Bear the Consequences

by Yvette

Archive: Master & Apprentice, please

Category: First Time

Rating: PG? Kissing but sex implied only

Spoilers: None, takes place a couple of years prior to TPM

Summary: Obi-Wan gets himself and his Master into trouble

Feedback: Please? This is the first time I've written Q/O, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

The shame of it was killing him. His Master had not said a word since arriving, neither had Valerin's Master.

Obi-Wan took a deep, silent breath and concentrated on calming his mind. It wouldn't do any good when he faced Yoda, but at least he could maintain his dignity in front of Master Qui-Gon.

The other occupants in the room were equally silent. There was little that could be said. Obi-Wan kept his eyes on the floor. He could feel Valerin fidgeting beside him, but that was nothing new. Valerin had never been the most patient of apprentices. Master Toruk was at the window, staring calmly out into the night, his back to the two apprentices and the other Jedi Master. Qui-Gon Jinn was standing opposite the Obi-Wan, his arms crossed, his steady gaze not leaving his Padawan's bowed head. One swift glance at his Master when Qui-Gon had entered the room had been enough to make Obi-Wan wish to avoid meeting his Master's eyes.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi".

Obi-Wan followed the Temple guard down the short hallway and into the Council Chambers. He could feel his Master standing behind him to his left. And with a sinking heart he noted the presence of both Yoda and Master Windu in the only two occupied chairs in the room.

"Qui-Gon Jinn." Master Windu's voice showed none of the irritation he was surely feeling at having been called from his bed at this time of night.

"Yes, Master Windu." Qui-Gon's voice was also calm.

"The Jedi monitor received word two hours ago that two Jedi were being held in the police precinct, having been arrested during a fight that broke out in a nightclub. When our representative arrived, Padawan Kenobi and Padawan Valerin were released to his custody, and a full report of their behaviour was given. They, and the others involved in the fight, are responsible for several hundred credits worth of damage to the club they were in, and to the shop front they destroyed during the fight. The Council has already apologised on behalf of your student and the other apprentice, and we have paid for the cost of repairs to the damaged property."

Qui-Gon remained silent during the stark recitation, as did Obi-Wan. The younger man kept his composure, and his head held high as he stared blankly at the window several feet away. He could feel the weight of Yoda's disapproval heavy upon him. Master Windu, on the other hand, gave the impression that Obi-Wan did not exist.

"The sum of two hundred and ninety three credits will be withdrawn from your yearly disbursement. Your mission to Dantooine will be undertaken by another team. You and your Padawan will spend the next three months in a teaching capacity within these walls. You will not leave the building during that time. At the end of the three months we will review the situation."

Qui-Gon replied evenly, "Yes, Master Windu."

Yoda had been uncharacteristically silent throughout the proceedings. He spoke, his words bringing a flush of shame to Obi-Wan's face that until now, he had successfully been fighting.

"Bear the consequences of your actions, you must."

The words were a dismissal. The two Jedi bowed, and left the room.

Qui-Gon Jinn was silent on the way back to Obi-Wan's quarters. He strode ahead, not even looking to see if his Padawan was following. Obi-Wan had to almost run to keep up, and was uncomfortably reminded of a time not so long ago when his entire life seemed to consist of running to keep up with his Master.

The Jedi Master waved a hand towards the door panel as they arrived and strode through the opening door without breaking stride. Obi-Wan followed, wanting badly to be anywhere but here. Anywhere he didn't have to meet his Master's eyes and see the anger and the disappointment in them.

Qui-Gon Jinn's voice was deadly quiet.

"I trust you are satisfied with yourself, Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan made the only response he could.

"I'm sorry, Master."

"Sorry for what, Padawan? For storming out of here in a temper tantrum a four year old would be proud of? For embarrassing the Temple? Are you sorry to be the first Jedi ever arrested on Coruscant? Or perhaps you regret the fact that we've wasted nearly two months of work planning for the mission on Dantooine - a mission that will now be fulfilled by two other Jedi, whose lives may be risked because of the fact that due to your childish behaviour, they were sent on a mission they were not prepared for. Is that why you're sorry, Padawan?"

Had his voice been raised in anger it would have been better, somehow. But it was quiet enough that Obi-Wan had to strain to hear him. He would have preferred a beating to this. Hours of torture perhaps, anything but this cold, almost sarcastic use of a title he'd always been so proud to bear.

He swallowed.

"All of it, Master. I'm sorry for all of it. I have no excuse, Master."

There was silence then, and still Obi-Wan had not met his Master's gaze. He could feel the pull of those eyes, but resisted it. His shame was too much to bear already without that, too.

The long minute stretched out between them, and with it came a distance that had never been present in their relationship. Obi-Wan wanted desperately to make it all right, but was too caught up in his own nightmare to even begin to find the right words to say. Eventually, his Master spoke again.

"Go to bed, Obi-Wan." There was resignation in his tone, disappointment - and something else. As his Master left the quarters Obi-Wan recognised what else. Disgust.

The following three days were an exercise in misery for the young Jedi. He barely saw his Master at all, and Qui-Gon Jinn had spoken less than ten words to him since the night of the fight in the club.

Banished to an empty schoolroom on a quiet day, Obi-Wan stretched his aching muscles for a long moment before returning to his task. The shelves in the schoolroom were built at children's height. All texts, picture books and learning aids had to be organised alphabetically according to type and age group and returned to the shelves. And given that this particular classroom was home to more than forty students under the age of six years old, putting the room to rights took several hours at a time. Usually this was the task of the students, but Qui-Gon Jinn was currently teaching them about the living Force somewhere in the gardens. Obi-Wan grinned briefly as he continued to stack the low shelves methodically, wondering how his Master would be faring with forty hyperactive youngsters.

The grin faded quickly, though. Valerin and his Master had been sent away somewhere - Obi-Wan didn't know where. He didn't want to ask Qui-Gon Jinn and he couldn't ask anyone else so he remained in ignorance. The other Padawans who had been so friendly a few short days ago were now avoiding him. Obi-Wan couldn't blame them. He was clearly trouble. Since before he'd even become Qui-Gon's Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi had been aware of his Master's reputation. Qui-Gon Jinn was the ultimate Jedi. A man of action, a powerful and elegant fighter, a Jedi strong with the Force, who used it to further peace throughout the Galaxy. Apprentices told stories of his great deeds, the younger children looked up to him like a God. And all of them were well aware that because of the thoughtless and childish actions of his Padawan, the great Qui-Gon Jinn had been restricted to the Temple for three months. Obi-Wan avoided the accusing looks from the other Padawans, but it was a physical pain to watch the other Masters glance his way, and then glance at Qui-Gon Jinn with the faintly raised eyebrows that seemed to ask if the great Master had failed with yet another Padawan.

He'd finished the shelves along one side of the room, and stood to walk over to the other side. Previously he'd sorted all the books into the correct piles, but the act of stooping down to painstakingly stack the books in their correct sequence was giving his back hell. He should be concentrating on feeling the pain, allowing it to alert his body to the aching muscles, and then giving it to the Force. But he didn't have the energy to do so. Or perhaps he was just too stubborn to let it go.

It had been the first fight he'd ever had with his Master.

//"Keep your attention on the here and now, Obi-Wan. Your mind wanders far too much for a Jedi. If you cannot come to terms with the living Force you will never become a Knight."

The was more than a trace of impatience in Qui-Gon Jinn's tone, and Obi-Wan knew why. This was the sixth time today his Master had been forced to call his attention back to the tedious task they had been undertaking for the last four days.

