At the Zoo

by Jedi Rita (

Rating: R

Archive: yes, and at my site,

Summary: We all have times when our memory is faulty. It must suck, then, when your boyfriend is a Jedi trained in perfect memory recall....

Category: Obi/Bail, humor, PWP

Author's note 1: This one is sort of a character PWP. It's another one of those snippets floating around in my head that will probably never make it into a full-blown story. I posted it to my LJ with the intention of never posting it anywhere else, but several people convinced me to change my mind. If you want to read other such crimes against literature, visit

Author's note 2: This story is based on a real life trip to the Indianapolis zoo which my sister swears I took with her, but for the life of me I cannot remember it.

Feedback: the good, the bad, and the ugly; and I love when it's on list!

Necessary ass-covering: The characters belong to Master George. The sexual situations belong to me!

Thank you: to the LJ gang for pestering me to post this to the list. You all have them to thank (or blame) for this!

"Remember that time we went to the zoological gardens?" Obi-Wan mused.

Bail frowned. "On Alderaan?"

"No, here on Coruscant."

"We never went to the zoo here on Coruscant."

"Yes, we did," contradicted Obi-Wan. "A little over a year ago."

Bail considered this, scanning his memory. "I don't remember it. Are you sure?"

Patiently, Obi-Wan said, "Of course, I'm sure. How could you have forgotten? You said you wanted to see the blood parrots."

"I did?" Bail shook his head. "I don't remember that at all. I think you're making it up."

"Bail," Obi-Wan sighed, "I'm a Jedi."

"'Bail, I'm a Jedi!'" the prince mocked. "So what?"

"I'm trained in perfect memory recall," Obi-Wan pointed out in irritation.

"Well, I don't remember it," Bail insisted.

"There was a layer of cumulus clouds in the sky. Temperature was in the mid 70s."

The prince shrugged. "That could be any day."

"You were wearing a green shirt and a black vest."

"I don't have a green shirt."

"Yes, you do," Obi-Wan insisted. "It has a high collar and wide cuffs with wooden buttons."

"Oh, that shirt," Bail said. "That isn't green, it's olive."

"Whatever. We went to see the blood parrots, and you were disappointed because we missed feeding time."

Bail thought carefully, but couldn't dredge up a memory. Shamefaced, he admitted, "I still don't remember it. Are you sure?"

"Of course, I am!" Obi-Wan growled. "You think I'm making this up?"

In an effort to be helpful, Bail offered, "Tell me about the sex part. Maybe that will jog my memory."

The sex part, Obi-Wan grumbled to himself. Of course that's the part Bail would remember. "When we were in the primate habitat, you groped my ass."

The blank look remained. "That doesn't help. I do that a lot."

Obi-Wan tried again. "In the nocturnal section of the small mammal house, you stuck your hand down my pants."

Bail hesitated. "Front or back?"

"Front. You said it didn't qualify as a public display of affection since it was dark, but I disagreed."

A shake of the head. "I still don't remember."

"We watched an Ikopi strip leaves off a tree with its tongue. You got inspired and stuck your tongue in my ear."

Bail giggled. "That sounds good! But I still don't remember it."

"We had lunch in the picnic area near a fish pond. You complained about how overpriced the food was."

"I always say that whenever I go to the zoo. The vendors are robbers."

"You fondled me beneath the table while suggestively licking the mustard off your sausage-on-a-stick."

"Wait." Bail's brow furrowed in concentration. At last, he registered a flicker of recognition. "That sounds vaguely familiar."

Encouraged, Obi-Wan continued, "Then you realized a little girl was watching you fellate your sausage, and you turned red and started choking on it."

A smile spread across Bail's face. "I remember that! I was mortified."

Relieved, Obi-Wan agreed, "I'll say."

"That happened at the zoo? I thought it was at the circus."

"No," Obi-Wan corrected. "It was the zoo."


"For pity's sake, Bail!"

"All right, all right," the prince relented. He leered at Obi- Wan. "Maybe we should go to the zoo again."

"Will you remember it this time?" Obi-Wan teased.

"You'll just have to make it memorable, won't you?" was Bail's retort.

Obi-Wan returned the prince's leer with a wicked grin. "I shall do my best, your Highness."