Blood and Thunder

by FireCracker

submission dated 8-20-99

Pairing: Q/O

A/U: Qui-Gon shows the other side of himself to Obi-Wan.

spoilers, my AU is flexible always. Anyone under the age of 65 is too young for this story! Kink.

Rating: R, working on X.

Category: First time, angst

Core smut. Obi is twenty - three.

It had been a long month for Qui-Gon, but not because of any harrowing off world missions. Being assigned library duties while Master Urog recovered from the Bendian flu wasn't his idea of exciting. The hours were long and tedious, and if any of the creche didn't come in from time to time he'd fall asleep completely. Their endless questions and enthusiasm reminded him of a certain padawan he missed.

He and Obi-Wan hadn't been together for two months. His adventurous padawan had decided to volunteer duty at the AgriCorps for a while since they were short handed in the fields. They had a long discussion about the direction their relationship was taking, and the possible consequences of defying the Code. Were it just a matter of feelings, the choice would be an easy one. Qui-Gon smiled to himself at the study station. Just thinking about Obi-Wan got his blood up. The Code, he mused, was becoming a canker in his mind, vexing and unyielding in it's precepts. Adding to his vexation was the fact that his padawan had been somewhat taunting when they parted.

"Don't worry Master, I'll be back before you realize I'm gone."

"Perhaps, padawan, but how will I occupy my time without you here? Even a Jedi Master requires some diversion" Qui-Gon's eyes twinkled.

"Ah, well" the young man laughed brightly, teasing. "I'm sure you can get together with the other Masters and do something mental, like ponder the mysteries of the universe" the ocean eyes grew somber. He took Qui-Gon's hands in his own. "I'll miss you. Why not enjoy yourself, Master, you are always so restrained and proper. Someone would think you're a century old the way you carry yourself sometimes. I know I plan to enjoy myself" he gave a quick wink, "I hear there are some new hot spots and clubs along the Rim. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky!"

Qui-Gon gave him a subdued smile. "Ever the adventurous one. I don't doubt you'll have a good time, provided you have the energy after farming."

Qui-Gon reflected on Obi-Wan's words. Is that what he truly thinks of me?? he pondered, annoyed. Being a Jedi Master doesn't lend itself to public displays and frolic. A wicked grin spread on his face. So, my padawan, you think you know everything about me, all my aspects? I waited for you to be ripe for my loving so that I may teach you things the Council would forbid. Carefully have I leashed myself, as I know we are being monitored. If truth be told the Council is correct in being concerned. I have never been the best Jedi at controlling my feelings. Yoda and Mace have often said over the years that if I didn't stop feeding my emotions to the force, I would most likely turn. As a Master I have learned to temper and channel my emotions, but it is still a continuous battle, they always rage within. I must plan this carefully. My padawan returns in two days.

"Master Jinn?" a small curly haired padawan tugged at his sleeve.

"Hmm?" Jinn started. "Forgive me, child. I was preoccupied. Do you need help?"

"Yes, Master Jinn. I need the reference guide for Katras of pleasure."

Qui-Gon had to smile. "Aren't you a little young for such material?"

The round eyes surveyed him in shock. "Oh, no, Master Jinn, not that version! I just need the index regarding the philosophy and how it relates to eternal happiness."

"I see. Well, let's look it up" Jinn punched in his computer. "What's your name?"

The girl brightened. "Shari Woorl, sir. My Master is Ooreth."

Qui-Gon's eyebrows went up. "Indeed. Wait right here while I get your disc" he went to the storage shelves indexes. "Ah, here it is" he returned and handed the disc to the girl. "Now remember to bring this back in three days, all right?"

She smiled broadly. "Yes, Master Jinn. I promise" she bowed, flushed.

He laughed. "Get on with you then, before Ooreth thinks I've detained you."

Another smile, and the girl scooted from the reference room.

Qui-Gon laughed aloud again. Children reading about pleasure katras? It was too funny. Hmm. What he had planned for a certain padawan would be many things but not 'funny.' First things first. It was time to catch a shuttle to the downtown district. He had some shopping to do and arrangements to make...

Obi-Wan returned from the Agricorps exhausted. Many of the crops had severe blight and the soil in the acreages had been used up. Turning over the grounds had taken seven crews in shifts, but slowly the crops responded. Well, I'll just be less enthusiastic in volunteering next time and keep my big mouth shut. When he returned to his shared quarters with Qui-Gon, he noticed it hadn't looked occupied in days. Odd. What could his Master be about? He looked in the study. Ah, a note.

