
by Master Eliz-mar Von

CATEGORY: H/C, AU, way pre-slash

SERIES and TIME FRAME: The Oraclyne Series of which "A More Certain Path" was the first; this story follows six five months later; Obi-Wan is 13 1/2.


WARNINGS: None needed

SPOILERS: For Jedi Apprentice books, esp. #5, "Defenders of the Dead" ARCHIVE: to the JA list archive and M_A archive only; also on my new website for this series.

DISCLAIMER: They belong to George Lucas. He has more of my money than I want to think about. I'm not making a dime off this, ever.

NOTE: The alternate universe of the Oraclyne series is explained in more detail in the Appendices for "Path to Oraclyne". The appendices, which explain the four Jedi "Disciplines", are archived at the Oraclyne website,

SUMMARY: The newly strengthened Master-Padawan bond leads Obi-Wan to seek out his master who is remembering a painful event four years ago.

Obi-wan paused in mid-sentence, hand poised in mid-gesture, the Force abruptly stilling him to listen within. His companion, Padawan Garen Muln, peered at him, wondering what had caught his attention.

Master Qui-Gon... Obi-Wan thought, his brow furrowing. Something is wrong... He looked up abruptly at his friend. "My master needs me," he murmured, rising from the table where they'd been studying together. "I gotta go, Gar."

Garen nodded, keeping back a smile. Knowing his friend's history intimately, he knew that Obi-Wan was growing closer to his Master at last, their minds having formed the proper communion of Master and Padawan that would be needed for Obi-Wan's training. Garen himself had recently managed the same with his own master, Knight Viterren, and knew how important this was to his friend. "We'll pick up on this tomorrow, Obi," Garen murmured unnecessarily. Obi-Wan had collected his things and was already moving off in the direction of the Diplomat's Tower, residence sector for others of their Discipline here in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

He's shielded, more than usual, Obi-Wan worried, contemplating the ripples in the bond he shared with his master. He nodded politely to a Master Contemplative in a dark green robe, then to a pair of Knight Diplomats as he passed them, then entered the lift and entered the code for their floor.

Within, he felt a subtle disturbance, something leaking through Qui-Gon's shields and into their mental link, whether purposely or not he could not discern. Something either worried or hurt his master, something he may need his apprentice's help with. Or...

Obi-Wan felt again the happy little twinge in his heart, his fierce pride in being Master Diplomat Qui-Gon Jinn's padawan learner, and his joy in their new closeness since the remaking of their vows six months ago. Even though he had six months of probation to go still after his return to the Jedi Order, he was now serenely confident that he would pass all the rest of his monthly evaluations, his bond with his Master now well-made and strong. His heart is part of my responsibility now, he reminded himself, closing his eyes and wrapping the voluminous brown robe of their Discipline more closely about him.

The lift opened and he departed, walking the last few meters to their door. Again stilling, he considered their bond again... there it was, the little worrisome twitch in the Force that shouldn't be there. Resolute, he entered their quarters, and strode to the table in the common room. He's in his room, Obi-Wan noted, laying his datapad on the table. He went to hang up his robe in his own room, then approached the door to his master's room quietly.

He'd been careful not to touch the bond as yet, as well as not to send thought to his Master, respecting his privacy. But he knew that his presence in the outer room would register. And, now that he was here, he could carefully communicate his concern to his master.

Gently he lay a hand on his master's door. Master, I sense your sorrow, he whispered into their bond, a feather touch of Force added to communicate his concern. Please, perhaps I may give you comfort, if you will allow it? His query was shy; it still amazed him that at long last he'd been allowed closer to this great Jedi's heart.

The other stilled, the bond between them smoothing to a perfect calm... well, nearly so. Sensitive now to his master, Obi-Wan knew all was not well. Obi-Wan, the august mental voice sent back, touching their bond in return with grave sadness. I did not mean for you to sense this... please forgive me...

The sorrow touched the inner goodness and innate empathy of the young padawan's soul, and he winced at the hint of pain. Dear Master, please, it is my duty to help you... may I come in?

The pain receded, but he knew immediately it was not from its cessation, but from the stiffening of weakened shields. The heart of a Jedi Master is a terrible burden for a padawan to have to deal with...

Padawans have burdens, just as Jedi Masters do, Obi-Wan returned, his palm and forehead against the door, his eyes closed. I do not ask that you tell me all that is wrong, but that you let me help you feel better. That is my duty to you, to assist my master in times of need.

There was a pause for a few seconds, then the soft mental sigh. Come in, my Padawan.

Straightening, Obi-Wan opened the door and entered. His master was sitting on the floor, folded up, robed arms hugging his knees, back to the door. Wondering, Obi-Wan came up beside him and sat cross-legged on the floor. He looked over the bowed back, and the long fall of dark brown hair pouring over it. Qui-Gon's head was bowed, his face hidden in the circle of arms around his knees. "Master?" the padawan shyly whispered as he reached and laid a hand on the man's arm.

