Dreams of Desire

by Mali Wane ( maliwane@yahoo.com )

Archive: MA, any others just ask, I probably won't say no

My Home Page: http://www.jediphiles.com/~mali

Category: First time, PWP

Rating: NC17

Pairing: Q/O

Summary: Sometimes, dreams can come true.

Disclaimer: These beautiful boys aren't mine, they belong to George. I'm just playing with them for a bit. I promise to put them back when I'm done. Don't sue - I've got no money. I've spent it all on seeing TPM way too many times and buying SW toys and feeding my Liam obsession.

Feedback: Oh yes, please. Good, bad or indifferent.

Notes: My grateful thanks to Bant for her wonderful (albeit partial) beta - my fault for not having the patience to wait for her to finish the end. I took some of her suggestions, but alas, not all, so any mistakes are mine.

"It's time to head back, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said, rising from the log he'd been sitting on. "It will be dark soon."

"I'll be right there, Master," the young man answered from his perch on the same log.

Qui-Gon nodded, and with a last look at the ocean spread out in front of them, he turned and walked back up the path. A short distance from the open beach, he came to the small cabin they were being housed in during their stay on Jaran. He reached the porch and turned to look back, his eyes lingering on the still form of his Padawan. He caught his breath as the setting sun bathed Obi-Wan in a warm golden light. With the backdrop of the deep blue waves rolling in from the sea, Qui-Gon was certain he'd never seen anything more beautiful.

Or more desirable.

"Well," he thought sadly, "a man can dream, can't he?"

Obi-Wan was his apprentice, and though a sexual relationship between a Master and Padawan was not forbidden by the code, neither was it openly encouraged. Not that it mattered, as far as Qui-Gon was concerned. Though Obi-Wan had made it quite clear, on more than one occasion, that he was very interested in taking their relationship to the next level, Qui-Gon would not even allow himself to even consider it. At least not until Obi-Wan was a good deal older and better equipped to make such life changing choices.

But a man could dream, couldn't he?

It was almost completely dark by the time Obi-Wan joined him in the small cabin. Sharing an easy camaraderie born of many years together, they ate a simple meal of broiled shellfish and fresh greens while they watched the last of the dying sun dip below the horizon. They spoke of inconsequential things, nothing of any importance, and it was a comfortable evening for both of them. This would be their last night on the planet, and though it had been a pleasant enough assignment, as assignments go, Qui-Gon was more than ready to make the trip back to Coruscant. Being this close to each other, and in such a romantic setting, had been difficult for both of them, especially in the beginning. But they'd managed to work through the worst of it after the first few days, and whatever feelings either of them were having, they were able to keep it to themselves.

When they finished their evening meal, the two Jedi spent an hour or so in meditation, and then it was time to retire for the night. With only one bed in the cabin, they slept together, but Qui-Gon had to give Obi-Wan credit, in that from the very beginning the young man had not tried to take advantage of the situation. Qui-Gon wondered if their positions were reversed and he was the younger one, would he have been able to practice such restraint?

Dressed in worn leggings and comfortable undershirts, they took their places in the rather small bed. After wishing each other a restful night, they turned on their sides, and back pressed against back, they settled down to sleep. It wasn't the first time they shared a bed, and Qui-Gon was certain it wouldn't be the last. Nor did Qui-Gon delude himself into thinking it would get easier, for he knew it would not. The truth was, both of them desired the other, and they both knew how the other one felt, but Qui-Gon had made it plain that nothing would happen until Obi-Wan's Knighting. If even then.

But a man could dream, couldn't he?

The nightclub was loud and crowded, and Qui-Gon wished, again, that he'd stayed behind. His agemates had insisted he go along with them, and not wanting to disappoint, he'd finally agreed. He felt awkward wearing the clothes they'd assured him were all the current rage, but would have truly stood out in his drab Jedi garb. Knowing his friends had gone to a great deal of trouble to make this a special night for him, he did his best to enjoy himself. He even danced a few times with several of them, though he was decidedly uncomfortable on the dance floor.

It was his eighteenth naming day, and his agemates from the Temple couldn't imagine him spending the evening alone with his Master, as was his want. Qui-Gon, on the other hand, couldn't understand what was so special about turning eighteen. To him, the day was no different than any other - it just marked the passage of time.