'Obi-Wan. Meet me at the Juyy Hotel in the downtown district. Clean up, and bring along a change of clothes. There is a gold box in the foyer. Bring it along with you, and I will explain when you get here. I look forward to seeing you again, my padawan.'

Obi-Wan felt a flush of pleasure. What was this about? Their conversation about the bond? Would Qui-Gon dare to openly defy the Council? His heart sank at the thought. No, it must be something else. His long braid flipped around like a whipcord with subconscious use of the force. It was a nervous habit Qui-Gon often teased him about. Another dull mission maybe? Why all the secrecy then?

Obi-Wan ran his hands through his hair. Well, I'm getting nowhere speculating. May as well clean up and get going. He smiled. Qui-Gon always seemed to think of everything.

Qui-Gon had all the arrangements made. The clerk was to direct his Padawan to the upstairs suite. Everything was in place. He went into the bedroom to get dressed. When I am done with you, Padawan, you will be mine forever.

Obi-Wan arrived at the Juyy hotel five hours later. It was an impressive facility. Large, airy hallways, controlled color lighting, blooming plants everywhere. People bustling about their business. He went over to the marble front desk area. A pale green skinned, red haired man with a wiry moustache stood attendance.

"Excuse me good sir. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. I have a reservation for room 16A?" he displayed an ID chip.

The man shuffled on his computer. "Let's see, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Oh yes, young man. Your guest awaits you upstairs. That's our luxury suite on the top floor. Please wait while I get your escort" he pressed a light panel for an attendant.

Obi-Wan was amazed. What the frack was going on? Was there an important mechant or politician Qui-Gon had sequestered up there? He reached out with his mind...


//Come to me, Padawan.//

Something in the mental tone gave him shivers. Uneasy anticipation danced along his nerves.

"Sir? Your escort is here."

Obi-Wan started. A tall heavyset man in a blue attendant uniform awaited him.

"Follow me, young sir" he said in a lilting voice.

In mute surprise, Obi-Wan followed him up. Once off the duro-lift, they went down an ornate hall with marble pillars and plush carpet.

"Your room, sir" the man nodded and retreated.

Inexplicably, Obi-Wan felt apprehension along with nervousness. Ridiculous. It was just his Master and some diplomat, probably. He wasn't going to act like some unsophisticated doobing. He pressed a side panel and stepped in.

And saw no one. The room was a palace, coordinated in several delicate pastel shades. More plush carpet. Satin curtains, lush plants, marble ceiling tile. Polished wooden furniture in the dining area. A large textured mirror in the hallway. Crushed velvet living area furniture.It was almost hedonistic. He had no idea what the bedroom looked like.

"All in good time, Obi-Wan. Patience."

The startled Jedi turned. What he saw made his jaw drop.

Qui-Jon was magnificent. The powerful body rippled underneath a blue satin robe and thigh high black leather boots. His well known endowment was dressed with a gold cock ring at the tip. His hair had grown longer than it had ever been, a long thick braid which trailed around his neck, down his chest and to his waist. It was decorated with a gold cord plaited through. His navel wore a red jewel.

"Obi-Wan, sit down before you fall down."

The young Jedi stammered. "M-Master, you, you're, uh..."

"Not what you expected?"

Expected? I want to fall down in front of you, Obi-Wan thought.

"You just look so...different."

"Surely there should be some other greeting between us."

That was all it took. Obi-Wan's senses were already kicking into hyperdrive. Dropping his duffle bag, he all but leaped across the room and slid into his Master's arms.

"You're perfect, Qui-Gon" Obi-Wan panted, reaching up to kiss him. Their tongues met, swirling, sampling each other's flavor and texture. With a groan, the taller man pulled off.

"Trying to eat me alive, eh?"

The emerald blue eyes roamed down the tall form, blazing with lust. "I'd love to."

"We will have dinner first. Then, if you are willing..."

"Oh, yes, anything."

Qui-Gon smiled to himself. He is as ready for me as an Ubla whore. I can smell his heat.

"Did you bring the gold box, Obi-Wan?"

The younger man was still staring. "Why-oh, yes, right here" he reached in his tunic, pulled the package out. Qui-Gon reached for it.

"It's not an illegal substance or something, is it?" Obi-Wan said suggestively. "I'd hate to think you were trying to corrupt me!"

Qui-Gon's eyes held a dangerous glint. "There is no try, there is only do."

Obi-Wan swallowed again, still uncertain about the direction of the evening. He vacillated between open staring and looking away. "Master" he stated in an attempt to regain some composure. He was no child, and he'd certainly seen Qui-Gon's body before. Although not so...

