as apprentices. Families bring their young ones here when they reach a certain age. "

Xanatos looked around as the guide led them across the square, his eyes curious. There must be hundreds of people moving through the square, adults shepherding children who appeared to be between the ages of ten and eleven. Circling the square were billowing tents of varying colors, covering crafters and their newly chosen apprentices.

"Does the ribbon on the arm signify something?"

"Indeed, Knight Chiyari, your eyes are sharp," Tzta stated with an approving look before turned back to the crowd. Xanatos glanced at his master and rolled his eyes. Qui-Gon didn't notice. "The ribbon designates what craft the young one is apprenticed to. Those with ribbons have been claimed by a craft, the color denoting the craft itself."

"Claimed by a craft?" the knight asked. "Does the child have no choice in the matter?"

Tzta looked surprised at the question. "The families usually know what craft will be claiming a child, though there are always surprises in store for some."

The younger Jedi chewed on that for a moment.

"What if the child doesn't like the craft that claims him?" Qui-Gon suddenly asked, turning his blue gaze to the Aza guide. "Can he choose another?"

Their escort stopped and looked at the older Jedi. "The young are chosen according to their skills, Master Jedi, as you find anywhere," the man stated. "If a child is claimed by one craft and then blessed to be chosen by a higher ranking craft, he or she can choose to change their ribbon."

Tzta resumed their trek across the square as Xanatos glanced at his master. Qui-Gon definitely didn't like that answer.

"How are the crafts ranked, Tzta?" the knight finally asked as they reached the center of the huge square. "And which colors signify which crafts?"

Tzta gave the younger man another look of approval. "The lowest crafts are agricultural and animal, signified by the brown ribbon. Then there are the art and textile crafts shown by the purple and yellow ribbons, healing, designated by the green ribbon, entertainment, with the orange ribbon. The highest ranking crafts are the sensual and diplomatic crafts, designated by the red ribbon and the warrior guild, designated by the black."

"The sensual and diplomatic craft?" Xanatos asked, his brows rising.

"Here on Azaki, the sensual arts are closely related to the diplomatic arts, Knight Chiyari," Tzta said with something approaching a lecturing tone.

That might explain a lot of the smoking looks and offers we've received over the past weeks, Master, Xanatos said silently as he gave the older Jedi a smirk. Qui-Gon didn't respond to the thought as his gaze had tracked across the square to land firmly on a young figure, a boy, standing under the bright red tent of the Sensual crafts.

Surprised by his master's lack of response, Xanatos followed Qui-Gon's gaze across the square. The younger knight focused his eyes thoughtfully as he studied the adolescent figure his partner seemed to find of interest. What had prompted Qui-Gon's attention? The boy was certainly a pretty youth, lithe and slender, well chosen for the sensual crafts. But it didn't take much study to see he was obviously uncomfortable with his surroundings and picked constantly at the red ribbon wound securely around his upper arm. He stood alone, glancing out into the crowds, as close to the edge as it was possible to be without being outside of the tent's shadow.

The young knight was still at a loss to understand his master's interest when the youth suddenly glanced up and met his eyes.

Xanatos stilled. He had never been a Searcher or even sensitive to other Force users who were not trained in the Jedi arts, but even he could see the potential radiating from that untrained youth. He glanced over and met his partner's eyes with an amazed look.

We cannot ignore this one, Master, Xanatos said firmly.

Qui-Gon raised his brows slightly. Would you take a padawan then, my padawan? he queried. Xanatos blanched.

Master, I have many years of training as a knight before I would want to take on an apprentice, the younger Jedi replied silently as he turned back to the lad under the tent. The boy still watched them curiously, his light eyes darting from one Jedi to the other. You, however, are in need of someone to pick up your socks and make sure you don't get too stodgy.

Stodgy? Qui-Gon glared at his former apprentice. Xanatos merely smiled innocently as he turned back to their guide.

"Tzta, if I recall correctly, on your world, Jedi have been classed with the Warrior's Guild, have they not?" he asked with a pleasant tone.

The escort nodded graciously. "Indeed, Knight Chiyari. The Jedi hold the highest class honor we can bestow."

Xanatos' smile widened as he suddenly fished in his belt pouch and pulled out something that he handed to his master. "I knew there was a reason I have carried this all these years, Master," he stated blandly.

Qui-Gon automatically took the object, which unfurled into a long, black, silk ribbon, braided in the intricate pattern of a Jedi padawan's braid. The master looked at Xanatos, an expression of surprise in his deep blue eyes.

"This is...."

"J'Hath's, yes. He told me you gave it to him when he became your padawan learner for those last few years of his apprenticeship."

"May I ask how did you come by it?" Qui-Gon asked quietly, fingering the smooth silk braid.

Xanatos grinned as he glanced at Tzta, who was looking decidedly suspicious, and then back at his master. "He gave it to me, wrapped around my first set of padawan whites. He said it would bring me luck. I'm glad I can pass it along to your next learner, Master. I have a sneaking suspicion the boy will need all the luck he can get. Especially with you as his master."

Qui-Gon reached out to touch his former apprentice's cheek. "I didn't do so badly with you, Padawan," he said softly, affection in his tone.

"No," Xanatos replied firmly. "I could not have had a better master. Not even Yoda would have had the faith to come after me as you did to bring me back to the light."

The Jedi master sent a burst of affection and light down the training bond that had never quite faded between them though his expression remained almost completely neutral. Then he turned to their guide and brought out all his diplomatic and intimidation skills.

"Guide Tzta, I wish to Choose an apprentice."

"Too old, the boy is," the small green creature stated firmly as it glared at the figure standing in the center of the Council Chamber. "Too old to be taken as an apprentice!"

Master Qui-Gon, however, didn't even flinch as he returned the look with a serenity that still amazed Obi-Wan. The youth was uncomfortable in this echoing room with so many powerful strangers and he glanced up at the tall knight standing behind him with a worried expression. Knight Chiyari merely gave him a wink and squeezed his shoulders reassuringly. Xanatos had told him in a whisper before they entered the Council Chamber that Obi-Wan shouldn't worry. He had seen his master face down the Council many times before and this time would be no different.

"But I have already taken Obi-Wan as my padawan, Master," Qui-Gon responded firmly. "According to the customs of his world, he is now my apprentice."

At Qui-Gon's last statement, the Council went silent and the boy at the center of their dispute suddenly felt the weight of a dozen pairs of eyes. He fidgeted under Knight Chiyari's hands as he kept his eyes respectfully on the floor as he'd been painstakingly trained to do by his parents.

"He does have potential," a female voice noted carefully and Obi-Wan peeked up to find the dark gaze of a female Jedi boring into him. He quickly dropped his gaze.

"He has as much potential as any initiate currently in the crèche," Qui-Gon stated firmly. "More than most of them. He's also got a strong desire and ability to learn. Already, he has learned many of the basic katas"

"You've started to train him without our permission, Master Jinn?" an appalled voice spoke from the left.

"He is my apprentice," Qui-Gon stated quietly. He turned to glance at his newest apprentice standing stiffly before Xanatos. "Obi-Wan," the master Jedi said softly and the youth glanced up to find the man beckoning him. "Come here, please."

Xanatos squeezed his shoulders a final time before he pressed the boy forward. Hesitantly, Obi-Wan walked to the center of the large Council Chamber. Qui-Gon welcomed him with a reassuring hand on his shoulder as he guided the boy to stand before him.

"Look at his presence within the Force, masters, and tell me he should not be trained," Master Jinn commanded.

"No one is denying his potential, Master Jinn," a soft-spoken comment came from the right. "But he is well past the age of initiate status."

"There is no precedent for accepting such an old initiate into the Temple," another Councilor stated.

"And because there is no precedent, Obi-Wan should not be trained?" Qui-Gon asked, his voice all silken serenity.

There was no answer forthcoming and Obi-Wan bit his lip at the heavy silence he could feel coming from the man behind him. After a moment, Master Jinn squeezed his shoulders again before he gestured to Xanatos to come forward.

"If it pleases the Council," Qui-Gon stated as Xanatos joined him. "I would have Knight Chiyari escort Obi-Wan to my quarters while we continue this discussion. The boy is tired and needs rest after our long journey."

Obi-Wan looked up just as the small green being directly in front of him grimaced.

"No need for this, is there, Master Jinn," the little Jedi said stated. "Our opinion, you know, in this matter."

"Go with Xanatos, Obi-Wan," came the instruction from Qui-Gon as if the small Jedi hadn't spoken. Obi-Wan gave his master a quick, frantic look but found Qui-Gon's serene smile firmly in place as the Jedi touched his cheek affectionately. The boy didn't understand his new master and he certainly didn't understand the long, almost despairing sighs echoing around the chamber as Xanatos guided him towards the doorway. The door opened silently and a moment later, the pair was walking sedately through the hallways of the Temple.

