Bonds of Acceptance

by Susan Anthony

Title: Bonds of Acceptance
Series: Forged Bonds
Author: Susan Anthony (
Pairing: Obi-Wan/Bruck, Qui-Gon/Bruck, OW/GQ/B
Archive: Master_Apprentice, The Equally Worthwhile Adventures of Bruck Chun if they want it, my site at, anyone else, just ask
Category: AU, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Q/O, future Q/Bruck, future O/Bruck
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: none
Summary: Padawan Chun finds his place in the Light
Feedback: Very welcome.
Warnings: M/M/M relationship eventually, mention and memory of rape and abuse
Notes: Thanks to Maig for her patient and belligerent beta. This series started out with three parts but the last one was so long I had to split it in two. So now here's the third of four parts.

Disclaimer: The Boyz aren't mine. More's the pity. This story is for the pleasure of the readers only. I don't make a thing.

Four weeks after Bonds of Change

Master Kenzi Zath moved through the halls of the Temple with a steady stride, giving no indication of just how exhausted she actually was. A day spent at the Senate giving testimony concerning, of all things, her role in retrieving her padawan from the T'chtzan rebels, had tired her out more than she expected. Tired her out and angered her as the senators probing the case as part of T'cht's ongoing effort to become a part of the Republic requested that Bruck appear and testify in detail about his ordeal at their hands.

Kenzi had stared at them a long moment in surprise before she had...very politely she thought...pointed out that they already had his recorded testimony along with the medical records and the verbal opinions of the healers assigned to his case. She went on to point out that there was no way in Dradeath's Hells that her padawan was going to appear anywhere to speak of that incident ever again. And then she proceeded to tell the committee members exactly what her thoughts on the T'chtzan's joining the Republic were and why it would be an exceedingly bad idea.

Kenzi scowled under the privacy of her hood as she remembered Master Windu stepping in at that point to finish the interview, doing his best to calm down the committee members and waving her out the door behind him. She'd gladly left as they'd been asking stupid questions for at least four hours and that was after she'd gone through a detailed description of her last mission there.

The Jedi master took a long, deep breath as she entered the tower housing the living quarters of the resident knights and masters. She was going to have to meditate long and deeply about her reaction to the Senators today. Windu would, no doubt, be calling her to appear before the Council tomorrow and explain her lack of tact in dealing with the fractious committee members.

Truly, the correct response to their request for Bruck's presence would have been a steady "No" rather than a loud, "No, you muck sucking barnacles of the Republic and let me elaborate as to why, in case your tiny, tiny brains don't get it".

That would have been the correct response, yes, but not nearly so cathartic, she thought with a brief grin.

So, Kenzi decided to live in the Now like a good Jedi and hopefully spend some quality time with her padawan and her... Kenzi still hesitated over the title even in her thoughts...her Consort. Considering that she'd never even considered the possibility of marriage, she supposed that was normal.

As she approached her quarters, she straightened a bit and tried not to look as tired as she was. It wasn't very difficult as she could already feel her padawan's presence in their suite. A smile graced her lips as the door opened before her.

In the past four weeks since Esriel's arrival, she felt as though she didn't spend enough time with Bruck though he had never once complained. She knew that whenever they were at home, Esriel was there and whenever they were training, the teaching and the learning always came first. There hardly seemed time for just Kenzi and Bruck.

But Bruck seemed to understand the need for settle himself into his new life and her padawan did everything he could to make Esriel feel at home. He appeared quite content with the Guardian in their suite though she could tell the presence of Esriel's servants still unnerved him. They were so quiet as they went about their work. After one particular incident, however, involving one of the servers being slammed into a wall after he'd come upon Bruck unexpectedly, they'd learned to be noisy around the jumpy Learner.

Now, however, Bruck seemed quite relaxed in their training bond and Kenzi smiled at the sight of her padawan curled in his favorite chair studying for one of his classes. Esriel was lounging on their large couch, examining one of his many bladed weapons for wear or damage.

Both men glanced up with welcome expressions, as one of Esriel's servants quietly appeared to take her cloak. She watched as the man hung her cloak and then hurried back to the small kitchen area. She sighed to herself and wondered if she, herself, was ever going to get used to Esriel's attendants. Bruck wasn't the only one unnerved by them.

Esriel stood immediately and walked over to take her hand and lead her gently to the couch. Bruck tossed aside the comp pad he was reading and sat up, looking at his master for a long moment as his smile slid away into a worried expression.

But all he asked was, "Tough Committee meeting?"

Kenzi just sighed and nodded, knowing she couldn't hide her weariness from her padawan. She was just glad he didn't know why she'd been called to the Senate.

"Would you like some honeyed chi?"

Kenzi's tight smile relaxed into a more genuine expression as she nodded thankfully.

"That would be perfect, Bruck," she murmured as Esriel pulled her close.

Bruck nodded and stood, moving into the kitchen even as one of the ever-present servants was reaching for Kenzi's treasured tin of chi leaves. The padawan stopped and almost scowled before he blanked his expression. Not only did these servants of Esriel clutter up the serenity of their quarters, they also usurped a pleasure Bruck had always looked on as his own.

Quietly he waited for the man to prepare his master's beverage. After it was simmered to the correct temperature, Bruck stepped forward and took the mug with a nod of thanks. Then he returned to the living room, carrying the hot cup of honeyed chi for Kenzi. She was now seated at her work terminal, reviewing her mail, much to Esriel's pouting displeasure. Bruck inwardly chuckled at the image of the powerful Guardian Consort pouting at his charge.

He set the cup beside her and she glanced up with a thankful nod. Then he went to slouch in his chair again and tried to pick up where he'd left off studying. So focused was he on his subject that he didn't notice his master's change of expression as she read something on her screen. He didn't notice when she carefully printed out the information or when she stood and walked over to the couch, seating herself in a formal pose.

He did notice when she called out his name in her best "Master's" voice.

"Padawan Chun, attend."

Bruck glanced up in surprise for a moment before he stood before her, hands at his side, his head down.

"Sit, please," Kenzi requested and Bruck dropped to his knees in front of her and settled on his heels. He looked up warily as she held out a single sheet of paper. He took it and then glanced back up at her. She reached out and touched his cheek for a moment before she leaned back.

"Bruck, in all the years you've been my student, the only times I've worried over you have been those times when I didn't think you were living up to your potential as a Jedi." She stopped and eyed him carefully. "Do you recall those times?"

The padawan flushed slightly and dropped his eyes, well aware of those times. "Yes, Master."

