Duplicity's End

by Robin Serrano (robin@slashcity.com)

Series: Yes; Third in the Duplicity arc. (In order: Duplicity's Gift, Duplicity's Honor and Duplicity's End)

Pairing: Q/O

Rating: NC-17

Categories/Content: BDSM, D/s games of sorts, Kink, I guess <g>.

Warnings: Well... it does get a little raw, I suppose, so if that's not your thing, you might want to rethink this one.

Archive: M_A, and anyone else who asks first. Also, my own page once I get it formatted (http://slashcity.com/robin)

Summary: Qui-Gon faces his fear of physically dominating Obi-Wan the way they both crave.

Feedback: I'd love it, in whatever way you see fit.

Disclaimer: The first two in this series didn't earn me a penny, and neither will this one. Suing me will only result in a hairy cat and my new George Foreman grill, because as we all know-- The Boys are George's (and not Foreman's).

In his waking hours, Qui-Gon could hold the relentless truth at bay. He could swat it away like an irritating insect or he could temporarily banish it from his mind with a haughty dismissal. He'd come to the decision that he didn't need to worry yet about the truth after all. Turning away from it actually freed him to anticipate his Padawan's next transgression.

In his dreams, however, he grew defenseless; assaulted by insistent voices and taunting assertions that threatened his embrace of the lie.

_What are you really afraid of, Qui-Gon? Hmm?_ At first the voice merely asked him the question. But then as a few more days passed and Obi-Wan had not attempted another deception, Qui-Gon began to fear that the voice would tell him the answer.

_Don't you want to know? Didn't you declare that you wanted your fear exposed?_

**Of course I did. But I have time, and no reason to rush.**

_You're wrong. You've had no reason until now. He has ended the deceit. No more lies, no more false comfort._

Qui-Gon had known that the Truth would haunt him again this night. It had been another day of Obi-Wan as the perfectly behaved Padawan. He'd surreptitiously watched his apprentice prepare their dinner, and with admittedly some anticipation. But of course, Obi-Wan had not drugged his meal. His apprentice had, after all, promised Qui-Gon the morning after his Halla root scheme that that was his last deception.

_So, why are you waiting for him to try something else? He's manipulated you in the past, but he has never broken a promise to you, has he?_

**No. But he knows I need--**

Qui-Gon twisted in his bed sheets. He'd almost admitted out loud to himself that he wanted Obi-Wan to deceive him again-- or worse, that he needed that deception.

_Qui-Gon, that much is obvious, and you know it._ There was an indulgent laughter to the voice at those words.

If only he could wake up! He could be rid of the damnable voices.

_He's not going to manipulate you again. He promised. Face it, Jedi Master Jinn. You are not going to have him again until you unmask your fear and deal with it._

They were right. The voices were right. Obi-Wan was not going to gift him again with a hiding place for his fear. No more excuses. If he didn't find and learn his fear, he'd lose Obi-Wan and what they could have together.

_You won't lose him. You already know your fear, as intimately as you know the lie. Free yourself, Qui-Gon, speak the truth. speak your fear._

**I love him.**

_It's a beautiful truth, but not the one you are fighting. Let it come. It's time._

**Where do I start?**

_Why have you held fast to his deceptions?_

**I-- I can't dominate him the way we both want me to. not without. not as long as there is a single doubt that it's what he wants as well.**

_And if he goes to such lengths as to trick you, then surely he must want it badly, correct?_

**Yes.** Qui-Gon tossed again in his damp sheets. He wanted to wake up. He didn't want to go any further-- it wasn't too late, he could wake up and blame it all on Mace's brandy.

_No, you cannot. No more excuses, remember? Admit it, Qui-Gon, your need for that demonstration of Obi-Wan's complicity is only the Truth of it. Now it's time for the final step. What's your fear of it? Why do you fear that Truth?_

**I could.**

_Say it._



**I'll hurt him. Oh Force, I could hurt him! I want him so completely. I look at him and my heart pounds. I want him under my hands, so I can mold and bend and fondle him to my every whim; to bite, lick and taste him until his flavor is imprinted on my senses; to fuck him so hard that my seed fills him to brimming; I want to brand his spirit with my name, so that anyone who looks upon him will know that he is MINE!**

He knew he was sobbing. It was too late to take it back. He couldn't just wake up and forget that he'd seen his fear. What was he supposed to do now?