Obi-Wan's shoulder's slumped ever so slightly under Xanatos' hand and the knight glanced down at him.

"What is wrong, Obi?" he asked softly. The boy glanced up at him, a brief smile flickering at the nickname Xanatos had given him. The expression quickly disappeared.

"Will I be sent home, Knight Chiyari?" Obi-Wan asked, his voice trembling slightly. The Jedi knight beside him shook his head and chuckled.

"No," Xanatos said firmly. "Master Jinn just dug himself in. If the Council wants to get anything else accomplished this year they will have to grant you status as Qui-Gon's padawan learner. Otherwise he'll still be arguing with them come this time next year."

The boy glanced up at the knight for a moment before his hand, almost unconsciously, touched the braided ribbon still wound around his arm. "I don't want him to get into trouble because of me," he said faintly. "But, I don't want to be bound to the sex crafts either."

"The sex crafts?" Xanatos felt his lips twitch at the boy's description.

"That's what they are," Obi-Wan stated. He looked away as he rubbed the ribbon. "I told my Pao I didn't want to 'prentice to them but he made me."

Xanatos looked at the boy closely. "Was there another craft you would rather have apprenticed to?" he asked gently. Obi-Wan looked up quickly.

"No," he replied, again touching the black ribbon on his arm as if to make sure it was still there. "I didn't know what I wanted to 'prentice to but I did know I didn't want to be in the sex crafts."

"Our guide said that the Sensual and Diplomatic Crafts were highly ranked and respected," the Knight stated, his voice neutral.

The boy shrugged and stared at his toes. "My Pao's sister, Ali-San, is a diplomat. Mao said she was very successful and that I should be happy that Ali thought I could be accepted." Obi-Wan rubbed his arms as if he were cold. "I wasn't happy though. I didn't like them touching me."

Xanatos' eyebrows snapped together for a moment before he smoothed his expression out again. "They touched you in a way that made you uncomfortable?" he asked gently.

The boy flushed. "It was a test. Ali-San said anyone who wanted to be in the sensual crafts had to pass. I said I didn't want to be in the sensual crafts but she made me go anyway." Obi-Wan's hands fisted for a moment. "Ali-San laughed at me and said I was being foolish, that no one in our family had ever been such a prude before. But I didn't care. I didn't like it and said so and so I was foolish."

"Not foolish, Obi-Wan," Xanatos said gently as he led the boy into the boy into the residential areas of the Temple. "Its just another aspect of your Jedi nature." The boy looked up at him, the look in his eyes almost hopeful.

"It is?"

"It is," the knight replied. "Even untrained, Force sensitives are extremely perceptive to their surroundings and their own innate sense of self. While some Jedi are perfectly happy sharing themselves with others, the majority of our Order overwhelmingly prefers monogamous relationships or chooses a completely ascetic path. I suspect you will fall into one of the latter categories."

"Oh." Obi-Wan nodded slowly. Then he looked up at the knight beside him. "What does monogamous mean?"

Xanatos smiled at him and ruffled his hair. "It means that once you are able to walk the path of the body, you will choose to share yourself with only one person. Knowing what you know of the sensual crafts, you instinctively knew that could never happen if you were apprenticed to become a diplomat."

"Oh." The boy looked a little surer of himself. "You know they paid my Pao lots of marks for me."

"Well, I hope he didn't spend those marks because he's going to have to give them back," the tall knight snorted. "You are going to be a Jedi Apprentice and then a Jedi knight. And if you're lucky and train hard, maybe you'll be as good as me." Xanatos gave him a beaming smile as he posed dramatically.

Obi-Wan stared wide-eyed at him a moment before chuckled softly in spite of himself.

"Much better, Obi," the knight declared as he stopped before a specific apartment doorway and tapped in the door code. "Now, how about some food while we wait for Qui-Gon to come back victorious?"

"Thank you, Jedi Chiyari," Obi-Wan replied and Xanatos stopped in the door to glare at him.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me Jedi Chiyari?" he asked in a vaguely threatening manner.

Obi-Wan bit his lip and glanced up briefly, a teasing light in his eyes that seemed to catch Xanatos by surprise. "Sorry, Knight Chiyari," he said penitently.

The Jedi opened his mouth for a moment and then closed it. Then a smile that definitely had sithly leanings crossed his face.

"You know, Obi-Wan, I think you're just the thing to keep Master Qui-Gon from getting stodgy."

Five Years Later. . .

Xanatos glanced around the dining hall as he sipped his kala. The hall was sparsely populated at this time of evening but the Council had kept him long after they'd allowed his partner to leave. It had been very late when they finally let him go and the knight had been planning nothing more than a quiet trip to his rooms.

He had been surprised to find Padawan Kenobi impatiently waiting in the Council's antechamber despite the lateness of the hour. Obi-Wan had given him a radiant smile and offered to bear him company to the dining hall.

The weary knight quickly revised his plans in order to spend a bit of time in Obi-Wan's soothing presence, something he sorely needed after the last frantic mission. Five years had added a bit of height and lean muscle to the boy but Xanatos still found that Obi-Wan had a sweet naiveté which the knight knew wouldn't last much longer.


"Yes, Obi-Wan?" the knight asked idly, his thoughts still centered primarily on the padawan beside him.

"Do you suppose Master Qui-Gon actually has sex with anyone?"

Xanatos choked on his drink and the learner beside him thumped him on the back.

"Enough, Obi!" the older Jedi finally gasped as he pushed the padawan's hands away. He looked into the bright green eyes watching him with a particularly guileless expression and had to wonder how Qui-Gon had maintained his sanity for the past five years. What had he just been thinking? Sweet naiveté? "Would you run that past me again?" the knight finally asked in a strained voice.

"Master Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan repeated. "Do you think he actually sleeps with anyone?" The padawan glanced down and poked the melting karos cream in his dish. "Sometimes he seems so grumpy, I thought it might be a good thing if he did. But he never seems to see anyone. In that way, I mean."

The knight leaned back and reconsidered his young friend. Obi-Wan was growing up into a handsome young man, still awkward at times, but endearingly so, almost cute, though the youth would be mightily offended to hear his thoughts. His fellow padawans often stopped to follow his progress through the training rooms though Obi-Wan seemed oblivious to their interest.

So considering his age, this interest in his master's intimate activities shouldn't be so unexpected. At Obi-Wan's age, Xanatos had already explored a few of the more daring intimacies he could get away with before the Ritual of Enlightenment. By the time his sixteenth natal day had rolled around and he had approached Qui-Gon with his choice, Xanatos had been confident there was nothing his master could do to surprise him.

How wrong he'd been, he thought blushing slightly.

"Xanatos?" Obi-Wan asked as he glanced up.

"I'm thinking," the knight replied.

Obi-Wan went back to squishing the karos cream in his dish into a substance resembling an Amst ameba. Xanatos absently pulled the bowl away from him producing a vague pout from Obi-Wan.

"Why this sudden interest in Master Qui-Gon's nocturnal activities, Obi?" Xanatos asked casually and the boy looked down again, nervously fidgeting with his glass.

"Well. . .I was thinking," the padawan began and the stopped again, glancing up at the knight from the corner of his eye. "You know we've been told - my year mates and I - to start meditating on. . .ah. . .," another glance, ". . .when we want to. . .um. . ."

Xanatos kept the smile from his lips with effort as he watched Obi-Wan's blushing efforts to explain himself. Really, how could those Azaki crafters have thought Obi-Wan a perfect choice for their Sensual arts when he couldn't even mention the Ritual without blushing hotly?

"You've been told to meditate on the Enlightenment Ritual?" he asked in as neutral a tone as possible. Obi-Wan glanced up at him with a relieved smile.

"Yes," he nodded slowly as he traced patterns in the moisture dripping onto the table from his glass. "I mean, I've been thinking about this for awhile but I'm not quite sure how Master will react."

"Master Qui-Gon is expecting you to ask him about the ritual," Xanatos said gently. "He will not be surprised, Obi-Wan."

The youth bit his lip and glanced up into Xanatos' blue eyes again. "But I don't want to ask Master Qui-Gon. I just don't want him to be upset when I tell him I've asked someone else to be my Guide."

The knight couldn't help staring at Obi-Wan in complete surprise though he quickly dropped his gaze when he realized he was staring.

"Do you think he'll be upset, Xan?" the apprentice asked hesitantly. "I thought that if he already had someone, perhaps he wouldn't mind if I chose someone else."

Xanatos cleared his throat carefully. "Obi-Wan, you know the Ritual states that Enlightenment in all things comes from the master."

