A Meeting of Strangers

by oddjob103 (oddjob103@hotmail.com)

Archive: M_A and the Nesting Place

Category: PWP

Rating: G (non-graphic m/m relationship)

Pairing: Q/O

Fandom: SW:TPM

Summary: The guys find a new friend.

Spoiler: I buy myself Star Wars stuff constantly.

Disclaimer: Mine? Nope. I slave at my job for a piddly paycheck. Want to know where my money goes? See above spoiler.

Feedback: The only thing that brightens my day. *Sniff* (peeks to see if tugging on heartstrings works)

I saw them again today. The two strangers who had come to help my people walked through the small stand of trees that bordered the Meeting Place. They did not speak to one another. They merely glided along the smaller one walked one pace behind and to the left of the taller.

Curiosity got the better of me and I followed behind them at a discreet distance. Eventually, their wandering came to an end and I was ready to leave when something extraordinary happened.

The taller one embraced his companion in the way that only mates do. He pulled the smaller one close and leaned his head down. I thought at first he intended to speak but instead he pressed their mouths together.

Shock ran through me. They were going to mate here! If anyone caught them, they would be punished. They must not know the danger. Why else would they risk themselves?

I ran forward heedless of being caught spying.

"Stop," I panted. "You must stop."

The strangers jerked apart to stare at me. I didn't blame them for looking shocked at my rudeness.

"You cannot do this here," I said looking around furtively. "You could be punished for this."

The taller frowned gently. "Are same gender relations forbidden here?"

"No, but to...to...mate in public is," I stuttered out. "Please..."

The taller bowed respectfully. "Thank you for informing us. We did not intend any disrespect or insult."

I wanted to tell him I was not insulted but the Elders chose that moment to summon the strangers back into the Meeting Place.

Before they left, I held out my left-hand palm down. "My name is Crolis." Giving our names to outsiders wasn't forbidden but it wasn't encouraged either.

The taller returned the gesture with a small amount of surprise. "I am Qui-Gon Jinn."

The smaller copied his companion. "I am Obi-Wan Kenobi."

They completed their task eventually.

I was privileged to know their names.