A month had been spent traveling the trade routes between Dantooine and it's neighbouring systems, discovering what they needed to know about the illegal trade embargoes that were threatening to draw several systems into armed warfare. That, at least, had been interesting work. The preliminary talks with the Dantooine Senate had also yielded some fascinating information, and Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan had returned to the Jedi Temple to report to the Council and plan for their mission on Dantooine. Several days now had been spent in tedious research. They needed to know about the cultures involved in the trade routes, the history of the planets, the governmental structure, and much, much more. The immense amount of information required dissemination to a short, concise report for the Council before they left on their mission. It was driving Obi-Wan crazy.

"I'm sorry, Master." It had been so frequent a refrain over the past few days, Obi-Wan was considering getting it recorded to play back at will and save his voice.

"Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon Jinn sounded angry now, and Obi-Wan's head snapped up from the text in front of him in surprise at the bite in his Master's tone.


"Not every task for a Jedi involves something exciting, Obi-Wan. There will be many times in the future when your mission will be something very dull and very tedious. If you choose to sulk and behave childishly every time you are asked to perform a task you find boring, you will discover that the Council has little interest in entrusting you with the role of a Jedi Knight."

It was the lack of sleep, maybe, or just the incredible frustration that had building inside him for months, but for once Obi-Wan did not apologize meekly and back down.

"We've been doing this for seven hours, Master. You know as well as I do that the situation is not that urgent. Surely a few hours of relaxation would not cripple the Dantooine economy?" There was no missing the sarcasm in Obi-Wan's voice.

It was annoying to find that his discourtesy, instead of visibly angering his Master, seemed to have the opposite effect. Qui-Gon Jinn looked as calm and relaxed as ever, and his voice was very even.

"And you would rather be out with your friends? Or one friend in particular, perhaps?"

Obi-Wan met his Master's calm gaze with a mulish look.

"You said I could go out with Valerin tonight." He fought, and failed, to keep the whine from his tone.

"I said you could go if you finished the task you are working on. And if you had applied yourself two hours ago, you would be finished now."

That logic was as annoying as it was unarguable. Obi-Wan didn't even bother to reply. He just keyed in the next sequence of information and returned his gaze to his reader. The look on his face spoke volumes, however. He was angry and frustrated and horny and fed up.

There was silence for a moment before his Master spoke again.

"You may leave, Padawan." It wasn't a pleasant request. His Master was clearly fed up to the back teeth with his behaviour.

Obi-Wan flicked off his reader and stood up. The text he had been working on fell to the floor and he picked it up and tossed it back on the desk before turning and walking away without a word. His behaviour was beyond rudeness, beyond anything that was acceptable behaviour for a Padawan, and he almost expected to hear his Master's voice calling him back. But there was nothing but silence behind him.//

The shelves were done now, and there was nothing more to do than straighten the chairs and tables, clean off the board, reset the display units and put all the brightly coloured blocks away. Stifling a sigh, Obi-Wan set to work on the furniture.

His date with Valerin had not gone well.

For a start, Obi-Wan hadn't been in the mood to go out and have fun. He'd only gone to spite Qui-Gon Jinn, really. Knowing just how childish and inexcusable his behaviour was didn't make him remedy it, however. He couldn't face another night with his Master. Another night wasted, dreaming about forbidden sex, calling his Master by his given name, kissing him, touching him, tasting him. Another wet dream starring his untouchable Master, another morning spent avoiding that all-knowing gaze. Obi-Wan was no virgin, but of late it seemed that this obsession with his Master was destroying every vestige of Jedi instinct within him. His timing was off, his training sessions ended with more bruises than anything else. He couldn't concentrate, his sleep cycles were erratic. His body was this entire mass of need and Qui-Gon Jinn still treated him like a twelve year old.

He'd been moody and uncommunicative when he'd caught up with Valerin, and had sat nursing his drink for the first half hour of their date. What he wanted was sex. No, what he wanted was a good, hard, fucking - one that would drive away all of his demons for a few short weeks. Valerin would have been more than happy to oblige, but before they'd had a chance to leave the fight had broken out in the club they were in and the Jedi were drawn into it. They shouldn't have been there in the first place, should certainly have made a quick exit as soon as trouble broke out, but the best laid plans...............

The arrest was embarrassing. The interview with Master Windu and Yoda was humiliating. But these were things that could be overcome. The distance between he and his Master was something Obi-Wan was beginning to despair of ever closing.

Wearily, he finished his tasks in the schoolroom, then made his way back to his room. If he could just grab a couple of hours sleep, he'd be able to face the crowd at dinner. Sinking onto his bed at long last, Obi-Wan was asleep before he'd even bothered to remove his boots.



The insistent voice pierced his slumber finally. Obi-Wan raised his head from the bed, and looked blearily up at his Master. He rolled over onto his back and sat up, swinging his feet over the side of the bed to rest on the floor. He was tired and aching and the short nap had done little to stem the exhaustion that had seeped into his bones sometime over the past month or so.

"Yes, Master?" There was no disrespect in his tone. There was no emotion in his tone at all. He didn't have the energy for it.

"You were required to assist with the evening meal half an hour ago. Master Ennaan called me on the communicator to find out where you were." Qui-Gon didn't look angry, but then he rarely looked angry.

Obi-Wan sighed. He hadn't been told to report to the kitchens, but he had no doubt there would be a message requesting his presence on his mail reader. He just hadn't bothered to check it today.

"I'll go now." He rose from the bed and walked to the door, only to stop when his Master's next words sunk in.

"I asked Master Ennaan to excuse you."

Obi-Wan turned back to his Master. It had been so long since he'd heard Qui-Gon Jinn's voice without the underlying impatience it felt like he was listening to a stranger.

"Why?," he asked baldly.

His Master frowned.

"You've been working hard, Padawan. There was a time not so long ago that I had to practically tie you down to the bed to get you to sleep, and now I find my twenty year old Padawan taking a nap in the middle of the afternoon."

The gentle humour in Qui-Gon Jinn's voice was also something Obi-Wan hadn't heard for a long time. To his dismay, he could feel tears prickling at the back of his eyelids. He blinked them away quickly, hoping his Master hadn't noticed.

"I haven't been sleeping well of late, Master," Obi-Wan admitted.

"I know, Padawan. I ask too much of you sometimes. I forget how young you are. The events of the other night - it was a foolish thing to do, Obi-Wan, but I should have been more understanding. I hope you will forgive me."

The speech was sincerely given, but it had the very unfortunate effect of getting Obi-Wan's back up instantly. He was sick of being treated like a five year old.

"That's not the reason my concentration has been lacking lately, Master. I'm not a child anymore!"


Obi-Wan met the too calm gaze furiously, his anger directed more at himself than his Master. It needed to be said though, and it was with a sense of relief that he unburdened himself after all this time.

"Meaning that just because you've chosen a life of celibacy doesn't mean I want to! I have the same needs any man of my age has and I should at least have the freedom to see to those needs occasionally." He was practically yelling by the end of that, and at the raised eyebrow and look of surprise on his Master's face he realised that fact and consciously took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself down.

"When have I denied you the freedom to see to your natural urges, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked dryly. "We haven't shared a bed since before your fourteenth birthday - we don't bathe together, and I have always managed to give you at the very least a few hours each week completely to yourself. You've been invited to any number of receptions, and have no doubt received the same sort of invitations I frequently have - I've always given you the privacy to take up any of those offers you wished. I have never questioned what you do with your private time, Padawan. Perhaps I should have commanded you to use the time to masturbate, but I confess, it didn't occur to me that you would require a direct order from me to do so."

Obi-Wan found himself reddening again and was doubly furious with his lack of control. What was so much worse was that there was no reply he could make. His sexual frustration was his own fault - not his Master's. He'd had plenty of offers to share the beds of some beautiful men and women, and had turned most of them down, preferring to spend the time mooning over his Master, fantasizing about making love to Qui-Gon.