So, he sat at the table and drank the too-sweet alcoholic beverage his friends' pressed upon him. He smiled or laughed at all the appropriate times, flirted with those who flirted with him, and did his best to let them believe their efforts were appreciated. All the while, however, his mind was on how and when to make his escape in order not to offend the others. He knew they were expecting him to choose a partner to spend the night with. Which is what most of them were going to do. After all, he had attained the age of majority for his race, and therefore could pick whomever he wanted. A fellow Jedi or a civilian, it was entirely up to him.

Qui-Gon had never really understood his agemates' obsession with sex. From around his thirteenth year, it had become the main topic of conversation whenever his friends were together. That was the year they'd taken the class in sexual education, and from that point on, it was all they seemed to think about. As Padawans growing up in the Jedi Temple, the youngsters were encouraged to explore their sexuality, and he knew most, if not all, of his friends had been experimenting with each other for quite some time.

He wasn't bothered by the fact that as yet, he'd had little interest in the type of casual sex practiced by the young people at the Temple. He masturbated whenever he felt the need, and enjoyed it well enough, but believed he would know when the time was right to share his body with another. And he was perfectly content to wait for that time.

As the night wore on, his friends did indeed begin to partner off. Several made it abundantly clear that they wouldn't refuse Qui-Gon's advances, were he so inclined, but were not insulted when they realized he wasn't interested. When he believed a sufficient amount of time had passed, he made his excuses and left the table.

He'd only taken three or four steps, however, when his attention was drawn to a young man just entering the club. Qui-Gon felt an instant of recognition, but when he couldn't place the face, decided he'd been mistaken. But still, there was something hauntingly familiar about the youth. Though dressed in street clothes, Qui-Gon knew the newcomer was Jedi. Even if he hadn't spotted the Padawan braid the other boy sported, he would have known it just by the way the young man carried himself.

Qui-Gon continued toward the entrance, and to where the other Padawan stood staring back at him. He wondered again if perhaps they had met before, because the boy had a similar expression of possible recognition on his face. Intrigued, he stepped up his pace, stopping directly in front of the young man.

"Do I know you?" the stranger asked, his eyes boring into Qui-Gon's.

"I don't believe we've ever met," Qui-Gon answered, but how could that be true?

"I feel as if I know you, but you're right, we've never met before."

Though the nightclub was loud, they didn't have any problems hearing each other. "You're not from Coruscant, are you?" Qui-Gon asked, staring down into two of the most incredible eyes he'd ever seen.

"Actually, I am," the boy answered, smiling up at Qui-Gon. "But my Master and I spend a good deal of time off-planet, and I very seldom have time to spend with other Padawans from the Temple."

"It is the same for me," Qui-Gon said. "Though I really don't mind."

The newcomer looked around the crowded room, and Qui-Gon suddenly realized he probably wanted to go on into the club. He turned aside, to let the young man pass, but the boy didn't move. "Were you about to leave?" he asked Qui-Gon.

"I was. This type of place is really not the kind of entertainment I usually enjoy."

The boy glanced around once more and then looked back at Qui-Gon. "I'm really not in the mood for dancing tonight," he said, his smile growing a bit. "But I am hungry. Can you recommend a place nearby?"

"If you wouldn't mind the company," Qui-Gon said, surprising himself completely, "I can take you to a little diner not far from here."

"My name is Obi-Wan," the boy said, holding out a hand to Qui-Gon. "And I hate eating alone."

"Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said, testing the name and finding to his delight that it seemed to fit the young man perfectly. "My name's Qui-Gon Jinn," he said, shaking Obi-Wan's hand. "and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Obi-Wan."

They walked the short distance to the diner in silence, yet neither of them seemed uncomfortable. In fact, Qui-Gon mused as he followed Obi-Wan into the café, it felt as if they'd known each other forever. They slid into an empty booth, entered their food selection choices into the datapad on the table, and were soon talking about their lives while they waited for their dinner to be served.

Qui-Gon tried not to stare at his companion, but was finding it more and more difficult to look anywhere else. Obi-Wan was studying him as well, and by the time the server removed the last of their dishes, Qui-Gon knew he wanted to spend a good deal more time with Obi-Wan. But after listening to the other boy talk of how often he was off-planet, and knowing how regularly he and his own master were sent on missions, he wondered how much time they might actually have. At best, he thought they might have a week or so before one or both of them were sent off again, and he was determined to make the best of whatever time they might have together.

