
by Astra (

Archive: Master/Apprentice. Nesting Place. Qui-Gon Discussion List. Anywhere else is fine too ... just let me know ;->.

Category: Humor, pre-slash

Rating: G

Spoilers: None

Summary: Obi-Wan (and friends) spend some time in the kitchen preparing a special meal for Qui-Gon (and friends).

Feedback: Yes, please!

Author's Note: I don't use betas, so all mistakes are mine. Many thanks to avatar for help with the mischief!

Disclaimers: I don't own the boys (if I did a certain Jedi Master wouldn't be... well... SPOILER), and this is all for love, not money.

"Come on, Bant -- you have to help me," Obi-Wan cajoled as they sat together in the large mess hall, sharing an otherwise peaceful noonmeal. "There's no telling when we'll be back at the Temple at the right time again."

"Obi-Wan," the Calamarian girl moaned, "why me?"

"Because you're my best friend," he replied, gazing steadily into her large silver eyes and flashing her a lop-sided grin.

"What about his friends? Can't one of them help you? What about that healer... the one whose father is probably going to be the new Supreme Chancelor once Keef retires?"

Obi-Wan's expression grew thoughtful and distant for a a moment. "He is? That should make for some interesting changes. I miss out on all the gossip, being gone so much... but stop trying to distract me," pinning his friend in place with the intensity of his eyes as she tried to slip away. "I already asked Katy. She suggested I take him out for a nice, quiet dinner instead. She said my idea had too much 'mischief potential.'" Before the younger padawan could open her mouth to agree, he continued. "Besides, it wouldn't be just the two of us. Tan-Li's home right now too. It'll be like old times!" he finished cheerfully.

"That's what I'm afraid of," she murmured. As Obi-Wan opened his mouth to continue pleading his case, she raise her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. If you can talk her into helping."

"Thanks, Bant!" Obi-Wan whooped gleefully, grabbing her up in a hug, then continued in a more subdued manner, "I owe you one. Meet me at my place tomorrow morning right after first bell. He'll be out meditating in the gardens and then he and Katy are going to her father's for the afternoon. That should give us plenty of time."

Bant shook her head ruefully as she watched him dash from the room, no doubt headed for Tan-Li's quarters. That human certainly could turn on the charm when he wanted to... she didn't know whether to envy or pity whatever being would eventually capture that young man's heart. But... all that was far in the future. At fifteen Obi-Wan devoted all of his prodigeous supply of energy to trying to be the best padawan anyone -- including the exacting Master Jinn -- could ask for.

"Kenobi -- you're insane," Tan-Li pronounced solemnly, her dark eyes glowing with conviction. "Why don't you just follow her advice and take him out to dinner? I'm sure after all the excitement you two ran into on that last mission, he'd appreciate..."

"Because anyone could do that for him, breda," Obi-Wan interrupted, using an endearment from her home planet that could mean anything from 'sworn sister' to 'beloved,' depending on the inflection, of which he'd chosen one slightly closer to the familial. "I'm his padawan -- I have to do something special."

Agitated, he started to pace, raking his hand through his hair, making it stand up from his head in short spikes. "That first year I didn't even know when it was until Master Yoda's message arrived, and then last year we were a little... preoccupied." He paused as his friend snorted at the understatement. He'd written her afterwards about their last minute escapes from both a civil war and the firestorm that swept the woods they'd taken shelter in.

Sighing, he dropped into a chair, turning wide, hopeful eyes to her. "I really do need your help. His Knighting Day seems to be the only time he's willing to celebrate for himself, even though he makes a point of remembering birthdays, especially mine..."

Tan-Li just stared down at him for a moment, twirling her dark braid around her fingers. Less than a year older than Obi-Wan, she'd been an apprentice for four years, but they'd deligently maintained their close friendship with letters and time spent together when they were both on Coruscant... time that had become increasingly rare since he'd become Master Jinn's apprentice.

She knew she was one of the few that knew the full story behind that surprising development -- how close he'd come to losing both his chance at knighthood and his life. Everyone who knew Obi-Wan could see the outward glow of purpose and contentment being a padawan had brought to him, but only his closest friends knew how he'd struggled with his fear of being unworthy of a master that was so sought after. Apparently that was a battle he was still fighting. Well, if this would help...

"Alright, bredu," chosing a more intimate inflection that he had, enjoying the blush that immediately colored his pale skin, "I'll be at your place first thing in the morning. But this time you had better know what you're doing..."

He smiled up at her brightly, "Trust me!"

Tan-Li could only sigh and wonder what she'd gotten herself into.

Early the next morning the two girls met in the hallway not far from the quarters Obi-Wan had shared with Qui-Gon for the past three years, both loaded down with bags of groceries. Obi-Wan had stopped by each of their quarters several times the previous afternoon, each time leaving a bag of foodstuffs that he said he couldn't possibly hide in his own quarters without ruining the surprise. Each had assumed that she had been given all the ingredients and now stared at the other's equally large load with growing trepidation. Shoulder to shoulder they marched to the door and waited for their all-too-charming companion to respond to the soft signal. They were greeted by an uncharacteristically wide-awake and bright-eyed Obi-Wan.

"Oh, good -- you're both here. Come on in and let's get started..." trailing off when he noticed he was headed into the kitchen alone. He looked back at them quizically.

"Obi-Wan, how many people have you invited for tonight?" Bant asked nervously, glancing meaningfully at the amount of food they were carrying.

"Umm... not too many," he replied quietly, coming back to the door and relieving both girls of some of their packages.

"How many?" Tan-Li insisted, staring at his as he mumbled an answer with a flush creeping up his cheeks. "Excuse me?"

"Ten... including us."

"Ten!" Bant's large silver eyes grew even wider. "You want us to cook and serve a meal for ten? Here?!"

"Who did you invite?"

"Let's see... there's us three, my master, Katy and her father, Master Yoda, Master Windu... oh, and your masters, of course." As Obi-Wan finished counting off the list on his fingers, Bant groaned and looked almost faint.

Tan-Li put down her remaining bags, then stepped over them to advance on Obi-Wan, poking him in the chest and driving him backwards across the room. "You. Truly. Are. Insane. Five Jedi masters... two of whom are senior Council members... a journeyman healer, and her father... a senior senator who will most likely be the next Supreme Chancellor. Obi-Wan... what were you thinking?!"

Wide blue-green eyes darted from Tan-Li to Bant, who had sunk bonelessly onto the couch and stared back at him expectantly.

(to be continued)