The silence stretched past the point where Obi-Wan could answer, and the Padawan closed his eyes briefly in self-disgust. Could he humiliate himself any more in one day? As though in answer to his silent question, there was a sound at the door as Master Windu pointedly cleared his throat.

"Master Qui-Gon - you are required in the Council Chamber."

"Yes, my Master." Qui-Gon bowed slightly and left the room.

Mace Windu did not follow him immediately. As soon as Obi-Wan realised that fact, he turned and faced the older Jedi with what he fervently hoped was a look of polite attentiveness.

"May I help you, Master Windu?"

"I see you and your Master are using your time at the Temple productively, by examining any problems within your bond."

It was always hard to tell whether Master Windu was being ironic, sarcastic or sincere. Obi-Wan nodded and gave the briefest of polite smiles in response.

The Council Elder watched him for a moment.

"Where did you get the idea that Qui-Gon was a celibate?" Master Windu's voice was threaded with amusement.

Obi-Wan was taken aback, completely unprepared for the question.

"Ah......well, he's never ....... I mean, he doesn't ..........." he wasn't stuttering, he just had no idea how to frame that particular sentence.

Master Windu's expression now matched his tone.

"You should be more careful about jumping to conclusions, Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon Jinn has been involved in a sexual relationship for the past ten years."

Obi-Wan stood stock still, the blaze of fury and jealousy sweeping his body in an instant.

"Who?" It was more of a demand than a question, and the amusement left Master Windu's face instantly at his tone.

"That is none of your concern, Obi-Wan. And now I would suggest that you apply yourself to the tasks your Master has left you." He left with a swirl of the long robe, leaving a dumbfounded young Jedi behind him.

Qui-Gon Jinn took a deep breath before speaking, attempting to control his temper.

"Perhaps the reason the talks aren't going well, Master Yoda, is because the Jedi you sent were not adequately prepared. I understand the need for an effective punishment for Obi-Wan's behaviour, but I cannot condone the logic of risking something as important as the Dantooine situation because of a foolish boy's mistake."

"Decided already, we had, to send another Jedi pair to Dantooine." Yoda's voice was calm in the dimly lit council chambers.

Qui-Gon Jinn was dumbfounded. This, he had not expected.


It was Mace Windu who replied.

"Your conduct right now is reason enough Qui-Gon. Our observations were correct. You and your Padawan are both in urgent need of a break from your duties."

Qui-Gon Jinn raised one hand to the bridge of his nose, massaging it in an effort to rid himself of the headache he'd had for what seemed like forever. Even as he did so, though, he felt the wise gazes of his oldest friend and former Master upon him. His hand dropped to his side and he breathed out slowly, understanding finally what it was that they had seen and he had not. Master Windu put it into words.

"You and Obi-Wan have been working continuously for the past eight months. Dangerous missions, frequently requiring long hours, and arduous physical demands. All Jedi require time for meditation, reflection. Time to explore our own awareness of the living Force. Those of us with training can withstand immense physical, mental and emotional tolls by using the Force. But there is a limit. And even though you have clearly been using all of your efforts to keep pushing yourself at this incredible pace, the strain has been showing in your behaviour."

He was right, of course. Qui-Gon had been so used to this ever-present weariness that it had become second nature to compensate for it. But he, at least, had several decades of training to call upon, whereas Obi-Wan.............

"Yes, Master Qui-Gon." Mace Windu's voice was wry as he followed the direction of Qui-Gon's thoughts without difficulty. "It was inevitable that Obi-Wan would bend under the pressure in some way. Be thankful it was something minor, and did not come at a greater cost."

Qui-Gon Jinn was silent for several long moments. There was something else he was supposed to understand from this conversation, but it remained elusive, whispering on the edges of his consciousness. He followed the faint thought as Yoda and Mace Windu waited patiently.

"The night Obi-Wan was bought before you," he hazarded, feeling more certain he was on the right track as Yoda nodded.

Qui-Gon frowned, and there was a question in his next statement. "You told Obi-Wan that he would have to bear the consequences of his actions."

"No." Master Yoda's voice was gentle. "Speaking to you, I was."

Qui-Gon Jinn removed his boots slowly, leaving them to fall where they dropped, on the floor next to the bed. He had been meditating for several hours before joining his lover, who was sitting up in bed, reading.

"You know tonight has been the first time I've successfully meditated in over three months?" There was still a trace of amazement in Qui-Gon's voice as he struggled to come to terms with his complete blindness concerning his own state of mind over the past few months.

His lover nodded, watching as Qui-Gon stood, stripped off the rest of his clothes, and finally got into bed. The Jedi Master clearly needed to talk things out, so his lover patiently put the reader aside.

"It was before the mission on Bnuge. We had to live in the caves for twelve days before the Bnugians would talk to us. Twelve days sleeping on stone floors, eating off the land. And after Bnuge it was Corellia, then Kampin. We never had time for training anymore, it was hard enough finding the time for basic drills. And Obi-Wan seemed so tense all the time - I kept promising myself I would find out what was bothering him, but there was always something else that required my attention. I've failed him completely. Here I am, teaching him to be aware of himself, of the living Force, and all the while completely ignoring my own teachings."

"There's something else, though, I think." His lover's voice was gentle.

"Why do you always do this, Mace?" Qui-Gon sounded resigned.

Mace Windu smiled.

"Because I am your oldest friend, your occasional lover. Because I know you better than anyone else."

Qui-Gon Jinn ran the back of one finger down Mace Windu's cheek affectionately.

"It's been good, hasn't it?" His lover appeared to have no trouble interpreting the ambiguous statement.

"When M'Sona died, I wanted to die too. You bought me out of that, Qui-Gon. You helped me back to the way of the light. And when we became lovers, it was a convenient liaison for us both. There has never been anything more than mutual desire and close friendship for either of us. But things have changed for you."

Qui-Gon sighed.


"I suspected for some time that you were falling in love with your Padawan, Qui-Gon. But I was sure of it the night he and Valerin were arrested."

Qui-Gon raised one eyebrow in silent query.

"Your thoughts were of him. Before, after .......... and during."

Qui-Gon grimaced.

"I'm sorry, Mace. I thought my shielding was better than that."

His ex-lover laughed out loud.

"Qui-Gon, your shields have been pitiful for the past year. Ever since your Padawan turned twenty you've been fighting against your own feelings for him, trying to pretend he's still a boy. Added to that the incredible workload you've both been under, plus your denial of the very real nature of his feelings for you and you end up with trouble."

Qui-Gon winced at Mace's directness. His best friend wasn't finished, though.

"How you've managed to stay alive amazes me. You've known for a long time that he wants you, and we both know how badly you want him - what's the matter with you? You know the Council approves of relationships between Jedi. We'd give you any help you needed to strengthen your bond. Why are you holding back?"

"A thousand reasons."

"Name one."

Qui-Gon held up his fingers as he counted each one off.

"I'm too old for him, what he feels for me is lust, not love, he's currently fucking someone else."

Mace Windu snorted.

"You're not too old for him, he was in love with you long before he started lusting after you, and so are you."

Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow, amused.

"Is that an invitation?"

"No. You can sleep here tonight, but after that you're back in your own bed. Not that it hasn't been good for both of us, but I can live without your relationship angst, thank you."

There was silence for a long moment between the two friends before Qui-Gon spoke again.

"My track record is not exactly the best when it comes to love."

Mace Windu settled down under the covers, laying his head on the pillow with a sigh of contentment.

"In order to have a track record, you'd actually have to spend some time on the track, Qui-Gon. You love him. He loves you. Now go to sleep."

A wave of one dark hand put the light out, and before too long Mace Windu was snoring softly beside him. Qui-Gon stayed awake for a little while longer, smiling fondly at the familiar sound. Mace was his best friend, and a considerate and passionate lover, but their relationship had never been about love. Maybe it was time to talk to Obi-Wan about some things.