"No, Xanatos," Obi-Wan corrected quickly. "Master Yoda told me that Jedi Tradition states that Enlightenment comes not only from the master, but from the Ritual itself. . ." The padawan hesitated for a moment before he pulled his hands into his lap, straightened his posture and turned his green gaze directly on Xanatos. "And the Ritual itself states that Enlightenment can be shared by the master or shared by one who was trained by him."

Xanatos looked at him for fully thirty seconds before he understood what Obi-Wan was saying. By that time, Obi-Wan had glanced away, his shoulders slumping slightly as he twisted his hands in his lap.

"Obi-Wan," the knight asked quietly, "are you asking me to be your Guide?"

"Yes," the boy replied though he didn't look up from his glass on the table. "But I don't want Master Qui-Gon to be upset."


Obi-Wan glanced up at him with a disdainful expression. "Because I don't want to hurt Master's feelings and I don't want to be chasing remotes all over the training rooms."

"No, Obi," Xanatos corrected with a shake of his head. "Why do you want to choose me instead of Master Qui-Gon?"

"Oh." The boy looked away for a moment. "Because when I meditate about who I want to. . .to touch me in that way, I see you, Xan, not Master Qui-Gon, no matter how I try." Obi-Wan looked up at his friend, a blush staining his cheeks but his eyes steady. "I see you when I meditate on the Code of the Body and I see you when I. . .attend to the sensual matters of the body." His face was starfire red now but Obi-Wan pressed onward. "I went to Master Yoda to ask if this was possible because you've not left my mind's eye since that day I saw you on Azaki when Master Chose me as his apprentice."

Xanatos could only stare at his young companion's eloquence. Obviously, Obi-Wan had thought about asking him for a long time. Possibly for as long as Xanatos had waited for Obi to seek Enlightenment with Qui-Gon so that he, Xanatos, could begin his pursuit of the apprentice.

The padawan sat quietly while Xanatos pulled his thoughts together. Finally, he reached out and took Obi-Wan's fidgeting hand.

"I am honored by your choice, Padawan Kenobi," he said gently, using the ritual words of formal acceptance as he twined his fingers with Obi-Wan's. "And will do my utmost to live up to your faith in me."

Obi-Wan seemed stunned for a moment before his expression broke into a beaming smile and his fingers tightened around Xanatos' hand.

"I make this request in advance of my time, Knight Chiyari," he replied in as formal a tone as he could manage through his excitement. "I am not yet ready for Enlightenment of the Body but would ask that you guide me when the time arrives."

Xanatos felt a quick stab of disappointment that Obi-Wan wasn't ready now but he pressed it down and replied with a smile of his own. "When you are ready, Padawan, seek me out." Xanatos squeezed his hand a final time before he leaned back and sighed. "In the meantime, we need to tell your master that you have made an unusual choice in this matter."

A worried expression settled in Obi-Wan's green eyes. "Do you think Master will be upset?"

The knight gave him a reassuring smile as he stood. "No, Obi-Wan, I don't think so. If anything, he'll be proud that you have the strength of mind to follow in his footsteps and flout tradition."

"Really?" the apprentice asked in a pleased tone as he stood and followed his friend.

"Of course. Besides, he has J'hath to keep him occupied."

Obi-Wan stopped in his tracks and looked at his friend in stunned amazement. "J'Hath? Master's first apprentice?"

"The very same."

"But. . .Master never said anything! And he hardly even sees J'hath!"

Xanatos grinned and looked back as he heard Obi-Wan's outraged words. He waited patiently until the younger Jedi started moving again.

"He doesn't need to see J'Hath in person, Obi-Wan," Xanatos said in a confidential tone as they moved into the Temple Hallways. "You know J'Hath is Bej'Marian with mental talents extraordinary even for one of his race."

The boy looked curious for a long moment before a blush slowly worked its way across his face. "You mean that Qui-Gon and J'Hath. . .you mean they. . .."

"Can have sex mentally, Obi," Xanatos stated with a grin. "They have a very strong bond. I'm surprised you haven't noticed it."

"But, if they can do that in their minds, then that means Master Qui-Gon could be having sex at any time and I'd never know it!"

Xanatos nodded at Obi's embarrassed squeak. "Anytime, any place. Qui-Gon is a Jedi master and hiding his expressions comes as easily to him as breathing. But sometimes, especially after J'Hath has just been on-planet and they've spent some time together, he doesn't quite control his expression as well as he might think."

Obi-Wan's face assumed an expression that was priceless even for Obi-Wan. He couldn't quite decide whether he should be disgusted by the thought of his master having sex - Qui-Gon was an old guy, after all, and his Master - or jealous because Qui-Gon was obviously keeping himself very busy with his first padawan.

Obi-Wan pressed his lips together thoughtfully. "Xan, do you happen to know if J'Hath is on planet at the moment?"

"Actually, he isn't. I understand he's currently involved in some very delicate negotiations and has been for the past several weeks. I doubt he is concentrating on much outside the Ka'Tarin Systems."

The padawan nodded as they finally approached Qui-Gon's apartments. "That would explain why Master has been so grouchy of late, I suppose," Obi-Wan said plaintively and Xanatos couldn't help chuckling as he keyed in the door code.

One Year Later. . .

Knight Chiyari knocked and leaned against the door frame of Qui-Gon's apartment. He'd given his former master and his padawan plenty of time to settle back into their rooms since they arrived home from a diplomatic mission late the evening before. Now he wanted some much needed company. It had been almost four months since he had been in the Temple at the same time as Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and Xanatos was determined to spend some time with those he considered his family.

The door slid open silently almost the second after Xanatos knocked and the knight walked into the room, expecting to be greeted by an exuberant Obi-Wan. Instead, Qui-Gon gave him a weary smile from his favorite chair by the garden windows.

"Come in, Xan," he said as he motioned to the couch opposite his seat. "Sit down." Qui-Gon leaned back in his chair with a pleased sigh. "I'm glad to see you, padawan."

Xanatos grinned at his master's affectionate tone. "The talks must have gone well, Master," he said as he settled on the couch.

"Very well," Qui-Gon replied. "I don't think we'll be sending Jedi back to the Lilorin sector for some time.

"That is good to hear since they have always requested you and I know how much you hated the annual visits there," Xanatos replied with a grin as he glanced around the apartment.

"He's out in the gardens, Xan," Qui-Gon stated with a chuckle. "Why don't you go join him?"

The younger Jedi looked a bit guilty. "I came to see you, too, Qui-Gon."

The master merely grinned. "I know that Xanatos. But something is bothering Obi-Wan and I was hoping he might say something to you about whatever it is."

Qui-Gon watched with amusement as Xan's face assumed a worried cast. "Is it serious?" the knight asked.

"I don't think it's life-threatening but Obi-Wan was quiet all the way back from Lilorin and that isn't like him at all."

Xanatos stood and headed for the door. "I'll go find him now, if you'll excuse me?"

Qui-Gon's lips twitched as the door slid shut on Xanatos' retreating form. Watching those two dance around each other was almost as entertaining as driving the Council crazy.

Xanatos could tell there was something wrong with Obi-Wan as soon as he came into the garden even without Qui-Gon's warning. A slight aura of misery clung to the young man seated near the back of the winding gardens and though he was meditating, Obi had an expression of unhappiness on his face.

Xanatos watched him for a few minutes before he dropped to the ground a foot or so in front of the padawan and assumed a meditation posture. He was willing to wait as long as necessary for Obi-Wan to speak of what was bothering him. The older Jedi was surprised at how personally he was taking the boy's misery and found himself hoping intently that he could help Obi-Wan with whatever was troubling him.

After the shadows had moved a few inches across the garden, the apprentice finally opened his eyes and offered Xanatos a weary smile that faded almost a quickly as it came.

"Hello, Xan," the youth said.

"What is wrong, Obi-Wan?" Xanatos asked, his blue eyes worried. The padawan's eyes widened as he quickly checked his shields. Xanatos shook his head. "Your shielding is fine, Obi. But I've always been able to sense when you were unhappy about something." The knight gave his friend a long look. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Obi-Wan glanced down, his gaze on his fingers as they twisted together in his lap. Xanatos reached forward and took one of Obi-Wan's hands in his own. The padawan stared at their twined fingers and bit his lip.

"I. . .am not certain I have made the right choice, Xanatos," Obi-Wan said in a low tone. "I don't know if you are the right person to guide me in the Ritual."

Xanatos stiffened but quickly forced himself relax. He loosened his grip on Obi-Wan's hand slightly but didn't let it go.

"That is, of course, a decision only you can make, padawan," he said, his tone as steady as he could make it given the surprising amount of hurt that was threading through his emotions. "But a year ago you were certain of your choice and I vowed to guide you. I deserve an explanation at least as to why you have changed your mind."