"Other than those incidents, I can say truthfully that I have been proud of your accomplishments, my padawan. Your growth and maturity in the last few years have been wonderful to see, especially concerning the trials you have recently faced."

"Thank you, Master," Bruck replied faintly, still wondering where this was going.

Kenzi just smiled and reached out to touch his cheek again. "Sometimes, though, I don't think you quite understand just how far you've come from the moody, rather sullen, though bright initiate I tapped five years ago. So I want you to read that," she said as she gestured to the paper in his hand. "Aloud, if you please."

Bruck glanced over at Esriel, who was looking a bit confused, then back at his master, who was looking...extremely smug. Then he looked down at the paper in his hand.

"'The annual ranking of Padawan Learners attached to active members of the Order of the Jedi'," Bruck began and then glanced up at his master, baffled. "I didn't know this had been announced yet."

"It hasn't officially," Kenzi said, "but it is sent out to the masters of those Learners who have been re-ranked by more than five marks. Now, find your name."

Bruck glanced down again, looking at the bottom of the page. "But, Master, you've only printed out the first thirty names and I know I'm not...."

"Find your name, Padawan," Kenzi stated firmly.

Bruck glanced down again at the bottom of the page and started moving up. There were thousands of padawans ranked, thousands of names that he competed against. He was lucky if his name appeared in the upper fifty percent though his master had never made an issue of it. He knew there were padawans from his year group that were consistently highly ranked but he'd never been one of them.

Now, however, his gaze came to rest on his name and he couldn't believe it. He looked up at his beaming master, his mouth hanging open and his blue eyes wide.

"Eighteenth, Padawan," Kenzi said as she leaned forward and gripped his shoulder. "And you've earned it."

"But...Master..." Bruck began, still not quite believing what he was reading on the paper. "This can't possibly be correct."

"It is correct, Bruck," Kenzi insisted. "I've been getting hints for weeks from the masters of various committees that I should be prepared for a great change in your ranking."

Bruck's mouth opened and closed several times as he looked down at the paper in his hands and then back at his master's smiling face.

"You've earned this, my padawan," she said firmly. "There is your diligence, your hard work, your studies. There is your faith in the Light, your strength against the Dark. There is your Solar Wind and your treatise on 'Early Republic Laws and their Ramifications Today' that Master Philanjes continues to rave about. Bruck," she said as his eyes strayed back to the list in his hands. "You did this."

Bruck blinked up at his master, his smile growing from a tentative curl of his lips to a beaming, brilliant expression of happiness.

"I'm eighteenth," he sighed as he looked down at the paper in his hands. Then without thought, he hobbled over on his knees and showed Esriel. "Eighteenth!"

The Guardian Consort looked seriously at the beaming padawan. "Padawan Chun, I had no idea you were so highly ranked within your discipline. Congratulations are indeed in order."

Bruck just nodded and then stared at the paper in his hands. He'd never doubted his place in the Order. Sometimes, however, he'd felt as though he struggled over the simplest things and he worried that he would never be quite...good...enough to be the Knight his master clearly saw in him.

But this ranking...this amazing ranking that may never be so high again, restored completely his confidence. He would be a Jedi Knight.

The padawan sighed happily again as he floated back to his seat.

Kenzi watched him fondly as his fingertips continued moving over the words on the page. She shared an indulgent glance with her Consort before she moved back over to her computer console.

For a moment, she just watched the two men sitting comfortably on her couch until Esriel turned and caught her gaze.

She closed her eyes for moment before she sighed and focused again on the computer console. Esriel was going to take some major getting used to but she found that she didn't mind his addition to her life quite so much any more. Perhaps it was the affection and attentiveness he showed not only to her constantly but to Bruck as well. She didn't doubt he was aware of their every movement even when they were outside their quarters.

Or possibly it could be the easy way he moved into her life. Anything that was important to her, became important to him, including most especially, her padawan.

With that thought, she glanced over at the Guardian Consort that a prince had gifted her with. Esriel held her eyes for a long moment and then slowly smiled. The heat in his eyes was all for her and she understood yet another reason she didn't mind Esriel being near, warming her in a way to which she was quickly becoming addicted.

With only a slight blush, Kenzi glanced away from her Consort's suggestive green gaze and began to go through the rest of her newly arrived mail. Her eyebrows drew together as she noted one particular name.

"Hummm, the Quartermaster's office has sent me a communiqu?," she murmured absently, "I wonder what they want?"

She didn't notice Bruck's head snap around to look at her, his delighted expression moving to one of panic.

"Little godlings, is that the time?" her padawan suddenly yelped as he jumped out of his seat. A moment later, his lightsaber and shoulder bag flashed through the air to him as he headed for the door, the precious paper still clutched in his hand. "Well, I'm off to torment Kenobi. Be back later," he said. He glanced at Esriel with an 'I-wouldn't-want-to-be-you' expression. "Much later," he finished as the door slid shut behind him.

Kenzi blinked and then narrowed her eyes for a thoughtful moment. If she didn't know better, she'd say that was a padawan in High Retreat. Of course, it could just be that her apprentice was late for his meeting, yet again having lost track of the time.

Then again....

Kenzi took a deep, calming breath and opened the communiqu?.

The date showed that it had been sent this morning after she'd left for the Senate and it copied Master Windu. Any note involving Master Windu never boded well.

Another deep breath and she started reading. The letter was actually a reply to a request from Master Windu quarters? Kenzi's eyes narrowed as she continued to read.

The message from the Quartermaster's office briefly noted that Master Zath's new suite was now available for occupancy with a room for the Jedi Master and her Consort, one for Padawan Chun and a trio of smaller rooms for the Guardian Consort's servants. It gave the initial lock sequences for the front door and recommended she request hover droids immediately if she wanted to move within the day.

The letter also noted bluntly that another Master/Padawan pair needed Master Zath's current quarters and could Master Windu please ask Master Zath to vacate the quarters a soon as possible?

Kenzi didn't realize she was grinding her teeth until her Consort's hands started kneading her very tense shoulders.

"What is wrong, Beloved?" he asked softly in her ear.

Usually, Esriel's gentle tone calmed her immediately but this time all she did was point at her screen and say, "Mace Windu is a complete bastard and if he wouldn't thrash me with that damned pansy purple saber of his, I'd challenge him to a duel and kick his ass!"

Esriel blinked as his usually serene Consort jumped up and started pacing the floor while cursing like a spacer. Interspersed with the cursing were rants concerning the fact that she was going to have to pack up a lifetime's worth of stuff and haul it across the Temple to a completely new suite.