Obi-Wan was seated at a table by himself and trying not to care. The other Padawans had avoided him since he and his Master had been restricted to the Temple, and Obi-Wan had no desire to foist his presence onto them by joining one of the many crowded tables in the dining room. He ate steadily, wanting to finish the meal and leave the room as soon as possible. So absorbed in his task, was he, that he didn't hear anyone approach until Valerin dropped down into the seat opposite him.

"Sith!, Obi-Wan - you look miserable as hell! What have they been doing to you?" Valerin sounded cheerful but his eyes were full of concern for his friend.

Obi-Wan looked up in surprise and smiled for the first time in days.

"Valerin! When did you get back?"

"Just now. My Master thinks I would benefit from some 'serious training'. I'm thinking of cutting his throat tonight in his sleep and escaping out the back way. Are you up for it?" Valerin's familiar grin was a balm to Obi-Wan's loneliness and he laughed at his friend's comments. Master Toruk was famous for giving incredibly strenuous physical exercise as punishment, so 'serious training' could only mean many hours of pain ahead of Valerin. It didn't seem to bother his friend too much, though.

"Only if we can do my Master while we're at it."

Valerin raised a dubious eyebrow.

"Don't tell me the Demi-God has fallen from his pedestal?"

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.

"I knew I'd regret telling you how I felt about him. And you promised you wouldn't give me shit about it, Valerin. And no - it's not what he's done. It's what I've done. As usual."

"Burned his oatmeal? Washed his whites with his formal robe?" Valerin grinned.

"You're a funny guy, Valerin. Really hilarious. Truly," Obi-Wan said admiringly. "This universe could really use a Jedi comedian."

Valerin chuckled.

"Don't change the subject. What did you do that was so bad?"

"I made a complete fool of myself. He apologised for treating me harshly over the arrest thing and I completely lost it. I practically accused him of deliberately setting out to destroy my sex life and now he thinks I'm some kind of weirdo who doesn't know how to jerk off."

Valerin's jaw dropped and he shook his head ruefully.

"You two have a very strange relationship. Why don't you just tell him you love him, Obi-Wan? If things are this bad without telling him, maybe they'll get better if you're truthful."

There was no missing the look of wretchedness on Obi-Wan's face now.

"He's been in a sexual relationship for the past ten years. Master Windu told me. All this time I've been passing it off as his choice to be a celibate, telling myself that if it wasn't for that, he'd want me. He'd never want me."

Valerin looked sympathetic. He didn't know Master Qui-Gon at all except for what Obi-Wan told him about his Master, and couldn't in all conscience tell Obi-Wan to come clean about his feelings. If Qui-Gon Jinn had been in a relationship for the past ten years, it was clearly something serious. His heart went out to his friend.

"There's only one remedy for a broken heart, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan smiled sadly.

"Let me guess. A night of serious fucking, right?"

"How did you guess?"

"Because that's your remedy for everything from a headache to a poor performance review." Obi-Wan sighed. "I don't know, Valerin - once, just once I'd like to spend the night making love instead of fucking, you know?"

Valerin smiled in sympathy, and neither apprentice noticed Master Windu and Master Qui-Gon pausing briefly as they passed the table on their way to their own dinner. If they had, they would surely have noticed the stricken look in Master Qui-Gon Jinn's beautiful blue eyes

Thrust. Turn. Spin. Step. Repeat. He'd been doing the basic move for over an hour now, and he was finally in the familiar zone, one with the Force, his body a smooth poetry of movement. There was no thought, no emotion, just the Force. The ache of his muscles, the burning in his arms and legs, his breath even, heartbeat strong. It felt good.

Without breaking step he moved the pace up another notch, adding a leap to his routine. His leggings and sleeveless workout top were soaked with sweat, but he didn't notice. There was only the Force.

His Master watched him from across the room, enjoying as always the sheer beauty that was Obi-Wan in motion. Other Padawans worked out in the enormous room, some with their Masters, others with each other, but by some unspoken agreement they left Obi-Wan enough space to continue his routine alone. Obi-Wan had moved up yet another level, and was easily completing a routine that most Padawans would not have the courage to attempt. Just watching him made Qui-Gon ache. It wasn't his Padawan's beauty that hurt, more the fact that he knew he had failed Obi-Wan over the past few months.

Obi-Wan was one of the finest fighters Qui-Gon Jinn had ever seen. His weaknesses came from other areas - his concentration, his awareness of the living Force, his insecurity and dependence. But from early on Qui-Gon had always been astounded at Obi-Wan's talent with a lightsaber, his confidence with his body and the limits to which he could push it.

There were a couple of Padawans watching Obi-Wan now, and Qui-Gon could see a Master on the other side of the room quietly using Obi-Wan's routine as a training tool for his own student. Obi-Wan was at the highest level now, moving so fast and so smoothly it was truly incredible to watch. At least Master's failings hadn't wrought a more serious effect on Obi-Wan's skills.

Qui-Gon approached the area where his guide was working out, and when he reached the edge of the mat he removed his outer cloak and powered up his lightsaber. As he adjusted the setting to practice level, he could sense Obi-Wan's recognition of his presence, and stepped onto the mat. As Obi-Wan bought his lightsaber down hard in the middle of the routine, Qui-Gon hit out with his own, and the two sabers struck with a powerful force that swung both men into action.

There was no light warm-up, no practice time now. Obi-Wan moved with swift surety, his saber a blur of light as he went fully on the attack. Qui-Gon met the attack, moving backwards with equal grace, before kicking out and catching Obi-Wan off guard. His Padawan fell back, but immediately regained his balance, flipping through the air to almost catch Qui-Gon unprepared. The Jedi Master changed style mid-stream, swinging down with a killing blow of the lightsaber before one swipe of his free hand pushed the Force towards his apprentice. Obi-Wan ducked the blow and swung around, but was unprepared for the sweep of energy directed at his knees. He fell, losing his lightsaber, but rolled away instantly when Qui-Gon followed up his attack. One hand reached out and the fallen lightsaber flew to it, igniting in the same movement to swiftly counter the attack from his Master.

It was Qui-Gon's turn now to feel the full brunt of Obi-Wan's skill. The younger Jedi used his incredible speed and agility to full advantage, keeping the more powerful Jedi constantly on the defensive as they continued to spar. Several times Qui-Gon came close to defeat, but he held on. The Force flowed through them both, binding Master and Padawan together, and there was nothing else but the two of them and the pure joy of this exercise. Obi-Wan's attack became even more aggressive, and Qui-Gon took advantage, using a move he rarely deployed during fighting in order to catch Obi-Wan at a disadvantage. As Obi-Wan pressed forward, his Master deflected the blow with his saber and launched himself into the air, over Obi-Wan's head, bringing his own lightsaber down instantly and stopping it a hair's breath away from Obi-Wan's neck.

Obi-Wan froze, then powered down his lightsaber with a rueful laugh. He turned to face Qui-Gon.

"One day, Master. One day."

Qui-Gon laughed also, enjoying this moment with his Padawan. It was only the generous applause of the spectators that distracted them both from their sudden fascination with each other. Their workout had attracted quite a crowd.

As the two men walked off the mat, Qui-Gon put an arm around his sweating, laughing Padawan.

"You came very close today, Padawan. I see I'm going to have to work harder in order to keep up with you."

"I wasn't expecting that jump and I should have been able to compensate." Obi-Wan replied regretfully.

His Master handed him a towel.

"We'll work on it." The words said more than the simple promise and Obi-Wan looked up to meet his Master's gaze for the first time in a long time. What he saw there warmed him all the way through and his grin lit up his entire face.

"Yes, Master."

