The Adoyables

by Sar (

Rating: G

Archive: MA

Category: humour

Spoilers: not a one

Summary: Obi-Wan runs into his friend Bill after someone plays a prank on Qui-Gon.

Disclaimer: The stuff you recognize is George's. The other stuff is my fault.

Author's Note: This bit of fluff is the sequel to It's a twin thing... at the will of the bunnies and the request of Adalisa.

Feedback: why not?

Obi-Wan Kenobi strolled through the streets of Coruscant, enjoying an unexpected afternoon off. It was, for once, a beautiful day even at street level, and Obi-Wan had decided (rather wisely he thought) to spend the afternoon away from the Temple. So, here he was, watching the various lifeforms go by. He had stopped to let by a woman with two small children in tow, when he heard a voice he thought he recognized.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi! I thought it was you! How've you been, kid?"

Obi-Wan turned his head and saw an older man standing beside him. "Bill! Hello! I'm..." he paused, then shrugged, "I'm as well as can be expected, I guess. How are you?"

Bill grinned, and winked at the young Jedi. "Still evil. Hey, you want to grab a cup of coffee? My appointment's not for another hour."

Obi-Wan agreed, and the two men were soon sitting on the patio of a nearby cafe. Bill ordered the biggest cup of black coffee they had, while Obi-Wan stuck with juice.

"So tell me, kid, aren't you supposed to be practicing whatever it is you Jedis do?" Bill asked, dumping several packets of sweetener into his cup.

"Master Qui-Gon is... occupied... this afternoon, and under the circumstances I thought it prudent to be as far away as possible."

The gleam in Obi-Wan's eye suggested that this was just the start of the explanation. "Oh?" said Bill, stirring his coffee.

"It's rather foolish, really," said Obi-Wan with a grin that suggested that even if it was, he didn't care, "There's a tradition, among the initiates at the Temple. Every year, a group of eleven-year-olds play a prank - it's been going on for decades now."

"What kind of a prank?" Bill asked, sipping his coffee and wincing as it burned.

"Well," said Obi-Wan, leaning in as he got into the story, "the initiates who pulled the prank the first time made a life-sized stuffed replica of Master Yoda. Somewhere along the line the doll was named Adoy, and the ones who pull the prank each year are known at The Adoyables."

Bill looked Obi-Wan straight in the eye. "The adoyables."

Obi-Wan shrugged, "It's hysterical when you're eleven. Anyway, every year, Adoy makes an appearance at one of the initiates' gatherings, wearing something identifiable as belonging to one of the Masters."

Bill figured he knew where this was going, but decided to humour the young man. "Go on."

"Well, this morning was the annual 'Sexuality and Personal Hygiene' lecture that all the older initiates get. Picture, if you will, a lecture hall full of eleven- and twelve-year olds, and on the lector's podium is a replica of Master Yoda, wearing only a pair of black underpants with the initials Q.G.J. monogrammed on them." The grin was almost gone from Obi-Wan's face - almost - as he shook his head. "Master Qui-Gon was not amused."

Bill chuckled, then looked at the younger man carefully. "Does he think you had something to do with it?"

"Oh no." came the quick reply. "A while ago some initiates asked him for extra help with meditation. I'm sure he knows exactly who this year's adoyables are. He's just annoyed that they finally got him. That and they took his favourite underpants - not that the children would have known that, of course..." Obi-Wan finished lamely, trying to control the blush he could feel on his face.

Bill gave him a sympathetic smile. "How's that been working out for you, kid? Did the therapy help?"

Obi-Wan took a long drink, and then sighed. "I don't think so. All the therapist did was lecture me on hero-worshipping. He wasn't even interested in what I actually feel."

"That figures. They've probably got a standard lecture worked up for the kids that the council sends down."

Obi-Wan blinked a few times, as this thought had not occurred to him. "You think so?"

Bill took another drink of coffee. "I wouldn't put it past them. I told you, you're not the first to go through this, not by a long shot. And for some of those kids it probably was just a hero thing. Have you talked to Master Qui-Gon about it?