"I don't mean to stare so, but you don't seem to be yourself. Nor do I understand what brought this change about in you."

The taller Jedi observed him. So spirited and proud, my padawan. The sweeter the conquest when you are mine completely.

"Come into the dining room area with me, padawan, I will explain. Relax yourself, we are not in the temple" he turned and headed down the hallway. Obi-Wan followed closely behind, entranced at the situation. He observed the blue satin fall of the robe accenting the shape of Qui-Gon's rear.

Oh great, now I'm staring at his butt Obi-Wan thought in exasperation. I need to find out what's happening here.

Qui-Gon motioned for Obi-Wan to sit at one end of the dining room table. It was set up well for dining, although no food was in evidence yet. He went into the kitchen and returned presently with a large crystal decanister containing a bright red liquid. In the other hand were two long stemmed crystal goblets. He set one in front of Obi-Wan and began pouring.

"What's that? It doesn't look like wine" he noted.

Qui-Gon smiled. "It isn't. Corellian flame brandy."

Woah, Obi-Wan thought, eyes widening. You had to take it real easy with that stuff, or you'd be kissing the floor. Despite his confusion, some inner demon made him grin slyly.

"Master, did you lure me here to get me drunk? Is this seemly and proper behavior for a venerated Jedi Master?

He taunts me. Let the dance begin. Qui-Gon mused. He sat down opposite the younger man at the table.

"What behavior would you suggest I have, Obi-Wan?" he responded lightly.

The other Jedi folded his hands over the table, sipped his drink. "What I mean is, why all this now? I thought we had agreed to approach the Council first about wanting a life-bond."

Qui-Gon shook his head gravely. "Obi-Wan, the Council has precious little say over how a life-bond develops" he grinned wolfishly. "They occur when they are meant to be. They occur without permission."

"You mean to defy the Council on the Code? incredulous.

"You do not understand me."

What in fug is going on here, Obi-Wan thought. He erupted in anger. "No, I don't! Do I have a choice here, any say in the matter? Or did you decide for both of us?? He stood abruptly, snatching up the goblet and downing his drink. The uncertainty was driving him crazy, and he'd had enough of this bizarre situation.

"If you aren't going to tell me what's wrong and why you're behaving this way, I may as well leave. I thank you for the drink. There is work for me at the temple" he turned on his heel and stormed out of the room. He made it to the door, which wouldn't open at his touch.

"So be it" he murmured, waving his hand. The door opened...

Then slammed shut with a concussive force. Obi-Wan barely had time to turn around when he found himself pressed against the panel by Qui-Gon.

"Release me, Master" he glared, quiet, defiant.

Qui-Gon smiled coolly. His voice was ice. "I think not, Padawan" he emphasized. "You will remain here until all your questions are answered."

Obi-Wan fought to keep from trembling. The alcohol brought heat to his face. Qui-Gon's musk, his body heat, was intoxicating. "Please."

The taller Jedi released him slowly. My beautiful firebrand, you shall cry out my name before this night is done.

"Obi-Wan, come with me. Now."

The two men returned to the dining room. "Sit, and I will explain."

Obi-Wan reseated himself, resigned. "I just want to understand."

"And so you shall." Qui-Gon steepled his fingers. "I made no decision to exclude you. What you see before you is still me. Remember the conversation we had before you went to AgriCorp" silently, Obi-Wan nodded.

"You spoke of a reserved Jedi Master. One who is too controlled, too contained, seemingly sedate? Do you realize it took me many years to achieve that?"

Obi-Wan gaped. "But I always thought you so disciplined and serene. Then this-" he waved his hand about the room. "I was confused."

Qui-Gon let out a slow breath. "Did it ever occur to you there was a reason why I appeared that way? That I was none of those things by nature but by necessity?"

Stunned. "What!"

"And did you never wonder why only Yoda could train me as a child?"

"There were so many legends about you and your ability-"

"Forget the legends. My power and control were never balanced in my nature. Yoda was the only Jedi Master who could help me achieve any semblance of order in my being. Otherwise I'd have turned long ago. Why do you think Mace and Yoda are ever lecturing, ever watching. They know the true Qui-Gon!" he stood suddenly, wild with emotion. The midnite blue eyes fixed on his companion. "They knew then what they know now, that when there is something I want there is nothing I am not prepared to do to obtain it. Nothing!"

Obi-Wan found his breathing ragged, understanding the hidden meaning. "If you can defy the Council, can I do any less? You are my Master, my teacher. I would not abandon you to their judgement."