Their relationship improved radically after the workout. Master Windu had seen to it that they were given shared duties, and so they spent much of their time together. Their workout sessions gradually reached higher and higher levels of difficulty, and it was not unusual for their sparring to last for an hour or more at a time. They frequently attracted a crowd during these matches, and as both men were natural performers it was a pleasure to work together in this way.

Qui-Gon set aside time each day to work on other things - training he had neglected for the past several months. And though Obi-Wan grumbled outwardly, he was nonetheless pleased to have his Master's attention fixed firmly on him for the first time in a long while.

They worked out with other Jedi, Masters and Padawans both, and were never bested. Each time they fought as a team they seemed to get stronger and even more invulnerable. Yoda watched from a distance, always a thoughtful look on his face. And Master Windu not only dropped in on occasion, but actually joined in the training more than once. It was so rare to see one of the Jedi on the Council actually use his lightsaber that these bouts became the most popular of all in the Temple. Sometimes Obi-Wan would fight Master Windu, other times it was his Master, but always it ended with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan taking on the revered Jedi Master. And winning. It was a good lesson for the younger Padawans. No Jedi is invulnerable.

There was only one subject they didn't talk about. But it was there between them, nonetheless. Obi-Wan struggled to come to terms with his jealousy, and the hurt that came with the knowledge that his Master had been involved in a relationship for over a decade and had never seen fit to tell his Padawan about it. It could only be another Jedi. Obi-Wan had travelled with Qui-Gon Jinn for over eight years, and in that time they had traversed the galaxy several times. The only place they saw familiar faces was on Coruscant, and at the Temple. He kept a close watch on Qui-Gon's comings and goings, particularly watching where his Master slept. When they travelled together, they were given one room more often than not. But at the Temple the line between Masters and Padawans was made more distinct, and the Masters had their own quarters several floors away from the Padawans. Obi-Wan overcame the problem of distance by always turning up as early as possible at his Master's quarters, in order to either catch his mysterious lover leaving, or catch Qui-Gon returning from his lover's quarters.

Two months into their suspension and he was still none the wiser. Three times he had found excuses to call on Qui-Gon very late at night, and each time his Master was quite alone. It was getting frustrating.

It was worse for Qui-Gon Jinn. There was no real way of keeping a constant check on his Padawan, and with Valerin sharing the same floor as Obi-Wan, it seemed likely that the two of them were sleeping together. Despite this, the experienced Jedi Master was, for once, thankful for his restriction to the Temple. The time spent with Obi-Wan was as pleasurable as always, but it was a relief not to have to give his attention to a mission for once, and to be able to concentrate on his own feelings. Having finally admitted to himself that he loved his Padawan, Qui-Gon was at once beset with a whole range of other emotions he'd rather not have had to deal with.

Jealousy was not something any Jedi would be proud of feeling. He worked through it, accepted the emotion and then gave it to the Force. It could be dealt with. The words Obi-Wan had spoken that night in the dining hall remained with him, though. Who was this Valerin that he could have Obi-Wan and not love him? Yoda always preached to be mindful of one's dreams. Qui-Gon toyed with the thought of sharing some of his latest dreams with his old Master and dismissed the thought after a brief grin. Yoda would not be shocked - he'd seen just about everything there was to see - but there was no way Qui-Gon was sharing his images of his Padawan with anyone else.

His nights were spent dreaming of Obi-Wan - naked, in Qui-Gon's bed where he belonged. He had seen Obi-Wan nude and it was no hardship imagining that smooth, lean body pressed against him, Obi-Wan's mouth opening under his own, his cock pushing up against his Master's body. Qui-Gon was too old to be having wet dreams, but when reality was watching Valerin flirt with Obi-Wan, dreams were all he had.

Obi-Wan sighed to himself after the climax from his dream bought him fully awake. It was late at night, still a good six hours before he had to get up, and he hated having to get up and wash himself down. Not that he wanted to give up his dreams - they were the only sex he'd been getting lately. It was just so hard to face Qui-Gon in the mornings when he'd been mentally fucking him all night long. Their time together was precious to him, but being so near him and being unable to touch him was agony. Valerin would have been happy to relieve his itch, but Obi-Wan couldn't bring himself to sleep with his friend.

There was a knock on his door and it startled him. Who would be knocking at this time of night? He grabbed a robe, threw it on and opened the door to his quarters. Valerin glanced down the hallway quickly, and stepped into the room, keying the door closed as he did so. Obi-Wan was surprised to see him, to say the least.

"Val, what the hell are you doing here?"

Valerin grinned. "We're breaking out."


"It'll just be for a couple of hours, Obi-Wan. We'll have a couple of drinks, maybe a dance or two, and be back before dawn. C'mon - Xera's on duty at the front desk and she'll let us back in. No-one will ever know."

It was tempting - for about a second.

"No way, Valerin! I've only just started getting things sorted with Master Qui-Gon. I'm not going to risk all that for a night out."

Valerin rolled his eyes in disgust.

"Master Qui-Gon, Master Qui-Gon. That's all you ever talk about! If he's so fucking great, how come he doesn't know you're in love with him, huh? Are you going to stay celibate for the rest of your life, like some pet waiting for him to throw a morsel your way? Where's your pride, Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan went from zero to angry in about two seconds flat.

"Fuck off, Valerin. If you want to risk your Knighthood, go ahead. I'm not coming with you."

Valerin stood glaring at him for a long moment, before turning to leave.

"Fine. Go back to bed and jerk off to fantasies about the great Qui-Gon Jinn. Have a nice time, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan flushed at the truth of his words, but did nothing to stop his friend leaving. After the door shut behind Valerin, he took his robe off and went back to bed.



It was deja-vu. Someone was interrupting his slumber, only this time it wasn't his Master. Obi-Wan opened one eye wearily, to find Xera leaning over his bed. The female Padawan looked worried.

Obi-Wan sat up.

"What is it?"

"It's Valerin. He's drunk and he can't get back on his own. The Manager of the club he went to called the front desk to ask us to send someone to pick him up."

Obi-Wan wondered if he looked as confused as he felt.

"Well, is Master Toruk........?"

Xera shook her head impatiently.

"I'm on duty on the front desk, Obi-Wan. The call came in to me and I came here straight away."

"Why didn't you call Valerin's Master?"

Xera looked upset.

"He's in enough trouble as it is, Obi-Wan. Valerin told me that if he screwed up one more time, Master Toruk was going to recommend him for the AirCorps. He'd never be a Knight, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan groaned. "Xera............."

"Look, I know it goes against everything we're taught, but ........... Valerin got me through flight training, Obi-Wan. He helped me pass my exams. I would never had become a Padawan unless I'd passed flight." Neither Padawan mentioned the fact that Xera had been in love with Valerin for a long time.

Obi-Wan shook his head, resigned. Valerin had been a good friend to him, too.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I have to stay on the front desk, but you could go to the club and get him. I'll let you back in, and we'll get him sobered up before morning."

Obi-Wan thought about it. What was important was getting Val to safety. His Master would understand.

"Okay - I'll help you."

Qui-Gon Jinn was not expecting anyone to come knocking on the door to his quarters so early in the morning, but he rose immediately from his bed, grabbed a robe to cover his naked frame, and opened the door.

Mace Windu looked at his friend, and from the expression on his face, Qui-Gon knew instantly that something was badly wrong.


Master Windu nodded, and followed Qui-Gon back into his quarters, watching as the Jedi Master swiftly dressed.

"Valerin went out last night. He got drunk in a club and Xera talked Obi-Wan into going to get him. Obi-Wan retrieved him from the club, but their transport was involved in an accident on their way back to the Temple. Valerin wasn't hurt, but Obi-Wan is in the medical bay. He was injured quite badly, Qui-Gon."

Qui-Gon was fully dressed now, hair pulled back into the neat ponytail, lightsaber hanging from his belt. He strode past Mace Windu as the older man finished speaking and headed for the medical bay without a word.