Obi-Wan's fingers tightened for a moment and Xanatos leaned forward to pull his chin up.

"Look at me, Obi-Wan. Tell me of your thoughts."

The padawan took a deep breath and nodded as Xan's fingers dropped a brief caress to his cheek.

"There was this girl at the talks, a daughter of a planetary official. > the moment we arrived, she chased me, Xan! I couldn't get rid of her. Master said to be patient with her, that her infatuation wouldn't last but she started stalking me!" the padawan huffed as he turned red. "Master J'Hath thought it was hilarious!"

"J'Hath was there?" Xanatos asked in a surprised tone and the padawan nodded, a faint smile curving his lips.

"Qui-Gon and J'Hath practically ran the delegates around the table," he said, showing a brief enthusiasm. "They work amazingly well together. I learned at lot just watching them together."

Xanatos nodded. Qui-Gon and J'Hath were a legendary team in negotiating circles. "What happened with the girl?"

Obi-Wan's exuberance slid away as he glanced down again. "She cornered me, finally, and kissed me."

The Jedi knight had to stamp down hard on the feelings of jealousy that swept through him. He carefully centered himself before he asked, "And how was it?"

Obi-Wan suddenly looked up at him, his green eyes wide. "Xan, she said I kissed like a dead wompi!" he suddenly wailed. "I didn't want to kiss her in the first place and then she says I kiss like a dead wompi!"

Xanatos leaned back slightly at his friend's sudden volume. "Obi-Wan, I'm sure she didn't mean. . ."

"Oh yes she did!" Obi-Wan snapped. "She told all her friends too! Thank the Force we were only there a few days after that!" The padawan ran the fingers of his free hand through his hair. "And Master wondered why I avoided those girls like the plague."

"Obi, listen to me," Xanatos said firmly. "Her people may have a completely different view of what kissing is supposed to be. And its not like you've had all that much practice. Kissing is something that is experienced and learned." Xanatos reached out to catch Obi-Wan's chin again to look him directly in the eyes. "Besides, some nameless chit's opinion of your kissing abilities hardly matters, does it?"

Obi-Wan looked into Xanatos blue eyes for a long time. "I don't want to kiss you like a dead wompi," he finally admitted, his tone soft.

Xanatos held the younger Jedi's eyes as he silently let out a long breath. "Is that why you want to change your choice, Obi-Wan?" he asked, his voice gentle. A slight nod was all the assent the knight needed. "Then I do not intend to break my vow to you, Padawan Kenobi, nor accept a change in your choice."

"But, Xan, I don't want to disgust you," Obi-Wan said in an unhappy voice. "That girl, she acted like I tasted like soot."

"Obi-Wan," Xanatos said as he framed the padawan's face with gentle fingertips. "Will you allow me to show you what a kiss is really like? When both parties are agreeable to it?"

The apprentice flushed and bit his lip. "But the Ritual. . .I'm not ready yet."

"I'm not pushing you, Obi," the knight assured him. "But there are some things you can experience before the Ritual if you so choose. And kissing is one of those things."

The padawan sighed as he leaned into Xanatos' fleeting caresses on his face. "I didn't want to tease you Xan but I didn't care to ask anyone else."

Xanatos felt a tender smile curve his lips. "Will you allow me to teach you this, Padawan Kenobi?"

Obi-Wan's hands tentatively came to rest on the knight's upper arms as he leaned forward and simply breathed the word, "Please."

"Obi," Xanatos sighed as he leaned forward and lightly caressed the padawan's mouth with his own. A brief touch, then a firmer one, a light flicker of silken tongue followed by another caress, the knight made his kiss a light, drawn-out seduction of Obi-Wan's lips.

Then he leaned back slightly and surveyed the flushed expression of delight on Obi-Wan's face. After a moment, the padawan opened his rather glazed eyes and Xanatos smirked.

"Definitely not a dead wompi, Obi-Wan," the knight purred as the apprentice blushed and absently touched his lips. Then he smiled.

"No, definitely not," he agreed in a faint voice.

Two Years Later. . .

The slash and parry of sabers between the combatants was considerably more focused than Xanatos could ever remember from the training bouts he'd had previously with Padawan Kenobi. The young man was fast and graceful, flowing like silken water, his saberwork almost flawless.

Almost being the key word.

"Ouch! Xani!" came an indignant cry.

"Is that the best you can do, Obi?" Xanatos crowed as he slashed at his opponent. "I can parry this in my sleep. . .YOUTCH!"

Obi-Wan danced away with a smirk as Xanatos rubbed his burning posterior.

"Where did you learn that move?" the knight demanded with a grimace.

Obi-Wan shrugged, his smirk growing wider. "J'Hath," he answered succinctly.

"J'Hath?" Xan asked in disbelief. "He never showed me those kinds of moves!"

"He likes me better," answered the smug apprentice.

Xanatos pressed his lips together as his eyes assessed his young friend.

"And what else has he been showing you?" the knight asked, trying to keep his tone casual but knowing there were jealous overtones to hear for someone who was listening.

Obi-Wan raised a sleek brow as he powered down his lightsaber and ran his fingers through his sweaty hair. Then he grinned.

"Well, he showed me this exceptionally entertaining vid he has of you trying to put the moves on Master Spinthrat's second padawan."

"What?" Xanatos shouted before he stalked over to the chuckling apprentice. "He does not have such a thing!" the knight insisted in a low tone.

The padawan didn't answer as he crossed his arms and looked up at the older Jedi, amusement making his green eyes lighter. Xanatos vaguely noticed that Obi didn't have to look up very far to meet his eyes.

"It seems you put the moves on quite a number of your yearmates before you finally asked Qui-Gon to guide you through the Ritual, Xanatos," the young man said, his gaze curious. "Why was that? It wasn't as if you waited that long for the Ritual itself."

Xanatos felt his mouth open and then close before he forcibly pulled his serenity over his expression. When dealing with anyone else, the knight possessed all the serenity imparted to him by his legendary master but Obi-Wan always seemed to catch him by surprise.

The knight clipped his saber to his belt.

"Xanatos?" Obi-Wan asked rather impatiently.

"I'm thinking, Obi," the knight replied as he wiped the sweat off his brow. Then he looked up to meet the padawan's gaze. "Did it ever occur to you that I wanted practice so I wouldn't kiss my master like a dead wompi?"

Obi-Wan flushed hotly but valiantly held Xanatos' eyes. "That wasn't the only reason, was it?" he asked.

"Of course not," Xanatos replied with a grin and a wink. "I've always been one to thoroughly study a subject before I implement the knowledge. It gave a whole new meaning to 'doing one's homework'."

"Xanatos!" the padawan said in a shocked tone.

"Why the curiosity, Obi?"

The apprentice briefly dropped his eyes and Xan suddenly saw beyond the confident senior padawan he had been sparring with to the hesitant junior apprentice who had honored him with a singular request.

"I wanted to know what knowledge you had when you went to Qui-Gon," the padawan stated quietly as he met his friend's gaze. "You knew a lot more then than I know now."

Xanatos stepped closer to the apprentice and rested his hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder. "Obi, every Jedi is different in their approach to the Ritual. Just because you can experiment, doesn't mean you have to. You don't even have to go through with the Ritual. I think I mentioned before that some Jedi don't want to be touched intimately like that at all - though I can hardly fathom that mindset," the knight finished with a mutter.

Obi-Wan looked at the older Jedi thoughtfully. "Funny you should mention that because you haven't been sleeping with anyone lately," he stated. Xanatos struggled not to let his surprise show as he dropped his hand from Obi-Wan's shoulder.

"And why would you think that, padawan?" he asked in a haughty tone.

"I've been watching," came the serene reply.

Xanatos gave him a narrow look. "But you are hardly ever here, Obi," the knight pointed out. Obi-Wan returned a smug smile.

"I have a very large class of yearmates, Xan," he replied calmly. "At least one of them is usually in the Temple when I'm not."

Knight Chiyari stared at the apprentice, his blue eyes wide. "You've had your friends - your yearmates - watching me?" he asked in a strangled tone. Obi-Wan nodded with a faint smile.

"As far as I can tell, you haven't been with anyone for the past three years, Xanatos. Is that true?"

"You don't really expect me to answer that, do you?" the knight grated as he stalked across the training room. He knelt down and picked up a towel to wipe his face. A moment later, Obi-Wan knelt down beside him.

"Yes, Xanatos, I do expect you to answer," the padawan answered as he caught the knight's eyes. "Is it true?"

Xanatos held the padawan's eyes for a long, silent moment before he finally nodded.

"You've been waiting for me."

The knight nodded slowly again. "I have."

