Alternative Destiny

by Kat

Archive: yes to master_apprentice, others please ask!

Rating: PG

Warnings: no sex, alternate universe

Spoilers: This takes place both during and after The Phantom Menace, though it does veer off into an alternate universe.

Summary: What would have happened if Obi-Wan had escaped the laser beam hallway a moment sooner?

Notes: This from Obi-Wan's POV and from what I could tell, they never really learned the identity of Darth Maul. So he is referred to only as the Sith.

Feedback: yes please, any comments welcome

Oh yes, in case anyone was confused, these characters do not belong to me and I am making no money from their use. Which would be why I have been having such a bad week. :0)

I am falling. Away from my master - not intentionally, not purposely but still falling. I am filled with a strange sense of foreboding...not for myself, which is strange since I am the one falling. But my focus, as always, is on my master. He continues fighting, high above me, with the Sith.

My sense of foreboding grows the longer I am separated from my master. Centering myself, I let the force fill me and raise myself to the platform above, racing to take my place at my master's side.

Master Yoda is always saying that the future is constantly in motion, that the force is continuously moving and changing things. Right now it seems like something is trying to keep me from fighting by my master's side. Every time I get close to him another obstacle appears in front of me. And my sense of foreboding grows...along with an increasing sense of urgency. It's almost as if I will be separated from Qui-Gon forever if I don't join him soon.

The battle between the Sith and Qui-Gon continues in front of me and it is almost as if they are acting out a play with me as their only spectator. I can feel my master's calmness and try to focus my mind to match it. As I let the force flow through me I am startled by a sudden vision of Qui-Gon falling under the Sith's blade. Whether it is a figment from my nightmares or a piece of Master Yoda's ever shifting future, I suddenly realize that this is what my foreboding has been leading to and surge forward the second the barrier gives way between us. Even though he wishes to take another as his padawan I WILL NOT lose my master. For he will always be that whether we are together physically or not. Though our bond allows us no real secrets, we have never spoken of our feelings for each other beyond the master/padawan relationship. But I know, for me at least, that Qui-Gon has become a part of my soul. I will not stand by and watch my soul mate die.

As I race forward, the Sith's blade thrusts towards my master's body and I lunge to block it with my lightsaber. As the Sith is pushed back, I move to stand by my master's side and feel his calmness, that I tried so desperately to feel before, flow through me.

We began to move as one against the Sith, forcing him back farther and farther until he focuses on Qui-Gon for a fraction of a second and I am able to get under his guard. This time the Sith falls under my lightsaber and my master and I are left standing side by side. I let myself feel Qui-Gon's presence and am filled with the strange sense that every moment with him from now on is a gift.

As we continue our journey, I am unable to forget what it felt like to imagine my life without Qui-Gon. We are heading back to meet with the Jedi Council where I will undergo the tests to become a Jedi Knight. A moment I have anticipated and, over the last several years, increasingly dreaded. It is both the culmination of my life's dream and my worst nightmare. To be a Jedi Knight and serve the Force...and to leave my master's side. The proud look on his face and his gentle smile when he turned to me after our battle with the Sith is what I have been living for. Now he wants that relationship with another.

I try not to let my feelings effect my judgment of the boy but it is difficult to feel anything other than resentment. Master has sensed this, I know, but he says nothing. He just gives me that patient smile of his that says there is something I haven't figured out yet but he is content to wait until I do.

Since there is nothing that can be done about Anakin, I resolve to focus myself on the tests ahead. Though my heart might be breaking, I will do nothing to shame my master.

I think the way they make you wait once you are done is really just one last test. I pace back and forth and try to calm myself as my master has long ago taught me. As I breathe deeply and try to center myself, I feel the door open and my master's presence fill me. He enters the room, followed by the rest of the Council. I am grateful he is here. I always imagined him here at this moment to share in my proudest accomplishment. With our coming separation I was hesitant to ask but as always he knew what I needed without words. As the Council takes their places, our eyes meet and I am able to let my anxiety go and let the force flow through me.

I turn to face the Council and drop to my knee in front of Master Yoda to await their judgment.

"The Council has met and observed your performance through the tests. Your actions have done you and your master credit, young Obi-Wan. It is the judgment of the Council that you be given the rank of Jedi Knight."

I feel relief and joy flow through me, from both me and my master. Once again our eyes meet and I am overwhelmed by the pride on Qui-Gon's face. It almost makes me forget the coming pain.

I am so focused on my master that I almost miss the rest of Master Yoda's words. "...and have decided on your first assignment."

I can't quite decide if that's good or bad - Master Yoda has that twinkle in his eyes that usually means he's amused by something. Probably me. I take a deep breath and ask, "My assignment?"

"Due to the concerns and conflicting opinions over young Skywalker, the Council has decided that Master Qui-Gon will need some assistance. Someone to help train and teach his new padawan. When asked, he requested that you be assigned to help in this matter. Do you accept?"

Accept? Accept the chance to remain by my master's side for years to come? Though tempted to leap to my feet and shout "YES!!!" I restrain myself and simply say, "I would be honored to continue working with Qui-Gon." From the mischievous look on Master Yoda's face, I don't think my calm announcement fooled him any.

In the wake of realizing that I am finally a Jedi Knight and that I will remain with Qui-Gon, I miss the rest of the Council's departure from the room. Suddenly I look up and notice that Qui-Gon and I are alone.

For the first time since I was a young boy, I feel almost shy around my master. Not sure of what to say I only manage a "Master..." before he interrupts me.

"It is Qui-Gon now Obi-Wan. No longer am I your master."

"I am happy that I will remain with you ma- Qui-Gon. I would have missed having you in my life."

Once again he gives me that amused, patient look and smile. To my amazement he reaches out and gently cups my face in his large hands. "Did you really think I would let you go? Now, when we are finally equals? When we are free to feel for each other without fear it is from obligation?"

As he moves closer until his chest is brushing against me and I feel his lips gently touch mine for the first time, I have only enough time for one thought. This man is my destiny.

The End?