The medical bay seemed full of people but it was Obi-Wan who caught Qui-Gon's attention immediately. He was lying on the bed, clearly unconscious, and there were two medical droids working on him. Xera was standing miserably to one side, and Valerin was near Obi-Wan's bed. The apprentice looked up at Qui-Gon's entrance, his expression pleading for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry, Master Qui.........." Whatever words he had been going to speak withered up under the full force of the furious glare from Qui-Gon Jinn. The Jedi Master waved one hand dismissively and Valerin virtually flew across the room, hitting the wall with an audible thump. He was helped to his feet by Xera, and the two were escorted from the room by Master Toruk, who had arrived just in time to see his Padawan flying across the room. Qui-Gon Jinn ignored everything but Obi-Wan, moving to sit beside the bed. He took one limp hand between two of his own and bought it to his lips and closed his eyes, concentrating on using the Force to assist in his Padawan's healing.

Mace Windu surveyed the scene in the room and decided to let Qui-Gon be for now. It was only he and droids, and between them, they would more than likely nurse Obi-Wan back to health. What had to be dealt with now were the two Padawans waiting in the ante-room, and the Jedi Master who had clearly failed in the training of Valerin.

Master Windu closed the door to the medical bay and began clearing up the mess.

Obi-Wan woke to a dim, quiet room and was at once grateful that his head didn't ache. Followed quickly on the heels of that thought was a question - why would his head be aching? As he bought a hand up to his forehead the memories of the crash returned slowly. He was in the infirmary.

Obi-Wan looked over to the side of the bed to see his Master sleeping in the chair. Qui-Gon Jinn looked exhausted as his Padawan felt, his head propped up on one hand as his tall frame slumped in a chair completely inadequate for the purpose. As Obi-Wan gave a brief thought to wonder how long he'd been here, his Master stirred and woke.

The familiar blue eyes met his and Qui-Gon Jinn immediately straightened.

"Obi-Wan - how do you feel?" His Master was on his feet before even finishing the sentence, one hand automatically going to Obi-Wan's forehead, the other tucking in covers that had been pushed down. Obi-Wan smiled tiredly, recalling many times in his youth when Qui-Gon Jinn had coddled him through accident, illness and injury.

"I'm fine, Master. How's Valerin?"

His Master frowned, and immediately stopped fussing. Obi-Wan instantly regretted having asked.

"He's uninjured," Qui-Gon replied shortly.

Obi-Wan could not help his own answering frown of worry - he hated it when his Master was angry with him but he was too tired to get into it tonight. His Master's expression softened slightly, and he ran a thumb gently over the crease in Obi-Wan's brow.

"Go to sleep, Obi-Wan. We'll talk about it in the morning."

His Padawan meant to say, Yes Master, but only managed the first two syllables before succumbing to sleep again. He missed the gentle smile Qui-Gon gave his reply.

"Are you brainless? You almost got yourself killed!" Qui-Gon Jinn wasn't yelling, exactly, but he was clearly angry.

Already Obi-Wan was missing the relative security of his infirmary bed. His Master had waited until Obi-Wan was released from the infirmary, and was back in his own quarters before letting loose.

"I'm sorry, Master. I knew how close Valerin was to losing any chance of becoming a Knight - I just wanted to help him."

Qui-Gon Jinn shook his head.

"He's lost that chance anyway, Obi-Wan. Your friend was sent to the AirCorps yesterday morning."

Obi-Wan nodded sorrowfully.

"I know. Xera told me he'd gone. She said he was putting a brave face on it - I mean, he's a good pilot and they'll need someone with his training - but I know he would have been devastated. I didn't even get to say goodbye."

"Be thankful it wasn't you leaving and not him, Obi-Wan. You wouldn't have gone to the AirCorps either, you would probably have been sent to the AgriCorps. Would helping him have been worth losing your Knighthood, Padawan?" Qui-Gon's voice was gentler now, but firm.

Obi-Wan paled at the thought. Losing his chance at becoming a Jedi Knight - losing his Master............. it didn't bear thinking about.

"No, Master." His voice was subdued.

"Then help me to understand, Obi-Wan. Except for a few recent problems, you've been an exemplary Padawan and I know Xera also has an excellent disciplinary record. What is it about Valerin that makes you both lose your minds like this?" The question had to be asked and Qui-Gon Jinn mentally prepared himself for the answer. Could Obi-Wan have done it out of love?

"Do you remember returning from Bandomeer, Master?"

Qui-Gon was surprised by the question, which seemed to have no relevance to their conversation.

"Of course, Obi-Wan."

"You had to report to the Council and you told me to wait in your quarters. The Jedi at the Temple had heard about the explosions on Bandomeer, but no-one outside of the Council knew everything that had happened. I was on my way to your quarters when Master S'illtu saw me. He assumed I had been sent back to the Temple for re-assignment due to the destruction of the Bandomeer mines. He wouldn't believe me when I told him you had asked me to be your Padawan."

If Qui-Gon Jinn was surprised to hear this story for the first time it did not show on his features.

"Sit, Obi-Wan." His Padawan was clearly tiring fast, and from the grateful smile he received in answer to his command, he did not mind the order. The Jedi Master waited until Obi-Wan was sitting on the bed before taking a chair himself and crossing his arms.


"Master S'illtu told me I'd have to wait in the common room. I didn't think you would want me to make a scene, so I went with him. Bruck was there with a bunch of his friends. He heard Master S'illtu telling me to wait until I received word of my next AgriCorps assignment, and he thought it was hilarious."

Even Obi-Wan's beautifully modulated adult tones could not disguise the twinge of remembered humiliation in his voice. The Padawan looked to his Master for understanding.

"I hadn't been with you long, and I wasn't sure that you really meant it when you asked me to be your Padawan. Bruck and his friends were giving it everything they could and I wanted to shut them up but I couldn't. All I could think about was, what if they were right? What if I told them I was to be your Padawan and you changed your mind? And the reasonable part of me that said you wouldn't change your mind told me to shut up and not make a scene. That if you found me in the middle of a fight in the common room you just might decide I was too much trouble."

Qui-Gon Jinn sat, transfixed, by the story. Until now he had never realised the depths of insecurity that clung to his Padawan. They would have to work on that.

"And then Valerin came in. He heard what they were saying and he looked over at me, this miserable little kid who wasn't even fighting back, and he just smiled. Then he told Bruck he'd just seen the recommendations from Master Remm and that Bruck had been recommended for a position that would suit him to the ground. Pig farming on Kalateo. Valerin said it with such confidence that everyone in the room believed him. Bruck just turned bright purple and all his friends shut up immediately. Valerin winked at me, grabbed the book he'd been sent to get, and left. It was the first time another apprentice stood up for me. I never forgot it."

Qui-Gon Jinn sat silently, just raising an eyebrow when Obi-Wan looked his way. Obi-Wan complied with his unspoken request to continue the story.

"You were in with the Council for hours that night. Bruck spent the whole time trying to convince himself and his friends that Valerin had been lying, and practically forgot about me. Until you came in." Obi-Wan grinned reminiscently at the memory.

"We were all desperate to be Padawans - but to be the Padawan of the great Qui-Gon Jinn, well, that was a fantasy everyone had. You were the most famous of all the Masters, you were practically a God to the younger apprentices. Bruck and his friends nearly wet themselves when you walked in to the common room. But you looked right through them as though they didn't exist, and then you just said, "Come, Padawan." I swear they all had simultaneous heart failure." Obi-Wan chuckled.

He looked over at his Master, who was watching him with an indulgent smile.

"And Valerin?" It was a gentle reminder as to the original subject.