_You won't hurt him._

**I could. He doesn't understand how powerful my need is for him.**

_He does. But you've been blind to something, Qui-Gon. his power over you._

**No, it's not the same. I'll hurt him. On Frellia, I had limits-- they were watching and it was a duty born of deception. And when he used the Halla root-- I knew. I knew it didn't truly affect me. I knew to take care with him, and it was easy to let him manipulate me. but if the boundaries are gone, how will I stop myself? If there is no lie to restrain me, I'll be a danger to him. That lie was his protection from me, damn you!**

_You won't hurt him. You can't hurt him._

**You don't know that!**

_You can't hurt me, Master._

**Pray Force, I hope not.**

His head pounded, his mind was abuzz with the obliteration of the lie and the devastating victory of the truth. He gasped sharply and bolted upright, awake. He wiped his bleary eyes and stared at the foot of his bed. Out of the darkness, two gleaming eyes pinned him with palpable triumph.

"Obi-Wan?" Shock vibrated through him. "How-- how long?"

"I've been with you since Frellia."

Anger began to bubble in Qui-Gon's belly, rising up to enflame his cheeks.

"What? Have you been mentally spying on me? Invading my dreams? This goes well beyond any deceit you've concocted before, Padawan." Qui-Gon whipped his sheets off and began to pace. His heart thundered in his bare chest, and he palmed the sweat of his ire on his sleep pants.

"You'd have known I was there, if you had just opened up to me, even a little," Obi-Wan replied calmly.

"You never thought to tell me? You owed it to me to tell me, Obi-Wan! As much as we have both been pretending, this is NOT a game!" Qui-Gon stopped, closed his eyes and tried to center. Deep breaths, he told himself, take deep breaths. His nostrils flared as he filled his lungs. How could Obi-Wan have gone this far? He'd been commanding the voices of the lie as well as the Truth.

"I would ask you, Master not to make this another excuse," Obi-Wan said with a forceful tone that kicked Qui-Gon in the gut. His eyes opened slowly as he fought down rage. But before he could respond, Obi-Wan continued, circling him like a predator weary of toying with his prey, ready now for the kill. "I spoke to you, to your mind. You chose not to see me. We do ourselves no service by continuing these games. I do not regret my gifts to you, but the time for them has past. You know that as well as I."

Qui-Gon's gaze narrowed and he watched Obi-Wan very subtly move his circling of him inward, ever closer. The young man's bare chest rose and fell gently with his unlabored breathing. His eyes sparkled in the faint moonlight that leaked from Qui-Gon's window.

Qui-Gon's fury would have dissipated if not for his steely grip on it. Even Obi-Wan's unconscious lure to him couldn't make him loose his grasp on the anger roiling inside him.

"Do you honestly not see your betrayal?" Qui-Gon asked, his throat tight.

"Do you honestly still insist that I betrayed you at all? Frellia, yes, I deceived you. The results were much more grave than I expected. But the only person to fool you since then is yourself." Obi-Wan stopped circling him and his expression began to fall. "Lie to yourself, Qui-Gon, if you truly feel that you must. But do not lie to me. You owe me that."

Qui-Gon felt as if his legs were swept out from under him. He still stood, but the very foundation of who he was no longer felt familiar. Obi-Wan did deserve better than a lie. He deserved better than the lies he'd erected for his Master's sake. He sat, lost, on the edge of his bed, tearing his eyes from his earnest Padawan.

"Your fear stopped you from dealing with what we have. Don't let misplaced anger take upon that duty." A barest hint of command touched Obi-Wan's words, compelling Qui-Gon to look upon the younger man again.

"Obi-Wan. I still don't think you fully comprehend the danger of what I feel for you. Your deceptions, while freeing me to love you the way I want, have ironically also been what's kept me from unleashing the full power of my desire upon you." Obi-Wan was right. Self deception would not help them. It was his turn to impress an important truth. Unfortunately, the result was not what he expected.

Obi-Wan smiled. It was a curiously placating expression, such as one would give a frightened child.

"Obi-Wan, you are not listening to me! What I want from you, it isn't healthy! If I-- if I hurt you, it would destroy me."

"You could never hurt me. I wouldn't let you," Obi-Wan replied matter-of-factly.

"How can you know that?"

Obi-Wan fixed on him a gaze of pure and exhilarating possession as he answered.

"Because, you might dominate my body. But Qui-Gon Jinn? I own your soul."

