George's Joke Reel -- The Bongo Ride

by Tilt (

WARNING: Do NOT eat or drink while reading this!

Archive: master_apprentice

Category: Humor/Parody ...and probably Heresy.

Rating: PG

Warnings: DO NOT read this while eating or drinking!

Spoilers: A rewrite of a scene from TPM

Summary: The Real Phantom Menace, as told through outtakes, flub-ups, and Liam and Ewan's last-minute rewrites of their scripts.

Feedback: One can never get enough of a good thing.

Disclaimer: This is a shameless parody of Phantom Menace. I can only hope George has a healthy appreciation for insane comedy. All that is Star Wars belongs to George, he is my hero and my guru and without him the world would be a much Darker place. I submit this rewrite of TPM into evidence as Exhibit 1. I intend to make no profit from this bit of drivel. Stay your mighty wrath, George. I'm just a crazy writer.

Note: Brackets [ ] indicate telepathy.

View: The underwater world in the vicinity of Otoh Gunga. The glowing bubbles of the Gungan city gleaming softly in the murky water. Camera focus on one of the larger bubbles as a small BONGO submarine bursts from the side of the bubble, turns slightly and heads off away from the city.

Cut to INTERIOR of the Bongo. Only lights are those from the controls of the submarine. Left-hand pilot's seat is OBI-WAN, right-hand seat is JAR JAR. Behind them, QUI-GON in a center passenger seat. A pair of fuzzy dice dangle from the Bongo's overhead canopy supports.

JAR JAR: Dis is nutsen! (gesturing around at the nearby rock formations)

OBI-WAN gives him an unconvinced look. QUI-GON simply settles back grinning, watching the fish go by outside.

OBI-WAN: [Master, are you entirely certain we need this clown?]

QUI-GON: [No one gave us a map. You have a better idea?]

OBI-WAN: [We'd get to Theed quicker on a handful of hallucinogenics, Master. And have a safer trip.]

QUI-GON just keeps grinning. OBI-WAN rolls his eyes and keeps driving the Bongo while JAR JAR rattles on.

JAR JAR: Yep, weesa doomed. Where we goin' Cap'n Quiggon?

QUI-GON: You're the navigator.

JAR JAR: Me? Yousa dreaming. Don't know nutten, nope, nutten. Meesa know nutten. You can't prove nutten. Meesa didn't do it.

QUI-GON: ("wise old man of the mountain" voice) The Force will guide us.

OBI-WAN: [Oh, good answer. First you try the mindtrick on that frog they've got for a leader, now you're talking the Force to this amphibious clown. Can I go hide under a rock now? The embarrassment is killing me.]

QUI-GON: [Patience, Padawan. All creatures have a purpose. It just may take a while to reveal it.]

OBI-WAN: (glancing back to give his Master a slightly exasperated look, but QUI-GON is oblivious, still watching the fish go by outside as the Bongo keeps travelling.)

JAR JAR: Da Force? What tis dis Force? Maxibig thing, dis Force, yous betcha. Gonna save us, huh? Gonna get us out of dis mess? Meesa don't think so.

OBI-WAN: (rolls his eyes heavenward in a "Force give me strength" kind of way) [You know, Master, we really must sit down one of these days and discuss this tendency of yours to pick up every stray that comes along. We've got half our level at the Temple filled with cats, dogs, mice, bugs, and everything else that happens to pick up on that "push-over for a good story" aura of yours. We're going bankrupt from the pet food bills alone. I didn't sign up with you to be a zookeeper.]

QUI-GON's grin gets a little wider. [But you make such adorable animal noises.]

OBI-WAN shakes his head slightly. [Only because you're such an amazing...animal trainer.]

QUI-GON: [So I'm to assume we can dispense with the whips and chains tonight, since you're so thoroughly well-trained?]

OBI-WAN: [Unless you're feeling frisky tonight, Master. I'd hate for you to be so completely tamed that you purr at the slightest provocation.]

QUI-GON: [I'll be frisky if you'll meow for me.]

OBI-WAN: [It's a deal.]

JAR JAR, meanwhile, has continued to rattle on about nothing in particular, gesturing up at the passing schools of fish.

QUI-GON: [Back to business, Padawan. George isn't paying us to sit here flirting.] Jar Jar, are the Gungans and the Naboo at war with each other?

JAR JAR: No, no fightin'. Long time ago, mebbe. Now, Naboo keep outta da swamps and Gungans keep offa da land. Don't never see each 'nother 'cept at the grocery stores and bowling alley.

QUI-GON: But your people don't like each other?

JAR JAR: Nah. Da Naboo, dey no got no style. Da Gungans, weesa got style. Weesa got great style. Weesa bombad. Da Naboo, dey alla time hangin' out at da coffee shops, talkin' da big-head talk. Meesa no understand.

OBI-WAN: Why were you banished, Jar Jar?

JAR JAR: (looks slightly abashed at this) Tis a bit of a long story, but da Reader's Digest version is dat meesa....uhm....meesa kinda....clumsy.

