
by Sheryl

Title: Apologia

Author: Sheryl

Summary: Tricking leads to the Dark Side?

Rating: G

Category: pre-slash

Warnings: None that I can think of -- really!

Notes: This is my attempt to appease anyone who was upset with my little surprise at the end of 'Touched'.

Disclaimer: George owns it all.

"I'm sorry, Master," Obi-Wan said, looking as remorseful as he possibly could.

Qui-Gon glared at him, but Obi-Wan thought his master didn't look all that fearsome, especially with his cheeks puffing out as he swished liquid around in his mouth. He thought Qui-Gon looked a great deal like a big spiny blowfish -- without the spines, of course. A moment later, he spit the blue liquid into the 'fresher sink and turned to Obi-Wan, pointing his long index finger in accusation. "You tricked me."

"Yes, Master," he answered obediently, puckering his lips so he didn't smile.

"Tricking your master leads to the Dark Side, you know that don't you, Padawan?" Qui-Gon turned back to the sink, refusing to look at the little Sith. "And you know perfectly well that I hate owions."

"Yes, Master." Obi-Wan bowed his head and tried to think of something really sad so he didn't burst into laughter. "I thought it was hate that lead to the Dark Side?"

Qui-Gon ignored the response and continued with his tirade. "Yet you put them into our pisah anyway!" He took another gulp of the mouth freshener.

"Yes, Master." Obi-Wan said dutifully, then went to the sink so he could look up at his master's reflection in the mirror. "But, you said vegetables were good for us. You said we should always be thankful that the living force provides us with food to nourish our bodies."

Qui-Gon spat the mouthful into the sink, snatched the towel from the rack and roughly wiped his face. "I am not disputing that, Obi-Wan." He looked at his padawan, noting the puzzled expression on his little face, then took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You see, Obi-Wan, one can be thankful for all of the food that nature provides, but that doesn't mean that one has to like the taste of it all."

Obi-Wan looked doubtful, so Qui-Gon continued. "I prefer mushrooms on my pisah, not owions and being that I am the master, I can choose not to eat a specific food if it does not appeal to me. When you get to be a Jedi master, you may choose not to eat owions as well."

"But I like owions."

Qui-Gon sighed with frustration. "That's not the point. The point is: I don't like owions. Therefore, I choose not to eat them."

Obi-Wan nodded, resignedly. There was no use in attempting to argue. Convincing his master that owions were good was a lost cause. Instead, he chose another path. "I understand, Master, but I only put a very small amount in your portion," he said holding up his finger and thumb to display just how small the amount was -- well, almost that small, maybe he'd used a little bit more.

"Yes, but I could still taste them," Qui-Gon replied, his face contorting into an expression of disgust. "And because of that, my entire meal turned out to be extremely unpleasant."

"I didn't mean to make your meal unpleasant." Obi-Wan was sincere; he really hadn't meant to cause his master any unpleasantness.

"You should have at least warned me, so I could have avoided them."

"I know Master. But, if I'd have warned you then you wouldn't have even tried it."

"You're probably right."

"And I thought..." Obi-Wan said hesitantly, "maybe if I didn't tell you, then you might try it and find you liked the pisah, after all."

"That's utterly ridiculous," Qui-Gon responded peevishly. "There is nothing in the galaxy that will ever make me like pisah with owions."

"I came to realize that when you turned all red," Obi-Wan tried not to giggle, "and began gasping and choking, then ran to the disposal and spit out your food. I thought you said it was rude to do that?"

"It is rude, Padawan," Qui-Gon answered abruptly, "Almost as rude as tricking your master. Now, give me your word that you will never again do su ch a thing -- ever."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan said, nodding his head firmly. "I promise I'll try not to do that...ever again."

"What was that?" Qui-Gon narrowed his eyes. "You'll try, Padawan?"

"Yes, Master." Obi-Wan answered, smiling as he gazed up at his master adoringly.

And then, just as his master opened his mouth to begin quoting Master Yoda, Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around his waist and squeezed tightly. "I love you, Master," he said, really, really hoping that his master would be appeased and still allow him to go to the movies. "Friday the 13th part 2,090,112 - Attack of Jason" was opening tonight.