Qui-Gon's mouth was dry. He couldn't swallow. Chills shimmied down his spine. He couldn't break free of the lock that Obi-Wan had on his eyes. Oh yes, his charismatic Padawan ruled him, spirit and heart. But that didn't mean he could stop Qui-Gon if he lost control in the firestorm that was their lovemaking.

It was true that in their two previous encounters, everything he'd done was according to Obi-Wan's desire. But if he were truly able to let go now, would Obi-Wan still be able to command him?

"You were so close. The night you believed in the Halla root, you had the truth of it in the palm of your hand, even as that hand stroked me. You cannot do anything to me that I do not want you to do. It is simply not in your power."

Qui-Gon shook his head, snapping out of what felt like a brief, involuntary trance. Obi-Wan was now kneeling directly in front of him. When had he gotten there?

"Obi-Wan. Do you have any idea how much I love you? Do you know very much I would be shattered if I lost control and hurt you?"

Obi-Wan smiled, this time fondly. "Yes, I do know. I know that that is why you were running from your fear. Master, I have not thought you obtuse or a coward. I could not love you so much if I believed that. You ran because you love me. Because above all, you want to protect me. It was just time. Time for you to realize that it will not happen. Listen to me. you will not hurt me." He slowly and carefully wedged himself between Qui-Gon's thighs as he spoke.

Oh, what was Obi-Wan doing to him? He could feel the truth resonating through him. he was Obi-Wan's to command. But what he wanted of this lithe, young body was completely at odds with the years of fierce protectiveness that he had felt for the young man. Oh, but his young Padawan was sending him subtle pulses of compulsion-- the urge to reach down and take Obi-Wan's ruddy cheeks in his hands and caress his shining face. Those fiery eyes were pleading with him to trust. His heart lodged in his throat, he did as Obi-Wan silently ordered. His fingers lifted and began to skim the young face.

His jaw was faintly stubbled. The sensation tickled the pads of his fingertips, and he felt the resonance crackle through his veins.

"It can work, can't it?" Qui-Gon finally allowed himself to begin to believe it.

"It can. It has. We proved that on Frellia. Master, we gave them the gift that they wanted. I didn't realize it myself until we had done so. But we did. Do you not see?" His bright eyes bid Qui-Gon to listen. "We demonstrated the harmony that they covet. You dominated my body as I desired. And through my submission to you, I gave you guidance. Together, we gave one another trust. And it was--"

"Beautiful. Yes," Qui-Gon smiled as he remembered. He'd thought the Frellians odd for their beliefs in social dominance and submission. He'd not looked far enough into their motivations, or into the nature of their ruling parties. The dominant ruler made things happen, while submissive ruler quietly decided what would happen. Qui-Gon had made erotic things happen in their bedroom, but it was everything that Obi-Wan desired to happen. More than give and take, it was mutual gift and acceptance; each had learned his role and gave the other what he needed.

He continued to caress Obi-Wan as the oppression of anxiety lifted from him and dispersed. And as the seconds ticked away, clarity comforted him in the wake of duplicity's farewell. And he saw, finally, the intricate and fascinating connection he and Obi-Wan had formed; a symbiosis that encompassed so much more than the sexual. The reciprocity of power was simply brilliant, and could grow and evolve as Obi-Wan neared his Knighthood. Tethered to one another spiritually, their boundaries would come naturally.

His fear was so long gone, it was like the phantom pang of an old memory; no longer dangerous, but the echoes still sounded softly in his mind as a reminder to never again forget his harmony with Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan, who had subtly maneuvered yet again to press his belly against Qui-Gon's groin, and was carefully petting his Master's bare back. Soft young lips ghosted over his collarbone, then skimmed along his throat. "I need you, Qui-Gon," quiet words wafted hotly into the shell of his ear.

Hunger and want rumbled deep within him, and Qui-Gon could sense their mutual urgency begin to build. Oh yes, Obi-Wan was eager, too. The younger man's appetites triggered Qui-Gon's own, creating a feedback loop of sensory give and take. Obi-Wan's mouth latched on to Qui-Gon's throat. As his Padawan sucked and nibbled, Qui-Gon responded to the thrill with firm caresses over Obi-Wan's shoulders and back. The play of hard muscle under smooth skin compounded his desire, and Obi-Wan's appreciative moans granted permission for Qui-Gon to take physical control.

