Attack of the Midichlorians

by Rushlight (

Archive: m_a, WWOMB, anywhere else please ask first

Category: Humor/Parody, PWP

Rating: PG

Summary: This is a parody of the Play Station video game, "Parasite Eve." Cold science and a deranged sense of humor unite.

Feedback: Yes, please! Loved it or hated it, I'd really love to know. Feedback makes me a better writer (and a happier one, too!).

Notes: Thanks to Mac for putting this particular plot bunny in motion, and to Amy for insisting I post it. hugs

More notes: Please don't expect the science here to be entirely accurate. <g> Artistic license has been employed.

"Master, the midichlorians are rebelling."

Qui-Gon Jinn looked up from the magazine he was thumbing through and met the concerned eyes of his apprentice. He raised one eyebrow inquiringly. "Excuse me?"

Obi-Wan gestured vaguely at the computer console in front of him. "I've been studying for my organic chem class, and I'm beginning to notice some alarming corollaries."

Intrigued, Qui-Gon moved to stand behind Obi-Wan's chair and peered over his shoulder at the screen. It displayed a complex diagram of interlocking chemical bonds. "Such as?"

"Well, for one thing, midichlorians evolve a thousand times faster than we do."

"Which means what?"

"That they may be vastly superior to us in both power and intellect. Why, compared to them, we're no more advanced than a ... a mollusk."

"A mollusk."

"Yes. We're pond scum, Master."

"I see." He frowned, not entirely pleased with the analogy. "But surely there's no crime in being a superior lifeform?"

"Ordinarily I would agree with you, Master, but look at the facts."

"What facts?"

"Midichlorians are passed down through the gametic bloodline. That means they're directly transferable to the offspring with their genetic code intact. This implies that an evolutionary change begun in one generation can continue on to the next. In fact, all midichlorians can conceivably be traced back to a single progenitor. A Midichlorian Eve."

Qui-Gon had tuned out of the lecture about halfway through and was nuzzling the back of his apprentice's neck. Hearing Obi- Wan's voice stop, he looked up and blinked, tracking back rapidly to grasp what he'd missed. "Hmm? Yes?"

"Midichlorian Eve, Master." Obi-Wan's voice was grave. "A single, sentient organism that has undergone rapid evolutionary mutation over an extended period of time to become ... something."

"Become what, Padawan?" Qui-Gon bent to the tempting neck in front of him again, lapping softly at the smooth skin.

"I don't know. But tell me - what exactly do midichlorians get out of this supposedly 'symbiotic' relationship? They provide us with access to the Force, that great, all-encompassing web of Light through which all living things are bound, giving us strength and power beyond imagining, the ability to divine the future, a path to inner enlightenment and peace. Yet they ask for nothing in return."

"Hmm." Qui-Gon had tuned out again and was inhaling the sweet scent of his padawan's skin. With an effort, he struggled to focus on the conversation. "I've always thought that they benefit by being able to exist inside our cells. Doubtlessly they would find the galaxy a cold, hard place to live in without our bodies to protect them."

"Exactly my point - they're houseguests. And when have you ever known houseguests to behave themselves indefinitely?"

Qui-Gon had no response to that.

"I mean, think about it." Obi-Wan was really warming to his subject now. "Here they are - tiny, intrusive, offering us wonders beyond imagining. And we just accept them. Without question. We have no choice whatsoever in this 'symbiosis.' We just follow blindly where they lead, trusting the Force to guide us in all that we do."

Qui-Gon was growing bored with the conversation. He sank his teeth sharply into his padawan's shoulder before pulling back and running his tongue along the inside curve of his ear. "Come to bed, Padawan."

Obi-Wan ignored him. "Has anyone ever considered just how much we let these midichlorians tell us what to do? It's a Jedi's duty to 'commune with the Force,' 'trust to the Force,' 'center on the Force,' and in the end to 'become one with the Force.' There's very little free will involved in this relationship."

Qui-Gon made a noncommittal sound, slowly drawing Obi-Wan's robes back off of his shoulders, revealing more of that delectable skin to his roving tongue. He sighed happily as he found the soft curve between shoulder and neck.

"This could be the precipitate to a full-scale invasion." Obi- Wan adroitly maneuvered away from the hand that reached for his lap, demanding Qui-Gon's full attention. "They could be planning to take over the galaxy. Enslave us all."

"Mmm hmm." Qui-Gon swirled the tip of his tongue into Obi-Wan's ear and exhaled warmly; he was delighted to feel an answering shiver pass through his padawan's slender frame.

"They ... they could..." Obi-Wan's voice faltered, and he closed his eyes as his Master's arms closed around him, leaning back into the embrace. Making an admirable effort to marshal his thoughts, he continued, "They could be controlling our every action, unconsciously, without our even being aware of it. Using our own desires and needs to distract us, prompt us to look away from the fact that they rule us utterly, denying us even the freedom of thought to contemplate our slavery to them." He gasped as his Master's hands moved between his thighs and arched his hips up into that delicious touch. Whatever else he had been about to say imploded under the sensation and spiraled away from him.

"Padawan," Qui-Gon said hoarsely, breath warm against the skin of his throat, "come to bed."

Obi-Wan at last gave into the temptation to meet those questing lips with his own. "Yes, Master."

The end...?


Me: "You will give feedback on this fic." (waves hand)

You: (dazedly) "I will give feedback on this fic."