"I've lived in these quarters since I was first tapped as a padawan and now Windu thinks he can just make me move without even a 'by-your-leave'? That smug bastard has been laughing up his sleeve at us since we returned from Garnis!" The master Jedi threw her hands in the air and then stopped and considered. "No, he's been smirking ever since he figured out the bond between Bruck and Obi-Wan couldn't be broken and it was driving Jinn and me nuts!"

"What would Master Windu find amusing since your return from Garnis?" Esriel asked, his quiet tone solemn. "Does he find my attentions to you funny?" He tipped his head slightly. "Or...perhaps you find my attentions embarrassing?"

Kenzi turned to him, her gray eyes dancing with anger. As she looked at him, however, he saw her release her anger at Windu and step towards him. He knew he looked wary and upset. She hadn't seen that look on his face before but he couldn't keep his expression neutral while he worried he might be an embarrassment to his Consort.

"No, Esriel," she said firmly as she reached out to touch his cheek, much in the same way he'd seen her touch her padawan to reassure him. "I am not embarrassed by your attentions," she continued and as she looked up at him, her lips curved in a small, shy smile and the tension holding his heart tight eased. "I find that I like your attentions very much," Kenzi said softly.

Then she sighed and glanced away. "But I must admit, I never considered that I would be married. A Jedi serves first her Duty, then her padawan and then - and only then - herself. I never thought to find myself with a husband and had reconciled myself to that fate. I think Master Windu - the smug bastard that he is - found my struggles to cope with the abrupt change amusing."

Esriel looked down at his charge, trying to maintain a semblance of balance but feeling his heart freeze again at her words. "So I am only a Duty to you?"

Kenzi closed her eyes for a long moment and then opened them to meet his gaze squarely. "At first, I accepted the High Prince's ruling and our bonding out of Duty, Esriel, even as you accepted me out of your Duty as a Guardian Consort."

The large man stepped forward and took her hand. Gently, he brought it to his lips and kissed her palm before he laid it against his cheek.

"You were never a duty to me, Kenzi Zath. Since the first moment I saw you ten seasons past, I knew I would be your Guardian and Consort. I spent many years preparing myself for the time when you would be ready and when the time came, I pledged joyfully to you knowing all would be well with us."

The master Jedi blinked her eyes several times and looked away, hoping to stem the tears that wanted to fall at her husband's artless words.

"Oh Esriel," she finally sighed, her voice hushed. "I am so not worthy of you. I'm just a knight in service to the Temple who goes from mission to mission, serving the Force. I'm not a princess no matter what Yitherian might pretend. You'll be so stifled here with nothing to do but follow me and Bruck around and your servants already think most of the Temple is...what did they call it? Sun-crazed?" She reached up to rub her forehead before she looked back up at him, her eyes shimmering. "And what of your home? I'm sure there's someone back on Garnis - some bitch of a princess," she spit out between her clenched teeth, "who would be far more worthy of your regard than I am."

Esriel looked at his princess for a long moment before he pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. He held her tightly before he leaned down to speak in her ear.

"There will never be anyone else for me but you, Kenzi Zath," he said, his voice sweet and soothing. "I've known that since the first time I saw you. Even the Matchmaker knew that my Ward was not going to be of the ordinary and approved my request to wait when I came of age to be granted as a Consort." He leaned back and wiped a tear from Kenzi's cheek as he held her gaze. "I waited for you, my princess, and will have no other. Now, speak no more of this foolishness."

Then he leaned down and kissed her, softly at first and then with increasing heat and possessiveness. Finally, Kenzi leaned back to catch her breath as her Consort kissed his way along her jaw. She was so lost in his touch that she jumped when her terminal beeped to note another incoming message. She glared at the screen.

"I'm still going to kick Windu's ass," she vowed and Esriel chuckled.

"You know I'm the reason you have to move," he pointed out as he nipped her earlobe.

"Well, he didn't have to be so smug about it," she replied vaguely. "He needs to be taken down several notches."

"We'll do something about that later," Esriel stated as he drew her towards their bedroom, a distinct heat in his gaze.

She blinked innocently up at him. "What about the packing?" she asked in a bright tone even as she followed.

"Let the servants do it," he said as he pulled her close and disappeared into their sleeping chamber.

"Okay," Kenzi's voice floated out followed by a breathless, "Oh please."

Obi-Wan Kenobi was not a happy young man. He had his hood pulled up to cover his features as he all but stalked through the Temple halls, heading for his quarters. Already today he'd been reprimanded by two teachers for not focusing on his classwork and then he was beaten in the sparring ring by a padawan so junior in rank that his braid still stuck out.

Obi-Wan flushed again, just thinking about that padawan staring at him in surprise and then beaming as if he'd won the galactic lottery. It had only been minutes before the learner had crowed his success to his friends in the next salle and at that point, Obi-Wan called it a day.

He'd headed home, trying to keep his frustration from bowling over anyone in his vicinity. It wasn't like he didn't know what was wrong. He knew exactly what was wrong. Qui-Gon had stopped sleeping with him the week Bruck had stayed with them and Bruck...Bruck wasn't ready for such intimate contact as of yet.

So with Qui-Gon not putting out and Bruck not ready to put out, Obi-Wan was a very horny padawan. Horny, desperate and worried that he'd never have sex again - every teenager's nightmare. And not only that, he felt guilty for being frustrated and angry that Bruck wasn't ready for his touch and he understood that Qui-Gon was trying to be noble about the whole thing.

So he was horny, desperate, frustrated, worried and feeling guilty about it. With a low growl, he pulled his hood farther over his face and ground his teeth.

Obi-Wan? came Bruck's bright voice. Bright, happy voice. Damnit, why is he so happy? Obi-Wan thought and then ground his teeth as he felt another wave of guilt wash over him. Of course, he can be happy.

Obi-Wan? Not quite so bright this time, Bruck's query was obviously a bit worried.

What? The tone was a definite mental snarl and Obi-Wan smacked himself mentally. Don't snarl at the bondmate. This isn't his fault!

Are you all right? Bruck asked carefully and Obi-Wan fought down his first response and just sent back a single, frigid, I'm fine.

Are you sure? his bondmate asked in a timid tone. I could meet you somewhere. We could talk about whatever the problem is.

No! Obi-Wan snapped and then took a deep breath at the feelings of hurt that flowed across the bond. No, I mean...there's not a problem. There's nothing wrong that a very, very cold shower won't fix. I'll see you later, he finished and then cut the link. He left the bond open but put up his privacy shields so that Bruck would have to try hard to reach him.