Qui-Gon remained standing. Then, with fluid grace he swept around the table and stood before his padawan. The younger man stood slowly, meeting his eyes with a bright hunger. He couldn't breathe.

Qui-Gon leaned close without touching. "Padawan" he said softly, silkily. "I am not a teacher or Jedi Master...all the time" he thumbed the young Jedi's chin and raised it up. "What you see now is the true me. I would have your feelings."

Obi-Wan couldn't form a coherent thought. Midnight Blue eyes bored into him. Heat, love, and lust radiated from the powerful body, battering his mental shields. And the need. Uncompromising and unfulfilled. His composure began to crack.

"I,..I don't know what you want me to say...Master."

"Even here, even now? Very well" Qui-Gon backed away, releasing some tension.

"Let us eat dinner first, as I promised." Obi-Wan was grateful for the opportunity to calm his mind and body.

The combination of good food, Corellian Fire Brandy, and a small distance from Qui-Gon did much to soothe Obi-Wan's composure. He even began to laugh and joke.

He has such a lovely glow. Qui-Gon observed with mounting fire. Control, Qui-Gon, control! I could take him now and he would not resist. But it would not be a true life bond. I must wait a bit more. "I must say, Master, you procured some excellent Fire Brandy!"

"Only the best for the best, Obi-Wan" his companion's gaze deepened. He stifled a yawn, stood and stretched. "And an excellent meal. Goodnight" he smiled and headed for the bedroom, taking his goblet and the decanister with him. The younger Jedi gawked in amazement but didn't attempt to follow.

At least not right away, Qui-Gon thought. He went to the master bedroom and sprawled his length on the red velvet sheets. An erection was beginning to poke at his robe with a small throb. He sipped at his drink. I can wait, but not much longer. If necessary I will force the issue.

Fine, I know this game, Obi-Wan thought. But this side of his Master was...magnetic, he had to admit. Sexy. Dangerous. Hot. Part of him wanted nothing more than to surrender to that power, that strength.

Pride spiked at his growing lust. He picked at the last of his meal. So I'm just supposed to go in there, and beg to be taken? He stared defiantly down at his plate. A smug smile began to form. Two can play. Perhaps I can have him on my terms. That would be delicious.

//Obi-Wan, I need thee. Please.// plaintive.

The young Jedi sprang up. /Master, are you alright?/ concern broke pride. He bounded toward the bedroom.

In the colored lighting, Qui-Gon allowed himself a predatory smirk. His tongue curled over his lips as he projected helplessness and need.

Come, little one, into my velvet trap.

With little thought other than concern for his Master, Obi-Wan charged into the bedroom. His heart did flips at what he saw.

Qui-Gon sprawled full length, one knee up, a forearm over his face, and a rather prominent erection growing under his robe. Textures and colors forming an erotic display. Blue satin, red velvet, black leather, and a body that wouldn't quit. His blood thumped. I can do whatever I want with this.

"Master are you ill?" he edged toward the bed. Qui-Gon shifted.

"Touch me, padawan" he implored softly. Wisps of long hair worked loose from the braid, framing his face. The dark night eyes shone with need.

Obi-Wan melted. "Oh, yes, my Master" he reached out and touched the pillar of flesh underneath the robe, stroking it gently. The gold cock ring fascinated him, he wanted to taste and tease it. Settling back a bit, he undid the sash of his tunic and pulled it off over his head. Qui-Gon leaned over, catching the pants drawstring in his teeth, pulling it free. Obi-Wan slid out of his pants and settled by the bed, wearing only his briefs.

//Galaxy, he is gorgeous,// Qui-Gon breathed. //If he doesn't do something quick I'm sure to jump his bones.//

Obi-Wan stroked his companion's cock again. "Yes, my Master" he said hotly, hearing the thought. Without preamble, he plunged his mouth on Qui-Gon's need. He tasted the metallic tang of the ring against the salty flesh, and it was good. Hearing a satisfied groan, he ran his tongue along the edge, teasing the slit at the head. Working his way down, he gently pinched the heavy sacs underneath.

Qui-Gon didn't last long. With a husky cry he came, arching his hips and filling his apprentice's mouth with his seed.

His eyes sparkled with affection. "Ghods, that was good, padawan..."

Obi-Wan almost blushed. Qui-Gon stroked his face and sat up. Soft kiss.

"Allow me to reciprocate" he reached at the younger man's crotch and massaged over the briefs. Obi-Wan gasped as his balls twitched.