He pulled back from Obi-Wan's mouth, clutched the younger man's arms, and bodily hauled him up onto the bed with him. The blaze in Obi-Wan's eyes as Qui-Gon stared down at him spoke of a deep longing to be taken, and hard. At last, Qui-Gon was ready to obey his Padawan to the fullest of his ability.

Oh yes, this was what he needed. Obi-Wan, spread out and ready for him to touch and fondle as he pleased.

The young man's legs were parted, and held that way with the thick, wooden spreader bar his apprentice had supplied. He was bent at the waist over the footboard, with his forearms resting on the bed. Qui-Gon stood behind him and shivered at the site of Obi-Wan's scrotum hanging enticingly between his firm cheeks.

Of all the visions of his Padawan, this one was the most compelling, as it had been the last time Obi-Wan's body was his to command. The most intimate part of the young man, boldly presented to him, open and awaiting his pleasure-- the absolute trust that Obi-Wan's submission represented sent ripples of tenderness throughout his body, where the sensations settled in his loins.

He knelt behind Obi-Wan and caressed his firm buttocks with slow reverence. Lightly, he blew a warm puff of breath over the sparse hairs on his Padawan's testicles, and the scent echoed back to him, Obi-Wan's musk and the spice from his own dinner on his breath. It made his cock throb.

Qui-Gon's tongue flicked out and he licked along Obi-Wan's perineum, pleased by his Padawan's soft moan. He clasped his hands around Obi-Wan's bound ankles at the base of the spreader bar, and he leaned in again, intent on making love to Obi-Wan with his mouth.

He traced every little wrinkle of the twitching anus, moistening it and letting the pungent flavor come alive on his tongue. Oh, he could never have enough of the taste of his Padawan. He formed a point with the tip of his tongue and at last poked into the hot center. Mm. And he could never get enough of the sensation of Obi-Wan's little hole clamping down on him as orgasm erupted.

"You taste wonderful, my Padawan," he whispered after his tongue slid free.

"Master?" Obi-Wan asked after a gulp for air. "May I taste you as well? I'd like to try it."

Yes, the idea had appeal, Qui-Gon decided.

Rising from behind Obi-Wan's still spread legs, Qui-Gon spied the toy box beside the bed. His apprentice's ingenuity in this regard was astonishing. He rummaged through the various phalluses and exotic oils and lotions until he found what suited his purpose.

Still supporting himself on his elbows, Obi-Wan turned his head to his Master and cocked an eyebrow inquisitively.

"I think you're going to like this, Padawan."

"I have no doubt," the younger man replied, his eyes fixed on the plug and oil in Qui-Gon's hands.

The plug was thin but expandable and had a fleshy texture. Qui-Gon oiled it generously, enjoying the scent of heavy spice as he slathered it. Hmm, and the oil grew warmer the more he rubbed it in. Obi-Wan watched intently while Qui-Gon worked, and the Master could tell by the younger man's squirming hips that the boy wouldn't be able to stand the spreader bar much longer.

Standing at Obi-Wan's hip, Qui-Gon bent so he could watch as the plug slid smoothly inside his apprentice's tongue-loosened anus. Obi-Wan's moan was soft and long, continuing even after the finger-length plug was nestled inside him.

Qui-Gon tossed the remote inflater to Obi-Wan's butt plug onto the head of the bed and stripped out of his leggings, anticipation making his hands tremble. Kneeling on the bed, he grabbed the remote, got on all fours and crawled backward until his bare behind was inches from Obi-Wan's face. Anxious for Obi-Wan's mouth, Qui-Gon spread his knees wide. "Lick me," he commanded.

Warm breath from a whispered 'Yes' wafted over Qui-Gon's sac.

The flicker of a wet tongue on his perineum made him twitch, and reflexively he squeezed the remote inflater in his hand. Obi-Wan's sharp gasp against his testicles told Qui-Gon that the plug inside Obi-Wan had just expanded a little.

His Padawan recovered quickly, though, and with a groan began to lay kisses and soft licks over Qui-Gon's balls and the insides of his buttocks, teasing his needy anus with the promise of lavish attention.

Oh! And then it began. Obi-Wan's moist tongue circled him and then fluttered over him, then finally slid inside of him, darting in and out of his tight ring. He thrust, and laved with fervor; and every time Qui-Gon squeezed the inflater, Obi-Wan moaned and wriggled his tongue even deeper.

Electric tingles like crackling live wires gathered in Qui-Gon's groin. Too soon! He didn't want to come yet! Fighting back the surges, he squeezed hard on remote in his hand and groaned long and low.