He didn't want to take his frustration out on his bondmate and he didn't want to worry his master so he was just going to have to get this under control. A long cold shower and then a sincere meditation and then he'd go find Bruck and apologize.

He wanted his bondmate with an ache he couldn't describe but until Bruck was ready, Obi-Wan would just have to be patient.

And plot.

After all, once he had Bruck, they would both have to go after Master Qui-Gon Jinn. And for that, they would need a plan.

Bruck blinked at the abrupt dismissal he got from Obi-Wan. His bondmate had never done that before and the white-haired padawan worried at his lower lip for a long moment before he continued on to the commissary. He wanted to get dinner anyway and if Obi-Wan was in a snit, he'd just leave the older learner alone for while.

Dinner was brief; a sandwich and soup in a lightly populated dining hall. While he was eating, Bruck stared at the words on the paper he held, a small half-smile on his face. He still couldn't believe that he'd come so far up in the rankings. He'd tell Kenobi whenever his bondmate took care of whatever was bothering him. Then maybe he'd get some congratulatory kisses. And maybe give some. Obi-Wan's name was right above his, number seventeen. Yeah, some kissing was definitely in order. And maybe...maybe he and Obi-Wan could....

"Well, what have we here?" a snide voice cut into his thoughts just as the paper in his hand was snatched. "If it isn't Bruck Chun. And without his circle of keepers."

Bruck glanced up as two forms settled on the bench on either side of him. His expression smoothed to complete neutrality as he greeted the new arrivals.

"Litz," he said quietly. "A'rubio. Can I have that back please?"

"Now, Chun," the larger padawan said with a smirk as he fanned himself with the paper he'd taken from Bruck. "Just wanted to know what was so fascinating."

"So where are your Keepers, Chun?" Litz asked, his black eyes narrow. "Finally run them off? They get as tired of you as we did?"

"In class, I suppose, or sparring," Bruck replied. "Aren't you two supposed to be in Master Panif's class?" he asked as he turned to catch Litz's gaze.

The other padawan just rolled his eyes. "The old windbag won't even notice we're not there," Litz said with a snort. "And considering you're skipping the class as well, Chun, you hardly have room to talk."

Bruck just raised his brow. "I tested out of that class two months ago, Litz." The black-eyed padawan just blinked at him. "How often do you and A'rubio skip that class? You know you have to pass it before you're considered a senior padawan."

Litz just snickered. "Listen to the pretty boy preach," he said mockingly before he pretended to look abashed. "Oh, but I forget. Not so pretty now, are you? Those rebel soldiers made certain of that, didn't they?"

Bruck stiffened and his blue eyes hardened into an icy expression. Before he could say anything to the smirking youth on his right, however, A'rubio exploded into curses on his left.

"Zera's balls, what the fuck is this?" A'rubio shouted as he shoved the paper in Bruck's face. The white-haired padawan took the opportunity to snatch it back then stood. He folded the print-out and tucked it away in a pocket.

"As pleasant as this has been, I have an appointment," Bruck said as he picked up his shoulder bag from the floor and stepped away from the bench. A'rubio, however, reached out to grab his upper arm.

"Eighteenth?" he snarled into Bruck's face. "You're ranked fucking eighteenth? What the hells did you do?"

"I did what a padawan is supposed to do. I studied, I sparred, I learned, I meditated," Bruck said flatly, his blue eyes cold. "I survived."

"You studied? You sparred? You meditated?" A'rubio mocked loudly. "You survived? Hah! That's nothing but a pity ranking. They felt sorry for the poor, scarred padawan, whining to the soul healers about his failed mission so they ranked you up there with that nutjob, Kenobi."

Bruck pressed his lips together in order to stop the first burst of words that he wanted to fling at his former friend. "You will not speak of Obi-Wan that way, Padawan Uvan," he finally stated flatly.

"Or what?" A'rubio asked loudly, drawing the attention of anyone left in the hall who hadn't turned to listen when he first started yelling. "You'll whine to the soul healers and they'll rank you even higher?"

"Or you'll run to whomever you slept with to get you ranked that high?" Litz added with a sneer, as he finally understood what his friend was saying. "Heh. I'd say you learned quite a few things on that last mission, Chun, if you could sleep your way to the top that fast."

Bruck had just decided to walk away before he really lost his temper. He wondered how he ever could have been friends with these two. When the last words were spoken, however, he stilled and slowly turned back to the other padawans, his face a blank slate, eyes burning.

"You know nothing about my last mission, Litz Carzin," he said in a low, heavy tone as he stepped forward and Padawan Carzin instinctively took a step back. "I would suggest you never speak of it again. And you," Bruck continued as his hot glare turned to the tall, angry form just beside him. "I earned that ranking. I didn't sleep with anyone, I didn't whine. I earned that rank. Just like I'm sure you earned yours, whatever it is this year."

A'rubio flushed for a moment and opened his mouth to reply but Bruck just stepped closer and got right into his face.

"And if you think that's a 'pity ranking', I'd be very happy to prove to you otherwise. You just name the time and the salle."

The taller padawan blinked for a moment as he studied his former friend. The Bruck he had known would have been mad and spitting curses by now. He'd always been easy to manipulate when he was angry and A'rubio had set him off as often as possible just for the amusement he found from it.

This Bruck, however, was cool and blank, entirely unreadable.

But there was no way he could be good enough for that ranking when a year ago he could barely hold his own again A'rubio.

The bigger student bared his teeth. "Now. Whatever salle is available," he stated, sure the smaller padawan would back down. Bruck had never beaten A'rubio when they sparred.

Instead, Padawan Chun pulled out his portable comp pad, touched a few buttons, waited for a confirmation and then nodded.

"Salle 101 is available. I've reserved it for the next hour. Let's go." He tossed his bag over his shoulder and walked away without glancing back. A'rubio watched him go with his mouth hanging open.

"There's no way he's that good, Rubio," Litz stated as he started to follow Bruck. "Come on. Let's go run his ass around the room before we show him how to spar properly."

A'rubio Uvan just nodded sharply before he stalked after his former friend.

Salle 101 was an open, public arena. It was a sunken sparring court and spectators could watch the sparring from the rail that surrounded the top of the room or from benches that sat along the walls. Bruck hated this salle. He hated people watching him but he wasn't going to back down from A'rubio's challenge.

He was not surprised when he arrived to find the area around the salle already crowded with padawans who just 'happened' to be there as he stalked by and headed for the stairs leading down to the entrance of the room. After all, it had been a full ten minutes since he'd quit the commissary with Litz and A'rubio right behind him.