"That-that is not necessary, Master" he managed, flushed. "I only came when I thought you were in distress. I'm glad to have helped" he brushed aside the hand.

Qui-Gon's expression darkened. More cascading locks came free of the braid, partially obscuring his face. "You are being stubborn."

Suddenly feeling chided, Obi-Wan retreated behind anger, hoping to smother his body's reactions. He wouldn't be an easy mark no matter how aroused.

"Hardly. If you hadn't called, I wouldn't have come anyway" an irrational surge came. "And since I'm done servicing you, I'm going to bed. Goodnite!"

Once again he staged a dramatic exit, as Qui-Gon stared mutely from the bed.

After the younger Jedi had gone, Qui-Gon allowed himself a small smile. He licked a finger slowly.

First the dance, now the hunt. Yes, go, I will come for you. Always.

Obi-Wan paced in the living area. If it weren't so late I'd return to the temple. He walked down another hallway in idle distraction. His body still hadn't calmed down enough.

This place is huge. What's behind this door here? he opened and peeked inside. A gym! One that would do the temple proud.

Working off a good sweat is what I need. Maybe in the morning a more rational discussion could be in order. He surveyed the room. High ceiling, multi-tier grapple rings mounted on the walls. Padded walls for safety. Fall mats and cushions on the floor. Up in the corner near the ceiling, a square opening resembling a crawl space. He exhaled slowly, starting breathing exercises.

Sitting down on a floor mat he took up the lotus position. Focus and clarity.

Qui-Gon had a mental picture of the scene. He chuckled softly. That will not work, padawan. Don't you know what I've done to you? Before this nite is over you'll be in my bed, rest assured.

An hour dragged by.

Strange. Obi-Wan thought. I can't seem to concentrate on a katra. Something in me feels so strange...

A rush of images came unbidden in his mind. Himself and Qui-Gon. Sweating and screaming pleasure. Uncontrolled passion and pounding submission. Promises made in the dark. Triumph of forever.

Gritted teeth, eyes closed, breaking a sweat. "Sith" he hissed aloud. "I must choose it, not the other way around. I...won'!"

More strange sensations flooded him. A hazy aura of energy pulsating and growing, towards what? Weavings through his mind, body, and soul. And then the quiet.

He opened his eyes and found himself panting. He stood, and an inexplicable wave of weakness flooded him, driving him to the floor again. A nimbus of light from within, stabbing pinpricks of pain behind his eyes.

I'm dying, that's it. he thought. Heart or brain's blown...

Then again, the calm, as if nothing had happened. Obi-Wan sat quietly a while, not daring to test his legs immediately. Gradually his strength returned.

Well whatever it was, it's gone now.

//You delude yourself.//

His eyes snapped open. /Master! You know what occurred?/ it was not a question.

// I do.//

/What, then. Are you the cause? If so, why do you cause me pain!/

//I do nothing. Your own pride is tearing you apart.//

/I'm in no mood for riddles, Master./

//Or the truth, apparently.//

/I love you. But I won't be commanded into a bond without my acceptance./

//Are you so dense? Your resistance is futile.//

/Perhaps it is best that we never consummated our relationship./

//We will, there is no debate.//

/A Jedi is never arrogant./

//Huuh! We are not at the temple, now.//

/I cannot be commanded. I am my own man./

//You are insolent. Still do I love thee, though you sorely test my patience.//

/You've made your choice. Now let me make mine./

//Enough of this nonsense. Come to my arms, Obi-Wan!//

Obi-Wan broke the contact, shivering. He fought the impulse to comply.

"Still am I Jedi" he murmured to himself, closing his eyes again. He refolded his legs on the pallet.

A firestorm of power stood in the bedroom, eyes flashing anger. "Jedi, is he?" Qui-Gon thundered. "Master, am I!" he stalked out, deliberately leaving the satin robe open exposing his frontal nudity.

Obi-Wan felt a wave of something in the gym. Not the sensations of before, but a presence. He centered on it. Qui-Gon, but where? He removed all conscious thought...

And as Qui-Gon suddenly appeared in the center of the gym near him, Obi-Wan flipped upward and across the room, out of contact.

"Stay!" Qui-Gon commanded.

Obi-Wan crouched on the elevated platform a few feet above.

"I think not, Master. You're trying to force this situation!" he answered defiantly.

Qui-Gon could almost smile at the vision. His padawan looked like a wild thing, braid whipping around again in the air.

"Padawan" he said slowly, sweetly, "this is at an end. Come down from that"

Obi-Wan stood. "Catch it if you can. I am done with this as well!"