"How long will you be on Coruscant," Qui-Gon finally asked, already dreading the answer.

"Not long enough," Obi-Wan answered softly, looking down at his cup of tea. His words spoke volumes to Qui-Gon, leaving him no doubt that Obi-Wan was equally drawn to him as well. "We're scheduled to leave tomorrow morning for a year's rotation at the Temple on Alderaan."

Qui-Gon felt as if his heart dropped into his stomach. This couldn't be happening. One night? That was all they would be given? He didn't know what to say, or even how to say it if he knew the words. He was confused by the rush of emotions he was experiencing, and needed time to sort everything out. He could only stare at Obi-Wan, knowing his feelings must be showing on his face, but unable, or unwilling to do anything about it.

And then Obi-Wan looked up, his face pale and drawn. "I don't understand it. Something is happening here. Do you feel it?"

"Yes," Qui-Gon whispered. "I feel it, too."

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Obi-Wan asked, a soft, shy smile playing about his lips.

"I didn't before I met you," Qui-Gon answered seriously. "But I think I do now."

"What happens now? I mean, do we just go our separate ways and hope to hook up again in a year? Because I have to tell you, Qui-Gon, that just won't work for me."

"What can we do, Obi-Wan? We're Jedi, and not even Knights, yet. We have no control over where we go or who we are with. Every aspect of our life is ruled by the Code, the Force and our masters, even down to the way we wear our hair. Are you suggesting we just walk away from a lifetime of training and leave the Order?"

"Of course not!" Obi-Wan said, as two bright spots of color bloomed in his cheeks.

"Then we have no choice but to do exactly what you said you cannot do. We go our separate ways and hope it is the will of the Force that we one day meet again."

Obi-Wan took a deep breath, almost as if he was gathering his courage, and then he placed his hand over Qui-Gon's. "We still have tonight, Qui-Gon. My ship doesn't leave until an hour or so after dawn."

Qui-Gon looked down at Obi-Wan's hand for a long moment, and then back up at Obi-Wan. Though he was confused about so many things at that moment, one thing he was sure of; he couldn't let Obi-Wan walk out of his life until the very last possible moment. If all they would be allowed was a few precious hours, then so be it. Qui-Gon well knew the importance of living in the moment, as the future was never certain for anyone.

His mind made up, Qui-Gon pulled his hand from under Obi-Wan's, and grasped the other boy's hand, fingers intertwining. "We'll make the best of it, then," he said softly.

They found a simple inn not far from the diner, and a few credits passed to the proprietor got them a small room for the night. It wasn't until the door closed behind them that either of them felt any nervousness about what they were doing. But once inside the room, it hit both of them at the same time. They stood just inside the doorway, looking everywhere but at each other, or at the big bed in the center of the room.

Obi-Wan finally broke the uncomfortable silence which had grown between them. He cleared his throat, and looked over at Qui-Gon. "Well, this is rather awkward, isn't it?"

Qui-Gon could feel himself blushing even as he turned to look at the other boy. Obi-Wan was smiling shyly up at him, and suddenly any doubts Qui-Gon might have had disappeared in an instant. This was right. He could feel it in every fiber of his being. It was one of the few times in his young life when he actually believed he was doing the will of the Force. It was a heady feeling, and one he hoped to become far more acquainted with as he neared the time of his Knighting.

"It doesn't have to be awkward," Qui-Gon said softly. "Not if is what both of us want."

"I don't have a lot of experience in this sort of thing, but it is what I want."

Qui-Gon reached over and took both of Obi-Wan's hands in his own. "I'm not very experienced, either," Qui-Gon admitted, determined not to look away in his embarrassment. "The idea of casual sex has never appealed to me, and I was quite content to wait until the right person came along."

"Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan began, but Qui-Gon shushed him with a quick shake of his head.

"I very much want to spend the night with you, Obi-Wan, because I have no doubt you are the person I've waited for. I just wish circumstances were such that we could've spent more time getting to know one another properly. So that when it came time for us to become intimate, it would have been a natural progression of our feelings for one another. This feels awkward because we weren't given that time. For me, at least, the idea of sleeping with someone I just met smacks of casual sex, which makes me uncomfortable."