He'd stopped only briefly to change into his workout clothes and was now ready to spar as he sat his shoulder bag down on a bench. As he looked around at the spectators, he wondered why anyone would even be interested in this challenge. Litz and A'rubio were not popular with their crèchemates. He'd known that when he'd been a friend with the pair. When he'd sparred with Litz or A'runbio before, no one had even stopped to watch, much less comment.

Now, though, there were initiates, padawans and even a young knight or two ringing the walls. What their interest in this match could be, Bruck could only guess.

He briefly pressed his lips together in a quick show of worry as he studied the crowd. A'rubio was very skilled with his lightsaber but Bruck was certain he was no match for his own skills. He had no idea how his former friend would react.

But he wasn't going to worry about that right now. He needed to focus on keeping his own anger and frustration under control. He closed his eyes for a moment and slowly breathed in, mentally counting to twenty in his master's fluid, musical language. Then he leaned down to pull his 'saber out of the bag and then turned to face his opponent.

Or opponents.

Bruck raised a silver brow. "Both of you?" he asked in an almost mocking tone.

"Surely a padawan ranked eighteenth can handle the two of us," A'rubio sneered.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Bruck nodded his acquiescence. "If you need the back-up, more power to you, Padawan Uvan," he said as he took a traditional sparring stance and bowed politely.

A'rubio just ignited his saber and attacked. Bruck, who was trying to push away his anger and sink into the Force for this long overdue confrontation, found his saber flashing up to parry Uvan's opening downward strike.

The pair froze for a moment, Bruck's blue eyes staring into the brown eyes of his opponent.

"So, no rules?" Bruck asked idly.

"None," A'rubio agreed before he backed off to initiate a second strike while Litz jumped in with an underhand swipe that Bruck easily deflected.

From that point on, Bruck only remembered images of the match that quickly degenerated into a dirty, no-holds-barred battle.

He remembered the flash of pain from a deliberately placed elbow and the laughing taunts of his opponents. He remembered the red-hot flash of anger and his determination to push it away even as he danced around two flashing saber blades. He remembered the smell and feel of a deep saber burn on his thigh, one that would have been a critical wound if he'd not followed the Force away from the swinging blade. He remembered his own backhand that lashed out, sending Litz staggering from the ring long enough for Bruck to get control of his rising anger and let it go into the Force.

A'rubio pressed him even harder then, the anger on his face something Bruck would never forget. The larger padawan was quite skilled and had never lost a bout to Bruck before. Now, however, despite the frenzy of the match, it was obvious that the greater talent now came from Padawan Chun and one on one, A'rubio didn't stand a chance.

And it would remain one on one as Bruck now heard the clash of other blades and he knew his Light mate had arrived. It wouldn't take Obi-Wan long to maneuver Litz from the ring and Bruck was able to release the last of his own anger. He felt the strength of Obi-Wan's trust and love flowing down their bond along with an apology for his earlier behavior. Bruck barely acknowledged it as he focused on his livid yearmate.

Bruck was just defending now, allowing A'rubio to attack, hoping the other padawan would blow off his frustration and let go of his anger. But the bigger student just continued to let his anger rise.

Finally, Bruck had had enough and unexpectedly turned on the offensive. With a series of moves that the spectators could hardly follow, Bruck snapped out a parry, a thrust and a kick that disarmed his opponent and gave him A'rubio's lightsaber. Then he took several steps back. A'rubio looked up at him in complete surprise from his position on the mat.

With a roar of anger, he surged to his feet. He whipped out his hand and jerked at his saber with the Force but Bruck just deflected the attempt. He took a long moment to calm his breathing before he shook his head.

"I'll spar with you all you want, Padawan Uvan," he said quietly between deep breaths. "But I won't fight your anger. Let it go and we'll continue."

A'rubio flushed even as he strove to calm his own breathing. "Don't lecture me, Chun!" he snarled as he advanced on the smaller student. "Give me that saber and we'll finish this."

"A'rubio, listen..." Bruck began but the other padawan just lunged.

"Give me my saber!"

"Padawan!" another voice cut through the murmurs of the surrounding crowd and A'rubio's snarl. The older student froze as he turned to face the owner of the new voice.

There was a moment's leaden silence until A'rubio acknowledged the arrival.

"Master Wroxith," he greeted, his teeth almost showing in a grimace. The Jedi master, a felinoid who was larger than A'rubio would ever be, observed his student with narrowed, golden eyes. Beside him, another Jedi master, Charad Vrith, stood, her hard, slit-eyed gaze staring beyond Bruck. He suspected that Litz was feeling his own master's glare all the way across the salle.

"Padawans, attend," Master Wroxith said in a perfectly even tone. Bruck glanced sideways at his sparring opponent before they both went to stand before the large, black-furred Jedi, hands at their sides, eyes respectfully lowered. It only took a flicker of Master Vrith's eyes at Litz before he and Obi-Wan also stood before the two masters.

Again there was silence for a long minute before Wroxith turned to Bruck.

"Padawan Chun, I will take my padawan's saber, if you please." The words were said without an indication of any sort of disapproval but Bruck quickly handed over A'rubio's saber.

"Padawan Kenobi?" Master Vrith said in her heavily accented voice. Bruck watched in surprise as Obi-Wan also handed over Litz's saber in the same manner.

"Padawans Chun and Kenobi," Master Wroxith said firmly, "You are dismissed. Report to your masters."

Obi-Wan and Bruck gave the masters a quick bow before they backed away three steps and then turned to go. Bruck felt completely drained by his encounter with his former friends. He hadn't realized just how hurt he was by their treatment since his return until he had actually faced them across his own lightsaber blade. He'd grown up with the pair and thought he'd known them well. But looking into A'rubio's eyes across his saber blade, Bruck had seen anger and, worse an acceptance of that anger and a willingness to use it that was almost Darkness.

Had such an expression ever been in his own eyes?

He looked sideways and caught Obi-Wan's gaze for a long moment before he reached out to grab the other padawan's hand and they moved across the floor to ascend the stairs to the upper level. The pair moved through the milling crowd composed of apprentices and some junior knights with one purpose - get away from the crowd of gawkers so Bruck could quietly fall to pieces.

A few minutes more found them moving though the quiet hallways towards their masters' quarters. Obi-Wan glanced around and noted a small, recessed alcove and tightened his hand around his bondmate's fingers, pulling him in that direction.