Obi-Wan's tongue pulled out of him and he cried out softly. Immediately, Qui-Gon let go of the remote.

He could feel Obi-Wan fighting back his own climax and knew that they'd been on the same brink.

His Padawan's forehead rested on Qui-Gon's buttocks, where his panting sent warm puffs of breath on his thoroughly wet bottom.

His legs still trembling, Qui-Gon turned and sat on the bed, took Obi-Wan's face in his hands and kissed him deeply, savoring the flavors on Obi-Wan's tongue and lips. When he pulled back, Obi-Wan's expression was fiercely hungry. His Padawan demanded to be fucked. Immediately. Mercilessly.

Qui-Gon intended to obey.

Qui-Gon could tell it was a relief when Obi-Wan's ankles were unbound from the spreader bar, and he spared a moment for a quick rubdown of Obi-Wan's quivering legs. But the plug was still snugly in place, and had been expanded to a girth nearly equal to Qui-Gon's erect cock. Obi-Wan had been placed on his belly on the bed, and one knee was bent high, allowing Qui-Gon a peek at the end of the plug that remained outside of Obi-Wan's anus.

Carefully, he pulled, and the phallus slowly slid out, to the sound of Obi-Wan's soft mewling. Once free, Qui-Gon tossed it aside where it landed next to the bed with a light thud. He then selected a rich cream to coat his cock with.

"Qui-Gon, NOW!"

"Patience, Padawan," he ordered with more calm than he felt. Stroking the thick cream over his shaft was testing his control.

At last he draped himself over Obi-Wan's warm body and positioned the head of his cock at Obi-Wan's ready entrance. Obi-Wan pressed his face into the pillow and arched his hips. "Qui-Gon, please," his muffled voice pleaded.

Qui-Gon sank inside in one smooth stroke. Tight and velvety, Obi-Wan felt incredible. Stretched or not, his Padawan's channel still gripped him relentlessly. Nuzzling into Obi-Wan's sweaty hair, Qui-Gon began to move. The slippery passage gripped him as he retreated, and welcomed him as he slid home.

Working his hand under Obi-Wan, he grasped his Padawan's thick erection and began to pump. His hand was still slick from the cream he coated his own cock with, and Obi-Wan's sighs and moans were appreciative.

The sounds of Obi-Wan's pleasure made Qui-Gon's body tingle. So solid and strong, Obi-Wan was everything to him. He'd do anything to hear those passionate groans and the unashamed whimpering, anything.

Oh yes, Obi-Wan was right; as surely as Qui-Gon possessed his Padawan's body, Obi-Wan was yet the Master of Qui-Gon's soul. Ever deeper, he thrust, making himself more and more Obi-Wan's.

Inevitably, they reached the highest crest and had to fall. Body to body, and heart to heart, they fell together, pleasure surging to a cacophony of cries. Qui-Gon squeezed a shuddering Obi-Wan tightly, even as his own body trembled from the sheer force of the orgasm.

His energy drained, Qui-Gon felt impossibly heavy and couldn't find it in him to move. He was also still buried deep within Obi-Wan and was loathe to pull out.

"Good," Obi-Wan murmured, his face still nuzzled into his pillow. "I like the feel of you still lodged inside me."

Qui-Gon smiled against Obi-Wan's hair. "So I really didn't hurt you?"

"Of course not. I told you; you can't." The reply was sleepy.

"That you did."

After a contented sigh, Qui-Gon did shift just enough to take some of his weight off Obi-Wan, but he still clutched the younger man to him.

"Mm. I've been thinking," Obi-Wan said a few moments later.

"And?" Qui-Gon asked, intrigued by the mischief he heard in Obi-Wan's tone.

"Maybe one day, just for remembrance sake mind you, I could slip some Halla root into your tea."

Qui-Gon couldn't help but chuckle. "Obi-Wan, you are sometimes the most confounding young man!"

His Padawan chuckled along with him, prompting Qui-Gon to hold him closer so he could enjoy the rumble of the younger man's chest.

"But it would be a game, not a lie," Obi-Wan finally replied when he grew still again.

"No more lies, Obi-Wan." It was a promise to them both; a promise that would be kept since they had faith to protect them now.

The cool night air caressed their heated skin, and as Qui-Gon drifted to sleep, he blessed the Force and Obi-Wan for the gifts that duplicity had given him, as well as its timely farewell.