Obi-Wan was nodding by the time Qui-Gon had finished. "I understand exactly what you are saying, and I feel the same way. But I don't believe this is some sort of casual fling any more than you do. It's just a mindset, and one we should easily be able to change. As my Master is so fond of saying, 'Your focus determines your reality,' and for the first time I think I actually understand what he means."

"Then I shall focus on you and nothing else," Qui-Gon said, pulling the other boy close.

"Sounds like a plan," Obi-Wan murmured just before Qui-Gon's lips touched his own.

All feelings of awkwardness fell away as their arms went around each other, and their bodies melded into one. Qui-Gon may have started the kiss, but Obi-Wan was quick to take control of it. He slid his hands up Qui-Gon's back to his head, holding it still so that he could deepen the kiss. What both of them lacked in experience, they more than made up for in enthusiasm, and when Obi-Wan finally broke the kiss, both boys were breathing harshly.

Qui-Gon stared down at Obi-Wan, trying to mentally catalog everything he was feeling, seeing and thinking right down to the tiniest of details. He noted Obi-Wan's swollen lips, his flushed cheeks, his dilated eyes, committing them to memory as he had the first touch of Obi-Wan's lips, the taste of Obi-Wan's tongue and the feel of Obi-Wan's hard body pressing eagerly against his own. It was incredible, better than he'd ever imagined, and best of all, it was just the beginning.

"Should we move to the bed?" Obi-Wan asked, not moving away from Qui-Gon. "Or do you want to just stand here and kiss some more?"

Qui-Gon continued to hold Obi-Wan just as tightly as he was being held. "The bed would be more comfortable," he said, grinning down at Obi-Wan. "And we certainly could continuing kissing once we got there."

"Oh, Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan said, growing serious. "I wish things were different. I want to make this romantic and special for you. . . for us, but I don't know how."

"I know, I know," Qui-Gon said soothingly. "I feel the same way. In another time and another place, perhaps we'll have the opportunity to romance each other properly. But please don't think for a moment that what we have in this room tonight isn't special. Because it is, Obi-Wan. Just because we haven't been allowed to practice all the nuances of courtship doesn't change what we both feel."

"You're right, Qui-Gon. But this is just all so confusing. I mean, I've never even actually dated anyone before, and suddenly I'm about to spend the night with you. I don't know who is supposed to do what to whom or when to do it, and no matter how hard I try to focus, like you said earlier, I just keep feeling awkward and self-conscious."

Qui-Gon chuckled softly. "I was wondering myself how long we were supposed to kiss before we could do anything else, and was it alright to touch you rather than just hug you, and who was supposed to make the first move to the bed, and how were we going to get our clothes off."

"We're a fine pair, aren't we?" Obi-Wan said with a soft smile.

Qui-Gon released Obi-Wan and took a step back. "I'm not any good at pretending. Especially when I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do next. So, I think we should just take off our clothes, get on the bed, and do what feels good and natural. I mean, we both KNOW what to do in principle, right?"

"Right!" Obi-Wan's relief was evident in the smile he flashed Qui-Gon. "Meet you on the bed, then."

They undressed without any fanfare, one on either side of the bed, sharing shy glances between them. As Jedi, they'd been raised to take nudity in stride, but this was different, and they both knew it was, and why.

Obi-Wan finished undressing first, and was soon laying on the top of the bed, waiting for Qui-Gon. "You're very tall," he said, his eyes glued to Qui-Gon's groin.

"Not to a wookiee," Qui-Gon answered without missing a beat. His quick answer caused them both to laugh, easily dispelling the remaining tension between them. And then he was joining Obi-Wan on the bed.

"Whatever feels good and natural, right?" Obi-Wan asked, holding his arms open to Qui-Gon.

There was no hesitation this time, no holding back. All awkwardness between them was gone, save the normal fumbling that came from lack of experience. At first they merely held each other and kissed, wanting to take their time, learning as they went along. It was sweet and wonderful and Qui-Gon wished that night would last forever. Tongues slid against tongues, teeth clicked against teeth, lips pressed against lips, all accompanied by the sounds of soft moans and deep sighs.