"Why?" Obi-Wan asked, truly surprised to have his suspicions confirmed.

Xanatos reached out to take Obi-Wan's hand. "I didn't care to ask anyone else," he said softly as his fingers caressed Obi's palm.

The padawan finally dropped his eyes under the weight of the emotions showing in Xanatos' dark blue eyes. He took a deep breath as he studied his own fingers entwined with his Guide's. This felt right. It was time.

The apprentice looked up, his gaze steady as he spoke the formal words.

"Knight Chiyari, will you guide me towards Enlightenment of the Body this eventide?" Obi-Wan asked, his voice shaking slightly as his fingers tightened around Xanatos' fingers. "I place my trust in you and will follow where you lead."

The knight was silent until he could properly form his reply. "I will honor your trust this eventide, Padawan Kenobi. Come to me then."


"When you are ready," Xanatos whispered.

Obi-Wan stood abruptly, a grin stretched across his face. Xanatos looked up at the padawan, hardly believing that his wait for Obi would finally end tonight.

"I will see you this evening, Knight Chiyari," he said, making a deep, respectful bow. Then he was gone, leaving Xanatos staring at the doors closing behind him.

There was no chime. Xanatos didn't need one to feel Obi-Wan waiting on the other side of the door. It slid silently open revealing a handsome young man, wearing formal padawan whites and fidgeting nervously with his long braid. Xanatos held out his hand.

"Welcome, Padawan Kenobi," he said. "You are welcome in my home." His tone solemn but his eyes were smiling. Obi-Wan met his gaze and took the knight's hand almost instinctively.

"Thank you, Knight Chiyari," the padawan replied as he stepped into Xanatos' familiar apartments. With amazed eyes, he looked around. "Ye gods! You cleaned!" he said in utmost surprise and then slapped his hand over his mouth before he gave the knight a sheepish smile. "Sorry," he whispered.

"I can understand the astonishment," Xanatos said, chuckling as he led the apprentice across the room, grateful that Obi-Wan felt comfortable enough to say such a thing. "I doubt you will ever see this room so clean again."

"I am privileged to have witnessed such a momentous event. Qui-Gon will never believe this."

Xanatos gave the young man another smile but said nothing as he stopped beside a long table where he'd laid a carefully folded the long, dark brown robe he acquired a year before. He gestured for Obi-Wan to take off his white robe and lay it beside the brown one.

After the apprentice had folded his robe and laid it on the table, Xanatos asked, "Have you entered this place seeking Enlightenment of the Body, Padawan Kenobi?" he asked formally.

"I have, Knight Chiyari."

"And do you trust me to share with you that which I have learned since my own Enlightenment?"

"I do," Obi-Wan replied, his green eyes steady.

Xanatos was silent for a moment before he asked one final question. "Obi-Wan," he said, breaking from the Ritual as he stepped forward and touched the padawan's cheek. "We have spoken of this before but I want you to be certain. Since a padawan's master usually shares the Ritual with his apprentice, it isn't customarily an issue but this will create a bond between us similar to a training bond. The link will not fade until you take another lover. Is this acceptable to you?"

Obi-Wan's lips curved in an almost secret smile as he reached up to touch the back of Xanatos' hand resting on his cheek. "I accept the link, Xanatos," he stated. "I am ready."

The Jedi knight nodded as he took Obi-Wan's hand again and led him into the small bedroom where a single candle flickered and glowed brightly on a small table in the center of the room. All other light in the apartment dimmed and the gentle light from the candle illuminated the area around it, showing two meditation mats. Xanatos gestured for the padawan to kneel while the knight mirrored him half a foot away.

"Enlightenment of the Body is not only a physical state, Obi-Wan," Xanatos said softly. "It must be preceded by Enlightenment of the Mind and sometimes, for those who listen closely to the Force and wait, it is preceded by Enlightenment of the Spirit as well. Have you followed these paths?"

"Yes. Master Qui-Gon walked the Path of the Mind with me two years ago."

"And the Path of the Spirit?"

Obi-Wan nodded slowly, his eyes gazing into the flickering light of the candle for a moment. "I walked that path with Master Yoda a week past."

Xanatos' eyes widened for a moment as he took Obi-Wan's hands in his. "And now we tread this path, you and I. I say this now, Obi-Wan. Your experiences as a Jedi will be wide and varied. Few padawans are privileged to step outside their master's experience for Enlightenment."

The padawan said nothing but squeezed the knight's hands tightly. He might present a calm front but Xanatos could feel the tension winding through his lithe frame.

The older Jedi sent a soothing wave of the Force and opened his mind. Carefully, he pressed forward with his thoughts, his eyes holding Obi-Wan's as he mentally asked the padawan's permission to form a link. He was surprised at how easily Obi-Wan's shields thinned before him and a moment later, he felt the bright light of the apprentice pouring down the newly established bond between them.

Xanatos gasped at the strength with which the padawan established his own link in Xanatos' mind. Obi-Wan's head fell slightly back as his eyes closed with a delighted sigh.

Is this how it will be? came his familiar voice in the knight's mind. The sharing?

"Obi-Wan!" the knight whispered raggedly, his hands gripping the padawan's fingers tighter as he pulled Obi-Wan forward and kissed him almost roughly.

Bright, Xani! You're so bright! Obi-Wan sighed in his mind while his hands pulled from Xanatos' grip and wound themselves around the knight's neck. So long, you've waited! I'm sorry!

I would have waited forever, Obi-Wan, came the quiet response even as Xanatos pulled the padawan closer, pressing deeper into his mouth and tasting the sweetness he'd long dreamed of.

No need to wait any longer, Xanatos. Show me now, I am ready.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Xanatos knew the Ritual was not supposed to proceed like this. It was supposed to be slow and formal, structured and steady not this explosion of desire and brilliance. But he was already blinded by the sudden brightness in his mind in the form of one Obi-Wan Kenobi and the knight found he couldn't deny the Force sweeping him and his lover away.

Then he was on his feet with Obi-Wan behind him, his lightsaber flying across the room to ignite in his hand. The green of the blade gleamed brightly through his bedroom doorway into his darkened apartment.

The presence of two others in his home had kicked in the instincts Qui-Gon had drilled into him but his mind was so entwined with Obi-Wan's he couldn't identify the new arrivals.

"Who is there?" he barked roughly as he flickered a thought at the lights, which immediately lit the room.

"Councilor Windu and Knight Yigar," stated the surprised Council member as he stood just beyond the bedroom doorway and stared at Xanatos' ignited blade pointedly. "Expecting trouble, Knight Chiyari?"

With a muffled curse, the knight powered down his blade and glared. "I expected a door locked with my private passcode to remain locked, Councilor," he stated flatly as he glanced down at Obi-Wan. The padawan was trying to bring himself mentally back together much as Xanatos was trying to do. "As you can see, I am occupied."

"I apologize for interrupting you, Knight Chiyari, but you didn't answer your comm and you've been called to duty," Knight Yigar answered, his eyes glancing down at the padawan briefly.

"I am not on the duty rosters for the next two days, Yigar," Xanatos grated, not able to find it in himself to be polite to the senior knight at this point. "I have been granted Ritual time."

"I am sorry, Knight Chiyari," Mace said before Yigar could respond to Xanatos' slight. "But you have been requested specifically. . ."

"The Time of Ritual is inviolate!" Xanatos interrupted harshly. "Could this not wait at least until the morrow?"

"Knight Chiyari!" Mace's voice snapped across the room and Xanatos stiffened. Behind him, Obi-Wan laid a calming hand on his thigh, sending a soothing wave through their newly created bond.

"I apologize, Councilor," Xanatos said grudgingly. "But you have interrupted at a bad time."

Councilor Windu folded his hands together in the black sleeves of his robe as an expression of discomfort briefly crossed his face. "I understand that, Knight Chiyari, and I apologize for having to interrupt. But you have been specifically requested by your uncle to come to Telos."

"Telos?" Xanatos suddenly had a very bad feeling curling in the pit of his stomach.

Mace nodded slowly before he glanced at Yigar. The senior knight stepped forward.

"Govenor Anzoths has requested Jedi assistance in quelling an uprising of rebels on the northern continent. Anzoths suspects his brother is one of the leaders behind the riots."

Xanatos didn't move for a moment. Not now! Not again! The despairing thought had formed and winged its way to Obi-Wan before Xanatos could stop it.


The knight merely curled his fingers around the hand resting on his thigh. "When is my transport leaving?" he finally asked. Yigar reached into his cloak and pulled out a data chip that he set on the nearest table.

"The diplomatic corvette, Coris H'santh, is waiting for you in Bay 24, as soon as you are ready," the knight stated. "Here is all the information we have been able to gather thus far. More will be transmitted to the ship as it comes in."

