
by RavenD

Archive: master_apprentice, World O' Pretty Boys, anyone else, pls. ask

Author's web page: http://www.ravenswing.com/ravendreams/

Category: Angst, POV

Rating: R

Warnings None

Spoilers: none

Summary: A padawan lusts after their master

Notes: Thanks, as always, to Velma for the beta. Thanks to MJ for the support and the title. All mistakes are mine

Feedback: Waited for with bated breath.

Disclaimers: Lucas owns it all. I don't have enough money to pay attention.

I want you.

I want you so much that the need to touch you, to feel you warm against my skin, pulses through me, a mantra of desire. It has penetrated my existence, my daily routine. I need to know the taste of you in the back of my throat.

You must know, must feel the desire throbbing within me, making me cry out in fierce desperation in my solitary bed, hand filled with my own spent seed. Yet, your eyes never waver from their duties, from their judging. I have never once felt heat in that gaze, heard desire in your voice.

Your silence is deafening.

I live through these days, watching the fall of your robe as you move through the Temple, instructing. Your hands burn through my tunics as they mold me, turn me. When we fight together, we are fluid, dancing to an internal beat.

Your face is always calm, reminding me of some thin mask. My fingers itch to snatch the covering off, tear away that stoic expression and see the passion, the heat that I know must be buried beneath. I need to turn that fire toward me, feel it brand my soul.

Force help me, I'm so cold.

When you are not here, when you have slipped away from the quarters that we share, I cannot help but creep into your private chambers, run my fingers along the frame of your bed, bury my face within the pillows that hold your head.

In moments like this, your musk surrounding me, my eyes closed against the truth, I can imagine you are here, watching as I slowly unfasten my tunic. I can hear your breath as I stroke my skin, my hips undulating while my fingernails scratch at my chest. My nipples burn as I pinch them harshly, tightening with sensation. I need you to touch me like this, to set me alight, to leave angry marks that throb.

My gasps float on the air as my fingers dig into my hips, my inner thighs. My skin slowly warms underneath the harsh touches and I feel myself awakening, thawing in some essential way that I don't comprehend. This need is terrifying.

I embrace the fear and feel it transform into rapture.

Behind my closed eyelids I can see you, feel your dark eyes tracing down my exposed chest. I can't help but wonder if you would bend to soothe the marks of passion I have left. Would you trace them with your tongue? Or would you add to them, deepen them? My hips rock at the thought of your hands branding me with evidence of your passion.

Would you have me stripped before you? Or would you slip your hand inside my leggings, like I do, making this heat something stolen, temporary. My hands move harshly, pretending to be yours, as I sob into your pillow.

My orgasm fills me with a burning agony that tastes of your exhalations.

As the rapture leaves and the chill begins its reclamation of my bones, I stand and straighten your bedsheets. I can feel your approach and slip into the 'fresher to wipe myself off and splash water on my face. I fasten my tunics, pulling the material tight across the tender skin.

Your voice slips through the cracks of my mind, calling to me, bringing a promise of warmth. I school my face into stillness, holding onto the dying coals of passion, banking them.

That will have to be enough.