When they were completely out of view, Obi-Wan pulled Bruck's shaking form close as the younger padawan's hands snaked around his waist and held on. For a few long minutes, all Bruck did was bury his face in Obi-Wan's neck and breathed deeply, trying to overcome the nervous trembling that he couldn't seem to stop. All the while, Obi-Wan murmured soft nothings in his ear.

Finally, Bruck spoke though he didn't raise his head from the warmth of Obi-Wan's neck.

"We grew up with them, Obi-Wan," he breathed softly. "They used to be my best friends. When did they Dark?"

Obi-Wan just tightened his arms around his bondmate. He didn't want to say he'd always thought them Darkened and considered that the Order had given the pair far too many chances as it was.

But then, not a year past, he would have said the same of Bruck.

"I don't know," he finally answered quietly. "I think they've always been a bit too arrogant to truly be Jedi. It takes a certain amount of humility to give yourself over to the Light and let it guide you. Some people just...don't want to be anything or anyone."

Bruck leaned back slightly and met his bondmate's eyes with a troubled gaze.

"That was me a year ago," he whispered as he glanced down. "Before T'tcht."

"I don't think you were ever so lost as they are, Bruck," Obi-Wan argued but the other apprentice just shook his head.

"I was, Obi," he said in a tight voice. "I was arrogant and willful and my master worried when she thought I couldn't tell. But the T'tchtzans took care of all that. They beat and whipped and fucked the arrogance right out of me. There was almost nothing left by the time my master came." He took a deep breath and then looked up. "Nothing but a begging, pleading, worthless shell just praying for death."

Obi-Wan froze and then instinctively hugged the other padawan tightly to him.

"Gods, Bruck, don't say that!" he snapped as he buried his face in Bruck's thick white hair. The young man just sighed brokenly.

"You've seen the nightmares, Obi-Wan. You know what happened."

"You're not worthless, Bruck Chun. Not then nor ever!"

"I know," the younger padawan replied softly. "I know that now." He looked into Obi-Wan's eyes and with faint smile said, "I'm a long way from the broken shell my master came back to Coruscant with. But...." Bruck's words faded for a moment before he firmed his expression. "But better to still be that broken, bleeding shell than be what I was before. To be what A'rubio and Litz are now."

Obi-Wan didn't know how to respond to those words so he remained quiet, just offering his support. Finally, Bruck relaxed a bit but his expression remained sorrowful.

"I think...I think that was a trial for them, Obi-Wan," he said, his tone infinitely sad. He looked into his bondmate's eyes. "And I don't think they passed."

"That is not for us to say," Obi-Wan stated softly.

"I know," Bruck returned with a sigh. "I just can't help but think that I goaded them on. That it's my fault."

"They chose their own path, Chun," Obi-Wan said in a firm tone as he gently shook his bondmate. "They chose their path just as you chose your path and didn't give into the Dark." The older padawan laid a soft kiss on Bruck's forehead. "It seems to me that you had a far more fierce trial than they ever did."

Bruck looked at him solemnly. However, before he could reply, another voice floated around the corner followed by Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

"Padawans?" he called in a concerned tone. Before he could say anything further, he was being hugged roughly by two somewhat shaky padawans. His arms instinctively wrapped around the two young men, pulling them close and sending out a wave of comfort. "What happened here?"

Obi-Wan glanced at Bruck who lowered his gaze before he reached up to rub his chest slowly. The older padawan also felt the echoes of that phantom ache that troubled Bruck when he was most stressed. He looked up at his master.

"Can we go to Bruck's quarters?" he asked. "Master Zath will need to hear this as well and I, for one, would rather tell it only once."

Qui-Gon looked the pair over with a keen eye and nodded. "Of course," he said his tone gentle. "Come along."

The master's arms tightened for a moment before he stepped away and moved back into the hallway. The pair of padawans followed the requisite three steps back close to each other.

It took several minutes for the trio to get to Bruck's quarters and during that time, Bruck had been queried by his own master concerning the strong emotional bursts she'd felt through their link. He told her he was all right and then informed her that he was heading for their quarters with Master Jinn and Obi-Wan in tow. There was a brief impression of frantic movement and blushing embarrassment within the bond he shared with his master and then nothing as Kenzi's private shields finally rose. Despite his worry, Bruck couldn't help the small smirk that curved his lips.

Obi-Wan felt it immediately and glanced at him. "What?"

His bondmate grinned. "I think if I hadn't informed my master of our arrival, we would have caught her and Esriel...." His words faded as he blushed a bit himself. "Well...."

Obi-Wan snickered. "Doing the Wild Whirl were they?"

"Obi-Wan," came the gentle rebuke from his master. After all, a mere padawan didn't question the activities of another padawan's master. But both learners could hear the amusement in Qui-Gon's tone and both noticed that he slowed his pace to give Master Zath a bit more time to get ready for their arrival.

Only a few minutes later they stood before Bruck's quarters and Qui-Gon respectfully rang the doorchime. The door slid open almost immediately and Kenzi gestured for them to enter. Bruck trailed behind Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and stopped before his master who reached up to touch his cheek as they shared a long look.

"Are you all right, Padawan?" she asked, her voice rich with concern.

"Yes, Master," he replied, leaning slightly into her touch. "But I may have disappointed you with my actions this afternoon," he finished, closing his eyes as if he were in pain.

"You will allow me to decide that, Padawan," she said firmly, gesturing him into the room to stand beside Obi-Wan. She went to sit beside Master Jinn on her couch. Esriel touched her shoulder gently before he left for the bedroom. Kenzi watched him go for a moment before she turned all her attention to her obviously worried student. "What happened, Bruck?"

The padawan took a deep breath and then quietly began to explain what had happened after he'd left his master earlier in the day. He spoke of how he'd gone looking for Obi-Wan but had ended up in the commissary alone, considering what he might do with the rest of the day. Qui-Gon and Kenzi both noted the guilty expression on Obi-Wan's face but said nothing as Bruck shot him a slight smile and the pair twined fingers again.

"I was just about to go in search of Kenobi again when A'rubio and Litz sat down on either side of me," Bruck continued, his voice flat. "They said...some things and then A'rubio expressed his extreme disbelief that I could possibly have ranked as high as I did."

"I didn't know the rankings were out yet," Obi-Wan interrupted Bruck's commentary. He looked curiously at his bondmate until Qui-Gon called him a bit sharply on the interruption. He said nothing else and Qui-Gon turned to Kenzi, a bit curious himself.

"How high was he ranked?" the older master asked, his own curiosity reflecting his padawan's. Kenzi gave the man a brilliant smile before she turned to her student.