Xanatos nodded sharply. "I will be there within the hour."

Knight Yigar nodded and with a final glance at Obi-Wan, he left. Council Windu, however, gave the knight a long look.

"Believe me when I say I am very sorry to interrupt this Ritual, Knight Chiyari. Were the matter any less grave, I would not have countenanced such a thing," he said and then sent a bow in Obi-Wan's direction. "Please forgive me, Padawan Kenobi. I only ask this out of direst need."

"I understand, Councilor," Obi-Wan responded quietly.

The Council Member gave them each a brief nod before he too left the apartment. The door slid shut with a final click, indicating the lock had been reactivated, and Xanatos slid to his knees.

"Damn it," he said softly, as he dropped his saber to the floor.

Then a hesitant pair of arms wound around his waist from behind and a bright flicker of thought flowed down their link. Xanatos?

"I am so sorry, Obi," the knight whispered as he wrapped his hands around Obi-Wan's arms and pulled the padawan around to face him. "This is so unfair to you."

"Things happen," Obi-Wan said casually but Xanatos clearly felt the young man's frustration and helpless anger.

"You deserve so much more than this, Obi."

"I can wait, Xan," the padawan stated as he leaned forward and placed his head on Xanatos' chest. "But there is something about this mission that scares you, isn't there?"

The knight's arms tightened around Obi-Wan and he leaned down to breath in the scent of the padawan's hair. Then he pulled the young man back and stared into his green eyes.

"Obi-Wan, I want you to promise me something," he said in a determined tone. Obi-Wan looked suspicious as Xanatos pulled up his shields.

"What?" he asked almost sullenly as he was cut off from the brightness he was already becoming used to.

"I want you to promise me that if I don't return from this mission, you will go to Qui-Gon and complete the Ritual."

"No!" The word leapt from Obi-Wan's lips without thought as the padawan grabbed his Guide's arms. "I won't need to, Xan. You will be coming back."

"Things happen," the older man replied, shaking the padawan a bit. "Now promise me."

Obi-Wan shook his head. "I can't, Xanatos. I don't want anyone else to guide me. I don't want anyone else touching me like you have. If you are not the one to share it with me, I will not walk this path at all."

"Obi-Wan. . ." Xanatos began in a threatening tone but Obi-Wan interrupted him.

"Don't ask me to make a promise I cannot and will not keep, Knight Chiyari," the padawan said simply and Xanatos stared at him long moments before he pulled him close.

"I will come back for you, Obi-Wan," he stated in a determined tone.

"You had better, Xanatos," the padawan replied. "Or I will come for you."

Xanatos silently surveyed the Temple as he trudged wearily down the ramp of the rickety transport he'd practically shanghaied to get home. His pack was slung carelessly across his shoulders as he stopped to wipe the sweat from his eyes. His fingers came away with a month's worth of accumulated grime. Not only had his mission been hellishly complicated but also getting transport off of Telos in the aftermath of a civil war had been a complete nightmare. Then, after he finally managed to find a ride back to Coruscant, the transport landed on the opposite side of the planet, forcing the Jedi to find his own way back to the Temple.

Though, why he was in a hurry to come back here, Xanatos didn't understand. It wasn't like he had anyone waiting. More than likely, the Jinn/Kenobi team had been sent out on another mission and he was not going to see Obi-Wan again for months. Assuming the Council hadn't shipped him off to the Dasim Temple for rehabilitation.

Telos had almost fallen and Xanatos had sold what was left of his soul to keep that from happening.

The Council would see the taint immediately, he knew. The taint of darkness he felt coiling in his heart. They would strip his rank and take his saber. His master would be disgraced and Obi-Wan. . .Obi. . .

Xanatos cursed under his breath. Why had he come back to the Sith-damned Temple to face this? Why hadn't he just stayed on Telos? His uncle had asked him to do exactly that. It would have saved himself the pain he was about to endure.

Mace Windu - curse the day his mother was born - must have known this was going to happen. Just like before, the Council had sent him to Telos convinced he would fail, convinced that his master had wasted the last ten years training him. But Xanatos had saved his master's life, pulled his own father from power to protect his home planet. The Council had had no other excuses and had finally knighted him.

Now, it seemed they had made another try, sending him on a mission designed to fail. And he had succeeded against the odds once more, bringing peace back to Telos and making sure his uncle stayed in power. But at what price to himself?

As he stumbled along the darkened hallways of the Temple, Xanatos resisted the temptation to open his shields and feel Obi-Wan's bright presence in his mind. During some of the darkest times in the previous month, Xanatos had felt the presence of the link in his mind like a bright promise though he didn't dare lower his shields to Obi-Wan. He might not be able to raise them again and the Force only knew how this mission was going to finish. But he promised himself at least five times a day that he would open that link the moment he returned to the Temple.

Now that he was back, he couldn't bring himself to let down his shields and expose the padawan to the darkness he felt inside. In the back of his mind, he knew Obi-Wan deserved a better Guide than he for the Ritual and Xanatos would have to snap the fledgling bond. But he hadn't been able to bring himself to do it. Not yet.

Pushing all thoughts related to his recent nightmare mission to the bottom of his mind, Xanatos finally arrived at his door. He had to key in the door code for his apartment three times before he got it right.

As the door slid shut behind him, Xanatos dropped his bag to the floor and looked around. His apartment was still clean and uncluttered. Everything was in its correct spot and the small kitchen area was spotless. And there was a single table against the far wall with two cloaks, one white, the other brown, laid out where they had been left the evening he'd been called to duty.

Other than the link buzzing beneath his shields, these were the only indications that the Ritual he had almost shared with his Obi hadn't been a dream.

Xanatos released a long sigh and shrugged out of his robe, which he dropped to the floor beside his shoulder pack. Then he headed to his bedroom, shedding clothing as he went. He debated the merits of taking a quick shower versus collapsing on his bed as he entered his bedroom and gestured for the lights to come on, illuminating a rumpled form in formal whites curled up his bed, bright green eyes watching him carefully.

Xanatos stared for a full minute before he could get a sound to pass his lips. "Obi?"

His voice was nothing more than a whisper but the young man smiled as he slid off the bed and padded to Xanatos' side. A moment later, Obi-Wan wrapped his arms tightly around the surprised knight.

"I told you that you'd be back," Obi-Wan sighed as he leaned his head against the knight's chest. Without thought, Xanatos wrapped his arms around the apprentice, still not quite believing he wasn't just imagining things. As he nuzzled Obi-Wan's hair, however, he felt as if the weight of the darkness he'd carried away from Telos slipped away for a moment.

"What are you doing here?" the knight finally asked as the younger man pulled him to the bed. "I thought you'd be on a mission."

Obi-Wan nodded absently as he pushed the exhausted Jedi to the bed before dropping to the floor and pulling off Xanatos' muddy boots.

"Master and I were sent to Aladan for a brief negotiation but Master Mace recalled us as soon as he had word from Telos that you were on your way home."

Xanatos looked vastly surprised. "Councilor Windu recalled you?"

Obi-Wan nodded as he tossed aside the second boot and rose to sit beside his chosen Guide. "He sent another team to replace us. He said you would need us when you returned." The apprentice looked steadily into his friend's eyes before he reached out to take the man's hand. "Xanatos, what happened?" he asked softly.

Xanatos stared at his companion but said nothing as he tried to comprehend Windu's actions. Mace, whom he had been sure was trying to set him up for a failure on Telos, had made certain that Obi-Wan would be here to greet him when he returned from the most hellish mission of his Jedi career. How had the Councilor known that Obi-Wan would be the one person Xanatos would most want to see? And why would he even care?

His mind whirling with confusion, Xanatos was caught even more off guard as felt the gentle push that Obi-Wan pressed against his shields.

"Why won't you let me in?" he asked, his voice laced with worry and shades of hurt. His eyes were luminous with concern as he reached forward to touch the knight's grimy cheek.

Xanatos abruptly jerked away and stood. He didn't meet the younger Jedi's eyes as he quickly finished undressing. "I need to shower, Obi-Wan, and you need to return to your master," he said brusquely. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Then he was in the bathing room, leaning against the closed door, fighting a wave of anguish that rose from his heart. Vaguely, he felt Obi-Wan still pressed against his shields but not trying to get in. The padawan wanted Xanatos to know he was still there, still waiting and obviously not intending to leave anytime soon.

Xanatos took a deep breath before he finished undressing and stepped into the shower. He turned the water on full blast and picked up the hair cleanser, wishing he could wash away the taint of darkness he felt as easily as he could wash away the grime.

