Battles of the Flesh 5

by Hepaestion

Archive: Master_Apprentice and my homepage


Rating: R

Warnings: mention of child abuse, rape

Spoilers: pre-TPM

Summary: the mystery behind Prince Dardanus is revealed to Obi-Wan

Feedback: yes, oh god yes (moaning here) hehehehe

Author's note: part 5 of series, 1-4 should be read before this one and as always, hoping my writing will make my Master Tristain proud ;-)

Battles of the Flesh 5

Obi-Wan looked around the Alfadurian bedchamber. It was beautiful and spacious much like the one his Master Qui-Gon was staying in on the sister planet, Baldur.

Suddenly, Obi-Wan raised his head, and he felt the sensation of something dark and menacing approaching. He heard the doors behind him opening

Turning around, Obi-Wan was facing General Cer'berus, who up close looked even more menacing and dangerous than he had when they had first met.

"General Cer'berus, how may I help you?"

Sauntering up to the young Jedi until their noses almost touched. Obi-Wan could smell wine and food on the General's breath.

"I am not pleased that you are here boy."

"I am following my Master's wishes, as well as the wishes of your King Clotho, who deemed the situation necessary for mediation and intervention."

"I am surprised your Master allowed you out of his sight. You're extremely handsome for a young Jedi." The General now leered overtly at Obi-Wan, stepping closer to him.

"I suggest you step back General, I am here for diplomatic reasons and therefore demand to be respected." Obi-Wan said, standing straight, looking the General in the eyes.

"Prince Dardanus will not marry Boreas! He has already informed King Aby'dos about his decision. The Prince is a young and delicate boy, he needs a strong man to help him rule one day. That Prince Boreas is nothing but a young Trellian peacock, and not man enough for Dardanus."

"Maybe you think you are man enough for Dardanus, General?" Obi-Wan interjected bravely.

"You should watch what you say, young Jedi. Many would find such words offensive, giving cause to fight. I don't wish to hurt that pretty face of yours."

The General turned around and with a flip of his cloak left Obi-Wan's chamber. Obi-Wan waited until the man was gone to finally let his breath out. The man 's spirit was black and full of evil, that much Obi-Wan was able to sense. He now wondered how much of that evil had seeped over to Prince Dardanus.

Obi-Wan felt the urgent need to speak with Prince rising within him.

Obi-Wan had spent hours vainly trying to find the Prince. He had come to believe that General Cer'berus must have been behind his inability to find the Prince. It seemed the Prince was busy with first one thing and then another. Obi-Wan was unable to find the young Prince.

Hours went by. Obi-Wan was glad to hear from his Master on his successful work with Prince Boreas. According to his Master, the Prince of Baldur was more than willing to marry Prince Dardanus. The young man had been overburdened with grief and anger over Minos' death. Now, all that remained to do was for Obi-Wan to get Prince Dardanus (to see that he loved Prince Boreas.

Eventually nightfall arrived and still no word from the Prince. Obi-Wan was determined to complete his mission. Dressing in casual leggings and robe, Obi-Wan decided to search for the Prince one last time.

The palace of Alfadur was exquisitely decorated. The young Jedi tried not to let the graphic works of art distract him from his mission.

The Padawan's steps were soft and stealthy. He searched the palace kitchens and ballrooms first. The he made his way towards the back of the palace, and searched the gymnasium. Obi-Wan walked through the gym and towards the pool area. From the back of the pool area, the young Jedi heard voices.

Obi-Wan let the Force cover his steps and his presence. This Jedi technique was the one he had been trying to perfect since he had first met Qui-Gon, and the older Jedi had walked up on him in that manner. Lucky for for the young Jedi, his Master was able to instruct him in that art. Obi-Wan could hear an angry voice yelling.

"Damn that idiot father of yours! I have told him that marriage is off limits for you, yet he persists! Why have you not spoken to him and told him again that you wish NOT to marry Boreas!"

The next thing Obi-Wan heard was a slap.

Obi-Wan concentrated on the Force and got closer. He could see Prince Dardanus lying on the floor. The General's hand print on his pale face and tears welling up in his eyes.

"I did what you told me to do!" Prince Dardanus said, lowering his eyes onto the floor.

"It seems my lessons are not enough, are they Dardanus? I have shown you again and again what marriage would be like, but you seem to need one more lesson." The General's face was contorted, he looked the embodiment of evil.

The Prince's eyes looked up in a pleading fashion. Obi-Wan watched as the General grabbed the boy. General Cer'berus ripped the boy's clothing, and as he did, the various marks and bruises already there shown. He threw the boy against the wall.

"On your KNEES!"

"Please I beg you not again, please! I am barely healed from before, please!" the Prince begged crying.