OBI-WAN: You were banished because you were clumsy?!

JAR JAR: Meesa cause one or two little bitty accidentees. Very small accidentees. Very small.

Something very large moves in the darkness of the water behind the Bongo as it passes by a rock overhang. The "Jaws" music begins.

QUI-GON: What did you do, Jar Jar?

The "Jaws" music continues as Jar Jar talks.

JAR JAR: (wilting under the pressure) Oh, uhm, uh...meesa cut da wrong wire. Boom. Bombad boom. Dey still cleanin' up da mess. Hadda call da hazmat teams. Very bombad.

The Bongo suddenly lurches to the side as something large and hungry latches onto the aft end of the small craft, beginning to reel the submarine toward a cavern-like mouth full of far too many teeth.

JAR JAR: Opee sea killer! Meesa dousin' meeself in tartar sauce now! Weesa fish food!

QUI-GON: [Put a foot in it, Padawan, get us out of here!]

OBI-WAN: [If you say "engage" I'm gonna bop you upside the head, Master.]

QUI-GON: [Wouldn't dream of it. You look awful in red.]

OBI-WAN: [Well, I'm already a "miracle worker".]

QUI-GON: [That you are. Now work some of that magic of yours and show me why the Highway Patrol yanked your cloudhopper license three years running.]

OBI-WAN tosses a grin back at his Master and proceeds to channel Mario Andretti until the Bongo escapes from the Opee Sea Killer. Unfortunately the Opee is not the only denizen of the deep interested in fast food. A Sando Aqua Monster starts tracking the Bongo as it speeds by and sets out in pursuit. OBI-WAN ducks the Bongo into a tunnel and flips switches to turn on the headlights. Glowing phosphorescent signs appear in the murk ahead, most notably a RIGHT LANE CLOSED 1500 FEET MERGE LEFT. As Obi-Wan flips the lights on something sparks under the dashboard and the Bongo starts having engine problems and the headlights dim. The CD player cuts off and the absence of Queen's "Highlander" soundtrack is deafening. The Bongo starts to settle to the bottom of the cave as the power fails.

OBI-WAN unlatches a panel and starts peering inside at the wiring.

OBI-WAN: [Damn that bunny! He stole me batteries!]

QUI-GON: [Quiet, Smurf. Relax. Nothing gets done by screaming about it. Besides, your accent is starting to come out.]

OBI-WAN: [Sez you, ye mutant leprechaun.]

QUI-GON: [Just remember I'm the one with the Lucky Charms.]

OBI-WAN gives a long suffering sigh and starts fiddling with the wires, trying to rewire the power past the large gaping hole where the Energizer Double A batteries were before a certain fluffy pink bunny with a drum and a pair of sunglasses made his appointed rounds. QUI-GON shakes his head slightly, searches through one of his belt pouches, and comes out with a handful of Duracells.

QUI-GON: [Just be careful, they're my last set. The sacrifices I make for you, Padawan.]

OBI-WAN: [Who needs another eighteen hours of Sarah McLachlan anyway? Besides, I thought the swim fried your Walkman.]

Meahwhile, JAR JAR has dug out a large piece of paper and a huge Crayon and is hurriedly scrawling a message in large block letters. He holds it up to the window of the Bongo-- YOUSA HELP ME, MEESA BEIN' KIDNAPPED!

The power comes back on as Obi-Wan snaps in the last battery, the headlights of the Bongo illuminate--

JAR JAR: Colo Claw Fish! Yousa do somethin'! Weesa gonna get crunched!

Teeth fill the view. Nothing but teeth. Huge, sharp, curving teeth.

JAR JAR screams and keeps screaming as a horrible sound rattles the entire Bongo, the Colo Claw Fish roars at them as the jaws o' death open wide.

QUI-GON: [I've had enough.] Relax. (puts a hand on Jar Jar's shoulder in a Vulcan neck pinch)

JAR JAR slumps in his chair, unconscious.

OBI-WAN: [I see that stint at DragonCon with Nimoy had some practical advantages.]

The Bongo pulls up and away from the Colo Claw Fish, doubling back on it's course for a moment, skimming past the walls of the cave around the monster as it makes it's escape. As the Bongo scoots past another monster pops up and grabs the Colo Claw Fish with a massive chomp.

QUI-GON: There's always a bigger fish.

The Bongo winds its way through the core without further incident, weaving through corals and masses of seaweed until it surfaces again. As the little submarine breaks the surface a huge statue comes into view....Lady Liberty. The skyline of the Big Apple. A ferryboat honks it's horn menacingly at the tiny submarine.

QUI-GON looks over at his Padawan with a smile starting to creep onto his face.

QUI-GON: I see your navigational skills are as hopeless as ever, Padawan. We're about five thousand miles off-course. Skywalker Ranch is thataway! (points westward)

OBI-WAN gives him a "I'm a fluff-headed ditz but you love me anyway" look and QUI-GON lets out an exasperated sigh.