The young man smiled shyly as he stepped forward and pulled out the rumpled sheet of paper his master had given him just a few hours earlier. He handed it to Qui-Gon, whose brows rose as he studied the names on the sheet. Then he stood and reached out to grip Bruck's shoulder.

"Well done, Padawan Chun," he stated sincerely and Bruck beamed up at him as Master Jinn turned to the Jedi seated beside him. "And well done, Master Zath."

Kenzi blinked for a moment and then shook her head. "Bruck holds all the credit for that rank," she said with an affectionate look at her student. He just shook his head.

"It is your example that I follow, Master," he said with a bow to her.

Kenzi looked a bit flustered and then very pleased. Before she could reply, however, there was an extremely loud cough and Kenzi, Qui-Gon and Bruck turned to find Obi-Wan pouting at them.

Care to share the news, Bruck? he sent and even his mental tone was pouting. Bruck just chuckled and then walked over to show his bondmate his Temple ranking. Obi-Wan's eyes widened before he jumped forward to hug Bruck tightly.

"I knew you were going to be ranked high!" he crowed before he leaned in and gave his bondmate a fierce kiss. Then he hugged Bruck tightly again. The younger padawan just smiled at his bondmate's exuberance before he looked down at the sheet again, his smile dying.

"A'rubio said it was a pity ranking," he said softly and the room became completely still. "He said they must have felt sorry for me to rank me so high."

"That's ridiculous!" Kenzi muttered but Bruck just continued to stare at the paper in his hand.

"And then Litz said something...something I should have ignored but..." Bruck stopped for a moment and bit his lower lip. "But I let it anger me. I told him he had no idea what I'd been through and then I told A'rubio that if he thought that was a pity ranking I would be happy to prove him otherwise." He looked at his master with a stricken expression. "I challenged him."

"Bruck," Master Jinn said after a silent minute. "Challenges are made all the time between padawans," he noted.

"But I made this one in anger, Master Jinn."

"Perhaps, padawan. But did you let it guide you?" the master asked and Bruck bit his lip.

"I don't think so, Master," he finally said.

"Indeed, from what little I heard from Master Wroxith before I found you two, you called a halt to the sparring because Padawan Uvan was letting his anger guide him." Qui-Gon looked at him squarely. "Not every padawan would have the insight to recognize the Darkness there as well as the strength to call a peer on it."

Bruck opened his mouth to argue but Kenzi held up her hand. "Is that what happened, Bruck?" she asked and he nodded cautiously. Obi-Wan, on the other hand, didn't hesitate to say that was exactly what happened. "Then, padawan, I am proud of you."

Padawan Chun looked from one master to the other before he relaxed slightly. Both he and Obi-Wan jumped, though, when Master Jinn's communicator beeped sharply and Qui-Gon gave them both an amused look before he answered.


"Master Jinn, are you with Master Zath?" Mace Windu's voice came over the comm. He sounded stern and very much into his Councilor's rank.

"I am."

"Have you spoken with your padawan?

"I have."

"Could you and Master Zath please report to the Council Chamber immediately. There are some matters to discuss."

"Of course, we're on our way."

Masters Jinn and Zath exchanged a single glance before they stood and gathered their cloaks. Kenzi spared a few moments to go into her bedroom and inform Esriel of her departure before she and Qui-Gon strode out the doorway.

The padawans watched as their masters left the room before Obi-Wan turned back to his bondmate with a narrowed gaze.

"Even ranked 18th, I can't believe you took on both of them without backup," he said as he crossed his arms and glared. "You should have known better."

Bruck's lips pressed together as he struggled to release his flash of angry frustration into the Force. "I was handling them."

"Handling them?" Obi-Wan snorted. "They were seriously trying to do damage, Bruck. You could have been hurt!"

The younger padawan just studied his bondmate for a long moment before he reached out to trace the angry lines of Obi-Wan's face.

"I knew you would come," he replied. "Even mad at me for whatever reason, I knew you would come if I needed you."

Obi-Wan blinked and then his angry expression faded to one of guilt. "I wasn't mad at you, Bruck," he said as his eyes darted away. "I was mad at myself." He gave a rather frustrated sigh. "Mad, frustrated, disappointed...."

"And?" Bruck asked with a raised brow that reminded Obi-Wan of one Master Jinn.

Obi-Wan closed his eyes. "And wanting you so damn much," he finished in a whisper.

"Oh, Obi-Wan-" Bruck breathed but his bondmate interrupted before he got any further.

"But I don't want to push you," the older padawan assured his Lightmate as he reached out to grip Bruck's shoulders. "I'll wait until you're ready."


"I said I'd wait and I will. A few cold showers never hurt anyone. Except for those desert sloths that got into the showers by accident and melted before anyone could turn off the cold spray. Qui-Gon was kinda upset by that."


"I'm definitely not going to push you because these things take time and I would never do anything to upset you," Padawan Kenobi said as he moved his fingertips up to caress Bruck's cheek. "I only want you to be happy."

Bruck looked down at his bondmate and then nodded. "You know what would make me happy, Obi?" he asked.

His bondmate blinked. "What?"

"You sitting down on the couch right now and shutting up."

Obi-Wan blinked again and then slowly stepped backwards and sank down onto the couch. Bruck watched him for a moment and then smiled before he straddled the older learner's lap. He got a wide-eyed stare as he wiggled around until they were pressed together, showing Obi-Wan that he wasn't the only one who wanted someone so damn much.

"Now, if you'll allow me to complete a sentence, all I wanted to say was...." Bruck's words stopped as he leaned forward to kiss his bondmate, slowly, thoroughly and with great attention to detail. When he was quite certain he'd mapped his lover's mouth completely, he leaned back and studied the glazed expression on Obi-Wan's face. "I'm ready, Obi-Wan," he continued tenderly before he grazed his bondmate's lips again. "Will you let me make love to you?"

Obi-Wan looked up at his friend, his hazel eyes shining. "Please, Bruck," he said softly. "Whatever you want of me is yours."

Bruck just leaned down to catch that beautiful mouth again and focused on tasting every part of it. He smiled against his lover's lips as Obi-Wan's hands slid along his thighs and fastened on his hips, pulling him closer. They both moaned as their groins pressed together. Then they began to divide their focus between continuing their devouring kisses and remembering how to get their uniforms off.

A throat clearing itself very loudly right behind Bruck interrupted both of these objectives. Bruck froze and pulled back to see Obi-Wan staring over his shoulder. Slowly, he looked over his shoulder to find Esriel standing there, arms crossed and studying them with a rather stoic expression.

