
by Merri-Todd Webster (lonchura@yahoo.com)

Archive: Yes to M_A, others please ask.
Pairing: Q/O, implied Bruck/m
Rating: NC-17
          Alternate-Universe (Bruck lives!)
Feedback to: lonchura@yahoo.com
URL: http://lonchura.tripod.com/slash.html
Disclaimer: We're all on the same page here, right?
Summary: Obi-Wan experiences some distractions during his morning meditation.
Warnings & Spoilers: Nah.
Comments & Thank-yous: Features Clueless!Obi and SerenelySmug!Qui. Dedicated to my neighbors across the hall... who have sex every morning while I'm saying my prayers. And to my husband. We don't have a headboard to our bed, but it doesn't matter.

They're doing it again, Obi-Wan thought.

Every morning, as soon as he had washed and dressed, he returned to his room for meditation. The small round braided rug in the center of the floor served him well as a meditation mat; it was large enough for him to adopt a variety of postures, sitting, kneeling, or standing. This had been Obi-Wan's custom since he was a small child, an initiate in the creche, and it was his master's custom also; after meditation the two of them joined one another for breakfast and reviewed their schedules for the day.

It was not, however, the custom of Obi-Wan's new neighbors, whose bedroom shared a wall with his bedroom. The rest of the quarters in this wing were usually shared by masters and padawans; however, the quarters which backed up to theirs had recently been assigned to Bruck Chun, who was living apart from his master, and to his lover, Knight Flors Tonkin.

As far as Obi-Wan could tell, it was the custom of Bruck and Flors to have sex every morning. Loudly. At about the time he was accustomed to meditate. Just as he was sinking into a satisfying thought trance, his communion with the Force would be interrupted by a guttural moan. As he sought to regain his center, there would be a thump against the wall, and another, and another, and another. A distinct rhythm of loud thumps, punctuated by cries of, "Oh yeah!" and "Harder--unh--harder!" It was bad enough to be privy to the lovemaking (he supposed he should call it that) of his neighbors, but it was worse that he knew Bruck, at least, rather well, and had always found his accent annoying.

Every morning, without fail. And always loudly. Obi-Wan sighed. He had dallied with both male and female lovers, and he had never known a man to be as vocal during sex as Bruck Chun. Certainly he himself was rather quiet, though he enjoyed his pleasures as much as anyone. He was just going to have to try a more challenging meditation posture. He got up, removed his sash, tabard, and tunic, placed them neatly on the bed, and swiftly assumed a handstand in the midst of the braided rug. He pictured the word "serenity", written in the ancient calligraphy, and sank into meditation again.

"Oh, fuck!"

Obi-Wan's legs fell forward onto the bed. Obviously, this was not going to work.

He put on his outer garments again, made his bed, ran a comb through his hair, and re-wove his braid. Then he presented himself for breakfast.

Once again, his master had finished meditation before him and prepared their breakfast. This was, what, the tenth day in a row that he had done so? Obi-Wan felt slightly guilty, first, because Qui-Gon was undoubtedly rising earlier than he if he completed his meditation so far in advance of his padawan, and second because making breakfast was traditionally one of those services that the padawan performed for the master. Obi-Wan didn't enjoy cooking as much as he enjoyed, say, polishing his master's boots, but he was always happy to do his duty.

"Good morning, master. I apologize for being late."

A tiny smile. "Not at all, padawan. You will find that rising earlier becomes easier and easier with age. Please, help yourself."

Obi-Wan poured himself a small cup of tea and a small glass of juice, then heaped his plate with fresh fruit, a dollop of sweet cream, spiced protein patties, and a muffin. He felt quite hungry and ate without speaking for a few minutes, clearing his plate and re-filling his juice and tea.

Qui-Gon ate with his usual serene concentration, seeming undisturbed by his padawan's appetite. Over his second muffin with cream, Obi-Wan made bold to broach the subject of his difficulties.

"Master, I have been having a little problem of late."

"Yes, Obi-Wan?"