He spent almost an hour in the bathing room. He told himself it was because he had been without a real bath in a month and he wanted to be clean but the voice in the back of his mind told him, quite firmly, that he was just trying to avoid Obi-Wan. After an hour, however, the bright presence of the learner had not diminished in the slightest and Xanatos knew he wasn't going to be able to avoid the apprentice.

Xanatos stepped out of the shower clothed in the huge robe that Obi-Wan had left for him, his long black hair still damp. The rich smell of a much favored soup permeated the air of his apartment and despite himself, Xanatos followed the aroma into the kitchen where Obi-Wan waited. The padawan didn't speak but gestured to the table where a bowl of soup waited. As the knight sank into the chair, Obi-Wan set a glass of cold, golden ale beside the bowl and then sat down beside him.

"Eat," he said firmly as Xanatos gave him a look of confusion. "I know you're tired but you need to eat, Xan."

"But. . ."

Xanatos' words trailed off as Obi-Wan's face assumed a familiar look of stubborn determination. The knight sighed and picked up his spoon. He was just too tired to fight at this point.

The soup was warm and flavorful and the ale a perfect compliment to it. The Jedi set the glass down carefully before he pushed the empty bowl away. He glanced up with a wary look in his eyes.

"Why are you here?" he asked simply.

"I was worried about you," Obi-Wan replied as he rose to pick up the empty bowl. "I knew you would be coming home tonight. I asked Qui-Gon if I could wait for you here."

Xanatos reached out and caught Obi-Wan's wrist. "How did you know when I would be home, Obi?" he asked. "I didn't even know."

Obi-Wan returned his question with a steady green gaze. "I could feel you getting closer to Coruscant. I knew the minute you landed."

"You couldn't have," Xanatos stated as he let go of the padawan's wrist. "The link isn't supposed to work like that."

Obi-Wan shrugged as he took the bowl to the counter and then returned to the table. "I don't know about what kind of link it's supposed to be but in the last month, I've been aware of you like a rock in my boot." Xanatos' eyebrows rose at the description but Obi shrugged again. "I could feel you in the background all the time. I could ignore you if I tried but there were times when it just wasn't possible. The last time was seven days ago."

The knight flinched and looked away but the learner continued. "I felt your despair like a blow, Xanatos," Obi-Wan said as he reached out to take the knight's hand again. "What happened?"

Xanatos was shaking his head before he even thought about his answer. "Obi-Wan, I just can't talk about it now," he replied, his voice deep with pain.

"I understand," the apprentice said as he pulled the older man to his feet. "I know you're tired. Let's go to bed. You can talk in the morning if you feel like it."

The knight was staring at Obi-Wan, his mouth open. "What?"

The padawan gave him a guileless look. "You can talk in the morning," he repeated as he tried to lead Xanatos from the kitchen. The knight didn't move.

"No, Obi. What you said before that."

"I know you're tired?"

"Obi-Wan," Xanatos said his voice lowering.

"I'm staying with you tonight, Xanatos," the younger Jedi finally stated as he successfully tugged the knight out of the kitchen and towards the bedroom.

"Why under the suns do you think I will allow that?"

"J'Hath is with Qui-Gon and you know how loud they can be," the apprentice noted as he pulled Xanatos into his bedroom. "A growing padawan needs his sleep."

"You've slept through it before," Xanatos pointed out as Obi-Wan started pulling off his own clothing. When the learner was down to his pants, Xanatos' eyes traveled down the young man's body slowly and despite his exhaustion, the Jedi felt the call of the Ritual link on the other side of his shields. "Obi-Wan," he said roughly. "This is not a good idea."

Obi-Wan stepped up to him, his eyes calm. "I am not leaving you tonight, Xanatos," he said firmly. "You need someone to hold you. You need someone to hold."

Xanatos felt his breath shudder out of his body as the younger Jedi untied the belt knot of his robe and pushed the cloth off his body. Then Obi-Wan drew the knight onto the bed and settled beside him. With a final gesture, the apprentice turned down the lights of the apartment before he curled himself around Xanatos' body.

Xanatos was completely still before he finally surrendered and pulled the young man tighter to him. The knight was silent until he felt the welcome warmth of the padawan learner seep into his body and his mind. For the first time since he had left the Temple, Xanatos allowed himself to tentatively feel the link on the other side of his shields. Beside him, Obi-Wan sighed contentedly.

"I missed you, Xan," he whispered.

"I had to kill my father."

The words tumbled out so quickly Xanatos couldn't stop them. He closed his eyes as the pain washed up inside him again along with the last image he had of Crion, staring at him, eyes opened wide in complete astonishment as his son yanked his saber out of the man's ribs.

As the image receded, Xanatos felt Obi-Wan rise up beside him and lean forward to wipe off the tears he didn't realize had begun to fall. The padawan was silent until the knight opened his eyes. Obi-Wan looked at him, his gaze full of compassion.

"Why did you kill him, Xanatos?" Obi-Wan asked, his voice steady.

"He was going to kill my uncle and bring war to Telos," the knight replied, his voice trembling. "And he wanted me there so he could gloat. He wanted me to see that he had won this time."

Obi-Wan leaned down again and wrapped his arms as far around Xanatos as he could manage.

"He didn't think I would kill him to prevent the war." Xanatos took a long, unsteady breath before he whispered, "I didn't think I would kill him."

"You did what you had to do, Xan. He was going to destroy the balance that you and Qui-Gon worked so hard for," Obi-Wan replied in a gentle tone. "I can't say what it feels like to go through that kind of pain but imagine - if he had won, how many people would have died then?"

Xanatos shook his head. "Thousands, Obi. My father was mad." The knight looked at his companion again. "And I've told myself that. But I still feel tainted by him. I feel like his darkness infested me when he died."

"It did not." The statement was without a single doubt.

"You don't know, Obi-Wan," Xanatos replied in a ragged tone.

"I do know Xanatos. I'm lying here right beside you. Despite your shields, I can feel you, feel your mind, feel your spirit. And I don't feel any darkness. Anger, pain, anguish, all of which are understandable given the circumstances."

"That's impossible, Obi!" Xanatos insisted. "The link doesn't work like that! You can't. . .."

Obi-Wan grabbed Xanatos' face to stare deeply into the knight's ice blue eyes.

"Was there any way to prevent the bloodshed of a civil war on Telos without killing Crion?" the padawan asked in a sharp tone. Xanatos tried to pull away but Obi-Wan maintained his hold. "Was there?"

Finally, the knight sighed. "No."

"And you know that. Deep inside you know there was no other way." Obi-Wan loosened his hold as he rose to gently lay his lips over Xanatos' mouth before he pulled away. His green eyes searched his Guide's. "Xanatos, the Force guided you every step on your mission. There is no darkness in you. Let me in and I will show you that."

"Obi, I can't!" the knight exclaimed in an anguished tone, pulling away, but again Obi-Wan tightened his grip and stared up at the man beside him.

"You made a promise to me, Xanatos. You said you would share your experiences with me. You cannot do that without letting me in."

"This is not something to share!" was the snapped response.

"Xanatos," the learner replied in a calm, soothing tone. "Let me show you that the light is still within you." Obi-Wan reached up to caress his Guide's face. "The light I see in your eyes, in your expressions, in the care you have for me and for our master, can I not share this with you?"

The knight wanted to believe and he wanted to prove that Obi-Wan was right. He looked into the young man's eyes, searching for his path before he leaned over to touch the padawan's lips tentatively.

It was a brief caress until the apprentice opened his mouth and welcomed his Guide in. Suddenly, Xanatos was kissing Obi-Wan deeply, his hands pressing against the younger man's body as he finally allowed his mind to open fully to the link he had forged between them a month before. As Obi-Wan's presence seared down the link and filled his mind, Xanatos realized that the bond had grown and strengthened into something he hardly recognized.

There is no darkness here, only my Xanatos. Stars, I've missed you, Obi-Wan sighed in his mind as he arched under the knight's hands. Please don't ever block me out like that again!

I won't, Xanatos promised as his lips traveled over Obi-Wan's face, before returning to his mouth and tasting deeply. Then he leaned back slightly. "Unless it's absolutely necessary."

Obi-Wan froze and his eyes narrowed. "Xanatos. . ."

Xanatos leaned down and gave the younger man another kiss before he raised his head slightly. "Have you entered this place seeking Enlightenment of the Body, Padawan Kenobi?"

The knight felt Obi-Wan's surprised gasp against his lips. "I have, Knight Chiyari."

"And do you trust me to share with you that which I have learned since my own Enlightenment?"

"I do," Obi-Wan replied, his green eyes steady as his hands moved up the knight's chest. "I do, Xanatos."

The bond between them almost glowed in the darkness of the room as Xanatos gave his lover another deep kiss, his hands moving slowly over Obi-Wan's body. His fingertips skimmed over the younger Jedi's chest, lightly caressing and Obi-Wan sighed into the knight's kisses.