The General unhooked his breeches and lowered them. They revealed a large hard phallus that seemed as menacing as any weapon of destruction the young Jedi had ever seen before.

The General stood behind the boy.

"Please don't, I beg you. Please Uncle please, I shall die!" Dardanus screamed.

"Quiet!" the General yelled and slapped the pale buttocks facing him.

Obi-Wan had finally seen enough.


The General turned around quickly, his weepy hard cock still hanging out of his breeches.

"How dare you! How did you get here?"

"Step away from the Prince. I don't wish to have to hurt you Sir." Obi-Wan said as he walked towards the two men.

The General tucked his organ in and walked towards the young Jedi.

Unexpectedly, the General lunged forward and grabbed the young Padawan. He wrapped his massive hands around the Jedi's throat.

Obi-Wan felt his throat being constricted--breathing was becoming difficult. He tried to throw the man off, but his attacker's strength was formidable.

The General lifted the Padawan off his feet and proceeded to hurl him against the marble wall.

Obi-Wan could feel his head slam against the wall. Again, he was slammed against the wall again. Blackness began to color his vision as reality ebbed away.

Prince Dardanus watched in frozen horror as Cer'berus attacked the young Jedi. He then watched as the General began to laugh like a mad man. He was ripping the Jedi's clothing off. Beneath the young Jedi's clothing was a beautiful young human body.

. . . Dardanus could only think back to the day the abuse started. He had returned from a trip visiting his beloved Boreas. The night he had returned,)n Cer'berus had come into his room. Dardanus had always been a bit soft and gentle. He had never been the strong warrior type. He had been looking forward to marrying his best friend and then beginning a family. The young Prince had been excited at the prospect of a family and marriage to Prince Boreas. However, that night everything ended. All his dreams were crushed as he awoke with a piercing pain. His anus, battered and bleeding. Cer'berus was standing over him laughing and mocking him. Cer'berus had promised Dardanus that if he told anyone about had happened he would find a way to kill Boreas. Dardanus knew he was trapped. He could not risk harm to his friend. He kept the secret deep inside his broken soul. Nightly he endured Cer'berus' rapes and beatings. Daily, he lost his appetite and his will to live. He had become pale and disenchanted with life. Feeling disgusted and defiled, he broke his engagement to a bewildered Boreas.....

Dardanus watched Cer'berus spread the buttocks and expose the unconscious Jedi's anus. The Jedi awoke suddenly and shouted.

"Tell me Jedi, are you still whole and untaken by any man? I think you are Jedi. It will please me very much to be the first to give your boyflower it's first opening."

Dardanus watched the struggling Jedi and thought of Boreas. Suddenly he heard the Jedi's voice in his head.

**Help me Dardanus. Boreas loves you and wants to marry you. Don't let this monster win! He has made you believe you are less than a man, but it is not true. Think of Boreas, chances are the General plans to murder him one day. He thinks of ruling Alfadur and Baldur alone!**

Obi-Wan struggled, but was only a quick movement away from his light saber. However, he was willing to take this risk hoping his plan would work.

"Stop! I, Prince Dardanus of Alfadur command you to stop!"

The General turned around and watched the pale prince standing up straight. Color and strength seemed to have entered the boy's body. He trembled not with fear, but with anger.

"How dare you, do you know what disobedience to me means?"

"It means NOTHING to me General! I am not frightened anymore. Unhand that Jedi now!"

The Prince strolled over to the monitor on the wall and tapped it.

"This is Prince Dardanus, royal guards and the King's presence is demanded at once!"

The General paled now and stood against the wall. In seconds guards appeared.

"It's over uncle, there will no more abuse and no more lies."

King Clotho appeared soon after and was shocked to see his son and the young Jedi both naked. The guards held the General at phaser point.

"Dardanus? What is happening here? What is the cause of this alarm? Where is your clothing?"

"King Clotho, your son saved my life and body from being killed and raped by your General Cer'berus. The Prince is a brave and good man. It seems we now know why Dardanus had broken the engagement to Prince Boreas. " Obi-Wan looked at the Prince, who nodded giving the Jedi permission to speak the truth. "My Lord, the General has been physically and sexually abusing your son since he was a young boy. He used his strength and power over the boy and threatened to kill Prince Boreas if he ever spoke of it. My Lord, Cer'berus has been planning the taking over of your throne and that is why he wished to keep Dardanus from marrying Boreas. He has been trying to beat down whatever self-respect and will power the Prince had inside him, so that eventually, he would be nothing but a puppet King. Then he planned to take over Baldur also. Fear of causing you shame and Boreas harm, Dardanus kept his abuse quiet. As a result, Dardanus' spirit was being destroyed. That slow destruction of spirit had made the Peace flowers begin to wither all over Baldur and Alfadur. Blame not yourself King Clotho, there is only one to blame, and that is that man over there. The Dark Side is rooted inside him, and his spirit is filled with evil. Only Dardanus' struggling strength and hunger for justice enabled him to prevail and stop Cer'berus from ever hurting anyone else. "

Obi-Wan looked at Prince Dardanus, and said gently "you are a hero and not a coward. You rose above your abuse and pain to help me, and you saved your planet as well from falling into the hands of the Dark Side. I have a feeling Prince Boreas will feel great pride in having such a mate."

