Darth Dennis?

by Julia Donnelly

Response to the Ted-character & TPM crossover challenge. Sorry it's a bit over 500 words, but I hope you can forgive me!

Warnings: Not really; a little lustful thinking, but some very disturbing ambitions

Spoilers: Somewhat, for Skinner (a cheap horror movie starring Ted Raimi, for those who don't know) No real spoilers for TPM

Summary: A midsummer night's dream, perhaps?

Rating: Approximately PG-13 (sorry, no on-screen sex)

Archive: Yeah, go ahead, on Joxerotica and Master_Apprentice

Feedback: Yes, please

Um, let's see: The characters don't belong to me, though I tend to feel a bit proprietary about Dennis, for some reason...what, obsessed is more like it, you say? Uh, yeah, and your point is? Anyway, I don't own him, Paul Hart-Wilden does, and I don't own any of the Star Wars characters. They belong to George Lucas (no duh!) and he's losing absolutely no money due to this harmless little fan fic.

There I was, minding my own business, asleep in my room at the institution. It's not so bad, when you know how to play the system, but I'm starting to get bored and restless. Might be time to talk the docs into letting me go. "Oh, yes, sir, I'm really sorry I killed all those people. Oh, yes, I know now it was very wrong and I promise never to do it again." I can't believe they actually buy that routine, but sooner or later they always do.

Anyway, all of a sudden there's this bright light all around me. Then there's this voice, like out of nowhere, saying, "Come join us. We have need of your skills." Then I found myself in this really strange place, and this weird dude in a hooded robe was handing me what turned out to be an even cooler weapon than a knife.

Now, I'm not dumb. I recognize a light saber when I see it, but the dude I'm talking to isn't hardly Luke Skywalker, you know? I'm trying to pay attention to what the guy says. He's got this really soothing voice that kind of calms you down, which was nice, 'cause I was getting pretty nervous and uptight.

Anyway, the dude pulls back the hood on his robe and I see he's this older guy, maybe late 40's, with really long, wavy hair. He's got a really interesting face, and when he drops the robe, I can see he's got a pretty impressive body. He says his name is Kwai-Gon Djinn or something, but I keep thinking of him as the Calgon guy. I wouldn't mind slipping into a nice tub of hot water and bubbles with him, actually, but I don't think that's his main priority here.

He kept yammering on and on about The Light Side of the Force, yada yada yada. No, not Yoda, I didn't see him around. Since I'm obviously dreaming, I'm expecting to see the little robot guys come in any minute, but they didn't show. Then this other guy comes in, and from the way Calgon looks at him, there's somethin' goin' on there. The new guy calls Calgon "Master" and I start thinkin', "whoa, this has potential!" But I keep forgetting, this is Star Wars, or somethin' really close to it. Maybe those fan fiction writers playin' around again. So it's not some kind of heavy duty Master-Slave scene, more like a master and apprentice. Eh, not as exciting, but could be worse! He says his name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, but I know he's lying because he doesn't look anything like that old dude that was teaching Luke, so I know for sure somethin' strange is goin' on here.

So, I'm just waitin' around to wake up. I kinda hope it's real, though, because I really liked my light saber. Calgon took it away from me, though, and said I could have it later, once I've earned the privilege. Well, I think I can guess what "earning the privilege" might entail, I've been around the block a time or two, and I don't really have any objections. He's pretty hot, and so's his stud muffin "student" guy. Yeah, right! I wish I didn't have to listen to 'em gettin' it on next door.

Just when I think things are starting to get interesting, this really weird-lookin' dude shows up, not at all saintly-lookin' or studly, either. He looks like he's trying out for the part of the Devil in some cheap horror movie, but he gave me a pretty interesting offer. I'll really have to think about it...

If any of this is real, I sure hope my buddies next door can come up with a better offer, or at least maybe I'll get the chance to check out their light sabers before I have to kill 'em, you know what I mean? Heck, a guy's gotta have something to look forward to!