"Oh, yes. Valerin became one of my best friends. You and I were away from the Temple so much it was hard to fit in during the short times we spent here. I didn't know most of the other Padawans, and if it had been left up to me, I probably wouldn't have made any friends at all. But Val took me under his wing. He teased me when I got too serious, he listened to me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. I owed him for that, Master."

Qui-Gon Jinn's beautiful blue eyes showed concern.

"Why would you need his shoulder to cry on, my Padawan? What problem was so bad you couldn't come to your Master with it?"

Obi-Wan flushed but remained silent.

"Ah. The wicked Master who refused to allow his Padawan any outlet for his sexual frustration." Qui-Gon Jinn fought a smile at Obi-Wan's embarrassed features.

"Thank you, Master. I know one can never have enough humiliation for one week." Obi-Wan's voice was dry, but he was fighting a grin.

Qui-Gon laughed at his Padawan's comment.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, Obi-Wan. While we are on the subject, however, I wonder if you would mind answering a question?" His voice was as courteous as ever, but it was a question from a Master to a Padawan, and thus, there was little likelihood of Obi-Wan refusing.

"Yes, Master?"

"I only wondered if perhaps you had been helping Valerin for another reason. Were the two of you lovers?"

Obi-Wan was surprised at the question.

"Yes ......... well, sort of, Master."

"I may be considerably in advance of your years, Padawan, but I didn't think things had changed that much since my time. How exactly can two people be 'sort of' lovers?," Qui-Gon asked in dry tones.

Obi-Wan grinned.

"I meant, we've slept together before, but not for a while. And we're not really lovers in that we were never in love. It was more a fuck between friends kind of thing."

It was so incongruous to hear that word in Obi-Wan's distinctive cultured accent that Qui-Gon Jinn could only stare blankly at his apprentice for several long moments. His Padawan was sitting with his arms clasped around his legs, on top of the bed. Even the childish posture could not disguise the fact that he was looking at a young man. Obi-Wan was truly a boy no longer.

As he met Obi-Wan's eyes again Qui-Gon was conscious of the thought that Obi-Wan would patiently answer any question his Master asked, despite any attendant pain or embarrassment the answering entailed. The question should perhaps have remained unasked, but Qui-Gon allowed his feelings to do his thinking and spoke it out loud anyway.

"Have you ever been in love, my Padawan?"

There was silence for a long, long time before Obi-Wan finally answered.

"Yes, Master."

It was all that needed to be said. The look in Obi-Wan's eyes, the nuance of his tone, the brevity of the reply told Qui-Gon Jinn everything he wanted to know. Obi-Wan Kenobi was in love with him.

There was a silence between the two men for the next week, but it was a comfortable silence. For Qui-Gon Jinn, it was an extremely pleasant time spent with his Padawan, and during his time alone he considered Obi-Wan's feelings for him. There was a definite sense of anticipation in the Jedi Master, and Qui-Gon Jinn smiled more during the following week than he had in the eight months preceding it.

Obi-Wan was not quite as happy as his Master, but he considered things to be vastly improved on the past few months. The unspoken admission of his love for his Master had relieved his mind of a load he hadn't realised it was bearing. The romantic in Obi-Wan wanted to believe that Qui-Gon Jinn would take him as a lover, but the insecure adult remembered the decade long relationship his Master was apparently still involved in, and his heart ached for the knowing.

Valerin had sent word several days after his assignment to the AirCorps - a long, chatty letter full of cheeky references about Flight Instructors and cute trainees. Obi-Wan was glad to hear that Valerin was okay, but he felt badly for his friend. The very fact that Valerin had written instead of sending a recording, or even calling live, suggested that Valerin still had a way to go before he could convincingly state that he enjoyed being away from the Temple.

One good thing to come out of the whole Valerin incident was that Obi-Wan was no longer a pariah amongst the other Padawans. Xera had told them about Obi-Wan leaving the Temple to go and pick Valerin up, and it appeared that this simple task had restored his shaky reputation amongst his peers. For whatever reason it had come about, Obi-Wan was happy to have people to talk to again. Restriction to the Temple made for a very limited social scene.

'Coming, Obi-Wan?" It was Berren who asked, but the whole group waited for Obi-Wan to follow them.

"Not tonight, Berren." Obi-Wan gave a pleasant smile and made his way from the room, watching the group of Padawans laughing and chatting as they left without him. He had no great desire to join them, but it was lonely in his room by himself and he longed for some company. As though in answer to his thoughts, the familiar warm tones of his Master interrupted his concentration.

"Alone tonight, Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan smiled ruefully.

"My own fault, Master. I'm sorry that you have to share my punishment too."

Qui-Gon Jinn smiled.

"I'm past the age of trolling nightclubs until all hours, Obi-Wan. Perhaps we can bear each other company tonight?"

~I wish~ Obi-Wan's automatic mental response could not possibly have been heard by his non-telepathic Master, but there was a slight raise to Qui-Gon's eyebrow that made Obi-Wan wonder for a split second of panic if he had spoken the thought out loud.

"Yes, Master - I'd like to, very much."

"Come along then, Obi-Wan."

The Padawan followed his Master obediently, surprised to discover they were headed for Qui-Gon's private quarters. He had been here many times, of course, but never beyond the main door. As he entered now, he looked around him with interest. These quarters were permanently assigned to Qui-Gon Jinn, and although the Jedi Master spent only a very small amount of time within the suite of rooms, he had left the stamp of his personality on them.

Qui-Gon watched indulgently as Obi-Wan explored the main room with interest. There was the bookshelf that was full to overflowing with the most amazing range of books Obi-Wan could imagine. As much as he wanted to examine all the titles and draw what conclusions he could from them, the lure of the long shelf along the back wall drew him immediately. Here were displayed the most incredible assortment of gifts received over the years from grateful dignitaries and other rulers. None of these were expensive - accepting gratuity for their work was against the Jedi Code - but all the gifts held some meaning for their givers. There were shells and pictures, figurines and children's toys, jewellery and every kind of knick-knack you could ask for. Obi-Wan picked up several different items, amazed alternately at their beauty or at their sheer bad taste, all the while marvelling at the many planets his Master had helped over the years.

When he turned around finally, it was to find Qui-Gon emerging from the bedroom. His Master had removed his cloak, sash, boots and outer garments, and was dressed only in the very light tunic and leggings that generally constituted a workout or relaxation costume. Obi-Wan swallowed at the unexpected intimacy of this situation, attempting with difficulty to control the sudden surge of lust that was threatening to overcome him. Qui-Gon moved efficiently around the room, pouring two drinks and taking out a box from a drawer to place it on the main table. He put the drinks down, sat on one of the chairs and motioned Obi-Wan to the other.

"You've been telling me for years that you'll beat me one day at Discard, Obi-Wan. Well, tonight's your chance." He laid out the pieces of the board as Obi-Wan sat opposite him, seeming not to notice his Padawan's sudden nervousness.

Obi-Wan picked up his wine and took a large sip. Qui-Gon watched him, smiling gently, and then asked,

"All right?"

Obi-Wan returned the smile warmly and answered truthfully.

"Yes, Master."

They played for a couple of hours, and Obi-Wan could not remember having a better time in anyone's company. Qui-Gon Jinn had a dry sense of humour, and a seemingly inexhaustable font of funny stories that kept Obi-Wan laughing for most of the evening. Both glasses were re-filled and drunk, but it wasn't the wine that gave Obi-Wan the warm glow he felt right through to his bones. It was Qui-Gon. He was at once funny and witty and warm and insightful and everything Obi-Wan had ever wanted in a soul-mate. Not to mention that the package came in a body that made his mouth go dry just thinking of. At Qui-Gon's gentle persuasion, Obi-Wan opened up more and found himself sharing anecdotes of some of his more embarrassing moments during his career at the Temple. He had always possessed a lively sense of the ridiculous, and he discovered how much he loved to hear the sound of his Master's laugh.