Red haze formed in Qui-Gon's vision. The challenge.

With a graceful bound, he leaped airborne towards the platform-

and nearly reached his goal. Obi-Wan spun away from his grasp at the last minute, springing to the far wall.

"Too slow, Master! Try again."

"OBI-WAN!!" he lunged again, airborne across the room. The other man anticipated the move, somersaulting over his head.

And so it went. Like two great cats, lunging, leaping, dodging.

"Are you fighting me or yourself, Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon circled around.

"You cannot catch me so you seek to distract me" the younger man was smug. "Perhaps you should join the grand elders who only employ mental pursuits."


A tremor ran through the younger man. His composure faltered. "No." Ghods, if anything...

Soft voice again. " I want only to love thee-"

"Stay, stay back."

Qui-Gon eased closer, blue satin rippling over his form. "Hold thee close in the dark..."

Obi-Wan looked around desperately for a place to escape. Qui-Gon was backing him toward a wall.

"Look into my eyes, my heart. See the truth" he extended his arms.

Obi-Wan had no choice. He looked into the liquid blue eyes, full of passion. His breath caught. The long cascade of hair, undone now, he wanted so much to run his hands through. And the body, that body...

Sith. he thought helplessly.

Qui-Gon smiled softly, stroked his cheek. "Touch my mind."

Obi-Wan's mind refused to form any rational thought. Blindly he reached up with both hands, framing Qui-Gon's face.

And was overwhelmed.

Unconditional love and devotion. Desire. Need. And the strange nimbus of light he felt earlier. It washed over him again, through him, giving him a feeling of power this time, not weakness...

Gasping, he leaned into Qui-Gon. "What, what is happening to me? he looked up again. "I don't understand..."

and found his mouth filled in reply. Qui-Gon plunged his tongue past the open lips, forcing a groan from the younger man. Reflexively, his arms went around the broad back, gripping tightly.

Obi-Wan drowned in the sensations, the salt and musk of Qui-Gon closeness, the sweet taste of his mouth. His fingers combed wildly through the waterfall of silky hair, around their faces, obscuring all view.

Qui-Gon held his prize softly. He is so lovely, so fresh. Strong. I cannot control the fire any longer, it is nearly time for completion.

He pulled out of the wet mouth slowly, getting a groan of protest.

"Obi-Wan" he breathed heavily. "I want you to obey me."

The aqua eyes were smouldering, unfocused with desire. "I want you."

"Stay there" Qui-Gon went over across the room, picking up some cushions. He piled them at one end of the training mat on the floor. He sprawled out, leather boots shining. "Come" he extended a hand.

flushed, the young Jedi crossed the room and settled on the pallet. Qui-Gon shifted him up.

"Sit up high, on top of the cushions."

Absently, Obi-Wan nodded.

Qui-Gon sidled closer. "Open your legs for me."

Obi-Wan complied. "Yes" softly.

The taller man's eyes roamed hotly over his padawan. "Shall I start high or down low?"

Obi-Wan started out of his fixation. "I-I don't know..."

Qui-Gon lifted a muscular thigh up between his legs, sliding slowly. The sensation of skin and leather made Obi-Wan gasp and tremble.

Qui-Gon slid lower between his legs. "Down it is, then."

Obi-Wan's crotch pounded underneath his briefs. "Qui-Gon..."

"Be silent. Watch me" he slid down toward the younger man's feet, slinking his body on the floor.

And began to suck his toes. One by one. Tongue flicking between the digits, tickling the arches of his feet.

Obi-Wan was awestruck at the sight. Is this the mighty Jedi who stands before the Council in defiance, servicing me like a slave?

Cradling a leg between his arms, Qui-Gon sucked the back of his calf, teasing the bend in his leg with his tongue-

Ghods, I can't believe this. I've known him most of my life and never-

after repeating this on the other leg, Qui-Gon licked wide trails of wetness on both his inner thighs-

I'm dreaming, that's what it is. This isn't real... his cock strained against the fabric of his briefs.

And was pulled free. Hands reaching underneath cupping his buttocks, massaging them. Nails gently raking across.

The sensations were making him squirm. A strong fist held the base of his cock.

My Master, I didn't know, I never knew...

Teeth nipping at the tip, stabbing fire around his groin. His head lolled back, eyes rolling.

A slap. Pain. "OW!"

Qui-Gon pulled the root of his cock, hard. "I said watch me!"

Obi-Wan panted with need. "F-forgot. Sorry.."