"Force, no. They probably gave him a lecture on '101 ways to let your padawan down easy'. I..." Obi-Wan's expression suddenly took a downturn, "He hasn't said anything at all about it, and I wouldn't know what to say to him, Bill."

Bill reached over and squeezed Obi-Wan's hand. "Give it time, kid. So," he said, sensing a need to change the subject, "what did they do for this adoyable thing in your day?"

The ploy worked, and Obi-Wan's face immediately brightened up, before settling into a slightly sheepish expression. "The year I was eleven, the adoyables got Master Windu's Altesian flag and draped it around the doll's shoulders. Just before the start of a lightsaber skills demonstration, they levitated it across the room so that the flag trailed behind it like a cape." In spite of himself, he smiled at the memory.

"And in all this time, no-one's gotten Master Qui-Gon before?"

Obi-Wan shook his head. "His unbroken record was legendary. Initiate legend also has it that it was Master Qui-Gon and Master Windu who started it all in the first place. I don't know how they snuck by him this year." Obi-Wan played with his empty juice cup. "He's seemed distracted for a while now..."

Bill raised an eyebrow, but Obi-Wan was still staring at his cup. "Hmm." was all he said.

"Padawan - so here's where you've been hiding." Bill looked up and saw a tall man with long hair who he figured could only be Master Qui-Gon.

"Master," said Obi-Wan, getting to his feet, "if you wanted me, why didn't you call?"

Qui-Gon shrugged. "It's a nice day for a walk. Besides, Mace Windu's been at me all afternoon. You've given me an excuse to escape him."

Bill had stood up as well while Qui-Gon was speaking, and politely cleared his throat.

"Master, this is Bill," said Obi-Wan, picking up on the hint, "Bill, this is Master Qui-Gon Jinn."

"Pleased to meet you," said Qui-Gon, shaking Bill's hand.

"Likewise," said Bill, before shooting Obi-Wan a wicked grin. "So you're the legendary Master Qui-Gon."

The legendary Master Qui-Gon shot Obi-Wan a look of his own.

"No, no, don't blame the kid. I'm the one who should keep my mouth shut," Bill smiled and picked up his coffee. "I have to be running along. It really was nice to meet you, sir."

"Thanks for the talk, Bill," said Obi-Wan, carefully avoiding looking at his Master.

"Anytime. You take care of yourself, kid. May the force be with you," Bill said, then looked at Qui-Gon with a mischievous glint in his eye, "and also with you." Then he turned and headed off down the street.

Qui-Gon motioned to his padawan, and the two began walking back to the Temple. "Where did you meet him?" he asked.

Obi-Wan immediately raised his mental shields. He hadn't mentioned that Master Yoda had sent him to the therapist, and he had no intention of bringing up the subject now. "Bill? Oh, just around. He's a nice guy."

"If you say so." Qui-Gon's thoughts were obviously somewhere else.


"I'm just not looking forward to returning to the Temple."

Obi-Wan smiled. "It did take the adoyables twelve years longer to get you than it did to get Master Windu."

Qui-Gon chuckled, "And we never did figure out who they were that year. I at least know who my culprits are. Mace still doesn't know how they managed to get their hands on his flag." They walked on a few steps before Qui-Gon shook his head. "He's never going to let me live this one down."

Obi-Wan carefully removed the smile from his face before folding his hands together in the traditional Jedi diplomatic stance. "I believe we may be able to come to an arrangement," he pronounced solemnly.

Qui-Gon looked confused for a moment, and then did some mental arithmetic. "Obi-Wan Kenobi!" he gasped. A wicked grin settled over his face. "Twelve years he's been trying to figure it out, and it was my Obi-Wan all along!" Qui-Gon all but crowed. "Force, how did you do it?"

Obi-Wan quickly suppressed the stab of joy he felt at hearing the words "my Obi-Wan", and settled into the task at hand, which was salvaging his Qui-Gon's reputation. "It was really quite simple, actually..."

Deep in their conversation, the pair did not notice the figure on the corner, who had doubled back when they weren't looking. Bill watched them until they were lost in the crowd down the street. He laughed softly to himself, and then hurried off to another session on the evils of being evil.

The End.