"I have been having great difficulty with my meditation in the mornings due to... an external stimulus."

One corner of his master's mouth went up. "Ah, you mean the amours of Knight Tonkin and Padawan Chun?" Obi-Wan's mouth fell open. "Don't forget, Obi-Wan, your bedroom and mine are side by side. I, also, share a wall with them, with their common room, I believe. They appear to be awfully fond of copulating on the couch in the late evening."

Obi-Wan said a naughty but colorful Corellian oath. "In the late evening? But they're doing it every morning in the bedroom when I'm trying to meditate! Where do they get the stamina?"

Qui-Gon actually smirked behind his large mug of tea. "Force-use has its advantages, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan licked the last of the sweet cream from his lips and wiped his hands and his mouth with a napkin. "Well, what do you do, master, when you're trying to meditate and their--noises--disturb you?"

"I masturbate, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan distinctly heard a soft "thunk" as his jaw hit the table. "M-m-masturbate, master?"

Qui-Gon cocked an eyebrow. "Have I neglected your education, padawan? I was under the impression that you are sexually active."

"Y-yes, master, but--"

"Surely you are aware of the benefits of self-pleasure, then? For the relief of stress and as a form of concentration?"

I'm going to shut up now, Obi-Wan thought. And then I'm going to pass out.

He shot to his feet and stumbled away from the table, nearly upsetting the pitcher of juice as he went. And then Qui-Gon was right in front of him, steadying him with a firm grip on his shoulders.

"Are you quite well, padawan?"

"Yes, master, I'm fine, master," just as soon as I reassemble my fractured mind.

A large hand cupped his chin. "Obi-Wan, did we not celebrate your third Rite of Passage some six months ago?"

"We did, master." The first Rite of Passage was at age seven, when an oblate became an initiate and started training. The second was at fourteen, confirming one's status as a padawan, and the third was at twenty-one, conferring the rank of senior padawan and legal adult throughout the Republic.

Qui-Gon's thumb brushed over the cleft in Obi-Wan's chin. "And are you not now entitled to form liaisons with other adults... of any rank whatsoever?"

Qui-Gon's eyes were extremely blue. He was smiling. Obi-Wan's eyes became extremely large. His mouth fell open. Qui-Gon kissed him.

The older man's lips were warm, his beard surprisingly soft, and his tongue skilled and agile. Obi-Wan twined his arms around his master's neck and returned the kiss enthusiastically.

"My room, master," he gasped when they broke for air. "My bed is smaller, but--"

"I quite understand, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan's fingers were trembling as he stripped. Qui-Gon seemed to shed all his clothes in one rippling shrug, as a serpent sheds its old skin. Naked, he seemed even larger and more imposing than ever. Perhaps the fact that his unaroused penis was larger than Obi-Wan's at full erection had something to do with that.

Obi-Wan found himself on his back on the bed, completely covered by a large, naked Jedi master. He wasn't quite sure how he'd gotten there, but it felt awfully good. Large warm hands held his wrists to the bed, not too forcefully; warm soft lips explored his mouth, his throat, his chest, lingering pleasantly over his nipples.

Is that me whimpering? Obi-Wan wondered. I don't remember ever whimpering before. Teeth grazed one nipple, carefully, and he squeaked. No, that couldn't have been me. Surely I don't squeak.

Someone howled as Qui-Gon's mouth closed over Obi-Wan's leaping erection. On consideration, Obi-Wan decided that it must have been himself, given that he was already pounding the bed with his fists. A mass of grey-brown hair spread over his belly, groin, and upper thighs somewhat obscured his vision, but he was nevertheless quite certain that his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, was performing fellatio on him with a hitherto unexperienced expertise. That was certainly sufficient reason to howl.

Obi-Wan writhed, howled, pounded the bed with his fists, and yelled like one tortured as his body erupted with orgasm. He opened his eyes, presently, to see Qui-Gon sitting back on his heels on the tiny bed, licking his moist lips with an undeniable look of smugness in his eyes. And his fully erect penis was quite impressive. No, it was downright awe-inspiring.