The night passed too quickly, and Obi-Wan never wanted it to end. As his Master rose to adjust the temperature controls at the panel on the wall, Obi-Wan watched his long, lean form with hungry eyes, wanting him so badly it was an ache. There should be a law against legs that long, he thought hazily, not even attempting to disguise the raw passion in his expression as his Master turned back to face him.

Qui-Gon just stood for a long moment, meeting the hot gaze of his apprentice, enjoying the undisguised lust on Obi-Wan's features. So, his Padawan was going to make a move, after all? He smiled at the thought, before a strong surge of lust swept over his own body at the husky tones of his Padawan.

"I don't want to sleep alone tonight, Master."

Qui-Gon Jinn's silence was answer enough, and Obi-Wan's rational mind shut down then as his world narrowed to a very small suite of rooms and the beautiful man walking towards him.

Obi-Wan rose as Qui-Gon slowly approached the table, and removed his outer cloak. His eyes met his Master's steadily, as he continued to strip silently. Qui-Gon Jinn continued his approach until he was within arm's length of his Padawan, but he had yet to say a word. And then Obi-Wan was naked, and the heat of Qui-Gon's gaze over his body was a physical caress. He leaned into it hungrily, enjoying the eyes upon his body, but wanting more.

"Bedroom, Obi-Wan." The command was delivered in a husky tone that matched the obsidian depths of Qui-Gon's gaze. Obi-Wan barely noted the command, just that Qui-Gon used his name.

"I'm not going to take you on the table, Padawan."

Obi-Wan couldn't make his legs work and his mouth was literally watering at the meal that was to be his. He was dizzy with lust and if Qui-Gon were to touch him, there was a good chance he might explode from the pent-up need that had been building for so long. Qui-Gon's knowing smile didn't ease his craving any.

His Master reached out then, but instead of touching his aching body, one large hand instead wrapped the long Padawan braid around it once, then gently pulled Obi-Wan towards him. Qui-Gon walked backwards slowly, pulling Obi-Wan with him to the bedroom. Obi-Wan could only follow blindly. Finally they were in the bedroom, and Qui-Gon used the braid to pull Obi-Wan's head closer so that his own could dip down and capture Obi-Wan's mouth under his own. Obi-Wan opened his mouth and accepted his Master's tongue with a groan. And then he was licking and stroking and the taste of his Master was a drug he knew he would never get enough of.

They were still not touching but the need inside Obi-Wan gave thought to his limbs and he grabbed two fistfuls of Qui-Gon's tunic and pulled his Master closer as their tongues continued to mate. And then his Master's large, beautiful hands were spanning his bare backside and pulling him closer and Obi-Wan's hands left the tunic to span Qui-Gon's skull, tangling in his hair as he pulled their bodies impossibly closer. His cock was hard and leaking, pressed against his Master's thigh, and he could feel the answering hardness against his stomach. Instinctively, Obi-Wan reached out with the Force and one hand reached down to rip Qui-Gon's tunic from his body while the other stayed spanning his Master's head, pulling him down so that their mouths could meet. The Force enhanced movements of his other hand gave him plenty of skin to touch and too soon it wasn't enough to stand, he had to have more.

For Qui-Gon Jinn the aggressiveness of his Padawan was an unexpected bonus and he was content for the moment to let Obi-Wan take the lead. His own arousal was hard and heavy against his stomach, throbbing with the need of too many nights dreaming about this moment. His clothes were virtually torn from his body with no thought to their preservation, and Obi-Wan seemed reluctant to allow any movement which required distance between their entwined tongues. The Jedi Master had too many years of training to completely lose his mind, however, and he could feel Obi-Wan's frustration already, and decided to take command. He'd let go of the Padawan braid in order to palm the gorgeous behind he'd eyed so many times, but the braid provided an easy handle for his energetic Padawan. Qui-Gon used it to pull Obi-Wan's mouth from his own, and when Obi-Wan reached for him again he put one hand up to stop him.

"No, Padawan." Whether it was the words or the tone, Obi-Wan found himself instinctively responding to the command. Qui-Gon let go of his braid, and removed the last vestiges of the ripped tunic completely, before stripping his long legs of the casual leggings. He stood there then, naked before his Padawan, breathtakingly aroused. Obi-Wan drank in the sight of the long, naked limbs, the aroused flesh, the smile and the heat from the gaze that burned him with its intensity. There was just one thing he had to do before devouring his Master. He reached up behind Qui-Gon's head, and gently removed the hair tie that pulled his Master's hair back. Qui-Gon seemed amused by his Padawan's fascination with the long locks that now fell loosely about his shoulders, but Obi-Wan was transfixed. This was everything he'd ever wanted standing before him and a part of him couldn't believe it was true.

And then their mouths met again and there was no more thought for a long time.

Obi-Wan stretched on the bed sleepily, enjoying the faint aches from his body that were a physical reminder of the passion he'd shared with Qui-Gon Jinn the night before. He reached out without opening his eyes, but the space beside him in the big bed was empty. Reluctantly, Obi-Wan opened his eyes and sat up, looking around the room for his Master.

There was the low murmuring of conversation in the next room and Obi-Wan got out of bed to investigate. A quick glance around showed nothing to hide his naked form in, and he recalled leaving his clothes in the main room the evening before. Unwilling to walk out to the main room naked, and announce to whomever his Master was with what they had spent most of the night doing, Obi-Wan crept to the doorway quietly, waiting for whoever the guest was to leave so that he could get dressed.

As he leaned against the wall next to the door, out of sight of his Master and the unknown visitor, Obi-Wan winced slightly at the twinge from his backside. There was a reminiscent grin, then, as he recalled the reason for his mild discomfort this morning, and instead of releasing the pain to the Force, Obi-Wan hugged it to himself, not wanting to forgo even this subtle reminder of Qui-Gon's possession.

The murmuring became clearer now as Obi-Wan heard Qui-Gon move about the room, and his guest raised his voice slightly to continue the conversation.

".............Council will never approve, Qui-Gon."

It was Mace Windu.

"I'm not going to back down on this one, Mace. Besides, I have a contact on the Council who owes me at least one favour, don't I?" Qui-Gon's voice was low and amused. Obi-Wan frowned at the unexpected intimacy inherent in the tone. He'd never heard his Master talk to Master Windu in quite that manner before.

Master Windu's voice was still only just in range, and Obi-Wan strained to hear his answer.

" lover, Qui-Gon, doesn't mean you get any special favours from me. The boy is still young. And while I can forgive your transgressions, I don't know that Obi-Wan is mature enough to cope with your impulsiveness."

Obi-Wan went cold all over. Mace Windu was his Master's lover. And had been for ten years. Clearly, he was saying that the Council wouldn't approve of Qui-Gon impulsively taking his Padawan to bed for an evening, and that he thought Obi-Wan might make a scene. Qui-Gon's answer was lost in the rush of blood to Obi-Wan's brain as he struggled to combat equal parts of grief, and anger, and devastation. He could never compete with a ten year relationship. Were it anyone but Mace Windu........! The Padawan blinked back the tears from his eyes and padded silently back to the bed to sit on it. The murmuring behind him continued, but he was no longer interested in the conversation.

So Mace Windu could forgive Qui-Gon's "transgression", could he? How noble, Obi-Wan thought bitterly. Well, if Qui-Gon Jinn and Mace Windu were worried that he'd get all emotional over a one night stand, they had another thought coming.

Obi-Wan heard the outer door close, and rose to stand beside the bed as Qui-Gon re-entered the bedroom. As his Master smiled gently and approached him, Obi-Wan mentally drew up a fortress around his heart. If his Master thought he couldn't be dignified and casual about this, well - he would soon see just how cold Obi-Wan Kenobi could be.

The End.