It wasn't long, however, before the feel of Obi-Wan's hard, young body writhing beneath his became too much of a distraction for Qui-Gon to ignore. He could feel Obi-Wan's erection pressed between them. It was like a hot brand against his stomach, burning him, marking him. His body being longer than Obi-Wan's meant that his own shaft was merely pressed against Obi-Wan's thigh, and it wasn't enough, he needed more. Making a sound that was a cross between a growl and a groan, he broke their kiss, and rolled them over, so that Obi-Wan was now on top. He reached down and grabbed Obi-Wan's rear-end, keeping the pressure steady and constant, even as they both continued to undulate against each other.

"Oh, Force!" Qui-Gon cried out, as his aching arousal slid against Obi-Wan's, over and over again.

They were too young and too inexperienced to have any real control over their hormonally charged young bodies. A few moments of writhing together was all it took to send first one boy, and then the other, plummeting over the edge.

Obi-Wan rolled off Qui-Gon and onto his back. "That was . . ."

"Incredible!" Qui-Gon finished for him.

"I was going to say embarrassing, but I like your word better."

Qui-Gon turned on his side and propped his head up on his hand so that he could look down at Obi-Wan. "Don't be embarrassed," he said softly. "I'm not, and I came before you did."

Obi-Wan opened his eyes and grinned up at Qui-Gon. "It was that sound you made that did it to me."

"What sound?" Qui-Gon asked?

"I don't know how to explain it," Obi-Wan replied. "Some sort of moaning, groaning, painful sound."

"I assure you I wasn't in pain," Qui-Gon laughed. "And next time, I'll try to be a bit more quiet."

Obi-Wan rolled onto his side, facing Qui-Gon. "Oh, no, Qui-Gon. I very much want to hear you make that sound again." He reached over and put his hand around Qui-Gon's limp penis. "And soon."

Qui-Gon groaned softly, feeling his shaft twitch with renewed interest at Obi-Wan's touch. "I think that can be arranged," he said, his voice husky and deep.

"Can I . . . that is . . . um . . . do you want to really make love?" Obi-Wan asked, a bit shyly.

Qui-Gon leaned over and pressed his lips against Obi-Wan's ear. "I want you inside of me this time," he whispered. Then he turned over and got up on his hands and knees.

"Are you sure?" Obi-Wan squeaked, already rising up on his knees. "I mean, you can . . . if you'd rather . . . um . . . that is . . ."

Qui-Gon looked over his shoulder and smiled at Obi-Wan. "I want this now. I trust you."

Obi-Wan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I don't want to hurt you," he said, when he opened his eyes again.

"You won't."

Obi-Wan moved between Qui-Gon's thighs, his young body already responding to the sight before him. "Don't we need something?" he asked hesitantly. "I really don't want to hurt you."

Qui-Gon reached behind him and grabbed one of Obi-Wan's hands. He pulled it towards him, forcing Obi-Wan to lean over him, and a moment later, was busily licking one of Obi-Wan's fingers.

"Oh, Force!" It was Obi-Wan who groaned the words this time. "I could almost come again just from you doing that."

Qui-Gon released Obi-Wan's hand. "That would be a waste, then wouldn't it?"

Instead of answering, Obi-Wan placed his wet finger at the opening to Qui-Gon's body. "You'll tell me if it hurts?"

"It won't," Qui-Gon growled as he spread his thighs open further and tried to push back on Obi-Wan's finger.

Needing no further encouragement, Obi-Wan began to slowly press his finger inside the other boy. He worked it in and out, adding more of his own saliva, trying to get Qui-Gon as prepared as possible. It didn't take long before he added a second finger. "Force, Qui-Gon, you're so hot and tight inside," he said, his voice cracking in his excitement. "I can't imagine what it's going to feel like once I get my cock inside of you."

Qui-Gon dropped his head to his crossed arms. "I'm ready," he grunted, unable to stop himself from writhing on the fingers impaling him.

"Are you sure?"

"Do it!" Qui-Gon growled.

Obi-Wan removed his fingers and a moment later, Qui-Gon felt the head of Obi-Wan's shaft pressing into his entrance. It burned a bit, but he was prepared for that. He forced himself to relax, taking deep breaths as Obi-Wan continued to push himself deeper inside. He felt a curious kind of stretching sensation, and for a brief few seconds, the burning intensified, almost becoming painful, and then all at once, he felt the head of Obi-Wan's cock slide past the first set of tight muscles, and both boys groaned loudly.

Obi-Wan stopped his forward motion, his fingers digging into Qui-Gon's hips so hard there would be bruises. "Am I hurting you?" he managed to say through tightly clenched teeth.