"What about you?" He gestured feebly. He had seen starships smaller than that organ.

"With your permission, Obi-Wan, I should like to...." He glanced at the wall, then stretched himself out over his apprentice, mouth against the younger man's ear. "To fuck you until the headboard punches a hole in the wall."

To Obi-Wan's utter chagrin, his penis twitched. So did another part of his anatomy. "But, master, is it really possible...?"

"If you'd bothered to listen to the gossip, Obi-Wan, you would know that I have a reputation for being a very good lover. And that I have never injured a partner in any way, despite my size."

"I was always too busy with those linguistics courses, master. I never had time to have the usual crush on you and try to find out about your sex life."

Qui-Gon kissed his padawan. Obi-Wan rather liked the taste of himself in the older man's mouth. "That's quite all right, padawan. I've made up for it by having a terrific crush on you."

Obi-Wan grinned. "Really, master? In that case...." He made to turn over. Qui-Gon moved aside and let him.

"I am honored by your trust in me, padawan. And I am even more aroused than previously by the sight of your exquisite, er, physique."

Obi-Wan wriggled his physique appropriately. "I believe you will find some moisturizing lotion in my nightstand, master."

"Thank you for the tip, padawan."

Obi-Wan had achieved excellent control over his body through his communion with the Force. He now discovered that it was possible to achieve excellent control over someone else's body through communion with the Force. Muscles yielded and nerve endings rejoiced at the command of Qui-Gon Jinn, and in a very short period of time, Obi-Wan was quite thoroughly penetrated and ready to be fucked.

"Oh, master," he purred, as the first withdrawal and return glided over the sensitive spot within him. "Oh, master," he moaned, as Qui-Gon did it again. "Ooh, master," he cried, as a firm hand wrapped around his burgeoning erection.

"Master!" Obi-Wan yelled, as Qui-Gon thrust hard and the headboard hit the wall. His throat hurt, but the rest of him felt lovely. Each masterful thrust produced a louder outcry of pleasure, drawn from deeper within him, until he threw back his head and screamed, his voice rising a full octave, as his second orgasm coincided with Qui-Gon's first.

Having his lover lying on his back was very pleasant... for about five minutes. Qui-Gon was heavy, and he was beginning to snore. "M'ster--I c'n't br'the--"

Qui-Gon pulled up onto his hands and knees with a snort, then delicately moved away. Obi-Wan instinctively rolled over toward the other man, and Qui-Gon welcomed him with open arms. The two of them dozed, Obi-Wan's head on his master's chest.

"I suppose we really ought to get to the practice hall," Obi-Wan said at last.

"Indeed," said Qui-Gon.

Ten minutes later, Obi-Wan began to disengage from his master's embrace. "I'm getting up now, master."

"Yes, I am, too...."

Ten minutes after that, Obi-Wan took hold of one large foot--why had he never noticed how large those feet were?--and started trying to drag Qui-Gon off the bed. At this point Qui-Gon got up and excused himself.

They came later than usual to the practice hall, but they were both appropriately dignified and fully attired. No one was going to notice that the end of Obi-Wan's braid looked a trifle... chewed.

After warming up by sparring with one another, master and padawan separated, as usual, to solicit other partners. Obi-Wan turned around and came face to face with Bruck Chun.

Bruck saluted Obi-Wan with his saber. "Wanna do it with me, Kenobi?" His teeth flashed white in his broad brown face.

They fought a hot match full of dizzying leaps and turns. Obi-Wan was moving more aggressively than was his wont, yet he felt peaceful within, more in touch with the Living Force. He bested Bruck with a swift twirl of his wrist that sent the other padawan's lightsaber flying from his hand.

Bruck grinned, the tip of his tongue showing between his teeth. "Good work, Kenobi. I didn't know you had it in you."

"With any luck, I'll have it in me again tomorrow," said Obi-Wan.

*** end