Qui-Gon whetted his lips, settling in again. Still holding Obi-Wan's engorged cock, he traced his tongue around the groin area, up toward a protruding navel. He sucked on the navel, flicking it vertical with his tongue. The younger man twisted in his grasp, harsh breaths escaping.

This is heaven, why did I resist this so much before?

Tongue laving wetness up his stomach, between his pectorals. Scented hair sweeping across his body, everywhere, tickling.

Suddenly Qui-Gon plunged his mouth on a plump, lush nipple, sucking voraciously.

Obi-Wan clutched and clawed the muscled back, slicked with sweat, flying up off the cushions. "Aaah!"

Qui-Gon smiled, released, and slid down again. Reaching into a side pocket of his robe, he pulled out another cock ring, identical to the one he wore.

Was that in the gold box? Obi-Wan wondered hazily, watching with hooded eyes.

Qui-Gon pulled sweat dampened hair off one side of his face, and placed the ring on the tip of his tongue. Grabbing the base of Obi-Wan's cock again, he worked his other hand underneath, between the buttocks. His mouth closed over the tip, even as his fingers slid inside the young man's body.

Obi-Wan's stomach clenched at the intrusion. But he was enraptured by the sight before him: Qui-Gon's eyes partially closed in delight, the tongue working the cock ring down over the tip, pressing. The outline the shaft made inside the strong jaw as he deep throated. The sight alone nearly drove him over the edge.

Suddenly, the probing fingers stroked faster and faster. Qui-Gon pumped the shaft mercilessly, holding the cock's tip with pulling suction. Obi-Wan's hips rocked up.

//Come for me.//

/Hurts, hurts so good, I want../

//I said come!//

Crying out, Obi-Wan came. Qui-Gon swallowed the flood greedily, licking down every drop. Gently he withdrew his fingers, kissing the young man's stomach softly.

Breathing ragged, Obi-Wan stammered, "I love you, Master."

Qui-Gon nodded. His eyes were intense. "My name, say my name."

"I don't understand."

"Here we are lovers only" he rasped. "Not Master and apprentice. I want you to say my name."

He was rewarded with a brillant smile. "Qui-Gon, I love you."

"Mmm." he closed his eyes momentarily. Obi-Wan noted his lover's distress. The cock was strained and swollen. Not to mention impressive.

"You didn't...let me help you" Obi-Wan offered, touching the flesh softly.

Qui-Gon's eyes snapped open, burning with a dark fire. "Come" he said roughly, rising from the pallet.

Obi-Wan smiled ruefully. "My legs...they're a little weak right now. Can you...?

With a growl, Qui-Gon reached down and swept up the other man off his feet.

"So romantic" Obi-Wan chuckled, attempting to ease Qui-Gon's intensity.

As they approached the bedroom, Qui-Gon didn't release him. He fell on top, down on the bed.

He's got it bad. Obi-Wan thought as he was pressed into the mattress. Now it's my turn!

Or so he thought. Qui-Gon was having none of it. Frantic kisses peppered his face, neck, and shoulders. The short beard, tickling his throat. Groins tightly wound togther. Warm leather boots and hot skin.

"Qui-Gon, please, let me help you!" he gasped under the crushing weight. Despite his explosive climax a short while ago, he was already growing hard.

In response, Qui-Gon nipped at his throat and collarbone. He nearly bounced off the bed when his lover sucked at the space below his adam's apple.

Qui-Gon rolled lower again, alternately twisting and pinching the plush nipples, then sucking them. Obi-Wan thrashed under the touch, once again spinning out of control himself.

/Do what you want, anything, I don't care.../

The wet mouth found his cock again. Teeth raked the shaft, demanding an erection...

/I feel fire, it's so hot.../

...left off there, finding his balls. Qui-Gon mouthed them, teething the sacs, then popping them free. Obi-Wan yelped in pleasure.

/More, more, more.../

He looked at Qui-Gon through hazy eyes. Dominating and strong. The impossible mane of hair, wild and disheveled. Contrasting black leather accenting the thighs. His cock glistening with clear pre-cum. Muscled arms sheened with sweat, forcing his legs open, flipping him over on his stomach. The tousled head came down, toward his buttocks. His tongue teased the opening between, wetting it thoroughly.

/My love, don't stop now./

Strong hands held the cheeks apart. Qui-Gon kissed, licked, massaged and sucked the separate globes before plunging the hot tongue inside. Obi-Wan felt the wet flesh slither up his channel. Further and further it slid, until it touched a certain spot.

He shrieked, hips flying up in response. Qui-Gon held him down, withdrew.