"Force! . . . don't . . . stop . . . now!"

Obi-Wan groaned again, the sound long and deep and coming from somewhere down in his gut as he pushed himself deeper and deeper into Qui-Gon's body.

Qui-Gon had never imagined anything could feel like this. He felt full and stretched, and the burning sensation was still slightly there, but that was fading, and then Obi-Wan began to pull out, and Qui-Gon forgot about everything else but the feel of Obi-Wan's erection moving inside of him. Obi-Wan moved slowly at first, pulling almost all the way out, and then pushing all the way back in, but after only two or three strokes, he began to pick up speed. Soon he was pulling out and shoving himself back in, harder and faster, nudging Qui-Gon's prostate with each stroke, and it was good, Oh, Force it was so good. At some point, Qui-Gon reached between his legs and was busily sliding his fist up and down his throbbing cock, his rhythm matching that of Obi-Wan's, as the other boy fiercely drove himself into Qui-Gon's body.

Qui-Gon lasted just a bit longer than the first time around, but only marginally. He didn't know if he made the same noise he'd made earlier, because he was too busy making some sort of odd keening noise to even notice. Obi-Wan managed to last for two additional strokes before he lost all control. With a cry of pleasure, he came, his hot seed filling Qui-Gon in long hot pulses.

Obi-Wan sagged against Qui-Gon who then sagged to the bed. Panting harshly, the two of them remained like that for several long minutes.

Eventually, Obi-Wan climbed off Qui-Gon and headed into the fresher. He returned with some damp cloths and sat on the bed next to the other boy. "Turn over and I'll clean you off."

"After that you expect me to move?" Qui-Gon mumbled into the pillow.

"It was pretty good, wasn't it?" Obi-Wan said, pushing Qui-Gon over.

Qui-Gon groaned, but allowed Obi-Wan to roll him over. He opened one eye and stared up at Obi-Wan. "I think I fried some wires or something."

Obi-Wan chuckled as he used one of the warm cloths to clean Qui-Gon's stomach and groin area. "If being penetrated is anywhere near as good as you made it sound, then I'll probably do more than fry a few wires when you do me."

"Oh, Force," Qui-Gon groaned. "And I'm not sure I'll live through it."

Obi-Wan chuckled again and slid into bed next to Qui-Gon. "We're young, remember? Supposed to be able to go all night long."

"Hmph," Qui-Gon snorted as he held his arms open for Obi-Wan. A bit of wiggling, and they were soon lying comfortably together, with Obi-Wan resting his head on Qui-Gon's chest.

"Well, maybe just a short rest, then," Obi-Wan yawned sleepily.

And they dozed together.

They awoke almost simultaneously, staring at one another, wrapped in each other's arms. The dream had been so real that Qui-Gon was actually startled to see it was a much older Obi-Wan he was holding.

"Qui-Gon?" Obi-Wan said, sounding more than a bit surprised. And then he started to pull away. "I'm sorry, Master, I just had this dream . . ." his embarrassment was thick between them.

Qui-Gon held Obi-Wan fast. "What dream?" he asked, suddenly both afraid and excited at the same time.

Obi-Wan blushed even harder and tried to look away.

"No, Obi-Wan, look at me," Qui-Gon demanded. "What dream?"

Still blushing, Obi-Wan mumbled something under his breath. All Qui-Gon heard were the words young and first time. But it was enough. Qui-Gon started to laugh, and Obi-Wan's eyes went just a bit wider as he stared at his Master.

Then Qui-Gon completely surprised the younger man. He leaned down and planted a loud, wet kiss on Obi-Wan's lips.

"Master?" Obi-Wan squeaked, certain Qui-Gon had gone insane.

"It's fine, Obi-Wan. I'm fine. You're fine. We're fine together." Qui-Gon was laughing loudly, holding Obi-Wan tightly and kissing him over and over. "The dream, Obi-Wan. It was the Force telling us what we or I have refused to see before."

"The dream? You had the same dream?" Realization suddenly dawned on Obi-Wan's face. "You think it was the Force? You mean we can be together?" He was laughing now, too, and crying just a little bit as well.

His answer was Qui-Gon's lips descending on his once again, only this time. Obi-Wan was ready, and it was a long time before they felt the need to speak again.