At the touch, Qui-Gon brought his head up and glanced over to regard his apprentice. To Obi-Wan's shock, the man's face was wet from tears, his eyes red and a bit puffy. Qui-Gon, crying?? he thought, his heart pounding with a sudden fear. Have I hurt him?

As if the Master Diplomat had heard his thought, Qui-Gon was quick to reassure his padawan. You've done nothing to elicit this response from me, trust me, my Obi-Wan. He sniffed and swiped at his face with the back of his hand.

"Oh..." Obi-Wan said lamely. He patted his master's arm, feeling abruptly inadequate and strange. Obviously he was intruding on something very private within his teacher, and he ducked his head, unsure of what else to say. When a large hand closed over his, he looked up again, curious.

Qui-Gon straightened, stretching out his near leg and taking Obi-Wan's hand in both of his. "Unconsciously I allowed you to sense my distress... I'm sorry, I should have shielded better. I was... indulging in some uncharacteristic self-pity, I'm afraid. Today is the fourth anniversary of Xanatos's betrayal."

"Oh," Obi-Wan replied in a small voice, "you wish he was still your padawan?"

The Diplomat's eyes widened in dismay. "Oh, no, Obi-Wan, not at all. If... if he had not betrayed me, he would have been long Knighted by now."

Something in the man's voice warned him. "You were friends, weren't you?"

Qui-Gon looked at him long, the deep blue eyes gazing at him as if reading his soul. Obi-Wan made himself return the gaze, though he felt something turn to jelly somewhere deep inside him. "Yes," the Master said finally. "More than friends. I'd hoped we could be lifemates one day."

Obi-Wan suddenly understood. They were lovers! Or Qui-Gon wanted to be and... The padawan's head was spinning with possibilities. Oh, Force, no WONDER he hurts! I wonder if he could love me someday... But that notion he dismissed immediately. The great Master Diplomat Qui-Gon Jinn could not give his heart like that to just anyone, and certainly not his silly little padawan, no matter what they'd vowed to one another. Obi, he told himself sternly, don't be stupid...

Qui-Gon was still watching him. "Does it shock you that I could fall in love with a padawan of mine?"

"No, Master," Obi-Wan replied, his eyes wide. Then he suddenly ducked his eyes. I know you feel things deeply... and you have a big heart.

The large hands released his considerably smaller one as the Master leaned to the side against his bed. Thank you, Padawan, he returned, whispering into his apprentice's mind gently. I think we may be alike in that. You have a big heart as well.

"Thank you, Master," Obi-Wan said with a quick grin. Shyly he patted the other's arm again. "Are you feeling better?"

Qui-Gon took a deep breath, then smiled wanly. "Starting to."

"You need bond time," Obi-Wan said in a matter-of-fact, no-nonsense tone that surprised even himself. He smiled at his own vehemence.

The Master Diplomat's eyes widened at his padawan's insistence, especially since it had contained an unintentional Force-suggestion. "Well, then I suppose I do," he replied, winking. Then he sobered, raising a finger to touch a knuckle to the boy's cheek. "You are a comfort to me, Obi-Wan. Thank you."

Pleased and embarrassed, Obi-Wan hid his face in the wide sleeve encasing his master's closest arm. Then the arm lifted to circle his slim shoulders. Come here, you, Qui-Gon's mental voice tickled at him affectionately. As one long, lean leg shifted, Obi-Wan scooted into the circle made for him, slipping his arms around his master's ribs under the dark brown robe. Sighing, he laid his head on the broad chest.


I will never betray you again, Master, he whispered into their bond. He sighed as the long, muscled arms closed around him. I'm here now, dear Master, and I will help take care of your heart.

Qui-Gon squeezed his eyes shut, now careful to keep hidden the surge of emotion he felt, holding his still-new padawan in his arms. The boy had a generous heart; now that he'd allowed him closer, Obi-Wan freely gave of his love and caring, taking very seriously his vows to serve and honor his master. I know you'll never betray me again, Padawan mine, he replied, allowing his pride in the boy and his caring leak into their bond. The true fullness in his heart he kept from him. He mustn't come to care too deeply for this one, not so soon and not as his wounded heart might thirst for.

Yet Obi-Wan was becoming very important to him. The boy's bright promise was everything that Xanatos's had been, with one critical difference - Xanatos of Telos had never had the generosity of spirit that Obi-Wan Kenobi had in full measure. Still, Qui-Gon must let him go when Knighted one day, releasing that beautiful, bright light into the galaxy. Perhaps I can heal enough to be able to do that when the time comes, he thought, his fingers filtering into the short, brushy light brown hair. And I will be forever blessed to have been close once to this treasure...

Obi-Wan felt his master's affection and settled into a warm, glowy peace. Their Master-Padawan bond shimmered with a shared joy and quiet contentment.

Qui-Gon felt his heart healing.

The End