"No" Obi-Wan panted rapidly, "Don't stop. I want it all, I want it NOW!"

He was lifted off the edge of the bed. Qui-Gon straddled him and pushed. Obi-Wan gasped at the entrance, just the tip.

//Make the vow. Promise yourself to me.//

Fogged in pleasure. /What/

//Give yourself to me, body and soul.// Another push.

"Aah!" it hurt good. /I love you with all my heart./

Qui-Gon slid all the way in and began to pump. Obi-Wan grabbed the headposts, head thrown back.

//Forsake all others...//


//Promise to be mine, bound forever...//


//Say it!//

/I promise to love thee only and be thine, Qui-Gon, body and soul, forsaking all others forever.../



A final thrust, and then it happened. The familiar nimbus of light cascading around them, filling them, making them whole. Obi-Wan could feel himself and Qui-Gon. He was Qui-Gon. In him, through him, part of him. The light receded then. Crashing back into his own mind, he heard his lover cry out in triumph above him, his own voice cry out in response, their bodies wracked in mutual explosion. How many times he came he couldn't say, he was blinded by the pleasure.

Eventually, he regained consciousness. Aching and sore, he sidled out from underneath Qui-Gon. Turning to look at his beloved, his heart did a flip. Qui-Gon's eyes shone with open love.

"Hello" he smiled softly. Answering grin.

"Hello yourself."

Obi-Wan lazily traced the lips and cropped beard. "That light. Was that our bond?"

Qui-Gon leaned his face into the hand, kissing the palm. "Yes. When you came to me earlier, I shared my midchlorians with you. That is what triggered the bond towards it's completion."

"But why did I have pain initially?"

"Because you resisted the bond that in truth, had already been formed. The bond desired completion."

Obi-Wan pursed his lips. "Oh. That's why I felt such a surge of power after I left you, then weakness."


He sighed, nuzzled along Qui-Gon's neck. Qui-Gon settled him in for an embrace.

/Sorry about the taunting. I know you were angry./

//It was a bit out of your training. But we were both stressed because of the bond's incompletion.//

/I just hated the idea of not being in control./

//We were both out of control, Padawan.//

/Now I understand why you said before the choice had been made. I misinterpreted./

//Perhaps I should've clarified.//

Obi-Wan sat up suddenly. "Wait, what about the Council?" he looked worriedly at Qui-Gon, braid whipping around in agitation.

Qui-Gon smiled, catching the braid, holding it still. "We'll have to deal with them eventually" his smile faded. "It will be difficult. We will have to develop our shielding techniques as never before."

Obi-Wan touched his mate's face. "I don't want to live a lie."

"Nor I. But I will not risk your future or your knighthood, Obi-Wan. Being cast out from the Jedi holds no real appeal for me either."

The younger man frowned. "My future is with you, I don't care how difficult it is!"

Qui-Gon pulled him into a kiss. "So defiant. We will find a way, I promise you."

Obi-Wan smiled. "That's more like it." He looked around at the bedroom, noting Qui-Gon had stripped off the robe and boots. He giggled at a thought. The whole room was in complete disarray.

"What!" Qui-Gon smirked.

He krinkled his nose. "This bedroom is a reeking mess. The manager's gonna kill us."

Qui-Gon pushed the tangled mane out of his eyes and surveyed the scene. "There are some advantages to being Jedi. The manager simply told me to take the best room in the house. Seems as though a Jedi saved a family member of his once." he sighed with satisfaction. "We did tear it up, though."

"I'll say" Obi-Wan played with his lover's hair, teasing it on the broad chest. The handsome face flushed. "Did I ever tell you how hot you looked last night?"

Qui-Gon grinned. "I wanted you to see something different. You liked it?"

"Are you kidding? I nearly passed out looking at you. I thought I walked into the den of a Sith Lord."

At that, Qui-Gon laughed heartily. "Really! You know they once recruited me."

Open shock in the young man's eyes. "What! How..."

"They saw my potential. Even contacted me again a few years ago. I told them I wasn't interested."

"That's a relief."

"Arrogant. They know me a maverick and expect me to turn in time."

"Because of what you told me about yourself earlier."


"Well" Obi-Wan cuddled into an embrace, "I'll just see to it that it never happens."

"They mean nothing to me. I am Jedi."

They lay quietly, watching the dawn peek over the horizon, bodies glistening in the twilight from their loving.


"Yes, my love."

"You're the best."

"As are you, my Obi-Wan."

They kissed softly and embraced sleep.


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