And The Fire Shall Set You Free

by Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan (

Category: Q/O, POV, Angst, Post-TPM, Poetry

Archive: You mean you actually want this?? Woah, scary..

But yeah, if you want it, you can have it. The fic that is.

Rating: err, only a PG, sorry.

Feedback: Loved it? Loathed it? Couldn't give a damn? Tell me anyway.

Spoilers: Lets go for a majorly resounding YES here. BIIIIG spoilers for DOTF... And some for the original trilogy as well

Disclaimer: The Star Wars world and all it's inhabitants are the property of George Lucas.

Series/Sequel: Nup

Thanks to: You for reading this. Rushlight, as ever, for the beta J

Summary: Painful recollections of a world that's meant to be


I see the flames caress you, licking, dancing over your body.

They consume your flesh, releasing your spirit to the Force

I pull my hood further over my face so that no-one can see my pain, my tears


I see the tattooed face of the demon who slew you

The taunting, evil glint in his eye. The snarl of his face

I pull my hood further over my face so that no-one can see my pain, my fear


I see the darkness that surrounds us, shrouded in mystery

Feel it burning through my veins, coursing through me, igniting my body

I pull my hood further over my face so that no-one can see my pain, my anger


I see the future, clear as day

Our world consumed with darkness, with evil. Life as we know destroyed by the Sith

I pull my hood further over my face so that no-one can see my pain, my dread


I see the fire slowly dying down

Glowing embers hissing as the cold air hits them

I pull my hood further over my face so that no-one can see my pain, my relief

My relief that you have escaped, that you are free

Never to live through the dark domination

I pull my hood further over my face so that no-one can see my pain