Xanatos' lips soon followed the path of his fingertips leaving Obi-Wan to gasp and moan softly as the older Jedi explored his body. The padawan buried his hands in Xanatos' dark hair as the knight tasted every inch of his chest and then moved lower, finding his way by taste and touch. Soon, Obi was panting as his Guide teased him with small touches and licks and Xanatos tasted his lover's hardness for the first time. Obi-Wan cried out as the dark-haired knight slowly engulfed him in the warm velvet of his mouth.

You taste so good, my Obi-Wan, the thought seared through the link as Xanatos caressed every inch with his tongue. So good. Nothing will ever compare to the taste of you.

"Xanatos, please!" The words were barely audible but pleading. Xanatos held his lover's hips in a secure grasp as his lips wandered up and down, tasting and teasing, caressing the very tip before swallowing the length whole. "XANATOS!"

The padawan's body jerked as he came hard into Xanatos' mouth and the knight swallowed it all before he slowly released Obi-Wan from his mouth and savored the salty taste on his lips. He moved gently to lay a kiss on Obi-Wan's lips, offering the taste of himself. The learner's hand moved to caress the back of the knight's neck as he deepened the kiss. Then Obi pulled back gazed into his Guide's eyes.

"You didn't share that with me," he whispered.

Xanatos reach up to touch his companion's face. "Not yet, Obi. I'm not quite as resilient as you," he said with a smile and another kiss. "When I come tonight, I want to be inside you."

Obi-Wan felt his whole body tingle as Xanatos kissed him again, tasting his mouth like a delicate feast.

Are you ready to share your body with me, Obi? Xanatos whispered into the padawan's mind as he touched Obi-Wan's skin with feathered fingertips.

Yes, Xanatos, came the shaky reply and the knight gently turned him onto his stomach, raising his arms over his head. Xanatos' fingertips skimmed down his arms, then spread to caress his back and sides, followed slowly by the knight's lips. He covered Obi-Wan's skin with the touch of his tongue before he drew the young man onto his hands and knees.

"This will hurt at first, Obi, but it will get better, I promise," Xanatos said softly into his ear as he lay his chest against Obi-Wan's back, feeling the way their bodies would fit together. The apprentice arched back as his Guide ran a hand down his chest and traced the contour of Obi-Wan's erection. Xanatos inhaled sharply as the padawan pressed back against him.

"Please, Xan," Obi-Wan panted.

Xanatos took his time in preparing his young lover, making sure that with each step, Obi-Wan adjusted fully before he proceeded. A vial of precious sandalwood oil combined with their own essence to fill the room with a heady scent that each would afterwards associate with their first Ritual together. When the knight felt it was time, they were both hard and ready.

As the knight moved forward to sink into his lover's body, Obi-Wan's arms stiffened and his hands curled into the sheets as he fought the impulse to pull away. A low keening sound wound from his throat as Xanatos whispered through their bond.

Relax, relax, my Obi, trust me, I know it hurts but soon you will feel nothing but pleasure, trust me, trust me, trust me

Trust you, but it hurts, hurts, full, so tight, Xanatos, Xanatos, please, please, PLEASE

An eternity later, Xanatos was fully sheathed in Obi-Wan's body as the younger man strained not to move beneath him. The knight's hair fell onto Obi-Wan's shoulders as his breath flowed heavily on his lover's neck. Xanatos' hands began anew their exploration of Obi-Wan's skin, his light fingers moving to grasp the neophyte's flagging penis. Obi leaned his head back against Xanatos' shoulder as he struggled against the urge to press into the knight's hand.

After long minutes of Xanatos' steady but light stroking, Obi-Wan could stay still no longer and pressed forward into the knight's grip. Xanatos pulled back at the same time and then lunged forward again, using all his skill to target his new lover's most sensitive spot.

Obi-Wan screamed his Guide's name as Xanatos pressed into a place that sent a burst of pleasure throughout his entire body. There was still pain but he understood now how the pleasure could override it as he arched back against Xanatos.

With their bodies joined, Xanatos joined their minds and sent his own wonder and pleasure through their bond while he thrust into his lover's body. Obi-Wan responded by sharing his own feelings, of pain, pleasure and an overwhelming sense of belonging with Xanatos. As they climbed towards their climax, the bond between them grew and intertwined until neither could tell where the other began or ended. They came at the same time, Xanatos deep within his lover's body and Obi-Wan exploding from his Guide's firm grip. Between the two of them, time stopped and their spirits flowed together far beyond the reach of their physical bodies, twined brightly around each other until they had to let go. With a pained sighed, they came back to themselves, still two individual beings but never quite separate again.

Xanatos Obi-Wan curled around his Guide, his voice a soft whisper in his lover's mind.

Xanatos looked into Obi-Wan's green eyes and touched his cheek. My Obi,

There were no words of love between them; they were not needed. The understanding flowed between them as strong and bright as the bond that tied them together.

Four Years Later...

"Do you know why the Council wants to see us?" Obi-Wan asked his partner as the pair approached the Council Chamber.

"No," Xanatos answered as he stopped before the closed doors. He easily sensed the presence of his master on the other side of the doors. He exchanged a glance with Obi-Wan. "I understand that there were problems with the Naboo mission."

"Didn't J'Hath go with him to do negotiations?" the younger Jedi asked warily.

"Yes, he did," Xanatos replied softly as the doors to the Council Chamber opened. Both Jedi assumed their solemn, serene expressions as their hands disappeared into their sleeves. Together they walked into the large room and stopped just past the doorway to bow respectfully.

"I will train him. I take Anakin as my padawan learner," Qui-Gon's voice floated back to them, clear and steady and Obi-Wan stiffened as he looked up in surprise. His master stood before the Council, his strong hands on the shoulders of a blond boy who glanced up at the Jedi master with a rather intimidated look on his face.

"Too old, the boy is!" Yoda stated firmly.

Obi-Wan glanced at his partner. Suns, where have I heard that before? Did I look like that when I last heard this conversation? he asked through the bond that had only grown stronger over the past four years.

Xanatos' lips twitched slightly. No, Obi. You looked much more intimidated.

The older Jedi got a mental snort in return. Where is J'Hath, I wonder?

"Now is not the time for this," Mace Windu stated. "The Senate is voting for a new Supreme Chancellor and Queen Amidala has decided to return home. That will put pressure on the Trade Federation."

"And draw out J'Hath's attacker," Knight Mundi stated in his soft tones.

If Obi-Wan and Xanatos hadn't been close to Qui-Gon for so many years, they never would have seen the slight flinch the Jedi master couldn't hide completely.

"Go with the Queen and discover the identity of this dark warrior," Mace continued. "That is the clue we need to unravel this mystery of the Sith." The Councilor's eyes darted back to the newly arrived pair of Jedi. "Knights Chiyari and Kenobi will join you in Master Yul'in's stead."

Master Jinn glanced back briefly at the pair and then nodded. Both Jedi felt his welcome through their faint training bonds but along with the welcome, they saw an overwhelming worry that he hid for his sorely wounded lover.

"And Anakin?" Qui-Gon finally asked.

"Young Skywalker's fate will be decided later," Yoda stated in no uncertain terms. "May the Force be with you."

The trio of Jedi bowed as one and turned to leave the Council Chamber, Obi-Wan and Xanatos walking just behind their former master, who kept his hand on the boy's shoulder.

As they moved through the Temple hallways, Obi-Wan reached into a pouch on his belt and drew out a braided black silk ribbon. He fingered it briefly before he glanced up at his bondmate. I guess I'll be passing this along.

Does it bother you, Obi? Xanatos asked as he glanced ahead at his master. You've only been knighted a month. Usually, a master makes himself available for several months after his padawan is knighted and doesn't take another apprentice so quickly.

Obi-Wan shook his head with a faint smile as he stored away the ribbon. No, it doesn't bother me, Xan. I have you to guide me and I'm sure Qui-Gon wouldn't begrudge me answers to questions should I need them. But. . . The younger man's mental voice faded and Xanatos glanced at him curiously.


Obi-Wan looked intently at his lover before he shook his head. Xan, why do I feel like I'm walking into destiny? he asked his eyes turned to the blond boy now in his former master's charge.

Xanatos stepped closer to his bondmate and sent a reassuring pulse of affection across their link. Worry not, my Obi-Wan, it changes nothing. Live in the Moment, the older Jedi sent in a fair approximation of their master.

Thanks, Obi-Wan replied sourly.

Xanatos grinned at him. You're just worried that he'll ask me to be his Guide to Enlightenment. And after all those years you spent chasing me.

The younger knight glared at his bondmate. "He'd better not!"