The King wept. Listening to the pain and suffering his son had been under, cut the old King to the core of his being. He grabbed the Prince and held him in a tight embrace.

"My son, my beautiful son. Forgive my blindness. You are indeed a hero to this planet and to me." King Clotho said. Both father and son wept together.

Obi-Wan Kenobi sat upon the chair in the middle of their shared chamber in the Baldurian Palace. He watched his Master pace back and forth, deeply in thought. He had arrived from Alfadur yesterday and spent the night in the healing ward mending from the attack. He had a quite the bump on the head from being banged against the wall but overall he was not badly hurt. The young Jedi would never forget the look of pain and worry the Master had on his face.

Nevertheless, a few hours ago he finally told his Master what had occurred and how he planned to allow Cer'berus to attack him, so that Dardanus was given the chance to show his bravery and strength.


"Padawan, what you did was foolish and risky. You were lucky you were not hurt."

"But Master, I was not scared. I had my light saber inches away from my hand. I believed in Prince Dardanus, I knew he would save me, and in the process save himself."

"You could have been hurt or killed Obi-Wan!"

"But I wasn't!" Obi-Wan had yelled, and as he did he bit his bottom lip. He needed to learn to control his emotions.

Qui-Gon kneeled in front of the sitting young man. He looked at Obi-Wan and wondered when that small boy hand grown up to be the young man he was today. How time seemed to be speeding by. He grabbed the boy's hands and looked into the wide, innocent blue eyes that looked back at him. "You could have been hurt Obi-Wan, and I don't know how I would be able to live after that." The words said were soft and gentle. Qui-Gon's eyes gleamed with what seemed Obi-Wan finally realized that he had shaken his Master hard, and now felt ashamed for having done it. Still holding hands and looking into each other's eyes, Obi-Wan said in a trembling voice, "Forgive me Master, it was rash and probably not a well thought out plan but it was needed. I shall be more careful next time Master."

Qui-Gon gave a small wry smile, his eyes seemed to search Obi-Wan's gently. He raised his hand and a smooth thumb stroked the Padawan's youthful, soft cheek.


Their door bleeped and opened suddenly. Qui-Gon was up on his feet immediately from the first bleep of the door chime.

Obi-Wan was trying to capture his control, he felt his heart trying to burst inside his chest. How close they had gotten. *But to what?* he thought.

"Master Jedi and apprentice, the ceremony is about to begin." The royal guard announced, bowing.

"Well Padawan are you ready?"

"Yes Master, I think we all are ready for this wedding." The Padawan said with a smile.

The Hall of Love was filled to capacity. The Peace flowers were blooming and their pungant aroma filled the air. The orchestra played the wedding song and the crowd cheered. Petals of flowers covered the floor of the hall.

Jedi Master Qui-Gon and Padawan Obi-Wan stood beside King Clotho and King Aby'dos, they watched Prince Boreas and Prince Dardanus walk hand and hand towards the altar.

The crowd cheered as sky firelights exploded in the air above them. Both Princes looked beautiful and very much in love.

King Aby'dos brushed a tear away and touched his wedding band. He looked up at the sky and knew his beloved Minos was watching. King Clotho wrapped an assuring arm around the King. Both men smiled and watched their kingdoms come together in peace as the holy union of marriage was consumated.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan watched as the union of not only two planets and kingdoms come together, but how once again love and the Force had conquered and won against evil and the Dark Side.

"Master, how long will we stay for the celebrations?" the Padawan whispered in his Master's ear. He was unaware how such a subtle and innocent action enticed his Master.

"We can't stay long my young Padawan. A new mission has already arrived from the Jedi Council, we are to leave in the morning."

"What is the mission Master?"

"Seems we are to asked to accompany a Freki delegate to the planet Pe'neus. It should be an easy and uncomplicated mission Obi-Wan."

Master Qui-Gon smiled and looked at his handsome Padawan, who was gazing up at him with love filled eyes. "Come young Padawan, let us give the happy couple our best wishes for a long and happy marriage."

"Yes, Master".

The end

To be continued in part 6