"Prince Yitherian is going to be quite unhappy that he will not be your first, Bruck Chun," he said in a neutral voice.

Bruck just stared at him for a moment, trying to remember who Yitherian was and why he would be unhappy. Then he closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to remember how to speak.

"I'm very sorry, Esriel, and I mean no offense to his Highness, but Obi-Wan is my Light-bonded mate," he replied.


"It is a Jedi bond, Guardian-Consort," Obi-Wan offered as he tried to keep his mind away from the hard body pressed so perfectly into his own. "It was something of a surprise but the soul-healers say it has been building since we were very young, long before we were even chosen as padawans."

"I see," Esriel said with a nod. "A bond is not to be taken lightly. However, I would greatly appreciate it if you two would take your youthful exuberance into Bruck's private sleeping chamber. Lady Zath may return at any moment and I doubt very much that she would like to find two young stags mating on her couch."

Both padawans blushed hotly at Esriel's words and quickly untangled enough to stand. Bruck immediately grabbed his bondmate's hand and dragged him towards his sleeping room.

"Bruck?" Esriel called and the pair stopped and looked back. The Consort's expression was completely bland as he continued. "I know you two are both very young. I would be happy to enlighten you on any number of techniques which might make your activities more lively."

Bruck blinked and flushed even darker. Obi-Wan's mouth dropped open as he let out a soft squeak.

"Indeed," Esriel went on, "I daresay Lady Zath might like to share with you some of her favorites."

Bruck squeaked then. He shook his head furiously as he tried to breathe in enough air to say, "NO! No, thank you. No need to ask Master anything."

The Consort just nodded. "Very well then," he said as Obi-Wan started pushing Bruck towards the padawan's room. Just before they disappeared behind the door, though, Esriel asked a final question, his rich voice finally showing a thread of teasing amusement.

"Do you have everything you'll need? I can send the servants out for supplies should you wish."

"No!" Bruck shouted and then caught himself as he gave the Consort a forced smile. "I mean, no thank you, Esriel. I have everything we'll need. Thanks, but we're going now. Bye."

And the door slid shut to his room leaving behind a highly amused Guardian Consort trying to stifle his snickers.

Once inside, Bruck and Obi-Wan just stared at each other for a long moment before Bruck moved close and leaned down to kiss his mate again. Obi-Wan reached up to remove his tunics but Bruck caught his hands.

"Let me. Please," he breathed against his lover's mouth. "I've dreamed so many times of undressing you, of laying you down and learning your body, loving you." Bruck looked into hazel eyes. "Please."

"Anything you want, Bruck," Obi-Wan said again and dropped his hands. Bruck smiled and slowly undressed his lover, touching and kissing, caressing and tasting every part of Obi-wan's body until the other young man was laying on Bruck's bed, hands above his head, letting Bruck's hands wander where they would.

"Force, you are so beautiful, Obi-Wan," Bruck murmured as he followed his hands with his lips.

"And you're still dressed," Obi-Wan replied between pants as he leaned forward to catch his bondmate's hands. "I think I should remedy that."

"I'm not beautiful, Obi-Wan," Bruck said as his bright gaze darkened and he glanced away. "My scars...."

"Mean nothing here, between us," Obi-wan finished firmly. "Bruck, if you think those scars make me want you any less, you are sorely mistaken," he continued as he reached forward to undress his lover.

Bruck reluctantly allowed him to continue removing his clothing but couldn't help touching their bond for confirmation that his scars truly didn't bother Obi-Wan. All he found was their bond thrumming with desire and love and a healthy dose of teenaged lust for what Obi-Wan saw as his beautiful, radiant bondmate.

He couldn't help the tears that welled up as Obi-Wan pulled him down. "Come and lay beside me, Light-mate," Obi-Wan said, holding Bruck's gaze as he began to touch and caress his bondmate's skin, lingering gently over the silky smooth skin of the scars. "My beautiful Light-mate."

"Obi-Wan," Bruck whispered and his voice close through his tears. "I wish I were beautiful for you."

"You are, Bruck," Obi-Wan stated serenely as he pulled his lover close, pressing their skin together as much as possible. "Now please, make love to me. I need you so much. I love you so much."

And Bruck made long, adoring and passionate love to his bondmate for the first time. They mapped each other's bodies with lips and teeth and tongue, with fingertips and palms. And finally, Bruck slowly and lovingly opened his bondmate's body and slid inside the safest, warmest, most amazing place he'd ever been. Neither lasted very long. Obi-Wan had waited for what seemed like a lifetime for his Light-mate and Bruck hadn't been with another soul since his last, disastrous mission.

Even as they brought each other to completion, their bond thrummed with their love for each other and grew stronger with each touch, each thrust, each murmured or screamed word of endearment and love. It strengthened until they weren't quite certain when they were speaking and when they were communing through the Force.

When they could both think almost coherently again, they lay side by side, their hands still roaming slowly over each other's body even as they stared into each other's weary gaze. Finally, Obi-Wan leaned over and lay his head on Bruck's chest, placing a kiss there before he wrapped his arm around Bruck's waist.

"I think I missed most being able to snuggle down beside you and tell you everything about my day when we parted ways in the cr?che," Obi-Wan murmured against the warm, tanned skin beneath his lips.

"I missed the stories you would tell about the knights who would rotate through the cr?che," Bruck replied. "You'd make up whole missions for them and then tell us how they escaped the dastardly Hutts or the minions of the Sith," he finished with a soft laugh. Then he pulled his bondmate closer. "I think I missed everything about you."

They lay quietly for a few minutes, almost drifting off to sleep before another thought struck him and he groaned. Obi-Wan glanced at him sideways.


"I suppose I'll have to go see the soul healers again," he said in a low voice. "They'll want to know about the challenge. And...this."

Obi-Wan curled around Bruck's body possessively. "Tomorrow, Bruck," he said. "And I will come with you."

"You don't have to," his lover protested but Obi-Wan leaned up and covered Bruck's lips with his fingers.

"I want to," he stated in a 'no arguments' tone and Bruck slowly smiled.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." The older padawan squeezed his lover gently. "So now all we have to worry about is figuring out how to get Qui-Gon into bed with us too."

There was silence for a moment and Obi-Wan held his breath. Had he read his bondmate correctly?

Finally, Bruck chuckled.

"You're such an over-achiever, Kenobi," he said as he nuzzled his lover's hair.

Obi-Wan just grinned.

To be continued in Bonds of Love